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[Emacs-diffs] master bd60ee2 1/5: auth-source: factor out parsers and ad

From: Teodor Zlatanov
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] master bd60ee2 1/5: auth-source: factor out parsers and add tests
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2017 17:38:27 -0400 (EDT)

branch: master
commit bd60ee2ffc37b64a898d81184089b82afd55cae0
Author: Ted Zlatanov <address@hidden>
Commit: Ted Zlatanov <address@hidden>

    auth-source: factor out parsers and add tests
    * lisp/auth-source.el: Factor out the source parsers. Clean up comments.
    * test/lisp/auth-source-tests.el: Add tests.
 lisp/auth-source.el            | 349 ++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 test/lisp/auth-source-tests.el |  45 +++---
 2 files changed, 165 insertions(+), 229 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/auth-source.el b/lisp/auth-source.el
index 7402ab2..5ad4277 100644
--- a/lisp/auth-source.el
+++ b/lisp/auth-source.el
@@ -317,25 +317,6 @@ If the value is not a list, symmetric encryption will be 
                  (repeat :tag "Recipient public keys"
                          (string :tag "Recipient public key"))))
-;; temp for debugging
-;; (unintern 'auth-source-protocols)
-;; (unintern 'auth-sources)
-;; (customize-variable 'auth-sources)
-;; (setq auth-sources nil)
-;; (format "%S" auth-sources)
-;; (customize-variable 'auth-source-protocols)
-;; (setq auth-source-protocols nil)
-;; (format "%S" auth-source-protocols)
-;; (auth-source-pick nil :host "a" :port 'imap)
-;; (auth-source-user-or-password "login" "imap.myhost.com" 'imap)
-;; (auth-source-user-or-password "password" "imap.myhost.com" 'imap)
-;; (auth-source-user-or-password-imap "login" "imap.myhost.com")
-;; (auth-source-user-or-password-imap "password" "imap.myhost.com")
-;; (auth-source-protocol-defaults 'imap)
-;; (let ((auth-source-debug 'debug)) (auth-source-do-debug "hello"))
-;; (let ((auth-source-debug t)) (auth-source-do-debug "hello"))
-;; (let ((auth-source-debug nil)) (auth-source-do-debug "hello"))
 (defun auth-source-do-debug (&rest msg)
   (when auth-source-debug
     (apply #'auth-source-do-warn msg)))
@@ -354,8 +335,6 @@ If the value is not a list, symmetric encryption will be 
-;; (auth-source-read-char-choice "enter choice? " '(?a ?b ?q))
 (defun auth-source-read-char-choice (prompt choices)
   "Read one of CHOICES by `read-char-choice', or `read-char'.
 `dropdown-list' support is disabled because it doesn't work reliably.
@@ -373,152 +352,147 @@ with \"[a/b/c] \" if CHOICES is \(?a ?b ?c)."
         (setq k (read-char-choice full-prompt choices)))
-;; (auth-source-pick nil :host "any" :port 'imap :user "joe")
-;; (auth-source-pick t :host "any" :port 'imap :user "joe")
-;; (setq auth-sources '((:source (:secrets default) :host t :port t :user 
-;;                   (:source (:secrets "session") :host t :port t :user "joe")
-;;                   (:source (:secrets "Login") :host t :port t)
-;;                   (:source "~/.authinfo.gpg" :host t :port t)))
-;; (setq auth-sources '((:source (:secrets default) :host t :port t :user 
-;;                   (:source (:secrets "session") :host t :port t :user "joe")
-;;                   (:source (:secrets "Login") :host t :port t)
-;;                   ))
-;; (setq auth-sources '((:source "~/.authinfo.gpg" :host t :port t)))
-;; (auth-source-backend-parse "myfile.gpg")
-;; (auth-source-backend-parse 'default)
-;; (auth-source-backend-parse "secrets:Login")
-;; (auth-source-backend-parse 'macos-keychain-internet)
-;; (auth-source-backend-parse 'macos-keychain-generic)
-;; (auth-source-backend-parse "macos-keychain-internet:/path/here.keychain")
-;; (auth-source-backend-parse "macos-keychain-generic:/path/here.keychain")
+(defvar auth-source-backend-parser-functions nil
+  "List of auth-source parser functions
+These functions return backends from an entry in `auth-sources'.
+Add your backends to this list with `add-hook'.")
 (defun auth-source-backend-parse (entry)
   "Creates an auth-source-backend from an ENTRY in `auth-sources'."
-  (auth-source-backend-parse-parameters
-   entry
-   (cond
-    ;; take 'default and recurse to get it as a Secrets API default collection
-    ;; matching any user, host, and protocol
-    ((eq entry 'default)
-     (auth-source-backend-parse '(:source (:secrets default))))
-    ;; take secrets:XYZ and recurse to get it as Secrets API collection "XYZ"
-    ;; matching any user, host, and protocol
-    ((and (stringp entry) (string-match "^secrets:\\(.+\\)" entry))
-     (auth-source-backend-parse `(:source (:secrets ,(match-string 1 entry)))))
-    ;; take 'macos-keychain-internet and recurse to get it as a Mac OS
-    ;; Keychain collection matching any user, host, and protocol
-    ((eq entry 'macos-keychain-internet)
-     (auth-source-backend-parse '(:source (:macos-keychain-internet default))))
-    ;; take 'macos-keychain-generic and recurse to get it as a Mac OS
-    ;; Keychain collection matching any user, host, and protocol
-    ((eq entry 'macos-keychain-generic)
-     (auth-source-backend-parse '(:source (:macos-keychain-generic default))))
-    ;; take macos-keychain-internet:XYZ and recurse to get it as macOS
-    ;; Keychain "XYZ" matching any user, host, and protocol
-    ((and (stringp entry) (string-match "^macos-keychain-internet:\\(.+\\)"
-                                        entry))
-     (auth-source-backend-parse `(:source (:macos-keychain-internet
-                                           ,(match-string 1 entry)))))
-    ;; take macos-keychain-generic:XYZ and recurse to get it as macOS
-    ;; Keychain "XYZ" matching any user, host, and protocol
-    ((and (stringp entry) (string-match "^macos-keychain-generic:\\(.+\\)"
-                                        entry))
-     (auth-source-backend-parse `(:source (:macos-keychain-generic
-                                           ,(match-string 1 entry)))))
-    ;; take just a file name and recurse to get it as a netrc file
-    ;; matching any user, host, and protocol
-    ((stringp entry)
-     (auth-source-backend-parse `(:source ,entry)))
-    ;; a file name with parameters
-    ((stringp (plist-get entry :source))
-     (if (equal (file-name-extension (plist-get entry :source)) "plist")
-         (auth-source-backend
-          (plist-get entry :source)
-          :source (plist-get entry :source)
-          :type 'plstore
-          :search-function #'auth-source-plstore-search
-          :create-function #'auth-source-plstore-create
-          :data (plstore-open (plist-get entry :source)))
-       (auth-source-backend
-        (plist-get entry :source)
-        :source (plist-get entry :source)
-        :type 'netrc
-        :search-function #'auth-source-netrc-search
-        :create-function #'auth-source-netrc-create)))
-    ;; the macOS Keychain
-    ((and
-      (not (null (plist-get entry :source))) ; the source must not be nil
-      (listp (plist-get entry :source))      ; and it must be a list
-      (or
-       (plist-get (plist-get entry :source) :macos-keychain-generic)
-       (plist-get (plist-get entry :source) :macos-keychain-internet)))
-     (let* ((source-spec (plist-get entry :source))
-            (keychain-generic (plist-get source-spec :macos-keychain-generic))
-            (keychain-type (if keychain-generic
-                               'macos-keychain-generic
-                             'macos-keychain-internet))
-            (source (plist-get source-spec (if keychain-generic
-                                               :macos-keychain-generic
-                                             :macos-keychain-internet))))
-       (when (symbolp source)
-         (setq source (symbol-name source)))
-       (auth-source-backend
-        (format "Mac OS Keychain (%s)" source)
-        :source source
-        :type keychain-type
-        :search-function #'auth-source-macos-keychain-search
-        :create-function #'auth-source-macos-keychain-create)))
-    ;; the Secrets API.  We require the package, in order to have a
-    ;; defined value for `secrets-enabled'.
-    ((and
-      (not (null (plist-get entry :source))) ; the source must not be nil
-      (listp (plist-get entry :source))      ; and it must be a list
-      (require 'secrets nil t)               ; and we must load the Secrets API
-      secrets-enabled)                       ; and that API must be enabled
-     ;; the source is either the :secrets key in ENTRY or
-     ;; if that's missing or nil, it's "session"
-     (let ((source (or (plist-get (plist-get entry :source) :secrets)
-                       "session")))
-       ;; if the source is a symbol, we look for the alias named so,
-       ;; and if that alias is missing, we use "Login"
-       (when (symbolp source)
-         (setq source (or (secrets-get-alias (symbol-name source))
-                          "Login")))
-       (if (featurep 'secrets)
-           (auth-source-backend
-            (format "Secrets API (%s)" source)
-            :source source
-            :type 'secrets
-            :search-function #'auth-source-secrets-search
-            :create-function #'auth-source-secrets-create)
-         (auth-source-do-warn
-          "auth-source-backend-parse: no Secrets API, ignoring spec: %S" entry)
-         (auth-source-backend
-          (format "Ignored Secrets API (%s)" source)
-          :source ""
-          :type 'ignore))))
-    ;; none of them
-    (t
-     (auth-source-do-warn
-      "auth-source-backend-parse: invalid backend spec: %S" entry)
-     (make-instance 'auth-source-backend
-      :source ""
-      :type 'ignore)))))
+  (let (backend)
+    (dolist (f auth-source-backend-parser-functions)
+      (when (setq backend (funcall f entry))
+        (return)))
+    (unless backend
+      ;; none of the parsers worked
+      (auth-source-do-warn
+       "auth-source-backend-parse: invalid backend spec: %S" entry)
+      (setq backend (make-instance 'auth-source-backend
+                                   :source ""
+                                   :type 'ignore)))
+    (auth-source-backend-parse-parameters entry backend)))
+(defun auth-source-backends-parser-file (entry)
+  ;; take just a file name use it as a netrc/plist file
+  ;; matching any user, host, and protocol
+  (when (stringp entry)
+    (setq entry `(:source ,entry)))
+  (cond
+   ;; a file name with parameters
+   ((stringp (plist-get entry :source))
+    (if (equal (file-name-extension (plist-get entry :source)) "plist")
+        (auth-source-backend
+         (plist-get entry :source)
+         :source (plist-get entry :source)
+         :type 'plstore
+         :search-function #'auth-source-plstore-search
+         :create-function #'auth-source-plstore-create
+         :data (plstore-open (plist-get entry :source)))
+      (auth-source-backend
+       (plist-get entry :source)
+       :source (plist-get entry :source)
+       :type 'netrc
+       :search-function #'auth-source-netrc-search
+       :create-function #'auth-source-netrc-create)))))
+;; Note this function should be last in the parser functions, so we add it 
+(add-hook 'auth-source-backend-parser-functions 
+(defun auth-source-backends-parser-macos-keychain (entry)
+  ;; take macos-keychain-{internet,generic}:XYZ and use it as macOS
+  ;; Keychain "XYZ" matching any user, host, and protocol
+  (when (and (stringp entry) (string-match "^macos-keychain-internet:\\(.+\\)"
+                                           entry))
+    (setq entry `(:source (:macos-keychain-internet
+                           ,(match-string 1 entry)))))
+  (when (and (stringp entry) (string-match "^macos-keychain-generic:\\(.+\\)"
+                                           entry))
+    (setq entry `(:source (:macos-keychain-generic
+                           ,(match-string 1 entry)))))
+  ;; take 'macos-keychain-internet or generic and use it as a Mac OS
+  ;; Keychain collection matching any user, host, and protocol
+  (when (eq entry 'macos-keychain-internet)
+    (setq entry '(:source (:macos-keychain-internet default))))
+  (when (eq entry 'macos-keychain-generic)
+    (setq entry '(:source (:macos-keychain-generic default))))
+  (cond
+   ;; the macOS Keychain
+   ((and
+     (not (null (plist-get entry :source))) ; the source must not be nil
+     (listp (plist-get entry :source))      ; and it must be a list
+     (or
+      (plist-get (plist-get entry :source) :macos-keychain-generic)
+      (plist-get (plist-get entry :source) :macos-keychain-internet)))
+    (let* ((source-spec (plist-get entry :source))
+           (keychain-generic (plist-get source-spec :macos-keychain-generic))
+           (keychain-type (if keychain-generic
+                              'macos-keychain-generic
+                            'macos-keychain-internet))
+           (source (plist-get source-spec (if keychain-generic
+                                              :macos-keychain-generic
+                                            :macos-keychain-internet))))
+      (when (symbolp source)
+        (setq source (symbol-name source)))
+      (auth-source-backend
+       (format "Mac OS Keychain (%s)" source)
+       :source source
+       :type keychain-type
+       :search-function #'auth-source-macos-keychain-search
+       :create-function #'auth-source-macos-keychain-create)))))
+(add-hook 'auth-source-backend-parser-functions 
+(defun auth-source-backends-parser-secrets (entry)
+  ;; take secrets:XYZ and use it as Secrets API collection "XYZ"
+  ;; matching any user, host, and protocol
+  (when (and (stringp entry) (string-match "^secrets:\\(.+\\)" entry))
+    (setq entry `(:source (:secrets ,(match-string 1 entry)))))
+  ;; take 'default and use it as a Secrets API default collection
+  ;; matching any user, host, and protocol
+  (when (eq entry 'default)
+    (setq entry '(:source (:secrets default))))
+  (cond
+   ;; the Secrets API.  We require the package, in order to have a
+   ;; defined value for `secrets-enabled'.
+   ((and
+     (not (null (plist-get entry :source))) ; the source must not be nil
+     (listp (plist-get entry :source))      ; and it must be a list
+     (not (null (plist-get
+                 (plist-get entry :source)
+                 :secrets))) ; the source must have :secrets
+     (require 'secrets nil t)               ; and we must load the Secrets API
+     secrets-enabled)                       ; and that API must be enabled
+    ;; the source is either the :secrets key in ENTRY or
+    ;; if that's missing or nil, it's "session"
+    (let ((source (plist-get (plist-get entry :source) :secrets)))
+      ;; if the source is a symbol, we look for the alias named so,
+      ;; and if that alias is missing, we use "Login"
+      (when (symbolp source)
+        (setq source (or (secrets-get-alias (symbol-name source))
+                         "Login")))
+      (if (featurep 'secrets)
+          (auth-source-backend
+           (format "Secrets API (%s)" source)
+           :source source
+           :type 'secrets
+           :search-function #'auth-source-secrets-search
+           :create-function #'auth-source-secrets-create)
+        (auth-source-do-warn
+         "auth-source-backend-parse: no Secrets API, ignoring spec: %S" entry)
+        (auth-source-backend
+         (format "Ignored Secrets API (%s)" source)
+         :source ""
+         :type 'ignore))))))
+(add-hook 'auth-source-backend-parser-functions 
 (defun auth-source-backend-parse-parameters (entry backend)
   "Fills in the extra auth-source-backend parameters of ENTRY.
@@ -781,12 +755,6 @@ must call it to obtain the actual value."
             (setq matches (append matches bmatches))))))
-;; (auth-source-search :max 0)
-;; (auth-source-search :max 1)
-;; (funcall (plist-get (nth 0 (auth-source-search :max 1)) :secret))
-;; (auth-source-search :host "nonesuch" :type 'netrc :K 1)
-;; (auth-source-search :host "nonesuch" :type 'secrets)
 (defun auth-source-delete (&rest spec)
   "Delete entries from the authentication backends according to SPEC.
 Calls `auth-source-search' with the :delete property in SPEC set to t.
@@ -844,17 +812,6 @@ This is the same SPEC you passed to `auth-source-search'.
 Returns t or nil for forgotten or not found."
   (password-cache-remove (auth-source-format-cache-entry spec)))
-;; (loop for sym being the symbols of password-data when (string-match (concat 
"^" auth-source-magic) (symbol-name sym)) collect (symbol-name sym))
-;; (auth-source-remember '(:host "wedd") '(4 5 6))
-;; (auth-source-remembered-p '(:host "wedd"))
-;; (auth-source-remember '(:host "xedd") '(1 2 3))
-;; (auth-source-remembered-p '(:host "xedd"))
-;; (auth-source-remembered-p '(:host "zedd"))
-;; (auth-source-recall '(:host "xedd"))
-;; (auth-source-recall '(:host t))
-;; (auth-source-forget+ :host t)
 (defun auth-source-forget+ (&rest spec)
   "Forget any cached data matching SPEC.  Returns forgotten count.
@@ -886,8 +843,6 @@ while \(:host t) would find all host entries."
               (cl-return 'no)))
-;; (auth-source-pick-first-password :host "z.lifelogs.com")
-;; (auth-source-pick-first-password :port "imap")
 (defun auth-source-pick-first-password (&rest spec)
   "Pick the first secret found from applying SPEC to `auth-source-search'."
   (let* ((result (nth 0 (apply #'auth-source-search (plist-put spec :max 1))))
@@ -897,7 +852,6 @@ while \(:host t) would find all host entries."
         (funcall secret)
-;; (auth-source-format-prompt "test %u %h %p" '((?u "user") (?h "host")))
 (defun auth-source-format-prompt (prompt alist)
   "Format PROMPT using %x (for any character x) specifiers in ALIST."
   (dolist (cell alist)
@@ -1119,7 +1073,6 @@ Note that the MAX parameter is used so we can exit the 
parse early."
                          (lambda () p)))
-;; (auth-source-epa-extract-gpg-token 
 (defun auth-source-epa-extract-gpg-token (secret file)
   "Pass either the decoded SECRET or the gpg:BASE64DATA version.
 FILE is the file from which we obtained this token."
@@ -1134,7 +1087,6 @@ FILE is the file from which we obtained this token."
 (defvar pp-escape-newlines)
-;; (insert (auth-source-epa-make-gpg-token "mysecret" "~/.netrc"))
 (defun auth-source-epa-make-gpg-token (secret file)
   (let ((context (epg-make-context 'OpenPGP))
         (pp-escape-newlines nil)
@@ -1193,9 +1145,6 @@ FILE is the file from which we obtained this token."
-;; (setq secret (plist-get (nth 0 (auth-source-search :host t :type 'netrc :K 
1 :max 1)) :secret))
-;; (funcall secret)
 (cl-defun auth-source-netrc-search (&rest spec
                                     &key backend require create
                                     type max host user port
@@ -1415,7 +1364,6 @@ See `auth-source-search' for details on SPEC."
     (list artificial)))
-;;(funcall (plist-get (nth 0 (auth-source-search :host '("nonesuch2") :user 
"tzz" :port "imap" :create t :max 1)) :save-function))
 (defun auth-source-netrc-saver (file add)
   "Save a line ADD in FILE, prompting along the way.
 Respects `auth-source-save-behavior'.  Uses
@@ -1496,13 +1444,6 @@ Respects `auth-source-save-behavior'.  Uses
 ;;; Backend specific parsing: Secrets API backend
-;; (let ((auth-sources '(default))) (auth-source-search :max 1 :create t))
-;; (let ((auth-sources '(default))) (auth-source-search :max 1 :delete t))
-;; (let ((auth-sources '(default))) (auth-source-search :max 1))
-;; (let ((auth-sources '(default))) (auth-source-search))
-;; (let ((auth-sources '("secrets:Login"))) (auth-source-search :max 1))
-;; (let ((auth-sources '("secrets:Login"))) (auth-source-search :max 1 
:signon_realm "https://git.gnus.org/Git";))
 (defun auth-source-secrets-listify-pattern (pattern)
   "Convert a pattern with lists to a list of string patterns.
@@ -1630,20 +1571,6 @@ authentication tokens:
 ;;; Backend specific parsing: Mac OS Keychain (using /usr/bin/security) backend
-;; (let ((auth-sources '(macos-keychain-internet))) (auth-source-search :max 1 
:create t))
-;; (let ((auth-sources '(macos-keychain-internet))) (auth-source-search :max 1 
:delete t))
-;; (let ((auth-sources '(macos-keychain-internet))) (auth-source-search :max 
-;; (let ((auth-sources '(macos-keychain-internet))) (auth-source-search))
-;; (let ((auth-sources '(macos-keychain-generic))) (auth-source-search :max 1 
:create t))
-;; (let ((auth-sources '(macos-keychain-generic))) (auth-source-search :max 1 
:delete t))
-;; (let ((auth-sources '(macos-keychain-generic))) (auth-source-search :max 1))
-;; (let ((auth-sources '(macos-keychain-generic))) (auth-source-search))
-;; (let ((auth-sources 
(auth-source-search :max 1))
-;; (let ((auth-sources '("macos-keychain-generic:Login"))) (auth-source-search 
:max 1 :host "git.gnus.org"))
-;; (let ((auth-sources '("macos-keychain-generic:Login"))) (auth-source-search 
:max 1))
 (cl-defun auth-source-macos-keychain-search (&rest spec
                                              &key backend create delete type 
diff --git a/test/lisp/auth-source-tests.el b/test/lisp/auth-source-tests.el
index e73f55e..2634777 100644
--- a/test/lisp/auth-source-tests.el
+++ b/test/lisp/auth-source-tests.el
@@ -32,6 +32,10 @@
 (defvar secrets-enabled t
   "Enable the secrets backend to test its features.")
+(defun auth-source-ensure-ignored-backend (source)
+    (auth-source-validate-backend source '((:source . "")
+                                           (:type . ignore))))
 (defun auth-source-validate-backend (source validation-alist)
   (let ((backend (auth-source-backend-parse source)))
     (should (auth-source-backend-p backend))
@@ -119,15 +123,6 @@
                                     (:search-function . 
                                     (:create-function . 
-(ert-deftest auth-source-backend-parse-secrets-nil-source ()
-  (provide 'secrets) ; simulates the presence of the `secrets' package
-  (let ((secrets-enabled t))
-    (auth-source-validate-backend '(:source (:secrets nil))
-                                  '((:source . "session")
-                                    (:type . secrets)
-                                    (:search-function . 
-                                    (:create-function . 
 (ert-deftest auth-source-backend-parse-secrets-alias ()
   (provide 'secrets) ; simulates the presence of the `secrets' package
   (let ((secrets-enabled t))
@@ -162,17 +157,12 @@
                                       (:search-function . 
                                       (:create-function . 
-;; TODO This test shows suspicious behavior of auth-source: the
-;; "secrets" source is used even though nothing in the input indicates
-;; that is what we want
-(ert-deftest auth-source-backend-parse-secrets-no-source ()
+(ert-deftest auth-source-backend-parse-invalid-or-nil-source ()
   (provide 'secrets) ; simulates the presence of the `secrets' package
   (let ((secrets-enabled t))
-    (auth-source-validate-backend '(:source '(foo))
-                                  '((:source . "session")
-                                    (:type . secrets)
-                                    (:search-function . 
-                                    (:create-function . 
+    (auth-source-ensure-ignored-backend nil)
+    (auth-source-ensure-ignored-backend '(:source '(foo)))
+    (auth-source-ensure-ignored-backend '(:source nil))))
 (defun auth-source--test-netrc-parse-entry (entry host user port)
   "Parse a netrc entry from buffer."
@@ -219,5 +209,24 @@
                     ("login" . "user1")
                     ("machine" . "mymachine1"))))))
+(ert-deftest auth-source-test-format-prompt ()
+  (should (equal (auth-source-format-prompt "test %u %h %p" '((?u "user") (?h 
+                 "test user host %p")))
+(ert-deftest auth-source-test-remembrances-of-things-past ()
+  (let ((password-cache t)
+        (password-data (make-vector 7 0)))
+    (auth-source-remember '(:host "wedd") '(4 5 6))
+    (should (auth-source-remembered-p '(:host "wedd")))
+    (should-not (auth-source-remembered-p '(:host "xedd")))
+    (auth-source-remember '(:host "xedd") '(1 2 3))
+    (should (auth-source-remembered-p '(:host "xedd")))
+    (should-not (auth-source-remembered-p '(:host "zedd")))
+    (should (auth-source-recall '(:host "xedd")))
+    (should-not (auth-source-recall nil))
+    (auth-source-forget+ :host t)
+    (should-not (auth-source-remembered-p '(:host "xedd")))
+    (should-not (auth-source-remembered-p '(:host t)))))
 (provide 'auth-source-tests)
 ;;; auth-source-tests.el ends here

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