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[elpa] master 874cf77 31/45: js2-get-token-internal-1: Reindent

From: Dmitry Gutov
Subject: [elpa] master 874cf77 31/45: js2-get-token-internal-1: Reindent
Date: Mon, 02 Feb 2015 03:18:46 +0000

branch: master
commit 874cf775f0769fa443812eeebfdc4513bd1d7e31
Author: Dmitry Gutov <address@hidden>
Commit: Dmitry Gutov <address@hidden>

    js2-get-token-internal-1: Reindent
 js2-mode.el |  711 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
 1 files changed, 356 insertions(+), 355 deletions(-)

diff --git a/js2-mode.el b/js2-mode.el
index b1e9439..5a7f650 100644
--- a/js2-mode.el
+++ b/js2-mode.el
@@ -5867,367 +5867,368 @@ the token is flagged as such."
   "Return next JavaScript token type, an int such as js2-RETURN.
 During operation, creates an instance of `js2-token' struct, sets
 its relevant fields and puts it into `js2-ti-tokens'."
-  (let (c c1 identifier-start is-unicode-escape-start
+  (let (identifier-start
+        is-unicode-escape-start c c1
         contains-escape escape-val str result base
         quote-char val look-for-slash continue tt
         (token (js2-new-token 0)))
-   (setq
-    tt
-    (catch 'return
-      (when (eq modifier 'TEMPLATE_TAIL)
-        (setf (js2-token-beg token) (1- js2-ts-cursor))
-        (throw 'return (js2-get-string-or-template-token ?` token)))
-      (while t
-        ;; Eat whitespace, possibly sensitive to newlines.
-        (setq continue t)
-        (while continue
-          (setq c (js2-get-char))
-          (cond
-           ((eq c js2-EOF_CHAR)
-            (js2-unget-char)
-            (js2-ts-set-char-token-bounds token)
-            (throw 'return js2-EOF))
-           ((eq c ?\n)
-            (js2-ts-set-char-token-bounds token)
-            (setq js2-ts-dirty-line nil)
-            (throw 'return js2-EOL))
-           ((not (js2-js-space-p c))
-            (if (/= c ?-)               ; in case end of HTML comment
-                (setq js2-ts-dirty-line t))
-            (setq continue nil))))
-        ;; Assume the token will be 1 char - fixed up below.
-        (js2-ts-set-char-token-bounds token)
-        (when (eq c ?@)
-          (throw 'return js2-XMLATTR))
-        ;; identifier/keyword/instanceof?
-        ;; watch out for starting with a <backslash>
-        (cond
-         ((eq c ?\\)
-          (setq c (js2-get-char))
-          (if (eq c ?u)
-              (setq identifier-start t
-                    is-unicode-escape-start t
-                    js2-ts-string-buffer nil)
-            (setq identifier-start nil)
-            (js2-unget-char)
-            (setq c ?\\)))
-         (t
-          (when (setq identifier-start (js2-identifier-start-p c))
-            (setq js2-ts-string-buffer nil)
-            (js2-add-to-string c))))
-        (when identifier-start
-          (setq contains-escape is-unicode-escape-start)
-          (catch 'break
-            (while t
-              (if is-unicode-escape-start
-                  ;; strictly speaking we should probably push-back
-                  ;; all the bad characters if the <backslash>uXXXX
-                  ;; sequence is malformed. But since there isn't a
-                  ;; correct context(is there?) for a bad Unicode
-                  ;; escape sequence in an identifier, we can report
-                  ;; an error here.
-                  (progn
-                    (setq escape-val 0)
-                    (dotimes (_ 4)
-                      (setq c (js2-get-char)
-                            escape-val (js2-x-digit-to-int c escape-val))
-                      ;; Next check takes care of c < 0 and bad escape
-                      (if (cl-minusp escape-val)
-                          (throw 'break nil)))
-                    (if (cl-minusp escape-val)
-                        (js2-report-scan-error "msg.invalid.escape" t))
-                    (js2-add-to-string escape-val)
-                    (setq is-unicode-escape-start nil))
-                (setq c (js2-get-char))
-                (cond
-                 ((eq c ?\\)
-                  (setq c (js2-get-char))
-                  (if (eq c ?u)
-                      (setq is-unicode-escape-start t
-                            contains-escape t)
-                    (js2-report-scan-error "msg.illegal.character" t)))
-                 (t
-                  (if (or (eq c js2-EOF_CHAR)
-                          (not (js2-identifier-part-p c)))
-                      (throw 'break nil))
-                  (js2-add-to-string c))))))
-          (js2-unget-char)
-          (setf str (js2-collect-string js2-ts-string-buffer)
-                (js2-token-end token) js2-ts-cursor)
-          ;; FIXME: Invalid in ES5 and ES6, see
-          ;; https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=694360
-          ;; Probably should just drop this conditional.
-          (unless contains-escape
-            ;; OPT we shouldn't have to make a string (object!) to
-            ;; check if it's a keyword.
-            ;; Return the corresponding token if it's a keyword
-            (when (and (not (eq modifier 'KEYWORD_IS_NAME))
-                       (setq result (js2-string-to-keyword str)))
-              (if (and (< js2-language-version 170)
-                       (memq result '(js2-LET js2-YIELD)))
-                  ;; LET and YIELD are tokens only in 1.7 and later
-                  (setq result 'js2-NAME))
-              (when (eq result 'js2-RESERVED)
-                (setf (js2-token-string token) str))
-              (throw 'return (js2-tt-code result))))
-          ;; If we want to intern these as Rhino does, just use (intern str)
-          (setf (js2-token-string token) str)
-          (throw 'return js2-NAME))     ; end identifier/kwd check
-        ;; is it a number?
-        (when (or (js2-digit-p c)
-                  (and (eq c ?.) (js2-digit-p (js2-peek-char))))
-          (setq js2-ts-string-buffer nil
-                base 10)
-          (when (eq c ?0)
-            (setq c (js2-get-char))
-            (cond
-             ((or (eq c ?x) (eq c ?X))
-              (setq base 16)
-              (setq c (js2-get-char)))
-             ((and (or (eq c ?b) (eq c ?B))
-                   (>= js2-language-version 200))
-              (setq base 2)
-              (setq c (js2-get-char)))
-             ((and (or (eq c ?o) (eq c ?O))
-                   (>= js2-language-version 200))
-              (setq base 8)
-              (setq c (js2-get-char)))
-             ((js2-digit-p c)
-              (setq base 'maybe-8))
-             (t
-              (js2-add-to-string ?0))))
-          (cond
-           ((eq base 16)
-            (if (> 0 (js2-x-digit-to-int c 0))
-                (js2-report-scan-error "msg.missing.hex.digits")
-              (while (<= 0 (js2-x-digit-to-int c 0))
-                (js2-add-to-string c)
-                (setq c (js2-get-char)))))
-           ((eq base 2)
-            (if (not (memq c '(?0 ?1)))
-                (js2-report-scan-error "msg.missing.binary.digits")
-              (while (memq c '(?0 ?1))
-                (js2-add-to-string c)
-                (setq c (js2-get-char)))))
-           ((eq base 8)
-            (if (or (> ?0 c) (< ?7 c))
-                (js2-report-scan-error "msg.missing.octal.digits")
-              (while (and (<= ?0 c) (>= ?7 c))
-                (js2-add-to-string c)
-                (setq c (js2-get-char)))))
-           (t
-            (while (and (<= ?0 c) (<= c ?9))
-              ;; We permit 08 and 09 as decimal numbers, which
-              ;; makes our behavior a superset of the ECMA
-              ;; numeric grammar.  We might not always be so
-              ;; permissive, so we warn about it.
-              (when (and (eq base 'maybe-8) (>= c ?8))
-                (js2-report-warning "msg.bad.octal.literal"
-                                    (if (eq c ?8) "8" "9"))
-                (setq base 10))
-              (js2-add-to-string c)
-              (setq c (js2-get-char)))
-            (when (eq base 'maybe-8)
-              (setq base 8))))
-          (when (and (eq base 10) (memq c '(?. ?e ?E)))
-            (when (eq c ?.)
-              (cl-loop do
-                       (js2-add-to-string c)
-                       (setq c (js2-get-char))
-                       while (js2-digit-p c)))
-            (when (memq c '(?e ?E))
-              (js2-add-to-string c)
-              (setq c (js2-get-char))
-              (when (memq c '(?+ ?-))
-                (js2-add-to-string c)
-                (setq c (js2-get-char)))
-              (unless (js2-digit-p c)
-                (js2-report-scan-error "msg.missing.exponent" t))
-              (cl-loop do
-                       (js2-add-to-string c)
-                       (setq c (js2-get-char))
-                       while (js2-digit-p c))))
-          (js2-unget-char)
-          (let ((str (js2-set-string-from-buffer token)))
-            (setf (js2-token-number token)
-                  (js2-string-to-number str base)))
-          (throw 'return js2-NUMBER))
-        ;; is it a string?
-        (when (or (memq c '(?\" ?\'))
-                  (and (>= js2-language-version 200)
-                       (= c ?`)))
-          (throw 'return
-                 (js2-get-string-or-template-token c token)))
-        (js2-ts-return token
-         (cl-case c
-          (?\;
-           (throw 'return js2-SEMI))
-          (?\[
-           (throw 'return js2-LB))
-          (?\]
-           (throw 'return js2-RB))
-          (?{
-           (throw 'return js2-LC))
-          (?}
-           (throw 'return js2-RC))
-          (?\(
-           (throw 'return js2-LP))
-          (?\)
-           (throw 'return js2-RP))
-          (?,
-           (throw 'return js2-COMMA))
-          (??
-           (throw 'return js2-HOOK))
-          (?:
-           (if (js2-match-char ?:)
-               js2-COLONCOLON
-             (throw 'return js2-COLON)))
-          (?.
-           (if (js2-match-char ?.)
-               (if (js2-match-char ?.)
-                   js2-TRIPLEDOT js2-DOTDOT)
-             (if (js2-match-char ?\()
-                 js2-DOTQUERY
-               (throw 'return js2-DOT))))
-          (?|
-           (if (js2-match-char ?|)
-               (throw 'return js2-OR)
-             (if (js2-match-char ?=)
-                 js2-ASSIGN_BITOR
-               (throw 'return js2-BITOR))))
-          (?^
-           (if (js2-match-char ?=)
-               js2-ASSIGN_BITOR
-             (throw 'return js2-BITXOR)))
-          (?&
-           (if (js2-match-char ?&)
-               (throw 'return js2-AND)
-             (if (js2-match-char ?=)
-                 js2-ASSIGN_BITAND
-               (throw 'return js2-BITAND))))
-          (?=
-           (if (js2-match-char ?=)
-               (if (js2-match-char ?=)
-                   js2-SHEQ
-                 (throw 'return js2-EQ))
-             (if (js2-match-char ?>)
-                 (js2-ts-return token js2-ARROW)
-               (throw 'return js2-ASSIGN))))
-          (?!
-           (if (js2-match-char ?=)
-               (if (js2-match-char ?=)
-                   js2-SHNE
-                 js2-NE)
-             (throw 'return js2-NOT)))
-          (?<
-           ;; NB:treat HTML begin-comment as comment-till-eol
-           (when (js2-match-char ?!)
-             (when (js2-match-char ?-)
-               (when (js2-match-char ?-)
-                 (js2-skip-line)
-                 (setf (js2-token-comment-type (js2-current-token)) 'html)
-                 (throw 'return js2-COMMENT)))
-             (js2-unget-char))
-           (if (js2-match-char ?<)
-               (if (js2-match-char ?=)
-                   js2-ASSIGN_LSH
-                 js2-LSH)
-             (if (js2-match-char ?=)
-                 js2-LE
-               (throw 'return js2-LT))))
-          (?>
-           (if (js2-match-char ?>)
-               (if (js2-match-char ?>)
-                   (if (js2-match-char ?=)
-                       js2-ASSIGN_URSH
-                     js2-URSH)
-                 (if (js2-match-char ?=)
-                     js2-ASSIGN_RSH
-                   js2-RSH))
-             (if (js2-match-char ?=)
-                 js2-GE
-               (throw 'return js2-GT))))
-          (?*
-           (if (js2-match-char ?=)
-               js2-ASSIGN_MUL
-             (throw 'return js2-MUL)))
-          (?/
-           ;; is it a // comment?
-           (when (js2-match-char ?/)
-             (setf (js2-token-beg token) (- js2-ts-cursor 2))
-             (js2-skip-line)
-             (setf (js2-token-comment-type token) 'line)
-             ;; include newline so highlighting goes to end of window
-             (cl-incf (js2-token-end token))
-             (throw 'return js2-COMMENT))
-           ;; is it a /* comment?
-           (when (js2-match-char ?*)
-             (setf look-for-slash nil
-                   (js2-token-beg token) (- js2-ts-cursor 2)
-                   (js2-token-comment-type token)
-                   (if (js2-match-char ?*)
-                       (progn
-                         (setq look-for-slash t)
-                         'jsdoc)
-                     'block))
+    (setq
+     tt
+     (catch 'return
+       (when (eq modifier 'TEMPLATE_TAIL)
+         (setf (js2-token-beg token) (1- js2-ts-cursor))
+         (throw 'return (js2-get-string-or-template-token ?` token)))
+       (while t
+         ;; Eat whitespace, possibly sensitive to newlines.
+         (setq continue t)
+         (while continue
+           (setq c (js2-get-char))
+           (cond
+            ((eq c js2-EOF_CHAR)
+             (js2-unget-char)
+             (js2-ts-set-char-token-bounds token)
+             (throw 'return js2-EOF))
+            ((eq c ?\n)
+             (js2-ts-set-char-token-bounds token)
+             (setq js2-ts-dirty-line nil)
+             (throw 'return js2-EOL))
+            ((not (js2-js-space-p c))
+             (if (/= c ?-)              ; in case end of HTML comment
+                 (setq js2-ts-dirty-line t))
+             (setq continue nil))))
+         ;; Assume the token will be 1 char - fixed up below.
+         (js2-ts-set-char-token-bounds token)
+         (when (eq c ?@)
+           (throw 'return js2-XMLATTR))
+         ;; identifier/keyword/instanceof?
+         ;; watch out for starting with a <backslash>
+         (cond
+          ((eq c ?\\)
+           (setq c (js2-get-char))
+           (if (eq c ?u)
+               (setq identifier-start t
+                     is-unicode-escape-start t
+                     js2-ts-string-buffer nil)
+             (setq identifier-start nil)
+             (js2-unget-char)
+             (setq c ?\\)))
+          (t
+           (when (setq identifier-start (js2-identifier-start-p c))
+             (setq js2-ts-string-buffer nil)
+             (js2-add-to-string c))))
+         (when identifier-start
+           (setq contains-escape is-unicode-escape-start)
+           (catch 'break
              (while t
-               (setq c (js2-get-char))
-               (cond
-                ((eq c js2-EOF_CHAR)
-                 (setf (js2-token-end token) (1- js2-ts-cursor))
-                 (js2-report-error "msg.unterminated.comment")
-                 (throw 'return js2-COMMENT))
-                ((eq c ?*)
-                 (setq look-for-slash t))
-                ((eq c ?/)
-                 (if look-for-slash
-                     (js2-ts-return token js2-COMMENT)))
-                (t
-                 (setf look-for-slash nil
-                       (js2-token-end token) js2-ts-cursor)))))
-           (if (js2-match-char ?=)
-               js2-ASSIGN_DIV
-             (throw 'return js2-DIV)))
-          (?#
-           (when js2-skip-preprocessor-directives
-             (js2-skip-line)
-             (setf (js2-token-comment-type token) 'preprocessor
-                   (js2-token-end token) js2-ts-cursor)
-             (throw 'return js2-COMMENT))
-           (throw 'return js2-ERROR))
-          (?%
-           (if (js2-match-char ?=)
-               js2-ASSIGN_MOD
-             (throw 'return js2-MOD)))
-          (?~
-           (throw 'return js2-BITNOT))
-          (?+
-           (if (js2-match-char ?=)
-               js2-ASSIGN_ADD
-             (if (js2-match-char ?+)
-                 js2-INC
-               (throw 'return js2-ADD))))
-          (?-
+               (if is-unicode-escape-start
+                   ;; strictly speaking we should probably push-back
+                   ;; all the bad characters if the <backslash>uXXXX
+                   ;; sequence is malformed. But since there isn't a
+                   ;; correct context(is there?) for a bad Unicode
+                   ;; escape sequence in an identifier, we can report
+                   ;; an error here.
+                   (progn
+                     (setq escape-val 0)
+                     (dotimes (_ 4)
+                       (setq c (js2-get-char)
+                             escape-val (js2-x-digit-to-int c escape-val))
+                       ;; Next check takes care of c < 0 and bad escape
+                       (if (cl-minusp escape-val)
+                           (throw 'break nil)))
+                     (if (cl-minusp escape-val)
+                         (js2-report-scan-error "msg.invalid.escape" t))
+                     (js2-add-to-string escape-val)
+                     (setq is-unicode-escape-start nil))
+                 (setq c (js2-get-char))
+                 (cond
+                  ((eq c ?\\)
+                   (setq c (js2-get-char))
+                   (if (eq c ?u)
+                       (setq is-unicode-escape-start t
+                             contains-escape t)
+                     (js2-report-scan-error "msg.illegal.character" t)))
+                  (t
+                   (if (or (eq c js2-EOF_CHAR)
+                           (not (js2-identifier-part-p c)))
+                       (throw 'break nil))
+                   (js2-add-to-string c))))))
+           (js2-unget-char)
+           (setf str (js2-collect-string js2-ts-string-buffer)
+                 (js2-token-end token) js2-ts-cursor)
+           ;; FIXME: Invalid in ES5 and ES6, see
+           ;; https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=694360
+           ;; Probably should just drop this conditional.
+           (unless contains-escape
+             ;; OPT we shouldn't have to make a string (object!) to
+             ;; check if it's a keyword.
+             ;; Return the corresponding token if it's a keyword
+             (when (and (not (eq modifier 'KEYWORD_IS_NAME))
+                        (setq result (js2-string-to-keyword str)))
+               (if (and (< js2-language-version 170)
+                        (memq result '(js2-LET js2-YIELD)))
+                   ;; LET and YIELD are tokens only in 1.7 and later
+                   (setq result 'js2-NAME))
+               (when (eq result 'js2-RESERVED)
+                 (setf (js2-token-string token) str))
+               (throw 'return (js2-tt-code result))))
+           ;; If we want to intern these as Rhino does, just use (intern str)
+           (setf (js2-token-string token) str)
+           (throw 'return js2-NAME))    ; end identifier/kwd check
+         ;; is it a number?
+         (when (or (js2-digit-p c)
+                   (and (eq c ?.) (js2-digit-p (js2-peek-char))))
+           (setq js2-ts-string-buffer nil
+                 base 10)
+           (when (eq c ?0)
+             (setq c (js2-get-char))
+             (cond
+              ((or (eq c ?x) (eq c ?X))
+               (setq base 16)
+               (setq c (js2-get-char)))
+              ((and (or (eq c ?b) (eq c ?B))
+                    (>= js2-language-version 200))
+               (setq base 2)
+               (setq c (js2-get-char)))
+              ((and (or (eq c ?o) (eq c ?O))
+                    (>= js2-language-version 200))
+               (setq base 8)
+               (setq c (js2-get-char)))
+              ((js2-digit-p c)
+               (setq base 'maybe-8))
+              (t
+               (js2-add-to-string ?0))))
-            ((js2-match-char ?=)
-             (setq c js2-ASSIGN_SUB))
-            ((js2-match-char ?-)
-             (unless js2-ts-dirty-line
-               ;; treat HTML end-comment after possible whitespace
-               ;; after line start as comment-until-eol
-               (when (js2-match-char ?>)
-                 (js2-skip-line)
-                 (setf (js2-token-comment-type (js2-current-token)) 'html)
-                 (throw 'return js2-COMMENT)))
-             (setq c js2-DEC))
+            ((eq base 16)
+             (if (> 0 (js2-x-digit-to-int c 0))
+                 (js2-report-scan-error "msg.missing.hex.digits")
+               (while (<= 0 (js2-x-digit-to-int c 0))
+                 (js2-add-to-string c)
+                 (setq c (js2-get-char)))))
+            ((eq base 2)
+             (if (not (memq c '(?0 ?1)))
+                 (js2-report-scan-error "msg.missing.binary.digits")
+               (while (memq c '(?0 ?1))
+                 (js2-add-to-string c)
+                 (setq c (js2-get-char)))))
+            ((eq base 8)
+             (if (or (> ?0 c) (< ?7 c))
+                 (js2-report-scan-error "msg.missing.octal.digits")
+               (while (and (<= ?0 c) (>= ?7 c))
+                 (js2-add-to-string c)
+                 (setq c (js2-get-char)))))
-             (setq c js2-SUB)))
-           (setq js2-ts-dirty-line t)
-           c)
-          (otherwise
-           (js2-report-scan-error "msg.illegal.character")))))))
-   (setf (js2-token-type token) tt)
-   token))
+             (while (and (<= ?0 c) (<= c ?9))
+               ;; We permit 08 and 09 as decimal numbers, which
+               ;; makes our behavior a superset of the ECMA
+               ;; numeric grammar.  We might not always be so
+               ;; permissive, so we warn about it.
+               (when (and (eq base 'maybe-8) (>= c ?8))
+                 (js2-report-warning "msg.bad.octal.literal"
+                                     (if (eq c ?8) "8" "9"))
+                 (setq base 10))
+               (js2-add-to-string c)
+               (setq c (js2-get-char)))
+             (when (eq base 'maybe-8)
+               (setq base 8))))
+           (when (and (eq base 10) (memq c '(?. ?e ?E)))
+             (when (eq c ?.)
+               (cl-loop do
+                        (js2-add-to-string c)
+                        (setq c (js2-get-char))
+                        while (js2-digit-p c)))
+             (when (memq c '(?e ?E))
+               (js2-add-to-string c)
+               (setq c (js2-get-char))
+               (when (memq c '(?+ ?-))
+                 (js2-add-to-string c)
+                 (setq c (js2-get-char)))
+               (unless (js2-digit-p c)
+                 (js2-report-scan-error "msg.missing.exponent" t))
+               (cl-loop do
+                        (js2-add-to-string c)
+                        (setq c (js2-get-char))
+                        while (js2-digit-p c))))
+           (js2-unget-char)
+           (let ((str (js2-set-string-from-buffer token)))
+             (setf (js2-token-number token)
+                   (js2-string-to-number str base)))
+           (throw 'return js2-NUMBER))
+         ;; is it a string?
+         (when (or (memq c '(?\" ?\'))
+                   (and (>= js2-language-version 200)
+                        (= c ?`)))
+           (throw 'return
+                  (js2-get-string-or-template-token c token)))
+         (js2-ts-return token
+                        (cl-case c
+                          (?\;
+                           (throw 'return js2-SEMI))
+                          (?\[
+                           (throw 'return js2-LB))
+                          (?\]
+                           (throw 'return js2-RB))
+                          (?{
+                           (throw 'return js2-LC))
+                          (?}
+                           (throw 'return js2-RC))
+                          (?\(
+                           (throw 'return js2-LP))
+                          (?\)
+                           (throw 'return js2-RP))
+                          (?,
+                           (throw 'return js2-COMMA))
+                          (??
+                           (throw 'return js2-HOOK))
+                          (?:
+                           (if (js2-match-char ?:)
+                               js2-COLONCOLON
+                             (throw 'return js2-COLON)))
+                          (?.
+                           (if (js2-match-char ?.)
+                               (if (js2-match-char ?.)
+                                   js2-TRIPLEDOT js2-DOTDOT)
+                             (if (js2-match-char ?\()
+                                 js2-DOTQUERY
+                               (throw 'return js2-DOT))))
+                          (?|
+                           (if (js2-match-char ?|)
+                               (throw 'return js2-OR)
+                             (if (js2-match-char ?=)
+                                 js2-ASSIGN_BITOR
+                               (throw 'return js2-BITOR))))
+                          (?^
+                           (if (js2-match-char ?=)
+                               js2-ASSIGN_BITOR
+                             (throw 'return js2-BITXOR)))
+                          (?&
+                           (if (js2-match-char ?&)
+                               (throw 'return js2-AND)
+                             (if (js2-match-char ?=)
+                                 js2-ASSIGN_BITAND
+                               (throw 'return js2-BITAND))))
+                          (?=
+                           (if (js2-match-char ?=)
+                               (if (js2-match-char ?=)
+                                   js2-SHEQ
+                                 (throw 'return js2-EQ))
+                             (if (js2-match-char ?>)
+                                 (js2-ts-return token js2-ARROW)
+                               (throw 'return js2-ASSIGN))))
+                          (?!
+                           (if (js2-match-char ?=)
+                               (if (js2-match-char ?=)
+                                   js2-SHNE
+                                 js2-NE)
+                             (throw 'return js2-NOT)))
+                          (?<
+                           ;; NB:treat HTML begin-comment as comment-till-eol
+                           (when (js2-match-char ?!)
+                             (when (js2-match-char ?-)
+                               (when (js2-match-char ?-)
+                                 (js2-skip-line)
+                                 (setf (js2-token-comment-type 
(js2-current-token)) 'html)
+                                 (throw 'return js2-COMMENT)))
+                             (js2-unget-char))
+                           (if (js2-match-char ?<)
+                               (if (js2-match-char ?=)
+                                   js2-ASSIGN_LSH
+                                 js2-LSH)
+                             (if (js2-match-char ?=)
+                                 js2-LE
+                               (throw 'return js2-LT))))
+                          (?>
+                           (if (js2-match-char ?>)
+                               (if (js2-match-char ?>)
+                                   (if (js2-match-char ?=)
+                                       js2-ASSIGN_URSH
+                                     js2-URSH)
+                                 (if (js2-match-char ?=)
+                                     js2-ASSIGN_RSH
+                                   js2-RSH))
+                             (if (js2-match-char ?=)
+                                 js2-GE
+                               (throw 'return js2-GT))))
+                          (?*
+                           (if (js2-match-char ?=)
+                               js2-ASSIGN_MUL
+                             (throw 'return js2-MUL)))
+                          (?/
+                           ;; is it a // comment?
+                           (when (js2-match-char ?/)
+                             (setf (js2-token-beg token) (- js2-ts-cursor 2))
+                             (js2-skip-line)
+                             (setf (js2-token-comment-type token) 'line)
+                             ;; include newline so highlighting goes to end of 
+                             (cl-incf (js2-token-end token))
+                             (throw 'return js2-COMMENT))
+                           ;; is it a /* comment?
+                           (when (js2-match-char ?*)
+                             (setf look-for-slash nil
+                                   (js2-token-beg token) (- js2-ts-cursor 2)
+                                   (js2-token-comment-type token)
+                                   (if (js2-match-char ?*)
+                                       (progn
+                                         (setq look-for-slash t)
+                                         'jsdoc)
+                                     'block))
+                             (while t
+                               (setq c (js2-get-char))
+                               (cond
+                                ((eq c js2-EOF_CHAR)
+                                 (setf (js2-token-end token) (1- 
+                                 (js2-report-error "msg.unterminated.comment")
+                                 (throw 'return js2-COMMENT))
+                                ((eq c ?*)
+                                 (setq look-for-slash t))
+                                ((eq c ?/)
+                                 (if look-for-slash
+                                     (js2-ts-return token js2-COMMENT)))
+                                (t
+                                 (setf look-for-slash nil
+                                       (js2-token-end token) js2-ts-cursor)))))
+                           (if (js2-match-char ?=)
+                               js2-ASSIGN_DIV
+                             (throw 'return js2-DIV)))
+                          (?#
+                           (when js2-skip-preprocessor-directives
+                             (js2-skip-line)
+                             (setf (js2-token-comment-type token) 'preprocessor
+                                   (js2-token-end token) js2-ts-cursor)
+                             (throw 'return js2-COMMENT))
+                           (throw 'return js2-ERROR))
+                          (?%
+                           (if (js2-match-char ?=)
+                               js2-ASSIGN_MOD
+                             (throw 'return js2-MOD)))
+                          (?~
+                           (throw 'return js2-BITNOT))
+                          (?+
+                           (if (js2-match-char ?=)
+                               js2-ASSIGN_ADD
+                             (if (js2-match-char ?+)
+                                 js2-INC
+                               (throw 'return js2-ADD))))
+                          (?-
+                           (cond
+                            ((js2-match-char ?=)
+                             (setq c js2-ASSIGN_SUB))
+                            ((js2-match-char ?-)
+                             (unless js2-ts-dirty-line
+                               ;; treat HTML end-comment after possible 
+                               ;; after line start as comment-until-eol
+                               (when (js2-match-char ?>)
+                                 (js2-skip-line)
+                                 (setf (js2-token-comment-type 
(js2-current-token)) 'html)
+                                 (throw 'return js2-COMMENT)))
+                             (setq c js2-DEC))
+                            (t
+                             (setq c js2-SUB)))
+                           (setq js2-ts-dirty-line t)
+                           c)
+                          (otherwise
+                           (js2-report-scan-error 
+    (setf (js2-token-type token) tt)
+    token))
 (defun js2-get-string-or-template-token (quote-char token)
   ;; We attempt to accumulate a string the fast way, by

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