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[Emacs-diffs] /srv/bzr/emacs/trunk r112735: Rewrite Eshell tests using E

From: Aidan Gauland
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] /srv/bzr/emacs/trunk r112735: Rewrite Eshell tests using ERT
Date: Sun, 26 May 2013 19:54:01 +1200
User-agent: Bazaar (2.6b2)

revno: 112735
committer: Aidan Gauland <address@hidden>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Sun 2013-05-26 19:54:01 +1200
  Rewrite Eshell tests using ERT
=== modified file 'test/ChangeLog'
--- a/test/ChangeLog    2013-05-25 02:03:03 +0000
+++ b/test/ChangeLog    2013-05-26 07:54:01 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+2013-05-26  Aidan Gauland  <address@hidden>
+       * tests/eshell.el: Rewrite tests using ERT.
 2013-05-25  Leo Liu  <address@hidden>
        * indent/octave.m: Add tests for %!, # and ### comments.

=== modified file 'test/eshell.el'
--- a/test/eshell.el    2013-01-01 09:11:05 +0000
+++ b/test/eshell.el    2013-05-26 07:54:01 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-;;; esh-test.el --- Eshell test suite
+;;; tests/eshell.el --- Eshell test suite
 ;; Copyright (C) 1999-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
@@ -21,55 +21,20 @@
 ;;; Commentary:
-;; The purpose of this module is to verify that Eshell works as
-;; expected.  To run it on your system, use the command
-;; \\[eshell-test].
-;;; Code:
-  (require 'cl-lib)
-  (require 'eshell)
-  (require 'esh-util))
-(require 'esh-mode)
-(defgroup eshell-test nil
-  "This module is meant to ensure that Eshell is working correctly."
-  :tag "Eshell test suite"
-  :group 'eshell)
-;;; User Variables:
-(defface eshell-test-ok
-  '((((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "Green" :bold t))
-    (((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "Green" :bold t)))
-  "The face used to highlight OK result strings."
-  :group 'eshell-test)
-(define-obsolete-face-alias 'eshell-test-ok-face 'eshell-test-ok "22.1")
-(defface eshell-test-failed
-  '((((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "OrangeRed" :bold t))
-    (((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "OrangeRed" :bold t))
-    (t (:bold t)))
-  "The face used to highlight FAILED result strings."
-  :group 'eshell-test)
-(define-obsolete-face-alias 'eshell-test-failed-face 'eshell-test-failed 
-(defcustom eshell-show-usage-metrics nil
-  "If non-nil, display different usage metrics for each Eshell command."
-  :set (lambda (symbol value)
-        (if value
-            (add-hook 'eshell-mode-hook 'eshell-show-usage-metrics)
-          (remove-hook 'eshell-mode-hook 'eshell-show-usage-metrics))
-        (set symbol value))
-  :type '(choice (const :tag "No metrics" nil)
-                (const :tag "Cons cells consumed" t)
-                (const :tag "Time elapsed" 0))
-  :group 'eshell-test)
-;;; Code:
-(defvar test-buffer)
+;; Eshell test suite.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'ert)
+(require 'eshell)
+(defmacro with-temp-eshell (&rest body)
+  "Evaluate BODY in a temporary Eshell buffer."
+  `(let ((eshell-buffer (eshell t)))
+     (unwind-protect
+         (with-current-buffer eshell-buffer
+           ,@body)
+       (kill-buffer eshell-buffer))))
 (defun eshell-insert-command (text &optional func)
   "Insert a command at the end of the buffer."
@@ -87,335 +52,141 @@
   (eshell-insert-command text func)
   (eshell-match-result regexp))
-(defvar eshell-test-failures nil)
-(defun eshell-run-test (module funcsym label command)
-  "Test whether FORM evaluates to a non-nil value."
-  (when (let ((sym (intern-soft (concat "eshell-" (symbol-name module)))))
-         (or (memq sym (eshell-subgroups 'eshell))
-             (eshell-using-module sym)))
-    (with-current-buffer test-buffer
-      (insert-before-markers
-       (format "%-70s " (substring label 0 (min 70 (length label)))))
-      (insert-before-markers "  ....")
-      (eshell-redisplay))
-    (let ((truth (eval command)))
-      (with-current-buffer test-buffer
-       (delete-char -6)
-       (insert-before-markers
-        "[" (let (str)
-              (if truth
-                  (progn
-                    (setq str "  OK  ")
-                    (put-text-property 0 6 'face 'eshell-test-ok str))
-                (setq str "FAILED")
-                (setq eshell-test-failures (1+ eshell-test-failures))
-                (put-text-property 0 6 'face 'eshell-test-failed str))
-              str) "]")
-       (add-text-properties (line-beginning-position) (point)
-                            (list 'test-func funcsym))
-       (eshell-redisplay)))))
-(defun eshell-test-goto-func ()
-  "Jump to the function that defines a particular test."
-  (interactive)
-  (let ((fsym (get-text-property (point) 'test-func)))
-    (when fsym
-      (let* ((def (symbol-function fsym))
-            (library (locate-library (symbol-file fsym 'defun)))
-            (name (substring (symbol-name fsym)
-                             (length "eshell-test--")))
-            (inhibit-redisplay t))
-       (find-file library)
-       (goto-char (point-min))
-       (re-search-forward (concat "^(eshell-deftest\\s-+\\w+\\s-+"
-                                  name))
-       (beginning-of-line)))))
-(defun eshell-run-one-test (&optional arg)
-  "Jump to the function that defines a particular test."
-  (interactive "P")
-  (let ((fsym (get-text-property (point) 'test-func)))
-    (when fsym
-      (beginning-of-line)
-      (delete-region (point) (line-end-position))
-      (let ((test-buffer (current-buffer)))
-       (set-buffer (let ((inhibit-redisplay t))
-                     (save-window-excursion (eshell t))))
-       (funcall fsym)
-       (unless arg
-         (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))))))
-(defun eshell-test (&optional arg)
-  "Test Eshell to verify that it works as expected."
-  (interactive "P")
-  (let* ((begin (float-time))
-        (test-buffer (get-buffer-create "*eshell test*")))
-    (set-buffer (let ((inhibit-redisplay t))
-                 (save-window-excursion (eshell t))))
-    (with-current-buffer test-buffer
-      (erase-buffer)
-      (setq major-mode 'eshell-test-mode)
-      (setq mode-name "EShell Test")
-      (set (make-local-variable 'eshell-test-failures) 0)
-      (local-set-key [(control ?c) (control ?c)] 'eshell-test-goto-func)
-      (local-set-key [(control ?c) (control ?r)] 'eshell-run-one-test)
-      (local-set-key [(control ?m)] 'eshell-test-goto-func)
-      (local-set-key [return] 'eshell-test-goto-func)
-      (insert "Testing Eshell under " (emacs-version))
-      (switch-to-buffer test-buffer)
-      (delete-other-windows))
-    (dolist (funcname (sort (all-completions "eshell-test--"
-                                               obarray 'functionp)
-                              'string-lessp))
-      (with-current-buffer test-buffer
-       (insert "\n"))
-      (funcall (intern-soft funcname)))
-    (with-current-buffer test-buffer
-      (insert (format "\n\n--- %s --- (completed in %d seconds)\n"
-                     (current-time-string)
-                     (- (float-time) begin)))
-      (message "Eshell test suite completed: %s failure%s"
-              (if (> eshell-test-failures 0)
-                  (number-to-string eshell-test-failures)
-                "No")
-              (if (= eshell-test-failures 1) "" "s"))))
-  (goto-char eshell-last-output-end)
-  (unless arg
-    (kill-buffer (current-buffer))))
-(defvar eshell-metric-before-command 0)
-(defvar eshell-metric-after-command 0)
-(defun eshell-show-usage-metrics ()
-  "If run at Eshell mode startup, metrics are shown after each command."
-  (set (make-local-variable 'eshell-metric-before-command)
-       (if (eq eshell-show-usage-metrics t)
-          0
-        (current-time)))
-  (set (make-local-variable 'eshell-metric-after-command)
-       (if (eq eshell-show-usage-metrics t)
-          0
-        (current-time)))
-  (add-hook 'eshell-pre-command-hook
-           (function
-            (lambda ()
-              (setq eshell-metric-before-command
-                    (if (eq eshell-show-usage-metrics t)
-                        (car (memory-use-counts))
-                      (current-time))))) nil t)
-  (add-hook 'eshell-post-command-hook
-           (function
-            (lambda ()
-              (setq eshell-metric-after-command
-                    (if (eq eshell-show-usage-metrics t)
-                        (car (memory-use-counts))
-                      (current-time)))
-              (eshell-interactive-print
-               (concat
-                (int-to-string
-                 (if (eq eshell-show-usage-metrics t)
-                     (- eshell-metric-after-command
-                        eshell-metric-before-command 7)
-                   (- (float-time
-                       eshell-metric-after-command)
-                      (float-time
-                       eshell-metric-before-command))))
-                "\n"))))
-           nil t))
-;;; The tests.
-(defmacro eshell-deftest (module name label &rest forms)
-  (declare (indent 2))
-  (if (and (fboundp 'cl-compiling-file) (cl-compiling-file))
-      nil
-    (let ((fsym (intern (concat "eshell-test--" (symbol-name name)))))
-      `(eval-when-compile
-        (ignore
-         (defun ,fsym () ,label
-           (eshell-run-test (quote ,module) (quote ,fsym) ,label
-                            (quote (progn ,@forms)))))))))
-(eshell-deftest mode same-window-buffer-names
-  "`eshell-buffer-name' is a member of `same-window-buffer-names'"
-  (member eshell-buffer-name same-window-buffer-names))
-(eshell-deftest mode eshell-directory-exists
-  "`eshell-directory-name' exists and is writable"
-  (file-writable-p eshell-directory-name))
-(eshell-deftest mode eshell-directory-modes
-  "`eshell-directory-name' has correct access protections"
-  (or (eshell-under-windows-p)
-      (= (file-modes eshell-directory-name)
-        eshell-private-directory-modes)))
-(eshell-deftest mode simple-command-result
-  "`eshell-command-result' works with a simple command."
-  (= (eshell-command-result "+ 1 2") 3))
-(require 'em-banner)
-(eshell-deftest banner banner-displayed
-  "Startup banner is displayed at point-min"
-  (cl-assert eshell-banner-message)
-  (let ((msg (eval eshell-banner-message)))
-    (cl-assert msg)
-    (goto-char (point-min))
-    (looking-at msg)))
-(require 'esh-cmd)
-(eshell-deftest var last-result-var
-  "\"last result\" variable"
-  (eshell-command-result-p "+ 1 2; + $$ 2" "3\n5\n"))
-(eshell-deftest var last-result-var2
-  "\"last result\" variable"
-  (eshell-command-result-p "+ 1 2; + $$ $$" "3\n6\n"))
-(eshell-deftest var last-arg-var
-  "\"last arg\" variable"
-  (eshell-command-result-p "+ 1 2; + $_ 4" "3\n6\n"))
-(eshell-deftest cmd lisp-command
-  "Evaluate Lisp command"
-  (eshell-command-result-p "(+ 1 2)" "3"))
-(eshell-deftest cmd lisp-command-args
-  "Evaluate Lisp command (ignore args)"
-  (eshell-command-result-p "(+ 1 2) 3" "3"))
-(eshell-deftest cmd subcommand
-  "Run subcommand"
-  (eshell-command-result-p "{+ 1 2}" "3\n"))
-(eshell-deftest cmd subcommand-args
-  "Run subcommand (ignore args)"
-  (eshell-command-result-p "{+ 1 2} 3" "3\n"))
-(eshell-deftest cmd subcommand-lisp
-  "Run subcommand + Lisp form"
-  (eshell-command-result-p "{(+ 1 2)}" "3\n"))
-(eshell-deftest cmd named-command
-  "Execute named command"
-  (eshell-command-result-p "+ 1 2" "3\n"))
-(require 'esh-mode)
-(eshell-deftest mode major-mode
-  "Major mode is correct"
-  (eq major-mode 'eshell-mode))
-(eshell-deftest mode eshell-mode-variable
-  "`eshell-mode' is true"
-  (eq eshell-mode t))
-(eshell-deftest var window-height
-  "LINES equals window height"
-  (let ((eshell-stringify-t t))
-    (eshell-command-result-p "= $LINES (window-height)" "t\n")))
-(eshell-deftest mode command-running-p
-  "Modeline shows no command running"
-  (or (featurep 'xemacs)
-      (not eshell-status-in-modeline)
-      (and (memq 'eshell-command-running-string mode-line-format)
-          (equal eshell-command-running-string "--"))))
-(eshell-deftest arg forward-arg
-  "Move across command arguments"
-  (eshell-insert-command "echo $(+ 1 (- 4 3)) \"alpha beta\" file" 'ignore)
-  (let ((here (point)) begin valid)
-    (eshell-bol)
-    (setq begin (point))
-    (eshell-forward-argument 4)
-    (setq valid (= here (point)))
-    (eshell-backward-argument 4)
-    (prog1
-       (and valid (= begin (point)))
-      (eshell-bol)
-      (delete-region (point) (point-max)))))
-(eshell-deftest mode queue-input
-  "Queue command input"
-  (eshell-insert-command "sleep 2")
-  (eshell-insert-command "echo alpha" 'eshell-queue-input)
-  (let ((count 10))
-    (while (and eshell-current-command
-               (> count 0))
-      (sit-for 1 0)
-      (setq count (1- count))))
-  (eshell-match-result "alpha\n"))
-; (eshell-deftest proc send-to-subprocess
-;   "Send input to a subprocess"
-;   ;; jww (1999-12-06): what about when bc is unavailable?
-;   (if (not (eshell-search-path "bc"))
-;       t
-;     (eshell-insert-command "bc")
-;     (eshell-insert-command "1 + 2")
-;     (sit-for 1 0)
-;     (forward-line -1)
-;     (prog1
-;      (looking-at "3\n")
-;       (eshell-insert-command "quit")
-;       (sit-for 1 0))))
-(eshell-deftest io flush-output
-  "Flush previous output"
-  (eshell-insert-command "echo alpha")
-  (eshell-kill-output)
-  (and (eshell-match-result (regexp-quote "*** output flushed ***\n"))
-       (forward-line)
-       (= (point) eshell-last-output-start)))
-(eshell-deftest mode run-old-command
-  "Re-run an old command"
-  (eshell-insert-command "echo alpha")
-  (goto-char eshell-last-input-start)
-  (string= (eshell-get-old-input) "echo alpha"))
-(require 'esh-var)
-(eshell-deftest var interp-cmd
+;;; Tests:
+(ert-deftest eshell-test/simple-command-result ()
+  "Test `eshell-command-result' with a simple command."
+  (should (equal (eshell-command-result "+ 1 2") 3)))
+(ert-deftest eshell-test/lisp-command ()
+  "Test `eshell-command-result' with an elisp command."
+  (should (equal (eshell-command-result "(+ 1 2)") 3)))
+(ert-deftest eshell-test/lisp-command-args ()
+  "Test `eshell-command-result' with elisp and trailing args.
+Test that trailing arguments outside the S-expression are
+ignored.  e.g. \"(+ 1 2) 3\" => 3"
+  (should (equal (eshell-command-result "(+ 1 2) 3") 3)))
+(ert-deftest eshell-test/subcommand ()
+  "Test `eshell-command-result' with a simple subcommand."
+  (should (equal (eshell-command-result "{+ 1 2}") 3)))
+(ert-deftest eshell-test/subcommand-args ()
+  "Test `eshell-command-result' with a subcommand and trailing args.
+Test that trailing arguments outside the subcommand are ignored.
+e.g. \"{+ 1 2} 3\" => 3"
+  (should (equal (eshell-command-result "{+ 1 2} 3") 3)))
+(ert-deftest eshell-test/subcommand-lisp ()
+  "Test `eshell-command-result' with an elisp subcommand and trailing args.
+Test that trailing arguments outside the subcommand are ignored.
+e.g. \"{(+ 1 2)} 3\" => 3"
+  (should (equal (eshell-command-result "{(+ 1 2)} 3") 3)))
+(ert-deftest eshell-test/interp-cmd ()
   "Interpolate command result"
-  (eshell-command-result-p "+ ${+ 1 2} 3" "6\n"))
+  (should (equal (eshell-command-result "+ ${+ 1 2} 3") 6)))
-(eshell-deftest var interp-lisp
+(ert-deftest eshell-test/interp-lisp ()
   "Interpolate Lisp form evaluation"
-  (eshell-command-result-p "+ $(+ 1 2) 3" "6\n"))
+  (should (equal (eshell-command-result "+ $(+ 1 2) 3") 6)))
-(eshell-deftest var interp-concat
+(ert-deftest eshell-test/interp-concat ()
   "Interpolate and concat command"
-  (eshell-command-result-p "+ ${+ 1 2}3 3" "36\n"))
+  (should (equal (eshell-command-result "+ ${+ 1 2}3 3") 36)))
-(eshell-deftest var interp-concat-lisp
+(ert-deftest eshell-test/interp-concat-lisp ()
   "Interpolate and concat Lisp form"
-  (eshell-command-result-p "+ $(+ 1 2)3 3" "36\n"))
+  (should (equal (eshell-command-result "+ $(+ 1 2)3 3") 36)))
-(eshell-deftest var interp-concat2
+(ert-deftest eshell-test/interp-concat2 ()
   "Interpolate and concat two commands"
-  (eshell-command-result-p "+ ${+ 1 2}${+ 1 2} 3" "36\n"))
+  (should (equal (eshell-command-result "+ ${+ 1 2}${+ 1 2} 3") 36)))
-(eshell-deftest var interp-concat-lisp2
+(ert-deftest eshell-test/interp-concat-lisp2 ()
   "Interpolate and concat two Lisp forms"
-  (eshell-command-result-p "+ $(+ 1 2)$(+ 1 2) 3" "36\n"))
+  (should (equal (eshell-command-result "+ $(+ 1 2)$(+ 1 2) 3") 36)))
+(ert-deftest eshell-test/window-height ()
+  "$LINES should equal (window-height)"
+  (should (eshell-command-result "= $LINES (window-height)")))
+(ert-deftest eshell-test/window-width ()
+  "$COLUMNS should equal (window-width)"
+  (should (eshell-command-result "= $COLUMNS (window-width)")))
+(ert-deftest eshell-test/last-result-var ()
+  "Test using the \"last result\" ($$) variable"
+  (with-temp-eshell
+   (should
+    (eshell-command-result-p "+ 1 2; + $$ 2"
+                             "3\n5\n"))))
+(ert-deftest eshell-test/last-result-var2 ()
+  "Test using the \"last result\" ($$) variable twice"
+  (with-temp-eshell
+   (should
+    (eshell-command-result-p "+ 1 2; + $$ $$"
+                             "3\n6\n"))))
+(ert-deftest eshell-test/last-arg-var ()
+  "Test using the \"last arg\" ($_) variable"
+  (with-temp-eshell
+   (should
+    (eshell-command-result-p "+ 1 2; + $_ 4"
+                             "3\n6\n"))))
+(ert-deftest eshell-test/command-running-p ()
+  "Modeline should show no command running"
+  (with-temp-eshell
+   (let ((eshell-status-in-mode-line t))
+     (should (memq 'eshell-command-running-string mode-line-format))
+     (should (equal eshell-command-running-string "--")))))
+(ert-deftest eshell-test/forward-arg ()
+  "Test moving across command arguments"
+  (with-temp-eshell
+   (eshell-insert-command "echo $(+ 1 (- 4 3)) \"alpha beta\" file" 'ignore)
+   (let ((here (point)) begin valid)
+     (eshell-bol)
+     (setq begin (point))
+     (eshell-forward-argument 4)
+     (setq valid (= here (point)))
+     (eshell-backward-argument 4)
+     (prog1
+         (and valid (= begin (point)))
+       (eshell-bol)
+       (delete-region (point) (point-max))))))
+(ert-deftest eshell-test/queue-input ()
+  "Test queuing command input"
+  (with-temp-eshell
+   (eshell-insert-command "sleep 2")
+   (eshell-insert-command "echo alpha" 'eshell-queue-input)
+   (let ((count 10))
+     (while (and eshell-current-command
+                 (> count 0))
+       (sit-for 1)
+       (setq count (1- count))))
+   (should (eshell-match-result "alpha\n"))))
+(ert-deftest eshell-test/flush-output ()
+  "Test flushing of previous output"
+  (with-temp-eshell
+   (eshell-insert-command "echo alpha")
+   (eshell-kill-output)
+   (should (eshell-match-result (regexp-quote "*** output flushed ***\n")))
+   (should (forward-line))
+   (should (= (point) eshell-last-output-start))))
+(ert-deftest eshell-test/run-old-command ()
+  "Re-run an old command"
+  (with-temp-eshell
+   (eshell-insert-command "echo alpha")
+   (goto-char eshell-last-input-start)
+   (string= (eshell-get-old-input) "echo alpha")))
 (provide 'esh-test)
-;;; esh-test.el ends here
+;;; tests/eshell.el ends here

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