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[elpa] externals/ssh-deploy 5e191c6 103/173: Added major mode for intera

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [elpa] externals/ssh-deploy 5e191c6 103/173: Added major mode for interactive directory differences
Date: Sat, 20 Oct 2018 10:36:38 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/ssh-deploy
commit 5e191c65ad569d76690d8e48ed459461fe032484
Author: Christian Johansson <address@hidden>
Commit: Christian Johansson <address@hidden>

    Added major mode for interactive directory differences
 ssh-deploy-diff-mode.el | 274 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 ssh-deploy.el           | 238 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 2 files changed, 409 insertions(+), 103 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ssh-deploy-diff-mode.el b/ssh-deploy-diff-mode.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..740a252
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ssh-deploy-diff-mode.el
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+;;; ssh-deploy-diff-mode.el --- Mode for interactive directory differences
+;; Author: Christian Johansson <github.com/cjohansson>
+;; Maintainer: Christian Johansson <github.com/cjohansson>
+;; Created: 1 Feb 2018
+;; Modified: 14 Feb 2018
+;; Version: 1.0
+;; URL: https://github.com/cjohansson/emacs-ssh-deploy
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24") (ssh-deploy "1.74"))
+;; Copyright (C) 2017 Christian Johansson
+;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at
+;; your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+;; Free Spathoftware Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Please see README.md from the same repository for extended documentation.
+;;; Code:
+(defvar ssh-deploy-diff-mode nil)
+(defconst ssh-deploy-diff-mode--section-directory-a 0 "Section for directory 
+(defconst ssh-deploy-diff-mode--section-directory-b 1 "Section for directory 
+(defconst ssh-deploy-diff-mode--section-exclude-list 2 "Section for 
+(defconst ssh-deploy-diff-mode--section-only-in-a 3 "Section for only in a.")
+(defconst ssh-deploy-diff-mode--section-only-in-b 4 "Section for only in b.")
+(defconst ssh-deploy-diff-mode--section-in-both 5 "Section for in both.")
+(defconst ssh-deploy-diff-mode--action-copy 0 "Action for copy.")
+(defconst ssh-deploy-diff-mode--action-copy-a 1 "Action for copy A.")
+(defconst ssh-deploy-diff-mode--action-copy-b 2 "Action for copy B.")
+(defconst ssh-deploy-diff-mode--action-delete 3 "Action for delete.")
+(defconst ssh-deploy-diff-mode--action-difference 4 "Action for difference.")
+(defconst ssh-deploy-diff-mode--action-refresh 5 "Action for refreshing 
+(defconst ssh-deploy-diff-mode--keywords
+  (list
+   "HELP"
+   )
+  "Use list of keywords to build regular expression for syntax highlighting.")
+(let ((regex (concat "\\<" (regexp-opt ssh-deploy-diff-mode--keywords t) 
+  (defconst ssh-deploy-diff-mode--font-lock-keywords
+    (list
+     `(,regex . font-lock-builtin-face)
+     '("\\('\\w*'\\)" . font-lock-variable-name-face))
+    "Minimal highlighting expressions for SSH Deploy Diff major mode."))
+(defvar ssh-deploy-diff-mode--map
+  (let ((map (make-keymap)))
+    (define-key map "q" 'quit-window)
+    (define-key map "c" 'ssh-deploy-diff-mode-copy-handler)
+    (define-key map "a" 'ssh-deploy-diff-mode-copy-a-handler)
+    (define-key map "b" 'ssh-deploy-diff-mode-copy-b-handler)
+    (define-key map "d" 'ssh-deploy-diff-mode-delete-handler)
+    (define-key map "\t" 'ssh-deploy-diff-mode-difference-handler)
+    (define-key map "g" 'ssh-deploy-diff-mode-refresh-handler)
+    map)
+  "Key-map for SSH Deploy Diff major mode.")
+(defun ssh-deploy-diff-mode-copy-handler() "Start the copy action." 
+(defun ssh-deploy-diff-mode-copy-a-handler() "Start the copy A action." 
+(defun ssh-deploy-diff-mode-copy-b-handler() "Start the copy B action." 
+(defun ssh-deploy-diff-mode-delete-handler() "Start the delete action." 
+(defun ssh-deploy-diff-mode-difference-handler() "Start the difference 
action." (interactive)(ssh-deploy-diff-mode--action-handler 
+(defun ssh-deploy-diff-mode-refresh-handler() "Start the refresh action." 
+(defun ssh-deploy-diff-mode--get-parts ()
+  "Return current file and section if any."
+  (interactive)
+  (save-excursion
+    (beginning-of-line)
+    (let ((file nil))
+      (if (looking-at "^- ")
+          (let* ((start (+ 2 (line-beginning-position)))
+                 (end (line-end-position)))
+            (setq file (buffer-substring-no-properties start end))))
+      (while (and (> (line-number-at-pos) 0)
+                  (not (looking-at "^[A-Z]+")))
+        (forward-line -1))
+      (if (looking-at "^[A-Z]")
+          (let* ((start (line-beginning-position))
+                 (end (line-end-position))
+                 (section (buffer-substring-no-properties start end)))
+            (setq section (replace-regexp-in-string ": ([0-9]+)$" "" section))
+            (cond ((string= section "DIRECTORY A") (setq section 
+                  ((string= section "DIRECTORY B") (setq section 
+                  ((string= section "EXCLUDE-LIST") (setq section 
+                  ((string= section "FILES ONLY IN A") (setq section 
+                  ((string= section "FILES ONLY IN B") (setq section 
+                  ((string= section "FILES IN BOTH BUT DIFFERS") (setq section 
+                  (t (message "Could not find section %s" section)))
+            (while (and (> (line-number-at-pos) 0)
+                        (not (looking-at "^DIRECTORY B:")))
+              (forward-line -1))
+            (if (looking-at "^DIRECTORY B:")
+                (let* ((start (line-beginning-position))
+                       (end (line-end-position))
+                       (directory-b (buffer-substring-no-properties start 
+                  (setq directory-b (replace-regexp-in-string "DIRECTORY B: " 
"" directory-b))
+                  (while (and (> (line-number-at-pos) 0)
+                              (not (looking-at "^DIRECTORY A:")))
+                    (forward-line -1))
+                  (if (looking-at "^DIRECTORY A:")
+                      (let* ((start (line-beginning-position))
+                             (end (line-end-position))
+                             (directory-a (buffer-substring-no-properties 
start end)))
+                        (setq directory-a (replace-regexp-in-string "DIRECTORY 
A: " "" directory-a))
+                        (list file section directory-a directory-b))))))))))
+(defun ssh-deploy-diff-mode--action-handler (action)
+  "Route valid ACTION to their functions."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((parts (ssh-deploy-diff-mode--get-parts)))
+    (if (not (eq parts nil))
+        (progn
+          ;; (message "Parts %s %s" action parts)
+          (cond ((and (not (null (nth 0 parts))) (= action 
ssh-deploy-diff-mode--action-copy)) (ssh-deploy-diff-mode--copy parts))
+                ((and (not (null (nth 0 parts))) (= action 
ssh-deploy-diff-mode--action-copy-a)) (ssh-deploy-diff-mode--copy-a parts))
+                ((and (not (null (nth 0 parts))) (= action 
ssh-deploy-diff-mode--action-copy-b)) (ssh-deploy-diff-mode--copy-b parts))
+                ((and (not (null (nth 0 parts))) (= action 
ssh-deploy-diff-mode--action-delete)) (ssh-deploy-diff-mode--delete parts))
+                ((and (not (null (nth 0 parts))) (= action 
ssh-deploy-diff-mode--action-difference)) (ssh-deploy-diff-mode--difference 
+                ((= action ssh-deploy-diff-mode--action-refresh) 
(ssh-deploy-diff-mode--refresh parts))
+                (t (message "Found no function for %s" action))))
+      (message "Found nothing to do"))))
+(defun ssh-deploy-diff-mode--refresh (parts)
+  "Refresh current difference query based on PARTS."
+  (interactive)
+  (require 'ssh-deploy)
+  (if (and (boundp 'ssh-deploy-root-local)
+           (boundp 'ssh-deploy-root-remote)
+           (fboundp 'ssh-deploy-diff-directories))
+      (let ((root-local (nth 2 parts))
+            (root-remote (nth 3 parts)))
+        (progn
+          (kill-this-buffer)
+          (ssh-deploy-diff-directories root-local root-remote)))))
+(defun ssh-deploy-diff-mode--copy (parts)
+  "Perform an upload or download depending on section in PARTS."
+  (require 'ssh-deploy)
+  (let* ((file-name (nth 0 parts))
+         (root-local (nth 2 parts))
+         (root-remote (nth 3 parts))
+         (path-local (concat root-local file-name))
+         (path-remote (concat root-remote file-name))
+         (section (nth 1 parts)))
+    (let* ((path-local (file-truename path-local))
+           (root-local (file-truename root-local)))
+      (if (and (fboundp 'ssh-deploy-download)
+               (fboundp 'ssh-deploy-upload))
+          (cond ((= section ssh-deploy-diff-mode--section-only-in-a)
+                 (ssh-deploy-upload path-local path-remote))
+                ((= section ssh-deploy-diff-mode--section-only-in-b)
+                 (ssh-deploy-download path-remote path-local))
+                (t (message "Copy is not available in this section")))
+        (display-warning "ssh-deploy" "Function ssh-deploy-download or 
ssh-deploy-upload is missing" :warning)))))
+(defun ssh-deploy-diff-mode--copy-a (parts)
+  "Perform a upload of local-path to remote-path based on PARTS from section A 
or section BOTH."
+  (require 'ssh-deploy)
+  (let* ((section (nth 1 parts))
+         (file-name (nth 0 parts))
+         (root-local (nth 2 parts))
+         (root-remote (nth 3 parts))
+         (path-local (concat root-local file-name))
+         (path-remote (concat root-remote file-name)))
+    (let* ((path-local (file-truename path-local))
+           (root-local (file-truename root-local)))
+      (if (fboundp 'ssh-deploy-upload)
+          (cond ((or (= section ssh-deploy-diff-mode--section-only-in-a)
+                     (= section ssh-deploy-diff-mode--section-in-both))
+                 (ssh-deploy-upload path-local path-remote))
+                (t "Copy A is not available in this section"))
+        (display-warning "ssh-deploy" "Function ssh-deploy-upload is missing" 
+(defun ssh-deploy-diff-mode--copy-b (parts)
+  "Perform an download of remote-path to local-path based on PARTS from 
section B or section BOTH."
+  (require 'ssh-deploy)
+  (let* ((section (nth 1 parts))
+         (file-name (nth 0 parts))
+         (root-local (nth 2 parts))
+         (root-remote (nth 3 parts))
+         (path-local (concat root-local file-name))
+         (path-remote (concat root-remote file-name)))
+    (let* ((path-local (file-truename path-local))
+           (root-local (file-truename root-local)))
+      (if (fboundp 'ssh-deploy-download)
+          (cond ((or (= section ssh-deploy-diff-mode--section-only-in-b)
+                     (= section ssh-deploy-diff-mode--section-in-both))
+                 (ssh-deploy-download path-remote path-local))
+                (t "Copy B is not available in this section"))
+        (display-warning "ssh-deploy" "Function ssh-deploy-download is 
missing" :warning)))))
+(defun ssh-deploy-diff-mode--delete (parts)
+  "Delete path in both, only in a or only in b based on PARTS from section A, 
B or BOTH."
+  (require 'ssh-deploy)
+  (let* ((section (nth 1 parts))
+         (file-name (nth 0 parts))
+         (root-local (nth 2 parts))
+         (root-remote (nth 3 parts))
+         (path-local (concat root-local file-name))
+         (path-remote (concat root-remote file-name)))
+    (let* ((path-local (file-truename path-local))
+           (root-local (file-truename root-local)))
+      (if (fboundp 'ssh-deploy-delete)
+          (cond ((= section ssh-deploy-diff-mode--section-in-both)
+                 (let ((yes-no-prompt (read-string (format "Type 'yes' to 
confirm that you want to delete the file '%s': " file-name))))
+                   (if (string= yes-no-prompt "yes")
+                       (ssh-deploy-delete path-local root-local root-remote))))
+                ((= section ssh-deploy-diff-mode--section-only-in-a) 
(ssh-deploy-delete path-local))
+                ((= section ssh-deploy-diff-mode--section-only-in-b) 
(ssh-deploy-delete path-remote))
+                ((= section ssh-deploy-diff-mode--section-in-both) 
(ssh-deploy-delete path-local root-local root-remote))
+                (t (message "Delete is not available in this section")))
+        (display-warning "ssh-deploy" "Function ssh-deploy-delete is missing" 
+(defun ssh-deploy-diff-mode--difference (parts)
+  "If file exists in both start a difference session based on PARTS."
+  (require 'ssh-deploy)
+  (let ((section (nth 1 parts)))
+    (if (= section ssh-deploy-diff-mode--section-in-both)
+        (if (fboundp 'ssh-deploy-diff-files)
+            (let* ((file-name (nth 0 parts))
+                   (root-local (nth 2 parts))
+                   (root-remote (nth 3 parts))
+                   (path-local (concat root-local file-name))
+                   (path-remote (concat root-remote file-name)))
+              (let* ((path-local (file-truename path-local))
+                     (root-local (file-truename root-local)))
+                (ssh-deploy-diff-files path-local path-remote)))
+          (display-warning "ssh-deploy" "Function ssh-deploy-diff-files is 
missing" :warning))
+      (message "File must exists in both roots to perform a difference 
+(defun ssh-deploy-diff-mode ()
+  "Major mode for SSH Deploy interactive directory differences."
+  (interactive)
+  (kill-all-local-variables)
+  (use-local-map ssh-deploy-diff-mode--map)
+  (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults) 
+  (setq major-mode 'ssh-deploy-diff-mode)
+  (setq mode-name "SSH-Deploy-Diff")
+  (read-only-mode t)
+  (run-hooks 'ssh-deploy-diff-mode-hook))
+(provide 'ssh-deploy-diff-mode)
+;;; ssh-deploy-diff-mode.el ends here
diff --git a/ssh-deploy.el b/ssh-deploy.el
index 204cf34..5d55fda 100644
--- a/ssh-deploy.el
+++ b/ssh-deploy.el
@@ -3,14 +3,16 @@
 ;; Author: Christian Johansson <github.com/cjohansson>
 ;; Maintainer: Christian Johansson <github.com/cjohansson>
 ;; Created: 5 Jul 2016
-;; Modified: 28 Jan 2018
-;; Version: 1.73
+;; Modified: 14 Feb 2018
+;; Version: 1.74
 ;; Keywords: tools, convenience
 ;; URL: https://github.com/cjohansson/emacs-ssh-deploy
-;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24") (ssh-deploy-diff-mode "1.0"))
+;; Copyright (C) 2017 - 2018 Christian Johansson
-;; Copyright (C) 2017 Christian Johansson
+;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
 ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
@@ -139,6 +141,8 @@
 ;;; Code:
+(require 'ssh-deploy-diff-mode)
 (defgroup ssh-deploy nil
   "Upload, download, difference, browse and terminal handler for files and 
directories on remote hosts via TRAMP."
   :group 'tools
@@ -210,11 +214,11 @@
   (concat root (replace-regexp-in-string "\\(/\\|@\\|:\\)" "_" path)))
 (defun ssh-deploy--file-is-in-path (file path)
-  "Return true if FILE is in the path PATH."
+  "Return non-nil if FILE is in the path PATH."
   (not (null (string-match path file))))
 (defun ssh-deploy--file-is-included (path exclude-list)
-  "Return true if PATH is not in EXCLUDE-LIST."
+  "Return non-nil if PATH is not in EXCLUDE-LIST."
   (let ((not-found t))
     (dolist (element exclude-list)
       (if (and (not (null element))
@@ -228,7 +232,7 @@
   (replace-regexp-in-string root "" path))
 (defun ssh-deploy--is-not-empty-string (string)
-  "Return true if the STRING is not empty and not nil.  Expects string."
+  "Return non-nil if the STRING is not empty and not nil.  Expects string."
   (and (not (null string))
        (not (zerop (length string)))))
@@ -240,10 +244,10 @@
           (if file-or-directory
                 (let ((revision-path (ssh-deploy--get-revision-path path-local 
-                  (message "Uploading file '%s' to '%s' via TRAMP 
asynchronously.." path-local path-remote)
+                  (message "Uploading file '%s' to '%s'.. (asynchronously)" 
path-local path-remote)
-                      (require 'ediff)
+                      (require 'ediff-util)
                       (if (fboundp 'ediff-same-file-contents)
                             (if (or (eq t ,force) (not (file-exists-p 
,path-remote)) (and (file-exists-p ,revision-path) (ediff-same-file-contents 
,revision-path ,path-remote)))
@@ -252,21 +256,21 @@
                                       (make-directory (file-name-directory 
,path-remote) t))
                                   (copy-file ,path-local ,path-remote t t t t)
                                   (copy-file ,path-local ,revision-path t t t 
-                                  (list 0 (format "Upload '%s' completed." 
-                              (list 1 (format "Remote file '%s' has changed, 
please download or diff." ,path-remote))))
-                        (list 1 "Function 'ediff-same-file-contents' is 
+                                  (list 0 (format "Upload of file '%s' 
completed. (asynchronously)" ,path-remote)))
+                              (list 1 (format "Remote file '%s' has changed, 
please download or diff. (asynchronously)" ,path-remote))))
+                        (list 1 "Function 'ediff-same-file-contents' is 
missing. (asynchronously)")))
                      (if (= (nth 0 return) 0)
                          (message (nth 1 return))
                        (display-warning "ssh-deploy" (nth 1 return) 
-              (message "Uploading directory '%s' to '%s' via TRAMP 
asynchronously.." path-local path-remote)
+              (message "Uploading directory '%s' to '%s'.. (asynchronously)" 
path-local path-remote)
                   (copy-directory ,path-local ,path-remote t t t)
-                 (message "Upload '%s' finished." return-path)))))))
+                 (message "Upload of directory '%s' finished. 
(asynchronously)" return-path)))))))
     (message "async.el is not installed")))
 (defun ssh-deploy--upload-via-tramp (path-local path-remote force 
@@ -275,24 +279,24 @@
         (revision-path (ssh-deploy--get-revision-path path-local 
     (if file-or-directory
-          (require 'ediff)
+          (require 'ediff-util)
           (if (fboundp 'ediff-same-file-contents)
               (if (or (eq t force)
                       (not (file-exists-p path-remote))
                       (and (file-exists-p revision-path) 
(ediff-same-file-contents revision-path path-remote)))
-                    (message "Uploading file '%s' to '%s' via TRAMP 
synchronously.." path-local path-remote)
+                    (message "Uploading file '%s' to '%s'.. (synchronously)" 
path-local path-remote)
                     (if (not (file-directory-p (file-name-directory 
                         (make-directory (file-name-directory path-remote) t))
                     (copy-file path-local path-remote t t t t)
-                    (message "Upload '%s' completed." path-local)
-                    (ssh-deploy-store-revision path-local revision-folder))
-                (display-warning "ssh-deploy" (format "Remote file '%s' has 
changed, please download or diff." path-remote) :warning))
+                    (ssh-deploy-store-revision path-local revision-folder)
+                    (message "Upload '%s' completed. (synchronously)" 
+                (display-warning "ssh-deploy" (format "Remote file '%s' has 
changed, please download or diff. (synchronously)" path-remote) :warning))
             (display-warning "ssh-deploy" "Function 'ediff-same-file-contents' 
is missing." :warning)))
-        (message "Uploading directory '%s' to '%s' via TRAMP synchronously.." 
path-local path-remote)
+        (message "Uploading directory '%s' to '%s'.. (synchronously)" 
path-local path-remote)
         (copy-directory path-local path-remote t t t)
-        (message "Upload '%s' finished" path-local)))))
+        (message "Upload '%s' finished. (synchronously)" path-local)))))
 (defun ssh-deploy--download-via-tramp-async (path-remote path-local 
   "Download PATH-REMOTE to PATH-LOCAL via TRAMP asynchronously and make a copy 
@@ -302,37 +306,37 @@
           (if file-or-directory
                 (let ((revision-path (ssh-deploy--get-revision-path path-local 
-                  (message "Downloading file '%s' to '%s' via TRAMP 
asynchronously.." path-remote path-local)
+                  (message "Downloading file '%s' to '%s'.. (asynchronously)" 
path-remote path-local)
                       (copy-file ,path-remote ,path-local t t t t)
                       (copy-file ,path-local ,revision-path t t t t)
-                     (message "Download '%s' finished." return-path)))))
+                     (message "Download of file '%s' finished. 
(asynchronously)" return-path)))))
-              (message "Downloading directory '%s' to '%s' via TRAMP 
synchronously.." path-remote path-local)
+              (message "Downloading directory '%s' to '%s'.. (asynchronously)" 
path-remote path-local)
                   (copy-directory ,path-remote ,path-local t t t)
-                 (message "Download '%s' finished." return-path)))))))
-    (message "async.el is not installed")))
+                 (message "Download of directory '%s' finished. 
(asynchronously)" return-path)))))))
+    (display-warning "ssh-deploy" "async.el is not installed" :warning)))
 (defun ssh-deploy--download-via-tramp (path-remote path-local revision-folder)
   "Download PATH-REMOTE to PATH-LOCAL via TRAMP synchronously and store a copy 
   (let ((file-or-directory (file-regular-p path-local)))
     (if file-or-directory
-          (message "Downloading file '%s' to '%s' via TRAMP synchronously.." 
path-remote path-local)
+          (message "Downloading file '%s' to '%s'.. (synchronously)" 
path-remote path-local)
           (copy-file path-remote path-local t t t t)
-          (message "Download '%s' finished." path-local)
-          (ssh-deploy-store-revision path-local revision-folder))
+          (ssh-deploy-store-revision path-local revision-folder)
+          (message "Download of file '%s' finished. (synchronously)" 
-        (message "Downloading directory '%s' to '%s' via TRAMP 
synchronously.." path-remote path-local)
+        (message "Downloading directory '%s' to '%s'.. (synchronously)" 
path-remote path-local)
         (copy-directory path-remote path-local t t t)
-        (message "Download '%s' finished." path-local)))))
+        (message "Download of directory '%s' finished. (synchronously)" 
 (defun ssh-deploy--diff-directories-data (directory-a directory-b exclude-list)
   "Find difference between DIRECTORY-A and DIRECTORY-B but exclude paths 
matching EXCLUDE-LIST."
@@ -418,7 +422,7 @@
         ;; Collect files that differ in contents and have equal contents
-        (require 'ediff)
+        (require 'ediff-util)
         (if (fboundp 'ediff-same-file-contents)
              (lambda (file)
@@ -436,50 +440,71 @@
         (list directory-a directory-b exclude-list files-both files-a-only 
files-b-only files-both-equals files-both-differs))
     (display-warning "ssh-deploy" "Function 'string-remove-prefix' is 
-;; TODO Make this function interactive
 (defun ssh-deploy--diff-directories-present (diff)
   "Present difference data for directories from DIFF."
-  (let ((buffer (generate-new-buffer "ssh-deploy diff")))
+  (require 'ssh-deploy-diff-mode)
+  (let ((buffer (generate-new-buffer "ssh-deploy diff"))
+        (old-ssh-deploy-root-local ssh-deploy-root-local)
+        (old-ssh-deploy-root-remote ssh-deploy-root-remote)
+        (old-ssh-deploy-on-explicit-save ssh-deploy-on-explicit-save)
+        (old-ssh-deploy-debug ssh-deploy-debug)
+        (old-ssh-deploy-async ssh-deploy-async)
+        (old-ssh-deploy-revision-folder ssh-deploy-revision-folder)
+        (old-ssh-deploy-automatically-detect-remote-changes 
+        (old-ssh-deploy-exclude-list ssh-deploy-exclude-list))
     (switch-to-buffer buffer)
-    (ssh-deploy--insert-keyword "Directory A: ")
+    (ssh-deploy--insert-keyword "DIRECTORY A: ")
     (insert (nth 0 diff) "\n")
-    (ssh-deploy--insert-keyword "Directory B: ")
+    (ssh-deploy--insert-keyword "DIRECTORY B: ")
     (insert (nth 1 diff) "\n")
     (if (length (nth 2 diff))
           (insert "\n")
-          (ssh-deploy--insert-keyword (format "Exclude-list (%d)" (length (nth 
2 diff))))
+          (ssh-deploy--insert-keyword (format "EXCLUDE-LIST: (%d)" (length 
(nth 2 diff))))
           (dolist (element (nth 2 diff))
-            (insert "\n" element))
+            (insert "\n- " element))
           (insert "\n")))
     (insert "\n")
     (if (length (nth 4 diff))
-          (ssh-deploy--insert-keyword (format "Files only in A (%d)" (length 
(nth 4 diff))))
+          (ssh-deploy--insert-keyword (format "FILES ONLY IN A: (%d)" (length 
(nth 4 diff))))
           (dolist (element (nth 4 diff))
-            (insert "\n" element))
+            (insert "\n- " element))
           (insert "\n\n")))
     (if (length (nth 5 diff))
-          (ssh-deploy--insert-keyword (format "Files only in B (%d)" (length 
(nth 5 diff))))
+          (ssh-deploy--insert-keyword (format "FILES ONLY IN B: (%d)" (length 
(nth 5 diff))))
           (dolist (element (nth 5 diff))
-            (insert "\n" element))
+            (insert "\n- " element))
           (insert "\n\n")))
     (if (length (nth 7 diff))
-          (ssh-deploy--insert-keyword (format "Files in both but differs (%d)" 
(length (nth 7 diff))))
+          (ssh-deploy--insert-keyword (format "FILES IN BOTH BUT DIFFERS: 
(%d)" (length (nth 7 diff))))
           (dolist (element (nth 7 diff))
-            (insert "\n" element))
+            (insert "\n- " element))
           (insert "\n\n")))
-    (read-only-mode)))
+    (insert "\nHELP: (q) quit, (c) copy, (a) copy A to B, (b) copy B to A, (d) 
delete, (TAB) difference, (g) refresh")
+    (ssh-deploy-diff-mode)
+    ;; Set local variables same as current directories
+    (set (make-local-variable 'ssh-deploy-root-local) 
+    (set (make-local-variable 'ssh-deploy-root-remote) 
+    (set (make-local-variable 'ssh-deploy-on-explicit-save) 
+    (set (make-local-variable 'ssh-deploy-debug) old-ssh-deploy-debug)
+    (set (make-local-variable 'ssh-deploy-async) old-ssh-deploy-async)
+    (set (make-local-variable 'ssh-deploy-revision-folder) 
+    (set (make-local-variable 'ssh-deploy-automatically-detect-remote-changes) 
+    (set (make-local-variable 'ssh-deploy-exclude-list) 
 ;; PUBLIC functions
@@ -491,7 +516,7 @@
 ;;;### autoload
 (defun ssh-deploy-diff-files (file-a file-b)
   "Find difference between FILE-A and FILE-B."
-  (require 'ediff)
+  (require 'ediff-util)
   (if (fboundp 'ediff-same-file-contents)
         (message "Comparing file '%s' to '%s'.." file-a file-b)
@@ -509,20 +534,20 @@
       (setq exclude-list ssh-deploy-exclude-list))
   (if (and async (fboundp 'async-start))
       (let ((script-filename (file-name-directory (symbol-file 
-        (message "Generating differences asynchronously between directory '%s' 
and '%s'.." directory-a directory-b)
+        (message "Generating differences between directory '%s' and '%s'.. 
(asynchronously)" directory-a directory-b)
             (add-to-list 'load-path ,script-filename)
             (require 'ssh-deploy)
             (ssh-deploy--diff-directories-data ,directory-a ,directory-b (list 
-           (message "Differences calculated: %s only in A, %s only in B, %s 
differs" (length (nth 4 diff)) (length (nth 5 diff)) (length (nth 7 diff)))
+           (message "Differences calculated between directory '%s' and '%s' -> 
%s only in A, %s only in B, %s differs. (asynchronously)" (nth 0 diff) (nth 1 
diff) (length (nth 4 diff)) (length (nth 5 diff)) (length (nth 7 diff)))
            (if (or (> (length (nth 4 diff)) 0) (> (length (nth 5 diff)) 0) (> 
(length (nth 7 diff)) 0))
                (ssh-deploy--diff-directories-present diff)))))
-      (message "Generating differences synchronously between directory '%s' 
and '%s'.." directory-a directory-b)
+      (message "Generating differences between directory '%s' and '%s'.. 
(synchronously)" directory-a directory-b)
       (let ((diff (ssh-deploy--diff-directories-data directory-a directory-b 
-        (message "Differences calculated: %s only in A, %s only in B, %s 
differs" (length (nth 4 diff)) (length (nth 5 diff)) (length (nth 7 diff)))
+        (message "Differences calculated between directory '%s' and '%s' -> %s 
only in A, %s only in B, %s differs. (synchronously)" (nth 0 diff) (nth 1 diff) 
(length (nth 4 diff)) (length (nth 5 diff)) (length (nth 7 diff)))
         (if (or (> (length (nth 4 diff)) 0) (> (length (nth 5 diff)) 0) (> 
(length (nth 7 diff)) 0))
             (ssh-deploy--diff-directories-present diff))))))
@@ -545,19 +570,19 @@
                             (if (file-exists-p ,path-remote)
-                                  (require 'ediff)
+                                  (require 'ediff-util)
                                   (if (fboundp 'ediff-same-file-contents)
                                         (if (ediff-same-file-contents 
,revision-path ,path-remote)
-                                            (list 0 (format "Remote file '%s' 
has not changed." ,path-remote))
+                                            (list 0 (format "Remote file '%s' 
has not changed. (asynchronously)" ,path-remote))
                                             (if (ediff-same-file-contents 
,path-local ,path-remote)
                                                   (copy-file ,path-local 
,revision-path t t t t)
-                                                  (list 0 (format "Remote file 
'%s' is identical to local file '%s' but different to local revision. Updated 
local revision." ,path-remote ,path-local)))
-                                              (list 1 (format "Remote file 
'%s' has changed, please download or diff." ,path-remote))))))
-                                    (list 1 "Function 
'ediff-same-file-contents' is missing.")))
-                              (list 0 (format "Remote file '%s' doesn't 
exist." ,path-remote))))
+                                                  (list 0 (format "Remote file 
'%s' is identical to local file '%s' but different to local revision. Updated 
local revision. (asynchronously)" ,path-remote ,path-local)))
+                                              (list 1 (format "Remote file 
'%s' has changed, please download or diff. (asynchronously)" ,path-remote))))))
+                                    (list 1 "Function 
'ediff-same-file-contents' is missing. (asynchronously)")))
+                              (list 0 (format "Remote file '%s' doesn't exist. 
(asynchronously)" ,path-remote))))
                            (if (= (nth 0 return) 0)
                                (message (nth 1 return))
@@ -565,47 +590,74 @@
                       (if (file-exists-p path-remote)
-                            (require 'ediff)
+                            (require 'ediff-util)
                             (if (fboundp 'ediff-same-file-contents)
                                   (if (ediff-same-file-contents revision-path 
-                                      (message "Remote file '%s' has not 
changed." path-remote)
-                                    (display-warning "ssh-deploy" (format 
"Remote file '%s' has changed, please download or diff." path-remote) 
-                              (display-warning "ssh-deploy" "Function 
'ediff-same-file-contents' is missing." :warning)))
-                        (message "Remote file '%s' doesn't exist." 
+                                      (message "Remote file '%s' has not 
changed. (synchronously)" path-remote)
+                                    (display-warning "ssh-deploy" (format 
"Remote file '%s' has changed, please download or diff. (synchronously)" 
path-remote) :warning)))
+                              (display-warning "ssh-deploy" "Function 
'ediff-same-file-contents' is missing. (synchronously)" :warning)))
+                        (message "Remote file '%s' doesn't exist. 
(synchronously)" path-remote))))
                 (if (and async (fboundp 'async-start))
                         (if (file-exists-p ,path-remote)
-                              (require 'ediff)
+                              (require 'ediff-util)
                               (if (fboundp 'ediff-same-file-contents)
                                     (if (ediff-same-file-contents ,path-local 
                                           (copy-file ,path-local 
,revision-path t t t t)
-                                          (list 0 (format "Remote file '%s' 
has not changed, created base revision." ,path-remote)))
-                                      (list 1 (format "Remote file '%s' has 
changed, please download or diff." ,path-remote))))
-                                (list 1 "Function ediff-file-same-contents is 
-                          (list 0 (format "Remote file '%s' doesn't exist." 
+                                          (list 0 (format "Remote file '%s' 
has not changed, created base revision. (asynchronously)" ,path-remote)))
+                                      (list 1 (format "Remote file '%s' has 
changed, please download or diff. (asynchronously)" ,path-remote))))
+                                (list 1 "Function ediff-file-same-contents is 
missing. (asynchronously)")))
+                          (list 0 (format "Remote file '%s' doesn't exist. 
(asynchronously)" ,path-remote))))
                        (if (= (nth 0 return) 0)
                            (message (nth 1 return))
                          (display-warning "ssh-deploy" (nth 1 return) 
                   (if (file-exists-p path-remote)
-                        (require 'ediff)
-                        (if (and (fboundp 'ediff-same-file-contents)
-                                 (ediff-same-file-contents path-local 
-                            (progn
-                              (copy-file path-local revision-path t t t t)
-                              (message "Remote file '%s' has not changed, 
created base revision." path-remote))
-                          (display-warning "ssh-deploy" (format "Remote file 
'%s' has changed, please download or diff." path-remote) :warning))
-                        (display-warning "ssh-deploy" "Function 
'ediff-same-file-contents' is missing." :warning)))
-                  (message "Remote file '%s' doesn't exist." 
+                        (require 'ediff-util)
+                        (if (fboundp 'ediff-same-file-contents)
+                            (if (ediff-same-file-contents path-local 
+                                (progn
+                                  (copy-file path-local revision-path t t t t)
+                                  (message "Remote file '%s' has not changed, 
created base revision. (synchronously)" path-remote))
+                              (display-warning "ssh-deploy" (format "Remote 
file '%s' has changed, please download or diff. (synchronously)" path-remote) 
+                          (display-warning "ssh-deploy" "Function 
'ediff-same-file-contents' is missing. (synchronously)" :warning)))
+                    (message "Remote file '%s' does not exist. 
(synchronously)" path-remote)))))))))
+(defun ssh-deploy-delete (path &optional async debug)
+  "Delete PATH and use flags ASYNC and DEBUG."
+  (if (and async (fboundp 'async-start))
+      (progn
+        (async-start
+         `(lambda()
+            (if (file-exists-p ,path)
+                (let ((file-or-directory (file-regular-p ,path)))
+                  (progn
+                    (if file-or-directory
+                        (delete-file ,path t)
+                      (delete-directory ,path t t))
+                    (list ,path 0)))
+              (list ,path 1)))
+         (lambda(response)
+           (cond ((= 0 (nth 1 response)) (message "Deleted '%s'. 
(asynchronously)" (nth 0 response)))
+                 ((t (display-warning "ssh-deploy" (format "Did not find '%s'. 
(asynchronously)" (nth 0 response)) :warning)))))))
+    (progn
+      (if (file-exists-p path)
+          (let ((file-or-directory (file-regular-p path)))
+            (progn
+              (if file-or-directory
+                  (delete-file path t)
+                (delete-directory path t t))
+              (message "Deleted '%s'. (synchronously)" path)))
+        (display-warning "ssh-deploy" (format "Did not find '%s'. 
(synchronously)" path) :warning)))))
 ;;;### autoload
-(defun ssh-deploy-delete (path-local &optional root-local root-remote async 
debug exclude-list)
+(defun ssh-deploy-delete-both (path-local &optional root-local root-remote 
async debug exclude-list)
   "Delete PATH-LOCAL relative to ROOT-LOCAL as well as on ROOT-REMOTE, do it 
asynchronously if ASYNC is non-nil, debug if DEBUG is non-nil, check if path is 
excluded in EXCLUDE-LIST."
   (let ((root-local (or root-local ssh-deploy-root-local))
         (root-remote (or root-remote ssh-deploy-root-remote)))
@@ -614,29 +666,9 @@
         (let ((exclude-list (or exclude-list ssh-deploy-exclude-list))
               (file-or-directory (file-regular-p path-local))
               (path-remote (concat root-remote (ssh-deploy--get-relative-path 
root-local path-local))))
-          (if file-or-directory
-              (progn
-                (delete-file path-local t)
-                (message "Deleted file '%s'" path-local))
-            (progn
-              (delete-directory path-local t t)
-              (message "Deleted directory '%s'" path-local)))
+          (ssh-deploy-delete path-local async debug)
-          (if (and async (fboundp 'async-start))
-              (progn
-                (async-start
-                 `(lambda()
-                    (if ,file-or-directory
-                        (delete-file ,path-remote t)
-                      (delete-directory ,path-remote t t))
-                    (list ,path-remote))
-                 (lambda(files)
-                   (message "Asynchronously deleted '%s'." (nth 0 files)))))
-            (progn
-              (if file-or-directory
-                  (delete-file path-remote t)
-                (delete-directory path-remote t t))
-              (message "Synchronously deleted '%s'." path-remote))))
+          (ssh-deploy-delete path-remote async debug))
       (if debug
           (message "Path '%s' is not in the root '%s' or is excluded from it." 
path-local root-local)))))
@@ -673,10 +705,10 @@
                           (rename-file ,old-path-remote ,new-path-remote t)
                           (list ,old-path-remote ,new-path-remote))
-                         (message "Asynchronously renamed '%s' to '%s'." (nth 
0 files) (nth 1 files)))))
+                         (message "Renamed '%s' to '%s'. (asynchronously)" 
(nth 0 files) (nth 1 files)))))
                     (rename-file old-path-remote new-path-remote t)
-                    (message "Synchronously renamed '%s' to '%s'." 
old-path-remote new-path-remote)))))))
+                    (message "Renamed '%s' to '%s'. (synchronously)" 
old-path-remote new-path-remote)))))))
       (if debug
           (message "Path '%s' or '%s' is not in the root '%s' or is excluded 
from it." old-path-local new-path-local root-local)))))
@@ -808,7 +840,7 @@
 ;;;### autoload
 (defun ssh-deploy-remote-changes-handler()
-  "Check if local revision exists or remote file has changed if path is 
configured for deployment"
+  "Check if local revision exists or remote file has changed if path is 
configured for deployment."
   (if (and (ssh-deploy--is-not-empty-string ssh-deploy-root-local)
            (ssh-deploy--is-not-empty-string ssh-deploy-root-remote)
@@ -868,14 +900,14 @@
                  (root-local (file-truename ssh-deploy-root-local))
                  (yes-no-prompt (read-string (format "Type 'yes' to confirm 
that you want to delete the file '%s': " path-local))))
             (if (string= yes-no-prompt "yes")
-                (ssh-deploy-delete path-local root-local 
ssh-deploy-root-remote ssh-deploy-async ssh-deploy-debug)))
+                (ssh-deploy-delete-both path-local root-local 
ssh-deploy-root-remote ssh-deploy-async ssh-deploy-debug)))
         (if (and (ssh-deploy--is-not-empty-string default-directory)
                  (file-exists-p default-directory))
             (let* ((path-local (file-truename default-directory))
                    (root-local (file-truename ssh-deploy-root-local))
                    (yes-no-prompt (read-string (format "Type 'yes' to confirm 
that you want to delete the directory '%s': " path-local))))
               (if (string= yes-no-prompt "yes")
-                  (ssh-deploy-delete path-local root-local 
ssh-deploy-root-remote ssh-deploy-async ssh-deploy-debug 
+                  (ssh-deploy-delete-both path-local root-local 
ssh-deploy-root-remote ssh-deploy-async ssh-deploy-debug 
 ;;;### autoload
 (defun ssh-deploy-rename-handler ()

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