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Re: [ft-devel] porting: Where should i start debugging

From: Werner LEMBERG
Subject: Re: [ft-devel] porting: Where should i start debugging
Date: Sat, 03 Mar 2018 09:22:24 +0100 (CET)

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> I am porting freetype to a "bare or rtos" system.  This system
> supports fat file system and has "malloc" family routines.
> Here is build log for this target:
> Here is build log on my pc, Ubuntu GNU/Linux:

This looks OK.

> Here is my test program:

This has problems, see below.

> FT_Load_Char: error=6
> FT_Load_Char: error=6
> FT_Load_Char: error=6
> FT_Load_Char: error=6
> FT_Load_Char: error=6
> FT_Load_Char: error=6
> Where should I start debugging?

* Your `dump_bitmap' version only produces crap for bitmap fonts (the
  original function in the sample code doesn't work either, BTW – I've
  just added a comment to `example1.c').  Reason is that you don't
  check the buffer format of `slot->bitmap->pixel_mode', which is
  FT_PIXEL_MODE_MONO in this case (meaning 8 pixels per byte).

* `FT_Load_Char' doesn't work for `gbst16.pcf' as expected.  Reason is
  that this font is not encoded in Unicode (it is rather using GB2312
  encoding), thus FreeType can't set up a cmap.  In this case,
  `FT_Load_Char' behaves like `FT_Load_Glyph', this is, it handles the
  input character codes as glyph indices.

  You have to manually convert input character codes to glyph indices
  (for example, using `iconv'), then using `FT_Load_Glyph'.


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