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[Emacs-diffs] /srv/bzr/emacs/trunk r110815: ispell.el (ispell-region): S

From: Agustin Martin
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] /srv/bzr/emacs/trunk r110815: ispell.el (ispell-region): Standard re-indent for better readability.
Date: Tue, 06 Nov 2012 17:04:42 +0100
User-agent: Bazaar (2.5.0)

revno: 110815
committer: Agustin Martin <address@hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Tue 2012-11-06 17:04:42 +0100
  ispell.el (ispell-region): Standard re-indent for better readability.
=== modified file 'lisp/ChangeLog'
--- a/lisp/ChangeLog    2012-11-06 07:37:06 +0000
+++ b/lisp/ChangeLog    2012-11-06 16:04:42 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+2012-11-06  Agustín Martín Domingo  <address@hidden>
+       * textmodes/ispell.el (ispell-region): Standard re-indent for better
+       readability.
 2012-11-06  Dmitry Antipov  <address@hidden>
        * emacs-lisp/byte-opt.el (toplevel): Add compare-window-configurations,

=== modified file 'lisp/textmodes/ispell.el'
--- a/lisp/textmodes/ispell.el  2012-11-05 16:32:35 +0000
+++ b/lisp/textmodes/ispell.el  2012-11-06 16:04:42 +0000
@@ -2903,113 +2903,113 @@
       (ispell-accept-buffer-local-defs)) ; set up dictionary, local words, etc.
   (let ((skip-region-start (make-marker))
        (rstart (make-marker)))
-  (unwind-protect
-      (save-excursion
-       (message "Spell-checking %s using %s with %s dictionary..."
+    (unwind-protect
+       (save-excursion
+         (message "Spell-checking %s using %s with %s dictionary..."
+                  (if (and (= reg-start (point-min)) (= reg-end (point-max)))
+                      (buffer-name) "region")
+                  (file-name-nondirectory ispell-program-name)
+                  (or ispell-current-dictionary "default"))
+         ;; Returns cursor to original location.
+         (save-window-excursion
+           (goto-char reg-start)
+           (let ((transient-mark-mode)
+                 (case-fold-search case-fold-search)
+                 (query-fcc t)
+                 in-comment key)
+             (let (message-log-max)
+               (message "searching for regions to skip"))
+             (if (re-search-forward (ispell-begin-skip-region-regexp) reg-end 
+                 (progn
+                   (setq key (match-string-no-properties 0))
+                   (set-marker skip-region-start (- (point) (length key)))
+                   (goto-char reg-start)))
+             (let (message-log-max)
+               (message
+                "Continuing spelling check using %s with %s dictionary..."
+                (file-name-nondirectory ispell-program-name)
+                (or ispell-current-dictionary "default")))
+             (set-marker rstart reg-start)
+             (set-marker ispell-region-end reg-end)
+             (while (and (not ispell-quit)
+                         (< (point) ispell-region-end))
+               ;; spell-check region with skipping
+               (if (and (marker-position skip-region-start)
+                        (<= skip-region-start (point)))
+                   (progn
+                     ;; If region inside line comment, must keep comment start.
+                     (setq in-comment (point)
+                           in-comment
+                           (and comment-start
+                                (or (null comment-end) (string= "" 
+                                (save-excursion
+                                  (beginning-of-line)
+                                  (re-search-forward comment-start in-comment 
+                                comment-start))
+                     ;; Can change skip-regexps (in ispell-message)
+                     (ispell-skip-region key) ; moves pt past region.
+                     (set-marker rstart (point))
+                     ;; check for saving large attachments...
+                     (setq query-fcc (and query-fcc
+                                          (ispell-ignore-fcc skip-region-start
+                                                             rstart)))
+                     (if (and (< rstart ispell-region-end)
+                              (re-search-forward
+                               (ispell-begin-skip-region-regexp)
+                               ispell-region-end t))
+                         (progn
+                           (setq key (match-string-no-properties 0))
+                           (set-marker skip-region-start
+                                       (- (point) (length key)))
+                           (goto-char rstart))
+                       (set-marker skip-region-start nil))))
+               (setq reg-end (max (point)
+                                  (if (marker-position skip-region-start)
+                                      (min skip-region-start ispell-region-end)
+                                    (marker-position ispell-region-end))))
+               (let* ((ispell-start (point))
+                      (ispell-end (min (point-at-eol) reg-end))
+                      (string (ispell-get-line
+                               ispell-start ispell-end in-comment)))
+                 (if in-comment                ; account for comment chars 
+                     (setq ispell-start (- ispell-start (length in-comment))
+                           in-comment nil))
+                 (setq ispell-end (point)) ; "end" tracks region retrieved.
+                 (if string            ; there is something to spell check!
+                     ;; (special start end)
+                     (setq shift (ispell-process-line string
+                                                      (and recheckp shift))))
+                 (goto-char ispell-end)))))
+         (if ispell-quit
+             nil
+           (or shift 0)))
+      ;; protected
+      (if (and (not (and recheckp ispell-keep-choices-win))
+              (get-buffer ispell-choices-buffer))
+         (kill-buffer ispell-choices-buffer))
+      (set-marker skip-region-start nil)
+      (set-marker rstart nil)
+      (if ispell-quit
+         (progn
+           ;; preserve or clear the region for ispell-continue.
+           (if (not (numberp ispell-quit))
+               (set-marker ispell-region-end nil)
+             ;; Ispell-continue enabled - ispell-region-end is set.
+             (goto-char ispell-quit))
+           ;; Check for aborting
+           (if (and ispell-checking-message (numberp ispell-quit))
+               (progn
+                 (setq ispell-quit nil)
+                 (error "Message send aborted")))
+           (if (not recheckp) (setq ispell-quit nil)))
+       (if (not recheckp) (set-marker ispell-region-end nil))
+       ;; Only save if successful exit.
+       (ispell-pdict-save ispell-silently-savep)
+       (message "Spell-checking %s using %s with %s dictionary...done"
                 (if (and (= reg-start (point-min)) (= reg-end (point-max)))
                     (buffer-name) "region")
                 (file-name-nondirectory ispell-program-name)
-                (or ispell-current-dictionary "default"))
-       ;; Returns cursor to original location.
-       (save-window-excursion
-         (goto-char reg-start)
-         (let ((transient-mark-mode)
-               (case-fold-search case-fold-search)
-               (query-fcc t)
-               in-comment key)
-           (let (message-log-max)
-             (message "searching for regions to skip"))
-           (if (re-search-forward (ispell-begin-skip-region-regexp) reg-end t)
-               (progn
-                 (setq key (match-string-no-properties 0))
-                 (set-marker skip-region-start (- (point) (length key)))
-                 (goto-char reg-start)))
-           (let (message-log-max)
-             (message
-               "Continuing spelling check using %s with %s dictionary..."
-               (file-name-nondirectory ispell-program-name)
-               (or ispell-current-dictionary "default")))
-           (set-marker rstart reg-start)
-           (set-marker ispell-region-end reg-end)
-           (while (and (not ispell-quit)
-                       (< (point) ispell-region-end))
-             ;; spell-check region with skipping
-             (if (and (marker-position skip-region-start)
-                      (<= skip-region-start (point)))
-                 (progn
-                   ;; If region inside line comment, must keep comment start.
-                   (setq in-comment (point)
-                         in-comment
-                         (and comment-start
-                              (or (null comment-end) (string= "" comment-end))
-                              (save-excursion
-                                (beginning-of-line)
-                                (re-search-forward comment-start in-comment t))
-                              comment-start))
-                   ;; Can change skip-regexps (in ispell-message)
-                   (ispell-skip-region key) ; moves pt past region.
-                   (set-marker rstart (point))
-                   ;; check for saving large attachments...
-                   (setq query-fcc (and query-fcc
-                                        (ispell-ignore-fcc skip-region-start
-                                                           rstart)))
-                   (if (and (< rstart ispell-region-end)
-                            (re-search-forward
-                             (ispell-begin-skip-region-regexp)
-                             ispell-region-end t))
-                       (progn
-                         (setq key (match-string-no-properties 0))
-                         (set-marker skip-region-start
-                                     (- (point) (length key)))
-                         (goto-char rstart))
-                     (set-marker skip-region-start nil))))
-             (setq reg-end (max (point)
-                                (if (marker-position skip-region-start)
-                                    (min skip-region-start ispell-region-end)
-                                  (marker-position ispell-region-end))))
-             (let* ((ispell-start (point))
-                    (ispell-end (min (point-at-eol) reg-end))
-                    (string (ispell-get-line
-                              ispell-start ispell-end in-comment)))
-               (if in-comment          ; account for comment chars added
-                   (setq ispell-start (- ispell-start (length in-comment))
-                         in-comment nil))
-               (setq ispell-end (point)) ; "end" tracks region retrieved.
-               (if string              ; there is something to spell check!
-                   ;; (special start end)
-                   (setq shift (ispell-process-line string
-                                                    (and recheckp shift))))
-               (goto-char ispell-end)))))
-       (if ispell-quit
-           nil
-         (or shift 0)))
-    ;; protected
-    (if (and (not (and recheckp ispell-keep-choices-win))
-            (get-buffer ispell-choices-buffer))
-       (kill-buffer ispell-choices-buffer))
-    (set-marker skip-region-start nil)
-    (set-marker rstart nil)
-    (if ispell-quit
-       (progn
-         ;; preserve or clear the region for ispell-continue.
-         (if (not (numberp ispell-quit))
-             (set-marker ispell-region-end nil)
-           ;; Ispell-continue enabled - ispell-region-end is set.
-           (goto-char ispell-quit))
-         ;; Check for aborting
-         (if (and ispell-checking-message (numberp ispell-quit))
-             (progn
-               (setq ispell-quit nil)
-               (error "Message send aborted")))
-         (if (not recheckp) (setq ispell-quit nil)))
-      (if (not recheckp) (set-marker ispell-region-end nil))
-      ;; Only save if successful exit.
-      (ispell-pdict-save ispell-silently-savep)
-      (message "Spell-checking %s using %s with %s dictionary...done"
-              (if (and (= reg-start (point-min)) (= reg-end (point-max)))
-                  (buffer-name) "region")
-              (file-name-nondirectory ispell-program-name)
-              (or ispell-current-dictionary "default"))))))
+                (or ispell-current-dictionary "default"))))))
 (defun ispell-begin-skip-region-regexp ()

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