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Re: utf8 and unicode characters

From: Kenichi Handa
Subject: Re: utf8 and unicode characters
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2004 12:55:13 +0900 (JST)
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In article <address@hidden>, "Robert V. Baron" <address@hidden> writes:
> Let me run another question or two by you.  When I did not know the secret.
> I looked around and found some unicode info by Markus Kuhn. He had a bunch
> of ISO 10646 fonts for stuff including CJK.  So I made up a fontset with
> his three ja/ko fonts.  When I used this with my utf8 chinese data, something
> wierd happened.  The cursor moved forward thru the buffer really slowly and
> left only empty space in its wake.  Also it took about 10-20 seconds to 
> display
> a few hundred characters.  Its possible that I messed up specifying the fonts.
> Have you ever tried an ISO 10646 font with CJK characters.  If it works can,
> you give me a pointer.

I have some iso10646-1 CJK fonts, but don't have that
problem.  It's perhaps because I'm using Emacs on GNU/Linux.

Could you tell me exactly how you made up a fontset from
which specific fonts?  I'll try the same thing on GNU/Linux,
and if it works well, we can conclude that the problem is in
Windows port.

Ken'ichi HANDA

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