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[Flexisip-developers] domain-registrations.conf

From: Ivan Jurišić
Subject: [Flexisip-developers] domain-registrations.conf
Date: Wed, 6 Jul 2016 16:24:51 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Icedove/45.1.0

Hello !!!

I install Flexisip on Debian 8 Jessie from repos:

deb http://linphone.org/snapshots/debian jessie main

But have problem when I try to start flexisip service:

Jul 06 15:56:09 jura1 flexisip[21593]: Stopping SIP proxy: flexisip.
Jul 06 15:56:09 jura1 flexisip[21605]: [LAUNCHER] Watchdog PID: 21606
Jul 06 15:56:09 jura1 flexisip[21608]: Starting flexisip version 1.0.10
(git 1.0.10-24-g28c61f7)
Jul 06 15:56:09 jura1 flexisip[21608]: getaddrinfo error: Name or
service not known for host []
Jul 06 15:56:09 jura1 flexisip[21608]: Cannot open domain registration
configuration file '/etc/flexisip/domain-registrations.conf'
Jul 06 15:56:09 jura1 flexisip[21608]: Incorrect line format:  (error:
Jul 06 15:56:09 jura1 flexisip[21608]: Monitor::createAccounts(): Could
not find local IP address
Jul 06 15:56:09 jura1 flexisip[21601]: Starting SIP proxy:
flexisipWarning: Failed to connect to the agentx master agent ([NIL]):
Jul 06 15:56:09 jura1 flexisip[21605]: [LAUNCHER] Flexisip failed to start.
Jul 06 15:56:09 jura1 flexisip[21601]: failed!

1. I check for file /etc/flexisip/domain-registrations.conf and I don't
have that file, then try to seek on wiki page but can't to find what I
need to put in that file.

2. Can't to find local IP address ?

Please help !!!

my configuration file is :

## This is the default Flexisip configuration file

## Some global settings of the flexisip proxy.

# Outputs very detailed logs
#  Default value: false

# Generate a corefile when crashing
#  Default value: true

# Automatically respawn flexisip in case of abnormal termination
# (crashes)
#  Default value: true

# List of white space separated host names pointing to this machine.
# This is to prevent loops while routing SIP messages.
#  Default value: localhost

# List of white space separated SIP uris where the proxy must listen.
# Wildcard (*) can be used to mean 'all local ip addresses'. If
# 'transport' prameter is unspecified, it will listen to both udp
# and tcp. A local address to bind onto can be indicated in the
# 'maddr' parameter, while the domain part of the uris are used
# as public domain or ip address.
# The 'sips' transport definitions accept two optional parameters:
#     - 'tls-certificates-dir' taking for value a path, with the same
# meaning as the 'tls-certificates-dir' property of this section
# and overriding it for this given transport.
#     - 'require-peer-certificate' taking for value '0' or '1', to
# indicate whether clients connecting are required to present a
# client certificate.
# Specifying a sip uri with transport=tls is not allowed: the 'sips'
# scheme must be used. As requested by SIP RFC, IPv6 address must
# be enclosed within brakets.
# Here are some examples to understand:
# * listen on all local interfaces for udp and tcp, on standart
# port:
#     transports=sip:*
# * listen on all local interfaces for udp,tcp and tls, on standart
# ports:
#     transports=sip:* sips:*
# * listen only a specific IPv6 interface, on standart ports, with
# udp, tcp and tls
#     transports=sip:[2a01:e34:edc3:4d0:7dac:4a4f:22b6:2083]
# * listen on tls localhost with 2 different ports and SSL certificates:
#     transports=sips:localhost:5061;tls-certificates-dir=path_a
# * listen on tls localhost with 2 peer certificate requirements:
#     transports=sips:localhost:5061;require-peer-certificate=0
# * listen on with tls, but public hostname is
# 'sip.linphone.org' used in SIP messages. Bind address won't appear
# in messages:
#     transports=sips:sip.linphone.org:6060;maddr=
#  Default value: sip:*

# Path to the directory where TLS server certificate and private
# key can be found, concatenated inside an 'agent.pem' file. Any
# chain certificates must be put into a file named 'cafile.pem'.
# The setup of agent.pem, and eventually cafile.pem is required
# for TLS transport to work.
#  Default value: /etc/flexisip/tls

# Time interval in seconds after which inactive connections are
# closed.
#  Default value: 3600

# Require client certificate from peer.
#  Default value: false

# SIP transaction timeout in milliseconds. It is T1*64 (32000 ms)
# by default.
#  Default value: 32000

# The UDP MTU. Flexisip will fallback to TCP when sending a message
# whose size exceeds the UDP MTU. Please read
# for more details. If sending large packets over UDP is not a problem,
# then set a big value such as 65535. Unlike the recommandation
# of the RFC, the default value of UDP MTU is 1460 in Flexisip (instead
# of 1300).
#  Default value: 1460

## Should the server be part of a cluster, this section enable to
## describe the topology of the cluster.

# Set to 'true' if that node is part of a cluster
#  Default value: false

# List of IP addresses of all nodes present in the cluster
#  Default value:

## Flexisip monitor parameters

# Enable or disable the Flexisip monitor daemon
#  Default value: false

# Time between two consecutive tests
#  Default value: 30

# Path to the log file
#  Default value: /etc/flexisip/flexisip_monitor.log

# Port to open/close folowing the test succeed or not
#  Default value: 12345

# Salt used to generate the passwords of each test account
#  Default value:

## STUN server parameters.

# Enable or disable stun server.
#  Default value: true

# Local ip address where to bind the socket.
#  Default value:

# STUN server port number.
#  Default value: 3478

## Event logs contain per domain and user information about processed
## registrations, calls and messages.

# Enable event logs.
#  Default value: false

# Directory where event logs are written as a filesystem (case where
# odb output is not active).
#  Default value: /var/log/flexisip

# Use odb for storing logs in database. The list of arguments below
# are used for the connection to the database. 
#  Default value: false

# Name of the database
#  Default value:

# User
#  Default value:

# Password
#  Default value:

# Host
#  Default value:

# Port
#  Default value:

# Number of thread max for writing in database
#  Default value: 500

## This module bans user when they are sending too much packets on
## a given timelapseTo see the list of currently banned ips/ports,
## use iptables -LYou can also check the queue of unban commands
## using atq

# Indicate whether the module is activated.
#  Default value: true

# A request/response enters module if the boolean filter evaluates
# to true. Ex: from.uri.domain contains 'sip.linphone.org', from.uri.domain
# in 'a.org b.org c.org', (to.uri.domain in 'a.org b.org c.org')
# && (user-agent == 'Linphone v2')
#  Default value:

# Number of milliseconds to consider to compute the packet rate
#  Default value: 3000

# Maximum packet rate in packets/seconds,  averaged over [time-period]
# millisecond(s) to consider it as a DoS attack.
#  Default value: 20

# Number of minutes to ban the ip/port using iptables (might be
# less because it justs uses the minutes of the clock, not the seconds.
# So if the unban command is queued at 13:11:56 and scheduled and
# the ban time is 1 minute, it will be executed at 13:12:00)
#  Default value: 2

## The SanitCheck module checks that required fields of a SIP message
## are present to avoid unecessary checking while processing message
## further. If the message doesn't meet these sanity check criterias,
## then it is stopped and bad request response is sent.

# Indicate whether the module is activated.
#  Default value: true

# A request/response enters module if the boolean filter evaluates
# to true. Ex: from.uri.domain contains 'sip.linphone.org', from.uri.domain
# in 'a.org b.org c.org', (to.uri.domain in 'a.org b.org c.org')
# && (user-agent == 'Linphone v2')
#  Default value:

## The ModuleGarbageIn module collects incoming garbage and prevent
## any further processing.

# Indicate whether the module is activated.
#  Default value: false

# A request/response enters module if the boolean filter evaluates
# to true. Ex: from.uri.domain contains 'sip.linphone.org', from.uri.domain
# in 'a.org b.org c.org', (to.uri.domain in 'a.org b.org c.org')
# && (user-agent == 'Linphone v2')
#  Default value: false

## The NatHelper module executes small tasks to make SIP work smoothly
## despite firewalls.It corrects the Contact headers that contain
## obviously inconsistent addresses, and adds a Record-Route to ensure
## subsequent requests are routed also by the proxy, through the
## UDP or TCP channel each client opened to the proxy.

# Indicate whether the module is activated.
#  Default value: true

# A request/response enters module if the boolean filter evaluates
# to true. Ex: from.uri.domain contains 'sip.linphone.org', from.uri.domain
# in 'a.org b.org c.org', (to.uri.domain in 'a.org b.org c.org')
# && (user-agent == 'Linphone v2')
#  Default value:

# Internal URI parameter added to response contact by first proxy
# and cleaned by last one.
#  Default value: verified

# Fix record-routes, to workaround proxies behind firewalls but
# not aware of it.
#  Default value: false

# Policy to recognize nat'd record-route and fix them. There are
# two modes: 'safe' and 'always'
#  Default value: safe

## The authentication module challenges and authenticates SIP requests
## using two possible methods:
##  * if the request is received via a TLS transport and
## is set in transport definition in [Global] section for this transport,
##  then the From header of the request is matched with the CN claimed
## by the client certificate. The CN must contain sip:address@hidden
## or alternate name with URI=sip:address@hidden corresponding to the
## URI in the from header for the request to be accepted.
##  * if no TLS client based authentication can be performed, or
## is failed, then a SIP digest authentication is performed. The
## password verification is made by querying a database or a password
## file on disk.

# Indicate whether the module is activated.
#  Default value: false

# A request/response enters module if the boolean filter evaluates
# to true. Ex: from.uri.domain contains 'sip.linphone.org', from.uri.domain
# in 'a.org b.org c.org', (to.uri.domain in 'a.org b.org c.org')
# && (user-agent == 'Linphone v2')
#  Default value:

# List of whitespace separated domain names to challenge. Others
# are denied.
#  Default value: localhost

# List of whitespace separated IP which will not be challenged.
#  Default value:

# Database backend implementation [odbc,soci,file,fixed].
#  Default value: fixed

# Odbc connection string to use for connecting to database. ex1:
# DSN=myodbc3; where 'myodbc3' is the datasource name. ex2:
# for a DSN-less connection. ex3: /etc/flexisip/passwd; for a file
# containing one 'address@hidden password' by line.
#  Default value:

# Expiration time of nonces, in seconds.
#  Default value: 3600

# Duration of the validity of the credentials added to the cache
# in seconds.
#  Default value: 1800

# True if retrieved passwords from the database are hashed. HA1=MD5(A1)
# = MD5(username:realm:pass).
#  Default value: false

# Don't reply 403, but 401 or 407 even in case of wrong authentication.
#  Default value: false

# List of whitespace separated username or address@hidden CN which
# will trusted. If no domain is given it is computed.
#  Default value:

# When receiving a proxy authenticate challenge, generate a new
# challenge for this proxy.
#  Default value: false

# Enable a feature useful for automatic tests, allowing a client
# to create a temporary account in the password database in memory.This
# MUST not be used for production as it is a real security hole.
#  Default value: false

# Disable the QOP authentication method. Default is to use it, use
# this flag to disable it if needed.
#  Default value: false

# Odbc SQL request to execute to obtain the password
# . Named parameters are :id (the user found in the from header),
# :domain (the authorization realm) and :authid (the authorization
# username). The use of the :id parameter is mandatory.
#  Default value: select password from accounts where id = :id and
domain = :domain and authid=:authid
request=select password from accounts where id = :id and domain =
:domain and authid=:authid

# Use pooling in ODBC (improves performances). This is not guaranteed
# to succeed, because if you are using unixODBC, it consults the
# /etc/odbcinst.inifile in section [ODBC] to check for Pooling=yes/no
# option. You should make sure that this flag is set before expecting
# this option to work.
#  Default value: true

# Display timing statistics after this count of seconds
#  Default value: 0

# Display timing statistics once the number of samples reach this
# number.
#  Default value: 0

# Soci SQL request to execute to obtain the password.
# Named parameters are:
#  -':id' : the user found in the from header,
#  -':domain' : the authorization realm, and
#  -':authid' : the authorization username.
# The use of the :id parameter is mandatory.
#  Default value: select password from accounts where id = :id and
domain = :domain and authid=:authid
soci-password-request=select password from accounts where id = :id and
domain = :domain and authid=:authid

# Size of the pool of connections that Soci will use. We open a
# thread for each DB query, and this pool will allow each thread
# to get a connection.
# The threads are blocked until a connection is released back to
# the pool, so increasing the pool size will allow more connections
# to occur simultaneously.
# On the other hand, you should not keep too many open connections
# to your DB at the same time.
#  Default value: 100

# Choose the type of backend that Soci will use for the connection.
# Depending on your Soci package and the modules you installed,
# this could be 'mysql', 'oracle', 'postgresql' or something else.
#  Default value: mysql

# The configuration parameters of the Soci backend.
# The basic format is "key=value key2=value2". For a mysql backend,
# this is a valid config: "db=mydb user=user password='pass'
# Please refer to the Soci documentation of your backend, for intance:
# http://soci.sourceforge.net/doc/3.2/backends/mysql.html
#  Default value: db=mydb user=myuser password='mypass' host=myhost.com
soci-connection-string=db=mydb user=myuser password='mypass' host=myhost.com

# Amount of queries that will be allowed to be queued before bailing
# password requests.
#  This value should be chosen accordingly with 'soci-poolsize',
# so that you have a coherent behavior.
#  This limit is here mainly as a safeguard against out-of-control
# growth of the queue in the event of a flood or big delays in the
# database backend.
#  Default value: 1000

## This module redirect sip request with a 302 move temporarily.

# Indicate whether the module is activated.
#  Default value: false

# A request/response enters module if the boolean filter evaluates
# to true. Ex: from.uri.domain contains 'sip.linphone.org', from.uri.domain
# in 'a.org b.org c.org', (to.uri.domain in 'a.org b.org c.org')
# && (user-agent == 'Linphone v2')
#  Default value:

# A contact where to redirect requests. ex: <sip:>;expires=100
#  Default value:

## The ModuleRegistrar module accepts REGISTERs for domains it manages,
## and store the address of record in order to allow routing requests
## destinated to the client who registered.

# Indicate whether the module is activated.
#  Default value: true

# A request/response enters module if the boolean filter evaluates
# to true. Ex: from.uri.domain contains 'sip.linphone.org', from.uri.domain
# in 'a.org b.org c.org', (to.uri.domain in 'a.org b.org c.org')
# && (user-agent == 'Linphone v2')
#  Default value:

# List of whitespace separated domain names to be managed by the
# registrar. It can eventually be the '*' (wildcard) in order to
# match any domain name.
#  Default value: localhost

# Register users based on response obtained from a back-end server.
# This mode is for using flexisip as a front-end server to hold
# client connections but registeracceptance is deferred to backend
# server to which the REGISTER is routed.
#  Default value: false

# Maximum number of registered contacts of an address of record.
#  Default value: 12

# List of contact uri parameters that can be used to identify a
# user's device. The contact parameters are searched in the order
# of the list, the first matching parameter is used and the others
# ignored.
#  Default value: +sip.instance pn-tok line
unique-id-parameters=+sip.instance pn-tok line

# Maximum expire time for a REGISTER, in seconds.
#  Default value: 86400

# Minimum expire time for a REGISTER, in seconds.
#  Default value: 60

# File containing the static records to add to database at startup.
# Format: one 'sip_uri contact_header' by line. Example:
# <sip:address@hidden> <sip:>,<sip:>
#  Default value:

# Timeout in seconds after which the static records file is re-read
# and the contacts updated.
#  Default value: 600

# Implementation used for storing address of records contact uris.
# [redis, internal]
#  Default value: internal

# Domain of the redis server.
#  Default value: localhost

# Port of the redis server.
#  Default value: 6379

# Authentication password for redis. Empty to disable.
#  Default value:

# Timeout in milliseconds of the redis connection.
#  Default value: 1500

# Serialize contacts with: [C, protobuf, json, msgpack]
#  Default value: protobuf

# When Redis is configured in master-slave, flexisip will periodically
# ask what are the slaves and the master.This is the period with
# which it will query the server.It will then determine whether
# is is connected to the master, and if not, let go of the connection
# and migrate to the master.Note: This requires that all redis instances
# have the same password. Otherwise the authentication will fail.
#  Default value: 60

# Sequence of proxies (space-separated) where requests will be redirected
# through (RFC3608)
#  Default value:

## The purpose of the StatisticsCollector module is to collect call
## statistics (RFC 6035) and store them on the server.

# Indicate whether the module is activated.
#  Default value: false

# A request/response enters module if the boolean filter evaluates
# to true. Ex: from.uri.domain contains 'sip.linphone.org', from.uri.domain
# in 'a.org b.org c.org', (to.uri.domain in 'a.org b.org c.org')
# && (user-agent == 'Linphone v2')
#  Default value:

# SIP URI of the statistics collector. Note that application/vq-rtcpxr
# messages for this address will be deleted by this module and thus
# not be delivered.
#  Default value:

## The ModuleRouter module routes requests for domains it manages.

# Indicate whether the module is activated.
#  Default value: true

# A request/response enters module if the boolean filter evaluates
# to true. Ex: from.uri.domain contains 'sip.linphone.org', from.uri.domain
# in 'a.org b.org c.org', (to.uri.domain in 'a.org b.org c.org')
# && (user-agent == 'Linphone v2')
#  Default value:

# Store and retrieve contacts without using the domain.
#  Default value: false

# Fork messages to all registered devices
#  Default value: true

# Force forking and thus the creation of an outgoing transaction
# even when only one contact found
#  Default value: true

# Fork invites to late registers
#  Default value: false

# All the forked have to decline in order to decline the caller
# invite
#  Default value: false

# Treat 603 Declined answers as urgent. Only relevant if
# is set to true.
#  Default value: false

# During a fork procedure, treat all failure response as urgent
#  Default value: false

# Maximum time for a call fork to try to reach a callee, in seconds.
#  Default value: 90

# Maximum time before delivering urgent responses during a call
# fork, in seconds. The typical fork process requires to wait the
# best response from all branches before transmitting it to the
# client. However some error responses are retryable immediately
# (like 415 unsupported media, 401, 407) thus it is painful for
# the client to need to wait the end of the transaction time (32
# seconds) for these error codes.
#  Default value: 5

# Optional timer to detect lack of push response, in seconds.
#  Default value: 0

# Fork messages to client registering lately.
#  Default value: true

# Maximum duration for delivering a text message. This property
# applies only if message-fork-late if set to true, otherwise the
# duration can't exceed the normal transaction duration.
#  Default value: 3600

# Maximum duration for accepting a text message if no response is
# received from any recipients. This property is meaningful when
# message-fork-late is set to true.
#  Default value: 15

# During a call forking, allow several INVITEs going to the same
# next hop to be grouped into a single one. A proprietary custom
# header 'X-target-uris' is added to the INVITE to indicate the
# final targets of the INVITE.
#  Default value: false

# Generate a contact from the TO header and route it to the above
# destination. [sip:host:port]
#  Default value:

# Require presence of authorization header for specified realm.
# [Realm]
#  Default value:

# Generate a contact route even on filled AOR.
#  Default value: false

# Remove to tag from 183, 180, and 101 responses to workaround buggy
# gateways
#  Default value: false

# rewrite username with given value.
#  Default value:

## This module performs push notifications to mobile phone notification
## systems: apple, android, windows, as well as a generic http get/post
## to a custom server to which actual sending of the notification
## is delegated. The push notification is sent when an INVITE or
## MESSAGE request is not answered by the destination of the request
## within a certain period of time, configurable hereunder as 'timeout'
## parameter.

# Indicate whether the module is activated.
#  Default value: false

# A request/response enters module if the boolean filter evaluates
# to true. Ex: from.uri.domain contains 'sip.linphone.org', from.uri.domain
# in 'a.org b.org c.org', (to.uri.domain in 'a.org b.org c.org')
# && (user-agent == 'Linphone v2')
#  Default value:

# Number of second to wait before sending a push notification to
# device(if <=0 then disabled)
#  Default value: 5

# Maximum number of notifications queued for each client
#  Default value: 100

# Enable push notification for apple devices
#  Default value: true

# Path to directory where to find Apple Push Notification service
# certificates. They should bear the appid of the application, suffixed
# by the release mode and .pem extension. For example: org.linphone.dev.pem
# org.linphone.prod.pem com.somephone.dev.pem etc... The files should
# be .pem format, and made of certificate followed by private key.
#  Default value: /etc/flexisip/apn

# Enable push notification for android devices
#  Default value: true

# List of couples projectId:ApiKey for each android project that
# supports push notifications
#  Default value:

# Enable push notification for windows phone 8 devices
#  Default value: true

# Unique identifier for your Windows Store app. For example:
#  Default value:

# Client secret. For example: Jrp1UoVt4C6CYpVVJHUPdcXLB1pEdRoB
#  Default value:

# Set the badge value to 0 for apple push
#  Default value: false

# Instead of having Flexisip sending the push notification directly
# to the Google/Apple/Microsoft push servers, send an http request
# to an http server with all required information encoded in URL,
# to which the actual sending of the push notification is delegated.
# The following arguments can be substitued in the http request
# uri, with the following values:
#  - $type : apple, google, wp
#  - $event : call, message
#  - $from-name : the display name in the from header
#  - $from-uri : the sip uri of the from header
#  - $from-tag : the tag of the from header
#  - $call-id : the call-id of the INVITE or MESSAGE request
#  - $to-uri : the sip uri of the to header
#  - $api-key : the api key to use (google only)
#  - $msgid : the message id to put in the notification
#  - $sound : the sound file to play with the notification
 The content of the text message is put in the body of the http
# request as text/plain, if any.
#  Example:$type/$event?from-uri=$from-uri&tag=$from-tag&callid=$callid&to=$to-uri
#  Default value:

# Method for reaching external-push-uri, typically GET or POST
#  Default value: GET

## The MediaRelay module masquerades SDP message so that all RTP
## and RTCP streams go through the proxy. The RTP and RTCP streams
## are then routed so that each client receives the stream of the
## other. MediaRelay makes sure that RTP is ALWAYS established, even
## with uncooperative firewalls.

# Indicate whether the module is activated.
#  Default value: true

# A request/response enters module if the boolean filter evaluates
# to true. Ex: from.uri.domain contains 'sip.linphone.org', from.uri.domain
# in 'a.org b.org c.org', (to.uri.domain in 'a.org b.org c.org')
# && (user-agent == 'Linphone v2')
#  Default value:

# SDP attribute set by the first proxy to forbid subsequent proxies
# to provide relay. Use 'disable' to disable.
#  Default value: nortpproxy

# The minimal value of SDP port range
#  Default value: 1024

# The maximal value of SDP port range
#  Default value: 65535

# Sends a ACK and BYE to 200Ok for INVITEs not belonging to any
# established call.
#  Default value: false

# Maximum concurrent calls processed by the media-relay. Calls arriving
# when the limit is exceed will be rejected. A value of 0 means
# no limit.
#  Default value: 0

# When true, the 'c=' line and port number are set to the relay
# ip/port even if ICE candidates are present in the request. This
# is allow non-ice clients to have their streams relayed.
#  Default value: true

# Prevent media-relay ports to loop between them, which can cause
# 100% cpu on the media relay thread.You need to set this property
# to false if you are running test calls from clients running on
# the same IP address as the flexisip server
#  Default value: true

# In case multiples 183 Early media responses are received for a
# call, only the first one will have RTP streams forwarded back
# to caller. This feature prevents the caller to receive 'mixed'
# streams, but it breaks scenarios where multiple servers play early
# media announcement in sequence.
#  Default value: true

# Maximum number of relayed early media streams per call. This is
# useful to limit the cpu usage due to early media relaying on embedded
# systems. A value of 0 stands for unlimited.
#  Default value: 0

## This module executes the basic routing task of SIP requests and
## pass them to the transport layer. It must always be enabled.

# Indicate whether the module is activated.
#  Default value: true

# A request/response enters module if the boolean filter evaluates
# to true. Ex: from.uri.domain contains 'sip.linphone.org', from.uri.domain
# in 'a.org b.org c.org', (to.uri.domain in 'a.org b.org c.org')
# && (user-agent == 'Linphone v2')
#  Default value:

# A sip uri where to send all requests
#  Default value:

# Add a path header of this proxy
#  Default value: true

# Rewrite request-uri's host and port according to above route
#  Default value: false

## Inter domain connections is a set of feature allowing to dynamically
## connect several flexisip servers together in order to manage SIP
## routing at local and global scope. Let's suppose you have two
## SIP network a.example.net and b.example.net run privately and
## independently (no one from a.example.net needs to call someone
## at b.example.net). However, when people from a and b are outside
## of their network, they register to a worldwide available flexisip
## instance running on 'global.example.net'. It is then possible
## to:
## * have calls made within a.example.net routed locally and sent
## to global.example.net in order to reach users inside and outside
## of a's network. Example: address@hidden calls address@hidden
## If 2 is registered on a.example.net then the call is routed locally.
## On the contrary if 2 is absent and registered, the call is then
## sent to global.example.net and then routed by the global proxy.
## * when global.example.net receives a call from a user not within
## its native network (ex: address@hidden calls address@hidden),
## it can route this call to the proxy that is responsible for managing
## the local domain (a.example.net).
## This system is dynamic, that is the physical IP address of a and
## b network can change (dynamic ip address)
## .This scenario is achieved with two key features:
## * a.example.net sends a REGISTER to global.example.net to indicate
## that it is the responsible for the entire domain a.example.net.
## The global.example.net authenticates this REGISTER thanks to TLS
## client certificate presented by a.example.net.
## * global.example.net is configured to accept this domain registration
## and route all calls it receives directly and estinated to a.example.net
## domain through the connection established by a.example.net during
## the domain registration.

# Whether flexisip shall accept registrations for entire domains
#  Default value: false

# Whether flexisip shall assume that there is a unique server per
# registered domain, which allows to clean old registrations and
# simplifies the routing logic.
#  Default value: false

# Path to a text file describing the domain registrations to make.
# This file must contains lines like:
#  <local domain name> <SIP URI of proxy/registrar where to send
# the domain REGISTER>
#  where:
#  <local domain name> is a domain name managed locally by this
# proxy
#  <SIP URI of proxy/registrar> is the SIP URI where the domain
# registration will be sent. The special uri parameter 'tls-certificate-dir'
# is understood in order to specify a TLS client certificate to
# present to the remote proxy.
#  If the file is absent or empty, no registrations are done.
#  Default value: /etc/flexisip/domain-registrations.conf

# When submitting a domain registration to a server over TLS, verify
# the certificate presented by the server. Disabling this option
# is only for test, because it is a security flaw
#  Default value: true

# Interval in seconds for sending \r\n\r\n keepalives throug the
# outgoing domain registration connection.A value of zero disables
# keepalives.
#  Default value: 30

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