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[Emacs-diffs] /srv/bzr/emacs/trunk r99448: Change strategy for marking <

From: Alan Mackenzie
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] /srv/bzr/emacs/trunk r99448: Change strategy for marking < and > as template delimiters: mark them
Date: Thu, 04 Feb 2010 21:15:37 +0000
User-agent: Bazaar (2.0.2)

revno: 99448
committer: Alan Mackenzie <address@hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Thu 2010-02-04 21:15:37 +0000
  Change strategy for marking < and > as template delimiters: mark them
  strictly in matching pairs.
=== modified file 'lisp/ChangeLog'
--- a/lisp/ChangeLog    2010-02-04 16:25:57 +0000
+++ b/lisp/ChangeLog    2010-02-04 21:15:37 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,30 @@
+2010-02-04  Alan Mackenzie  <address@hidden>
+       Change strategy for marking < and > as template delimiters: mark
+       them strictly in matching pairs.
+       * cc-mode.el (c-before-change): Use
+       c-get-state-before-change-functions.
+       (c-common-init): Adapt to use
+       c-get-state-before-change-functions (note plural).
+       * cc-langs.el (c-no-parens-syntax-table): New syntax table, used
+       for searching syntactically for matching <s and >s.
+       (c-get-state-before-change-functions): New language variable (note
+       the plural) which supersedes c-get-state-before-change-function.
+       * cc-engine.el (c-clear-<-pair-props, c-clear->-pair-props)
+       (c-clear-<>-pair-props, c-clear-<-pair-props-if-match-after)
+       (c-clear->-pair-props-if-match-before)
+       (c-before-change-check-<>-operators): new functions.
+       (c-after-change-check-<>-operators): Use macro
+       c-unmark-<->-as-paren.
+       * cc-defs.el (c-search-backward-char-property): New macro.
+       * cc-cmds.el (c-electric-lt-gt): Do not set text properties on <
+       and > any more.  (These will be handled by font locking.)
 2010-02-04  Michael Albinus  <address@hidden>
        * dired.el (dired-revert): If DIRED-DIRECTORY is a cons cell, call

=== modified file 'lisp/progmodes/cc-cmds.el'
--- a/lisp/progmodes/cc-cmds.el 2010-01-13 08:35:10 +0000
+++ b/lisp/progmodes/cc-cmds.el 2010-02-04 21:15:37 +0000
@@ -1086,104 +1086,76 @@
   (interactive "*P")
   (let ((c-echo-syntactic-information-p nil)
-       final-pos close-paren-inserted)
+       final-pos close-paren-inserted found-delim)
     (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg))
     (setq final-pos (point))
-    (c-save-buffer-state (c-parse-and-markup-<>-arglists
-                         c-restricted-<>-arglists
-                         <-pos)
-      (when c-recognize-<>-arglists
-       (if (eq last-command-event ?<)
-           (when (and (progn
-                        (backward-char)
-                        (= (point)
-                           (progn
-                             (c-beginning-of-current-token)
-                             (point))))
+;;;; 2010-01-31: There used to be code here to put a syntax-table text
+;;;; property on the new < or > and its mate (if any) when they are template
+;;;; parens.  This is now done in an after-change function.
+    ;; Indent the line if appropriate.
+    (when (and c-electric-flag c-syntactic-indentation c-recognize-<>-arglists)
+      (setq found-delim
+           (if (eq last-command-event ?<)
+               ;; If a <, basically see if it's got "template" before it .....
+               (or (and (progn
+                          (backward-char)
+                          (= (point)
+                             (progn (c-beginning-of-current-token) (point))))
+                        (progn
+                          (c-backward-token-2)
+                          (looking-at c-opt-<>-sexp-key)))
+                   ;; ..... or is a C++ << operator.
+                   (and (c-major-mode-is 'c++-mode)
+                        (progn
+                          (goto-char (1- final-pos))
+                          (c-beginning-of-current-token)
+                          (looking-at "<<"))
+                        (>= (match-end 0) final-pos)))
+             ;; It's a >.  Either a C++ >> operator. ......
+             (or (and (c-major-mode-is 'c++-mode)
-                        (c-backward-token-2)
-                        (looking-at c-opt-<>-sexp-key)))
-             (c-mark-<-as-paren (1- final-pos)))
-         ;; It's a ">".  Check if there's an earlier "<" which either has
-         ;; open paren syntax already or that can be recognized as an arglist
-         ;; together with this ">".  Note that this won't work in cases like
-         ;; "template <x, a < b, y>" but they ought to be rare.
-         (save-restriction
-           ;; Narrow to avoid that `c-forward-<>-arglist' below searches past
-           ;; our position.
-           (narrow-to-region (point-min) final-pos)
-           (while (and
-                   (progn
-                     (goto-char final-pos)
-                     (c-syntactic-skip-backward "^<;}" nil t)
-                     (eq (char-before) ?<))
-                   (progn
-                     (backward-char)
-                     ;; If the "<" already got open paren syntax we know we
-                     ;; have the matching closer.  Handle it and exit the
-                     ;; loop.
-                     (if (looking-at "\\s\(")
-                         (progn
-                           (c-mark->-as-paren (1- final-pos))
-                           (setq close-paren-inserted t)
-                           nil)
-                       t))
-                   (progn
-                     (setq <-pos (point))
-                     (c-backward-syntactic-ws)
-                     (c-simple-skip-symbol-backward))
-                   (or (looking-at c-opt-<>-sexp-key)
-                       (not (looking-at c-keywords-regexp)))
-                   (let ((c-parse-and-markup-<>-arglists t)
-                         c-restricted-<>-arglists
-                         (containing-sexp
-                          (c-most-enclosing-brace (c-parse-state))))
-                     (when (and containing-sexp
-                                (progn (goto-char containing-sexp)
-                                       (eq (char-after) ?\())
-                                (not (eq (get-text-property (point) 'c-type)
-                                         'c-decl-arg-start)))
-                       (setq c-restricted-<>-arglists t))
-                     (goto-char <-pos)
-                     (c-forward-<>-arglist nil))
-                   ;; Loop here if the "<" we found above belongs to a nested
-                   ;; angle bracket sexp.  When we start over we'll find the
-                   ;; previous or surrounding sexp.
-                   (if (< (point) final-pos)
-                       t
-                     (setq close-paren-inserted t)
-                     nil)))))))
+                        (goto-char (1- final-pos))
+                        (c-beginning-of-current-token)
+                        (looking-at ">>"))
+                      (>= (match-end 0) final-pos))
+                 ;; ...., or search back for a < which isn't already marked as 
+                 ;; opening template delimiter.
+                 (save-restriction
+                   (widen)
+                   ;; Narrow to avoid `c-forward-<>-arglist' below searching 
+                   ;; our position.
+                   (narrow-to-region (point-min) final-pos)
+                   (goto-char final-pos)
+                   (while
+                       (and
+                        (progn
+                          (c-syntactic-skip-backward "^<;}" nil t)
+                          (eq (char-before) ?<))
+                        (progn
+                          (backward-char)
+                          (looking-at "\\s\("))))
+                   (and (eq (char-after) ?<)
+                        (not (looking-at "\\s\("))
+                        (progn (c-backward-syntactic-ws)
+                               (c-simple-skip-symbol-backward))
+                        (or (looking-at c-opt-<>-sexp-key)
+                            (not (looking-at c-keywords-regexp)))))))))
     (goto-char final-pos)
-    ;; Indent the line if appropriate.
-    (when (and c-electric-flag c-syntactic-indentation)
-      (backward-char)
-      (when (prog1 (or (looking-at "\\s\(\\|\\s\)")
-                      (and (c-major-mode-is 'c++-mode)
-                           (progn
-                             (c-beginning-of-current-token)
-                             (looking-at "<<\\|>>"))
-                           (= (match-end 0) final-pos)))
-             (goto-char final-pos))
-       (indent-according-to-mode)))
-    (when (and close-paren-inserted
-              (not executing-kbd-macro)
-              blink-paren-function)
-      ;; Note: Most paren blink functions, such as the standard
-      ;; `blink-matching-open', currently doesn't handle paren chars
-      ;; marked with text properties very well.  Maybe we should avoid
-      ;; this call for the time being?
-      (funcall blink-paren-function))))
+    (when found-delim
+      (indent-according-to-mode)
+      (when (and (eq (char-before) ?>)
+                (not executing-kbd-macro)
+                blink-paren-function)
+           ;; Note: Most paren blink functions, such as the standard
+           ;; `blink-matching-open', currently doesn't handle paren chars
+           ;; marked with text properties very well.  Maybe we should avoid
+           ;; this call for the time being?
+           (funcall blink-paren-function)))))
 (defun c-electric-paren (arg)
   "Insert a parenthesis.

=== modified file 'lisp/progmodes/cc-defs.el'
--- a/lisp/progmodes/cc-defs.el 2010-01-19 22:10:19 +0000
+++ b/lisp/progmodes/cc-defs.el 2010-02-04 21:15:37 +0000
@@ -1029,6 +1029,44 @@
     ;; Emacs.
     `(remove-text-properties ,from ,to '(,property nil))))
+(defmacro c-search-forward-char-property (property value &optional limit)
+  "Search forward for a text-property PROPERTY having value VALUE.
+LIMIT bounds the search.  The comparison is done with `equal'.
+Leave point just after the character, and set the match data on
+this character, and return point.  If VALUE isn't found, Return
+nil; point is then left undefined."
+  `(let ((place (point)))
+     (while
+        (and
+         (< place ,(or limit '(point-max)))
+         (not (equal (get-text-property place ,property) ,value)))
+       (setq place (next-single-property-change
+                   place ,property nil ,(or limit '(point-max)))))
+     (when (< place ,(or limit '(point-max)))
+       (goto-char place)
+       (search-forward-regexp ".")     ; to set the match-data.
+       (point))))
+(defmacro c-search-backward-char-property (property value &optional limit)
+  "Search backward for a text-property PROPERTY having value VALUE.
+LIMIT bounds the search.  The comparison is done with `equal'.
+Leave point just before the character, set the match data on this
+character, and return point.  If VALUE isn't found, Return nil;
+point is then left undefined."
+  `(let ((place (point)))
+     (while
+        (and
+         (> place ,(or limit '(point-min)))
+         (not (equal (get-text-property (1- place) ,property) ,value)))
+       (setq place (previous-single-property-change
+                   place ,property nil ,(or limit '(point-min)))))
+     (when (> place ,(or limit '(point-max)))
+       (goto-char place)
+       (search-backward-regexp ".")    ; to set the match-data.
+       (point))))
 (defun c-clear-char-property-with-value-function (from to property value)
   "Remove all text-properties PROPERTY from the region (FROM, TO)
 which have the value VALUE, as tested by `equal'.  These

=== modified file 'lisp/progmodes/cc-engine.el'
--- a/lisp/progmodes/cc-engine.el       2010-01-21 21:45:01 +0000
+++ b/lisp/progmodes/cc-engine.el       2010-02-04 21:15:37 +0000
@@ -4880,7 +4880,168 @@
-;; Handling of small scale constructs like types and names.
+;; Setting and removing syntax properties on < and > in languages (C++
+;; and Java) where they can be template/generic delimiters as well as
+;; their normal meaning of "less/greater than".
+;; Normally, < and > have syntax 'punctuation'.  When they are found to
+;; be delimiters, they are marked as such with the category properties
+;; c-<-as-paren-syntax, c->-as-paren-syntax respectively.
+;; It is impossible to determine with certainty whether a <..> pair in
+;; C++ is two comparison operators or is template delimiters, unless
+;; one duplicates a lot of a C++ compiler.  For example, the following
+;; code fragment:
+;;     foo (a < b, c > d) ;
+;; could be a function call with two integer parameters (each a
+;; relational expression), or it could be a constructor for class foo
+;; taking one parameter d of templated type "a < b, c >".  They are
+;; somewhat easier to distinguish in Java.
+;; The strategy now (2010-01) adopted is to mark and unmark < and
+;; > IN MATCHING PAIRS ONLY.  [Previously, they were marked
+;; individually when their context so indicated.  This gave rise to
+;; intractible problems when one of a matching pair was deleted, or
+;; pulled into a literal.]
+;; At each buffer change, the syntax-table properties are removed in a
+;; before-change function and reapplied, when needed, in an
+;; after-change function.  It is far more important that the
+;; properties get removed when they they are spurious than that they
+;; be present when wanted.
+(defun c-clear-<-pair-props (&optional pos)
+  ;; POS (default point) is at a < character.  If it is marked with
+  ;; open paren syntax-table text property, remove the property,
+  ;; together with the close paren property on the matching > (if
+  ;; any).
+  (save-excursion
+    (if pos
+       (goto-char pos)
+      (setq pos (point)))
+    (when (equal (c-get-char-property (point) 'syntax-table)
+                c-<-as-paren-syntax)
+      (with-syntax-table c-no-parens-syntax-table ; ignore unbalanced [,{,(,..
+       (c-go-list-forward))
+      (when (equal (c-get-char-property (1- (point)) 'syntax-table)
+                  c->-as-paren-syntax) ; should always be true.
+       (c-clear-char-property (1- (point)) 'syntax-table))
+      (c-clear-char-property pos 'syntax-table))))
+(defun c-clear->-pair-props (&optional pos)
+  ;; POS (default point) is at a > character.  If it is marked with
+  ;; close paren syntax-table property, remove the property, together
+  ;; with the open paren property on the matching < (if any).
+  (save-excursion
+    (if pos
+       (goto-char pos)
+      (setq pos (point)))
+    (when (equal (c-get-char-property (point) 'syntax-table)
+                c->-as-paren-syntax)
+      (with-syntax-table c-no-parens-syntax-table ; ignore unbalanced [,{,(,..
+       (c-go-up-list-backward))
+      (when (equal (c-get-char-property (point) 'syntax-table)
+                       c-<-as-paren-syntax) ; should always be true.
+       (c-clear-char-property (point) 'syntax-table))
+      (c-clear-char-property pos 'syntax-table))))
+(defun c-clear-<>-pair-props (&optional pos)
+  ;; POS (default point) is at a < or > character.  If it has an
+  ;; open/close paren syntax-table property, remove this property both
+  ;; from the current character and its partner (which will also be
+  ;; thusly marked).
+  (cond
+   ((eq (char-after) ?\<)
+    (c-clear-<-pair-props pos))
+   ((eq (char-after) ?\>)
+    (c-clear->-pair-props pos))
+   (t (c-benign-error
+       "c-clear-<>-pair-props called from wrong position"))))
+(defun c-clear-<-pair-props-if-match-after (lim &optional pos)
+  ;; POS (default point) is at a < character.  If it is both marked
+  ;; with open/close paren syntax-table property, and has a matching >
+  ;; (also marked) which is after LIM, remove the property both from
+  ;; the current > and its partner.
+  (save-excursion
+    (if pos
+       (goto-char pos)
+      (setq pos (point)))
+    (when (equal (c-get-char-property (point) 'syntax-table)
+                c-<-as-paren-syntax)
+      (with-syntax-table c-no-parens-syntax-table ; ignore unbalanced [,{,(,..
+       (c-go-list-forward))
+      (when (and (>= (point) lim)
+                (equal (c-get-char-property (1- (point)) 'syntax-table)
+                       c->-as-paren-syntax)) ; should always be true.
+       (c-unmark-<->-as-paren (1- (point)))
+       (c-unmark-<->-as-paren pos)))))
+(defun c-clear->-pair-props-if-match-before (lim &optional pos)
+  ;; POS (default point) is at a > character.  If it is both marked
+  ;; with open/close paren syntax-table property, and has a matching <
+  ;; (also marked) which is before LIM, remove the property both from
+  ;; the current < and its partner.
+  (save-excursion
+    (if pos
+       (goto-char pos)
+      (setq pos (point)))
+    (when (equal (c-get-char-property (point) 'syntax-table)
+                c->-as-paren-syntax)
+      (with-syntax-table c-no-parens-syntax-table ; ignore unbalanced [,{,(,..
+       (c-go-up-list-backward))
+      (when (and (<= (point) lim)
+                (equal (c-get-char-property (point) 'syntax-table)
+                       c-<-as-paren-syntax)) ; should always be true.
+       (c-unmark-<->-as-paren (point))
+       (c-unmark-<->-as-paren pos)))))
+(defun c-before-change-check-<>-operators (beg end)
+  ;; Unmark certain pairs of "< .... >" which are currently marked as
+  ;; template/generic delimiters.  (This marking is via syntax-table
+  ;; text properties).
+  ;;
+  ;; These pairs are those which are in the current "statement" (i.e.,
+  ;; the region between the {, }, or ; before BEG and the one after
+  ;; END), and which enclose any part of the interval (BEG END).
+  ;;
+  ;; Note that in C++ (?and Java), template/generic parens cannot
+  ;; enclose a brace or semicolon, so we use these as bounds on the
+  ;; region we must work on.
+  ;;
+  ;; This function is called from before-change-functions (via
+  ;; c-get-state-before-change-functions).  Thus the buffer is widened,
+  ;; and point is undefined, both at entry and exit.
+  ;;
+  ;; FIXME!!!  This routine ignores the possibility of macros entirely.
+  ;; 2010-01-29.
+  (save-excursion
+    (let ((beg-lit-limits (progn (goto-char beg) (c-literal-limits)))
+         (end-lit-limits (progn (goto-char end) (c-literal-limits))))
+      ;; Locate the barrier before the changed region
+      (goto-char  (if beg-lit-limits (car beg-lit-limits) beg))
+      (c-syntactic-skip-backward "^;{}" (max (- beg 2048) (point-min)))
+      ;; Remove the syntax-table properties from each pertinent <...> pair.
+      ;; Firsly, the ones with the < before beg and > after beg.
+      (while (c-search-forward-char-property 'category 'c-<-as-paren-syntax 
+       (c-clear-<-pair-props-if-match-after beg (1- (point))))
+      ;; Locate the barrier after END.
+      (goto-char (if end-lit-limits (cdr end-lit-limits) end))
+      (c-syntactic-re-search-forward "[;{}]"
+                                    (min (+ end 2048) (point-max)) 'end)
+      ;; Remove syntax-table properties from the remaining pertinent <...>
+      ;; pairs, those with a > after end and < before end.
+      (while (c-search-backward-char-property 'category 'c->-as-paren-syntax 
+       (c-clear->-pair-props-if-match-before end)))))
 (defun c-after-change-check-<>-operators (beg end)
   ;; This is called from `after-change-functions' when
@@ -4902,7 +5063,7 @@
                 (< beg (setq beg (match-end 0))))
        (while (progn (skip-chars-forward "^<>" beg)
                      (< (point) beg))
-         (c-clear-char-property (point) 'syntax-table)
+         (c-clear-<>-pair-props)
     (when (< beg end)
@@ -4917,9 +5078,13 @@
                   (< end (setq end (match-end 0))))
          (while (progn (skip-chars-forward "^<>" end)
                        (< (point) end))
-           (c-clear-char-property (point) 'syntax-table)
+           (c-clear-<>-pair-props)
+;; Handling of small scale constructs like types and names.
 ;; Dynamically bound variable that instructs `c-forward-type' to also
 ;; treat possible types (i.e. those that it normally returns 'maybe or
 ;; 'found for) as actual types (and always return 'found for them).

=== modified file 'lisp/progmodes/cc-langs.el'
--- a/lisp/progmodes/cc-langs.el        2010-01-13 08:35:10 +0000
+++ b/lisp/progmodes/cc-langs.el        2010-02-04 21:15:37 +0000
@@ -391,6 +391,27 @@
   (and (c-lang-const c++-make-template-syntax-table)
        (funcall (c-lang-const c++-make-template-syntax-table))))
+(c-lang-defconst c-no-parens-syntax-table
+  ;; A variant of the standard syntax table which is used to find matching
+  ;; "<"s and ">"s which have been marked as parens using syntax table
+  ;; properties.  The other paren characters (e.g. "{", ")" "]") are given a
+  ;; non-paren syntax here. so that the list commands will work on "< ... >"
+  ;; even when there's unbalanced other parens inside them.
+  ;;
+  ;; This variable is nil for languages which don't have template stuff.
+  t  `(lambda ()
+       (if (c-lang-const c-recognize-<>-arglists)
+           (let ((table (funcall ,(c-lang-const c-make-mode-syntax-table))))
+             (modify-syntax-entry ?\( "." table)
+             (modify-syntax-entry ?\) "." table)
+             (modify-syntax-entry ?\[ "." table)
+             (modify-syntax-entry ?\] "." table)
+             (modify-syntax-entry ?\{ "." table)
+             (modify-syntax-entry ?\} "." table)
+             table))))
+(c-lang-defvar c-no-parens-syntax-table
+              (funcall (c-lang-const c-no-parens-syntax-table)))
 (c-lang-defconst c-identifier-syntax-modifications
   "A list that describes the modifications that should be done to the
 mode syntax table to get a syntax table that matches all identifiers
@@ -423,26 +444,36 @@
 classifies symbol constituents like '_' and '$' as word constituents,
 so that all identifiers are recognized as words.")
-(c-lang-defconst c-get-state-before-change-function
-  "If non-nil, a function called from c-before-change-hook.
-Typically it will record enough state to allow
+(c-lang-defconst c-get-state-before-change-functions
+  ;; For documentation see the following c-lang-defvar of the same name.
+  ;; The value here may be a list of functions or a single function.
+  t nil
+  c++ '(c-extend-region-for-CPP c-before-change-check-<>-operators)
+  (c objc) 'c-extend-region-for-CPP
+  ;; java 'c-before-change-check-<>-operators
+  awk 'c-awk-record-region-clear-NL)
+(c-lang-defvar c-get-state-before-change-functions
+              (let ((fs (c-lang-const c-get-state-before-change-functions)))
+                 (if (listp fs)
+                     fs
+                   (list fs)))
+  "If non-nil, a list of functions called from c-before-change-hook.
+Typically these will record enough state to allow
 `c-before-font-lock-function' to extend the region to fontify,
 and may do such things as removing text-properties which must be
-It takes 2 parameters, the BEG and END supplied to every
+These functions will be run in the order given.  Each of them
+takes 2 parameters, the BEG and END supplied to every
 before-change function; on entry, the buffer will have been
 widened and match-data will have been saved; point is undefined
 on both entry and exit; the return value is ignored.
-When the mode is initialized, this function is called with
-parameters \(point-min) and \(point-max)."
-  t nil
-  (c c++ objc) 'c-extend-region-for-CPP
-  awk 'c-awk-record-region-clear-NL)
-(c-lang-defvar c-get-state-before-change-function
-              (c-lang-const c-get-state-before-change-function))
+The functions are called even when font locking isn't enabled.
+When the mode is initialized, the functions are called with
+parameters \(point-min) and \(point-max).")
 (c-lang-defconst c-before-font-lock-function
   "If non-nil, a function called just before font locking.
 Typically it will extend the region about to be fontified \(see

=== modified file 'lisp/progmodes/cc-mode.el'
--- a/lisp/progmodes/cc-mode.el 2010-01-13 08:35:10 +0000
+++ b/lisp/progmodes/cc-mode.el 2010-02-04 21:15:37 +0000
@@ -641,8 +641,10 @@
-      (if c-get-state-before-change-function
-         (funcall c-get-state-before-change-function (point-min) (point-max)))
+      (if c-get-state-before-change-functions
+         (mapc (lambda (fn)
+                 (funcall fn beg end))
+               c-get-state-before-change-functions))
       (if c-before-font-lock-function
          (funcall c-before-font-lock-function (point-min) (point-max)
                   (- (point-max) (point-min))))))
@@ -775,7 +777,7 @@
 (defmacro c-run-mode-hooks (&rest hooks)
   ;; Emacs 21.1 has introduced a system with delayed mode hooks that
-  ;; require the use of the new function `run-mode-hooks'.
+  ;; requires the use of the new function `run-mode-hooks'.
   (if (cc-bytecomp-fboundp 'run-mode-hooks)
       `(run-mode-hooks ,@hooks)
     `(progn ,@(mapcar (lambda (hook) `(run-hooks ,hook)) hooks))))
@@ -808,8 +810,8 @@
   ;; has already been widened, and match-data saved.  The return value is
   ;; meaningless.
-  ;; This function is the C/C++/ObjC value of
-  ;; `c-get-state-before-change-function' and is called exclusively as a
+  ;; This function is in the C/C++/ObjC values of
+  ;; `c-get-state-before-change-functions' and is called exclusively as a
   ;; before change function.
   (goto-char beg)
@@ -922,8 +924,8 @@
 (defun c-before-change (beg end)
-  ;; Function to be put on `before-change-function'.  Primarily, this calls
-  ;; the language dependent `c-get-state-before-change-function'.  It is
+  ;; Function to be put on `before-change-functions'.  Primarily, this calls
+  ;; the language dependent `c-get-state-before-change-functions'.  It is
   ;; otherwise used only to remove stale entries from the `c-found-types'
   ;; cache, and to record entries which a `c-after-change' function might
   ;; confirm as stale.
@@ -1001,8 +1003,10 @@
        ;; larger than (beg end).
        (setq c-new-BEG beg
              c-new-END end)
-       (if c-get-state-before-change-function
-           (funcall c-get-state-before-change-function beg end))
+       (if c-get-state-before-change-functions
+           (mapc (lambda (fn)
+                   (funcall fn beg end))
+                 c-get-state-before-change-functions))
 (defun c-after-change (beg end old-len)

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