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[Emacs-diffs] master 65d3c27: Delete library-of-babel.org

From: Bastien Guerry
Subject: [Emacs-diffs] master 65d3c27: Delete library-of-babel.org
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2017 03:40:28 -0400 (EDT)

branch: master
commit 65d3c27fe13565bfacd4e5138cd217d6084c6ee9
Author: Bastien <address@hidden>
Commit: Bastien <address@hidden>

    Delete library-of-babel.org
    * etc/org/library-of-babel.org: Delete file.
 etc/org/library-of-babel.org | 584 -------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 584 deletions(-)

diff --git a/etc/org/library-of-babel.org b/etc/org/library-of-babel.org
deleted file mode 100644
index 0098e72..0000000
--- a/etc/org/library-of-babel.org
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,584 +0,0 @@
-#+title:    The Library of Babel
-#+author:     Org-mode People
-#+STARTUP:  hideblocks
-* Introduction
-The Library of Babel is an extensible collection of ready-made and
-easily-shortcut-callable source-code blocks for handling common tasks.
-Org-babel comes pre-populated with the source-code blocks located in
-this file.  It is possible to add source-code blocks from any org-mode
-file to the library by calling =(org-babel-lob-ingest
-This file is included in worg mainly less for viewing through the web
-interface, and more for contribution through the worg git repository.
-If you have code snippets that you think others may find useful please
-add them to this file and 
[[file:~/src/worg/worg-git.org::contribute-to-worg][contribute them]] to worg.
-The raw Org-mode text of this file can be downloaded at
-* Simple
-A collection of simple utility functions:
-#+name: echo
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var input="echo'd"
-  input
-* File I/O
-** Reading and writing files
-Read the contents of the file at =file=.  The =:results vector= and
-=:results scalar= header arguments can be used to read the contents of
-file as either a table or a string.
-#+name: read
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var file="" :var format=""
-  (if (string= format "csv")
-      (with-temp-buffer
-        (org-table-import (expand-file-name file) nil)
-        (org-table-to-lisp))
-    (with-temp-buffer
-      (insert-file-contents (expand-file-name file))
-      (buffer-string)))
-Write =data= to a file at =file=.  If =data= is a list, then write it
-as a table in traditional Org-mode table syntax.
-#+name: write
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var data="" :var file="" :var ext='()
-  (flet ((echo (r) (if (stringp r) r (format "%S" r))))
-    (with-temp-file file
-      (case (and (listp data)
-                 (or ext (intern (file-name-extension file))))
-        ('tsv (insert (orgtbl-to-tsv data '(:fmt echo))))
-        ('csv (insert (orgtbl-to-csv data '(:fmt echo))))
-        (t    (org-babel-insert-result data)))))
-  nil
-** Remote files
-*** json
-Read local or remote file in [[http://www.json.org/][json]] format into 
emacs-lisp objects.
-#+name: json
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var file='() :var url='()
-  (require 'json)
-  (cond
-   (file
-    (with-temp-filebuffer file
-      (goto-char (point-min))
-      (json-read)))
-   (url
-    (require 'w3m)
-    (with-temp-buffer
-      (w3m-retrieve url)
-      (goto-char (point-min))
-      (json-read))))
-*** Google docs
-The following code blocks make use of the 
[[http://code.google.com/p/googlecl/][googlecl]] Google command line
-tool.  This tool provides functionality for accessing Google services
-from the command line, and the following code blocks use /googlecl/
-for reading from and writing to Google docs with Org-mode code blocks.
-**** Read a document from Google docs
-The =google= command seems to be throwing "Moved Temporarily" errors
-when trying to download textual documents, but this is working fine
-for spreadsheets.
-#+name: gdoc-read
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var title="example" :var format="csv"
-  (let* ((file (concat title "." format))
-         (cmd (format "google docs get --format %S --title %S" format title)))
-    (message cmd) (message (shell-command-to-string cmd))
-    (prog1 (if (string= format "csv")
-               (with-temp-buffer
-                 (org-table-import (shell-quote-argument file) '(4))
-                 (org-table-to-lisp))
-             (with-temp-buffer
-               (insert-file-contents (shell-quote-argument file))
-               (buffer-string)))
-      (delete-file file)))
-For example, a line like the following can be used to read the
-contents of a spreadsheet named =num-cells= into a table.
-: #+call: gdoc-read(title="num-cells"")
-A line like the following can be used to read the contents of a
-document as a string.
-: #+call: gdoc-read(title="loremi", :format "txt")
-**** Write a document to a Google docs
-Write =data= to a google document named =title=.  If =data= is tabular
-it will be saved to a spreadsheet, otherwise it will be saved as a
-normal document.
-#+name: gdoc-write
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var title="babel-upload" :var data=fibs(n=10) :results 
-  (let* ((format (if (listp data) "csv" "txt"))
-         (tmp-file (make-temp-file "org-babel-google-doc" nil (concat "." 
-         (cmd (format "google docs upload --title %S %S" title tmp-file)))
-    (with-temp-file tmp-file
-      (insert
-       (if (listp data)
-           (orgtbl-to-csv
-            data '(:fmt (lambda (el) (if (stringp el) el (format "%S" el)))))
-         (if (stringp data) data (format "%S" data)))))
-    (message cmd)
-    (prog1 (shell-command-to-string cmd) (delete-file tmp-file)))
-example usage
-: #+name: fibs
-: #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var n=8
-:   (flet ((fib (m) (if (< m 2) 1 (+ (fib (- m 1)) (fib (- m 2))))))
-:     (mapcar (lambda (el) (list el (fib el))) (number-sequence 0 (- n 1))))
-: #+end_src
-: #+call: gdoc-write(title="fibs", data=fibs(n=10))
-* Plotting code
-** R
-Plot column 2 (y axis) against column 1 (x axis). Columns 3 and
-beyond, if present, are ignored.
-#+name: R-plot
-#+begin_src R :var data=R-plot-example-data
-#+tblname: R-plot-example-data
-| 1 |  2 |
-| 2 |  4 |
-| 3 |  9 |
-| 4 | 16 |
-| 5 | 25 |
-#+call: R-plot(data=R-plot-example-data)
-#+resname: R-plot(data=R-plot-example-data)
-: nil
-** Gnuplot
-* Org reference
-** Headline references
-#+name: headline
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var headline=top :var file='()
-  (save-excursion
-    (when file (get-file-buffer file))
-    (org-open-link-from-string (org-make-link-string headline))
-    (save-restriction
-      (org-narrow-to-subtree)
-      (buffer-string)))
-#+call: headline(headline="headline references")
-* Tables
-** LaTeX Table Export
-*** booktabs
-This source block can be used to wrap a table in the latex =booktabs=
-environment. The source block adds a =toprule= and =bottomrule= (so
-don't use =hline= at the top or bottom of the table).  The =hline=
-after the header is replaced with a =midrule=.
-Note that this function bypasses the Org-mode LaTeX exporter and calls
-=orgtbl-to-generic= to create the output table.  This means that the
-entries in the table are not translated from Org-mode to LaTeX.
-It takes the following arguments -- all but the first two are
-| arg   | description                                |
-| table | a reference to the table                   |
-| align | alignment string                           |
-| env   | optional environment, default to "tabular" |
-| width | optional width specification string        |
-#+name: booktabs
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var table='((:head) hline (:body)) :var align='() :var 
env="tabular" :var width='() :noweb yes :results latex
-  (flet ((to-tab (tab)
-                 (orgtbl-to-generic
-                  (mapcar (lambda (lis)
-                            (if (listp lis)
-                                (mapcar (lambda (el)
-                                          (if (stringp el)
-                                              el
-                                            (format "%S" el))) lis)
-                              lis)) tab)
-                  (list :lend " \\\\" :sep " & " :hline "\\hline"))))
-    (org-fill-template
-     "
-  \\begin{%env}%width%align
-  \\toprule
-  %table
-  \\bottomrule
-  \\end{%env}\n"
-     (list
-      (cons "env"       (or env "table"))
-      (cons "width"     (if width (format "{%s}" width) ""))
-      (cons "align"     (if align (format "{%s}" align) ""))
-      (cons "table"
-            ;; only use \midrule if it looks like there are column headers
-            (if (equal 'hline (second table))
-                (concat (to-tab (list (first table)))
-                        "\n\\midrule\n"
-                        (to-tab (cddr table)))
-              (to-tab table))))))
-*** longtable
-This block can be used to wrap a table in the latex =longtable=
-environment, it takes the following arguments -- all but the first two
-are optional.
-| arg       | description                                                 |
-| table     | a reference to the table                                    |
-| align     | optional alignment string                                   |
-| width     | optional width specification string                         |
-| hline     | the string to use as hline separator, defaults to "\\hline" |
-| head      | optional "head" string                                      |
-| firsthead | optional "firsthead" string                                 |
-| foot      | optional "foot" string                                      |
-| lastfoot  | optional "lastfoot" string                                  |
-#+name: longtable
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var table='((:table)) :var align='() :var width='() 
:var hline="\\hline" :var firsthead='() :var head='() :var foot='() :var 
lastfoot='() :noweb yes :results latex
-  (org-fill-template
-   "
-  \\begin{longtable}%width%align
-  %firsthead
-  %head
-  %foot
-  %lastfoot
-  %table
-  \\end{longtable}\n"
-   (list
-    (cons "width"     (if width (format "{%s}" width) ""))
-    (cons "align"     (if align (format "{%s}" align) ""))
-    (cons "firsthead" (if firsthead (concat firsthead "\n\\endfirsthead\n") 
-    (cons "head"      (if head (concat head "\n\\endhead\n") ""))
-    (cons "foot"      (if foot (concat foot "\n\\endfoot\n") ""))
-    (cons "lastfoot"  (if lastfoot (concat lastfoot "\n\\endlastfoot\n") ""))
-    (cons "table" (orgtbl-to-generic
-                   (mapcar (lambda (lis)
-                             (if (listp lis)
-                                 (mapcar (lambda (el)
-                                           (if (stringp el)
-                                               el
-                                             (format "%S" el))) lis)
-                               lis)) table)
-                   (list :lend " \\\\" :sep " & " :hline hline)))))
-*** booktabs-notes
-This source block builds on [[booktabs]].  It accepts two additional
-arguments, both of which are optional.
-#+tblname: arguments
-| arg    | description                                          |
-| notes  | an org-mode table with footnotes                     |
-| lspace | if non-nil, insert =addlinespace= after =bottomrule= |
-An example footnote to the =arguments= table specifies the column
-span. Note the use of LaTeX, rather than Org-mode, markup.
-#+tblname: arguments-notes
-| \multicolumn{2}{l}{This is a footnote to the \emph{arguments} table.} |
-#+name: booktabs-notes
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var table='((:head) hline (:body)) :var notes='() :var 
align='() :var env="tabular" :var width='() :var lspace='() :noweb yes :results 
-  (flet ((to-tab (tab)
-                 (orgtbl-to-generic
-                  (mapcar (lambda (lis)
-                            (if (listp lis)
-                                (mapcar (lambda (el)
-                                          (if (stringp el)
-                                              el
-                                            (format "%S" el))) lis)
-                              lis)) tab)
-                  (list :lend " \\\\" :sep " & " :hline "\\hline"))))
-    (org-fill-template
-     "
-    \\begin{%env}%width%align
-    \\toprule
-    %table
-    \\bottomrule%spacer
-    %notes
-    \\end{%env}\n"
-     (list
-      (cons "env"       (or env "table"))
-      (cons "width"     (if width (format "{%s}" width) ""))
-      (cons "align"     (if align (format "{%s}" align) ""))
-      (cons "spacer"    (if lspace "\\addlinespace" ""))
-      (cons "table"
-            ;; only use \midrule if it looks like there are column headers
-            (if (equal 'hline (second table))
-                (concat (to-tab (list (first table)))
-                        "\n\\midrule\n"
-                        (to-tab (cddr table)))
-              (to-tab table)))
-      (cons "notes" (if notes (to-tab notes) ""))
-      )))
-** Elegant lisp for transposing a matrix
-#+tblname: transpose-example
-| 1 | 2 | 3 |
-| 4 | 5 | 6 |
-#+name: transpose
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var table=transpose-example
-  (apply #'mapcar* #'list table)
-| 1 | 4 |
-| 2 | 5 |
-| 3 | 6 |
-** Convert every element of a table to a string
-#+tblname: hetero-table
-| 1 | 2 | 3 |
-| a | b | c |
-#+name: all-to-string
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var tbl='()
-  (defun all-to-string (tbl)
-    (if (listp tbl)
-        (mapcar #'all-to-string tbl)
-      (if (stringp tbl)
-          tbl
-        (format "%s" tbl))))
-  (all-to-string tbl)
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var tbl=hetero-table
-  (mapcar (lambda (row) (mapcar (lambda (cell) (stringp cell)) row)) tbl)
-| nil | nil | nil |
-| t   | t   | t   |
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var tbl=all-to-string(hetero-table)
-  (mapcar (lambda (row) (mapcar (lambda (cell) (stringp cell)) row)) tbl)
-| t | t | t |
-| t | t | t |
-* Misc
-** File-specific Version Control logging
-   :AUTHOR: Luke Crook
-   :END:
-This function will attempt to retrieve the entire commit log for the
-file associated with the current buffer and insert this log into the
-export. The function uses the Emacs VC commands to interface to the
-local version control system, but has only been tested to work with
-Git. 'limit' is currently unsupported.
-#+name: vc-log
-#+headers: :var limit=-1
-#+headers: :var buf=(buffer-name (current-buffer))
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp
-  ;; Most of this code is copied from vc.el vc-print-log
-  (require 'vc)
-  (when (vc-find-backend-function
-         (vc-backend (buffer-file-name (get-buffer buf))) 'print-log)
-    (let ((limit -1)
-          (vc-fileset nil)
-          (backend nil)
-          (files nil))
-      (with-current-buffer (get-buffer buf)
-        (setq vc-fileset (vc-deduce-fileset t)) ; FIXME: Why t? --Stef
-        (setq backend (car vc-fileset))
-        (setq files (cadr vc-fileset)))
-      (with-temp-buffer
-        (let ((status (vc-call-backend
-                       backend 'print-log files (current-buffer))))
-          (when (and (processp status)   ; Make sure status is a process
-                     (= 0 (process-exit-status status))) ; which has not 
-            (while (not (eq 'exit (process-status status)))
-              (sit-for 1 t)))
-          (buffer-string)))))
-** Trivial python code blocks
-#+name: python-identity
-#+begin_src python :var a=1
-#+name: python-add
-#+begin_src python :var a=1 :var b=2
-a + b
-** Arithmetic
-#+name: lob-add
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var a=0 :var b=0
-  (+ a b)
-#+name: lob-minus
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var a=0 :var b=0
-  (- a b)
-#+name: lob-times
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var a=0 :var b=0
-  (* a b)
-#+name: lob-div
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var a=0 :var b=0
-  (/ a b)
-* GANTT Charts
-The =elispgantt= source block was sent to the mailing list by Eric
-Fraga.  It was modified slightly by Tom Dye.
-#+name: elispgantt
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var table=gantttest
-  (let ((dates "")
-        (entries (nthcdr 2 table))
-        (milestones "")
-        (nmilestones 0)
-        (ntasks 0)
-        (projecttime 0)
-        (tasks "")
-        (xlength 1))
-    (message "Initial: %s\n" table)
-    (message "Entries: %s\n" entries)
-    (while entries
-      (let ((entry (first entries)))
-        (if (listp entry)
-            (let ((id (first entry))
-                  (type (nth 1 entry))
-                  (label (nth 2 entry))
-                  (task (nth 3 entry))
-                  (dependencies (nth 4 entry))
-                  (start (nth 5 entry))
-                  (duration (nth 6 entry))
-                  (end (nth 7 entry))
-                  (alignment (nth 8 entry)))
-              (if (> start projecttime) (setq projecttime start))
-              (if (string= type "task")
-                  (let ((end (+ start duration))
-                        (textposition (+ start (/ duration 2)))
-                        (flush ""))
-                    (if (string= alignment "left")
-                        (progn
-                          (setq textposition start)
-                          (setq flush "[left]"))
-                      (if (string= alignment "right")
-                          (progn
-                            (setq textposition end)
-                            (setq flush "[right]"))))
-                    (setq tasks
-                          (format "%s  \\gantttask{%s}{%s}{%d}{%d}{%d}{%s}\n"
-                                  tasks label task start end textposition 
-                    (setq ntasks (+ 1 ntasks))
-                    (if (> end projecttime)
-                        (setq projecttime end)))
-                (if (string= type "milestone")
-                    (progn
-                      (setq milestones
-                            (format
-                             "%s  
-                             milestones label task start))
-                      (setq nmilestones (+ 1 nmilestones)))
-                  (if (string= type "date")
-                      (setq dates (format "%s  \\ganttdateline{%s}{%d}\n"
-                                          dates label start))
-                    (message "Ignoring entry with type %s\n" type)))))
-          (message "Ignoring non-list entry %s\n" entry)) ; end if list entry
-        (setq entries (cdr entries))))  ; end while entries left
-    (format "\\pgfdeclarelayer{background}
-  \\pgfdeclarelayer{foreground}
-  \\pgfsetlayers{background,foreground}
-  \\renewcommand{\\ganttprojecttime}{%d}
-  \\renewcommand{\\ganttntasks}{%d}
-  \\noindent
-  \\begin{tikzpicture}[y=-0.75cm,x=0.75\\textwidth]
-    \\begin{pgfonlayer}{background}
-      \\draw[very thin, red!10!white] (0,1+\\ganttntasks) grid 
[ystep=0.75cm,xstep=1/\\ganttprojecttime] (1,0);
-      \\draw[\\ganttdatelinecolour] (0,0) -- (1,0);
-      \\draw[\\ganttdatelinecolour] (0,1+\\ganttntasks) -- (1,1+\\ganttntasks);
-    \\end{pgfonlayer}
-  %s
-  %s
-  %s
-  \\end{tikzpicture}" projecttime ntasks tasks milestones dates))
-* Available languages
-  :AUTHOR:   Bastien
-  :END:
-** From Org's core
-| Language   | Identifier | Language       | Identifier |
-| Asymptote  | asymptote  | Awk            | awk        |
-| Emacs Calc | calc       | C              | C          |
-| C++        | C++        | Clojure        | clojure    |
-| CSS        | css        | ditaa          | ditaa      |
-| Graphviz   | dot        | Emacs Lisp     | emacs-lisp |
-| gnuplot    | gnuplot    | Haskell        | haskell    |
-| Javascript | js         | LaTeX          | latex      |
-| Ledger     | ledger     | Lisp           | lisp       |
-| Lilypond   | lilypond   | MATLAB         | matlab     |
-| Mscgen     | mscgen     | Objective Caml | ocaml      |
-| Octave     | octave     | Org-mode       | org        |
-|            |            | Perl           | perl       |
-| Plantuml   | plantuml   | Python         | python     |
-| R          | R          | Ruby           | ruby       |
-| Sass       | sass       | Scheme         | scheme     |
-| GNU Screen | screen     | shell          | sh         |
-| SQL        | sql        | SQLite         | sqlite     |
-** From Org's contrib/babel/langs
-- ob-oz.el, by Torsten Anders and Eric Schulte
-- ob-fomus.el, by Torsten Anders

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