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Re: minibuffer-completion should work with M-x load-library

From: Andrew M. Scott
Subject: Re: minibuffer-completion should work with M-x load-library
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2006 16:05:39 -0700

>>>>> "Richard" == Richard Stallman <address@hidden> writes:

    Richard> load-library's argument is not a file name.

1. You're right, the load-library doc-string says:

load-library is an interactive compiled Lisp function in `files.el'.
(load-library library)

Load the library named library.

2. My usage of M-x load-library includes the following permutations,
   depending on the situation. They all work:

   M-x load-library cperl-mode
   M-x load-library cperl-mode.el
   M-x load-library cperl-mode.elc

   And for beta lisp versions of packages, I want to easily reference
   a directory not usually on my load-path. This syntax also works,
   with the caveat that <TAB> expansion isn't available:

   M-x load-library $BetaLisp/cperl-mode
   M-x load-library $BetaLisp/cperl-mode.el
   M-x load-library $BetaLisp/cperl-mode.elc

Maybe the doc-string should be enhanced to reflect this additional
capability (I hope its a feature not a bug). I'd still like to ask
if expansion could be supported.

Andy Scott

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