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[elpa] master 5ebcae8 64/66: Improve duplicates removal

From: Dmitry Gutov
Subject: [elpa] master 5ebcae8 64/66: Improve duplicates removal
Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 02:45:09 +0000

branch: master
commit 5ebcae8283b17198ce5f0ee94da7c38c11233259
Author: Dmitry Gutov <address@hidden>
Commit: Dmitry Gutov <address@hidden>

    Improve duplicates removal
    Remove items with equal annotations, even when separated by item(s) with
    different annotation(s). Provided the string values match, of course.
 company.el         |   26 +++++++++++++++-----------
 test/core-tests.el |   40 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 55 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/company.el b/company.el
index 6d5cc6d..4129189 100644
--- a/company.el
+++ b/company.el
@@ -1161,21 +1161,25 @@ can retrieve meta-data for them."
   (company--transform-candidates candidates))
 (defun company--strip-duplicates (candidates)
-  (let ((c2 candidates))
+  (let ((c2 candidates)
+        (annos 'unk))
     (while c2
       (setcdr c2
-              (let ((str (car c2))
-                    (anno 'unk))
-                (pop c2)
+              (let ((str (pop c2)))
                 (while (let ((str2 (car c2)))
                          (if (not (equal str str2))
-                             nil
-                           (when (eq anno 'unk)
-                             (setq anno (company-call-backend
-                                         'annotation str)))
-                           (equal anno
-                                  (company-call-backend
-                                   'annotation str2))))
+                             (progn
+                               (setq annos 'unk)
+                               nil)
+                           (when (eq annos 'unk)
+                             (setq annos (list (company-call-backend
+                                                'annotation str))))
+                           (let ((anno2 (company-call-backend
+                                         'annotation str2)))
+                             (if (member anno2 annos)
+                                 t
+                               (push anno2 annos)
+                               nil))))
                   (pop c2))
diff --git a/test/core-tests.el b/test/core-tests.el
index b395c9f..13e547e 100644
--- a/test/core-tests.el
+++ b/test/core-tests.el
@@ -392,6 +392,46 @@
       (should (string= "tea-cup" (buffer-string))))))
+(defvar ct-sorted nil)
+(defun ct-equal-including-properties (list1 list2)
+  (or (and (not list1) (not list2))
+      (and (ert-equal-including-properties (car list1) (car list2))
+           (ct-equal-including-properties (cdr list1) (cdr list2)))))
+(ert-deftest company-strips-duplicates-within-groups ()
+  (let* ((kvs '(("a" . "b")
+                ("a" . nil)
+                ("a" . "b")
+                ("a" . "c")
+                ("a" . "b")
+                ("b" . "c")
+                ("b" . nil)
+                ("a" . "b")))
+         (fn (lambda (kvs)
+               (mapcar (lambda (kv) (propertize (car kv) 'ann (cdr kv)))
+                       kvs)))
+         (company-backend
+          (lambda (command &optional arg)
+            (pcase command
+              (`prefix "")
+              (`sorted ct-sorted)
+              (`duplicates t)
+              (`annotation (get-text-property 0 'ann arg)))))
+         (reference '(("a" . "b")
+                      ("a" . nil)
+                      ("a" . "c")
+                      ("b" . "c")
+                      ("b" . nil)
+                      ("a" . "b"))))
+    (let ((ct-sorted t))
+      (should (ct-equal-including-properties
+               (company--preprocess-candidates (funcall fn kvs))
+               (funcall fn reference))))
+    (should (ct-equal-including-properties
+             (company--preprocess-candidates (funcall fn kvs))
+             (funcall fn (butlast reference))))))
 ;;; Row and column
 (ert-deftest company-column-with-composition ()

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