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[Orgmode] Org release 6.01

From: Carsten Dominik
Subject: [Orgmode] Org release 6.01
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2008 08:31:44 +0200

Here is finally the release of Org version 6.01.

Available at http://orgmode.org


- Carsten

Changes in Version 6.01

This is a new major release, mostly because of structural changes
in Org.  However, since this took a while, there is also a long
list of small improvements and some new significant features.


   - The Org distribution has a new structure
   - New system for selecting modules to load
   - New archiving mechanism: The Archive Sibling
   - Support for Sebastian Rose's JavaScript org-info.js.
   - Internal links work now better in HTML export
   - Export commands can be done in the background
   - Flexible setting of the time block shown by the clock table
   - Clock table can be included in the agenda
   - Support for ISO week dates (ISO 6801)
   - Tag inheritance can be limited to a subset of all tags
   - Entries can be sorted by TODO keyword
   - And some more small fixes and improvements

Incompatible changes

The Org distribution has a new structure

    In the distribution files as well as in the GIT repository,
    the lisp files are now located in a subdirectory "lisp", and
    the documentation files are located in a subdirectory "doc".
    If you are running Org directly from the unpacked
    distribution archive (zip or tar file, or GIT repository),
    you need to modify your settings for load-path accordingly.


The Org distribution has a new structure

    In the distribution files as well as in the GIT repository,
    the lisp files are now located in a subdirectory "lisp", and
    the documentation files are located in a subdirectory "doc".
    If you are running Org directly from the unpacked
    distribution archive (zip or tar file, or GIT repository),
    you need to modify your settings for load-path accordingly.

Loading modules

    Org-mode has now a system for loading modules by simply
    configuring an option that lists all the modules you want to
    use.  Customize the variable `org-modules'.  That variable
    lists both modules that are part of the Org-mode core (and in
    this way part of Emacs), and modules that are contributed
    packages.  Contributed modules will only be available when
    you have installed them properly (most likely by downloading
    the distribution and adding /path/to/orgdir/contrib/lisp to
    your load path).

New archiving mechanism: The Archive Sibling

    There is a new method to archive entries in the current file:
    By moving it to a sibling called the /Archive Sibling/.  That
    sibling has the heading "Archive" and also carries the
    ARCHIVE tag.  This can be a great way to do archiving inside
    a project, to get parts of the project out of the way and to
    wait with true archiving (moving to another file) until the
    entire project is done.  Archiving to a sibling keeps much of
    the context, for example inherited tags and approximate tree
    position in tact.

    The key binding for the is "C-c C-x A", and from the agenda
    buffer you can simply use "A".

    Thanks to Ilya Shlyakhter for this rather clever idea.

Support for Sebastian Rose's JavaScript org-info.js.

    This fascinating program allows a completely new viewing
    experience for web pages created from Org files.  The same
    document can be viewed in different ways, and switching
    between the views as well as navigation uses single-key

    One of the view types is an /Info-like/ interface where you
    can jump through the sections of the document with the `n'
    and `p' keys (and others).  There is also a /folding/
    interface where you can fold the document much like you can
    fold it in org-mode in Emacs, and cycle through the
    visibility both locally and globally.

    To set this up, all you need to do is to make sure that
    org-infojs.el gets loaded (customize the variable org-modules
    to check).  Then add this line to the buffer:

     #+INFOJS_OPT: view:info

    In that line, you can configure the initial view and other
    settings.  Available views are `info' for the info-like
    interface, and `overview', `content', and `showall' for the
    folding interface.  See the manual for more details.  The
    JavaScript program is served from
    [http://orgmode.org/org-info.js], and your exported HTML files
    will automatically get it from there.  However, you may want
    to be independent of the existence and stability of
    orgmode.org and install a copy locally.  Then you need to
    change the path from which the script is loaded, either by
    using something like

     #+INFOJS_OPT: view:info path:../scripts/org-info.js

    or by configuring the variable `org-infojs-options'.

    For details see the documentation provided by Sebastian Rose
    together with org-info.js.

Export improvements

    - The export of internal links to HTML now works a lot
      better.  Most internal links that work while editing an Org
      file inside Emacs will now also work the the corresponding
      HTML file.

    - You can run many of the export commands in the background
      by using `C-c C-u C-c C-e' in order to start the process.
      RIght now this will only work if "emacs" is the right
      command to get to your Emacs executable - I hope to make
      this less system dependent in the future.

    Both these are based on requests by Ilya Shlyakhter.

Improvements to clocktable

    - The clocktable is now much more flexible and user friendly
      when trying to specify the time block that should be
      considered when constructing the table.

      The `:block' parameter to the table can now look like any
      of these:

        :block         meaning
        2008           The entire year 2008
        2008-04        The month April 2008
        2008-04-02     The day April 2, 2008
        2008-W14       ISO-Week 14 in 2008
        today          Today
        today-5        The day five days ago
        thisweek       The current week
        thisweek-2     Two weeks ago
        thismonth      The current month
        thismonth-12   Same month, last year
        lastmonth      Same as thismonth-1

      What is more, you can now use the `S-left' and `S-right'
      keys to shift the time block around.  The cursor needs to
      be in the `#+BEGIN: clocktable' line for this to work.  If
      the current block is `today', `S-left' with switch to
      yesterday.  If the current block is `2008-W14', `S-right'
      will switch to the following week.

    - When the clocktable is collecting from several files, the
      total time for each file will now also be listed.  This was
      a request from Bernt Hansen.

    - If you turn on the new clock report mode with the "R" key in
      the agenda, a clock table will be attached to the agenda,
      showing the clock report for the file scope and time
      interval of the agenda view.  To turn this on permanently,
      configure the variable
      `org-agenda-start-with-clock report-mode'.  To modify the
      properties of the table, in particular the `:maxlevel'
      depth, configure `org-agenda-clockreport-parameter-plist'.

Support for ISO week dates (ISO 6801)

    The agenda now shows the ISO week for the displayed dates, in
    the form `W08' for week 8.

    The keys `d', `w', `m', and `y' in the agenda view now accept
    prefix arguments.  Remember that in the agenda, you can
    directly type a prefix argument by typing a number, no need
    to press `C-u' first.  The prefix argument may be used to
    jump directly to a specific day of the year, ISO week, month,
    or year, respectively.  For example, `32 d' jumps to February
    1st, `9 w' to ISO week number 9.  When setting day, week, or
    month view, a year may be encoded in the prefix argument as
    well.  For example, `200712 w' will jump to week 12 in the
    year 2007.  If such a year specification has only one or two
    digits, it will be mapped to the interval 1938-2037.

    When entering a date at the date prompt, you may now also
    specify an ISO week.  For example

     w4              Monday of week 4
     fri w4          Friday of week 4
     w4-5            Same as above
     2012 w4 fri     Friday of week 4 in 2012.
     2012-W04-5      Same as above

    So far I have not implemented the effect of
    `org-read-date-prefer-future' on this functionality, because
    it seemed too magic for me.  I'd appreciate comments on this
    issue:  Should `org-read-date-prefer-future' also push dates
    into the next year if the week you are entering has already
    passed in the current year?  For consistency I guess this
    should be the case, but I cannot quite wrap my head around

    I hope but am not entirely convinced that this will behave
    sanely also during the first/last week of a year.  Please
    test extensively and report back.

    This was a request by Thomas Baumann.

Improvements in Search View

    - Calling search view with a C-u prefix will make it match
      only in TODO entries.

    - The single quote is no longer considered a word character
      during search, so that searching for the word "Nasim" will
      also match in "Nasim's".


    - Inheritance of tags can now be limited to a subset of all
      tags, using the variable `org-use-tag-inheritance'.  This
      variable may now be a regular expression or a list to
      select the inherited tags.  Thanks to Michael Ekstrand for
      this excellent proposal.

      The regexp option is also implemented for
      `org-use-property-inheritance', so that you can now select
      properties for inheritance my name.

    - The INHERIT flag to the function `org-entry-get' can be set
      to the symbol `selective'.  If this is the case, then the
      value of the property will be retrieved using inheritance
      if and only if the setting in
      `org-use-property-inheritance' selects the property for

    - There are now special faces for the date lines in the
      agenda/timeline buffers, and another special face for days
      that fall on a weekend: `org-agenda-date' and
      `org-agenda-date-weekend'.  Both these faces are initially
      similar to the `org-agenda-structure' face, but you can
      customize them freely.

    - When an entry already has a scheduling or deadline time
      stamp, calling `C-c C-s' or `C-c C-d', respectively, will
      now use that old date as the default, and you can can use
      the "++4d" syntax to invoke shifts relative to that default
      date.  Simply pressing RET at the prompt will keep the
      default date, not switch to today.

      This was an omission in the earlier implementation, spotted
      by Wanrong Lin.  Thanks!

    - File names in remember templates can be relative, if they
      are, they will be interpreted relative to `org-directory'.

    - The handling of the clipboard when inserting into remember
      templates is now much better, and gives more control on what
      should be inserted with new %-escapes:

      - `%c' - Now always insert the head of the kill ring, never
        the X clipboard.

      - `%x' - Insert the content of the X clipboard. This is the
        first non-empty value from the PRIMARY, SECONDARY and
        CLIPBOARD X clipboards.

      - `%^C' - This allows the user to choose between any of the
        clipboard values available, the kill ring head, and the
        initial region if set.

      - `%^L' - Like `%^C', but this inserts an org link using the
        selected value.

      Thanks to James TD Smith for this patch.

    - Table export to an internal file can now use a format
      specification, similar to the formats that are used by
      orgtbl radio tables.  The default format is in the variable
      `org-table-export-default-format'.  You can use properties
      `TABLE_EXPORT_FILE' and `TABLE_EXPORT_FORMAT' to specify the
      file name to which the export should go, and a local
      format.  For example:

<       :PROPERTIES:
       :TABLE_EXPORT_FILE: ~/xx.txt
       :TABLE_EXPORT_FORMAT: orgtbl-to-generic :splice t :sep "\t"

      Thanks to James TD Smith for this patch.

    - Entries can be sorted by TODO keyword, and the order is given
      by the definition sequence of the TODO keywords in the
      variable `org-todo-keywords', or in the `#+TODO' line.  Use
      the "o" key when sorting with `C-c ^'.

      Thanks to James TD Smith for this patch.

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