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[elpa] master 4fc9bb3: Split seq.el into separate files for different ve

From: Nicolas Petton
Subject: [elpa] master 4fc9bb3: Split seq.el into separate files for different versions of Emacs
Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2016 14:43:38 +0000

branch: master
commit 4fc9bb331e51dac74c5f4fb8ff68550ee9412ae8
Author: Nicolas Petton <address@hidden>
Commit: Nicolas Petton <address@hidden>

    Split seq.el into separate files for different versions of Emacs
    All functions in seq-25.el are wrapped in a `seq--when-emacs-25-p' to
    make sure that the byte compiler won't emit warnings or errors when the
    file is byte compiled in Emacs < 25.
    * packages/seq/seq-24.el:
    * packages/seq/seq-25.el: New files.
    * packages/seq/seq.el: Load seq-VERSION.el based on the version of Emacs.
    * packages/seq/test/seq.el-test.el: Backport a test from seq.el in Emacs
 packages/seq/{seq.el => seq-24.el} |  402 ++++++++++++++----------------
 packages/seq/seq-25.el             |  491 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 packages/seq/seq.el                |  445 +--------------------------------
 packages/seq/tests/seq-tests.el    |   25 ++-
 4 files changed, 708 insertions(+), 655 deletions(-)

diff --git a/packages/seq/seq.el b/packages/seq/seq-24.el
similarity index 51%
copy from packages/seq/seq.el
copy to packages/seq/seq-24.el
index 58f6903..f34fd11 100644
--- a/packages/seq/seq.el
+++ b/packages/seq/seq-24.el
@@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
-;;; seq.el --- Sequence manipulation functions  -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;;; seq-24.el --- seq.el implementation for Emacs 24.x -*- lexical-binding: t 
 ;; Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 ;; Author: Nicolas Petton <address@hidden>
 ;; Keywords: sequences
-;; Version: 1.11
-;; Package: seq
 ;; Maintainer: address@hidden
@@ -37,8 +35,6 @@
 ;; function as argument take the function as their first argument and
 ;; the sequence as their second argument.  All other functions take
 ;; the sequence as their first argument.
-;; All functions are tested in test/automated/seq-tests.el
 ;;; Code:
@@ -65,205 +61,195 @@ Evaluate BODY with VAR bound to each element of SEQ, in 
                               (pop ,index))))
-(if (fboundp 'pcase-defmacro)
-    ;; Implementation of `seq-let' based on a `pcase'
-    ;; pattern. Requires Emacs>=25.1.
-    (progn
-      (pcase-defmacro seq (&rest args)
-        "pcase pattern matching sequence elements.
-Matches if the object is a sequence (list, string or vector), and
-binds each element of ARGS to the corresponding element of the
-        `(and (pred seq-p)
-              ,@(seq--make-pcase-bindings args)))
-      (defmacro seq-let (args seq &rest body)
-        "Bind the variables in ARGS to the elements of SEQ then evaluate BODY.
+;; Implementation of `seq-let' compatible with Emacs<25.1.
+(defmacro seq-let (args sequence &rest body)
+  "Bind the variables in ARGS to the elements of SEQUENCE then evaluate BODY.
 ARGS can also include the `&rest' marker followed by a variable
-name to be bound to the rest of SEQ."
-        (declare (indent 2) (debug t))
-        `(pcase-let ((,(seq--make-pcase-patterns args) ,seq))
-           ,@body)))
-  ;; Implementation of `seq-let' compatible with Emacs<25.1.
-  (defmacro seq-let (args seq &rest body)
-    "Bind the variables in ARGS to the elements of SEQ then evaluate BODY.
-ARGS can also include the `&rest' marker followed by a variable
-name to be bound to the rest of SEQ."
-    (declare (indent 2) (debug t))
-    (let ((seq-var (make-symbol "seq")))
-      `(let* ((,seq-var ,seq)
-              ,@(seq--make-bindings args seq-var))
-         ,@body))))
-(defun seq-drop (seq n)
-  "Return a subsequence of SEQ without its first N elements.
-The result is a sequence of the same type as SEQ.
-If N is a negative integer or zero, SEQ is returned."
+name to be bound to the rest of SEQUENCE."
+  (declare (indent 2) (debug t))
+  (let ((seq-var (make-symbol "seq")))
+    `(let* ((,seq-var ,sequence)
+            ,@(seq--make-bindings args seq-var))
+       ,@body)))
+(defun seq-drop (sequence n)
+  "Return a subsequence of SEQUENCE without its first N elements.
+The result is a sequence of the same type as SEQUENCE.
+If N is a negative integer or zero, SEQUENCE is returned."
   (if (<= n 0)
-      seq
-    (if (listp seq)
-        (seq--drop-list seq n)
-      (let ((length (seq-length seq)))
-        (seq-subseq seq (min n length) length)))))
+      sequence
+    (if (listp sequence)
+        (seq--drop-list sequence n)
+      (let ((length (seq-length sequence)))
+        (seq-subseq sequence (min n length) length)))))
-(defun seq-take (seq n)
-  "Return a subsequence of SEQ with its first N elements.
-The result is a sequence of the same type as SEQ.
+(defun seq-take (sequence n)
+  "Return a subsequence of SEQUENCE with its first N elements.
+The result is a sequence of the same type as SEQUENCE.
 If N is a negative integer or zero, an empty sequence is
-  (if (listp seq)
-      (seq--take-list seq n)
-    (seq-subseq seq 0 (min (max n 0) (seq-length seq)))))
-(defun seq-drop-while (pred seq)
-  "Return a sequence from the first element for which (PRED element) is nil in 
-The result is a sequence of the same type as SEQ."
-  (if (listp seq)
-      (seq--drop-while-list pred seq)
-    (seq-drop seq (seq--count-successive pred seq))))
-(defun seq-take-while (pred seq)
-  "Return the successive elements for which (PRED element) is non-nil in SEQ.
-The result is a sequence of the same type as SEQ."
-  (if (listp seq)
-      (seq--take-while-list pred seq)
-    (seq-take seq (seq--count-successive pred seq))))
-(defun seq-filter (pred seq)
-  "Return a list of all the elements for which (PRED element) is non-nil in 
+  (if (listp sequence)
+      (seq--take-list sequence n)
+    (seq-subseq sequence 0 (min (max n 0) (seq-length sequence)))))
+(defun seq-drop-while (predicate sequence)
+  "Return a sequence from the first element for which (PREDICATE element) is 
nil in SEQUENCE.
+The result is a sequence of the same type as SEQUENCE."
+  (if (listp sequence)
+      (seq--drop-while-list predicate sequence)
+    (seq-drop sequence (seq--count-successive predicate sequence))))
+(defun seq-take-while (predicate sequence)
+  "Return the successive elements for which (PREDICATE element) is non-nil in 
+The result is a sequence of the same type as SEQUENCE."
+  (if (listp sequence)
+      (seq--take-while-list predicate sequence)
+    (seq-take sequence (seq--count-successive predicate sequence))))
+(defun seq-filter (predicate sequence)
+  "Return a list of all the elements for which (PREDICATE element) is non-nil 
   (let ((exclude (make-symbol "exclude")))
     (delq exclude (seq-map (lambda (elt)
-                             (if (funcall pred elt)
+                             (if (funcall predicate elt)
-                           seq))))
+                           sequence))))
+(defun seq-map-indexed (function sequence)
+  "Return the result of applying FUNCTION to each element of SEQUENCE.
+Unlike `seq-map', FUNCTION takes two arguments: the element of
+the sequence, and its index within the sequence."
+  (let ((index 0))
+    (seq-map (lambda (elt)
+               (prog1
+                   (funcall function elt index)
+                 (setq index (1+ index))))
+             sequence)))
-(defun seq-remove (pred seq)
-  "Return a list of all the elements for which (PRED element) is nil in SEQ."
-  (seq-filter (lambda (elt) (not (funcall pred elt)))
-              seq))
+(defun seq-remove (predicate sequence)
+  "Return a list of all the elements for which (PREDICATE element) is nil in 
+  (seq-filter (lambda (elt) (not (funcall predicate elt)))
+              sequence))
-(defun seq-reduce (function seq initial-value)
-  "Reduce the function FUNCTION across SEQ, starting with INITIAL-VALUE.
+(defun seq-reduce (function sequence initial-value)
+  "Reduce the function FUNCTION across SEQUENCE, starting with INITIAL-VALUE.
 Return the result of calling FUNCTION with INITIAL-VALUE and the
-first element of SEQ, then calling FUNCTION with that result and
-the second element of SEQ, then with that result and the third
-element of SEQ, etc.
+first element of SEQUENCE, then calling FUNCTION with that result and
+the second element of SEQUENCE, then with that result and the third
+element of SEQUENCE, etc.
-If SEQ is empty, return INITIAL-VALUE and FUNCTION is not called."
-  (if (seq-empty-p seq)
+If SEQUENCE is empty, return INITIAL-VALUE and FUNCTION is not called."
+  (if (seq-empty-p sequence)
     (let ((acc initial-value))
-      (seq-doseq (elt seq)
+      (seq-doseq (elt sequence)
         (setq acc (funcall function acc elt)))
-(defun seq-some (pred seq)
-  "Return the first value for which if (PRED element) is non-nil for in SEQ."
+(defun seq-some (predicate sequence)
+  "Return the first value for which if (PREDICATE element) is non-nil for in 
   (catch 'seq--break
-    (seq-doseq (elt seq)
-      (let ((result (funcall pred elt)))
+    (seq-doseq (elt sequence)
+      (let ((result (funcall predicate elt)))
         (when result
           (throw 'seq--break result))))
-(defun seq-find (pred seq &optional default)
-  "Return the first element for which (PRED element) is non-nil in SEQ.
+(defun seq-find (predicate sequence &optional default)
+  "Return the first element for which (PREDICATE element) is non-nil in 
 If no element is found, return DEFAULT.
 Note that `seq-find' has an ambiguity if the found element is
 identical to DEFAULT, as it cannot be known if an element was
 found or not."
   (catch 'seq--break
-    (seq-doseq (elt seq)
-      (when (funcall pred elt)
+    (seq-doseq (elt sequence)
+      (when (funcall predicate elt)
         (throw 'seq--break elt)))
-(defun seq-every-p (pred seq)
-  "Return non-nil if (PRED element) is non-nil for all elements of the 
sequence SEQ."
+(defun seq-every-p (predicate sequence)
+  "Return non-nil if (PREDICATE element) is non-nil for all elements of the 
sequence SEQUENCE."
   (catch 'seq--break
-    (seq-doseq (elt seq)
-      (or (funcall pred elt)
+    (seq-doseq (elt sequence)
+      (or (funcall predicate elt)
           (throw 'seq--break nil)))
-(defun seq-count (pred seq)
-  "Return the number of elements for which (PRED element) is non-nil in SEQ."
+(defun seq-count (predicate sequence)
+  "Return the number of elements for which (PREDICATE element) is non-nil in 
   (let ((count 0))
-    (seq-doseq (elt seq)
-      (when (funcall pred elt)
+    (seq-doseq (elt sequence)
+      (when (funcall predicate elt)
         (setq count (+ 1 count))))
-(defun seq-empty-p (seq)
-  "Return non-nil if the sequence SEQ is empty, nil otherwise."
-  (if (listp seq)
-      (null seq)
-    (= 0 (seq-length seq))))
-(defun seq-sort (pred seq)
-  "Return a sorted sequence comparing using PRED the elements of SEQ.
-The result is a sequence of the same type as SEQ."
-  (if (listp seq)
-      (sort (seq-copy seq) pred)
-    (let ((result (seq-sort pred (append seq nil))))
-      (seq-into result (type-of seq)))))
-(defun seq-contains (seq elt &optional testfn)
-  "Return the first element in SEQ that equals to ELT.
+(defun seq-empty-p (sequence)
+  "Return non-nil if the sequence SEQUENCE is empty, nil otherwise."
+  (if (listp sequence)
+      (null sequence)
+    (= 0 (seq-length sequence))))
+(defun seq-sort (predicate sequence)
+  "Return a sorted sequence comparing using PREDICATE the elements of SEQUENCE.
+The result is a sequence of the same type as SEQUENCE."
+  (if (listp sequence)
+      (sort (seq-copy sequence) predicate)
+    (let ((result (seq-sort predicate (append sequence nil))))
+      (seq-into result (type-of sequence)))))
+(defun seq-contains (sequence elt &optional testfn)
+  "Return the first element in SEQUENCE that equals to ELT.
 Equality is defined by TESTFN if non-nil or by `equal' if nil."
   (seq-some (lambda (e)
                 (funcall (or testfn #'equal) elt e))
-              seq))
+              sequence))
-(defun seq-position (seq elt &optional testfn)
-  "Return the index of the first element in SEQ that is equal to ELT.
+(defun seq-position (sequence elt &optional testfn)
+  "Return the index of the first element in SEQUENCE that is equal to ELT.
 Equality is defined by TESTFN if non-nil or by `equal' if nil."
   (let ((index 0))
     (catch 'seq--break
-      (seq-doseq (e seq)
+      (seq-doseq (e sequence)
         (when (funcall (or testfn #'equal) e elt)
           (throw 'seq--break index))
         (setq index (1+ index)))
-(defun seq-uniq (seq &optional testfn)
-  "Return a list of the elements of SEQ with duplicates removed.
+(defun seq-uniq (sequence &optional testfn)
+  "Return a list of the elements of SEQUENCE with duplicates removed.
 TESTFN is used to compare elements, or `equal' if TESTFN is nil."
   (let ((result '()))
-    (seq-doseq (elt seq)
+    (seq-doseq (elt sequence)
       (unless (seq-contains result elt testfn)
         (setq result (cons elt result))))
     (nreverse result)))
-(defun seq-subseq (seq start &optional end)
-  "Return the subsequence of SEQ from START to END.
+(defun seq-subseq (sequence start &optional end)
+  "Return the subsequence of SEQUENCE from START to END.
 If END is omitted, it defaults to the length of the sequence.
 If START or END is negative, it counts from the end."
-  (cond ((or (stringp seq) (vectorp seq)) (substring seq start end))
-        ((listp seq)
+  (cond ((or (stringp sequence) (vectorp sequence)) (substring sequence start 
+        ((listp sequence)
          (let (len (errtext (format "Bad bounding indices: %s, %s" start end)))
-           (and end (< end 0) (setq end (+ end (setq len (seq-length seq)))))
-           (if (< start 0) (setq start (+ start (or len (setq len (seq-length 
+           (and end (< end 0) (setq end (+ end (setq len (seq-length 
+           (if (< start 0) (setq start (+ start (or len (setq len (seq-length 
            (when (> start 0)
-             (setq seq (nthcdr (1- start) seq))
-             (or seq (error "%s" errtext))
-             (setq seq (cdr seq)))
+             (setq sequence (nthcdr (1- start) sequence))
+             (or sequence (error "%s" errtext))
+             (setq sequence (cdr sequence)))
            (if end
                (let ((res nil))
-                 (while (and (>= (setq end (1- end)) start) seq)
-                   (push (pop seq) res))
+                 (while (and (>= (setq end (1- end)) start) sequence)
+                   (push (pop sequence) res))
                  (or (= (1+ end) start) (error "%s" errtext))
                  (nreverse res))
-             (seq-copy seq))))
-        (t (error "Unsupported sequence: %s" seq))))
+             (seq-copy sequence))))
+        (t (error "Unsupported sequence: %s" sequence))))
 (defun seq-concatenate (type &rest seqs)
   "Concatenate, into a sequence of type TYPE, the sequences SEQS.
@@ -276,21 +262,36 @@ TYPE must be one of following symbols: vector, string or 
     (`list (apply #'append (append seqs '(nil))))
     (t (error "Not a sequence type name: %S" type))))
-(defun seq-mapcat (function seq &optional type)
-  "Concatenate the result of applying FUNCTION to each element of SEQ.
+(defun seq-mapcat (function sequence &optional type)
+  "Concatenate the result of applying FUNCTION to each element of SEQUENCE.
 The result is a sequence of type TYPE, or a list if TYPE is nil."
   (apply #'seq-concatenate (or type 'list)
-         (seq-map function seq)))
+         (seq-map function sequence)))
+(defun seq-mapn (function sequence &rest seqs)
+  "Like `seq-map' but FUNCTION is mapped over all SEQS.
+The arity of FUNCTION must match the number of SEQS, and the
+mapping stops on the shortest sequence.
+Return a list of the results.
+\(fn FUNCTION SEQS...)"
+  (let ((result nil)
+        (seqs (seq-map (lambda (s) (seq-into s 'list))
+                       (cons sequence seqs))))
+    (while (not (memq nil seqs))
+      (push (apply function (seq-map #'car seqs)) result)
+      (setq seqs (seq-map #'cdr seqs)))
+    (nreverse result)))
-(defun seq-partition (seq n)
-  "Return a list of the elements of SEQ grouped into sub-sequences of length N.
+(defun seq-partition (sequence n)
+  "Return a list of the elements of SEQUENCE grouped into sub-sequences of 
length N.
 The last sequence may contain less than N elements.  If N is a
 negative integer or 0, nil is returned."
   (unless (< n 1)
     (let ((result '()))
-      (while (not (seq-empty-p seq))
-        (push (seq-take seq n) result)
-        (setq seq (seq-drop seq n)))
+      (while (not (seq-empty-p sequence))
+        (push (seq-take sequence n) result)
+        (setq sequence (seq-drop sequence n)))
       (nreverse result))))
 (defun seq-intersection (seq1 seq2 &optional testfn)
@@ -313,9 +314,9 @@ Equality is defined by TESTFN if non-nil or by `equal' if 
               (seq-reverse seq1)
-(defun seq-group-by (function seq)
-  "Apply FUNCTION to each element of SEQ.
-Separate the elements of SEQ into an alist using the results as
+(defun seq-group-by (function sequence)
+  "Apply FUNCTION to each element of SEQUENCE.
+Separate the elements of SEQUENCE into an alist using the results as
 keys.  Keys are compared using `equal'."
    (lambda (acc elt)
@@ -325,40 +326,40 @@ keys.  Keys are compared using `equal'."
            (setcdr cell (push elt (cdr cell)))
          (push (list key elt) acc))
-   (seq-reverse seq)
+   (seq-reverse sequence)
 (defalias 'seq-reverse
   (if (ignore-errors (reverse [1 2]))
-    (lambda (seq)
-      "Return the reversed copy of list, vector, or string SEQ.
+    (lambda (sequence)
+      "Return the reversed copy of list, vector, or string SEQUENCE.
 See also the function `nreverse', which is used more often."
       (let ((result '()))
         (seq-map (lambda (elt) (push elt result))
-                 seq)
-        (if (listp seq)
+                 sequence)
+        (if (listp sequence)
-          (seq-into result (type-of seq)))))))
+          (seq-into result (type-of sequence)))))))
-(defun seq-into (seq type)
-  "Convert the sequence SEQ into a sequence of type TYPE.
+(defun seq-into (sequence type)
+  "Convert the sequence SEQUENCE into a sequence of type TYPE.
 TYPE can be one of the following symbols: vector, string or list."
   (pcase type
-    (`vector (vconcat seq))
-    (`string (concat seq))
-    (`list (append seq nil))
+    (`vector (vconcat sequence))
+    (`string (concat sequence))
+    (`list (append sequence nil))
     (t (error "Not a sequence type name: %S" type))))
-(defun seq-min (seq)
-  "Return the smallest element of SEQ.
-SEQ must be a sequence of numbers or markers."
-  (apply #'min (seq-into seq 'list)))
+(defun seq-min (sequence)
+  "Return the smallest element of SEQUENCE.
+SEQUENCE must be a sequence of numbers or markers."
+  (apply #'min (seq-into sequence 'list)))
-(defun seq-max (seq)
-    "Return the largest element of SEQ.
-SEQ must be a sequence of numbers or markers."
-  (apply #'max (seq-into seq 'list)))
+(defun seq-max (sequence)
+    "Return the largest element of SEQUENCE.
+SEQUENCE must be a sequence of numbers or markers."
+  (apply #'max (seq-into sequence 'list)))
 (defun seq--drop-list (list n)
   "Return a list from LIST without its first N elements.
@@ -377,60 +378,33 @@ This is an optimization for lists in `seq-take'."
       (push (pop list) result))
     (nreverse result)))
-(defun seq--drop-while-list (pred list)
-  "Return a list from the first element for which (PRED element) is nil in 
+(defun seq--drop-while-list (predicate list)
+  "Return a list from the first element for which (PREDICATE element) is nil 
in LIST.
 This is an optimization for lists in `seq-drop-while'."
-  (while (and list (funcall pred (car list)))
+  (while (and list (funcall predicate (car list)))
     (setq list (cdr list)))
-(defun seq--take-while-list (pred list)
-  "Return the successive elements for which (PRED element) is non-nil in LIST.
+(defun seq--take-while-list (predicate list)
+  "Return the successive elements for which (PREDICATE element) is non-nil in 
 This is an optimization for lists in `seq-take-while'."
   (let ((result '()))
-    (while (and list (funcall pred (car list)))
+    (while (and list (funcall predicate (car list)))
       (push (pop list) result))
     (nreverse result)))
-(defun seq--count-successive (pred seq)
-  "Return the number of successive elements for which (PRED element) is 
non-nil in SEQ."
+(defun seq--count-successive (predicate sequence)
+  "Return the number of successive elements for which (PREDICATE element) is 
non-nil in SEQUENCE."
   (let ((n 0)
-        (len (seq-length seq)))
+        (len (seq-length sequence)))
     (while (and (< n len)
-                (funcall pred (seq-elt seq n)))
+                (funcall predicate (seq-elt sequence n)))
       (setq n (+ 1 n)))
-(defun seq--make-pcase-bindings (args)
-  "Return a list of bindings of the variables in ARGS to the elements of a 
-  (let ((bindings '())
-        (index 0)
-        (rest-marker nil))
-    (seq-doseq (name args)
-      (unless rest-marker
-        (pcase name
-          (`&rest
-           (progn (push `(app (pcase--flip seq-drop ,index)
-                              ,(seq--elt-safe args (1+ index)))
-                        bindings)
-                  (setq rest-marker t)))
-          (t
-           (push `(app (pcase--flip seq--elt-safe ,index) ,name) bindings))))
-      (setq index (1+ index)))
-    bindings))
-(defun seq--make-pcase-patterns (args)
-  "Return a list of `(seq ...)' pcase patterns from the argument list ARGS."
-  (cons 'seq
-        (seq-map (lambda (elt)
-                   (if (seq-p elt)
-                       (seq--make-pcase-patterns elt)
-                     elt))
-                 args)))
 ;; Helper function for the Backward-compatible version of `seq-let'
 ;; for Emacs<25.1.
-(defun seq--make-bindings (args seq &optional bindings)
+(defun seq--make-bindings (args sequence &optional bindings)
   "Return a list of bindings of the variables in ARGS to the elements of a 
 if BINDINGS is non-nil, append new bindings to it, and return
@@ -441,25 +415,25 @@ BINDINGS."
         (pcase name
           ((pred seq-p)
            (setq bindings (seq--make-bindings (seq--elt-safe args index)
-                                              `(seq--elt-safe ,seq ,index)
+                                              `(seq--elt-safe ,sequence ,index)
            (progn (push `(,(seq--elt-safe args (1+ index))
-                          (seq-drop ,seq ,index))
+                          (seq-drop ,sequence ,index))
                   (setq rest-marker t)))
-           (push `(,name (seq--elt-safe ,seq ,index)) bindings))))
+           (push `(,name (seq--elt-safe ,sequence ,index)) bindings))))
       (setq index (1+ index)))
-(defun seq--elt-safe (seq n)
-  "Return element of SEQ at the index N.
+(defun seq--elt-safe (sequence n)
+  "Return element of SEQUENCE at the index N.
 If no element is found, return nil."
-  (when (or (listp seq)
-            (and (sequencep seq)
-                 (> (seq-length seq) n)))
-    (seq-elt seq n)))
+  (when (or (listp sequence)
+            (and (sequencep sequence)
+                 (> (seq-length sequence) n)))
+    (seq-elt sequence n)))
 (defun seq--activate-font-lock-keywords ()
   "Activate font-lock keywords for some symbols defined in seq."
@@ -479,5 +453,5 @@ If no element is found, return nil."
   ;; we automatically highlight macros.
   (add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook #'seq--activate-font-lock-keywords))
-(provide 'seq)
-;;; seq.el ends here
+(provide 'seq-24)
+;;; seq-24.el ends here
diff --git a/packages/seq/seq-25.el b/packages/seq/seq-25.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d84dc08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/seq/seq-25.el
@@ -0,0 +1,491 @@
+;;; seq-25.el --- seq.el implementation for Emacs 25.x -*- lexical-binding: t 
+;; Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Nicolas Petton <address@hidden>
+;; Keywords: sequences
+;; Maintainer: address@hidden
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Sequence-manipulation functions that complement basic functions
+;; provided by subr.el.
+;; All functions are prefixed with "seq-".
+;; All provided functions work on lists, strings and vectors.
+;; Functions taking a predicate or iterating over a sequence using a
+;; function as argument take the function as their first argument and
+;; the sequence as their second argument.  All other functions take
+;; the sequence as their first argument.
+;; seq.el can be extended to support new type of sequences.  Here are
+;; the generic functions that must be implemented by new seq types:
+;; - `seq-elt'
+;; - `seq-length'
+;; - `seq-do'
+;; - `seqp'
+;; - `seq-subseq'
+;; - `seq-into-sequence'
+;; - `seq-copy'
+;; - `seq-into'
+;;; Code:
+;; When loading seq.el in Emacs 24.x, this file gets byte-compiled, even if
+;; never used.  This takes care of byte-compilation warnings is emitted, by
+;; emitting nil in the macro expansion in Emacs 24.x.
+(defmacro seq--when-emacs-25-p (&rest body)
+  "Execute BODY if in Emacs>=25.x."
+  (declare (indent 1) (debug (symbolp form)))
+  (when (version<= "25" emacs-version)
+    `(progn ,@body)))
+ (require 'cl-generic)
+ (require 'cl-extra) ;; for cl-subseq
+ (defmacro seq-doseq (spec &rest body)
+   "Loop over a sequence.
+Evaluate BODY with VAR bound to each element of SEQUENCE, in turn.
+Similar to `dolist' but can be applied to lists, strings, and vectors.
+\(fn (VAR SEQUENCE) BODY...)"
+   (declare (indent 1) (debug ((symbolp form &optional form) body)))
+   `(seq-do (lambda (,(car spec))
+              ,@body)
+            ,(cadr spec)))
+ (pcase-defmacro seq (&rest patterns)
+   "Build a `pcase' pattern that matches elements of SEQUENCE.
+The `pcase' pattern will match each element of PATTERNS against the
+corresponding element of SEQUENCE.
+Extra elements of the sequence are ignored if fewer PATTERNS are
+given, and the match does not fail."
+   `(and (pred seqp)
+         ,@(seq--make-pcase-bindings patterns)))
+ (defmacro seq-let (args sequence &rest body)
+   "Bind the variables in ARGS to the elements of SEQUENCE, then evaluate BODY.
+ARGS can also include the `&rest' marker followed by a variable
+name to be bound to the rest of SEQUENCE."
+   (declare (indent 2) (debug t))
+   `(pcase-let ((,(seq--make-pcase-patterns args) ,sequence))
+      ,@body))
+;;; Basic seq functions that have to be implemented by new sequence types
+ (cl-defgeneric seq-elt (sequence n)
+   "Return Nth element of SEQUENCE."
+   (elt sequence n))
+ ;; Default gv setters for `seq-elt'.
+ ;; It can be a good idea for new sequence implementations to provide a
+ ;; "gv-setter" for `seq-elt'.
+ (cl-defmethod (setf seq-elt) (store (sequence array) n)
+   (aset sequence n store))
+ (cl-defmethod (setf seq-elt) (store (sequence cons) n)
+   (setcar (nthcdr n sequence) store))
+ (cl-defgeneric seq-length (sequence)
+   "Return the number of elements of SEQUENCE."
+   (length sequence))
+ (cl-defgeneric seq-do (function sequence)
+   "Apply FUNCTION to each element of SEQUENCE, presumably for side effects.
+Return SEQUENCE."
+   (mapc function sequence))
+ (defalias 'seq-each #'seq-do)
+ (cl-defgeneric seqp (sequence)
+   "Return non-nil if SEQUENCE is a sequence, nil otherwise."
+   (sequencep sequence))
+ (cl-defgeneric seq-copy (sequence)
+   "Return a shallow copy of SEQUENCE."
+   (copy-sequence sequence))
+ (cl-defgeneric seq-subseq (sequence start &optional end)
+   "Return the sequence of elements of SEQUENCE from START to END.
+END is inclusive.
+If END is omitted, it defaults to the length of the sequence.  If
+START or END is negative, it counts from the end.  Signal an
+error if START or END are outside of the sequence (i.e too large
+if positive or too small if negative)."
+   (cl-subseq sequence start end))
+ (cl-defgeneric seq-map (function sequence)
+   "Return the result of applying FUNCTION to each element of SEQUENCE."
+   (let (result)
+     (seq-do (lambda (elt)
+               (push (funcall function elt) result))
+             sequence)
+     (nreverse result)))
+ (defun seq-map-indexed (function sequence)
+   "Return the result of applying FUNCTION to each element of SEQUENCE.
+Unlike `seq-map', FUNCTION takes two arguments: the element of
+the sequence, and its index within the sequence."
+   (let ((index 0))
+     (seq-map (lambda (elt)
+                (prog1
+                    (funcall function elt index)
+                  (setq index (1+ index))))
+              sequence)))
+ ;; faster implementation for sequences (sequencep)
+ (cl-defmethod seq-map (function (sequence sequence))
+   (mapcar function sequence))
+ (cl-defgeneric seq-mapn (function sequence &rest sequences)
+   "Like `seq-map' but FUNCTION is mapped over all SEQUENCES.
+The arity of FUNCTION must match the number of SEQUENCES, and the
+mapping stops on the shortest sequence.
+Return a list of the results.
+   (let ((result nil)
+         (sequences (seq-map (lambda (s) (seq-into s 'list))
+                             (cons sequence sequences))))
+     (while (not (memq nil sequences))
+       (push (apply function (seq-map #'car sequences)) result)
+       (setq sequences (seq-map #'cdr sequences)))
+     (nreverse result)))
+ (cl-defgeneric seq-drop (sequence n)
+   "Remove the first N elements of SEQUENCE and return the result.
+The result is a sequence of the same type as SEQUENCE.
+If N is a negative integer or zero, SEQUENCE is returned."
+   (if (<= n 0)
+       sequence
+     (let ((length (seq-length sequence)))
+       (seq-subseq sequence (min n length) length))))
+ (cl-defgeneric seq-take (sequence n)
+   "Take the first N elements of SEQUENCE and return the result.
+The result is a sequence of the same type as SEQUENCE.
+If N is a negative integer or zero, an empty sequence is
+   (seq-subseq sequence 0 (min (max n 0) (seq-length sequence))))
+ (cl-defgeneric seq-drop-while (pred sequence)
+   "Remove the successive elements of SEQUENCE for which PRED returns non-nil.
+PRED is a function of one argument.  The result is a sequence of
+the same type as SEQUENCE."
+   (seq-drop sequence (seq--count-successive pred sequence)))
+ (cl-defgeneric seq-take-while (pred sequence)
+   "Take the successive elements of SEQUENCE for which PRED returns non-nil.
+PRED is a function of one argument.  The result is a sequence of
+the same type as SEQUENCE."
+   (seq-take sequence (seq--count-successive pred sequence)))
+ (cl-defgeneric seq-empty-p (sequence)
+   "Return non-nil if the SEQUENCE is empty, nil otherwise."
+   (= 0 (seq-length sequence)))
+ (cl-defgeneric seq-sort (pred sequence)
+   "Sort SEQUENCE using PRED as comparison function.
+The result is a sequence of the same type as SEQUENCE."
+   (let ((result (seq-sort pred (append sequence nil))))
+     (seq-into result (type-of sequence))))
+ (cl-defmethod seq-sort (pred (list list))
+   (sort (seq-copy list) pred))
+ (cl-defgeneric seq-reverse (sequence)
+   "Return a sequence with elements of SEQUENCE in reverse order."
+   (let ((result '()))
+     (seq-map (lambda (elt)
+                (push elt result))
+              sequence)
+     (seq-into result (type-of sequence))))
+ ;; faster implementation for sequences (sequencep)
+ (cl-defmethod seq-reverse ((sequence sequence))
+   (reverse sequence))
+ (cl-defgeneric seq-concatenate (type &rest sequences)
+   "Concatenate SEQUENCES into a single sequence of type TYPE.
+TYPE must be one of following symbols: vector, string or list.
+\n(fn TYPE SEQUENCE...)"
+   (apply #'cl-concatenate type (seq-map #'seq-into-sequence sequences)))
+ (cl-defgeneric seq-into-sequence (sequence)
+   "Convert SEQUENCE into a sequence.
+The default implementation is to signal an error if SEQUENCE is not a
+sequence, specific functions should be implemented for new types
+of sequence."
+   (unless (sequencep sequence)
+     (error "Cannot convert %S into a sequence" sequence))
+   sequence)
+ (cl-defgeneric seq-into (sequence type)
+   "Concatenate the elements of SEQUENCE into a sequence of type TYPE.
+TYPE can be one of the following symbols: vector, string or
+   (pcase type
+     (`vector (vconcat sequence))
+     (`string (concat sequence))
+     (`list (append sequence nil))
+     (_ (error "Not a sequence type name: %S" type))))
+ (cl-defgeneric seq-filter (pred sequence)
+   "Return a list of all the elements for which (PRED element) is non-nil in 
+   (let ((exclude (make-symbol "exclude")))
+     (delq exclude (seq-map (lambda (elt)
+                              (if (funcall pred elt)
+                                  elt
+                                exclude))
+                            sequence))))
+ (cl-defgeneric seq-remove (pred sequence)
+   "Return a list of all the elements for which (PRED element) is nil in 
+   (seq-filter (lambda (elt) (not (funcall pred elt)))
+               sequence))
+ (cl-defgeneric seq-reduce (function sequence initial-value)
+   "Reduce the function FUNCTION across SEQUENCE, starting with INITIAL-VALUE.
+Return the result of calling FUNCTION with INITIAL-VALUE and the
+first element of SEQUENCE, then calling FUNCTION with that result and
+the second element of SEQUENCE, then with that result and the third
+element of SEQUENCE, etc.
+If SEQUENCE is empty, return INITIAL-VALUE and FUNCTION is not called."
+   (if (seq-empty-p sequence)
+       initial-value
+     (let ((acc initial-value))
+       (seq-doseq (elt sequence)
+         (setq acc (funcall function acc elt)))
+       acc)))
+ (cl-defgeneric seq-every-p (pred sequence)
+   "Return non-nil if (PRED element) is non-nil for all elements of SEQUENCE."
+   (catch 'seq--break
+     (seq-doseq (elt sequence)
+       (or (funcall pred elt)
+           (throw 'seq--break nil)))
+     t))
+ (cl-defgeneric seq-some (pred sequence)
+   "Return the first value for which if (PRED element) is non-nil for in 
+   (catch 'seq--break
+     (seq-doseq (elt sequence)
+       (let ((result (funcall pred elt)))
+         (when result
+           (throw 'seq--break result))))
+     nil))
+ (cl-defgeneric seq-find (pred sequence &optional default)
+   "Return the first element for which (PRED element) is non-nil in SEQUENCE.
+If no element is found, return DEFAULT.
+Note that `seq-find' has an ambiguity if the found element is
+identical to DEFAULT, as it cannot be known if an element was
+found or not."
+   (catch 'seq--break
+     (seq-doseq (elt sequence)
+       (when (funcall pred elt)
+         (throw 'seq--break elt)))
+     default))
+ (cl-defgeneric seq-count (pred sequence)
+   "Return the number of elements for which (PRED element) is non-nil in 
+   (let ((count 0))
+     (seq-doseq (elt sequence)
+       (when (funcall pred elt)
+         (setq count (+ 1 count))))
+     count))
+ (cl-defgeneric seq-contains (sequence elt &optional testfn)
+   "Return the first element in SEQUENCE that is equal to ELT.
+Equality is defined by TESTFN if non-nil or by `equal' if nil."
+   (seq-some (lambda (e)
+               (funcall (or testfn #'equal) elt e))
+             sequence))
+ (cl-defgeneric seq-position (sequence elt &optional testfn)
+   "Return the index of the first element in SEQUENCE that is equal to ELT.
+Equality is defined by TESTFN if non-nil or by `equal' if nil."
+   (let ((index 0))
+     (catch 'seq--break
+       (seq-doseq (e sequence)
+         (when (funcall (or testfn #'equal) e elt)
+           (throw 'seq--break index))
+         (setq index (1+ index)))
+       nil)))
+ (cl-defgeneric seq-uniq (sequence &optional testfn)
+   "Return a list of the elements of SEQUENCE with duplicates removed.
+TESTFN is used to compare elements, or `equal' if TESTFN is nil."
+   (let ((result '()))
+     (seq-doseq (elt sequence)
+       (unless (seq-contains result elt testfn)
+         (setq result (cons elt result))))
+     (nreverse result)))
+ (cl-defgeneric seq-mapcat (function sequence &optional type)
+   "Concatenate the result of applying FUNCTION to each element of SEQUENCE.
+The result is a sequence of type TYPE, or a list if TYPE is nil."
+   (apply #'seq-concatenate (or type 'list)
+          (seq-map function sequence)))
+ (cl-defgeneric seq-partition (sequence n)
+   "Return a list of the elements of SEQUENCE grouped into sub-sequences of 
length N.
+The last sequence may contain less than N elements.  If N is a
+negative integer or 0, nil is returned."
+   (unless (< n 1)
+     (let ((result '()))
+       (while (not (seq-empty-p sequence))
+         (push (seq-take sequence n) result)
+         (setq sequence (seq-drop sequence n)))
+       (nreverse result))))
+ (cl-defgeneric seq-intersection (sequence1 sequence2 &optional testfn)
+   "Return a list of the elements that appear in both SEQUENCE1 and SEQUENCE2.
+Equality is defined by TESTFN if non-nil or by `equal' if nil."
+   (seq-reduce (lambda (acc elt)
+                 (if (seq-contains sequence2 elt testfn)
+                     (cons elt acc)
+                   acc))
+               (seq-reverse sequence1)
+               '()))
+ (cl-defgeneric seq-difference (sequence1 sequence2 &optional testfn)
+   "Return a list of the elements that appear in SEQUENCE1 but not in 
+Equality is defined by TESTFN if non-nil or by `equal' if nil."
+   (seq-reduce (lambda (acc elt)
+                 (if (not (seq-contains sequence2 elt testfn))
+                     (cons elt acc)
+                   acc))
+               (seq-reverse sequence1)
+               '()))
+ (cl-defgeneric seq-group-by (function sequence)
+   "Apply FUNCTION to each element of SEQUENCE.
+Separate the elements of SEQUENCE into an alist using the results as
+keys.  Keys are compared using `equal'."
+   (seq-reduce
+    (lambda (acc elt)
+      (let* ((key (funcall function elt))
+             (cell (assoc key acc)))
+        (if cell
+            (setcdr cell (push elt (cdr cell)))
+          (push (list key elt) acc))
+        acc))
+    (seq-reverse sequence)
+    nil))
+ (cl-defgeneric seq-min (sequence)
+   "Return the smallest element of SEQUENCE.
+SEQUENCE must be a sequence of numbers or markers."
+   (apply #'min (seq-into sequence 'list)))
+ (cl-defgeneric seq-max (sequence)
+   "Return the largest element of SEQUENCE.
+SEQUENCE must be a sequence of numbers or markers."
+   (apply #'max (seq-into sequence 'list)))
+ (defun seq--count-successive (pred sequence)
+   "Return the number of successive elements for which (PRED element) is 
non-nil in SEQUENCE."
+   (let ((n 0)
+         (len (seq-length sequence)))
+     (while (and (< n len)
+                 (funcall pred (seq-elt sequence n)))
+       (setq n (+ 1 n)))
+     n))
+;;; Optimized implementations for lists
+ (cl-defmethod seq-drop ((list list) n)
+   "Optimized implementation of `seq-drop' for lists."
+   (while (and list (> n 0))
+     (setq list (cdr list)
+           n (1- n)))
+   list)
+ (cl-defmethod seq-take ((list list) n)
+   "Optimized implementation of `seq-take' for lists."
+   (let ((result '()))
+     (while (and list (> n 0))
+       (setq n (1- n))
+       (push (pop list) result))
+     (nreverse result)))
+ (cl-defmethod seq-drop-while (pred (list list))
+   "Optimized implementation of `seq-drop-while' for lists."
+   (while (and list (funcall pred (car list)))
+     (setq list (cdr list)))
+   list)
+ (cl-defmethod seq-empty-p ((list list))
+   "Optimized implementation of `seq-empty-p' for lists."
+   (null list))
+ (defun seq--make-pcase-bindings (args)
+   "Return a list of bindings of the variables in ARGS to the elements of a 
+   (let ((bindings '())
+         (index 0)
+         (rest-marker nil))
+     (seq-doseq (name args)
+       (unless rest-marker
+         (pcase name
+           (`&rest
+            (progn (push `(app (pcase--flip seq-drop ,index)
+                               ,(seq--elt-safe args (1+ index)))
+                         bindings)
+                   (setq rest-marker t)))
+           (_
+            (push `(app (pcase--flip seq--elt-safe ,index) ,name) bindings))))
+       (setq index (1+ index)))
+     bindings))
+ (defun seq--make-pcase-patterns (args)
+   "Return a list of `(seq ...)' pcase patterns from the argument list ARGS."
+   (cons 'seq
+         (seq-map (lambda (elt)
+                    (if (seqp elt)
+                        (seq--make-pcase-patterns elt)
+                      elt))
+                  args)))
+ ;; TODO: make public?
+ (defun seq--elt-safe (sequence n)
+   "Return element of SEQUENCE at the index N.
+If no element is found, return nil."
+   (ignore-errors (seq-elt sequence n))))
+ (provide 'seq-25)
+;;; seq-25.el ends here
diff --git a/packages/seq/seq.el b/packages/seq/seq.el
index 58f6903..d199d0b 100644
--- a/packages/seq/seq.el
+++ b/packages/seq/seq.el
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 ;;; seq.el --- Sequence manipulation functions  -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 ;; Author: Nicolas Petton <address@hidden>
 ;; Keywords: sequences
-;; Version: 1.11
+;; Version: 2.12
 ;; Package: seq
 ;; Maintainer: address@hidden
@@ -37,447 +37,12 @@
 ;; function as argument take the function as their first argument and
 ;; the sequence as their second argument.  All other functions take
 ;; the sequence as their first argument.
-;; All functions are tested in test/automated/seq-tests.el
 ;;; Code:
-(defmacro seq-doseq (spec &rest body)
-  "Loop over a sequence.
-Similar to `dolist' but can be applied to lists, strings, and vectors.
-Evaluate BODY with VAR bound to each element of SEQ, in turn.
-\(fn (VAR SEQ) BODY...)"
-  (declare (indent 1) (debug ((symbolp form &optional form) body)))
-  (let ((length (make-symbol "length"))
-        (seq (make-symbol "seq"))
-        (index (make-symbol "index")))
-    `(let* ((,seq ,(cadr spec))
-            (,length (if (listp ,seq) nil (seq-length ,seq)))
-            (,index (if ,length 0 ,seq)))
-       (while (if ,length
-                  (< ,index ,length)
-                (consp ,index))
-         (let ((,(car spec) (if ,length
-                                (prog1 (seq-elt ,seq ,index)
-                                  (setq ,index (+ ,index 1)))
-                              (pop ,index))))
-           ,@body)))))
-(if (fboundp 'pcase-defmacro)
-    ;; Implementation of `seq-let' based on a `pcase'
-    ;; pattern. Requires Emacs>=25.1.
-    (progn
-      (pcase-defmacro seq (&rest args)
-        "pcase pattern matching sequence elements.
-Matches if the object is a sequence (list, string or vector), and
-binds each element of ARGS to the corresponding element of the
-        `(and (pred seq-p)
-              ,@(seq--make-pcase-bindings args)))
-      (defmacro seq-let (args seq &rest body)
-        "Bind the variables in ARGS to the elements of SEQ then evaluate BODY.
-ARGS can also include the `&rest' marker followed by a variable
-name to be bound to the rest of SEQ."
-        (declare (indent 2) (debug t))
-        `(pcase-let ((,(seq--make-pcase-patterns args) ,seq))
-           ,@body)))
-  ;; Implementation of `seq-let' compatible with Emacs<25.1.
-  (defmacro seq-let (args seq &rest body)
-    "Bind the variables in ARGS to the elements of SEQ then evaluate BODY.
-ARGS can also include the `&rest' marker followed by a variable
-name to be bound to the rest of SEQ."
-    (declare (indent 2) (debug t))
-    (let ((seq-var (make-symbol "seq")))
-      `(let* ((,seq-var ,seq)
-              ,@(seq--make-bindings args seq-var))
-         ,@body))))
-(defun seq-drop (seq n)
-  "Return a subsequence of SEQ without its first N elements.
-The result is a sequence of the same type as SEQ.
-If N is a negative integer or zero, SEQ is returned."
-  (if (<= n 0)
-      seq
-    (if (listp seq)
-        (seq--drop-list seq n)
-      (let ((length (seq-length seq)))
-        (seq-subseq seq (min n length) length)))))
-(defun seq-take (seq n)
-  "Return a subsequence of SEQ with its first N elements.
-The result is a sequence of the same type as SEQ.
-If N is a negative integer or zero, an empty sequence is
-  (if (listp seq)
-      (seq--take-list seq n)
-    (seq-subseq seq 0 (min (max n 0) (seq-length seq)))))
-(defun seq-drop-while (pred seq)
-  "Return a sequence from the first element for which (PRED element) is nil in 
-The result is a sequence of the same type as SEQ."
-  (if (listp seq)
-      (seq--drop-while-list pred seq)
-    (seq-drop seq (seq--count-successive pred seq))))
-(defun seq-take-while (pred seq)
-  "Return the successive elements for which (PRED element) is non-nil in SEQ.
-The result is a sequence of the same type as SEQ."
-  (if (listp seq)
-      (seq--take-while-list pred seq)
-    (seq-take seq (seq--count-successive pred seq))))
-(defun seq-filter (pred seq)
-  "Return a list of all the elements for which (PRED element) is non-nil in 
-  (let ((exclude (make-symbol "exclude")))
-    (delq exclude (seq-map (lambda (elt)
-                             (if (funcall pred elt)
-                                 elt
-                               exclude))
-                           seq))))
-(defun seq-remove (pred seq)
-  "Return a list of all the elements for which (PRED element) is nil in SEQ."
-  (seq-filter (lambda (elt) (not (funcall pred elt)))
-              seq))
-(defun seq-reduce (function seq initial-value)
-  "Reduce the function FUNCTION across SEQ, starting with INITIAL-VALUE.
-Return the result of calling FUNCTION with INITIAL-VALUE and the
-first element of SEQ, then calling FUNCTION with that result and
-the second element of SEQ, then with that result and the third
-element of SEQ, etc.
-If SEQ is empty, return INITIAL-VALUE and FUNCTION is not called."
-  (if (seq-empty-p seq)
-      initial-value
-    (let ((acc initial-value))
-      (seq-doseq (elt seq)
-        (setq acc (funcall function acc elt)))
-      acc)))
-(defun seq-some (pred seq)
-  "Return the first value for which if (PRED element) is non-nil for in SEQ."
-  (catch 'seq--break
-    (seq-doseq (elt seq)
-      (let ((result (funcall pred elt)))
-        (when result
-          (throw 'seq--break result))))
-    nil))
-(defun seq-find (pred seq &optional default)
-  "Return the first element for which (PRED element) is non-nil in SEQ.
-If no element is found, return DEFAULT.
-Note that `seq-find' has an ambiguity if the found element is
-identical to DEFAULT, as it cannot be known if an element was
-found or not."
-  (catch 'seq--break
-    (seq-doseq (elt seq)
-      (when (funcall pred elt)
-        (throw 'seq--break elt)))
-    default))
-(defun seq-every-p (pred seq)
-  "Return non-nil if (PRED element) is non-nil for all elements of the 
sequence SEQ."
-  (catch 'seq--break
-    (seq-doseq (elt seq)
-      (or (funcall pred elt)
-          (throw 'seq--break nil)))
-    t))
-(defun seq-count (pred seq)
-  "Return the number of elements for which (PRED element) is non-nil in SEQ."
-  (let ((count 0))
-    (seq-doseq (elt seq)
-      (when (funcall pred elt)
-        (setq count (+ 1 count))))
-    count))
-(defun seq-empty-p (seq)
-  "Return non-nil if the sequence SEQ is empty, nil otherwise."
-  (if (listp seq)
-      (null seq)
-    (= 0 (seq-length seq))))
-(defun seq-sort (pred seq)
-  "Return a sorted sequence comparing using PRED the elements of SEQ.
-The result is a sequence of the same type as SEQ."
-  (if (listp seq)
-      (sort (seq-copy seq) pred)
-    (let ((result (seq-sort pred (append seq nil))))
-      (seq-into result (type-of seq)))))
-(defun seq-contains (seq elt &optional testfn)
-  "Return the first element in SEQ that equals to ELT.
-Equality is defined by TESTFN if non-nil or by `equal' if nil."
-  (seq-some (lambda (e)
-                (funcall (or testfn #'equal) elt e))
-              seq))
-(defun seq-position (seq elt &optional testfn)
-  "Return the index of the first element in SEQ that is equal to ELT.
-Equality is defined by TESTFN if non-nil or by `equal' if nil."
-  (let ((index 0))
-    (catch 'seq--break
-      (seq-doseq (e seq)
-        (when (funcall (or testfn #'equal) e elt)
-          (throw 'seq--break index))
-        (setq index (1+ index)))
-      nil)))
-(defun seq-uniq (seq &optional testfn)
-  "Return a list of the elements of SEQ with duplicates removed.
-TESTFN is used to compare elements, or `equal' if TESTFN is nil."
-  (let ((result '()))
-    (seq-doseq (elt seq)
-      (unless (seq-contains result elt testfn)
-        (setq result (cons elt result))))
-    (nreverse result)))
-(defun seq-subseq (seq start &optional end)
-  "Return the subsequence of SEQ from START to END.
-If END is omitted, it defaults to the length of the sequence.
-If START or END is negative, it counts from the end."
-  (cond ((or (stringp seq) (vectorp seq)) (substring seq start end))
-        ((listp seq)
-         (let (len (errtext (format "Bad bounding indices: %s, %s" start end)))
-           (and end (< end 0) (setq end (+ end (setq len (seq-length seq)))))
-           (if (< start 0) (setq start (+ start (or len (setq len (seq-length 
-           (when (> start 0)
-             (setq seq (nthcdr (1- start) seq))
-             (or seq (error "%s" errtext))
-             (setq seq (cdr seq)))
-           (if end
-               (let ((res nil))
-                 (while (and (>= (setq end (1- end)) start) seq)
-                   (push (pop seq) res))
-                 (or (= (1+ end) start) (error "%s" errtext))
-                 (nreverse res))
-             (seq-copy seq))))
-        (t (error "Unsupported sequence: %s" seq))))
-(defun seq-concatenate (type &rest seqs)
-  "Concatenate, into a sequence of type TYPE, the sequences SEQS.
-TYPE must be one of following symbols: vector, string or list.
-\n(fn TYPE SEQUENCE...)"
-  (pcase type
-    (`vector (apply #'vconcat seqs))
-    (`string (apply #'concat seqs))
-    (`list (apply #'append (append seqs '(nil))))
-    (t (error "Not a sequence type name: %S" type))))
-(defun seq-mapcat (function seq &optional type)
-  "Concatenate the result of applying FUNCTION to each element of SEQ.
-The result is a sequence of type TYPE, or a list if TYPE is nil."
-  (apply #'seq-concatenate (or type 'list)
-         (seq-map function seq)))
-(defun seq-partition (seq n)
-  "Return a list of the elements of SEQ grouped into sub-sequences of length N.
-The last sequence may contain less than N elements.  If N is a
-negative integer or 0, nil is returned."
-  (unless (< n 1)
-    (let ((result '()))
-      (while (not (seq-empty-p seq))
-        (push (seq-take seq n) result)
-        (setq seq (seq-drop seq n)))
-      (nreverse result))))
-(defun seq-intersection (seq1 seq2 &optional testfn)
-  "Return a list of the elements that appear in both SEQ1 and SEQ2.
-Equality is defined by TESTFN if non-nil or by `equal' if nil."
-  (seq-reduce (lambda (acc elt)
-                (if (seq-contains seq2 elt testfn)
-                    (cons elt acc)
-                  acc))
-              (seq-reverse seq1)
-              '()))
-(defun seq-difference (seq1 seq2 &optional testfn)
-  "Return a list of the elements that appear in SEQ1 but not in SEQ2.
-Equality is defined by TESTFN if non-nil or by `equal' if nil."
-  (seq-reduce (lambda (acc elt)
-                (if (not (seq-contains seq2 elt testfn))
-                    (cons elt acc)
-                  acc))
-              (seq-reverse seq1)
-              '()))
-(defun seq-group-by (function seq)
-  "Apply FUNCTION to each element of SEQ.
-Separate the elements of SEQ into an alist using the results as
-keys.  Keys are compared using `equal'."
-  (seq-reduce
-   (lambda (acc elt)
-     (let* ((key (funcall function elt))
-            (cell (assoc key acc)))
-       (if cell
-           (setcdr cell (push elt (cdr cell)))
-         (push (list key elt) acc))
-       acc))
-   (seq-reverse seq)
-   nil))
-(defalias 'seq-reverse
-  (if (ignore-errors (reverse [1 2]))
-      #'reverse
-    (lambda (seq)
-      "Return the reversed copy of list, vector, or string SEQ.
-See also the function `nreverse', which is used more often."
-      (let ((result '()))
-        (seq-map (lambda (elt) (push elt result))
-                 seq)
-        (if (listp seq)
-            result
-          (seq-into result (type-of seq)))))))
-(defun seq-into (seq type)
-  "Convert the sequence SEQ into a sequence of type TYPE.
-TYPE can be one of the following symbols: vector, string or list."
-  (pcase type
-    (`vector (vconcat seq))
-    (`string (concat seq))
-    (`list (append seq nil))
-    (t (error "Not a sequence type name: %S" type))))
-(defun seq-min (seq)
-  "Return the smallest element of SEQ.
-SEQ must be a sequence of numbers or markers."
-  (apply #'min (seq-into seq 'list)))
-(defun seq-max (seq)
-    "Return the largest element of SEQ.
-SEQ must be a sequence of numbers or markers."
-  (apply #'max (seq-into seq 'list)))
-(defun seq--drop-list (list n)
-  "Return a list from LIST without its first N elements.
-This is an optimization for lists in `seq-drop'."
-  (while (and list (> n 0))
-    (setq list (cdr list)
-          n (1- n)))
-  list)
-(defun seq--take-list (list n)
-  "Return a list from LIST made of its first N elements.
-This is an optimization for lists in `seq-take'."
-  (let ((result '()))
-    (while (and list (> n 0))
-      (setq n (1- n))
-      (push (pop list) result))
-    (nreverse result)))
-(defun seq--drop-while-list (pred list)
-  "Return a list from the first element for which (PRED element) is nil in 
-This is an optimization for lists in `seq-drop-while'."
-  (while (and list (funcall pred (car list)))
-    (setq list (cdr list)))
-  list)
-(defun seq--take-while-list (pred list)
-  "Return the successive elements for which (PRED element) is non-nil in LIST.
-This is an optimization for lists in `seq-take-while'."
-  (let ((result '()))
-    (while (and list (funcall pred (car list)))
-      (push (pop list) result))
-    (nreverse result)))
-(defun seq--count-successive (pred seq)
-  "Return the number of successive elements for which (PRED element) is 
non-nil in SEQ."
-  (let ((n 0)
-        (len (seq-length seq)))
-    (while (and (< n len)
-                (funcall pred (seq-elt seq n)))
-      (setq n (+ 1 n)))
-    n))
-(defun seq--make-pcase-bindings (args)
-  "Return a list of bindings of the variables in ARGS to the elements of a 
-  (let ((bindings '())
-        (index 0)
-        (rest-marker nil))
-    (seq-doseq (name args)
-      (unless rest-marker
-        (pcase name
-          (`&rest
-           (progn (push `(app (pcase--flip seq-drop ,index)
-                              ,(seq--elt-safe args (1+ index)))
-                        bindings)
-                  (setq rest-marker t)))
-          (t
-           (push `(app (pcase--flip seq--elt-safe ,index) ,name) bindings))))
-      (setq index (1+ index)))
-    bindings))
-(defun seq--make-pcase-patterns (args)
-  "Return a list of `(seq ...)' pcase patterns from the argument list ARGS."
-  (cons 'seq
-        (seq-map (lambda (elt)
-                   (if (seq-p elt)
-                       (seq--make-pcase-patterns elt)
-                     elt))
-                 args)))
-;; Helper function for the Backward-compatible version of `seq-let'
-;; for Emacs<25.1.
-(defun seq--make-bindings (args seq &optional bindings)
-  "Return a list of bindings of the variables in ARGS to the elements of a 
-if BINDINGS is non-nil, append new bindings to it, and return
-  (let ((index 0)
-        (rest-marker nil))
-    (seq-doseq (name args)
-      (unless rest-marker
-        (pcase name
-          ((pred seq-p)
-           (setq bindings (seq--make-bindings (seq--elt-safe args index)
-                                              `(seq--elt-safe ,seq ,index)
-                                              bindings)))
-          (`&rest
-           (progn (push `(,(seq--elt-safe args (1+ index))
-                          (seq-drop ,seq ,index))
-                        bindings)
-                  (setq rest-marker t)))
-          (t
-           (push `(,name (seq--elt-safe ,seq ,index)) bindings))))
-      (setq index (1+ index)))
-    bindings))
-(defun seq--elt-safe (seq n)
-  "Return element of SEQ at the index N.
-If no element is found, return nil."
-  (when (or (listp seq)
-            (and (sequencep seq)
-                 (> (seq-length seq) n)))
-    (seq-elt seq n)))
-(defun seq--activate-font-lock-keywords ()
-  "Activate font-lock keywords for some symbols defined in seq."
-  (font-lock-add-keywords 'emacs-lisp-mode
-                          '("\\<seq-doseq\\>" "\\<seq-let\\>")))
-(defalias 'seq-copy #'copy-sequence)
-(defalias 'seq-elt #'elt)
-(defalias 'seq-length #'length)
-(defalias 'seq-do #'mapc)
-(defalias 'seq-each #'seq-do)
-(defalias 'seq-map #'mapcar)
-(defalias 'seq-p #'sequencep)
-(unless (fboundp 'elisp--font-lock-flush-elisp-buffers)
-  ;; In Emacsā‰„25, (via elisp--font-lock-flush-elisp-buffers and a few others)
-  ;; we automatically highlight macros.
-  (add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook #'seq--activate-font-lock-keywords))
+(if (version< emacs-version "25")
+    (require 'seq-24)
+  (require 'seq-25))
 (provide 'seq)
 ;;; seq.el ends here
diff --git a/packages/seq/tests/seq-tests.el b/packages/seq/tests/seq-tests.el
index 8f2dfbb..cd9c213 100644
--- a/packages/seq/tests/seq-tests.el
+++ b/packages/seq/tests/seq-tests.el
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 ;;; Commentary:
-;; Tests for sequences.el
+;; Tests for seq.el
 ;;; Code:
@@ -92,6 +92,16 @@ Evaluate BODY for each created sequence.
   (with-test-sequences (seq '())
     (should (seq-empty-p (seq-take-while #'test-sequences-oddp seq)))))
+(ert-deftest test-seq-map-indexed ()
+  (should (equal (seq-map-indexed (lambda (elt i)
+                                    (list elt i))
+                                  nil)
+                 nil))
+  (should (equal (seq-map-indexed (lambda (elt i)
+                                    (list elt i))
+                                  '(a b c d))
+                 '((a 0) (b 1) (c 2) (d 3)))))
 (ert-deftest test-seq-filter ()
   (with-test-sequences (seq '(6 7 8 9 10))
     (should (equal (seq-filter #'test-sequences-evenp seq) '(6 8 10)))
@@ -322,5 +332,18 @@ Evaluate BODY for each created sequence.
     (should (= (seq-position seq 'a #'eq) 0))
     (should (null (seq-position seq (make-symbol "a") #'eq)))))
+(ert-deftest test-seq-mapn ()
+  (should-error (seq-mapn #'identity))
+  (with-test-sequences (seq '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
+    (should (equal (append seq nil)
+                   (seq-mapn #'identity seq)))
+    (should (equal (seq-mapn #'1+ seq)
+                   (seq-map #'1+ seq)))
+    (with-test-sequences (seq-2 '(10 20 30 40 50))
+      (should (equal (seq-mapn #'+ seq seq-2)
+                     '(11 22 33 44 55)))
+      (should (equal (seq-mapn #'+ seq seq-2 nil) nil)))))
 (provide 'seq-tests)
 ;;; seq-tests.el ends here

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