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Re: SIGSEGV in X export display.

From: Richard Stallman
Subject: Re: SIGSEGV in X export display.
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2006 14:03:24 -0400

I suggest you debug the next such crash by studying the structure
of byte_stack_list and what it points to.  Try to identify the
specific object that is clobbered, and how it is wrong.

    (gdb) p *stack
    $6 = {pc = 0x8375629 "", top = 0x6610, bottom = 0xbff3c988,
      byte_string = 135894490, byte_string_start = 0x8db940c "@\223 \b \b
      \210 \bD\223 \b8", constants = 1, next = 0xbff3c9a4}

That value for `constants' is indeed absurd, but what about the rest?
Are they consistent?  Is this block really supposed to be part
of byte_stack_list, or was it reached by following a clobbered pointer?
If it is real, can you find this in a stack frame in your backtrace?
What Lisp function is that frame running?

If it was reached through a clobbered pointer, what is the last
element that is real?  Can you find that in a stack frame in your backtrace?
What Lisp function is that frame running?

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