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[Enigma-devel] Level 128 Document

From: George Lengel
Subject: [Enigma-devel] Level 128 Document
Date: Sat, 17 Jan 2004 20:11:17 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.5.4


Enigma came preinstalled on my Knoppix installation and I have had a blast 
playing it so far. Thanks for a great and challenging game.

I was stuck on level 128 for a long time. I was sure I knew the answer to the 
third riddle, but whatever ending punctuation I tried for the answer did not 
work. I eventually found this list and saw I could cheat and look a the LUA 
files for help. I did that for this one and typed in the correct punctuation 
once I saw the code for number 5. After solving it, I relaized what I 
originally  thought was a period was a comma. However, on my screen with my 
resolution the two look the same. I play in a window on my 1280x1024 desktop. 
Was it intentional to make the comma and period look so close so the puzzle 
was harder than it need be or was it just a byproduct of my screen 

I was very very frustrated when my answer was not working and I wonder if the 
comma could be removed from a choice so the player would know to keep looking 
for a period since that makes the most sense to end the answer with.

George (Worm)
Kohlii head. You could have been lava bones.

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