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Re: [ft-devel] Glyph bitmap size question

From: Mark Jackson
Subject: Re: [ft-devel] Glyph bitmap size question
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2007 20:35:01 +0000
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20071031)

So how come (in my case) it's *more* than the point size ?

I understand that with a descender, the bitmap rows may be bigger than the point size, but I thought the point size was the height of a normal capital letter (or am I completely wrong !?!).

Does the DPI setting make a difference ? Should I use 72 or 96dpi instead of 100 ?


Graham Asher wrote:
Yes - the number of rows is the height of the glyph bitmap in pixels, which
is usually less than the point size and need never equal it.


-----Original Message-----
From: address@hidden
[mailto:address@hidden On
Behalf Of Mark Jackson
Sent: 15 November 2007 20:25
To: address@hidden
Subject: [ft-devel] Glyph bitmap size question

When I render the letter 'R' (or any other capital letter with no descenders) into a glyph using ...

FT_Set_Char_Size(ftFace, 24 * 64, 0, 100, 0); // set 24 point size @ 100dpi
ftSlot = ftFace->glyph;
FT_Load_Char(ftFace, text[n], FT_LOAD_RENDER);
nRows = ftSlot->bitmaps.rows;

should I expect nRows to equal the point size, i.e. 24 ?

If not, why not ? Am I missing some crucial way in which the fonts are rendered ?

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