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[Emacs-diffs] master 4150b56: python.el: Enhancements to process environ

From: Fabián Ezequiel Gallina
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] master 4150b56: python.el: Enhancements to process environment setup.
Date: Fri, 21 Aug 2015 22:07:18 +0000

branch: master
commit 4150b563e7877a0c65233c9e7bd3fa64a7a14342
Author: Fabián Ezequiel Gallina <address@hidden>
Commit: Fabián Ezequiel Gallina <address@hidden>

    python.el: Enhancements to process environment setup.
    * lisp/progmodes/python.el (python-shell-process-environment)
    (python-shell-extra-pythonpaths, python-shell-exec-path)
    (python-shell-virtualenv-root): Update docstring.  Remove :safe.
    (python-shell-setup-codes): Remove :safe.
    (python-shell-remote-exec-path): New defcustom.
    (python-shell--add-to-path-with-priority): New macro.
    (python-shell-calculate-pythonpath): Give priority to
    python-shell-extra-pythonpaths.  Update docstring.
    (python-shell-calculate-process-environment): Give priority to
    python-shell-process-environment.  Update docstring.
    (python-shell-calculate-exec-path): Give priority to
    python-shell-exec-path and calculated virtualenv bin directory.
    Update docstring.
    (python-shell-tramp-refresh-remote-path): New function.
    (python-shell-with-environment): Use it when working remotely and
    do not modify tramp-remote-path.  Allow nesting.
    (python-shell-calculate-command): Remove useless
    python-shell-with-environment call.
    * test/automated/python-tests.el (python-shell-calculate-pythonpath-1)
    (python-shell-with-environment-3): New tests.
    (python-shell-with-environment-2): Update and simplify.
 lisp/progmodes/python.el       |  207 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 test/automated/python-tests.el |  207 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 2 files changed, 264 insertions(+), 150 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/progmodes/python.el b/lisp/progmodes/python.el
index 189cd37..e6592fb 100644
--- a/lisp/progmodes/python.el
+++ b/lisp/progmodes/python.el
@@ -1957,42 +1957,52 @@ Python shell.  See commentary for details."
   :safe 'booleanp)
 (defcustom python-shell-process-environment nil
-  "List of environment variables for Python shell.
-This variable follows the same rules as `process-environment'
-since it merges with it before the process creation routines are
-called.  When this variable is nil, the Python shell is run with
-the default `process-environment'."
+  "List of overridden environment variables for subprocesses to inherit.
+Each element should be a string of the form ENVVARNAME=VALUE.
+When this variable is non-nil, values are exported into the
+process environment before starting it.  Any variables already
+present in the current environment are superseded by variables
+set here."
   :type '(repeat string)
-  :group 'python
-  :safe 'listp)
+  :group 'python)
 (defcustom python-shell-extra-pythonpaths nil
   "List of extra pythonpaths for Python shell.
-The values of this variable are added to the existing value of
-PYTHONPATH in the `process-environment' variable."
+When this variable is non-nil, values added at the beginning of
+the PYTHONPATH before starting processes.  Any values present
+here that already exists in PYTHONPATH are moved to the beginning
+of the list so that they are prioritized when looking for
   :type '(repeat string)
-  :group 'python
-  :safe 'listp)
+  :group 'python)
 (defcustom python-shell-exec-path nil
-  "List of path to search for binaries.
-This variable follows the same rules as `exec-path' since it
-merges with it before the process creation routines are called.
-When this variable is nil, the Python shell is run with the
-default `exec-path'."
+  "List of paths for searching executables.
+When this variable is non-nil, values added at the beginning of
+the PATH before starting processes.  Any values present here that
+already exists in PATH are moved to the beginning of the list so
+that they are prioritized when looking for executables."
   :type '(repeat string)
-  :group 'python
-  :safe 'listp)
+  :group 'python)
+(defcustom python-shell-remote-exec-path nil
+  "List of paths to be ensured remotely for searching executables.
+When this variable is non-nil, values are exported into remote
+hosts PATH before starting processes.  Values defined in
+`python-shell-exec-path' will take precedence to paths defined
+here.  Normally you wont use this variable directly unless you
+plan to ensure a particular set of paths to all Python shell
+executed through tramp connections."
+  :type '(repeat string)
+  :group 'python)
 (defcustom python-shell-virtualenv-root nil
   "Path to virtualenv root.
-This variable, when set to a string, makes the values stored in
-`python-shell-process-environment' and `python-shell-exec-path'
-to be modified properly so shells are started with the specified
+This variable, when set to a string, makes the environment to be
+modified such that shells are started within the specified
   :type '(choice (const nil) string)
-  :group 'python
-  :safe 'stringp)
+  :group 'python)
   'python-shell-virtualenv-path 'python-shell-virtualenv-root "25.1")
@@ -2002,8 +2012,7 @@ virtualenv."
   "List of code run by `python-shell-send-setup-codes'."
   :type '(repeat symbol)
-  :group 'python
-  :safe 'listp)
+  :group 'python)
 (defcustom python-shell-compilation-regexp-alist
   `((,(rx line-start (1+ (any " \t")) "File \""
@@ -2020,22 +2029,37 @@ virtualenv."
   :type '(alist string)
   :group 'python)
+(defmacro python-shell--add-to-path-with-priority (pathvar paths)
+  "Modify PATHVAR and ensure PATHS are added only once at beginning."
+  `(dolist (path (reverse ,paths))
+     (cl-delete path ,pathvar :test #'string=)
+     (cl-pushnew path ,pathvar :test #'string=)))
+(defun python-shell-calculate-pythonpath ()
+  "Calculate the PYTHONPATH using `python-shell-extra-pythonpaths'."
+  (let ((pythonpath
+         (tramp-compat-split-string
+          (or (getenv "PYTHONPATH") "") path-separator)))
+    (python-shell--add-to-path-with-priority
+     pythonpath python-shell-extra-pythonpaths)
+    (mapconcat 'identity pythonpath path-separator)))
 (defun python-shell-calculate-process-environment ()
   "Calculate `process-environment' or `tramp-remote-process-environment'.
-Pre-appends `python-shell-process-environment', sets extra
+Prepends `python-shell-process-environment', sets extra
 pythonpaths from `python-shell-extra-pythonpaths' and sets a few
 virtualenv related vars.  If `default-directory' points to a
-remote machine, the returned value is intended for
+remote host, the returned value is intended for
   (let* ((remote-p (file-remote-p default-directory))
-         (process-environment (append
-                               python-shell-process-environment
-                               (if remote-p
-                                   tramp-remote-process-environment
-                                 process-environment) nil))
-         (virtualenv (if python-shell-virtualenv-root
-                         (directory-file-name python-shell-virtualenv-root)
-                       nil)))
+         (process-environment (if remote-p
+                                  tramp-remote-process-environment
+                                process-environment))
+         (virtualenv (when python-shell-virtualenv-root
+                       (directory-file-name python-shell-virtualenv-root))))
+    (dolist (env python-shell-process-environment)
+      (pcase-let ((`(,key ,value) (split-string env "=")))
+        (setenv key value)))
     (when python-shell-unbuffered
       (setenv "PYTHONUNBUFFERED" "1"))
     (when python-shell-extra-pythonpaths
@@ -2047,50 +2071,71 @@ remote machine, the returned value is intended for
 (defun python-shell-calculate-exec-path ()
-  "Calculate `exec-path' or `tramp-remote-path'.
-Pre-appends `python-shell-exec-path' and adds the binary
-directory for virtualenv if `python-shell-virtualenv-root' is
-set.  If `default-directory' points to a remote machine, the
-returned value is intended for `tramp-remote-path'."
-  (let ((path (append
-               ;; Use nil as the tail so that the list is a full copy,
-               ;; this is a paranoid safeguard for side-effects.
-               python-shell-exec-path
-               (if (file-remote-p default-directory)
-                   tramp-remote-path
-                 exec-path)
-               nil)))
+  "Calculate `exec-path'.
+Prepends `python-shell-exec-path' and adds the binary directory
+for virtualenv if `python-shell-virtualenv-root' is set.  If
+`default-directory' points to a remote host, the returned value
+appends `python-shell-remote-exec-path' instead of `exec-path'."
+  (let ((new-path (copy-sequence
+                   (if (file-remote-p default-directory)
+                       python-shell-remote-exec-path
+                     exec-path))))
+    (python-shell--add-to-path-with-priority
+     new-path python-shell-exec-path)
     (if (not python-shell-virtualenv-root)
-        path
-      (cons (expand-file-name "bin" python-shell-virtualenv-root)
-            path))))
+        new-path
+      (python-shell--add-to-path-with-priority
+       new-path
+       (list (expand-file-name "bin" python-shell-virtualenv-root)))
+      new-path)))
+(defun python-shell-tramp-refresh-remote-path (vec paths)
+  "Update VEC's remote-path giving PATHS priority."
+  (let ((remote-path (tramp-get-connection-property vec "remote-path" nil)))
+    (when remote-path
+      (python-shell--add-to-path-with-priority remote-path paths)
+      (tramp-set-connection-property vec "remote-path" remote-path)
+      (tramp-set-remote-path vec))))
+(defvar python-shell--with-environment-wrapped nil)
 (defmacro python-shell-with-environment (&rest body)
   "Modify shell environment during execution of BODY.
 Temporarily sets `process-environment' and `exec-path' during
 execution of body.  If `default-directory' points to a remote
 machine then modifies `tramp-remote-process-environment' and
-`tramp-remote-path' instead."
+`python-shell-remote-exec-path' instead."
   (declare (indent 0) (debug (body)))
-  (let ((remote-p (make-symbol "remote-p")))
-    `(let* ((,remote-p (file-remote-p default-directory))
-            (process-environment
-             (if ,remote-p
-                 process-environment
-               (python-shell-calculate-process-environment)))
-            (tramp-remote-process-environment
-             (if ,remote-p
-                 (python-shell-calculate-process-environment)
-               tramp-remote-process-environment))
-            (exec-path
-             (if ,remote-p
-                 exec-path
-               (python-shell-calculate-exec-path)))
-            (tramp-remote-path
-             (if ,remote-p
-                 (python-shell-calculate-exec-path)
-               tramp-remote-path)))
-       ,(macroexp-progn body))))
+  (let ((vec (make-symbol "vec")))
+    `(progn
+       (if python-shell--with-environment-wrapped
+           ,(macroexp-progn body)
+         (let* ((,vec
+                 (when (file-remote-p default-directory)
+                   (ignore-errors
+                     (tramp-dissect-file-name default-directory 'noexpand))))
+                (process-environment
+                 (if ,vec
+                     process-environment
+                   (python-shell-calculate-process-environment)))
+                (exec-path
+                 (if ,vec
+                     exec-path
+                   (python-shell-calculate-exec-path)))
+                (tramp-remote-process-environment
+                 (if ,vec
+                     (python-shell-calculate-process-environment)
+                   tramp-remote-process-environment))
+                (python-shell--with-environment-wrapped t))
+           (when (tramp-get-connection-process ,vec)
+             ;; For already existing connections, modified env vars must
+             ;; be re-set again.  This is a normal thing to happen when
+             ;; remote dir-locals are read from remote and *then*
+             ;; processes should be started within the same connection
+             ;; with env vars calculated from them.
+             (python-shell-tramp-refresh-remote-path
+              ,vec (python-shell-calculate-exec-path)))
+           ,(macroexp-progn body))))))
 (defvar python-shell--prompt-calculated-input-regexp nil
   "Calculated input prompt regexp for inferior python shell.
@@ -2271,28 +2316,14 @@ the `buffer-name'."
 (defun python-shell-calculate-command ()
   "Calculate the string used to execute the inferior Python process."
-  (python-shell-with-environment
-    ;; `exec-path' gets tweaked so that virtualenv's specific
-    ;; `python-shell-interpreter' absolute path can be found by
-    ;; `executable-find'.
-    (format "%s %s"
-            (shell-quote-argument python-shell-interpreter)
-            python-shell-interpreter-args)))
+  (format "%s %s"
+          (shell-quote-argument python-shell-interpreter)
+          python-shell-interpreter-args))
   #'python-shell-calculate-command "25.1")
-(defun python-shell-calculate-pythonpath ()
-  "Calculate the PYTHONPATH using `python-shell-extra-pythonpaths'."
-  (let ((pythonpath (getenv "PYTHONPATH"))
-        (extra (mapconcat 'identity
-                          python-shell-extra-pythonpaths
-                          path-separator)))
-    (if pythonpath
-        (concat extra path-separator pythonpath)
-      extra)))
 (defvar python-shell--package-depth 10)
 (defun python-shell-package-enable (directory package)
diff --git a/test/automated/python-tests.el b/test/automated/python-tests.el
index d490f7f..1f8533f 100644
--- a/test/automated/python-tests.el
+++ b/test/automated/python-tests.el
@@ -2440,107 +2440,190 @@ Using `python-shell-interpreter' and
+(ert-deftest python-shell-calculate-pythonpath-1 ()
+  "Test PYTHONPATH calculation."
+  (let ((process-environment '("PYTHONPATH=/path0"))
+        (python-shell-extra-pythonpaths '("/path1" "/path2")))
+    (should (string= (python-shell-calculate-pythonpath)
+                     "/path1:/path2:/path0"))))
+(ert-deftest python-shell-calculate-pythonpath-2 ()
+  "Test existing paths are moved to front."
+  (let ((process-environment '("PYTHONPATH=/path0:/path1"))
+        (python-shell-extra-pythonpaths '("/path1" "/path2")))
+    (should (string= (python-shell-calculate-pythonpath)
+                     "/path1:/path2:/path0"))))
 (ert-deftest python-shell-calculate-process-environment-1 ()
   "Test `python-shell-process-environment' modification."
   (let* ((python-shell-process-environment
           '("TESTVAR1=value1" "TESTVAR2=value2"))
-         (process-environment
-          (python-shell-calculate-process-environment)))
+         (process-environment (python-shell-calculate-process-environment)))
     (should (equal (getenv "TESTVAR1") "value1"))
     (should (equal (getenv "TESTVAR2") "value2"))))
 (ert-deftest python-shell-calculate-process-environment-2 ()
   "Test `python-shell-extra-pythonpaths' modification."
   (let* ((process-environment process-environment)
-         (original-pythonpath (setenv "PYTHONPATH" "path3"))
-         (paths '("path1" "path2"))
-         (python-shell-extra-pythonpaths paths)
-         (process-environment
-          (python-shell-calculate-process-environment)))
-    (should (equal (getenv "PYTHONPATH")
-                   (concat
-                    (mapconcat 'identity paths path-separator)
-                    path-separator original-pythonpath)))))
+         (original-pythonpath (setenv "PYTHONPATH" "/path0"))
+         (python-shell-extra-pythonpaths '("/path1" "/path2"))
+         (process-environment (python-shell-calculate-process-environment)))
+    (should (equal (getenv "PYTHONPATH") "/path1:/path2:/path0"))))
 (ert-deftest python-shell-calculate-process-environment-3 ()
   "Test `python-shell-virtualenv-root' modification."
-  (let* ((python-shell-virtualenv-root
-          (directory-file-name user-emacs-directory))
+  (let* ((python-shell-virtualenv-root "/env")
-          (python-shell-calculate-process-environment)))
+          (let (process-environment process-environment)
+            (setenv "PYTHONHOME" "/home")
+            (setenv "VIRTUAL_ENV")
+            (python-shell-calculate-process-environment))))
     (should (not (getenv "PYTHONHOME")))
-    (should (string= (getenv "VIRTUAL_ENV") python-shell-virtualenv-root))))
+    (should (string= (getenv "VIRTUAL_ENV") "/env"))))
 (ert-deftest python-shell-calculate-process-environment-4 ()
-  "Test `python-shell-unbuffered' modification."
-  (let* ((process-environment
-          (python-shell-calculate-process-environment)))
-    ;; Defaults to t
-    (should python-shell-unbuffered)
+  "Test PYTHONUNBUFFERED when `python-shell-unbuffered' is non-nil."
+  (let* ((python-shell-unbuffered t)
+         (process-environment
+          (let ((process-environment process-environment))
+            (setenv "PYTHONUNBUFFERED")
+            (python-shell-calculate-process-environment))))
     (should (string= (getenv "PYTHONUNBUFFERED") "1"))))
 (ert-deftest python-shell-calculate-process-environment-5 ()
-  "Test `python-shell-unbuffered' modification."
+  "Test PYTHONUNBUFFERED when `python-shell-unbuffered' is nil."
   (let* ((python-shell-unbuffered nil)
-          (python-shell-calculate-process-environment)))
+          (let ((process-environment process-environment))
+            (setenv "PYTHONUNBUFFERED")
+            (python-shell-calculate-process-environment))))
     (should (not (getenv "PYTHONUNBUFFERED")))))
+(ert-deftest python-shell-calculate-process-environment-6 ()
+  "Test PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 when `python-shell-unbuffered' is nil."
+  (let* ((python-shell-unbuffered nil)
+         (process-environment
+          (let ((process-environment process-environment))
+            (setenv "PYTHONUNBUFFERED" "1")
+            (python-shell-calculate-process-environment))))
+    ;; User default settings must remain untouched:
+    (should (string= (getenv "PYTHONUNBUFFERED") "1"))))
+(ert-deftest python-shell-calculate-process-environment-7 ()
+  "Test no side-effects on `process-environment'."
+  (let* ((python-shell-process-environment
+          '("TESTVAR1=value1" "TESTVAR2=value2"))
+         (python-shell-virtualenv-root "/env")
+         (python-shell-unbuffered t)
+         (python-shell-extra-pythonpaths'("/path1" "/path2"))
+         (original-process-environment (copy-sequence process-environment)))
+    (python-shell-calculate-process-environment)
+    (should (equal process-environment original-process-environment))))
+(ert-deftest python-shell-calculate-process-environment-8 ()
+  "Test no side-effects on `tramp-remote-process-environment'."
+  (let* ((default-directory "/ssh::/example/dir/")
+         (python-shell-process-environment
+          '("TESTVAR1=value1" "TESTVAR2=value2"))
+         (python-shell-virtualenv-root "/env")
+         (python-shell-unbuffered t)
+         (python-shell-extra-pythonpaths'("/path1" "/path2"))
+         (original-process-environment
+          (copy-sequence tramp-remote-process-environment)))
+    (python-shell-calculate-process-environment)
+    (should (equal tramp-remote-process-environment 
 (ert-deftest python-shell-calculate-exec-path-1 ()
   "Test `python-shell-exec-path' modification."
-  (let* ((original-exec-path exec-path)
-         (python-shell-exec-path '("path1" "path2"))
-         (exec-path (python-shell-calculate-exec-path)))
-    (should (equal
-             exec-path
-             (append python-shell-exec-path
-                     original-exec-path)))))
+  (let* ((exec-path '("/path0"))
+         (python-shell-exec-path '("/path1" "/path2"))
+         (new-exec-path (python-shell-calculate-exec-path)))
+    (should (equal new-exec-path '("/path1" "/path2" "/path0")))))
 (ert-deftest python-shell-calculate-exec-path-2 ()
   "Test `python-shell-virtualenv-root' modification."
-  (let* ((original-exec-path exec-path)
-         (python-shell-virtualenv-root
-          (directory-file-name (expand-file-name user-emacs-directory)))
-         (exec-path (python-shell-calculate-exec-path)))
-    (should (equal
-             exec-path
-             (append (cons
-                      (format "%s/bin" python-shell-virtualenv-root)
-                      original-exec-path))))))
+  (let* ((exec-path '("/path0"))
+         (python-shell-virtualenv-root "/env")
+         (new-exec-path (python-shell-calculate-exec-path)))
+    (should (equal new-exec-path '("/env/bin" "/path0")))))
+(ert-deftest python-shell-calculate-exec-path-3 ()
+  "Test complete `python-shell-virtualenv-root' modification."
+  (let* ((exec-path '("/path0"))
+         (python-shell-exec-path '("/path1" "/path2"))
+         (python-shell-virtualenv-root "/env")
+         (new-exec-path (python-shell-calculate-exec-path)))
+    (should (equal new-exec-path '("/env/bin" "/path1" "/path2" "/path0")))))
+(ert-deftest python-shell-calculate-exec-path-4 ()
+  "Test complete `python-shell-virtualenv-root' with remote."
+  (let* ((default-directory "/ssh::/example/dir/")
+         (python-shell-remote-exec-path '("/path0"))
+         (python-shell-exec-path '("/path1" "/path2"))
+         (python-shell-virtualenv-root "/env")
+         (new-exec-path (python-shell-calculate-exec-path)))
+    (should (equal new-exec-path '("/env/bin" "/path1" "/path2" "/path0")))))
+(ert-deftest python-shell-calculate-exec-path-5 ()
+  "Test no side-effects on `exec-path'."
+  (let* ((exec-path '("/path0"))
+         (python-shell-exec-path '("/path1" "/path2"))
+         (python-shell-virtualenv-root "/env")
+         (original-exec-path (copy-sequence exec-path)))
+    (python-shell-calculate-exec-path)
+    (should (equal exec-path original-exec-path))))
+(ert-deftest python-shell-calculate-exec-path-6 ()
+  "Test no side-effects on `python-shell-remote-exec-path'."
+  (let* ((default-directory "/ssh::/example/dir/")
+         (python-shell-remote-exec-path '("/path0"))
+         (python-shell-exec-path '("/path1" "/path2"))
+         (python-shell-virtualenv-root "/env")
+         (original-exec-path (copy-sequence python-shell-remote-exec-path)))
+    (python-shell-calculate-exec-path)
+    (should (equal python-shell-remote-exec-path original-exec-path))))
 (ert-deftest python-shell-with-environment-1 ()
-  "Test with local `default-directory'."
-  (let* ((original-exec-path exec-path)
-         (python-shell-virtualenv-root
-          (directory-file-name (expand-file-name user-emacs-directory))))
+  "Test environment with local `default-directory'."
+  (let* ((exec-path '("/path0"))
+         (python-shell-exec-path '("/path1" "/path2"))
+         (original-exec-path exec-path)
+         (python-shell-virtualenv-root "/env"))
-      (should (equal
-               exec-path
-               (append (cons
-                        (format "%s/bin" python-shell-virtualenv-root)
-                        original-exec-path))))
+      (should (equal exec-path '("/env/bin" "/path1" "/path2" "/path0")))
       (should (not (getenv "PYTHONHOME")))
-      (should (string= (getenv "VIRTUAL_ENV") python-shell-virtualenv-root)))))
+      (should (string= (getenv "VIRTUAL_ENV") "/env")))
+    (should (equal exec-path original-exec-path))))
 (ert-deftest python-shell-with-environment-2 ()
-  "Test with remote `default-directory'."
+  "Test environment with remote `default-directory'."
   (let* ((default-directory "/ssh::/example/dir/")
-         (original-exec-path tramp-remote-path)
-         (original-process-environment tramp-remote-process-environment)
-         (python-shell-virtualenv-root
-          (directory-file-name (expand-file-name user-emacs-directory))))
+         (python-shell-remote-exec-path '("/remote1" "/remote2"))
+         (python-shell-exec-path '("/path1" "/path2"))
+         (tramp-remote-process-environment '("EMACS=t"))
+         (original-process-environment (copy-sequence 
+         (python-shell-virtualenv-root "/env"))
-      (should (equal
-               tramp-remote-path
-               (append (cons
-                        (format "%s/bin" python-shell-virtualenv-root)
-                        original-exec-path))))
+      (should (equal (python-shell-calculate-exec-path)
+                     '("/env/bin" "/path1" "/path2" "/remote1" "/remote2")))
       (let ((process-environment tramp-remote-process-environment))
         (should (not (getenv "PYTHONHOME")))
-        (should (string= (getenv "VIRTUAL_ENV")
-                         python-shell-virtualenv-root))))))
+        (should (string= (getenv "VIRTUAL_ENV") "/env"))))
+    (should (equal tramp-remote-process-environment 
+(ert-deftest python-shell-with-environment-3 ()
+  "Test `python-shell-with-environment' is idempotent."
+  (let* ((python-shell-extra-pythonpaths '("/example/dir/"))
+         (python-shell-exec-path '("path1" "path2"))
+         (python-shell-virtualenv-root "/home/user/env")
+         (single-call
+          (python-shell-with-environment
+            (list exec-path process-environment)))
+         (nested-call
+          (python-shell-with-environment
+            (python-shell-with-environment
+              (list exec-path process-environment)))))
+    (should (equal single-call nested-call))))
 (ert-deftest python-shell-make-comint-1 ()
   "Check comint creation for global shell buffer."

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