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[O] Some settings are missing while exporting included org files to the

From: Keith
Subject: [O] Some settings are missing while exporting included org files to the tex file
Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2012 15:20:47 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:10.0) Gecko/20120205 Thunderbird/10.0

Dear Org-mode users:

Recently I am considering using org-mode to write my thesis and would like to separate each chapter into a single file. In order to do so, I created a file gathering all the rest files like this:


#+OPTIONS: Tex:t |:t toc:nil
#+LaTeX_CLASS: koma-book
#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[english,ngerman]{babel}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{fancyhdr}


{\cleardoublepage \null \vfill \begin{center}%
\bfseries \abstractname \end{center}}%
{\vfill \null }

#+DATE: \today

#+INCLUDE: Ch00_Abs_Eng.org
#+INCLUDE: Ch00_Abs_Deu.org

#+LATEX: \selectlanguage{english}
#+LATEX: \tableofcontents
#+LATEX: \listoftables
#+LATEX: \listoffigures

#+INCLUDE: Ch01_Introduction.org :minlevel 0
#+INCLUDE: Ch07_Conclusion.org :minlevel 0


I noticed the tex output misses some settings and those are before the first chapter, like included abstract, table of contents, etc. and after the last chapter, like bibliography. To work around, I have to add something like this:

* Introduction
#+INCLUDE: Ch01_Introduction.org :minlevel 0
and also move the bibliography settings to the end of the file of last chapter.

I am wondering if there is any way to keep the structure I had earlier or at least to know where the problem is. Any suggestion or idea?

In addition, I also tried to export a single org file without any preamble to be able to use input/include in latex but with no luck. And it seems org mode does not support this function yet. I would recommend the development team to re-consider this feature. Now the tex output of org mode draws all the separate files into single tex file and the user has to compile the entire tex file every time. By doing so, it also misses the feature of LaTex as mentioned here: http://web.science.mq.edu.au/~rdale/resources/writingnotes/latexstruct.html

emacs version: 23.4
orgmode version: 7.8


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