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[Fmsystem-commits] [17258] revert

From: sigurdne
Subject: [Fmsystem-commits] [17258] revert
Date: Wed, 1 Nov 2017 15:34:08 -0400 (EDT)

Revision: 17258

Author:   sigurdne
Date:     2017-11-01 15:34:08 -0400 (Wed, 01 Nov 2017)
Log Message:

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

        2017-11-01 19:31:21 UTC (rev 17257)
        2017-11-01 19:34:08 UTC (rev 17258)
@@ -1,962 +0,0 @@
-       /**
-        * phpGroupWare - property: a Facilities Management System.
-        *
-        * @author Sigurd Nes <address@hidden>
-        * @copyright Copyright (C) 
2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012 Free Software Foundation, 
-        * This file is part of phpGroupWare.
-        *
-        * phpGroupWare is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-        * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-        * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-        * (at your option) any later version.
-        *
-        * phpGroupWare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-        * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-        * GNU General Public License for more details.
-        *
-        * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-        * along with phpGroupWare; if not, write to the Free Software
-        * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  
02110-1301  USA
-        *
-        * @license GNU General Public 
-        * @internal Development of this application was funded by
-        * @package property
-        * @subpackage export
-        * @version $Id: Agresso 11369 2013-10-11 15:29:13Z sigurdne $
-        */
-       /**
-        * Description
-        * @package property
-        */
-       class export_conv
-       {
-               //var $fil_katalog='c:/temp'; //On windows use 
"//computername/share/filename" or "\\\\computername\share\filename" to check 
files on network shares.
-               protected $old_files_deleted;
-               protected $debug;
-               protected $orders_affected = array();
-               protected $db;
-               protected $db2;
-               protected $soXport;
-               protected $config;
-               protected $invoice_approval = 2;
-               function __construct()
-               {
-                       $this->db = & $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db;
-                       $this->join = & $this->db->join;
-                       $this->db2 = clone($this->db);
-                       $this->soXport = CreateObject('property.soXport');
-                       $this->config = CreateObject('admin.soconfig', 
$GLOBALS['phpgw']->locations->get_id('property', '.invoice'));
-                       $this->invoice_approval = 
isset($this->config->config_data['common']['invoice_approval']) && 
$this->config->config_data['common']['invoice_approval'] ? 
$this->config->config_data['common']['invoice_approval'] : 2;
-               }
-               function select_periods_with_invoice_to_transfer()
-               {
-                       if ($this->invoice_approval == 2)
-                       {
-                               $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT periode FROM 
fm_ecobilag WHERE budsjettsigndato IS NOT NULL AND (saksigndato IS NOT NULL or 
oppsynsigndato IS NOT NULL) AND utbetalingsigndato IS NOT NULL";
-                       }
-                       else
-                       {
-                               $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT periode FROM 
fm_ecobilag WHERE budsjettsigndato IS NOT NULL AND utbetalingsigndato IS NOT 
-                       }
-                       $periode = array();
-                       $this->db->query($sql, __LINE__, __FILE__);
-                       while ($this->db->next_record())
-                       {
-                               $periode[] = $this->db->f('periode');
-                       }
-                       return $periode;
-               }
-               function log_end( $batchid )
-               {
-                       $tid = date($this->soXport->datetimeformat);
-                       $sql = "insert into fm_ecologg (batchid,melding,tid) 
values ('$batchid','End transfer','$tid')";
-                       $this->db->query($sql, __LINE__, __FILE__);
-               }
-               function log_error( $batchid, $error_desr )
-               {
-                       $tid = date($this->soXport->datetimeformat);
-                       $sql = "insert into fm_ecologg 
(batchid,ecobilagid,status,melding,tid) values 
-                       $this->db->query($sql, __LINE__, __FILE__);
-               }
-               function increment_batchid()
-               {
-                       $this->db->query("update fm_idgenerator  set value = 
value + 1 where name = 'Ecobatchid'", __LINE__, __FILE__);
-                       $this->db->query("select value from fm_idgenerator  
where name = 'Ecobatchid'", __LINE__, __FILE__);
-                       $this->db->next_record();
-                       $bilagsnr = $this->db->f('value');
-                       return $bilagsnr;
-               }
-               function next_batchid()
-               {
-                       $this->db->query("select value from fm_idgenerator  
where name = 'Ecobatchid'", __LINE__, __FILE__);
-                       $this->db->next_record();
-                       $batchid = $this->db->f('value') + 1;
-                       return $batchid;
-               }
-               //Lagre start melding
-               function log_start( $batchid )
-               {
-                       $tid = date($this->soXport->datetimeformat);
-                       $sql = "insert into fm_ecologg (batchid,melding,tid) 
values ('$batchid','Start transfer','$tid')";
-                       $this->db->query($sql, __LINE__, __FILE__);
-               }
-               function get_vendor_info( $vendor_id = '' )
-               {
-                       $sql = "select org_nr,konto_nr from fm_vendor where 
-                       $this->db->query($sql, __LINE__, __FILE__);
-                       $this->db->next_record();
-                       $vendor_info = array(
-                               'org_nr' => $this->db->f('org_nr'),
-                               'konto_nr' => $this->db->f('konto_nr')
-                       );
-                       return $vendor_info;
-               }
-               function get_order_title( $order_id = '' )
-               {
-                       $sql = "select type from fm_orders where 
-                       $this->db->query($sql, __LINE__, __FILE__);
-                       $this->db->next_record();
-                       switch ($this->db->f('type'))
-                       {
-                               case 'workorder':
-                                       $sql2 = "select title from fm_workorder 
where id='$order_id'";
-                                       $this->db->query($sql2, __LINE__, 
-                                       $this->db->next_record();
-                                       $order_title = $this->db->f('title');
-                                       break;
-                               case 's_agreement':
-                                       $sql2 = "select descr as title from 
fm_s_agreement where id='$order_id'";
-                                       $this->db->query($sql2, __LINE__, 
-                                       $this->db->next_record();
-                                       $order_title = $this->db->f('title');
-                                       break;
-                       }
-                       return $order_title;
-               }
-               function select_invoice_rollback( $day, $month, $year, $Filnavn 
-               {
-                       switch ($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['db_type'])
-                       {
-                               case 'mssql':
-                                       $datepart_year = 
-                                       $datepart_month = 
-                                       $datepart_day = 
-                                       break;
-                               case 'mysql':
-                                       $datepart_year = "YEAR(overftid)";
-                                       $datepart_month = "MONTH(overftid)";
-                                       $datepart_day = "DAYOFMONTH(overftid)";
-                                       break;
-                               case 'pgsql':
-                               case 'postgres':
-                                       $datepart_year = 
-                                       $datepart_month = 
-                                       $datepart_day = 
-                                       break;
-                       }
-                       $sql = "SELECT * FROM fm_ecobilagoverf WHERE 
filnavn='$Filnavn' and $datepart_year=$year and $datepart_month=$month and 
$datepart_day= $day";
-                       $this->db->query($sql, __LINE__, __FILE__);
-                       $invoice_roleback = array();
-                       while ($this->db->next_record())
-                       {
-                               $invoice_roleback[] = array
-                                       (
-                                       'id' => $this->db->f('id'),
-                                       'bilagsnr' => $this->db->f('bilagsnr'),
-                                       'kidnr' => $this->db->f('kidnr'),
-                                       'typeid' => $this->db->f('typeid'),
-                                       'kildeid' => $this->db->f('kildeid'),
-                                       'pmwrkord_code' => 
-                                       'belop' => $this->db->f('belop'),
-                                       'fakturadato' => 
-                                       'periode' => $this->db->f('periode'),
-                                       'forfallsdato' => 
-                                       'fakturanr' => 
-                                       'spbudact_code' => 
-                                       'regtid' => $this->db->f('regtid'),
-                                       'artid' => $this->db->f('artid'),
-                                       'godkjentbelop' => 
-                                       'spvend_code' => 
-                                       'dima' => $this->db->f('dima'),
-                                       'loc1' => $this->db->f('loc1'),
-                                       'dimb' => $this->db->f('dimb'),
-                                       'dime' => $this->db->f('dime'),
-                                       'mvakode' => $this->db->f('mvakode'),
-                                       'dimd' => $this->db->f('dimd'),
-                                       'project_id' => 
-                                       'kostra_id' => 
-                                       'item_type' => 
-                                       'item_id' => $this->db->f('item_id'),
-                                       'oppsynsmannid' => 
-                                       'saksbehandlerid' => 
-                                       'budsjettansvarligid' => 
-                                       'oppsynsigndato' => 
-                                       'saksigndato' => 
-                                       'budsjettsigndato' => 
-                                       'merknad' => $this->db->f('merknad'),
-                                       'splitt' => $this->db->f('splitt'),
-                                       'ordrebelop' => 
-                                       'utbetalingid' => 
-                                       'utbetalingsigndato' => 
-                               );
-                       }
-                       return $invoice_roleback;
-               }
-               //rollback function
-               function bilag_update_overf( $BilagOverf )
-               {
-                       $values = array
-                               (
-                               $BilagOverf['project_id'],
-                               $BilagOverf['kostra_id'],
-                               $BilagOverf['pmwrkord_code'],
-                               $BilagOverf['bilagsnr'],
-                               $BilagOverf['splitt'],
-                               $BilagOverf['kildeid'],
-                               $BilagOverf['kidnr'],
-                               $BilagOverf['typeid'],
-                               $BilagOverf['fakturadato'],
-                               $BilagOverf['forfallsdato'],
-                               $BilagOverf['regtid'],
-                               $BilagOverf['artid'],
-                               $BilagOverf['spvend_code'],
-                               $BilagOverf['dimb'],
-                               $BilagOverf['oppsynsmannid'],
-                               $BilagOverf['saksbehandlerid'],
-                               $BilagOverf['budsjettansvarligid'],
-                               $BilagOverf['fakturanr'],
-                               $BilagOverf['spbudact_code'],
-                               $BilagOverf['dima'],
-                               $BilagOverf['loc1'],
-                               $BilagOverf['dimd'],
-                               $BilagOverf['dime'],
-                               $BilagOverf['mvakode'],
-                               $BilagOverf['periode'],
-                               $BilagOverf['utbetalingid'],
-                               $BilagOverf['oppsynsigndato'],
-                               $BilagOverf['saksigndato'],
-                               $BilagOverf['budsjettsigndato'],
-                               $BilagOverf['utbetalingsigndato'],
-                               $BilagOverf['item_type'],
-                               $BilagOverf['item_id'],
-                       );
-                       $values = $this->db->validate_insert($values);
-                       $sql = "INSERT INTO fm_ecobilag 
-                               . " 
-                               . " 
-                               . " 
-                               . " values ($values,"
-                               . $this->db->money_format($BilagOverf['belop']) 
. ","
-                               . 
$this->db->money_format($BilagOverf['godkjentbelop']) . ")";
-                       $this->db->query($sql, __LINE__, __FILE__);
-               }
-               function overfor( $download, $pre_transfer = '', 
$force_period_year = '' )
-               {
-//                     $download = 'on';
-//                     $download = False;
-//                     $this->debug=True;
-                       //Generer batch ID
-                       $batchid = $this->soXport->next_batchid();
-                       if ($download == 'on')
-                       {
-                               $this->increment_batchid();
-                               //Lagre melding
-                               $this->log_start($batchid);
-                       }
-                       $periodes = 
-                       foreach ($periodes as $periode)
-                       {
-                               $this->OverforPeriode($batchid, $periode, 
$download, $force_period_year);
-                       }
-                       //Lagre melding
-                       if ($download == 'on')
-                       {
-                               $this->log_end($batchid); //Lagre melding
-                       }
-                       if (!$download == 'on')
-                       {
-                               $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['noheader'] = 
-                               $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['nofooter'] = 
-                               $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['xslt_app'] = 
-                               $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['noframework'] 
= true;
-                               echo '&nbsp<a href="' . 
$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', array('menuaction' => 
'property.uiXport.export')) . '">' . lang('Back') . '</a></br>';
-                               $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->phpgw_exit();
-                       }
-                       return $receipt;
-               }
-               function errorhandler( $batchid, $error_desr )
-               {
-                       $this->db->transaction_abort();
-                       $meld = $error_desr;
-                       phpgwapi_cache::message_set($error_desr, 'error');
-                       //Vis feilmelding
-//                     echo $meld;
-                       //Lagre feilmelding
-                       $this->log_error($batchid, $error_desr);
-               }
-               function RullTilbake( $Filnavn, $Dato )
-               {
-                       $dateformat = 
-                       $dateformat = str_replace(".", "", $dateformat);
-                       $dateformat = str_replace("-", "", $dateformat);
-                       $dateformat = str_replace("/", "", $dateformat);
-                       $y = strpos($dateformat, 'y');
-                       $d = strpos($dateformat, 'd');
-                       $m = strpos($dateformat, 'm');
-                       $dateparts = explode('/', $Dato);
-                       $day = $dateparts[$d];
-                       $month = $dateparts[$m];
-                       $year = $dateparts[$y];
-                       $BilagOverf = $this->select_invoice_rollback($day, 
$month, $year, $Filnavn);
-                       $this->db->transaction_begin();
-                       for ($i = 0; $i < count($BilagOverf); $i++)
-                       {
-                               $this->bilag_update_overf($BilagOverf[$i]);
-                               if ($BilagOverf[$i]['pmwrkord_code'])
-                               {
$orders_affected[$BilagOverf[$i]['pmwrkord_code']] = true;
-                                       $Belop = sprintf("%01.2f", 
$BilagOverf[$i]['ordrebelop']) * 100;
-                                       $actual_cost_field = 'act_vendor_cost';
-                                       $operator = '-';
$this->soXport->correct_actual_cost($BilagOverf[$i]['pmwrkord_code'], $Belop, 
$actual_cost_field, $operator);
-                               }
-                               //Slett fra avviks tabell
-                               //      
-                               //Slett fra arkiv
-                               $antall = $antall + 1;
-                       }
-                       if ($antall > 0)
-                       {
-                               $fil_katalog = 
-                               if (unlink($fil_katalog . '/' . $Filnavn))
-                               {
-                                       $this->db->transaction_commit();
-                                       $receipt['message'][] = array('msg' => 
$antall . ' ' . lang('bilag/underbilag rullet tilbake'));
-                                       $receipt['message'][] = array('msg' => 
lang('File %1 is deleted', $Filnavn));
-                               }
-                               else
-                               {
-                                       $this->db->transaction_abort();
-                                       $receipt['message'][] = array('msg' => 
'Noe gikk galt!');
-                               }
-                       }
-                       else
-                       {
-                               $receipt['error'][] = array('msg' => 
lang('Sorry - None hits'));
-                       }
-                       return $receipt;
-               }
-               function LagFilnavn( $batchid )
-               {
-                       $fil_katalog = 
-                       $continue = True;
-                       $i = 1;
-                       do
-                       {
-                               $Filnavn = $fil_katalog . '/FDB' . date("dmy") 
. '_' . sprintf("%02s", $i) . '.TXT';
-                               //Sjekk om filen eksisterer
-                               If (!file_exists($Filnavn))
-                               {
-                                       return $Filnavn;
-                               }
-                               $i++;
-                       }
-                       while ($continue);
-                       //Ingen løpenr er ledige, gi feilmelding
-                       return False;
-               }
-               private function get_vouchers_to_transfer( $periode )
-               {
-                       if ($this->invoice_approval == 2)
-                       {
-                               $sql = "SELECT sum(belop) AS belop, fakturanr, 
bilagsnr FROM fm_ecobilag WHERE periode='{$periode}' AND budsjettsigndato IS 
NOT NULL AND ( saksigndato IS NOT NULL OR oppsynsigndato IS NOT NULL ) AND 
utbetalingsigndato IS NOT NULL group by bilagsnr, fakturanr";
-                       }
-                       else
-                       {
-                               $sql = "SELECT sum(belop) AS belop, fakturanr, 
bilagsnr FROM fm_ecobilag WHERE periode='{$periode}' AND budsjettsigndato IS 
NOT NULL  AND utbetalingsigndato IS NOT NULL group by bilagsnr, fakturanr";
-                       }
-                       $this->db->query($sql, __LINE__, __FILE__);
-                       $values = array();
-                       while ($this->db->next_record())
-                       {
-                               $values[] = array
-                                       (
-                                       'belop' => $this->db->f('belop'),
-                                       'bilagsnr' => $this->db->f('bilagsnr'),
-                                       'fakturanr' => 
-                               );
-                       }
-                       foreach ($values as &$entry)
-                       {
-                               $sql = "SELECT 
fm_ecobilag.*,fm_ecouser.initials as saksbehandler FROM fm_ecobilag 
{$this->join} fm_ecouser ON fm_ecobilag.budsjettansvarligid=fm_ecouser.lid"
-                                       . " WHERE 
bilagsnr='{$entry['bilagsnr']}' AND fakturanr = '{$entry['fakturanr']}'";
-                               $this->db->query($sql, __LINE__, __FILE__);
-                               $this->db->next_record();
-                               $entry['id'] = $this->db->f('id');
-                               $entry['kidnr'] = $this->db->f('kidnr');
-                               $entry['typeid'] = $this->db->f('typeid');
-                               $entry['kildeid'] = $this->db->f('kildeid');
-                               $entry['pmwrkord_code'] = 
-                               $entry['fakturadato'] = 
-                               $entry['periode'] = $this->db->f('periode');
-                               $entry['forfallsdato'] = 
-                               $entry['fakturanr'] = $this->db->f('fakturanr');
-                               $entry['spbudact_code'] = 
-                               $entry['regtid'] = $this->db->f('regtid');
-                               $entry['artid'] = $this->db->f('artid');
-                               $entry['godkjentbelop'] = $entry['belop'];
-                               $entry['spvend_code'] = 
-                               $entry['dima'] = $this->db->f('dima');
-                               $entry['dimb'] = $this->db->f('dimb');
-                               $entry['mvakode'] = $this->db->f('mvakode');
-                               $entry['dimd'] = $this->db->f('dimd');
-                               $entry['dime'] = $this->db->f('dime');
-                               $entry['oppsynsmannid'] = 
-                               $entry['saksbehandlerid'] = 
-                               $entry['budsjettansvarligid'] = 
-                               $entry['oppsynsigndato'] = 
-                               $entry['saksigndato'] = 
-                               $entry['budsjettsigndato'] = 
-                               $entry['merknad'] = $this->db->f('merknad');
-                               $entry['line_text'] = $this->db->f('line_text');
-                               $entry['splitt'] = $this->db->f('splitt');
-                               $entry['utbetalingid'] = 
-                               $entry['utbetalingsigndato'] = 
-                               $entry['saksbehandler'] = 
-                               $entry['invoice_line'] = 
$this->get_invoice($entry['bilagsnr'], $entry['fakturanr']);
-                       }
-                       return $values;
-               }
-               //Velg ut alle underbilag
-               private function get_invoice( $bilagsnr, $fakturanr )
-               {
-                       if (!$fakturanr)
-                       {
-                               throw new Exception('Mangler fakturanr');
-                       }
-                       $sql = "SELECT fm_ecobilag.* 
-                               . " FROM (fm_location1 {$this->join} 
fm_part_of_town ON fm_location1.part_of_town_id ="
-                               . " {$this->join} fm_ecobilag ON 
fm_location1.loc1 = fm_ecobilag.loc1"
-                               . " WHERE bilagsnr='$bilagsnr' AND fakturanr = 
-                       $this->db2->query($sql, __LINE__, __FILE__);
-                       $values = array();
-                       while ($this->db2->next_record())
-                       {
-                               $values[] = array
-                                       (
-                                       'id' => $this->db2->f('id'),
-                                       'bilagsnr' => $this->db2->f('bilagsnr'),
-                                       'kidnr' => $this->db2->f('kidnr'),
-                                       'typeid' => $this->db2->f('typeid'),
-                                       'kildeid' => $this->db2->f('kildeid'),
-                                       'pmwrkord_code' => 
-                                       'belop' => $this->db2->f('belop'),
-                                       'fakturadato' => 
-                                       'periode' => $this->db2->f('periode'),
-                                       'forfallsdato' => 
-                                       'fakturanr' => 
-                                       'spbudact_code' => 
-                                       'regtid' => $this->db2->f('regtid'),
-                                       'artid' => $this->db2->f('artid'),
-                                       'godkjentbelop' => 
-                                       'spvend_code' => 
-                                       'dima' => $this->db2->f('dima'),
-                                       'loc1' => $this->db2->f('loc1'),
-                                       'dimb' => $this->db2->f('dimb'),
-                                       'mvakode' => $this->db2->f('mvakode'),
-                                       'dimd' => $this->db2->f('dimd'),
-                                       'dime' => $this->db2->f('dime'),
-                                       'project_id' => 
-                                       'kostra_id' => 
-                                       'oppsynsmannid' => 
-                                       'saksbehandlerid' => 
-                                       'budsjettansvarligid' => 
-                                       'oppsynsigndato' => 
-                                       'saksigndato' => 
-                                       'budsjettsigndato' => 
-                                       'merknad' => $this->db2->f('merknad'),
-                                       'line_text' => 
-                                       'splitt' => $this->db2->f('splitt'),
-                                       'utbetalingid' => 
-                                       'utbetalingsigndato' => 
-                                       'district_id' => 
-                                       'item_type' => 
-                                       'item_id' => $this->db2->f('item_id')
-                               );
-                       }
-                       return $values;
-               }
-               function OverforPeriode( $batchid, $periode, $download, 
$force_period_year = '' )
-               {
-                       $BilagId = 'NULL';
-                       //Bestem filnavn
-                       $Filnavn = $this->LagFilnavn($batchid);
-                       if (!$Filnavn)
-                       {
-                               $message = 'LagFilnavn: Alle loepenr for 
filnavn er i bruk';
-                               $this->errorhandler($batchid, $message);
-                               phpgwapi_cache::message_set($message, 'error');
-                               return false;
-                       }
-                       //Test om filen kan opprettes og skrives til
-                       if (@fopen($Filnavn, "wb"))
-                       {
-                               unlink($Filnavn);
-                       }
-                       else
-                       {
-                               phpgwapi_cache::message_set('kan ikke lagre til 
fil: ' . $Filnavn, 'error');
-                               return false;
-                       }
-                       //Velg ut alle hoved bilag som skal overføres
-                       $this->db->transaction_begin();
-                       $oRsBilag = $this->get_vouchers_to_transfer($periode);
-                       $buffer = '';
-                       foreach ($oRsBilag as $invoice)
-                       {
-                               $tranfser_bilag[] = $invoice['bilagsnr'];
-                               //Bestem belops felt
-                               if ($invoice['splitt'] == 0)
-                               {
-                                       //Bilaget er ikke splittet
-                                       if ($invoice['godkjentbelop'] <> 
-                                       {
-                                               $BelopFelt = 'godkjentbelop';
-                                               //Logg til avviks tabell
-                                               if ($download == 'on')
-                                               {
-                                               }
-                                       }
-                                       else
-                                       {
-                                               $BelopFelt = 'belop';
-                                       }
-                               }
-                               //Bilaget er splittet
-                               if ($invoice['godkjentbelop'] == 
-                               {
-                                       $BelopFelt = 'godkjentbelop';
-                               }
-                               else
-                               {
-                                       //Ikke lovlig
-                                       $message = lang('Avvik mellom 
fakturabelop og godkjent belop pa splittet faktura!');
-                                       $this->errorhandler($batchid, $message);
-                                       return $message;
-                               }
-                               $Belop_motpost = $invoice[$BelopFelt] * 100;
-                               //Skriv hovedbilag
-                               $Buntnr = sprintf("%-12s", basename($Filnavn, 
".TXT"));// verdi: MMDDFL, type: c12, plass: 1 - 12
-                               $Forsystem = 'BI';// verdi: BI, type: c2, 
plass: 13 - 14
-                               $Transtype = 'GL';// verdi: GL, type: c2, 
plass: 17 - 18
-                               $Firmakode = sprintf("%-2s", 'BY');// verdi: 
Firmakode, type: c2, plass: 19 - 20
-                               $Valuteringsdato = date(Ymd, 
strtotime($invoice['fakturadato']));// verdi: Dato, type: date, plass: 251 - 258
-                               $Bilagsdato = date(Ymd, 
strtotime($invoice['fakturadato']));// verdi: Dato, type: date, plass: 259 - 266
-                               $Bilagsnr = sprintf("%-9s", '');// verdi: 
Bilagsnummer, type: i4, plass: 267 - 275
-                               //              $_periode       = 
sprintf("%06s",date(Y,strtotime($invoice['fakturadato'])) . 
sprintf("%02d",$periode));// verdi: Periode, type: i4, plass: 276 - 281
-                               $ESL = sprintf("%1s", '');// verdi: Blank, 
type: i+C481, plass: 282 - 282
-                               $_periode = $periode;
-                               $Bilagsart = sprintf("%2s", 'HK');// verdi: , 
type: c2, plass: 15 - 16
-                               $Forfall = date(Ymd, 
strtotime($invoice['forfallsdato']));// verdi: Forfallsdato , type: date, 
plass: 298 - 305
-                               $Rab_forf = sprintf("%-8s", '');// verdi: 
Blank, type: date, plass: 306 - 313
-                               $Rabatt = sprintf("%020s", '');// verdi: Blank, 
type: money, plass: 314 - 333
-                               $Avt_Kon = sprintf("%-8s", '');// verdi: Blank, 
type: c8, plass: 334 - 341
-                               $Kid = sprintf("%-27s", $invoice['kidnr']);// 
verdi: Kid, type: c27, plass: 351 - 377
-                               $Bet_overforing = sprintf("%-2s", '');// verdi: 
Blank, type: c2, plass: 378 - 379
-                               $Status = 'N';// verdi: N, type: c1, plass: 380 
- 380
-//                             $Resk_type               = 'P';// verdi: Blank, 
type: c1, plass: 381 - 381
-                               $Resk_type = ' ';// verdi: Blank, type: c1, 
plass: 381 - 381
-//                             $Resk_nr                 = sprintf("%-9s", 
$invoice['spvend_code']);// verdi: Blank., type: i4, plass: 382 - 390
-                               $Resk_nr = sprintf("%-9s", '');// verdi: 
Blank., type: i4, plass: 382 - 390
-                               $Forskudd = '0';// verdi: 0, type: i1, plass: 
391 - 391
-                               $Fakturaref = '000000000';// verdi: 0, type: 
i4, plass: 392 - 400
-                               $Fakturaref = '000000000';// verdi: 0, type: 
i4, plass: 401 - 409
-                               $Inkassokode = sprintf("%-6s", '');// verdi: 
Blank, type: c6, plass: 410 - 415
-                               $Bet_mottager = sprintf("%-8s", '');// verdi: 
Blank, type: c8, plass: 416 - 423
-                               $Att_ansvarlig = sprintf("%-6s", 
utf8_decode($invoice['saksbehandler']));// verdi: Blank, type: c6, plass: 424 - 
-                               $vendor_info = 
-                               if (!$vendor_info['org_nr'])
-                               {
-                                       $message = 'mangler org_nr for 
reskontronr: ' . $invoice['spvend_code'];
-                                       $this->errorhandler($batchid, $message);
-                                       return $message;
-                               }
-                               if (!$vendor_info['konto_nr'])
-                               {
-                                       $message = 'mangler konto for 
reskontronr: ' . $invoice['spvend_code'];
-                                       $this->errorhandler($batchid, $message);
-                                       return $message;
-                               }
-                               $Resk_navn = sprintf("%-50s", 
$vendor_info['org_nr']);// verdi: Fødselsnr, type: c50, plass: 430 - 479
-                               $Postadresse = sprintf("%-160s", '');// verdi: 
Blank, type: c160, plass: 480 - 639
-                               $Stat_Provins = sprintf("%-50s", '');// verdi: 
Blank, type: c50, plass: 640 - 689
-                               $Sted = sprintf("%-50s", '');// verdi: Blank, 
type: c50, plass: 690 - 739
-                               $Bank_Postgiro_kontonr = sprintf("%-35s", 
str_replace(" ", "", $vendor_info['konto_nr']));// verdi: konto_nr, type: c35, 
plass: 740 - 774
-                               $Betalingsmate = sprintf("%-2s", '');// verdi: 
Blank, type: c2, plass: 775 - 776
-                               $Mva_reg_nr = sprintf("%-25s", '');// verdi: 
Blank, type: c25, plass: 777 - 801
-                               $Postnummer = sprintf("%-15s", '');// verdi: 
Blank, type: c15, plass: 802 - 816
-                               $Val_dok = sprintf("%-3s", '');// verdi: Blank, 
type: c3, plass: 817 - 819
-                               $underbilag_count = 
-                               $last_record = $underbilag_count - 1;
-                               //Velg ut alle underbilag
-                               foreach ($invoice['invoice_line'] as $_key => 
-                               {
-                                       $BilagId = $invoice_line['id'];
-                                       $Belop = $invoice_line[$BelopFelt] * 
-                                       $Belop_ = $Belop;
-                                       if ($Belop < 0)
-                                       {
-                                               $Belop = abs($Belop);
-                                               $Belop = sprintf("%019s", 
-                                               $Belop = '-' . $Belop;
-                                       }
-                                       else
-                                       {
-                                               $Belop = sprintf("%019s", 
-                                               $Belop = '+' . $Belop;
-                                       }
-                                       if ($invoice_line['pmwrkord_code'])
-                                       {
$orders_affected[$BilagOverf[$i]['pmwrkord_code']] = true;
-                                               //Oppdater beløp på arbeidsordre
-                                               if ($download == 'on')
-                                               {
-                                                       $actual_cost_field = 
-                                                       $operator = '+';
-                                                       if (!$this->debug)
-                                                       {
$this->soXport->correct_actual_cost($invoice_line['pmwrkord_code'], $Belop_, 
$actual_cost_field, $operator);
-                                                       }
-                                               }
-                                       }
-                                       //Overfør til fm_ecobilagoverf
-                                       $invoice_line['filnavn'] = 
-                                       $invoice_line['ordrebelop'] = 
-                                       $Konto = sprintf("%-8s", 
$invoice_line['spbudact_code']);// verdi: Art, type: c8, plass: 21 - 28
-                                       $Dim_1 = sprintf("%-8s", 
"0{$invoice_line['dimb']}");// 64040 verdi: Ansvarssted, type: c8, plass: 29 - 
-                                       $Dim_2 = sprintf("%-8s", 
$invoice_line['kostra_id']);// verdi: Tjeneste, type: c8, plass: 37 - 44
-                                       $Dim_3 = sprintf("%-8s", 
substr($invoice_line['dima'], 0, 4));// verdi: Objekt-bygg, type: c8, plass: 45 
- 52
-                                       $Dim_4 = sprintf("%-8s", '');// verdi: 
Ressurs, type: c8, plass: 53 - 60
-                                       $Dim_5 = sprintf("%-12s", 
$invoice_line['project_id']);// verdi: Prosjekt, type: c12, plass: 61 - 72
-                                       $Dim_6 = sprintf("%-4s", 
$invoice_line['dimd']);// Kategori, type: c4, plass: 73 - 76
-                                       $Dim_7 = sprintf("%-4s", '');// verdi: 
Blank, type: c4, plass: 77 - 80
-                                       $Avgiftskode = sprintf("%-2s", 
$invoice_line['mvakode']);// verdi: Avgiftskode, type: c2, plass: 81 - 82
-                                       $Avgiftssystem = sprintf("%2s", '');// 
verdi: Blank, type: c2, plass: 83 - 84
-                                       $Valutakode = 'NOK';// verdi: NOK, 
type: c3, plass: 85 - 87
-                                       $Debet_Kredit = sprintf("%2s", '');// 
verdi: Blank, type: i2, plass: 88 - 89
-                                       $Valutabelop = $Belop;// verdi: Beløp, 
type: money, plass: 90 - 109
-                                       $Belop_i_firmavaluta = $Belop;// verdi: 
Beløp, type: money, plass: 110 - 129
-                                       $Antall = sprintf("%11s", '');// verdi: 
Blank, type: i4, plass: 130 - 140
-                                       $Belop2 = sprintf("%20s", '');// verdi: 
Blank, type: f8, plass: 141 - 160
-                                       $Belop3 = sprintf("%20s", '');// verdi: 
Blank, type: money, plass: 161 - 180
-                                       //      $Belop4 (også kalt "money3" 
)blir brukt for identifisere overføring på tvers av filer.
-                                       $Belop4 = sprintf("%20s", '');// verdi: 
Blank, type: money, plass: 181 - 200 - batch_id høyre justert
-                                       $Tekst = sprintf("%-50s", 
substr("{$invoice['spvend_code']}::{$invoice_line['fakturanr']}", 0, 50));
-                                       //                              
$Fakturanr = sprintf("%-15s", substr(utf8_decode($invoice_line['fakturanr']), 
0, 15));// verdi: Fakturanr, type: c15, plass: 283 - 297
-                                       $Fakturanr = sprintf("%-15s", '');// 
verdi: Fakturanr, type: c15, plass: 283 - 297
-                                       $Ordrenummer = sprintf("%-9s", 
$invoice_line['pmwrkord_code']);// verdi: Infodoc ordrenr, type: i4, plass: 342 
- 350
-                                       //Kopier verdier
-                                       if ($download == 'on' && !$this->debug)
-                                       {
-                                       }
-                                       //Skriv til fil
-                                       $buffer .= $Buntnr . $Forsystem . 
$Bilagsart . $Transtype . $Firmakode . $Konto . $Dim_1 . $Dim_2 . $Dim_3 . 
$Dim_4 .
-                                               $Dim_5 . $Dim_6 . $Dim_7 . 
$Avgiftskode . $Avgiftssystem . $Valutakode . $Debet_Kredit . $Valutabelop .
-                                               $Belop_i_firmavaluta . $Antall 
. $Belop2 . $Belop3 . $Belop4 . $Tekst . $Valuteringsdato . $Bilagsdato .
-                                               $Bilagsnr . $_periode . $ESL . 
$Fakturanr . $Forfall . $Rab_forf . $Rabatt . $Avt_Kon . $Ordrenummer .
-                                               $Kid . $Bet_overforing . 
$Status . $Resk_type . $Resk_nr . $Forskudd . $Fakturaref . $Fakturaref .
-                                               $Inkassokode . $Bet_mottager . 
$Att_ansvarlig . $Resk_navn . $Postadresse . $Stat_Provins . $Sted .
-                                               $Bank_Postgiro_kontonr . 
$Betalingsmate . $Mva_reg_nr . $Postnummer . $Val_dok . "\r\n";
-                                       if ($_key == $last_record)
-                                       {
-                                               $Konto = sprintf("%-8s", 
'2139915');// verdi: Art, type: c8, plass: 21 - 28
-                                               //                      $Dim_1  
         = sprintf("%-8s", $invoice_line['dimb']);//sprintf("%-8s",'');// 
verdi: Ansvarssted, type: c8, plass: 29 - 36
-                                               $Dim_2 = sprintf("%-8s", '');// 
verdi: Tjeneste, type: c8, plass: 37 - 44
-                                               $Dim_3 = sprintf("%-8s", '');// 
verdi: Objekt, type: c8, plass: 45 - 52
-                                               $Dim_4 = sprintf("%-8s", '');// 
verdi: Ressurs, type: c8, plass: 53 - 60
-                                               $Dim_5 = sprintf("%-12s", 
'');// verdi: Prosjekt, type: c12, plass: 61 - 72
-                                               $Dim_6 = sprintf("%-4s", '');// 
verdi: Blank, type: c4, plass: 73 - 76
-                                               $Dim_7 = sprintf("%-4s", '');// 
verdi: Blank, type: c4, plass: 77 - 80
-                                               $Fakturanr = sprintf("%-15s", 
'');// verdi: Fakturanr, type: c15, plass: 283 - 297
-                                               $Ordrenummer = sprintf("%-9s", 
'');// verdi: Infodoc ordrenr, type: i4, plass: 342 - 350
-                                               //      $Tekst          = 
verdi: Tekst, type: text (50), plass: 201 - 250
-                                               //                      $Tekst  
         = sprintf("%-50s", '');// verdi: Tekst, type: text (50), plass: 201 - 
-                                               //Ikke fortegnskifte for 
kostfordeling (GL)
-                                               if ($Belop_motpost < 0)
-                                               {
-                                                       $Belop_motpost = 
sprintf("%019s", abs($Belop_motpost));
-                                                       $Belop_motpost = 
-                                               }
-                                               else
-                                               {
-                                                       $Belop_motpost = 
sprintf("%019s", $Belop_motpost);
-                                                       $Belop_motpost = 
-                                               }
-                                               $Transtype = 'GL';// verdi: GL, 
type: c2, plass: 17 - 18
-                                               $Valutabelop = 
$Belop_motpost;// verdi: Beløp, type: money, plass: 90 - 109
-                                               $Belop_i_firmavaluta = 
$Belop_motpost;// verdi: Beløp, type: money, plass: 110 - 129
-                                               $buffer .= $Buntnr . $Forsystem 
. $Bilagsart . $Transtype . $Firmakode . $Konto . $Dim_1 . $Dim_2 . $Dim_3 . 
$Dim_4 .
-                                                       $Dim_5 . $Dim_6 . 
$Dim_7 . $Avgiftskode . $Avgiftssystem . $Valutakode . $Debet_Kredit . 
$Valutabelop .
-                                                       $Belop_i_firmavaluta . 
$Antall . $Belop2 . $Belop3 . $Belop4 . $Tekst . $Valuteringsdato . $Bilagsdato 
-                                                       $Bilagsnr . $_periode . 
$ESL . $Fakturanr . $Forfall . $Rab_forf . $Rabatt . $Avt_Kon . $Ordrenummer .
-                                                       $Kid . $Bet_overforing 
. $Status . $Resk_type . $Resk_nr . $Forskudd . $Fakturaref . $Fakturaref .
-                                                       $Inkassokode . 
$Bet_mottager . $Att_ansvarlig . $Resk_navn . $Postadresse . $Stat_Provins . 
$Sted .
-                                                       $Bank_Postgiro_kontonr 
. $Betalingsmate . $Mva_reg_nr . $Postnummer . $Val_dok . "\r\n";
-                                       }
-                                       //Slett post i fm_ecobilag
-                                       if ($download == 'on' && !$this->debug)
-                                       {
-                                               //Logg transaksjon
$this->soXport->log_transaction($batchid, $BilagId, lang('Invoice 
-                                       }
-                                       $BilagId = 'NULL';
-                                       $antall = $antall + 1;
-                               }
-                       }
-                       //Fullfør transaksjon
-                       if ($download == 'on' && !$this->debug)
-                       {
-                               $fp = fopen($Filnavn, "wb");
-                               fwrite($fp, $buffer);
-                               if (fclose($fp))
-                               {
-                                       $file_written = True;
-                               }
-                               if ($file_written && 
$this->config->config_data['common']['method'] != 'ftp')
-                               {
-                                       $transfer_ok = True;
-                               }
-                               else if ($file_written)
-                               {
-                                       $transfer_ok = $this->transfer($buffer, 
$Filnavn, $batchid, $tranfser_bilag);
-                               }
-                               if ($transfer_ok)
-                               {
-                                       $this->db->transaction_commit();
-                                       $message = 'Godkjent: periode: ' . 
$_periode . ' antall bilag/underbilag overfort:' . $antall . ' , fil: ' . 
-                                       phpgwapi_cache::message_set($message, 
-                               }
-                               else
-                               {
-                                       $this->db->transaction_abort();
-                                       $message = 'Noe gikk galt med 
overforing av godkjendte fakturaer!';
-                                       phpgwapi_cache::message_set($message, 
-                               }
-                       }
-                       else
-                       {
-                               $this->db->transaction_abort();
-                               _debug_array($Filnavn);
-                               $fp = fopen($Filnavn, "wb");
-                               fwrite($fp, $buffer);
-                               if (fclose($fp))
-                               {
-                                       $file_written = True;
-                               }
-                               echo "<pre>{$buffer}</pre>";
-                       }
-               }
-               function transfer( $buffer, $Filnavn, $batchid, $tranfser_bilag 
-               {
-                       if ($this->config->config_data['common']['method'] == 
-                       {
-                               $ftp = $this->phpftp_connect();
-                               $basedir = 
-                               if ($basedir)
-                               {
-                                       $newfile = $basedir . '/' . 
-                               }
-                               else
-                               {
-                                       $newfile = basename($Filnavn);
-                               }
-                               if (ftp_put($ftp, $newfile, $Filnavn, 
-                               {
-                                       for ($i = 0; $i < 
count($tranfser_bilag); $i++)
-                                       {
$this->soXport->log_transaction($batchid, $tranfser_bilag[$i], lang('Invoice 
pre_transferred %1', basename($Filnavn)));
-                                       }
-                                       $transfer_ok = True;
-                               }
-                               else
-                               {
-                                       for ($i = 0; $i < 
count($tranfser_bilag); $i++)
-                                       {
$this->soXport->log_transaction($batchid, $tranfser_bilag[$i], lang('Failed to 
pre_transfere %1 to agresso', basename($Filnavn)));
-                                       }
-                                       $transfer_ok = False;
-                               }
-                               if (!$transfer_ok)
-                               {
-                                       unlink($Filnavn);
-                               }
-                               ftp_quit($ftp);
-                       }
-                       return $transfer_ok;
-               }
-               function phpftp_connect()
-               {
-                       $host = $this->config->config_data['common']['host'];
-                       $user = $this->config->config_data['common']['user'];
-                       $password = 
-//                     echo "connecting to $host with $user and $pass\n <br>";
-                       $ftp = ftp_connect($host);
-                       if ($ftp)
-                       {
-                               if (ftp_login($ftp, $user, $password))
-                               {
-                                       return $ftp;
-                               }
-                       }
-               }
-       }
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: thirdparty/PE_custom/BK_EBF/property/inc/custom/default/El_anlegg_LRS
--- thirdparty/PE_custom/BK_EBF/property/inc/custom/default/El_anlegg_LRS       
2017-11-01 19:31:21 UTC (rev 17257)
+++ thirdparty/PE_custom/BK_EBF/property/inc/custom/default/El_anlegg_LRS       
2017-11-01 19:34:08 UTC (rev 17258)
@@ -1,365 +0,0 @@
-       /**
-        * phpGroupWare - property: a Facilities Management System.
-        *
-        * @author Sigurd Nes <address@hidden>
-        * @copyright Copyright (C) 2003,2004,2005,2006,2007 Free Software 
Foundation, Inc.
-        * This file is part of phpGroupWare.
-        *
-        * phpGroupWare is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-        * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-        * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-        * (at your option) any later version.
-        *
-        * phpGroupWare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-        * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-        * GNU General Public License for more details.
-        *
-        * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-        * along with phpGroupWare; if not, write to the Free Software
-        * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  
02110-1301  USA
-        *
-        * @license GNU General Public 
-        * @internal Development of this application was funded by
-        * @package property
-        * @subpackage export
-        * @version $Id$
-        */
-       /**
-        * Description
-        * @package property
-        */
-       phpgw::import_class('phpgwapi.datetime');
-       class export_conv
-       {
-               //var $fil_katalog='c:/temp'; //On windows use 
"//computername/share/filename" or "\\\\computername\share\filename" to check 
files on network shares.
-               var $debug = false;
-               protected $connection = false;
-               protected $receipt = array();
-               protected $type = '211';
-               function __construct()
-               {
-                       $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['currentapp'] = 
-                       $this->db = & $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db;
-                       $this->join = & $this->db->join;
-                       $this->config = CreateObject('admin.soconfig', 
$GLOBALS['phpgw']->locations->get_id('property', '.invoice'));
-               }
-               protected function get_xmldata()
-               {
-                       $sql = "SELECT * FROM fm_entity_1_11 WHERE 
auto_kontering = 1 AND category = 2";//kun fellesmålere som er merket med 
-                       $this->db->query($sql, __LINE__, __FILE__);
-                       $anlegg = array();
-                       $TreeID = $this->type;
-                       $PeriodFrom = date('Ym');
-                       $PeriodTo = 209912;
-                       $memory = xmlwriter_open_memory();
-                       xmlwriter_set_indent($memory, true);
-                       xmlwriter_start_document($memory, '1.0', 'UTF-8');
-                       xmlwriter_start_element($memory, 'TreeListe');
-                       xmlwriter_write_attribute($memory, 'TreeID', $TreeID);
-                       xmlwriter_write_attribute($memory, 'xmlns:xsi', 
-                       xmlwriter_write_attribute($memory, 
'xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation', 'TreeListe.xsd');
-                       while ($this->db->next_record())
-                       {
-                               xmlwriter_start_element($memory, 'Tree');
-                               xmlwriter_write_element($memory, 'ID', 'TJ');
-                               xmlwriter_write_element($memory, 'Verdi', 
substr($this->db->f('maalepunkt_id'), -8));
-                               xmlwriter_write_element($memory, 'Beskrivelse', 
-                               xmlwriter_write_element($memory, 'Firma', 'BB');
-                               xmlwriter_write_element($memory, 'PeriodeFra', 
-                               xmlwriter_write_element($memory, 'PeriodeTil', 
-                               xmlwriter_write_element($memory, 'Status', 'N');
-                               xmlwriter_start_element($memory, 
-                               xmlwriter_start_element($memory, 
-                               xmlwriter_write_attribute($memory, 'Prosent', 
-                               xmlwriter_start_element($memory, 'Begrep');
-                               xmlwriter_write_comment($memory, 'Firma');
-                               xmlwriter_write_element($memory, 'ID', 'A3');
-                               xmlwriter_write_element($memory, 'Verdi', 'BB');
-                               xmlwriter_end_element($memory);
-                               xmlwriter_start_element($memory, 'Begrep');
-                               xmlwriter_write_comment($memory, 'Art');
-                               xmlwriter_write_element($memory, 'ID', 'A0');
-                               xmlwriter_write_element($memory, 'Verdi', 
-                               xmlwriter_end_element($memory);
-                               xmlwriter_start_element($memory, 'Begrep');
-                               xmlwriter_write_comment($memory, 'Asvar');
-                               xmlwriter_write_element($memory, 'ID', 'C1');
-                               xmlwriter_write_element($memory, 'Verdi', 45);
-                               xmlwriter_end_element($memory);
-                               xmlwriter_start_element($memory, 'Begrep');
-                               xmlwriter_write_comment($memory, 'Tjeneste');
-                               xmlwriter_write_element($memory, 'ID', 'TJE');
-                               xmlwriter_write_element($memory, 'Verdi', '');
-                               xmlwriter_end_element($memory);
-                               xmlwriter_start_element($memory, 'Begrep');
-                               xmlwriter_write_comment($memory, 'Objekt');
-                               xmlwriter_write_element($memory, 'ID', 'F0');
-                               xmlwriter_write_element($memory, 'Verdi', 
-                               xmlwriter_end_element($memory);
-                               xmlwriter_start_element($memory, 'Begrep');
-                               xmlwriter_write_comment($memory, 'Prosjekt');
-                               xmlwriter_write_element($memory, 'ID', 'B0');
-                               xmlwriter_write_element($memory, 'Verdi', '');
-                               xmlwriter_end_element($memory);
-                               xmlwriter_start_element($memory, 'Begrep');
-                               xmlwriter_write_comment($memory, 'Fagkode');
-                               xmlwriter_write_element($memory, 'ID', 'B1');
-                               xmlwriter_write_element($memory, 'Verdi', 
-                               xmlwriter_end_element($memory);
-                               xmlwriter_start_element($memory, 'Begrep');
-                               xmlwriter_write_comment($memory, 'AV');
-                               xmlwriter_write_element($memory, 'ID', 'AV');
-                               xmlwriter_write_element($memory, 'Verdi', '');
-                               xmlwriter_end_element($memory);
-                               xmlwriter_end_element($memory);
-                               xmlwriter_end_element($memory);
-                               xmlwriter_end_element($memory);
-                       }
-                       xmlwriter_end_element($memory);
-                       $xml = xmlwriter_output_memory($memory, true);
-                       if ($this->debug)
-                       {
-                               header('Content-type: text/xml');
-                               echo $xml;
-                               die();
-                       }
-                       return $xml;
-               }
-               protected function log_end()
-               {
-                       $msgbox_data = 
-                       $insert_values = array
-                               (
-                               0,
-                               date($this->db->datetime_format()),
-                               'El_anlegg_LRS',
-                               implode(',', (array_keys($msgbox_data)))
-                       );
-                       $insert_values = 
-                       $sql = "INSERT INTO fm_cron_log 
(cron,cron_date,process,message) "
-                               . "VALUES ($insert_values)";
-                       $this->db->query($sql, __LINE__, __FILE__);
-               }
-               public function overfor( $download )
-               {
-//                     $download = 'on';
-//                     $download = False;
-//                     $this->debug=True;
-                       //Bestem filnavn
-                       $Filnavn = $this->LagFilnavn();
-                       if (!$Filnavn)
-                       {
-                               $message = 'LagFilnavn: Filnavn er i bruk';
-                               $receipt['error'][] = array('msg' => $message);
-                               $this->log_end();
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       //Test om filen kan opprettes og skrives til
-                       if (@fopen($Filnavn, "wb"))
-                       {
-                               unlink($Filnavn);
-                       }
-                       else
-                       {
-                               $message = 'kan ikke lagre til fil: ' . 
$Filnavn . '<br>';
-                               $receipt['error'][] = array('msg' => $message);
-                               if (!$this->debug)
-                               {
-                                       $this->log_end();
-                               }
-                       }
-                       //Velg ut alle anlegg som skal overføres
-                       $xmldata = $this->get_xmldata();
-                       if ($xmldata)
-                       {
-                               $this->transfer_anlegg($xmldata, $Filnavn, 
-                       }
-                       if ($this->connection)
-                       {
-                               switch 
-                               {
-                                       case 'ftp';
-                                               ftp_quit($this->connection);
-                                               break;
-                                       case 'ssh';
-                                               ssh2_exec($this->connection, 
-                                               break;
-                               }
-                       }
-                       //Lagre melding
-                       if ($download == 'on')
-                       {
-                               $this->log_end();
-                       }
-                       return $receipt;
-               }
-               protected function LagFilnavn()
-               {
-                       $timestamp = date('YmdHi', 
-                       $fil_katalog = 
-                       $Filnavn = $fil_katalog . 
-                       //Sjekk om filen eksisterer
-                       if (file_exists($Filnavn))
-                       {
-                               unlink($Filnavn);
-                       }
-                       return $Filnavn;
-               }
-               protected function transfer_anlegg( $xmldata, $Filnavn, 
$download )
-               {
-                       if ($download == 'on' && !$this->debug)
-                       {
-                               $file_written = false;
-                               $fp = fopen($Filnavn, "wb");
-                               fwrite($fp, $xmldata);
-                               if (fclose($fp))
-                               {
-                                       $file_written = true;
-                               }
-                               if ($file_written && 
($this->config->config_data['common']['method'] != 'ftp' && 
$this->config->config_data['common']['method'] != 'ssh'))
-                               {
-                                       $transfer_ok = true;
-                               }
-                               else if ($file_written)
-                               {
-                                       $transfer_ok = 
$this->transfer($xmldata, $Filnavn);
-                               }
-                               if ($transfer_ok)
-                               {
-                                       $message = "El Anlegg er overført, fil: 
-                                       phpgwapi_cache::message_set($message, 
-                               }
-                               else
-                               {
-                                       $message = 'Noe gikk galt med 
overføring av El Anlegg';
-                                       phpgwapi_cache::message_set($message, 
-                               }
-                       }
-                       else
-                       {
-                               header('Content-type: text/xml');
-                               echo $xmldata;
-                               die();
-                       }
-               }
-               protected function transfer( $xmldata, $Filnavn )
-               {
-                       $transfer_ok = false;
-                       if ($this->config->config_data['common']['method'] == 
'ftp' || $this->config->config_data['common']['method'] == 'ssh')
-                       {
-                               if (!$connection = $this->connection)
-                               {
-                                       $connection = $this->phpftp_connect();
-                               }
-                               $basedir = 
-                               if ($basedir)
-                               {
-                                       $remote_file = $basedir . '/' . 
-                               }
-                               else
-                               {
-                                       $remote_file = basename($Filnavn);
-                               }
-                               switch 
-                               {
-                                       case 'ftp';
-                                               $transfer_ok = 
ftp_put($connection, $remote_file, $Filnavn, FTP_BINARY);
-                                               break;
-                                       case 'ssh';
-                                               $sftp = ssh2_sftp($connection);
-                                               $stream = 
@fopen("ssh2.sftp://$sftp$remote_file";, 'w');
-                                               $data_to_send = 
-                                               fwrite($stream, $data_to_send);
-                                               $transfer_ok = @fclose($stream);
-                                               break;
-                                       default:
-                                               $transfer_ok = false;
-                               }
-                               if (!$transfer_ok)
-                               {
-                                       unlink($Filnavn);
-                               }
-                       }
-                       return $transfer_ok;
-               }
-               protected function phpftp_connect()
-               {
-                       $server = $this->config->config_data['common']['host'];
-                       $user = $this->config->config_data['common']['user'];
-                       $password = 
-                       $port = 22;
-                       switch ($this->config->config_data['common']['method'])
-                       {
-                               case 'ftp';
-                                       if ($connection = ftp_connect($server))
-                                       {
-                                               ftp_login($connection, $user, 
-                                       }
-                                       break;
-                               case 'ssh';
-                                       if (!function_exists("ssh2_connect"))
-                                       {
-                                               die("function ssh2_connect 
doesn't exist");
-                                       }
-                                       if (!($connection = 
ssh2_connect("$server", $port)))
-                                       {
-                                               $message = "fail: unable to 
establish connection";
-                                               _debug_array($message);
-                                               //$receipt['error'][]= 
array('msg' => $message);
-                                       }
-                                       else
-                                       {
-                                               // try to authenticate with 
username root, password secretpassword
-                                               if 
(!ssh2_auth_password($connection, $user, $password))
-                                               {
-                                                       $message = "fail: 
unable to authenticate";
-                                                       _debug_array($message);
-                                                       //$receipt['error'][]= 
array('msg' => $message);
-                                               }
-                                       }
-                                       break;
-                       }
-                       $this->connection = $connection;
-                       return $connection;
-               }
-       }
\ No newline at end of file

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