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[Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/emacs-lisp/rx.el,v

From: Chong Yidong
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] Changes to emacs/lisp/emacs-lisp/rx.el,v
Date: Tue, 07 Oct 2008 18:08:26 +0000

CVSROOT:        /sources/emacs
Module name:    emacs
Changes by:     Chong Yidong <cyd>      08/10/07 18:08:26

Index: rx.el
RCS file: /sources/emacs/emacs/lisp/emacs-lisp/rx.el,v
retrieving revision 1.28
retrieving revision 1.29
diff -u -b -r1.28 -r1.29
--- rx.el       3 Oct 2008 14:12:31 -0000       1.28
+++ rx.el       7 Oct 2008 18:08:26 -0000       1.29
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
     (|                 . or)           ; SRE
     (not-newline       . ".")
     (nonl              . not-newline)  ; SRE
-    (anything          . "\\(?:.\\|\n\\)")
+    (anything          . (rx-anything 0 nil))
     (any               . (rx-any 1 nil rx-check-any)) ; inconsistent with SRE
     (in                        . any)
     (char              . any)          ; sregex
@@ -206,8 +206,7 @@
     (upper-case                . upper)         ; SRE
     (word              . "[[:word:]]")  ; inconsistent with SRE
     (wordchar          . word)          ; sregex
-    (not-wordchar      . "[^[:word:]]") ; sregex (use \\W?)
-    )
+    (not-wordchar      . "\\W"))
   "Alist of sexp form regexp constituents.
 Each element of the alist has the form (SYMBOL . DEFN).
 SYMBOL is a valid constituent of sexp regular expressions.
@@ -332,80 +331,235 @@
                 (car form) type-pred))))))
+(defun rx-group-if (regexp group)
+  "Put shy groups around REGEXP if seemingly necessary when GROUP
+is non-nil."
+  (cond
+   ;; for some repetition
+   ((eq group '*) (if (rx-atomic-p regexp) (setq group nil)))
+   ;; for concatenation
+   ((eq group ':)
+    (if (rx-atomic-p
+        (if (string-match
+             "\\(?:[?*+]\\??\\|\\\\{[0-9]*,?[0-9]*\\\\}\\)\\'" regexp)
+            (substring regexp 0 (match-beginning 0))
+          regexp))
+       (setq group nil)))
+   ;; for OR
+   ((eq group '|) (setq group nil))
+   ;; do anyway
+   ((eq group t))
+   ((rx-atomic-p regexp t) (setq group nil)))
+  (if group
+      (concat "\\(?:" regexp "\\)")
+    regexp))
+(defvar rx-parent)
+;; dynamically bound in some functions.
 (defun rx-and (form)
   "Parse and produce code from FORM.
 FORM is of the form `(and FORM1 ...)'."
   (rx-check form)
-  (concat "\\(?:"
-         (mapconcat
-          (function (lambda (x) (rx-to-string x 'no-group)))
-          (cdr form) nil)
-         "\\)"))
+  (rx-group-if
+   (mapconcat (lambda (x) (rx-form x ':)) (cdr form) nil)
+   (and (memq rx-parent '(* t)) rx-parent)))
 (defun rx-or (form)
   "Parse and produce code from FORM, which is `(or FORM1 ...)'."
   (rx-check form)
-  (let ((all-args-strings t))
-    (dolist (arg (cdr form))
-      (unless (stringp arg)
-       (setq all-args-strings nil)))
-    (concat "\\(?:"
-           (if all-args-strings
-               (regexp-opt (cdr form))
-             (mapconcat #'rx-to-string (cdr form) "\\|"))
-           "\\)")))
+  (rx-group-if
+   (if (memq nil (mapcar 'stringp (cdr form)))
+       (mapconcat (lambda (x) (rx-form x '|)) (cdr form) "\\|")
+     (regexp-opt (cdr form)))
+   (and (memq rx-parent '(: * t)) rx-parent)))
+(defun rx-anything (form)
+  "Match any character."
+  (if (consp form)
+      (error "rx `anythng' syntax error: %s" form))
+  (rx-or (list 'or 'not-newline ?\n)))
+(defun rx-any-delete-from-range (char ranges)
+  "Delete by side effect character CHAR from RANGES.
+Only both edges of each range is checked."
+  (let (m)
+    (cond
+     ((memq char ranges) (setq ranges (delq char ranges)))
+     ((setq m (assq char ranges))
+      (if (eq (1+ char) (cdr m))
+         (setcar (memq m ranges) (1+ char))
+       (setcar m (1+ char))))
+     ((setq m (rassq char ranges))
+      (if (eq (1- char) (car m))
+         (setcar (memq m ranges) (1- char))
+       (setcdr m (1- char)))))
+    ranges))
+(defun rx-any-condense-range (args)
+  "Condense by side effect ARGS as range for Rx `any'."
+  (let (str
+       l)
+    ;; set STR list of all strings
+    ;; set L list of all ranges
+    (mapc (lambda (e) (cond ((stringp e) (push e str))
+                           ((numberp e) (push (cons e e) l))
+                           (t (push e l))))
+         args)
+    ;; condense overlapped ranges in L
+    (let ((tail (setq l (sort l #'car-less-than-car)))
+         d)
+      (while (setq d (cdr tail))
+       (if (>= (cdar tail) (1- (caar d)))
+           (progn
+             (setcdr (car tail) (max (cdar tail) (cdar d)))
+             (setcdr tail (cdr d)))
+         (setq tail d))))
+    ;; Separate small ranges to single number, and delete dups.
+    (nconc
+     (apply #'nconc
+           (mapcar (lambda (e)
+                     (cond
+                      ((= (car e) (cdr e)) (list (car e)))
+                      ;; ((= (1+ (car e)) (cdr e)) (list (car e) (cdr e)))
+                      ((list e))))
+                   l))
+     (delete-dups str))))
+(defun rx-check-any-string (str)
+  "Check string argument STR for Rx `any'."
+  (let ((i 0)
+       c1 c2 l)
+    (if (= 0 (length str))
+       (error "String arg for Rx `any' must not be empty"))
+    (while (string-match ".-." str i)
+      ;; string before range: convert it to characters
+      (if (< i (match-beginning 0))
+         (setq l (nconc
+                  l
+                  (append (substring str i (match-beginning 0)) nil))))
+      ;; range
+      (setq i (match-end 0)
+           c1 (aref str (match-beginning 0))
+           c2 (aref str (1- i)))
+      (cond
+       ((< c1 c2) (setq l (nconc l (list (cons c1 c2)))))
+       ((= c1 c2) (setq l (nconc l (list c1))))))
+    ;; rest?
+    (if (< i (length str))
+       (setq l (nconc l (append (substring str i) nil))))
+    l))
-(defvar rx-bracket)                   ; dynamically bound in `rx-any'
 (defun rx-check-any (arg)
    "Check arg ARG for Rx `any'."
-   (if (integerp arg)
-       (setq arg (string arg)))
-   (when (stringp arg)
-     (if (zerop (length arg))
-        (error "String arg for Rx `any' must not be empty"))
-     ;; Quote ^ at start; don't bother to check whether this is first arg.
-     (if (eq ?^ (aref arg 0))
-        (setq arg (concat "\\" arg)))
-     ;; Remove ] and set flag for adding it to start of overall result.
-     (when (string-match "\\]" arg)
-       (setq arg (replace-regexp-in-string "\\]" "" arg)
-            rx-bracket "]")))
-   (when (symbolp arg)
+   (cond
+    ((integerp arg) (list arg))
+    ((symbolp arg)
      (let ((translation (condition-case nil
-                           (rx-to-string arg 'no-group)
+                           (rx-form arg)
                          (error nil))))
-       (unless translation (error "Invalid char class `%s' in Rx `any'" arg))
-       (setq arg (substring translation 1 -1)))) ; strip outer brackets
-   ;; sregex compatibility
-   (when (and (integerp (car-safe arg))
-             (integerp (cdr-safe arg)))
-     (setq arg (string (car arg) ?- (cdr arg))))
-   (unless (stringp arg)
-     (error "rx `any' requires string, character, char pair or char class 
-   arg)
+       (if (or (null translation)
+              (null (string-match "\\`\\[\\[:[-a-z]+:\\]\\]\\'" translation)))
+          (error "Invalid char class `%s' in Rx `any'" arg))
+       (list (substring translation 1 -1)))) ; strip outer brackets
+    ((and (integerp (car-safe arg)) (integerp (cdr-safe arg)))
+     (list arg))
+    ((stringp arg) (rx-check-any-string arg))
+    ((error
+      "rx `any' requires string, character, char pair or char class args"))))
 (defun rx-any (form)
   "Parse and produce code from FORM, which is `(any ARG ...)'.
 ARG is optional."
   (rx-check form)
-  (let* ((rx-bracket nil)
-        (args (mapcar #'rx-check-any (cdr form)))) ; side-effects `rx-bracket'
-    ;; If there was a ?- in the form, move it to the front to avoid
-    ;; accidental range.
-    (if (member "-" args)
-       (setq args (cons "-" (delete "-" args))))
-    (apply #'concat "[" rx-bracket (append args '("]")))))
+  (let* ((args (rx-any-condense-range
+               (apply
+                #'nconc
+                (mapcar #'rx-check-any (cdr form)))))
+        m
+        s)
+    (cond
+     ;; single close bracket
+     ;;         => "[]...-]" or "[]...--.]"
+     ((memq ?\] args)
+      ;; set ] at the beginning
+      (setq args (cons ?\] (delq ?\] args)))
+      ;; set - at the end
+      (if (or (memq ?- args) (assq ?- args))
+         (setq args (nconc (rx-any-delete-from-range ?- args)
+                           (list ?-)))))
+     ;; close bracket starts a range
+     ;;  => "[]-....-]" or "[]-.--....]"
+     ((setq m (assq ?\] args))
+      ;; bring it to the beginning
+      (setq args (cons m (delq m args)))
+      (cond ((memq ?- args)
+            ;; to the end
+            (setq args (nconc (delq ?- args) (list ?-))))
+           ((setq m (assq ?- args))
+            ;; next to the bracket's range, make the second range
+            (setcdr args (cons m (delq m args))))))
+     ;; bracket in the end range
+     ;;         => "[]...-]"
+     ((setq m (rassq ?\] args))
+      ;; set ] at the beginning
+      (setq args (cons ?\] (rx-any-delete-from-range ?\] args)))
+      ;; set - at the end
+      (if (or (memq ?- args) (assq ?- args))
+         (setq args (nconc (rx-any-delete-from-range ?- args)
+                           (list ?-)))))
+     ;; {no close bracket appears}
+     ;;
+     ;; bring single bar to the beginning
+     ((memq ?- args)
+      (setq args (cons ?- (delq ?- args))))
+     ;; bar start a range, bring it to the beginning
+     ((setq m (assq ?- args))
+      (setq args (cons m (delq m args))))
+     ;;
+     ;; hat at the beginning?
+     ((or (eq (car args) ?^) (eq (car-safe (car args)) ?^))
+      (setq args (if (cdr args)
+                    `(,(cadr args) ,(car args) ,@(cddr args))
+                  (nconc (rx-any-delete-from-range ?^ args)
+                         (list ?^))))))
+    ;; some 1-char?
+    (if (and (null (cdr args)) (numberp (car args))
+            (or (= 1 (length
+                      (setq s (regexp-quote (string (car args))))))
+                (and (equal (car args) ?^) ;; unnecessary predicate?
+                     (null (eq rx-parent '!)))))
+       s
+      (concat "["
+             (mapconcat
+              (lambda (e) (cond
+                           ((numberp e) (string e))
+                           ((consp e)
+                            (if (and (= (1+ (car e)) (cdr e))
+                                     (null (memq (car e) '(?\] ?-))))
+                                (string (car e) (cdr e))
+                              (string (car e) ?- (cdr e))))
+                           (e)))
+              args
+              nil)
+             "]"))))
 (defun rx-check-not (arg)
   "Check arg ARG for Rx `not'."
   (unless (or (and (symbolp arg)
-                  (string-match "\\`\\[\\[:[-a-z]:\\]\\]\\'"
+                  (string-match "\\`\\[\\[:[-a-z]+:\\]\\]\\'"
                                 (condition-case nil
-                                    (rx-to-string arg 'no-group)
+                                    (rx-form arg)
                                   (error ""))))
              (eq arg 'word-boundary)
              (and (consp arg)
@@ -417,16 +571,22 @@
 (defun rx-not (form)
   "Parse and produce code from FORM.  FORM is `(not ...)'."
   (rx-check form)
-  (let ((result (rx-to-string (cadr form) 'no-group))
+  (let ((result (rx-form (cadr form) '!))
     (cond ((string-match "\\`\\[^" result)
-          (if (= (length result) 4)
-              (substring result 2 3)
-            (concat "[" (substring result 2))))
+          (cond
+           ((equal result "[^]") "[^^]")
+           ((and (= (length result) 4) (null (eq rx-parent '!)))
+            (regexp-quote (substring result 2 3)))
+           ((concat "[" (substring result 2)))))
          ((eq ?\[ (aref result 0))
           (concat "[^" (substring result 1)))
-         ((string-match "\\`\\\\[scb]" result)
-          (concat (capitalize (substring result 0 2)) (substring result 2)))
+         ((string-match "\\`\\\\[scbw]" result)
+          (concat (upcase (substring result 0 2))
+                  (substring result 2)))
+         ((string-match "\\`\\\\[SCBW]" result)
+          (concat (downcase (substring result 0 2))
+                  (substring result 2)))
           (concat "[^" result "]")))))
@@ -464,7 +624,7 @@
   (unless (and (integerp (nth 1 form))
               (> (nth 1 form) 0))
     (error "rx `=' requires positive integer first arg"))
-  (format "%s\\{%d\\}" (rx-to-string (nth 2 form)) (nth 1 form)))
+  (format "%s\\{%d\\}" (rx-form (nth 2 form) '*) (nth 1 form)))
 (defun rx->= (form)
@@ -474,14 +634,14 @@
   (unless (and (integerp (nth 1 form))
               (> (nth 1 form) 0))
     (error "rx `>=' requires positive integer first arg"))
-  (format "%s\\{%d,\\}" (rx-to-string (nth 2 form)) (nth 1 form)))
+  (format "%s\\{%d,\\}" (rx-form (nth 2 form) '*) (nth 1 form)))
 (defun rx-** (form)
   "Parse and produce code from FORM `(** N M ...)'."
   (rx-check form)
   (setq form (cons 'repeat (cdr (rx-trans-forms form 2))))
-  (rx-to-string form))
+  (rx-form form '*))
 (defun rx-repeat (form)
@@ -492,7 +652,7 @@
         (unless (and (integerp (nth 1 form))
                      (> (nth 1 form) 0))
           (error "rx `repeat' requires positive integer first arg"))
-        (format "%s\\{%d\\}" (rx-to-string (nth 2 form)) (nth 1 form)))
+        (format "%s\\{%d\\}" (rx-form (nth 2 form) '*) (nth 1 form)))
        ((or (not (integerp (nth 2 form)))
             (< (nth 2 form) 0)
             (not (integerp (nth 1 form)))
@@ -500,16 +660,14 @@
             (< (nth 2 form) (nth 1 form)))
         (error "rx `repeat' range error"))
-        (format "%s\\{%d,%d\\}" (rx-to-string (nth 3 form))
+        (format "%s\\{%d,%d\\}" (rx-form (nth 3 form) '*)
                 (nth 1 form) (nth 2 form)))))
 (defun rx-submatch (form)
   "Parse and produce code from FORM, which is `(submatch ...)'."
-  (concat "\\("
-         (mapconcat (function (lambda (x) (rx-to-string x 'no-group)))
-                    (cdr form) nil)
-         "\\)"))
+  (concat "\\(" (mapconcat #'rx-form (cdr form) nil) "\\)"))
 (defun rx-backref (form)
   "Parse and produce code from FORM, which is `(backref N)'."
@@ -531,19 +689,19 @@
 is non-nil."
   (rx-check form)
   (setq form (rx-trans-forms form))
-  (let ((suffix (cond ((memq (car form) '(* + ? )) "")
+  (let ((suffix (cond ((memq (car form) '(* + ?\s)) "")
                      ((memq (car form) '(*? +? ??)) "?")
                      (rx-greedy-flag "")
                      (t "?")))
        (op (cond ((memq (car form) '(* *? 0+ zero-or-more)) "*")
                  ((memq (car form) '(+ +? 1+ one-or-more))  "+")
-                 (t "?")))
-       (result (rx-to-string (cadr form) 'no-group)))
-    (if (not (rx-atomic-p result))
-       (setq result (concat "\\(?:" result "\\)")))
-    (concat result op suffix)))
+                 (t "?"))))
+    (rx-group-if
+     (concat (rx-form (cadr form) '*) op suffix)
+     (and (memq rx-parent '(t *)) rx-parent))))
-(defun rx-atomic-p (r)
+(defun rx-atomic-p (r &optional lax)
   "Return non-nil if regexp string R is atomic.
 An atomic regexp R is one such that a suffix operator
 appended to R will apply to all of R.  For example, \"a\"
@@ -568,13 +726,14 @@
 negatives would require a theoretic specification of the set
 of all atomic regexps."
   (let ((l (length r)))
-    (or (equal l 1)
-       (and (>= l 6)
-            (equal (substring r 0 2) "\\(")
-            (equal (substring r -2) "\\)"))
-       (and (>= l 2)
-            (equal (substring r 0 1) "[")
-            (equal (substring r -1) "]")))))
+    (cond
+     ((<= l 1))
+     ((= l 2) (= (aref r 0) ?\\))
+     ((= l 3) (string-match "\\`\\(?:\\\\[cCsS_]\\|\\[[^^]\\]\\)" r))
+     ((null lax)
+      (cond
+       ((string-match "\\`\\[^?\]?\\(?:\\[:[a-z]+:]\\|[^\]]\\)*\\]\\'" r))
+       ((string-match "\\`\\\\(\\(?:[^\\]\\|\\\\[^\)]\\)*\\\\)\\'" r)))))))
 (defun rx-syntax (form)
@@ -612,7 +771,7 @@
 (defun rx-eval (form)
   "Parse and produce code from FORM, which is `(eval FORM)'."
   (rx-check form)
-  (rx-to-string (eval (cadr form))))
+  (rx-form (eval (cadr form)) rx-parent))
 (defun rx-greedy (form)
@@ -622,23 +781,25 @@
 '(maximal-match FORM1)', greedy operators will be used."
   (rx-check form)
   (let ((rx-greedy-flag (eq (car form) 'maximal-match)))
-    (rx-to-string (cadr form))))
+    (rx-form (cadr form) rx-parent)))
 (defun rx-regexp (form)
   "Parse and produce code from FORM, which is `(regexp STRING)'."
   (rx-check form)
-  (concat "\\(?:" (cadr form) "\\)"))
+  (rx-group-if (cadr form) rx-parent))
-(defun rx-to-string (form &optional no-group)
+(defun rx-form (form &optional rx-parent)
   "Parse and produce code for regular expression FORM.
 FORM is a regular expression in sexp form.
-NO-GROUP non-nil means don't put shy groups around the result."
-  (cond ((stringp form)
-        (regexp-quote form))
-       ((integerp form)
+RX-PARENT shows which type of expression calls and controls putting of
+shy groups around the result and some more in other functions."
+  (if (stringp form)
+      (rx-group-if (regexp-quote form)
+                  (if (and (eq rx-parent '*) (< 1 (length form)))
+                      rx-parent))
+    (cond ((integerp form)
         (regexp-quote (char-to-string form)))
        ((symbolp form)
         (let ((info (rx-info form)))
@@ -652,12 +813,17 @@
         (let ((info (rx-info (car form))))
           (unless (consp info)
             (error "Unknown rx form `%s'" (car form)))
-          (let ((result (funcall (nth 0 info) form)))
-            (if (or no-group (string-match "\\`\\\\[(]" result))
-                result
-              (concat "\\(?:" result "\\)")))))
+            (funcall (nth 0 info) form)))
-        (error "rx syntax error at `%s'" form))))
+          (error "rx syntax error at `%s'" form)))))
+(defun rx-to-string (form &optional no-group)
+  "Parse and produce code for regular expression FORM.
+FORM is a regular expression in sexp form.
+NO-GROUP non-nil means don't put shy groups around the result."
+  (rx-group-if (rx-form form) (null no-group)))
@@ -878,6 +1044,9 @@
      like `and', but makes the match accessible with `match-end',
      `match-beginning', and `match-string'.
+`(group SEXP1 SEXP2 ...)'
+     another name for `submatch'.
 `(or SEXP1 SEXP2 ...)'
 `(| SEXP1 SEXP2 ...)'
      matches anything that matches SEXP1 or SEXP2, etc.  If all

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