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[Orgmode] Infinite Loop with org-mode and speedbar with cc-mode

From: Rolf Unger
Subject: [Orgmode] Infinite Loop with org-mode and speedbar with cc-mode
Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2008 13:43:15 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20080914)


I am using org-mode in version 6.09a and ran into a problem
with speedbar and cc-mode. And I don't want to drop one of
these modes, because all three of them are great tools and
essential for my daily work.

The emacs version that I am using is for win32:

GNU Emacs 22.3.1 (i386-mingw-nt5.0.2195)
 of 2008-09-06 on SOFT-MJASON

I can't navigate from the speedbar frame to functions or
methods in the source code file. In my case speedbar is based
on imenu, not on the TAGS file.

If I use imenu directly (M-x imenu and completion to find the
functions there is no problem), but when started from
speedbar, emacs eats up all the CPU resources and I need
to interrupt it with C-g.

If I enable debug-on-quit I get the attached backtraces
for a plain c-file and for a java file. I send them as
attachments for the sake of the linebreaks, because several
lines are rather long.

I am quite sure, that I am stuck in an infinite loop.

Other modes that are not based on cc-mode like perl-mode or
sql-mode don't show this behaviour. And I did my tests with
several kind of c source files, even a minimalistic hello-world
has this problem:

-------------------- plain.c --------------------------
#include <stdio.h>

int main( int argc, char *argv[])
   printf("Hello, World!\n");
   return 0;

my setup for org-mode is:

 (require 'org-install))

 (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.org$" . org-mode))
 (global-set-key "\C-cl" 'org-store-link)
 (global-set-key "\C-ca" 'org-agenda)
 (global-set-key "\C-ct" 'org-todo-list)

 (setq org-agenda-files (list "~/org"))
 (setq org-archive-location "done/%s::* Finished Tasks")

 (require 'remember)
 (setq org-directory "~/org")
 (setq org-default-notes-file (concat org-directory "/notes.org"))
 (global-set-key "\C-cr" 'org-remember)
 (global-set-key "\C-cc" 'remember-clipboard)

Thanks, Rolf.
GNU Emacs 22.3.1 (i386-mingw-nt5.0.2195)
 of 2008-09-06 on SOFT-MJASON

org-mode version: 6.09a

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (quit)
  (if siblings-p (progn (org-show-siblings)))
  (when siblings-p (org-show-siblings))
  (while (and (condition-case nil ... ...) (not ...)) (org-flag-heading nil) 
(when siblings-p (org-show-siblings)))
  (save-excursion (while (and ... ...) (org-flag-heading nil) (when siblings-p 
  (progn (save-excursion (while ... ... ...)))
  (if hierarchy-p (progn (save-excursion ...)))
  (when hierarchy-p (save-excursion (while ... ... ...)))
  (catch (quote exit) (if (and heading-p ...) (org-flag-heading nil) (and ... 
...)) (when following-p (save-excursion ...)) (when siblings-p 
(org-show-siblings)) (when hierarchy-p (save-excursion ...)))
  (let ((heading-p ...) (hierarchy-p ...) (following-p ...) (entry-p ...) 
(siblings-p ...)) (catch (quote exit) (if ... ... ...) (when following-p ...) 
(when siblings-p ...) (when hierarchy-p ...)))
  (lambda nil (org-show-context (quote org-goto)))()
  speedbar-tag-find("cmSetFont" #<marker at 12106 in Display.c> 2)

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (quit)
  outline-up-heading(1 t)
  (if (fboundp (quote outline-up-heading-all)) (outline-up-heading-all arg) 
(outline-up-heading arg t))
  (progn (org-up-heading-all 1) t)
  (condition-case nil (progn (org-up-heading-all 1) t) (error nil))
  (and (condition-case nil (progn ... t) (error nil)) (not (bobp)))
  (while (and (condition-case nil ... ...) (not ...)) (org-flag-heading nil) 
(when siblings-p (org-show-siblings)))
  (save-excursion (while (and ... ...) (org-flag-heading nil) (when siblings-p 
  (progn (save-excursion (while ... ... ...)))
  (if hierarchy-p (progn (save-excursion ...)))
  (when hierarchy-p (save-excursion (while ... ... ...)))
  (catch (quote exit) (if (and heading-p ...) (org-flag-heading nil) (and ... 
...)) (when following-p (save-excursion ...)) (when siblings-p 
(org-show-siblings)) (when hierarchy-p (save-excursion ...)))
  (let ((heading-p ...) (hierarchy-p ...) (following-p ...) (entry-p ...) 
(siblings-p ...)) (catch (quote exit) (if ... ... ...) (when following-p ...) 
(when siblings-p ...) (when hierarchy-p ...)))
  (lambda nil (org-show-context (quote org-goto)))()
  speedbar-tag-find("MenuBar" #<marker at 525 in MenuBar.java> 1)

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