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Re: How to use xft font in unicode-xft branch

From: Jan Djärv
Subject: Re: How to use xft font in unicode-xft branch
Date: Wed, 31 May 2006 22:42:08 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20060308)

Meik Hellmund skrev:
Leon <address@hidden> wrote:
BTW, it seems you workaround still use the X core font, isn't it?

Why do you think so? Admittedly,
Emacs.bold.attributeFont:  -bitstream-bitstream vera sans 
looks like XLFD, but on my machine I have no X font of this name:

#xlsfonts -fn "*vera*"
xlsfonts: pattern "*vera*" unmatched

and this XLFD also does not work with other X applications. So my (totally uneducated) guess is that emacs23-xft somehow uses XLFD syntax also for truetype fonts, but in an slightly inconsistent way (otherwise, bold & italic xft fonts should work automagically). Perhaps someone who really understands this can explain it?

The font selection code is not complete yet, so it sometimes picks the wrong font. Like in this case. The old non-xft code selects a font from -*-*-*-iso8859-1 (or whatever charset), and for Xft that happens to match vera sans. I made a small change that fixes most of the problems. -fn monospace-12:bold works for me now. But the font selection for Xft is still not correct. I will fix it after the current Emacs release.

        Jan D.

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