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[Fab-user] unit testing

From: andrea crotti
Subject: [Fab-user] unit testing
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2013 12:30:42 +0000

I'm trying to unit test my fabfile, what I would like to do is the following:
- set some conditions
- get a trail of commands that would be run
- check if that is correct

Now the problem is that for any command it still wants to connect, so
even if I mock out run, it still complains about the host missing for
some reason.

And then I have to find a way to record the sequence of commands
instead of simply printing them out, any ideas about that?
By the way, I was looking for documentation about unit testing and
fabric but didn't find anything useful, is noone doing it?

def fake_run(cmd):
        return sys.stdout.write(cmd)

@patch('fabfile.env.hosts', new=['localhost'])
@patch('fabfile.WAZOKU_REPO', new='/tmp/wazoku')
@patch('fabfile.run', new=fake_run)
class TestNewDeploy(unittest.TestCase):
        def test_first_run_works_file(self):

Function to test:
def deploy_head_new_pull(branch='master'):
        api_dir = "%s/company-api/api" % COMPANY_REPO
        ve_dir = '%s/ve' % api_dir
        if not files.exists(COMPANY_REPO):
                run(CLONE.format(branch, COMPANY_REPO))
                # create the symlink to make sure it points to the right place
                run('ln -sf %s/company-api $HOME/api' % COMPANY_REPO)
                run('virtualenv %s' % ve_dir)
                with cd(COMPANY_API):
                        run('git pull')
                        run('git clean -f')

        with settings(user='company'):
                with cd(COMPANY_REPO):
                        run('source %s/bin/activate && pip install -r 
requirements.txt' % ve_dir)
                        run('cp production_settings.py settings.py')


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