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[elpa] externals/ellama 42da4b22d5 3/9: Use context element classes

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/ellama 42da4b22d5 3/9: Use context element classes
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2024 15:58:56 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/ellama
commit 42da4b22d5c923b6c6f6139e86e8d18595b5fa24
Author: Roman Scherer <roman@burningswell.com>
Commit: Roman Scherer <roman@burningswell.com>

    Use context element classes
 ellama.el | 366 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 152 insertions(+), 214 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ellama.el b/ellama.el
index 04aec54a61..5d338066c4 100644
--- a/ellama.el
+++ b/ellama.el
@@ -730,48 +730,166 @@ If EPHEMERAL non nil new session will not be associated 
with any file."
     (remhash id ellama--active-sessions)
     (puthash new-id buffer ellama--active-sessions)))
+;; Context elements
+(defclass ellama-context-element () ()
+  "A structure for holding information about a context element.")
+(cl-defgeneric ellama-context-element-add (element)
+  "Add the ELEMENT to the Ellama context.")
+(cl-defgeneric ellama-context-element-extract (element)
+  "Extract the content of the context ELEMENT.")
+(cl-defgeneric ellama-context-element-format (element mode)
+  "Format the context ELEMENT for the major MODE.")
+(cl-defmethod ellama-context-element-add ((element ellama-context-element))
+  "Add the ELEMENT to the Ellama context."
+  (if-let* ((id ellama--current-session-id)
+           (session (with-current-buffer (ellama-get-session-buffer id)
+                      ellama--current-session)))
+      (push element (ellama-session-context session))
+    (push element ellama--new-session-context)))
+;; Buffer context element
+(defclass ellama-context-element-buffer (ellama-context-element)
+  ((name :initarg :name :type string))
+  "A structure for holding information about a context element.")
+(cl-defmethod ellama-context-element-extract ((element 
+  "Extract the content of the context ELEMENT."
+  (with-slots (name) element
+    (with-current-buffer name
+      (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max)))))
+(cl-defmethod ellama-context-element-format
+  ((element ellama-context-element-buffer) (mode (eql 'markdown-mode)))
+  "Format the context ELEMENT for the major MODE."
+  (ignore mode)
+  (with-slots (name) element
+    (format "```emacs-lisp\n(display-buffer \"%s\")\n```\n" name)))
+(cl-defmethod ellama-context-element-format
+  ((element ellama-context-element-buffer) (mode (eql 'org-mode)))
+  "Format the context ELEMENT for the major MODE."
+  (ignore mode)
+  (with-slots (name) element
+    (format "[[elisp:(display-buffer \"%s\")][%s]]" name name)))
+;; File context element
+(defclass ellama-context-element-file (ellama-context-element)
+  ((name :initarg :name :type string))
+  "A structure for holding information about a context element.")
+(cl-defmethod ellama-context-element-extract ((element 
+  "Extract the content of the context ELEMENT."
+  (with-slots (name) element
+    (with-temp-buffer
+      (find-file-literally name)
+      (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max)))))
+(cl-defmethod ellama-context-element-format
+  ((element ellama-context-element-file) (mode (eql 'markdown-mode)))
+  "Format the context ELEMENT for the major MODE."
+  (ignore mode)
+  (with-slots (name) element
+    (format "[%s](<%s>)" name name)))
+(cl-defmethod ellama-context-element-format
+  ((element ellama-context-element-file) (mode (eql 'org-mode)))
+  "Format the context ELEMENT for the major MODE."
+  (ignore mode)
+  (with-slots (name) element
+    (format "[[file:%s][%s]]" name name)))
+;; Info node context element
+(defclass ellama-context-element-info-node (ellama-context-element)
+  ((name :initarg :name :type string))
+  "A structure for holding information about a context element.")
+(cl-defmethod ellama-context-element-extract ((element 
+  "Extract the content of the context ELEMENT."
+  (with-slots (name) element
+    (with-temp-buffer
+      (info name (current-buffer))
+      (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max)))))
+(cl-defmethod ellama-context-element-format
+  ((element ellama-context-element-info-node) (mode (eql 'markdown-mode)))
+  "Format the context ELEMENT for the major MODE."
+  (ignore mode)
+  (with-slots (name) element
+    (format "```emacs-lisp\n(info \"%s\")\n```\n" name)))
+(cl-defmethod ellama-context-element-format
+  ((element ellama-context-element-info-node) (mode (eql 'org-mode)))
+  "Format the context ELEMENT for the major MODE."
+  (ignore mode)
+  (with-slots (name) element
+    (format "[[%s][%s]]"
+           (replace-regexp-in-string
+            "(\\(.?*\\)) \\(.*\\)" "info:\\1#\\2" name)
+           (if (and ellama-chat-translation-enabled
+                    (not ellama--current-session))
+               (ellama--translate-string name)
+             name))))
+;; Text context element
+(defclass ellama-context-element-text (ellama-context-element)
+  ((content :initarg :content :type string))
+  "A structure for holding information about a context element.")
+(cl-defmethod ellama-context-element-extract ((element 
+  "Extract the content of the context ELEMENT."
+  (oref element content))
+(cl-defmethod ellama-context-element-format
+  ((element ellama-context-element-text) (mode (eql 'markdown-mode)))
+  "Format the context ELEMENT for the major MODE."
+  (ignore mode)
+  (oref element content))
+(cl-defmethod ellama-context-element-format
+  ((element ellama-context-element-text) (mode (eql 'org-mode)))
+  "Format the context ELEMENT for the major MODE."
+  (ignore mode)
+  (oref element content))
 (defun ellama-context-add-file ()
   "Add file to context."
-  (if-let* ((id ellama--current-session-id)
-           (session (with-current-buffer (ellama-get-session-buffer id)
-                      ellama--current-session))
-           (file-name (read-file-name "Select file: " nil nil t)))
-      (push (cons 'file file-name) (ellama-session-context session))
-    (push (cons 'file file-name) ellama--new-session-context)))
+  (let* ((file-name (read-file-name "Select file: " nil nil t))
+         (element (ellama-context-element-file :name file-name)))
+    (ellama-context-element-add element)))
 (defun ellama-context-add-buffer (buf)
   "Add BUF to context."
   (interactive "bSelect buffer: ")
-  (if-let* ((id ellama--current-session-id)
-           (session (with-current-buffer (ellama-get-session-buffer id)
-                      ellama--current-session)))
-      (push (cons 'buffer buf) (ellama-session-context session))
-    (push (cons 'buffer buf) ellama--new-session-context)))
+  (let ((element (ellama-context-element-buffer :name buf)))
+    (ellama-context-element-add element)))
 (defun ellama-context-add-selection ()
   "Add file to context."
-  (if-let* ((id ellama--current-session-id)
-           (session (with-current-buffer (ellama-get-session-buffer id)
-                      ellama--current-session))
-           ((region-active-p))
-           (content (buffer-substring-no-properties (region-beginning) 
-      (push (cons 'text content) (ellama-session-context session))
-    (push (cons 'text content) ellama--new-session-context)))
+  ;; TODO: Use region-active-p
+  (let* ((content (buffer-substring-no-properties (region-beginning) 
+         (element (ellama-context-element-text :content content)))
+    (ellama-context-element-add element)))
 (defun ellama-context-add-info-node (node)
   "Add info NODE to context."
   (interactive (list (Info-copy-current-node-name)))
-  (if-let* ((id ellama--current-session-id)
-           (session (with-current-buffer (ellama-get-session-buffer id)
-                      ellama--current-session)))
-      (push (cons 'info node) (ellama-session-context session))
-    (push (cons 'info node) ellama--new-session-context)))
+  (let ((element (ellama-context-element-info-node :name node)))
+    (ellama-context-element-add element)))
 (defun ellama--translate-string (s)
   "Translate string S to `ellama-language' syncronously."
@@ -783,68 +901,18 @@ If EPHEMERAL non nil new session will not be associated 
with any file."
-(defun ellama--org-format-context-element (elt)
-  "Format context ELT for org mode."
-  (pcase (car elt)
-    ('file
-     (format "[[file:%s][%s]]" (cdr elt) (cdr elt)))
-    ('buffer
-     (format "[[elisp:(display-buffer \"%s\")][%s]]" (cdr elt) (cdr elt)))
-    ('text
-     (cdr elt))
-    ('info
-     (format "[[%s][%s]]"
-            (replace-regexp-in-string
-             "(\\(.?*\\)) \\(.*\\)" "info:\\1#\\2" (cdr elt))
-            (if (and ellama-chat-translation-enabled
-                     (not ellama--current-session))
-                (ellama--translate-string (cdr elt))
-              (cdr elt))))
-    (_
-     (user-error "Unsupported context element"))))
-(defun ellama--md-format-context-element (elt)
-  "Format context ELT for org mode."
-  (pcase (car elt)
-    ('file
-     (format "[%s](<%s>)"
-            (cdr elt)
-            (cdr elt)))
-    ('buffer
-     (format "```emacs-lisp\n(display-buffer \"%s\")\n```\n" (cdr elt)))
-    ('text
-     (cdr elt))
-    ('info
-     (format "```emacs-lisp\n(info \"%s\")\n```\n" (cdr elt)))
-    (_
-     (user-error "Unsupported context element"))))
-(defun ellama--extract-context-element (elt)
-  "Extract context ELT content."
-  (pcase (car elt)
-    ('text (cdr elt))
-    ('buffer (with-current-buffer (cdr elt)
-              (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))))
-    ('file (with-temp-buffer
-            (find-file-literally (cdr elt))
-            (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))))
-    ('info (with-temp-buffer
-            (info (cdr elt) (current-buffer))
-            (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))))
-    (_
-     (user-error "Unsupported context element"))))
 (defun ellama--format-context (session)
   "Format SESSION context for chat buffer."
-  (if-let* ((context (ellama-session-context session)))
-      (concat (string-join
-              (cons "Context:"
-                    (if (derived-mode-p 'org-mode)
-                        (mapcar #'ellama--org-format-context-element context)
-                      (mapcar #'ellama--md-format-context-element context)))
-              "\n")
-             "\n\n")
-    ""))
+  (let ((mode (if (derived-mode-p 'org-mode) 'org-mode 'markdown-mode)))
+    (if-let* ((context (ellama-session-context session)))
+        (concat (string-join
+                (cons "Context:"
+                       (mapcar (lambda (elt)
+                                 (ellama-context-element-format elt mode))
+                               context))
+                "\n")
+               "\n\n")
+      "")))
 (defun ellama--prompt-with-context (prompt)
   "Add context to PROMPT for sending to llm."
@@ -852,7 +920,7 @@ If EPHEMERAL non nil new session will not be associated 
with any file."
            (context (ellama-session-context session)))
       (concat (string-join
               (cons "Context:"
-                    (mapcar #'ellama--extract-context-element context))
+                    (mapcar #'ellama-context-element-extract context))
@@ -1407,135 +1475,5 @@ buffer."
   (setq ellama-chat-translation-enabled nil))
-;; Context elements
-(defclass ellama-context-element () ()
-  "A structure for holding information about a context element.")
-(cl-defgeneric ellama-context-element-add (element)
-  "Add the ELEMENT to the Ellama context.")
-(cl-defgeneric ellama-context-element-extract (element)
-  "Extract the content of the context ELEMENT.")
-(cl-defgeneric ellama-context-element-format (element mode)
-  "Format the context ELEMENT for the major MODE.")
-(cl-defmethod ellama-context-element-add ((element ellama-context-element))
-  "Add the ELEMENT to the Ellama context."
-  (if-let* ((id ellama--current-session-id)
-           (session (with-current-buffer (ellama-get-session-buffer id)
-                      ellama--current-session)))
-      (push (cons (type-of element) element) (ellama-session-context session))
-    (push (cons (type-of element) element) ellama--new-session-context)))
-;; Buffer context element
-(defclass ellama-context-element-buffer (ellama-context-element)
-  ((name :initarg :name :type string))
-  "A structure for holding information about a context element.")
-(cl-defmethod ellama-context-element-extract ((element 
-  "Extract the content of the context ELEMENT."
-  (with-slots (name) element
-    (with-current-buffer name
-      (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max)))))
-(cl-defmethod ellama-context-element-format
-  ((element ellama-context-element-buffer) (mode (eql 'markdown-mode)))
-  "Format the context ELEMENT for the major MODE."
-  (ignore mode)
-  (with-slots (name) element
-    (format "```emacs-lisp\n(display-buffer \"%s\")\n```\n" name)))
-(cl-defmethod ellama-context-element-format
-  ((element ellama-context-element-buffer) (mode (eql 'org-mode)))
-  "Format the context ELEMENT for the major MODE."
-  (ignore mode)
-  (with-slots (name) element
-    (format "[[elisp:(display-buffer \"%s\")][%s]]" name name)))
-;; File context element
-(defclass ellama-context-element-file (ellama-context-element)
-  ((name :initarg :name :type string))
-  "A structure for holding information about a context element.")
-(cl-defmethod ellama-context-element-extract ((element 
-  "Extract the content of the context ELEMENT."
-  (with-slots (name) element
-    (with-temp-buffer
-      (find-file-literally name)
-      (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max)))))
-(cl-defmethod ellama-context-element-format
-  ((element ellama-context-element-file) (mode (eql 'markdown-mode)))
-  "Format the context ELEMENT for the major MODE."
-  (ignore mode)
-  (with-slots (name) element
-    (format "[%s](<%s>)" name name)))
-(cl-defmethod ellama-context-element-format
-  ((element ellama-context-element-file) (mode (eql 'org-mode)))
-  "Format the context ELEMENT for the major MODE."
-  (ignore mode)
-  (with-slots (name) element
-    (format "[[file:%s][%s]]" name name)))
-;; Info node context element
-(defclass ellama-context-element-info-node (ellama-context-element)
-  ((name :initarg :name :type string))
-  "A structure for holding information about a context element.")
-(cl-defmethod ellama-context-element-extract ((element 
-  "Extract the content of the context ELEMENT."
-  (with-slots (name) element
-    (with-temp-buffer
-      (info name (current-buffer))
-      (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max)))))
-(cl-defmethod ellama-context-element-format
-  ((element ellama-context-element-info-node) (mode (eql 'markdown-mode)))
-  "Format the context ELEMENT for the major MODE."
-  (ignore mode)
-  (with-slots (name) element
-    (format "```emacs-lisp\n(info \"%s\")\n```\n" name)))
-(cl-defmethod ellama-context-element-format
-  ((element ellama-context-element-info-node) (mode (eql 'org-mode)))
-  "Format the context ELEMENT for the major MODE."
-  (ignore mode)
-  (with-slots (name) element
-    (format "[[%s][%s]]"
-           (replace-regexp-in-string
-            "(\\(.?*\\)) \\(.*\\)" "info:\\1#\\2" name)
-           (if (and ellama-chat-translation-enabled
-                    (not ellama--current-session))
-               (ellama--translate-string name)
-             name))))
-;; Text context element
-(defclass ellama-context-element-text (ellama-context-element)
-  ((content :initarg :name :type string))
-  "A structure for holding information about a context element.")
-(cl-defmethod ellama-context-element-extract ((element 
-  "Extract the content of the context ELEMENT."
-  (oref element content))
-(cl-defmethod ellama-context-element-format
-  ((element ellama-context-element-text) (mode (eql 'markdown-mode)))
-  "Format the context ELEMENT for the major MODE."
-  (ignore mode)
-  (oref element content))
-(cl-defmethod ellama-context-element-format
-  ((element ellama-context-element-text) (mode (eql 'org-mode)))
-  "Format the context ELEMENT for the major MODE."
-  (ignore mode)
-  (oref element content))
 (provide 'ellama)
 ;;; ellama.el ends here.

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