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[emacs-wiki-discuss] projects; package interactions; planner-muse

From: chrisjohn
Subject: [emacs-wiki-discuss] projects; package interactions; planner-muse
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 2004 02:41:21 -1000
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) Emacs/21.3 (berkeley-unix)


I started using Planner and EmacsWiki mid-December 2003, and fell in
love with them - they are useful in so many ways, not least because when
used in certain ways they are *extremely* useful in the 'virtual
team'/'virtual project' environment.  Good work, everybody!

(I've had a quick look at vrtprj.com, btw - it is now in my
bookmarks. :) I have been interested in the subject for quite a while.)

I have recently started a website, and have included an excerpt from my
Planner there for people to see - it may also be handy in reference to
my questions below, since you can see how I've been using Planner,
et. al.

However, I have been on hiatus from Planner since the end of February,
and have only recently started using it again - obviously, with a new
website, I can use some good authoring tools!

I now have two projects I want to use Planner for; I also wish to
maintain a wiki or two, and at least one Journal.

I have been scanning through the emacs-wiki-discuss archives to get a
sense for what has changed since early January - my last Planner code
update - and to see if there was an answer to my 'how to do many things'
questions.  I have also tried to do a few things, and even done a (very)
little exploratory hacking on this is.

FTR, I have spent a great deal of time since February learning
(non-Emacs) Lisp, and Guile Scheme, so I am not 'afraid' of elisp. ;) In
fact, I will most likely be doing all of my personal programming in lisp
or scheme henceforth - these are the best, most productive languages
I've used in 25 years of programming!  (What can I say?, I guess I'm a
late starter.)

I am willing to do what I can to help out with EmacsWiki and Planner,
although I can't say how much time I'll have available in the near
future - though this *will* be a priority, since I will be relying
heavily on these tools.  So if I come up with anything that seems
useful, I'll be more than happy to share.

I run Emacs 21.2.1 on Debian Woody, kernel 2.4.bf18 (local) and Emacs
21.3.1 on FreeBSD 4.9 (remote), and would really, really like to keep
Planner, etc. versions the same accross environments.  I also have GNU
Arch in both environments - I am really new to it, but it is rapidly
growing on me.

I have EmacsWiki, Planner (w/notes, diary and timeclock) and Journal
'current' as of the first week of January this year.  I somehow also
managed, way back in December, to hack Gary Vaughan's html calendar
widget into my daily planner pages.

Question 1: If I were to update all 3 packages to current stable
versions, what are the odds of my stuff continuing to work?

Question 2: Do any documents, messages, etc. exist concerning the
inter-dependencies between these packages?  Specifically, EmacsWiki and
Planner seem to use semi-separate project switching/project publishing

Question 3: Has Gary's 'hierarchical' stuff been integrated into Planner
and/or into EmacsWiki?

Question 4: What is the status of planner-muse?  I haven't looked at
Muse yet, but judging from the messages in the archive, planner-muse
would seem a high-value project, if Muse is to be shipped with the new
Emacs distros.  One doesn't often get a chance to re-do the same project
using what one has learned *and* a new, improved framework!

If anyone has read this far, thanks!


The law is not so much carved in stone as it is written in water,
flowing in and out with the tide.
-- Jeff Melvoin, Northern Exposure, Crime and Punishment, 1992

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