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[emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: xhtml-valid note id attributes

From: Zak B. Elep
Subject: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: xhtml-valid note id attributes
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2005 22:37:15 +0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.110004 (No Gnus v0.4) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)

The latest Gnus update borked my MIME, so resending as unsigned mail...

address@hidden (Zak B. Elep) writes:

> I've tried my hand on recreating your hack by redefining some functions:

Here's an updated version of my code that would work even if I use the
<contents> tag:

; I want note IDs preceded by a "note-" so markup validates under xhtml.
(defun planner-markup-note ()
  "Replace note with marked-up span."
   (format "#note-%s\n\n** " (match-string 1))))

(defun zakame/emacs-wiki-insert-anchor (anchor)
  "Insert an anchor, either around the word at point, or within a tag."
  (skip-chars-forward emacs-wiki-regexp-space)
  (if (looking-at "<\\([^ />]+\\)>")
      (let ((tag (match-string 1)))
        (goto-char (match-end 0))
        (insert "<a id=\"note-" anchor "\">")
        (when emacs-wiki-anchor-on-word
          (or (and (search-forward (format "</%s>" tag)
                                   (emacs-wiki-line-end-position) t)
                   (goto-char (match-beginning 0)))
              (forward-word 1)))
        (insert "</a>"))
    (insert "<a id=\"" anchor "\">")
    (when emacs-wiki-anchor-on-word
      (forward-word 1))
    (insert "</a>")))

(defun zakame/emacs-wiki-link-url (wiki-link)
  "Resolve the given WIKI-LINK into its ultimate URL form."
  (let ((link (emacs-wiki-wiki-link-target wiki-link)))
         ((emacs-wiki-wiki-url-p link)
          (emacs-wiki-escape-url link))
         ((or (string-match emacs-wiki-image-regexp link)
              (string-match emacs-wiki-file-regexp link))
         ((assoc (emacs-wiki-wiki-base link)
          (if (string-match "#" link)
                 (substring link 0 (match-beginning 0))
               (substring link (match-end 0)))
              link (emacs-wiki-page-name)))))))))

(defalias 'emacs-wiki-insert-anchor 'zakame/emacs-wiki-insert-anchor)
(defalias 'emacs-wiki-link-url 'zakame/emacs-wiki-link-url)

; I want <contents> anchors to be prepended with "sec-"
(defun zakame/emacs-wiki-contents-tag (beg end attrs)
  (let ((max-depth (let ((depth (cdr (assoc "depth" attrs))))
                     (or (and depth (string-to-number depth)) 2)))
        (index 1)
        base contents l)
        (catch 'done
          (while (re-search-forward "^\\(\\*+\\)\\s-+\\(.+\\)" nil t)
            (setq l (length (match-string 1)))
            (if (null base)
                (setq base l)
              (if (< l base)
                  (throw 'done t)))
            (when (<= l max-depth)
              (setq contents
                    (cons (cons l (emacs-wiki-wiki-visible-name
                                   (emacs-wiki-match-string-no-properties 2)))
              (goto-char (match-beginning 2))
               (concat "sec-" (int-to-string index)))
              (setq index (1+ index)))))))
    (setq index 1 contents (reverse contents))
    (let ((depth 1) (sub-open 0) (p (point)))
      (insert "<dl class=\"contents\">\n")
      (while contents
        (insert "<dt class=\"contents\">\n")
        (insert "<a href=\"#sec-" (int-to-string index) "\">"
                (cdar contents)
        (setq index (1+ index))
        (insert "</dt>\n")
        (setq depth (caar contents)
              contents (cdr contents))
        (if contents
             ((< (caar contents) depth)
              (let ((idx (caar contents)))
                (while (< idx depth)
                  (insert "</dl>\n</dd>\n")
                  (setq sub-open (1- sub-open)
                        idx (1+ idx)))))
             ;; can't jump more than one ahead
             ((> (caar contents) depth)
              (insert "<dd>\n<dl class=\"contents\">\n")
              (setq sub-open (1+ sub-open))))))
      (while (> sub-open 0)
        (insert "</dl>\n</dd>\n")
        (setq sub-open (1- sub-open)))
      (insert "</dl>\n")
      (put-text-property p (point) 'read-only t))))

(defalias 'emacs-wiki-contents-tag 'zakame/emacs-wiki-contents-tag)

My only gripe is that planner-rss doesn't output the right anchor
links---it still outputs "page#number" instead of "page#note-number".

ZAK B. ELEP     <address@hidden>        --      <http://zakame.spunge.org>
1024D/FA53851D          1486 7957 454D E529 E4F1  F75E 5787 B1FD FA53 851D
--  Running Debian GNU+Linux testing/unstable. GnuPG signed mail preferred.

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