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Re: [O] Proposal for new/updated exporter tutorials on Worg

From: Bastien
Subject: Re: [O] Proposal for new/updated exporter tutorials on Worg
Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2013 17:30:56 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.130006 (Ma Gnus v0.6) Emacs/24.3.50 (gnu/linux)

Hi John,

John Hendy <address@hidden> writes:

>> What do you think?
> Not sure how to implement this, but sounds reasonable. 

Thanks.  So basically the idea is just to use

#+PROPERTY: OrgCompat 8.0 

on top of Worg files that contain 8.0-only information, and 

  :OrgCompat: 8.0

in sections that are 8.0-only.

I started to do this with the new tutorial I just pushed about agenda


We don't need to update Worg systematically at this point, just keep
this property in mind when we write new stuff.

> I'd like to get
> everything export related into it's own directories, if possible.

Sounds reasonable.

> ox-template.org is now pushed as well. It's modified from

Thanks for all these updates!

> [1] As an aside, is there a good reference for what Worg should/could
> contain and what should live in the manual? I've noticed recently on
> the list that, for example, :wrap was documented in the manual even
> though =:results output wrap= came up on the mailing list and was not
> in the Worg summary of header options. If too much is duplicated, it
> make for double the things to track...

The manual is a trade-off between completeness and minimalism: it
reflects current fonctionalities and tries to give the minimal info
needed for the max number of features.

Worg is a trade-off between inclusiveness and precision: because it is
inclusive (contributors are welcome to write 10-pages tutorial about
an obscure feature), and because it's too hard to delete obsolete
information, it lacks accurateness sometimes -- hence the OrgCompat
trick, which will make things better.

As for where to add things first, contributors should first think
about fixing the manual, then contribute to Worg.  If fixing the
manual is possible (with the trade-off exposed above in mind), then
let's go for it.  If it's beyond this trade-off and falls into Worg's
one, let's go for Worg.

> Where's the manual with respect to the new exporter? If it's ahead of
> Worg's state, the documentation on Worg can be used to supplement in
> reference to the manual vs. duplicating what's to come!

Nicolas, Thomas and I are working on it -- sorry it takes so long.


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