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[Emacs-diffs] scratch/merge-cedet-tests b85662e 218/316: New file, deriv

From: Edward John Steere
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] scratch/merge-cedet-tests b85662e 218/316: New file, derived from logging functions in cedet-utest.el
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2017 20:03:41 +0000 (UTC)

branch: scratch/merge-cedet-tests
commit b85662e395871f88e40722effe14a1bb2d1c579e
Author: Eric Ludlam <address@hidden>
Commit: Edward John Steere <address@hidden>

    New file, derived from logging functions in cedet-utest.el
 test/manual/cedet/cedet-uutil.el |  233 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 233 insertions(+)

diff --git a/test/manual/cedet/cedet-uutil.el b/test/manual/cedet/cedet-uutil.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eca795e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/manual/cedet/cedet-uutil.el
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+;;; cedet-uutil.el --- Unit test utilities for the CEDET suite.
+;; Copyright (C) 2011 Eric M. Ludlam
+;; Author: Eric M. Ludlam <address@hidden>
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+;; License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program.  If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Utilities needed to run the complete CEDET unit test suite.
+;;; Code:
+(defvar cedet-running-master-tests nil
+  "Non-nil when CEDET-utest is running all the tests.")
+(defun cedet-utest-noninteractive ()
+  "Return non-nil if running non-interactively."
+  (if (featurep 'xemacs)
+      (noninteractive)
+    noninteractive))
+(defvar cedet-utest-root (let ((CEDETDIR (file-name-directory
+                                         (or load-file-name 
+                          (file-name-directory CEDETDIR))
+  "Location of the CEDET test suites.")
+;;; Logging utility.
+(defvar cedet-utest-frame nil
+  "Frame used during cedet unit test logging.")
+(defvar cedet-utest-buffer nil
+  "Frame used during cedet unit test logging.")
+(defvar cedet-utest-frame-parameters
+  '((name . "CEDET-UTEST")
+    (width . 80)
+    (height . 25)
+    (minibuffer . t))
+  "Frame parameters used for the cedet utest log frame.")
+(defvar cedet-utest-last-log-item nil
+  "Remember the last item we were logging for.")
+(defvar cedet-utest-log-timer nil
+  "During a test, track the start time.")
+(defun cedet-utest-log-setup (&optional title)
+  "Setup a frame and buffer for unit testing.
+Optional argument TITLE is the title of this testing session."
+  (setq cedet-utest-log-timer (current-time))
+  (if (cedet-utest-noninteractive)
+      (message "\n>> Setting up %s tests to run @ %s\n"
+              (or title "")
+              (current-time-string))
+    ;; Interactive mode needs a frame and buffer.
+    (when (or (not cedet-utest-frame) (not (frame-live-p cedet-utest-frame)))
+      (setq cedet-utest-frame (make-frame cedet-utest-frame-parameters)))
+    (when (or (not cedet-utest-buffer) (not (buffer-live-p 
+      (setq cedet-utest-buffer (get-buffer-create "*CEDET utest log*")))
+    (save-excursion
+      (set-buffer cedet-utest-buffer)
+      (setq cedet-utest-last-log-item nil)
+      (when (not cedet-running-master-tests)
+       (erase-buffer))
+      (insert "\n\nSetting up "
+             (or title "")
+             " tests to run @ " (current-time-string) "\n\n"))
+    (let ((oframe (selected-frame)))
+      (unwind-protect
+         (progn
+           (select-frame cedet-utest-frame)
+           (switch-to-buffer cedet-utest-buffer t))
+       (select-frame oframe)))
+    ))
+(defun cedet-utest-elapsed-time (start end)
+  "Copied from elp.el.  Was elp-elapsed-time.
+Argument START and END bound the time being calculated."
+  (+ (* (- (car end) (car start)) 65536.0)
+     (- (car (cdr end)) (car (cdr start)))
+     (/ (- (car (cdr (cdr end))) (car (cdr (cdr start)))) 1000000.0)))
+(defun cedet-utest-log-shutdown (title &optional errorcondition)
+  "Shut-down a larger test suite.
+TITLE is the section that is done.
+ERRORCONDITION is some error that may have occured durinig testing."
+  (let ((endtime (current-time))
+       )
+    (cedet-utest-log-shutdown-msg title cedet-utest-log-timer endtime)
+    (setq cedet-utest-log-timer nil)
+    ))
+(defun cedet-utest-log-shutdown-msg (title startime endtime)
+  "Show a shutdown message with TITLE, STARTIME, and ENDTIME."
+  (if (cedet-utest-noninteractive)
+      (progn
+       (message "\n>> Test Suite %s ended at @ %s"
+                title
+                (format-time-string "%c" endtime))
+       (message "     Elapsed Time %.2f Seconds\n"
+                (cedet-utest-elapsed-time startime endtime)))
+    (save-excursion
+      (set-buffer cedet-utest-buffer)
+      (goto-char (point-max))
+      (insert "\n>> Test Suite " title " ended at @ "
+             (format-time-string "%c" endtime) "\n"
+             "     Elapsed Time "
+             (number-to-string
+              (cedet-utest-elapsed-time startime endtime))
+             " Seconds\n * "))
+    ))
+(defun cedet-utest-show-log-end ()
+  "Show the end of the current unit test log."
+  (unless (cedet-utest-noninteractive)
+    (let* ((cb (current-buffer))
+          (cf (selected-frame))
+          (bw (or (get-buffer-window cedet-utest-buffer t)
+                  (get-buffer-window (switch-to-buffer cedet-utest-buffer) t)))
+          (lf (window-frame bw))
+          )
+      (select-frame lf)
+      (select-window bw)
+      (goto-char (point-max))
+      (select-frame cf)
+      (set-buffer cb)
+      )))
+(defun cedet-utest-post-command-hook ()
+  "Hook run after the current log command was run."
+    (if (cedet-utest-noninteractive)
+       (message "")
+      (save-excursion
+       (set-buffer cedet-utest-buffer)
+       (goto-char (point-max))
+       (insert "\n\n")))
+    (setq cedet-utest-last-log-item nil)
+    (remove-hook 'post-command-hook 'cedet-utest-post-command-hook)
+    )
+(defun cedet-utest-add-log-item-start (item)
+  "Add ITEM into the log as being started."
+  (unless (equal item cedet-utest-last-log-item)
+    (setq cedet-utest-last-log-item item)
+    ;; This next line makes sure we clear out status during logging.
+    (add-hook 'post-command-hook 'cedet-utest-post-command-hook)
+    (if (cedet-utest-noninteractive)
+       (message " - Running %s ..." item)
+      (save-excursion
+       (set-buffer cedet-utest-buffer)
+       (goto-char (point-max))
+       (when (not (bolp)) (insert "\n"))
+       (insert "Running " item " ... ")
+       (sit-for 0)
+       ))
+    (cedet-utest-show-log-end)
+    ))
+(defun cedet-utest-add-log-item-done (&optional notes err precr)
+  "Add into the log that the last item is done.
+Apply NOTES to the doneness of the log.
+Apply ERR if there was an error in previous item.
+Optional argument PRECR indicates to prefix the done msg w/ a newline."
+  (if (cedet-utest-noninteractive)
+      ;; Non-interactive-mode - show a message.
+      (if notes
+         (message "   * %s {%s}" (or err "done") notes)
+       (message "   * %s" (or err "done")))
+    ;; Interactive-mode - insert into the buffer.
+    (save-excursion
+      (set-buffer cedet-utest-buffer)
+      (goto-char (point-max))
+      (when precr (insert "\n"))
+      (if err
+         (insert err)
+       (insert "done")
+       (when notes (insert " (" notes ")")))
+      (insert "\n")
+      (setq cedet-utest-last-log-item nil)
+      (sit-for 0)
+      )))
+;; Use these APIs to start and log information.
+;; The other fcns will be used to log across all the tests at once.
+(defun cedet-utest-log-start (testname)
+  "Setup the log for the test TESTNAME."
+  ;; Make sure we have a log buffer.
+  (save-window-excursion
+    (when (or (not cedet-utest-buffer)
+             (not (buffer-live-p cedet-utest-buffer))
+             (not (get-buffer-window cedet-utest-buffer t))
+             )
+      (cedet-utest-log-setup))
+    ;; Add our startup message.
+    (cedet-utest-add-log-item-start testname)
+    ))
+(defun cedet-utest-log(format &rest args)
+  "Log the text string FORMAT.
+The rest of the ARGS are used to fill in FORMAT with `format'."
+  (if (cedet-utest-noninteractive)
+      (apply 'message format args)
+    (save-excursion
+      (set-buffer cedet-utest-buffer)
+      (goto-char (point-max))
+      (when (not (bolp)) (insert "\n"))
+      (insert (apply 'format format args))
+      (insert "\n")
+      (sit-for 0)
+      ))
+  (cedet-utest-show-log-end)
+  )
+(provide 'cedet-uutil)
+;;; utest-util.el ends here

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