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[elpa] master d097a28 02/10: Add lisp source file

From: Artur Malabarba
Subject: [elpa] master d097a28 02/10: Add lisp source file
Date: Sun, 01 Feb 2015 18:43:45 +0000

branch: master
commit d097a28aeeb8cd27f726fda1d48d18ac4e54e4c5
Author: Artur Malabarba <address@hidden>
Commit: Artur Malabarba <address@hidden>

    Add lisp source file
 sotlisp.el |  495 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 495 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sotlisp.el b/sotlisp.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd86c69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sotlisp.el
@@ -0,0 +1,495 @@
+;;; sotlisp.el --- Write lisp at the speed of thought.  -*- lexical-binding: 
t; -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Artur Malabarba  <address@hidden>
+;; Keywords: convenience, lisp
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.1"))
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This defines a new global minor-mode `speed-of-thought-mode', which
+;; activates locally on any supported buffer.  Currently, only
+;; `emacs-lisp-mode' buffers are supported.
+;; The mode is quite simple, and is composed of two parts:
+;;; Abbrevs
+;; A large number of abbrevs which expand function
+;; initials to their name.  A few examples:
+;; - wcb -> with-current-buffer
+;; - i -> insert
+;; - r -> require '
+;; - a -> and
+;; However, these are defined in a way such that they ONLY expand in a
+;; place where you would use a function, so hitting SPC after "(r"
+;; expands to "(require '", but hitting SPC after "(delete-region r" will
+;; NOT expand the `r', because that's obviously not a function.
+;; Furtheromre, "#'r" will expand to "#'require" (note how it ommits that
+;; extra quote, since it would be useless here).
+;;; Commands
+;; It also defines 4 commands, which really fit into this "follow the
+;; thought-flow" way of writing.  The bindings are as follows, I
+;; understand these don't fully adhere to conventions, and I'd
+;; appreaciate suggestions on better bindings.
+;; - M-RET :: Break line, and insert "()" with point in the middle.
+;; - C-RET :: Do `forward-up-list', then do M-RET.
+;; Hitting RET followed by a `(' was one of the most common key sequences
+;; for me while writing elisp, so giving it a quick-to-hit key was a
+;; significant improvement.
+;; - C-c f :: Find function under point.  If it is not defined, create a
+;; definition for it below the current function and leave point inside.
+;; - C-c v :: Same, but for variable.
+;; With these commands, you just write your code as you think of it.  Once
+;; you hit a "stop-point" of sorts in your tought flow, you hit `C-c f/v`
+;; on any undefined functions/variables, write their definitions, and hit
+;; `C-u C-SPC` to go back to the main function.
+;;; Small Example
+;; With the above (assuming you use something like paredit or
+;; electric-pair-mode), if you write:
+;;   ( w t b M-RET i SPC text
+;; You get
+;;   (with-temp-buffer (insert text))
+;;; Code:
+  (require 'subr-x))
+;;; Predicates
+(defun sotlisp--auto-paired-p ()
+  "Non-nil if this buffer auto-inserts parentheses."
+  (or (bound-and-true-p electric-pair-mode)
+      (bound-and-true-p paredit-mode)
+      (bound-and-true-p smartparens-mode)))
+(defun sotlisp--function-form-p ()
+  "Non-nil if point is at the start of a sexp.
+Specially, avoids matching inside argument lists."
+  (and (eq (char-before) ?\()
+       (not (looking-back "(\\(defun\\s-+.*\\|lambda\\s-+\\)("))
+       (not (string-match (rx (syntax symbol)) (string last-command-event)))))
+(defun sotlisp--function-quote-p ()
+  "Non-nil if point is at a sharp-quote."
+  (looking-back "#'"))
+(defun sotlisp--function-p ()
+  "Non-nil if point is at reasonable place for a function name.
+Returns non-nil if, after moving backwards by a sexp, either
+`sotlisp--function-form-p' or `sotlisp--function-quote-p' return
+  (save-excursion
+    (ignore-errors
+      (skip-chars-backward (rx alnum))
+      (or (sotlisp--function-form-p)
+          (sotlisp--function-quote-p)))))
+(defun sotlisp--whitespace-p ()
+  "Non-nil if current `self-insert'ed char is whitespace."
+  (ignore-errors
+    (string-match (rx space) (string last-command-event))))
+;;; Expansion logic
+(defvar sotlisp--needs-moving nil
+  "Will `sotlisp--move-to-$' move point after insertion?")
+(defun sotlisp--move-to-$ ()
+  "Move backwards until `$' and delete it.
+Point is left where the `$' char was.  Does nothing if variable
+`sotlisp-mode' is nil."
+  (when (bound-and-true-p speed-of-thought-mode)
+    (when sotlisp--needs-moving
+      (setq sotlisp--needs-moving nil)
+      (skip-chars-backward "^\\$")
+      (delete-char -1))))
+(add-hook 'post-command-hook #'sotlisp--move-to-$ 'append)
+(defun sotlisp--maybe-skip-closing-paren ()
+  "Move past `)' if variable `electric-pair-mode' is enabled."
+  (when (and (char-after ?\))
+             (sotlisp--auto-paired-p))
+    (forward-char 1)))
+(defvar sotlisp--function-table (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
+  "Table where function abbrev expansions are stored.")
+(defun sotlisp--expand-function ()
+  "Expand the function abbrev before point.
+See `sotlisp-define-function-abbrev'."
+  (let ((r (point)))
+    (skip-chars-backward (rx alnum))
+    (let* ((name (buffer-substring (point) r))
+           (expansion (gethash name sotlisp--function-table)))
+      (delete-region (point) r)
+      (if (sotlisp--function-quote-p)
+          ;; After #' use the simple expansion.
+          (insert (sotlisp--simplify-function-expansion expansion))
+        ;; Inside a form, use the full expansion.
+        (insert expansion)
+        (when (string-match "\\$" expansion)
+          (setq sotlisp--needs-moving t))))
+    ;; Inform `expand-abbrev' that `self-insert-command' should not
+    ;; trigger, by returning non-nil on SPC.
+    (when (sotlisp--whitespace-p)
+      ;; And maybe move out of closing paren if expansion ends with $.
+      (when (eq (char-before) ?$)
+        (delete-char -1)
+        (setq sotlisp--needs-moving nil)
+        (sotlisp--maybe-skip-closing-paren))
+      t)))
+(put 'sotlisp--expand-function 'no-self-insert t)
+(defun sotlisp--simplify-function-expansion (expansion)
+  "Take a substring of EXPANSION up to first space.
+The space char is not included.  Any \"$\" are also removed."
+  (replace-regexp-in-string
+   "\\$" ""
+   (substring expansion 0 (string-match " " expansion))))
+;;; Abbrev definitions
+(defconst sotlisp--default-function-abbrevs
+  '(
+    ("a" . "and ")
+    ("ah" . "add-hook '")
+    ("atl" . "add-to-list '")
+    ("bb" . "bury-buffer")
+    ("bc" . "forward-char -1")
+    ("bfn" . "buffer-file-name")
+    ("bn" . "buffer-name")
+    ("bl" . "buffer-list$")
+    ("bod" . "beginning-of-defun")
+    ("bp" . "boundp '")
+    ("bs" . "buffer-string$")
+    ("bss" . "buffer-substring ")
+    ("bw" . "forward-word -1")
+    ("c" . "concat ")
+    ("ca" . "char-after$")
+    ("cc" . "condition-case er\n$\n(error nil)")
+    ("ci" . "call-interactively ")
+    ("cip" . "called-interactively-p 'any")
+    ("csv" . "customize-save-variable '")
+    ("d" . "delete-char 1")
+    ("df" . "delete-file ")
+    ("dl" . "dolist (it $)")
+    ("dk" . "define-key ")
+    ("dmp" . "derived-mode-p '")
+    ("dr" . "delete-region ")
+    ("e" . "error \"$\"")
+    ("efn" . "expand-file-name ")
+    ("f" . "format \"$\"")
+    ("fb" . "fboundp '")
+    ("fbp" . "fboundp '")
+    ("fc" . "forward-char 1")
+    ("ff" . "find-file ")
+    ("fl" . "forward-line 1")
+    ("fp" . "functionp ")
+    ("frp" . "file-readable-p ")
+    ("fs" . "forward-sexp 1")
+    ("fw" . "forward-word 1")
+    ("g" . "goto-char ")
+    ("gc" . "goto-char ")
+    ("gsk" . "global-set-key ")
+    ("i" . "insert ")
+    ("ie" . "ignore-errors ")
+    ("k" . "kbd \"$\"")
+    ("kb" . "kill-buffer")
+    ("l" . "lambda ($)")
+    ("la" . "looking-at \"$\"")
+    ("lap" . "looking-at-p \"$\"")
+    ("lb" . "looking-back \"$\"")
+    ("let" . "let (($))")
+    ("lp" . "listp ")
+    ("m" . "message \"$%s\"")
+    ("mb" . "match-beginning 0")
+    ("me" . "match-end 0")
+    ("ms" . "match-string 0")
+    ("msnp" . "match-string-no-properties 0")
+    ("n" . "not ")
+    ("nl" . "forward-line 1")
+    ("np" . "numberp ")
+    ("ow" . "other-window 1")
+    ("p" . "point$")
+    ("pa" . "point-max$")
+    ("pi" . "point-min$")
+    ("r" . "require '")
+    ("rh" . "remove-hook '")
+    ("rm" . "replace-match \"$\"")
+    ("rq" . "regexp-quote \"$\"")
+    ("rris" . "replace-regexp-in-string ")
+    ("rrs" . "replace-regexp-in-string ")
+    ("rs" . "while (search-forward $ nil t)\n(replace-match \"\") nil t)")
+    ("s" . "setq ")
+    ("s=" . "string= ")
+    ("sb" . "search-backward \"$\"")
+    ("sbr" . "search-backward-regexp \"$\"")
+    ("scb" . "skip-chars-backward \"$\r\n[:blank:]\"")
+    ("scf" . "skip-chars-forward \"$\r\n[:blank:]\"")
+    ("se" . "save-excursion")
+    ("sf" . "search-forward \"$\"")
+    ("sfr" . "search-forward-regexp \"$\"")
+    ("sm" . "string-match \"$\"")
+    ("smd" . "save-match-data")
+    ("sn" . "symbol-name ")
+    ("sp" . "stringp ")
+    ("sr" . "save-restriction")
+    ("ss" . "substring ")
+    ("stb" . "switch-to-buffer ")
+    ("sw" . "select-window ")
+    ("tap" . "thing-at-point 'symbol")
+    ("u" . "unless ")
+    ("up" . "unwind-protect ")
+    ("w" . "when ")
+    ("wcb" . "with-current-buffer ")
+    ("wf" . "write-file ")
+    ("wh" . "while ")
+    ("wl" . "window-list nil 'nominibuffer")
+    ("wtb" . "with-temp-buffer")
+    ("wtf" . "with-temp-file")
+    )
+  "Alist of (ABBREV . EXPANSION) used by `sotlisp'.")
+(defun sotlisp-define-function-abbrev (name expansion)
+  "Define a function abbrev expanding NAME to EXPANSION.
+This abbrev will only be expanded in places where a function name is
+sensible.  Roughly, this is right after a `(' or a `#''.
+If EXPANSION is any string, it doesn't have to be the just the
+name of a function.  In particular:
+  - if it contains a `$', this char will not be inserted and
+    point will be moved to its position after expansion.
+  - if it contains a space, only a substring of it up to the
+first space is inserted when expanding after a `#'' (this is done
+by defining two different abbrevs).
+For instance, if one defines
+   (sotlisp-define-function-abbrev \"d\" \"delete-char 1\")
+then triggering `expand-abbrev' after \"d\" expands in the
+following way:
+   (d    => (delete-char 1
+   #'d   => #'delete-char"
+  (define-abbrev emacs-lisp-mode-abbrev-table
+    name t #'sotlisp--expand-function
+    ;; Don't override user abbrevs
+    :system t
+    ;; Only expand in function places.
+    :enable-function #'sotlisp--function-p)
+  (puthash name expansion sotlisp--function-table))
+(defun sotlisp-erase-all-abbrevs ()
+  "Undefine all abbrevs defined by `sotlisp'."
+  (interactive)
+  (maphash (lambda (x _) (define-abbrev emacs-lisp-mode-abbrev-table x nil))
+           sotlisp--function-table))
+(defun sotlisp-define-all-abbrevs ()
+  "Define all abbrevs in `sotlisp--default-function-abbrevs'."
+  (interactive)
+  (mapc (lambda (x) (sotlisp-define-function-abbrev (car x) (cdr x)))
+    sotlisp--default-function-abbrevs))
+;;; The global minor-mode
+(defvar speed-of-thought-turn-on-hook '(sotlisp-turn-on-everywhere)
+  "Hook run once when `speed-of-thought-mode' is enabled.
+Note that `speed-of-thought-mode' is global, so this is not run
+on every buffer.
+See `sotlisp-turn-on-everywhere' for an example of what a
+function in this hook should do.")
+(defvar speed-of-thought-turn-off-hook '(sotlisp-turn-off-everywhere)
+  "Hook run once when `speed-of-thought-mode' is disabled.
+Note that `speed-of-thought-mode' is global, so this is not run
+on every buffer.
+See `sotlisp-turn-on-everywhere' for an example of what a
+function in this hook should do.")
+(define-minor-mode speed-of-thought-mode nil nil nil nil
+  :global t
+  (run-hooks (if speed-of-thought-mode
+                 'speed-of-thought-turn-on-hook
+               'speed-of-thought-turn-off-hook)))
+;;; The local minor-mode
+(defun sotlisp-turn-on-everywhere ()
+  "Call-once function to turn on sotlisp everywhere.
+Calls `sotlisp-mode' on all `emacs-lisp-mode' buffers, and sets
+up a hook and abbrevs."
+  (add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook #'sotlisp-mode)
+  (sotlisp-define-all-abbrevs)
+  (mapc (lambda (b)
+          (with-current-buffer b
+            (when (derived-mode-p 'emacs-lisp-mode)
+              (sotlisp-mode 1))))
+    (buffer-list)))
+(defun sotlisp-turn-off-everywhere ()
+  "Call-once function to turn off sotlisp everywhere.
+Removes `sotlisp-mode' from all `emacs-lisp-mode' buffers, and
+removes hooks and abbrevs."
+  (remove-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook #'sotlisp-mode)
+  (sotlisp-erase-all-abbrevs)
+  (mapc (lambda (b)
+          (with-current-buffer b
+            (when (derived-mode-p 'emacs-lisp-mode)
+              (sotlisp-mode -1))))
+    (buffer-list)))
+(define-minor-mode sotlisp-mode nil nil " SoT"
+  '(([M-return] . sotlisp-newline-and-parentheses)
+    ([C-return] . sotlisp-downlist-newline-and-parentheses)
+    ("\C-cf"    . sotlisp-find-or-define-function)
+    ("\C-cv"    . sotlisp-find-or-define-variable)))
+;;; Commands
+(defun sotlisp-newline-and-parentheses ()
+  "`newline-and-indent' then insert a pair of parentheses."
+  (interactive)
+  (point)
+  (ignore-errors (expand-abbrev))
+  (newline-and-indent)
+  (insert "()")
+  (forward-char -1))
+(defun sotlisp-downlist-newline-and-parentheses ()
+  "`up-list', `newline-and-indent', then insert a parentheses pair."
+  (interactive)
+  (ignore-errors (expand-abbrev))
+  (up-list)
+  (newline-and-indent)
+  (insert "()")
+  (forward-char -1))
+(defun sotlisp--find-in-buffer (r s)
+  "Find the string (concat R (regexp-quote S)) somewhere in this buffer."
+  (let ((l (save-excursion
+             (goto-char (point-min))
+             (save-match-data
+               (when (search-forward-regexp (concat r (regexp-quote s) "\\_>")
+                                            nil :noerror)
+                 (match-beginning 0))))))
+    (when l
+      (push-mark)
+      (goto-char l)
+      l)))
+(defun sotlisp--beginning-of-defun ()
+  "`push-mark' and move above this defun."
+  (push-mark)
+  (beginning-of-defun)
+  (when (looking-back "^;;;###autoload\\s-*\n")
+    (forward-line -1)))
+(defun sotlisp--function-at-point ()
+  "Return name of `function-called-at-point'."
+  (if (save-excursion
+        (ignore-errors (forward-sexp -1)
+                       (looking-at-p "#'")))
+      (thing-at-point 'symbol)
+    (if-let ((fcap (function-called-at-point)))
+        (symbol-name fcap)
+      (thing-at-point 'symbol))))
+(defun sotlisp-find-or-define-function (&optional prefix)
+  "If symbol under point is a defined function, go to it, otherwise define it.
+Essentially `find-function' on steroids.
+If you write in your code the name of a function you haven't
+defined yet, just place point on its name and hit 
+and a defun will be inserted with point inside it.  After that,
+you can just hit `pop-mark' to go back to where you were.
+With a PREFIX argument, creates a `defmacro' instead.
+If the function under point is already defined this just calls
+`find-function', with one exception:
+    if there's a defun (or equivalent) for this function in the
+    current buffer, we go to that even if it's not where the
+    global definition comes from (this is useful if you're
+    writing an Emacs package that also happens to be installed
+    through package.el).
+With a prefix argument, defines a `defmacro' instead of a `defun'."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (let ((name (sotlisp--function-at-point)))
+    (unless (and name (sotlisp--find-in-buffer "(def\\(un\\|macro\\|alias\\) " 
+      (let ((name-s (intern-soft name)))
+        (if (fboundp name-s)
+            (find-function name-s)
+          (sotlisp--beginning-of-defun)
+          (insert "(def" (if prefix "macro" "un")
+                  " " name " (")
+          (save-excursion (insert ")\n  \"\"\n  )\n\n")))))))
+(defun sotlisp-find-or-define-variable (&optional prefix)
+  "If symbol under point is a defined variable, go to it, otherwise define it.
+Essentially `find-variable' on steroids.
+If you write in your code the name of a variable you haven't
+defined yet, place point on its name and hit 
+and a `defcustom' will be created with point inside.  After that,
+you can just `pop-mark' to go back to where you were.  With a
+PREFIX argument, creates a `defvar' instead.
+If the variable under point is already defined this just calls
+`find-variable', with one exception:
+    if there's a defvar (or equivalent) for this variable in the
+    current buffer, we go to that even if it's not where the
+    global definition comes from (this is useful if you're
+    writing an Emacs package that also happens to be installed
+    through package.el).
+With a prefix argument, defines a `defvar' instead of a `defcustom'."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (let ((name (symbol-name (variable-at-point t))))
+    (unless (sotlisp--find-in-buffer "(def\\(custom\\|const\\|var\\) " name)
+      (unless (and (symbolp (variable-at-point))
+                   (ignore-errors (find-variable (variable-at-point)) t))
+        (let ((name (thing-at-point 'symbol)))
+          (sotlisp--beginning-of-defun)
+          (insert "(def" (if prefix "var" "custom")
+                  " " name " t")
+          (save-excursion
+            (insert "\n  \"\""
+                    (if prefix "" "\n  :type 'boolean")
+                    ")\n\n")))))))
+(provide 'sotlisp)
+;;; sotlisp.el ends here

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