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char-table-extra-slot display bug

From: Daniel Pfeiffer
Subject: char-table-extra-slot display bug
Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2004 07:13:05 +0200


I do

(setq standard-display-table (make-display-table))
(set-char-table-extra-slot standard-display-table 3
                           (+ (lsh (face-id 'secondary-selection) 19) ?^))

to make ^ in control characters stand out.  (I've also got \, ..., sticky
space and soft hyphen that way, with the same effect.)

If a line gets wrapped, such that the special character is the first on the
continuation line, the rest of the visible buffer part will be in

If there are more special characters further down, this face will go on and
off for "random" (i.e. not understood) stretches.  They vary when I edit in

Apart from this diplay bug, I find this feature so useful, it should be on by
default with a dedicated face.  Otherwise it's so obscure, few people will
find out about it.

coralament / best Grötens / liebe Grüße / best regards / elkorajn salutojn
Daniel Pfeiffer

lerne / learn / apprends / lär dig / ucz się    Esperanto:

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