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[elpa] externals/ebdb d7bc0c9 284/350: Drop the whole auto-notes thing

From: Eric Abrahamsen
Subject: [elpa] externals/ebdb d7bc0c9 284/350: Drop the whole auto-notes thing
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2017 11:46:54 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/ebdb
commit d7bc0c920b97f8dafec00793826a1298821f898a
Author: Eric Abrahamsen <address@hidden>
Commit: Eric Abrahamsen <address@hidden>

    Drop the whole auto-notes thing
    * ebdb-mua.el (ebdb-annotate-record, ebdb-auto-notes): Remove these
      functions, the whole thing was too convoluted.  There was no way to
      only run the rules once, and why would you want to run them multiple
 ebdb-mua.el | 233 ------------------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 233 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ebdb-mua.el b/ebdb-mua.el
index 3fff1ea..9c66e12 100644
--- a/ebdb-mua.el
+++ b/ebdb-mua.el
@@ -411,140 +411,6 @@ are not \"noticed\", nor is the timestamp updated."
   (widget-group-match widget
                       (widget-apply widget :value-to-internal value)))
-(defvar ebdb-auto-notes-rules-expanded nil
-  "Expanded `ebdb-auto-notes-rules'.") ; Internal variable
-(defcustom ebdb-auto-notes-rules nil
-  "List of rules for adding notes to records of mail addresses of messages.
-This automatically annotates the EBDB record of the sender or recipient
-of a message based on the value of a header such as the Subject header.
-This requires that `ebdb-notice-mail-hook' contains `ebdb-auto-notes'
-and that the record already exists or `ebdb-update-records-p' returns such that
-the record will be created.  Messages matching 
-are ignored.
-The elements of this list are
-FROM-TO is a list of headers and/or header classes as in 
-The record corresponding to a mail address of a message is considered for
-annotation if this mail address was found in a header matching FROM-TO.
-If FROM-TO is missing or t, records for each mail address are considered
-irrespective of where the mail address was found in a message.
-HEADER is a message header that is considered for generating the annotation.
-ANNOTATE may take the following values:
-  (REGEXP . STRING)       [this is equivalent to (REGEXP notes STRING)]
-REGEXP must match the value of HEADER for generating an annotation.
-However, if the value of HEADER also matches an element of
-`ebdb-auto-notes-ignore-headers' no annotation is generated.
-The annotation will be added to FIELD of the respective record.
-FIELD defaults to `ebdb-default-user-field'.
-STRING defines a replacement for the match of REGEXP in the value of HEADER.
-It may contain \\& or \\N specials used by `replace-match'.
-The resulting string becomes the annotation.
-If STRING is an integer N, the Nth matching subexpression is used.
-If STRING is a function, it will be called with one arg, the value of HEADER.
-The return value (which must be a string) is then used.
-If REPLACE is t, the resulting string replaces the old contents of FIELD.
-If it is nil, the string is appended to the contents of FIELD (unless the
-annotation is already part of the content of field).
-For example,
-   ((\"To\" (\"address@hidden" . \"VM mailing list\"))
-    (\"Subject\" (\"sprocket\" . \"mail about sprockets\")
-               (\"you bonehead\" . \"called me a bonehead\")))
-will cause the text \"VM mailing list\" to be added to the notes field
-of the records corresponding to anyone you get mail from via one of the VM
-mailing lists.
-If multiple clauses match the message, all of the corresponding strings
-will be added.
-See also variables `ebdb-auto-notes-ignore-messages' and
-For speed-up, the function `ebdb-auto-notes' actually use expanded rules
-stored in the internal variable `ebdb-auto-notes-rules-expanded'.
-If you change the value of `ebdb-auto-notes-rules' outside of customize,
-set `ebdb-auto-notes-rules-expanded' to nil, so that the expanded rules
-will be re-evaluated."
-  :group 'ebdb-mua
-  :set (lambda (symbol value)
-         (set-default symbol value)
-         (setq ebdb-auto-notes-rules-expanded nil))
-  :type '(repeat
-          (ebdb-alist-with-header
-           (repeat (choice
-                    (const sender)
-                    (const recipients)))
-           (string :tag "Header name")
-           (repeat (choice
-                    (cons :tag "Value Pair"
-                          (regexp :tag "Regexp to match on header value")
-                          (string :tag "String for notes if regexp matches"))
-                    (list :tag "Replacement list"
-                          (regexp :tag "Regexp to match on header value")
-                          (choice :tag "Record field"
-                                  (const notes :tag "Notes")
-                                  (const organization :tag "Organization")
-                                  (symbol :tag "Other field class"))
-                          (choice :tag "Regexp match"
-                                  (string :tag "Replacement string")
-                                  (integer :tag "Subexpression match")
-                                  (function :tag "Callback Function"))
-                          (choice :tag "Replace previous contents"
-                                  (const :tag "No" nil)
-                                  (const :tag "Yes" t))))))))
-(defcustom ebdb-auto-notes-ignore-messages nil
-  "List of rules for ignoring entire messages in `ebdb-auto-notes'.
-The elements may have the following values:
-  a function  This function is called with one arg, the record
-              that would be annotated.
-              Ignore this message if the function returns non-nil.
-              This function may use `ebdb-update-records-address'.
-  (HEADER . REGEXP)  Ignore messages where HEADER matches REGEXP.
-              For example,  (\"From\" . ebdb-user-mail-address-re)
-              disables any recording of notes for mail addresses
-              found in messages coming from yourself, see
-              `ebdb-user-mail-address-re'.
-See also `ebdb-auto-notes-ignore-headers'."
-  :group 'ebdb-mua
-  :type '(repeat (cons
-                  (string :tag "Header name")
-                  (regexp :tag "Regexp to match on header value"))))
-(defcustom ebdb-auto-notes-ignore-headers nil
-  "Alist of headers and regexps to ignore in `ebdb-auto-notes'.
-Each element is of the form
-For example,
-    (\"Organization\" . \"^Gatewayed from\\\\\|^Source only\")
-will exclude the phony `Organization:' headers in GNU mailing-lists
-gatewayed to gnu.* newsgroups.
-See also `ebdb-auto-notes-ignore-messages'."
-  :group 'ebdb-mua
-  :type '(repeat (cons
-                  (string :tag "Header name")
-                  (regexp :tag "Regexp to match on header value"))))
 (defcustom ebdb-mua-pop-up t
   "If non-nil, display an auto-updated EBDB window while using a MUA."
   :group 'ebdb-mua
@@ -1188,20 +1054,6 @@ bind `ebdb-message-all-addresses' to ALL."
 ;; `ebdb-mua-edit-field' is more explicit:  It displays the records
 ;; as well as the current content of the field that gets edited.
-;; In principle, this function can be used not only with MUAs.
-(defun ebdb-annotate-record (record annotation &optional field _replace)
-  "In RECORD add an ANNOTATION to field FIELD.
-FIELD defaults to `ebdb-annotate-field'.
-If REPLACE is non-nil, ANNOTATION replaces the content of FIELD.
-If ANNOTATION is an empty string and REPLACE is non-nil, delete FIELD."
-  (if (memq field '(name firstname lastname phone address))
-      (error "Field `%s' illegal" field))
-  (setq annotation (ebdb-string-trim annotation))
-  (cond ((memq field '(affix organization mail aka))
-         (setq annotation (list annotation)))
-        ((not field) (setq field ebdb-annotate-field)))
-  (ebdb-record-change-field record field annotation))
 (defun ebdb-mua-annotate-field-interactive ()
   "Interactive specification for `ebdb-mua-annotate-sender' and friends."
   (let ((field (if (eq 'all-fields ebdb-annotate-field)
@@ -1331,91 +1183,6 @@ See `ebdb-mua-display-records' and friends for 
interactive commands."
-(defun ebdb-auto-notes (record)
-  "Automatically annotate RECORD based on the headers of the current message.
-See the variables `ebdb-auto-notes-rules', `ebdb-auto-notes-ignore-messages'
-and `ebdb-auto-notes-ignore-headers'.
-For use as an element of `ebdb-notice-record-hook'."
-  ;; This code re-evaluates the annotations each time a message is viewed.
-  ;; It would be faster if we could somehow store (permanently?) that we
-  ;; have already annotated a message.
-  (let ((case-fold-search t))
-    (unless ;; check the ignore-messages pattern
-       (let ((ignore-messages ebdb-auto-notes-ignore-messages)
-             ignore rule)
-         (while (and (not ignore) (setq rule (pop ignore-messages)))
-           (if (cond ((functionp rule)
-                      ;; RULE may use `ebdb-update-records-address'
-                      (funcall rule record))
-                     ((symbolp rule)
-                      (eq rule (nth 4 ebdb-update-records-address)))
-                     ((eq 1 (safe-length rule))
-                      (ebdb-message-header-re (car rule) (cdr rule)))
-                     ((eq 2 (safe-length rule))
-                      (and (eq (car rule) (nth 4 ebdb-update-records-address))
-                           (ebdb-message-header-re (nth 1 rule) (nth 2 
-               (setq ignore t)))
-         ignore)
-      ;; For speed-up expanded rules are stored in 
-      (when (and ebdb-auto-notes-rules
-                 (not ebdb-auto-notes-rules-expanded))
-        (let (expanded mua from-to header)
-          (dolist (rule ebdb-auto-notes-rules)
-            ;; Which MUA do we want?
-            (if (or (stringp (car rule))
-                    (stringp (nth 1 rule)))
-                (setq mua t)
-              (setq mua (if (symbolp (car rule)) (listp (car rule)) (car rule))
-                    rule (cdr rule)))
-            ;; Which FROM-TO headers do we want?
-            (if (stringp (car rule))
-                (setq from-to t)
-              (setq from-to (car rule)
-                    rule (cdr rule)))
-            (setq header (car rule))
-            (let (string field replace elt-e)
-              (dolist (elt (cdr rule))
-                (if (consp (setq string (cdr elt)))
-                    (setq field (car string) ; (REGEXP FIELD-NAME STRING 
-                          replace (nth 2 string) ; perhaps nil
-                          string (nth 1 string))
-                  ;; else it's simple (REGEXP . STRING)
-                  (setq field ebdb-default-user-field
-                        replace nil))
-                (push (list (car elt) field string replace) elt-e))
-              (push (append (list mua from-to header) (nreverse elt-e)) 
-          (setq ebdb-auto-notes-rules-expanded (nreverse expanded))))
-      (dolist (rule ebdb-auto-notes-rules-expanded)
-        (let ((mua (car rule)) (from-to (nth 1 rule)) (header (nth 2 rule))
-              hd-val string annotation)
-          (when (and (or (eq mua t)
-                         (memq (nth 4 ebdb-update-records-address) mua))
-                     (or (eq from-to t)
-                         (member-ignore-case
-                          (nth 2 ebdb-update-records-address) from-to)
-                         (memq (nth 3 ebdb-update-records-address) from-to))
-                     (setq hd-val (ebdb-message-header header)))
-            (dolist (elt (nthcdr 3 rule))
-              (when (and (string-match (car elt) hd-val)
-                         (let ((ignore (cdr (assoc-string
-                                             header
-                                             ebdb-auto-notes-ignore-headers 
-                           (not (and ignore (string-match ignore hd-val)))))
-                (setq string (nth 2 elt)
-                      annotation
-                      (cond ((integerp string)
-                             (match-string string hd-val))
-                            ((stringp string)
-                             (replace-match string nil nil hd-val))
-                            ((functionp string)
-                             (funcall string hd-val))
-                            (t (error "Illegal value: %s" string))))
-                (ebdb-annotate-record record annotation
-                                      (nth 1 elt) (nth 3 elt))))))))))
 ;;; Mark EBDB records in the MUA summary buffer
 (defun ebdb-mua-summary-unify (address)

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