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[Orgmode] searchable refcard

From: Robert Goldman
Subject: [Orgmode] searchable refcard
Date: Tue, 02 Dec 2008 09:09:28 -0600
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20081105)

I tried it the stupid way, just to see it working:

(defun org-context-help ()
  "Context help for org-mode"
  (if (org-at-table-p)
      (info "(org)tables")
    (if (org-at-timestamp-p)
        (info "(org)timestamps")
      (if (org-at-item-checkbox-p)
          (info "(org)Checkboxes")
        (if (org-at-item-p)
            (info "(org)plain lists")
          (if (org-at-heading-p)
              (info "(org)headlines")
            (if (org-at-property-p)
                (info "(org)Properties and Columns")

For this kind of multi-way branch, cond is easier to deal with:

(cond ((org-at-table-p)
       (info "(org)tables"))
       (info "(org)timestamps"))
       (info "(org)Checkboxes"))
       (info "(org)plain lists"))
       (info "(org)headlines"))
       (info "(org)Properties and Columns")))

Just for the fun of it.

I tried to use a list like this:

(setq org-context-help-map
      '(('org-at-item-checkbox-p "(org)Checkboxes" "(org)plain lists")
        ('org-at-item-p "(org)plain lists" "(org)Checkboxes")
        ('org-at-property-p "(org)Properties and Columns")
        ('org-at-timestamp-p "(org)timestamps" "(org)deadlines and
        ('org-at-table-p "(org)tables")
        ('org-at-heading-p "(org)headlines")))

For this you need (require 'cl), but what about

(let ((cell (find-if (lambda (lst) (eval `(,(first lst))))
  (when cell
    (eval `(,(second cell)))))

The find avoids the need to do a non-local exit.

Note that I don't understand what you're doing with having two info
indices, so I ignored the second one...


(loop for (test info-entry info-entry2) in org-context-help-map
      when (eval `(,test))
        return info-entry)

using the loop macro...

BTW, I don't think you want that quote inside your definition of
org-context-help-map.  You want '((org-at-item-checkbox-p ...)) not
'(('org-at-item-checkbox-p ...))  The extra quote will be a nuisance.


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