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[Emacs-diffs] /srv/bzr/emacs/trunk r110336: * lisp/textmodes/table.el: U

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] /srv/bzr/emacs/trunk r110336: * lisp/textmodes/table.el: Use lexical-binding, dolist, define-minor-mode.
Date: Mon, 01 Oct 2012 23:46:08 -0400
User-agent: Bazaar (2.5.0)

revno: 110336
committer: Stefan Monnier <address@hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Mon 2012-10-01 23:46:08 -0400
  * lisp/textmodes/table.el: Use lexical-binding, dolist, define-minor-mode.
  (table-set-table-fixed-width-mode): Remove functions.
  (table-command-list): Move initialization into declaration.
  (table--tweak-menu-for-xemacs): Move defun outside mapcar.
  (table-with-cache-buffer): Use `declare'.
  (table-span-cell): Simplify via CSE.
  (table-fixed-width-mode): Use define-minor-mode.
  (table-call-interactively, table-funcall, table-apply): Remove.
  (table-function): New function, to replace them.
=== modified file 'lisp/ChangeLog'
--- a/lisp/ChangeLog    2012-10-02 02:47:12 +0000
+++ b/lisp/ChangeLog    2012-10-02 03:46:08 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,16 @@
 2012-10-02  Stefan Monnier  <address@hidden>
+       * textmodes/table.el: Use lexical-binding, dolist, define-minor-mode.
+       (table-initialize-table-fixed-width-mode)
+       (table-set-table-fixed-width-mode): Remove functions.
+       (table-command-list): Move initialization into declaration.
+       (table--tweak-menu-for-xemacs): Move defun outside mapcar.
+       (table-with-cache-buffer): Use `declare'.
+       (table-span-cell): Simplify via CSE.
+       (table-fixed-width-mode): Use define-minor-mode.
+       (table-call-interactively, table-funcall, table-apply): Remove.
+       (table-function): New function, to replace them.
        * bookmark.el (bookmark-search-pattern): Remove var.
        (bookmark-read-search-input): Remove function.
        (bookmark-bmenu-search): Reimplement using a minibuffer.

=== modified file 'lisp/textmodes/table.el'
--- a/lisp/textmodes/table.el   2012-09-17 05:41:04 +0000
+++ b/lisp/textmodes/table.el   2012-10-02 03:46:08 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;;; table.el --- create and edit WYSIWYG text based embedded tables
+;;; table.el --- create and edit WYSIWYG text based embedded tables  -*- 
lexical-binding: t -*-
 ;; Copyright (C) 2000-2012  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
@@ -715,28 +715,6 @@
   :type 'character
   :group 'table)
-(defun table-set-table-fixed-width-mode (variable value)
-  (if (fboundp variable)
-      (funcall variable (if value 1 -1))))
-(defun table-initialize-table-fixed-width-mode (variable value)
-  (set variable value))
-(defcustom table-fixed-width-mode nil
-  "Cell width is fixed when this is non-nil.
-Normally it should be nil for allowing automatic cell width expansion
-that widens a cell when it is necessary.  When non-nil, typing in a
-cell does not automatically expand the cell width.  A word that is too
-long to fit in a cell is chopped into multiple lines.  The chopped
-location is indicated by `table-word-continuation-char'.  This
-variable's value can be toggled by \\[table-fixed-width-mode] at
-  :tag "Fix Cell Width"
-  :type 'boolean
-  :initialize 'table-initialize-table-fixed-width-mode
-  :set 'table-set-table-fixed-width-mode
-  :group 'table)
 (defcustom table-detect-cell-alignment t
   "Detect cell contents alignment automatically.
 When non-nil cell alignment is automatically determined by the
@@ -1001,14 +979,10 @@
     (dabbrev-completion . *table--cell-dabbrev-completion))
   "List of cons cells consisting of (ORIGINAL-COMMAND . 
-(defvar table-command-list nil
+(defvar table-command-list
+  ;; Construct the real contents of the `table-command-list'.
+  (mapcar #'cdr table-command-remap-alist)
   "List of commands that override original commands.")
-;; construct the real contents of the `table-command-list'
-(let ((remap-alist table-command-remap-alist))
-  (setq table-command-list nil)
-  (while remap-alist
-    (setq table-command-list (cons (cdar remap-alist) table-command-list))
-    (setq remap-alist (cdr remap-alist))))
 (defconst table-global-menu
@@ -1241,18 +1215,17 @@
 ;; Unknown keywords should be quietly ignore so that future extension
 ;; does not cause a problem in the old implementation.  Sigh...
 (when (featurep 'xemacs)
-  (mapcar
-   (defun table--tweak-menu-for-xemacs (menu)
+  (defun table--tweak-menu-for-xemacs (menu)
       ((listp menu)
-       (mapcar 'table--tweak-menu-for-xemacs menu))
+       (mapcar #'table--tweak-menu-for-xemacs menu))
       ((vectorp menu)
-       (let ((i 0) (len (length menu)))
-        (while (< i len)
+       (let ((len (length menu)))
+        (dotimes (i len)
           ;; replace :help with something harmless.
-          (if (eq (aref menu i) :help) (aset menu i :included))
-          (setq i (1+ i)))))))
-   (list table-global-menu table-cell-menu))
+          (if (eq (aref menu i) :help) (aset menu i :included)))))))
+  (mapcar #'table--tweak-menu-for-xemacs
+          (list table-global-menu table-cell-menu))
   (defvar mark-active t))
 ;; register table menu under global tools menu
@@ -1286,6 +1259,7 @@
 coordinate is stored in `table-cell-cache-point-coordinate'.  The
 original buffer's point is moved to the location that corresponds to
 the last cache point coordinate."
+  (declare (debug (body)) (indent 0))
   (let ((height-expansion (make-symbol "height-expansion-var-symbol"))
        (width-expansion (make-symbol "width-expansion-var-symbol")))
     `(let (,height-expansion ,width-expansion)
@@ -1341,14 +1315,9 @@
        ;; set up the update timer unless it is explicitly inhibited.
        (unless table-inhibit-update
-;; for debugging the body form of the macro
-(put 'table-with-cache-buffer 'edebug-form-spec '(body))
-;; for neat presentation use the same indentation as `progn'
-(put 'table-with-cache-buffer 'lisp-indent-function 0)
 (if (or (featurep 'xemacs)
        (null (fboundp 'font-lock-add-keywords))) nil
-  ;; color it as a keyword
+  ;; Color it as a keyword.
@@ -1367,122 +1336,114 @@
 ;; Point Motion Only Group
- (lambda (command)
-   (let ((func-symbol (intern (format "*table--cell-%s" command)))
-        (doc-string (format "Table remapped function for `%s'." command)))
-     (fset func-symbol
-          `(lambda
-             (&rest args)
-             ,doc-string
-             (interactive)
-             (let ((table-inhibit-update t)
-                   (deactivate-mark nil))
-               (table--finish-delayed-tasks)
-               (table-recognize-cell 'force)
-               (table-with-cache-buffer
-                 (call-interactively ',command)
-                 (setq table-inhibit-auto-fill-paragraph t)))))
-     (setq table-command-remap-alist
-          (cons (cons command func-symbol)
-                table-command-remap-alist))))
- '(move-beginning-of-line
-   beginning-of-line
-   move-end-of-line
-   end-of-line
-   beginning-of-buffer
-   end-of-buffer
-   forward-word
-   backward-word
-   forward-sentence
-   backward-sentence
-   forward-paragraph
-   backward-paragraph))
+(dolist (command
+         '(move-beginning-of-line
+           beginning-of-line
+           move-end-of-line
+           end-of-line
+           beginning-of-buffer
+           end-of-buffer
+           forward-word
+           backward-word
+           forward-sentence
+           backward-sentence
+           forward-paragraph
+           backward-paragraph))
+  (let ((func-symbol (intern (format "*table--cell-%s" command)))
+        (doc-string (format "Table remapped function for `%s'." command)))
+    (defalias func-symbol
+      `(lambda
+         (&rest args)
+         ,doc-string
+         (interactive)
+         (let ((table-inhibit-update t)
+               (deactivate-mark nil))
+           (table--finish-delayed-tasks)
+           (table-recognize-cell 'force)
+           (table-with-cache-buffer
+             (call-interactively ',command)
+             (setq table-inhibit-auto-fill-paragraph t)))))
+    (push (cons command func-symbol)
+          table-command-remap-alist)))
 ;; Extraction Group
- (lambda (command)
-   (let ((func-symbol (intern (format "*table--cell-%s" command)))
-        (doc-string (format "Table remapped function for `%s'." command)))
-     (fset func-symbol
-          `(lambda
-             (&rest args)
-             ,doc-string
-             (interactive)
-             (table--finish-delayed-tasks)
-             (table-recognize-cell 'force)
-             (table-with-cache-buffer
-               (table--remove-cell-properties (point-min) (point-max))
-               (table--remove-eol-spaces (point-min) (point-max))
-               (call-interactively ',command))
-             (table--finish-delayed-tasks)))
-     (setq table-command-remap-alist
-          (cons (cons command func-symbol)
-                table-command-remap-alist))))
- '(kill-region
-   kill-ring-save
-   delete-region
-   copy-region-as-kill
-   kill-line
-   kill-word
-   backward-kill-word
-   kill-sentence
-   backward-kill-sentence
-   kill-paragraph
-   backward-kill-paragraph
-   kill-sexp
-   backward-kill-sexp))
+(dolist (command
+         '(kill-region
+           kill-ring-save
+           delete-region
+           copy-region-as-kill
+           kill-line
+           kill-word
+           backward-kill-word
+           kill-sentence
+           backward-kill-sentence
+           kill-paragraph
+           backward-kill-paragraph
+           kill-sexp
+           backward-kill-sexp))
+  (let ((func-symbol (intern (format "*table--cell-%s" command)))
+        (doc-string (format "Table remapped function for `%s'." command)))
+    (defalias func-symbol
+      `(lambda
+         (&rest args)
+         ,doc-string
+         (interactive)
+         (table--finish-delayed-tasks)
+         (table-recognize-cell 'force)
+         (table-with-cache-buffer
+           (table--remove-cell-properties (point-min) (point-max))
+           (table--remove-eol-spaces (point-min) (point-max))
+           (call-interactively ',command))
+         (table--finish-delayed-tasks)))
+    (push (cons command func-symbol)
+          table-command-remap-alist)))
 ;; Pasting Group
- (lambda (command)
-   (let ((func-symbol (intern (format "*table--cell-%s" command)))
-        (doc-string (format "Table remapped function for `%s'." command)))
-     (fset func-symbol
-          `(lambda
-             (&rest args)
-             ,doc-string
-             (interactive)
-             (table--finish-delayed-tasks)
-             (table-recognize-cell 'force)
-             (table-with-cache-buffer
-               (call-interactively ',command)
-               (table--untabify (point-min) (point-max))
-               (table--fill-region (point-min) (point-max))
-               (setq table-inhibit-auto-fill-paragraph t))
-             (table--finish-delayed-tasks)))
-     (setq table-command-remap-alist
-          (cons (cons command func-symbol)
-                table-command-remap-alist))))
- '(yank
-   clipboard-yank
-   yank-clipboard-selection
-   insert))
+(dolist (command
+         '(yank
+           clipboard-yank
+           yank-clipboard-selection
+           insert))
+  (let ((func-symbol (intern (format "*table--cell-%s" command)))
+        (doc-string (format "Table remapped function for `%s'." command)))
+    (fset func-symbol
+          `(lambda
+             (&rest args)
+             ,doc-string
+             (interactive)
+             (table--finish-delayed-tasks)
+             (table-recognize-cell 'force)
+             (table-with-cache-buffer
+               (call-interactively ',command)
+               (table--untabify (point-min) (point-max))
+               (table--fill-region (point-min) (point-max))
+               (setq table-inhibit-auto-fill-paragraph t))
+             (table--finish-delayed-tasks)))
+    (push (cons command func-symbol)
+          table-command-remap-alist)))
 ;; Formatting Group
- (lambda (command)
-   (let ((func-symbol (intern (format "*table--cell-%s" command)))
-        (doc-string (format "Table remapped function for `%s'." command)))
-     (fset func-symbol
-          `(lambda
-             (&rest args)
-             ,doc-string
-             (interactive)
-             (table--finish-delayed-tasks)
-             (table-recognize-cell 'force)
-             (table-with-cache-buffer
-               (let ((fill-column table-cell-info-width))
-                 (call-interactively ',command))
-               (setq table-inhibit-auto-fill-paragraph t))
-             (table--finish-delayed-tasks)))
-     (setq table-command-remap-alist
-          (cons (cons command func-symbol)
-                table-command-remap-alist))))
- '(center-line
-   center-region
-   center-paragraph
-   fill-paragraph))
+(dolist (command
+         '(center-line
+           center-region
+           center-paragraph
+           fill-paragraph))
+  (let ((func-symbol (intern (format "*table--cell-%s" command)))
+        (doc-string (format "Table remapped function for `%s'." command)))
+    (fset func-symbol
+          `(lambda
+             (&rest args)
+             ,doc-string
+             (interactive)
+             (table--finish-delayed-tasks)
+             (table-recognize-cell 'force)
+             (table-with-cache-buffer
+               (let ((fill-column table-cell-info-width))
+                 (call-interactively ',command))
+               (setq table-inhibit-auto-fill-paragraph t))
+             (table--finish-delayed-tasks)))
+    (push (cons command func-symbol)
+          table-command-remap-alist)))
@@ -2581,7 +2542,7 @@
 DIRECTION is one of symbols; right, left, above or below."
-    (let* ((dummy (barf-if-buffer-read-only))
+    (let* ((_ (barf-if-buffer-read-only))
            (let* ((tmp (delete nil
                                (mapcar (lambda (d)
@@ -2605,40 +2566,35 @@
   (table-recognize-cell 'force)
   (unless (table--cell-can-span-p direction)
     (error "Can't span %s" (symbol-name direction)))
-  ;; prepare beginning and ending positions of the border bar to strike through
-  (let ((beg (cond
-             ((eq direction 'right)
-              (save-excursion
-                (table--goto-coordinate
+  ;; Prepare beginning and end positions of the border bar to strike through.
+  (let ((beg (save-excursion
+               (table--goto-coordinate
+                (cond
+                 ((eq direction 'right)
                  (cons (car table-cell-info-rb-coordinate)
-                       (1- (cdr table-cell-info-lu-coordinate))) 
-             ((eq direction 'below)
-              (save-excursion
-                (table--goto-coordinate
-                 (cons (1- (car table-cell-info-lu-coordinate))
-                       (1+ (cdr table-cell-info-rb-coordinate))) 
-             (t
-              (save-excursion
-                (table--goto-coordinate
-                 (cons (1- (car table-cell-info-lu-coordinate))
-                       (1- (cdr table-cell-info-lu-coordinate))) 
-       (end (cond
-             ((eq direction 'left)
-              (save-excursion
-                (table--goto-coordinate
+                       (1- (cdr table-cell-info-lu-coordinate))))
+                 ((eq direction 'below)
+                 (cons (1- (car table-cell-info-lu-coordinate))
+                       (1+ (cdr table-cell-info-rb-coordinate))))
+                 (t
+                 (cons (1- (car table-cell-info-lu-coordinate))
+                       (1- (cdr table-cell-info-lu-coordinate)))))
+                'no-extension)))
+       (end (save-excursion
+               (table--goto-coordinate
+                (cond
+                 ((eq direction 'left)
                  (cons (car table-cell-info-lu-coordinate)
-                       (1+ (cdr table-cell-info-rb-coordinate))) 
-             ((eq direction 'above)
-              (save-excursion
-                (table--goto-coordinate
-                 (cons (1+ (car table-cell-info-rb-coordinate))
-                       (1- (cdr table-cell-info-lu-coordinate))) 
-             (t
-              (save-excursion
-                (table--goto-coordinate
-                 (cons (1+ (car table-cell-info-rb-coordinate))
-                       (1+ (cdr table-cell-info-rb-coordinate))) 
-    ;; replace the bar with blank space while taking care of edges to be 
border or intersection
+                       (1+ (cdr table-cell-info-rb-coordinate))))
+                 ((eq direction 'above)
+                 (cons (1+ (car table-cell-info-rb-coordinate))
+                       (1- (cdr table-cell-info-lu-coordinate))))
+                 (t
+                 (cons (1+ (car table-cell-info-rb-coordinate))
+                       (1+ (cdr table-cell-info-rb-coordinate)))))
+                'no-extension))))
+    ;; Replace the bar with blank space while taking care of edges to be border
+    ;; or intersection.
       (goto-char beg)
       (if (memq direction '(left right))
@@ -2832,7 +2788,7 @@
 ORIENTATION is a symbol either horizontally or vertically."
-    (let* ((dummy (barf-if-buffer-read-only))
+    (let* ((_ (barf-if-buffer-read-only))
           (completion-ignore-case t)
           (default (car table-cell-split-orientation-history)))
       (intern (downcase (completing-read
@@ -2852,7 +2808,7 @@
 WHAT is a symbol 'cell, 'row or 'column.  JUSTIFY is a symbol 'left,
 'center, 'right, 'top, 'middle, 'bottom or 'none."
-   (list (let* ((dummy (barf-if-buffer-read-only))
+   (list (let* ((_ (barf-if-buffer-read-only))
                (completion-ignore-case t)
                (default (car table-target-history)))
           (intern (downcase (completing-read
@@ -2910,17 +2866,18 @@
          (table--justify-cell-contents justify))))))
-(defun table-fixed-width-mode (&optional arg)
-  "Toggle fixing width mode.
-In the fixed width mode, typing inside a cell never changes the cell
-width where in the normal mode the cell width expands automatically in
-order to prevent a word being folded into multiple lines."
-  (interactive "P")
+(define-minor-mode table-fixed-width-mode
+  "Cell width is fixed when this is non-nil.
+Normally it should be nil for allowing automatic cell width expansion
+that widens a cell when it is necessary.  When non-nil, typing in a
+cell does not automatically expand the cell width.  A word that is too
+long to fit in a cell is chopped into multiple lines.  The chopped
+location is indicated by `table-word-continuation-char'.  This
+variable's value can be toggled by \\[table-fixed-width-mode] at
+  :tag "Fix Cell Width"
+  :group 'table
-  (setq table-fixed-width-mode
-       (if (null arg)
-           (not table-fixed-width-mode)
-         (> (prefix-numeric-value arg) 0)))
@@ -3004,7 +2961,7 @@
-   (let* ((dummy (unless (table--probe-cell) (error "Table not found here")))
+   (let* ((_ (unless (table--probe-cell) (error "Table not found here")))
          (completion-ignore-case t)
          (default (car table-source-language-history))
          (language (downcase (completing-read
@@ -3093,7 +3050,7 @@
-(defun table--generate-source-prologue (dest-buffer language caption col-list 
+(defun table--generate-source-prologue (dest-buffer language caption col-list 
   "Generate and insert source prologue into DEST-BUFFER."
   (with-current-buffer dest-buffer
@@ -3121,7 +3078,7 @@
       (insert (format "    <%s valign=\"top\">\n" (table-get-source-info 
-(defun table--generate-source-epilogue (dest-buffer language col-list row-list)
+(defun table--generate-source-epilogue (dest-buffer language _col-list 
   "Generate and insert source epilogue into DEST-BUFFER."
   (with-current-buffer dest-buffer
@@ -3133,14 +3090,12 @@
       (set-marker-insertion-type (table-get-source-info 'colspec-marker) t) ;; 
insert before
        (goto-char (table-get-source-info 'colspec-marker))
-       (mapc
-        (lambda (col)
-          (insert (format "    <colspec colnum=\"%d\" colname=\"c%d\"/>\n" col 
-        (sort (table-get-source-info 'colnum-list) '<)))
+       (dolist (col (sort (table-get-source-info 'colnum-list) '<))
+          (insert (format "    <colspec colnum=\"%d\" colname=\"c%d\"/>\n" col 
       (insert (format "    </%s>\n  </tgroup>\n</table>\n" 
(table-get-source-info 'row-type))))
-(defun table--generate-source-scan-rows (dest-buffer language origin-cell 
col-list row-list)
+(defun table--generate-source-scan-rows (dest-buffer language _origin-cell 
col-list row-list)
   "Generate and insert source rows into DEST-BUFFER."
   (table-put-source-info 'current-row 1)
   (while row-list
@@ -3286,7 +3241,7 @@
   "Test if character C is one of the horizontal characters"
   (memq c (string-to-list table-cell-horizontal-chars)))
-(defun table--generate-source-scan-lines (dest-buffer language origin-cell 
tail-cell col-list row-list)
+(defun table--generate-source-scan-lines (dest-buffer _language origin-cell 
tail-cell col-list row-list)
   "Scan the table line by line.
 Currently this method is for LaTeX only."
   (let* ((lu-coord (table--get-coordinate (car origin-cell)))
@@ -3403,8 +3358,7 @@
     (table-insert 16 8 5 1)
     (table-insert-sequence \"@\" 0 1 2 'right)
     (table-forward-cell 1)
-    (table-insert-sequence \"64\" 0 1 2 'left))
+    (table-insert-sequence \"64\" 0 1 2 'left))"
@@ -3896,36 +3850,34 @@
 (defun table--make-cell-map ()
   "Make the table cell keymap if it does not exist yet."
-  ;; this is irrelevant to keymap but good place to make sure to be executed
+  ;; This is irrelevant to keymap but good place to make sure to be executed.
   (unless table-cell-map
-    (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))
-         (remap-alist table-command-remap-alist))
-      ;; table-command-prefix mode specific bindings
+    (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+      ;; `table-command-prefix' mode specific bindings.
       (if (vectorp table-command-prefix)
-         (mapc (lambda (binding)
-                 (let ((seq (copy-sequence (car binding))))
-                   (and (vectorp seq)
-                        (listp (aref seq 0))
-                        (eq (car (aref seq 0)) 'control)
-                        (progn
-                          (aset seq 0 (cadr (aref seq 0)))
-                          (define-key map (vconcat table-command-prefix seq) 
(cdr binding))))))
-               table-cell-bindings))
-      ;; shorthand control bindings
-      (mapc (lambda (binding)
-             (define-key map (car binding) (cdr binding)))
-           table-cell-bindings)
-      ;; remap normal commands to table specific version
-      (while remap-alist
-       (define-key map (vector 'remap (caar remap-alist)) (cdar remap-alist))
-       (setq remap-alist (cdr remap-alist)))
+         (dolist (binding table-cell-bindings)
+            (let ((seq (copy-sequence (car binding))))
+              (and (vectorp seq)
+                   (listp (aref seq 0))
+                   (eq (car (aref seq 0)) 'control)
+                   (progn
+                     (aset seq 0 (cadr (aref seq 0)))
+                     (define-key map (vconcat table-command-prefix seq)
+                       (cdr binding)))))))
+      ;; Shorthand control bindings.
+      (dolist (binding table-cell-bindings)
+        (define-key map (car binding) (cdr binding)))
+      ;; Remap normal commands to table specific version.
+      (dolist (remap table-command-remap-alist)
+       (define-key map (vector 'remap (car remap)) (cdr remap)))
       (setq table-cell-map map)
       (fset 'table-cell-map map)))
-  ;; add menu for table cells
+  ;; Add menu for table cells.
   (unless table-disable-menu
-    (easy-menu-define table-cell-menu-map table-cell-map "Table cell menu" 
+    (easy-menu-define table-cell-menu-map table-cell-map
+      "Table cell menu" table-cell-menu)
     (if (featurep 'xemacs)
        (easy-menu-add table-cell-menu)))
   (run-hooks 'table-cell-map-hook))
@@ -4092,6 +4044,8 @@
+(defvar dabbrev-abbrev-char-regexp)
 (defun *table--cell-dabbrev-expand (arg)
   "Table cell version of `dabbrev-expand'."
   (interactive "*P")
@@ -4291,38 +4245,16 @@
     (car (table--get-coordinate (cdr (table--horizontal-cell-list nil t))))
     (1+ (cdr (table--get-coordinate (cdr (table--vertical-cell-list nil 
-(defun table-call-interactively (function &optional record-flag keys)
-  "Call FUNCTION, or a table version of it if applicable.
-See `call-interactively' for full description of the arguments."
-  (let ((table-func (intern-soft (format "*table--cell-%s" function))))
-    (call-interactively
-     (if (and table-func
-             (table--point-in-cell-p))
-        table-func
-       function) record-flag keys)))
-(defun table-funcall (function &rest arguments)
-  "Call FUNCTION, or a table version of it if applicable.
-See `funcall' for full description of the arguments."
-  (let ((table-func (intern-soft (format "*table--cell-%s" function))))
-    (apply
-     (if (and table-func
-             (table--point-in-cell-p))
-        table-func
-       function)
-     arguments)))
-(defmacro table-apply (function &rest arguments)
-  "Call FUNCTION, or a table version of it if applicable.
-See `apply' for full description of the arguments."
-  (let ((table-func (make-symbol "table-func")))
-    `(let ((,table-func (intern-soft (format "*table--cell-%s" ,function))))
-       (apply
-       (if (and ,table-func
-                (table--point-in-cell-p))
-           ,table-func
-         ,function)
-       ,@arguments))))
+(defun table-function (function)
+  ;; FIXME: Apparently unused.  There used to be table-funcall, table-apply,
+  ;; and table-call-interactively instead, neither of which seemed to be
+  ;; used either.
+  "Return FUNCTION, or a table version of it if applicable."
+  (let ((table-func (intern-soft (format "*table--cell-%s" function))))
+    (if (and table-func
+             (table--point-in-cell-p))
+        table-func
+      function)))
@@ -5124,7 +5056,7 @@
                      (throw 'retry-vertical nil))
                     (t (throw 'retry-horizontal nil)))))))))))))
-(defun table--editable-cell-p (&optional abort-on-error)
+(defun table--editable-cell-p (&optional _abort-on-error)
   (and (not buffer-read-only)
        (get-text-property (point) 'table-cell)))
@@ -5310,7 +5242,7 @@
   "Put cell's vertical alignment property."
   (table--put-property cell 'table-valign valign))
-(defun table--point-entered-cell-function (&optional old-point new-point)
+(defun table--point-entered-cell-function (&optional _old-point _new-point)
   "Point has entered a cell.
 Refresh the menu bar."
   ;; Avoid calling point-motion-hooks recursively.
@@ -5322,7 +5254,7 @@
       (run-hooks 'table-point-entered-cell-hook))))
-(defun table--point-left-cell-function (&optional old-point new-point)
+(defun table--point-left-cell-function (&optional _old-point _new-point)
   "Point has left a cell.
 Refresh the menu bar."
   ;; Avoid calling point-motion-hooks recursively.

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