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[FR-devel] update to the 'commands' slot under components

From: Rich Kilmer
Subject: [FR-devel] update to the 'commands' slot under components
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2002 23:53:14 -0500


Per Laurent I've updated the renderers to have methods for each
'commands' slot that a GUI renderer 'implements'...and changed the term
'commands' to 'actions' so as not to have confusion with Command

Right now, some GUI components present an object API that is fullfilled
by a renderer through a set of databus slots via mounted Procs.  So,
under editpane we have this method:


which does:


Then in EditPaneRenderFox we have:

def cut
  ... send command to scintilla control to perform cut

slot['actions/cut'].set_proc method(:cut)

Now when editpane.cut is called, and it calls the proc slot, it calls
the method 'cut' on EditPaneRenderFox!  What is cool is the 'method'
method returns a Method object which presents the same invocation
interface ('call', 'arity') as can be stored directly in a
Proc slot.

This is essentially how it works, the details take into account some
syntactic sugar, but I think:

A) The term "actions" is a better word than "commands"
B) Having each implemented action in its own method in
   the renderer is easier to edit/document.
C) Thanks for the push Laurent :-)

This is all committed to CVS.


Rich Kilmer, InfoEther LLC
trap("SIGINT") { raise [104, 101, 108, 108].pack("cccc") }

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