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Re: [O] org-latex-classes with functions, incomplete doc

From: Nicolas Goaziou
Subject: Re: [O] org-latex-classes with functions, incomplete doc
Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2013 19:20:31 +0100

Florian Beck <address@hidden> writes:

> Ok, I tried this. There is a problem, however. This is what I came up
> with:
> #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
> (defun fb/org-latex-headline (headline contents info)
>   (let* ((full-section (org-latex-headline headline contents info))

I suggest (org-export-with-backend 'latex headline contents info) to not
depend on the actual name of the translator.

>        (toc-title (if (plist-get info :toc-title)
>                       (org-element-property :toc-title headline)))

There's no :toc-title property in the communication channel. The
exhaustive list of its properties is written in ox.el, at "The
Communication Channel" section.

>        (section-regex "\\`\\\\\\(sub\\)*\\(section\\|paragraph\\){")
>        (new-section
>         (when (and toc-title
>                    (string-match section-regex full-section))
>           (let ((subs (match-string 1 full-section))
>                 (section (match-string 2 full-section))
>                 (rest (substring full-section (match-end 0))))
>             (concat
>              "\\" subs section "["
>              ;; replace brackets (from `org-latex-headline')
>              (replace-regexp-in-string
>               "\\[" "("
>               (replace-regexp-in-string
>                "\\]" ")"
>                toc-title))
>              "]{" rest)))))
>     (or new-section
>       full-section)))
> As you can see, the solution is much more convoluted.

Because you're not using the proper tool. If you just want to modify the
string returned by the `latex' back-end, use a filter. You will have
access to the transcoded headline (in LaTeX format, as a string) and the
communication channel.

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(defun fb/my-headline-transformation (headline backend info)
  (when (eq backend 'latex)
    ;; Here HEADLINE is the output from `latex' back-end, as a string.

(add-to-list 'org-export-filter-headline-functions

What I suggest gives you access to the headline as parsed data. This is
much more powerful, but a completely different task.

> IMO, the probem is this: the translation is (mostly) application of
> content to a template (a format string), but these templates are build
> (mostly, sectioning is actually an exception) inside the default
> translation functions. It would be much easier, when this template would
> be accessible from "outside", like this:

There are already many ways to alter output from a back-end. It's just
a matter of using the right tool.


Nicolas Goaziou

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