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Re: [O] A proposed enhancement in entering timestamps

From: Robert Horn
Subject: Re: [O] A proposed enhancement in entering timestamps
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2016 11:30:18 -0400
User-agent: mu4e 0.9.16; emacs 24.5.1

>>> On 2016-03-18, at 17:51, Marcin Borkowski <address@hidden> wrote:
>>>> I'm now reading org-read-date-analyze to be able to enable US military
>>>> format for hours (e.g., 2100 instead of 21:00).  This is potentially
>>>> very useful (at least for me), since I'll be able to enter the hour with

This would be very convenient for me, but when it comes time to document
it a more proper name is 24-hour notation.  It's used by much more than
the US military.  It's standard for railway schedules in most of the
world, medical records in most of the world, aviation worldwide, and
other places.

I work mostly in 24-hr notation and putting that colon in the right
place is mistake prone.

R Horn

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