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Re: [pooma-dev] POOMA

From: Jeffrey D. Oldham
Subject: Re: [pooma-dev] POOMA
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2003 08:16:17 -0800
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Daniels, Lawrence wrote:

I would like to be able to compile and use POOMA.. I am interested in its possible application to high performance numerical methods.

I have tried to build version 2.3 by importing the VS 6.0 dsw file into .NET and compiling. I get one error:

d:\pooma-2.3.0\src\Tiny\TensorElements.h(115) : error C2027: use of undefined type 'Unwritable'

d:\pooma-2.3.0\src\Tiny\TensorElements.h(54) : see declaration of 'Unwritable'

d:\pooma-2.3.0\src\Tiny\TensorElements.h(116) : see reference to class template instantiation 'TensorEngineElem<D,T,E,I,J,0>' being compiled

This was the only compiler error.

I haven't tried version 2.4 yet as I am not sure where to start and there are no IDE files to work from. Also some of the documentation does not seem to be up to date as it still refers to the IDE files and version 2.3.

I would be grateful for any help and advice you might be able to offer.

Thank you for your interest in POOMA.

I attach the latest version of TensorElements.h, which was last revised 2001Apr20 with this comment:

Moved definitions of helper classes Unwritable and Writable
above definition of class TensorElem, since TensorElem uses
objects of these types in member functions that are written
as in-class definitions.

Thus, I conjecture it will solve the difficulty you experienced.

Jeffrey D. Oldham
// -*- C++ -*-
// ACL:license
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// This software and ancillary information (herein called "SOFTWARE")
// called POOMA (Parallel Object-Oriented Methods and Applications) is
// made available under the terms described here.  The SOFTWARE has been
// approved for release with associated LA-CC Number LA-CC-98-65.
// Unless otherwise indicated, this SOFTWARE has been authored by an
// employee or employees of the University of California, operator of the
// Los Alamos National Laboratory under Contract No. W-7405-ENG-36 with
// the U.S. Department of Energy.  The U.S. Government has rights to use,
// reproduce, and distribute this SOFTWARE. The public may copy, distribute,
// prepare derivative works and publicly display this SOFTWARE without 
// charge, provided that this Notice and any statement of authorship are 
// reproduced on all copies.  Neither the Government nor the University 
// makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any liability or 
// responsibility for the use of this SOFTWARE.
// If SOFTWARE is modified to produce derivative works, such modified
// SOFTWARE should be clearly marked, so as not to confuse it with the
// version available from LANL.
// For more information about POOMA, send e-mail to address@hidden,
// or visit the POOMA web page at
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ACL:license


// Class: 
//    TensorElem

// Overview:
// Trait classes for getting elements of Tiny objects at compile time.

// Forward Declarations:

template<int D, class T, class E> class Tensor;
template<int D, class T, class E> class TensorEngine;
class Antisymmetric;
class Symmetric;
class Diagonal;

// Unwritable
// Trivial class for returning something that can't assigned into:
struct Unwritable
  // Assignment is not allowed; make it a no-op:
  // 1) Assign from any other type:
  template<class T>
  void operator=(const T&) { }
  // 2) Assign from another Unwritable:
  void operator=(const Unwritable&) { }

// Writable
// Returns true or false (compile-time value, really an enum = 0 or 1) for
// whether element (I,J) of a Tensor type is writable. In general, for example
// for Tensors using Full for their EngineTag parameter, this is always
// true. For a Diagonal Tensor, for example, it's false except when I=J.

// Generic (EngineTag) case, all elements writable:
template<int D, class E, int I, int J>
class Writable
  enum { value = 1 };

// Antisymmetric case, only elements (i,j) with i>j writable:
template<int D, int I, int J>
class Writable<D, Antisymmetric, I, J>
  enum { value = (I > J) };

// Symmetric case, only elements (i,j) with i>=j writable:
template<int D, int I, int J>
class Writable<D, Symmetric, I, J>
  enum { value = (I >= J) };

// Diagonal case, only elements (i,j) with i=j writable:
template<int D, int I, int J>
class Writable<D, Diagonal, I, J>
  enum { value = (I == J) };

// Full Description:
// The general templates for the class TensorElem.
// VectorElem should be specialized for Tensor-like classes.
// The general definition is for scalars which cannot be subscripted.  We also
// have specializations for tensors with arbitrary engines which just use
// operator() with both integers.  This is the fallback if a given engine type
// doesn't specify anything else.

template<class V, int I, int J>
struct TensorElem
  typedef       V  Element_t;
  typedef const V& ConstElementRef_t;
  typedef       V& ElementRef_t;
  static ConstElementRef_t get(const V& x) { return x; }
  static      ElementRef_t get(      V& x) { return x; }

// The "boolean" (really an int) parameter "B" in TensorEngineElem<> flags
// whether the I,J element is writable, according to the engine type. For Full
// engines, all are writable, for things like Antisymmetric, only some are
// writable. The external class Writable<> answers the question whether B is
// true or false, down in the TensorElem<> implementation below.

// General template; empty:
template<int D, class T, class E, int I, int J, int B=1>
struct TensorEngineElem

// Partial specialization for B=true (B=1); allows getting writable references:
template<int D, class T, class E, int I, int J>
struct TensorEngineElem<D, T, E, I, J, 1>
  typedef TensorEngine<D,T,E> V;
  typedef typename V::Element_t         Element_t;
  typedef typename V::CTConstElementRef_t ConstElementRef_t;
  typedef typename V::CTElementRef_t      ElementRef_t;
  static ConstElementRef_t get(const V& x) { return x.template getIJ<I,J>(); }
  static ElementRef_t      get(      V& x) { return x.template getIJ<I,J>(); }

// Partial specialization for B=false (B=0); returns dummy unwritable
// references (instances of the trivial Unwritable class, for which
// operator=(T) does nothing:
template<int D, class T, class E, int I, int J>
struct TensorEngineElem<D, T, E, I, J, 0>
  typedef TensorEngine<D,T,E> V;
  typedef typename V::Element_t         Element_t;
  typedef typename V::CTConstElementRef_t ConstElementRef_t;
  typedef Unwritable ElementRef_t;
  static ConstElementRef_t get(const V& x) { return x.template getIJ<I,J>(); }
  static ElementRef_t      get(      V& x) { return Unwritable(); }

template<int D, class T, class E, int I, int J>
struct TensorElem< Tensor<D,T,E> , I , J>
  typedef Tensor<D,T,E> V;
  typedef TensorEngineElem<D,T,E,I,J,Writable<D,E,I,J>::value> TE;
  typedef typename TE::Element_t         Element_t;
  typedef typename TE::ConstElementRef_t ConstElementRef_t;
  typedef typename TE::ElementRef_t      ElementRef_t;
  static ConstElementRef_t get(const V& x) { return TE::get(x.engine()); }
  static      ElementRef_t get(V& x)       { return TE::get(x.engine()); }

// TensorAssign
// Template metaprogram for copying out of one tensor and into another.
// Input:
//   The tensor we're writing into.
//   Something to copy out of.
// Evaluate by recursing on the quadrants of the tensor.

// The general case of copying divides the tensor into quadrants
// and calls copy on each quadrant.
// This will be applied if each axis of the tensor is larger than 1.

template<class T1, class T2, class Op, int B1, int L1, int B2, int L2>
struct TensorAssign
  enum { B11=B1 , L11=L1/2 , B12=B1+L1/2 , L12 = L1-L1/2 };
  enum { B21=B2 , L21=L2/2 , B22=B2+L2/2 , L22 = L2-L2/2 };
  static void apply(T1& x, const T2& y, Op op=Op())

// The case for a column.
// Divide the column in two, and recurse.

template<class T1, class T2, class Op, int B1, int L1, int B2>
struct TensorAssign<T1,T2,Op,B1,L1,B2,1>
  enum { B11=B1 , L11=L1/2 , B12=B1+L1/2 , L12 = L1-L1/2 };
  static void apply(T1& x, const T2& y, Op op=Op())

// The case for a row.
// Divide the row in two, and recurse.

template<class T1, class T2, class Op, int B1, int B2, int L2>
struct TensorAssign<T1,T2,Op,B1,1,B2,L2>
  enum { B21=B2 , L21=L2/2 , B22=B2+L2/2 , L22 = L2-L2/2 };
  static void apply(T1& x, const T2& y, Op op=Op())

// The case for a single element.
// Just do it.

template<class T1, class T2, class Op, int B1, int B2>
struct TensorAssign<T1,T2,Op,B1,1,B2,1>
  static void apply(T1& x, const T2& y,Op op=Op())
      op(TensorElem<T1,B1,B2>::get(x), TensorElem<T2,B1,B2>::get(y));

// The case for a two by two block.
// Just do it.

template<class T1, class T2, class Op, int B1, int B2>
struct TensorAssign<T1,T2,Op,B1,2,B2,2>
  static void apply(T1& x, const T2& y, Op op=Op())
      op(TensorElem<T1,B1  ,B2  >::get(x), TensorElem<T2,B1  ,B2  >::get(y));
      op(TensorElem<T1,B1+1,B2  >::get(x), TensorElem<T2,B1+1,B2  >::get(y));
      op(TensorElem<T1,B1  ,B2+1>::get(x), TensorElem<T2,B1  ,B2+1>::get(y));
      op(TensorElem<T1,B1+1,B2+1>::get(x), TensorElem<T2,B1+1,B2+1>::get(y));

// The case for a three by three block.
// Just do it.

template<class T1, class T2, class Op, int B1, int B2>
struct TensorAssign<T1,T2,Op,B1,3,B2,3>
  static void apply(T1& x, const T2& y, Op op=Op())
      op(TensorElem<T1,B1  ,B2  >::get(x), TensorElem<T2,B1  ,B2  >::get(y));
      op(TensorElem<T1,B1+1,B2  >::get(x), TensorElem<T2,B1+1,B2  >::get(y));
      op(TensorElem<T1,B1+2,B2  >::get(x), TensorElem<T2,B1+2,B2  >::get(y));
      op(TensorElem<T1,B1  ,B2+1>::get(x), TensorElem<T2,B1  ,B2+1>::get(y));
      op(TensorElem<T1,B1+1,B2+1>::get(x), TensorElem<T2,B1+1,B2+1>::get(y));
      op(TensorElem<T1,B1+2,B2+1>::get(x), TensorElem<T2,B1+2,B2+1>::get(y));
      op(TensorElem<T1,B1  ,B2+2>::get(x), TensorElem<T2,B1  ,B2+2>::get(y));
      op(TensorElem<T1,B1+1,B2+2>::get(x), TensorElem<T2,B1+1,B2+2>::get(y));
      op(TensorElem<T1,B1+2,B2+2>::get(x), TensorElem<T2,B1+2,B2+2>::get(y));

// TensorBinaryCombine
// The template parameters are:
// T0: The type for the destination tensor.
// T1: The type for the first source tensor.
// T2: The type for the second source tensor.
// Op: The type for the operator tag.
// B1: The beginning element for the first dimension.
// E1: The ending element for the first dimension
// B2: The beginning element for the second dimension.
// E2: The ending element for the second dimension
// The operator tag must have an operator() defined which
// takes in an element from each of the two source vectors
// and returns the element to be stored in the destination.
// The number of elements must be > 0.
// This metaprogram operates in D dimensions by recursing on the 
// quadrants of the tensor.

// The general case divides the tensor into quadrants.
// This will be applied if each axis of the tensor is larger than 1.

template<class X, class Y, class Z, class Op, int B1, int L1, int B2, int L2>
struct TensorBinaryCombine
  enum { B11=B1 , L11=L1/2 , B12=B1+L1/2 , L12 = L1-L1/2 };
  enum { B21=B2 , L21=L2/2 , B22=B2+L2/2 , L22 = L2-L2/2 };
  static void apply(X& x, const Y& y, const Z& z, Op op)

// The case for a column.
// Divide the column in two, and recurse.

template<class X, class Y, class Z, class Op, int B1, int L1, int B2>
struct TensorBinaryCombine<X,Y,Z,Op,B1,L1,B2,1>
  enum { B11=B1 , L11=L1/2 , B12=B1+L1/2 , L12 = L1-L1/2 };
  static void apply(X& x, const Y& y, const Z& z, Op op)

// The case for a row.
// Divide the row in two, and recurse.

template<class X, class Y, class Z, class Op, int B1, int B2, int L2>
struct TensorBinaryCombine<X,Y,Z,Op,B1,1,B2,L2>
  enum { B21=B2 , L21=L2/2 , B22=B2+L2/2 , L22 = L2-L2/2 };
  static void apply(X& x, const Y& y, const Z& z, Op op)

// The case for a single element.
// Just do it.

template<class X, class Y, class Z, class Op, int B1, int B2>
struct TensorBinaryCombine<X,Y,Z,Op,B1,1,B2,1>
  static void apply(X& x, const Y& y, const Z& z, Op op)
      TensorElem<X,B1,B2>::get(x) =

// The case of two by two elements.
// Just do it.

template<class X, class Y, class Z, class Op, int B1, int B2>
struct TensorBinaryCombine<X,Y,Z,Op,B1,2,B2,2>
  static void apply(X& x, const Y& y, const Z& z, Op op)
      TensorElem<X,B1  ,B2  >::get(x) = 
        op(TensorElem<Y,B1  ,B2  >::get(y),TensorElem<Z,B1  ,B2  >::get(z));
      TensorElem<X,B1+1,B2  >::get(x) = 
        op(TensorElem<Y,B1+1,B2  >::get(y),TensorElem<Z,B1+1,B2  >::get(z));
      TensorElem<X,B1  ,B2+1>::get(x) = 
        op(TensorElem<Y,B1  ,B2+1>::get(y),TensorElem<Z,B1  ,B2+1>::get(z));
      TensorElem<X,B1+1,B2+1>::get(x) = 

// The case of three by three elements.
// Just do it.

template<class X, class Y, class Z, class Op, int B1, int B2>
struct TensorBinaryCombine<X,Y,Z,Op,B1,3,B2,3>
  static void apply(X& x, const Y& y, const Z& z, Op op)
      TensorElem<X,B1  ,B2  >::get(x) = 
        op(TensorElem<Y,B1  ,B2  >::get(y),TensorElem<Z,B1  ,B2  >::get(z));
      TensorElem<X,B1+1,B2  >::get(x) = 
        op(TensorElem<Y,B1+1,B2  >::get(y),TensorElem<Z,B1+1,B2  >::get(z));
      TensorElem<X,B1+2,B2  >::get(x) = 
        op(TensorElem<Y,B1+2,B2  >::get(y),TensorElem<Z,B1+2,B2  >::get(z));
      TensorElem<X,B1  ,B2+1>::get(x) = 
        op(TensorElem<Y,B1  ,B2+1>::get(y),TensorElem<Z,B1  ,B2+1>::get(z));
      TensorElem<X,B1+1,B2+1>::get(x) = 
      TensorElem<X,B1+2,B2+1>::get(x) = 
      TensorElem<X,B1  ,B2+2>::get(x) = 
        op(TensorElem<Y,B1  ,B2+2>::get(y),TensorElem<Z,B1  ,B2+2>::get(z));
      TensorElem<X,B1+1,B2+2>::get(x) = 
      TensorElem<X,B1+2,B2+2>::get(x) = 


// ACL:rcsinfo
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// $RCSfile: TensorElements.h,v $   $Author: cummings $
// $Revision: 1.15 $   $Date: 2001/04/20 20:01:26 $
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ACL:rcsinfo

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