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Re: [Gchempaint-main] Re: building gchempaint with openbabel?

From: Jean Bréfort
Subject: Re: [Gchempaint-main] Re: building gchempaint with openbabel?
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2003 08:06:09 +0100
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Pav Lucistnik wrote:

On st, 2003-03-19 at 07:10, Jean Bréfort wrote:

Another issue - in gchempaint, I get lots of GTK errors on console when
I'm rightclicking in drawing area. Some even leads to crash.

I have not this problem but it is not so surprising. I have written some code to use rightclicking in the future for diplaying properties boxes and contextual menus, but at the moment nothing exists. What version are you using?


OK, 0.3.1 is very very unstable. I'll release 0.3.2 as soon as possible. Before that you can try the cvs version where many bugs have been fixed.

Do you have any reports how gchempaint works under XFree86 4.3, under
NVIDIA binary drivers (glx extension), or under combination of both?
Or have you met the issue that drawing space is empty and no floating
toolbar's icons are displayed, but regular toolbar (with new, open,
close) and menus are working ok? It's happens on one of my boxes,
FreeBSD 4.8-RC, XFree86 4.3, NVIDIA binary driver, all latest libraries
of GNOME2... I was looking into it for two days and found no solution.
I use XFree86 4.3 on my two boxes and have no problem. One of the two has an NVidia GeForce4 and I use it without the NVIDIA driver and without any problem (with 4.2 the NVIDIA driver was necessary). I am aware of an empty window problem in Gnome Crystal (and Gnome Chemistry Utils) with XFree86 4.2 without the NVIDIA driver (due to OpenGL problems) but it is the first time I hear of such a thing for GChemPaint which use the Gnome canvas for drawing. I don't use the latest Gnome libraries (I did not find the time to compile them) but I hope it will be the case next week end. Hopefully, your problem comes from the 0.3.1 version. If it persists with the cvs or 0.3.2, run GChemPaint from a terminal to see if some message or warning is displayed and tell me.

Best regards,


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