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Re: [ft-devel] Z/OS status

From: Werner LEMBERG
Subject: Re: [ft-devel] Z/OS status
Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2006 20:53:46 +0200 (CEST)

> What's the status of FreeType on z/os?

This is EBCDIC, right?  I believe that is the reason of your problems.

All FreeType source files which contain character constants like 'A',
must preserve those constants as ASCII values, because FreeType always
opens files in binary mode.  In particular, TrueType tags must be
handled as such, which currently isn't the case.

Is there a possibility for the z/OS compiler to select the encoding of
an input file?  This would be the easiest solution.

Otherwise I could also imagine that we provide a script which converts
strings and character constants to the right (ASCII) value, this is,
replacing everything with character code values using the \x notation.

> Any ideas what might be wrong, or how I can get further with this?

In case z/OS is no longer EBCDIC, please call your test program with

  FT2_DEBUG=any:7 your_program &> your_program.log


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