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[emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: Report on emacs-wiki interwiki breakage

From: Michael Olson
Subject: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: Report on emacs-wiki interwiki breakage
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 01:27:01 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) Emacs/21.3.50 (gnu/linux)

I believe I've finally fixed the problem!

There was a slight typo in `emacs-wiki-project-interwiki-link' in my
pre-3 patch:

        (let ((page-publishing-directory
                (concat emacs-wiki-project-server-prefix
                        (emacs-wiki-link-url (emacs-wiki-page-name)))))
              ((url (emacs-wiki-link-url (or tag emacs-wiki-home-page)))))

which should be:

        (let ((page-publishing-directory
                (concat emacs-wiki-project-server-prefix
                        (emacs-wiki-link-url (emacs-wiki-page-name tag)))))
              (url (emacs-wiki-link-url (or tag emacs-wiki-home-page))))

Another change you'll see in the above chunk of code is that I passed
`tag' to `emacs-wiki-page-name' since there were times when
`emacs-wiki-page-name' would return null.  As best I can tell, this
happened because these routines create two temp buffers: one in this
routine to switch the project (implied by the use of
`with-emacs-wiki-project', and once for each file to publish, so you
actually have two current temp buffers.

I suspect that the `buffer-file-name' function did not know what to do
when called from a temp buffer, so it returned nil.  Later on, a
string-match call choked on that.  Since we know definitively the name
of the buffer once we reach that point in
`emacs-wiki-project-interwiki-link', I thought it best to pass that
information (which is contained by the variable `tag') as an argument
to `emacs-wiki-page-name'.

Since I feel this patch to be ready for the -dev (and possibly -main)
branch(es), I have enclosed a "full patch" (i.e. with no `-b' or `-w'
args passed to diff) against patch-63, as well as a ChangeLog entry.

BTW: I merged in several of Gary Vaughan's patches.  Thanks again to
Mark Triggs for the initial patch to fix this problem.

Mike Olson

2004-08-26  Michael Olson  <address@hidden>

        * emacs-wiki.el (emacs-wiki-extended-link-regexp): Merged from
        Gary's branch; it allows the first part of an extended link to
        have whitespace in it.  I'm not completely sure this is the
        correct behavior, since I couldn't find mention of it in any
        (emacs-wiki-set-sym-and-url-regexp): replace multiple consecutive
        spaces in regexp with space and tab, since this is probably what
        was meant.  Also define emacs-wiki-url-server-regexp here.
        (emacs-wiki-url-server-regexp): New variable that matches server
        URLs from `emacs-wiki-project-server-prefix'.  We need this
        variable because it is used in `emacs-wiki-relative-link-maybe'
        and has been left unbound for some time.
        (emacs-wiki-publish-current): Don't replace markup in image files.
        From Gary's patch-16.
        (emacs-wiki-publish-files): Set the project before calling
        `emacs-wiki-publish-function'.  From Gary's patch-18.
        (emacs-wiki-relative-link-maybe): Only proceed with the
        calculation for non-nil arguments.  From Gary's patch-19.
        (emacs-wiki-project-interwiki-link): Reordering of
        `with-emacs-wiki-project' and combination of let statements.  From
        a patch sent by Mark Triggs, which was slightly modified to remove
        an extra set of parentheses.
--- emacs-wiki-test/emacs-wiki.el       2004-08-26 01:13:32.000000000 -0500
+++ emacs-wiki-dev/emacs-wiki.el        2004-08-26 00:54:54.000000000 -0500
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@
   "Matches either a Wiki link or a URL.  This variable is auto-generated.")
 (defcustom emacs-wiki-extended-link-regexp
-  "\\[\\[\\([^][\n]+\\)\\]\\(\\[\\([^][\n]+\\)\\]\\)?\\]"
+  "\\[\\[\\([^][ \t\n]+\\)\\]\\(\\[\\([^][\n]+\\)\\]\\)?\\]"
   "Regexp used to match [[extended][links]]."
   :type 'regexp
   :group 'emacs-wiki)
@@ -326,7 +326,14 @@
           (concat "\\<\\("
                   (mapconcat 'car emacs-wiki-url-protocols "\\|")
-                  "[^]  \n \"'()<>[^`{}]*[^]    \n \"'()<>[^`{}.,;]+")))
+                  "[^]         \n \"'()<>[^`{}]*[^]    \n \"'()<>[^`{}.,;]+")
+          emacs-wiki-url-server-regexp
+          (concat "\\<\\("
+                  (mapconcat 'car emacs-wiki-url-protocols "\\|")
+                  "\\):"
+                  "\\([^:@address@hidden:]+\\)?"
+                  "\\([^]      \n \"'()<>[^`{},;/]+\\)"
+                  "\\(/.*\\|$\\)")))
   (setq emacs-wiki-url-or-name-regexp
         (concat "\\("
                 (if (eq sym 'emacs-wiki-name-regexp)
@@ -380,6 +387,11 @@
   "A regexp used to match URLs within a Wiki buffer.
 Dynamically calculated from `emacs-wiki-url-protocols'.")
+(defvar emacs-wiki-url-server-regexp
+  nil
+  "A regexp used to match server URLs from `emacs-wiki-project-server-prefix'.
+Dynamically calculated from `emacs-wiki-url-protocols'.")
 (defcustom emacs-wiki-grep-command
   "find %D -type f ! -name '*~' | xargs egrep -n -e \"\\<%W\\>\""
   "The name of the program to use when grepping for backlinks.
@@ -3013,7 +3025,8 @@
     (insert-file-contents file t)
     (cd (file-name-directory file))
-    (emacs-wiki-replace-markup)
+    (unless (string-match emacs-wiki-image-regexp (emacs-wiki-page-name))
+      (emacs-wiki-replace-markup))
     (emacs-wiki-write-buffer output-path)))
 (defun emacs-wiki-publish-files (files force)
@@ -3034,7 +3047,8 @@
           (make-directory publishing-directory 'parents)))
       (when (and (not (emacs-wiki-private-p page))
                (or force (file-newer-than-file-p file published)))
-        (funcall emacs-wiki-publish-function file published)
+       (with-emacs-wiki-project emacs-wiki-current-project
+         (funcall emacs-wiki-publish-function file published))
         (run-hook-with-args 'emacs-wiki-after-file-publish-hook file)
         (setq published-some t)))
@@ -4057,40 +4071,41 @@
 (defun emacs-wiki-relative-link-maybe (dest src)
   "Return the relative link for DEST based on SRC."
-  (let ((dest-host
-         (and (string-match emacs-wiki-url-server-regexp dest)
-              (match-string 3 dest)))
-        (src-host
-         (and (string-match emacs-wiki-url-server-regexp src)
-              (match-string 3 src))))
-    (and dest-host src-host (string= dest-host src-host)
-         (file-relative-name dest src))))
+  (when (and dest src)
+    (let ((dest-host
+          (and (string-match emacs-wiki-url-server-regexp dest)
+               (match-string 3 dest)))
+         (src-host
+          (and (string-match emacs-wiki-url-server-regexp src)
+               (match-string 3 src))))
+      (and dest-host src-host (string= dest-host src-host)
+          (file-relative-name dest src)))))
 (defun emacs-wiki-project-interwiki-link (project tag)
-  (let ((page-publishing-directory
-         (file-name-directory
-          (concat emacs-wiki-project-server-prefix
-                  (emacs-wiki-link-url (emacs-wiki-page-name))))))
-    (with-emacs-wiki-project project
-      (if emacs-wiki-publishing-p
-          (let ((url (emacs-wiki-link-url (or tag emacs-wiki-home-page))))
-            (cond
-             ;; bad link, no prefix will be added
-             ((null url) "")
-             ;; try and convert to a relative link
-             ((and emacs-wiki-relative-links
-                   ;; without catching extended links by mistake
-                   (not (string-match "\\[\\[[^][]+\\(\\]\\[[^][]+\\)?\\]\\]"
-                                      url))
-                   (emacs-wiki-relative-link-maybe
-                    (concat emacs-wiki-project-server-prefix url)
-                    page-publishing-directory)))
-             ;; use the server prefix
-             ((concat emacs-wiki-project-server-prefix url))))
-        (or (emacs-wiki-page-file (or tag emacs-wiki-home-page))
-            ;; doesn't yet exist, so we don't qualify the name, causing it
-            ;; to be rendered as a bad link
-            tag)))))
+  (with-emacs-wiki-project project
+    (if emacs-wiki-publishing-p
+        (let ((page-publishing-directory
+               (file-name-directory
+                (concat emacs-wiki-project-server-prefix
+                        (emacs-wiki-link-url (emacs-wiki-page-name tag)))))
+              (url (emacs-wiki-link-url (or tag emacs-wiki-home-page))))
+          (cond
+           ;; bad link, no prefix will be added
+           ((null url) "")
+           ;; try and convert to a relative link
+           ((and emacs-wiki-relative-links
+                 ;; without catching extended links by mistake
+                 (not (string-match "\\[\\[[^][]+\\(\\]\\[[^][]+\\)?\\]\\]"
+                                    url))
+                 (emacs-wiki-relative-link-maybe
+                  (concat emacs-wiki-project-server-prefix url)
+                  page-publishing-directory)))
+           ;; use the server prefix
+           ((concat emacs-wiki-project-server-prefix url))))
+      (or (emacs-wiki-page-file (or tag emacs-wiki-home-page))
+          ;; doesn't yet exist, so we don't qualify the name, causing it
+          ;; to be rendered as a bad link
+          tag))))
 ;; URLs

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