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Re: [O] FW: [RFC] Link-type for attachments, more attach options

From: Ihor Radchenko
Subject: Re: [O] FW: [RFC] Link-type for attachments, more attach options
Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2018 10:16:06 +0800

> No, it's not there. I know of the custom agendas and use it currently. But I 
> cannot anywhere specify more than one org-agenda-files parameter, for 
> example. 

I just tried:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(setq org-agenda-custom-commands
      (quote (("v" "Test" tags-todo nil
               ((org-agenda-files '("~/Org/inbox.org"))))
              ("w" "Test 2" tags-todo nil

It works fine for me.

> No, that's not what I want. What I'm talking about is extending org-mode 
> conceptually with the concept of 0-level headlines, where the body of that 
> "headline" would be everything before the first headline in a file, and where 
> I could specify (for example) an attachment-directory and be able to use it 
> with this new syntax to link to attached files. I guess I took it a bit far 
> with the example of visualizing multiple files from a folder as separate 
> headlines inside a single emacs-buffer though. It would be cool to be able to 
> do that but my intention was more about introducing the 0-level headline 
> concept.

Yeah. But someone needs to volunteer with the patch.
It would be even better if these 0-level headings can be edited from the
referencing file.


Gustav Wikström <address@hidden> writes:

> Hi,
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Ihor Radchenko <address@hidden>
>> Sent: den 20 november 2018 15:01
>> To: Gustav Wikström <address@hidden>
>> Cc: emacs-orgmode <address@hidden>
>> Subject: RE: [O] FW: [RFC] Link-type for attachments, more attach options
>> Hi,
>> >    Generalize org-agenda by allowing us to have multiple ones, and make
>> them more general by thinking of them as a set of views that works on sets
>> of files. Maybe this is not for all, but I would appreciate to create
>> multiple "agendas" (even though I'd call them "libraries" in instead), and
>> possibly also an aggregate agenda consisting of other agendas.
>> Isn't this already in org? You can use custom agendas with multiple
>> "agendas" (custom commands) and set the files they operate on with org-
>> agenda-files within custom commands.
> No, it's not there. I know of the custom agendas and use it currently. But I 
> cannot anywhere specify more than one org-agenda-files parameter, for 
> example. 
>> >    If two org-mode files exist in the same folder with different names, it
>> would be awesome to think of (and work with) them as two top-level headings
>> inside one org-mode buffer. Similar to two level-1 headings inside an org-
>> mode file. For this to work all properties we can define for regular
>> headings should be possible to define for these "level-0 headings". For
>> example an attachment-folder or ID, a deadline, scheduled date, or TODO-
>> keyword should in that case be configurable on the whole file. I guess some
>> new conventions regarding syntax and existing properties would have to be
>> created as well.
>> You can do something like below. It is pretty much what you want, except I
>> am not sure how to update the headings from local org files. Current org
>> version does not allow `:results replace` on raw org output.
>> * Main heading
>> #+name: org-files-here
>> #+begin_src bash
>> ls *.org
>> #+end_src
>> #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var files=org-files-here()  :var stars=(make-string
>> (car (org-heading-components)) ?*)  :results raw replace drawer (let ((files
>> (mapcar #'car files)))
>>   (cl-loop for file in files
>>         concat (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect file)
>>                  (concat (format "* %s\n" (buffer-file-name))
>>                          (replace-regexp-in-string "^\\*" (concat "*" stars)
>> (buffer-string)))))) #+end_src
> No, that's not what I want. What I'm talking about is extending org-mode 
> conceptually with the concept of 0-level headlines, where the body of that 
> "headline" would be everything before the first headline in a file, and where 
> I could specify (for example) an attachment-directory and be able to use it 
> with this new syntax to link to attached files. I guess I took it a bit far 
> with the example of visualizing multiple files from a folder as separate 
> headlines inside a single emacs-buffer though. It would be cool to be able to 
> do that but my intention was more about introducing the 0-level headline 
> concept.
> Thanks for your idea and suggestion though!
>> Best,
>> Ihor
> Kind Regards,
> Gustav

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