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Re: Rebinding international characters

From: Luc Teirlinck
Subject: Re: Rebinding international characters
Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2004 21:50:26 -0500 (CDT)

>From my previous message:

   Maybe one should have three keymaps instead of two.
   `function-key-map' for the f10 type overrides everything else.  Then
   `key-translation-map' goes to work, with kp-home still separate from
   home.  Then come the regular bindings.  Finally, the fourth, new,
   keymap goes to work.  If kp-home is still unbound, it gets home's
   binding.  This seems to be a routine algorithm (actually too simple to
   deserve that name) without special cases.

Well, it would be less routine than I suggested, since only _non-prefix_
bindings in `function-key-map' and `key-translation-map' should
override regular bindings.  But it still seems that it would be
simpler than the present situation and avoid its problems.



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