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[elpa] externals/peg 3604f37 5/7: Add some error reporting. If a parse f

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [elpa] externals/peg 3604f37 5/7: Add some error reporting. If a parse fails, move to the
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2019 17:12:10 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/peg
commit 3604f37df2d9d4e96e24f8159820ef9130a292fb
Author: Helmut Eller <address@hidden>
Commit: Helmut Eller <address@hidden>

    Add some error reporting.  If a parse fails, move to the
    right-most position and show the alternatives for that position.
    Also only return a signle value: the stack.  Failures are
    signalled with an error.  To avoid signalling errors you can add a
    rule which matches everything but indicates failure in some other
    way e.g. by setting a global variable.
    * peg.el (peg-errors): New variable.
    (peg-translate-rules): Use it.  Also raise errors at the
    right-most point of failure.
    (peg-translate-exp): Record failures.
    (peg-record-failure): New function.
    (peg-merge-errors): Used for error reporting.
    (peg-postprocess): Just return the stack. Errors can be indicated
    by leaving something on the stack.
    (peg-parse-string): Add a NOERROR argument.  Hopefully more in
    line with string-match. Update tests accordingly.
 ChangeLog |  21 +++++
 peg.el    | 310 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 2 files changed, 213 insertions(+), 118 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 5cbd460..1960686 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,24 @@
+2009-11-04  Helmut Eller  <address@hidden>
+       Add some error reporting.  If a parse fails, move to the
+       right-most position and show the alternatives for that position.
+       Also only return a signle value: the stack.  Failures are
+       signalled with an error.  To avoid signalling errors you can add a
+       rule which matches everything but indicates failure in some other
+       way e.g. by setting a global variable.
+       * peg.el (peg-errors): New variable.
+       (peg-translate-rules): Use it.  Also raise errors at the
+       right-most point of failure.
+       (peg-translate-exp): Record failures.
+       (peg-record-failure): New function.
+       (peg-merge-errors): Used for error reporting.
+       (peg-postprocess): Just return the stack. Errors can be indicated
+       by leaving something on the stack.
+       (peg-parse-string): Add a NOERROR argument.  Hopefully more in
+       line with string-match. Update tests accordingly.
 2009-03-06  Helmut Eller  <address@hidden>
        * peg.el (peg-ex-arith): Minor cleanups.
diff --git a/peg.el b/peg.el
index 11673e0..5085eab 100644
--- a/peg.el
+++ b/peg.el
@@ -159,6 +159,11 @@ Note: a PE can't \"call\" rules by name."
 ;; executed in a postprocessing step, not during parsing.
 (defvar peg-thunks)
+;; used at runtime to track the right-most error location.  It's a
+;; pair (POSITION . EXPS ...).  POSITION is the buffer position and
+;; EXPS is a list of rules/expressions that failed.
+(defvar peg-errors)
 ;; The basic idea is to translate each rule to a lisp function.
 ;; The result looks like
 ;;   (let ((rule1 (lambda () code-for-rule1))
@@ -176,15 +181,22 @@ Note: a PE can't \"call\" rules by name."
     (dolist (rule rules)
       (puthash (car rule) (peg-normalize `(and . ,(cdr rule))) peg-rules))
     (peg-check-cycles peg-rules)
-    `(let ((peg-thunks '()) . ,(mapcar #'car rules))
+    `(let ((peg-thunks '()) (peg-errors '(-1))
+          . ,(mapcar #'car rules))
        ,@(mapcar (lambda (rule)
                   (let ((name (car rule)))
                     `(setq ,name
                            (lambda ()
                              ,(peg-translate-exp (gethash name peg-rules))))))
-       (when (funcall ,(car (car rules)))
-        (peg-postprocess peg-thunks)))))
+       (cond ((funcall ,(car (car rules)))
+             (peg-postprocess peg-thunks))
+            (t
+             (goto-char (car peg-errors))
+             (error "Parse error at %d (expecting %S)"
+                    (car peg-errors)
+                    (peg-merge-errors (cdr peg-errors))))))))
   (defun peg-method-table-name (method-name)
@@ -365,8 +377,17 @@ Note: a PE can't \"call\" rules by name."
   "Return the ELisp code to match the PE EXP."
   (let ((translator (or (gethash (car exp) peg-translate-methods)
                        (error "No translator for: %S" (car exp)))))
-    (apply translator (cdr exp))))
+    `(or ,(apply translator (cdr exp))
+        (progn
+          (peg-record-failure ',exp) ; for error reporting
+          nil))))
+(defun peg-record-failure (exp)
+  (cond ((= (point) (car peg-errors))
+        (setcdr peg-errors (cons exp (cdr peg-errors))))
+       ((> (point) (car peg-errors))
+        (setq peg-errors (list (point) exp)))))
 (peg-add-method translate and (e1 e2)
   `(and ,(peg-translate-exp e1)
        ,(peg-translate-exp e2)))
@@ -471,12 +492,11 @@ Note: a PE can't \"call\" rules by name."
        (minus (member ?- chars))
        (hat (member ?^ chars)))
     (dolist (c '(?\] ?- ?^))
-      (setq chars (delete c chars)))
+      (setq chars (remove c chars)))
     (format "[%s%s%s%s%s%s]"
            (if rbracket "]" "")
            (if minus "-" "")
-           (mapconcat (lambda (x) (format "%c-%c" (car x) (cdr x)))
-                      ranges "")
+           (mapconcat (lambda (x) (format "%c-%c" (car x) (cdr x))) ranges "")
            (mapconcat (lambda (c) (format "[:%s:]" c)) classes "")
            (mapconcat (lambda (c) (format "%c" c)) chars "")
            (if hat "^" ""))))
@@ -513,9 +533,9 @@ Note: a PE can't \"call\" rules by name."
                           (reverse thunks)))
       (goto-char (car thunk))
       (funcall (cdr thunk)))
-    (list t peg-stack)))
+    peg-stack))
-;; Left recursion is presumably a common mistate when using PEGs.
+;; Left recursion is presumably a common mistake when using PEGs.
 ;; Here we try to detect such mistakes.  Essentailly we traverse the
 ;; graph as long as we can without consuming input.  When we find a
 ;; recursive call we signal an error.
@@ -594,13 +614,65 @@ input.  PATH is the list of rules that we have visited so 
 (peg-add-method detect-cycles syntax-class (p n) nil)
 (peg-add-method detect-cycles action (path form) t)
+(peg-define-method-table merge-error)
+(defun peg-merge-errors (exps)
+  "Build a more readable error message out of failed expression."
+  (let ((merged '()))
+    (dolist (exp exps)
+      (setq merged (peg-merge-error exp merged)))
+    merged))
+(defun peg-merge-error (exp merged)
+  (apply (or (gethash (car exp) peg-merge-error-methods)
+            (error "No merge-error method for: %S" exp))
+        merged (cdr exp)))
+(peg-add-method merge-error or (merged e1 e2)
+  (peg-merge-error e2 (peg-merge-error e1 merged)))
+(peg-add-method merge-error and (merged e1 e2)
+  (peg-merge-error e1 merged))
+(peg-add-method merge-error str (merged str)
+  (add-to-list 'merged str))
+(peg-add-method merge-error call (merged rule)
+  (add-to-list 'merged rule))
+(peg-add-method merge-error char (merged char)
+  (add-to-list 'merged (string char)))
+(peg-add-method merge-error set (merged r c k)
+  (add-to-list 'merged (peg-make-charset-regexp r c k)))
+(peg-add-method merge-error range (merged from to)
+  (add-to-list 'merged (format "[%c-%c]" from to)))
+(peg-add-method merge-error * (merged exp)
+  (peg-merge-error exp merged))
+(peg-add-method merge-error any (merged)
+  (add-to-list 'merged '(any)))
+(peg-add-method merge-error action (merged _) merged)
+(peg-add-method merge-error null (merged) merged)
 ;;; Tests:
-(defmacro peg-parse-string (rules string)
+(defmacro peg-parse-string (rules string &optional noerror)
+  "Parse STRING according to RULES.
+If NOERROR is non-nil, push nil resp. t if the parse failed
+resp. succeded instead of signaling an error."
      (insert ,string)
      (goto-char (point-min))
-     (peg-parse . ,rules)))
+     ,(if noerror
+         (let ((entry (make-symbol "entry"))
+               (start (caar rules)))
+           `(peg-parse (entry (or (and ,start `(-- t)) ""))
+                       . ,rules))
+       `(peg-parse . ,rules))))
 ;; We can't expand the macro at compile time, because it needs helper
 ;; functions which aren't available yet.  Delay the expansion to
@@ -610,83 +682,82 @@ input.  PATH is the list of rules that we have visited so 
 (defun peg-test ()
-  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s "a")) "a"))
-  (assert (not (peg-parse-string ((s "a")) "b")))
-  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s (not "a"))) "b"))
-  (assert (not (peg-parse-string ((s (not "a"))) "a")))
-  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s (if "a"))) "a"))
-  (assert (not (peg-parse-string ((s (if "a"))) "b")))
-  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s "ab")) "ab"))
-  (assert (not (peg-parse-string ((s "ab")) "ba")))
-  (assert (not (peg-parse-string ((s "ab")) "a")))
-  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s (range ?0 ?9))) "0"))
-  (assert (not (peg-parse-string ((s (range ?0 ?9))) "a")))
-  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s [0-9])) "0"))
-  (assert (not (peg-parse-string ((s [0-9])) "a")))
-  (assert (not (peg-parse-string ((s [0-9])) "")))
-  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s (any))) "0"))
-  (assert (not (peg-parse-string ((s (any))) "")))
-  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s (eob))) ""))
-  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s (not (eob)))) "a"))
-  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s (or "a" "b"))) "a"))
-  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s (or "a" "b"))) "b"))
-  (assert (not (peg-parse-string ((s (or "a" "b"))) "c")))
-  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s (and "a" "b"))) "ab"))
-  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s (and "a" "b"))) "abc"))
-  (assert (not (peg-parse-string ((s (and "a" "b"))) "ba")))
-  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s (and "a" "b" "c"))) "abc"))
-  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s (* "a") "b" (eob))) "b"))
-  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s (* "a") "b" (eob))) "ab"))
-  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s (* "a") "b" (eob))) "aaab"))
-  (assert (not (peg-parse-string ((s (* "a") "b" (eob))) "abc")))
-  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s "")) "abc"))
-  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s "" (eob))) ""))
-  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s (opt "a") "b")) "abc"))
-  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s (opt "a") "b")) "bc"))
-  (assert (not (peg-parse-string ((s (or))) "ab")))
-  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s (and))) "ab"))
-  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s (and))) ""))
-  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s ["^"])) "^"))
-  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s ["^a"])) "a"))
-  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s ["-"])) "-"))
-  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s ["]-"])) "]"))
-  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s ["^]"])) "^"))
-  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s [alpha])) "z"))
-  (assert (not (peg-parse-string ((s [alpha])) "0")))
-  (assert (not (peg-parse-string ((s [alpha])) "")))
-  (assert (not (peg-parse-string ((s ["][:alpha:]"])) "z")))
-  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s (bob))) ""))
-  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s (bos))) "x"))
-  (assert (not (peg-parse-string ((s (bos))) " x")))
-  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s "x" (eos))) "x"))
-  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s (syntax-class whitespace))) " "))
-  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s (= "foo"))) "foo"))
-  (assert (let ((f "foo")) (peg-parse-string ((s (= f))) "foo")))
-  (assert (not (peg-parse-string ((s (= "foo"))) "xfoo")))
-  (assert (equal (peg-parse-string ((s `(-- 1 2))) "") '(t (2 1))))
-  (assert (equal (peg-parse-string ((s `(-- 1 2) `(a b -- a b))) "")
-                '(t (2 1))))
+  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s "a")) "a" t))
+  (assert (not (peg-parse-string ((s "a")) "b" t)))
+  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s (not "a"))) "b" t))
+  (assert (not (peg-parse-string ((s (not "a"))) "a" t)))
+  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s (if "a"))) "a" t))
+  (assert (not (peg-parse-string ((s (if "a"))) "b" t)))
+  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s "ab")) "ab" t))
+  (assert (not (peg-parse-string ((s "ab")) "ba" t)))
+  (assert (not (peg-parse-string ((s "ab")) "a" t)))
+  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s (range ?0 ?9))) "0" t))
+  (assert (not (peg-parse-string ((s (range ?0 ?9))) "a" t)))
+  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s [0-9])) "0" t))
+  (assert (not (peg-parse-string ((s [0-9])) "a" t)))
+  (assert (not (peg-parse-string ((s [0-9])) "" t)))
+  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s (any))) "0" t))
+  (assert (not (peg-parse-string ((s (any))) "" t)))
+  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s (eob))) "" t))
+  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s (not (eob)))) "a" t))
+  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s (or "a" "b"))) "a" t))
+  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s (or "a" "b"))) "b" t))
+  (assert (not (peg-parse-string ((s (or "a" "b"))) "c" t)))
+  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s (and "a" "b"))) "ab" t))
+  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s (and "a" "b"))) "abc" t))
+  (assert (not (peg-parse-string ((s (and "a" "b"))) "ba" t)))
+  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s (and "a" "b" "c"))) "abc" t))
+  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s (* "a") "b" (eob))) "b" t))
+  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s (* "a") "b" (eob))) "ab" t))
+  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s (* "a") "b" (eob))) "aaab" t))
+  (assert (not (peg-parse-string ((s (* "a") "b" (eob))) "abc" t)))
+  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s "")) "abc" t))
+  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s "" (eob))) "" t))
+  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s (opt "a") "b")) "abc" t))
+  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s (opt "a") "b")) "bc" t))
+  (assert (not (peg-parse-string ((s (or))) "ab" t)))
+  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s (and))) "ab" t))
+  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s (and))) "" t))
+  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s ["^"])) "^" t))
+  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s ["^a"])) "a" t))
+  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s ["-"])) "-" t))
+  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s ["]-"])) "]" t))
+  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s ["^]"])) "^" t))
+  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s [alpha])) "z" t))
+  (assert (not (peg-parse-string ((s [alpha])) "0" t)))
+  (assert (not (peg-parse-string ((s [alpha])) "" t)))
+  (assert (not (peg-parse-string ((s ["][:alpha:]"])) "z" t)))
+  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s (bob))) "" t))
+  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s (bos))) "x" t))
+  (assert (not (peg-parse-string ((s (bos))) " x" t)))
+  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s "x" (eos))) "x" t))
+  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s (syntax-class whitespace))) " " t))
+  (assert (peg-parse-string ((s (= "foo"))) "foo" t))
+  (assert (let ((f "foo")) (peg-parse-string ((s (= f))) "foo" t)))
+  (assert (not (peg-parse-string ((s (= "foo"))) "xfoo" t)))
+  (assert (equal (peg-parse-string ((s `(-- 1 2))) "") '(2 1)))
+  (assert (equal (peg-parse-string ((s `(-- 1 2) `(a b -- a b))) "") '(2 1)))
   (assert (equal (peg-parse-string ((s (or (and (any) s)
                                           (substring [0-9]))))
-                '(t ("2"))))
+                '("2")))
   (assert (equal (peg-parse-string ((s (list x y))
                                    (x `(-- 1))
                                    (y `(-- 2)))
-                '(t ((1 2)))))
+                '((1 2))))
   (assert (equal (peg-parse-string ((s (list (* x)))
                                    (x "x" `(-- 'x)))
-                '(t ((x x x)))))
+                '((x x x))))
   (assert (equal (peg-parse-string ((s (region (* x)))
                                    (x "x" `(-- 'x)))
-                '(t (4 x x x 1))))
+                '(4 x x x 1)))
   (assert (equal (peg-parse-string ((s (region (list (* x))))
                                    (x "x" `(-- 'x 'y)))
-                '(t (4 (x y x y x y) 1))))
+                '(4 (x y x y x y) 1)))
   (assert (equal (with-temp-buffer 
                   (save-excursion (insert "abcdef"))
@@ -695,7 +766,7 @@ input.  PATH is the list of rules that we have visited so 
                                  (replace "de" "y")
-                '((t nil) "axyf")))
+                '(nil "axyf")))
 (when (featurep 'cl) 
@@ -718,28 +789,27 @@ input.  PATH is the list of rules that we have visited so 
             (digit    [0-9])))
 ;; peg-ex-parse-int recognizes integers and computes the corresponding
-;; value.  The grammer is the same as for `peg-ex-recognize-int' added
-;; with parsing actions.  Unfortunaletly, the actions add quite a bit
-;; of clutter.
+;; value.  The grammer is the same as for `peg-ex-recognize-int'
+;; augmented with parsing actions.  Unfortunaletly, the actions add
+;; quite a bit of clutter.
-;; The action for the sign rule pushes t on the stack for a minus sign
-;; and nil for plus or no sign.
+;; The actions for the sign rule push -1 on the stack for a minus sign
+;; and 1 for plus or no sign.
 ;; The action for the digit rule pushes the value for a single digit.
 ;; The action `(a b -- (+ (* a 10) b)), takes two items from the stack
-;; and pushes the first digit times 10 added to second digit.
+;; and pushes the first digit times 10 added to the second digit.
-;; The action `(minus val -- (if minus (- val) val)), negates the
-;; value if the minus flag is true.
+;; The action `(sign val -- (* sign val)), multiplies val with the
+;; sign (1 or -1).
 (defun peg-ex-parse-int ()
-  (peg-parse (number sign
-                    digit
-                    (* digit `(a b -- (+ (* a 10) b)))
-                    `(minus val -- (if minus (- val) val)))
-            (sign (or (and "+" `(-- nil))
-                      (and "-" `(-- t))
-                      (and "" `(-- nil))))
+  (peg-parse (number sign digit (* digit 
+                                  `(a b -- (+ (* a 10) b)))
+                    `(sign val -- (* sign val)))
+            (sign (or (and "+" `(-- 1))
+                      (and "-" `(-- -1))
+                      (and ""  `(-- 1))))
             (digit [0-9] `(-- (- (char-before) ?0)))))
 ;; Put point after the ) and press C-x C-e
@@ -748,8 +818,7 @@ input.  PATH is the list of rules that we have visited so 
 ;; Parse arithmetic expressions and compute the result as side effect.
 (defun peg-ex-arith ()
-   (expr (or (and _ sum eol)
-            (and (* (not eol) (any)) eol error)))
+   (expr _ sum eol)
    (sum product (* (or (and "+" _ product `(a b -- (+ a b)))
                       (and "-" _ product `(a b -- (- a b))))))
    (product value (* (or (and "*" _ value `(a b -- (* a b)))
@@ -758,10 +827,10 @@ input.  PATH is the list of rules that we have visited so 
              (and "(" _ sum ")" _)))
    (number (+ [0-9]) _)
    (_ (* [" \t"]))
-   (eol (or "\n" "\r\n" "\r"))
-   (error (action (error "Parse error at: %s" (point))))))
+   (eol (or "\n" "\r\n" "\r"))))
 ;; (peg-ex-arith)   1 + 2 * 3 * (4 + 5)
+;; (peg-ex-arith)   1 + 2 ^ 3 * (4 + 5)
 ;; Parse URI according to RFC 2396.
 (defun peg-ex-uri ()
@@ -825,8 +894,9 @@ input.  PATH is the list of rules that we have visited so 
    (lowalpha [a-z])
    (upalpha [A-Z])
    (digit [0-9])))
-;; (peg-ex-uri)file:/bar/baz.html?foo=df#x
 ;; (peg-ex-uri)http://address@hidden:8080/bar/baz.html?x=1#foo
+;; (peg-ex-uri)file:/bar/baz.html?foo=df#x
 ;; Split STRING where SEPARATOR occurs.
 (defun peg-ex-split (string separator)
@@ -837,30 +907,6 @@ input.  PATH is the list of rules that we have visited so 
 ;; (peg-ex-split "-abc-cd-" "-")
-;; Find the last digit in a string.
-(defun peg-ex-last-digit (string)
-  (peg-parse-string ((s (or (and (any) s)
-                           (substring [0-9]))))
-                   string))
-;; (peg-ex-last-digit "ab0cd1ef2gh")
-;; (peg-ex-last-digit (make-string 50 ?-))
-;; (peg-ex-last-digit (make-string 1000 ?-))
-;; Find the last digit without recursion.
-(defun peg-ex-last-digit2 (string)
-  (peg-parse-string ((s `(-- nil) 
-                       (+ (* (not digit) (any))
-                          (substring digit)
-                          `(d1 d2 -- d2)))
-                    (digit [0-9]))
-                   string))
-;; (peg-ex-last-digit2 "ab0cd1ef2gh")
-;; (peg-ex-last-digit2 (concat (make-string 500000 ?-) "8a9b"))
-;; (peg-ex-last-digit2 (make-string 500000 ?-))
-;; (peg-ex-last-digit2 (make-string 500000 ?5))
 ;; Parse a lisp style Sexp.
 ;; [To keep the example short, ' and . are handled as ordinary symbol.]
 (defun peg-ex-lisp ()
@@ -896,6 +942,34 @@ input.  PATH is the list of rules that we have visited so 
                                (action (foo))))))))
+;; Some efficecy problems:
+;; Find the last digit in a string.
+;; Recursive definition with excessive stack usage.
+(defun peg-ex-last-digit (string)
+  (peg-parse-string ((s (or (and (any) s)
+                           (substring [0-9]))))
+                   string))
+;; (peg-ex-last-digit "ab0cd1ef2gh")
+;; (peg-ex-last-digit (make-string 50 ?-))
+;; (peg-ex-last-digit (make-string 1000 ?-))
+;; Find the last digit without recursion.  Doesn't run out of stack,
+;; but probably still too inefficient for large inputs.
+(defun peg-ex-last-digit2 (string)
+  (peg-parse-string ((s `(-- nil) 
+                       (+ (* (not digit) (any))
+                          (substring digit)
+                          `(d1 d2 -- d2)))
+                    (digit [0-9]))
+                   string))
+;; (peg-ex-last-digit2 "ab0cd1ef2gh")
+;; (peg-ex-last-digit2 (concat (make-string 500000 ?-) "8a9b"))
+;; (peg-ex-last-digit2 (make-string 500000 ?-))
+;; (peg-ex-last-digit2 (make-string 500000 ?5))
 )) ; end of eval-when-load
 (provide 'peg)

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