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[Geiser-users] Image directory: geiser or org-mode issue?

From: Lawrence Bottorff
Subject: [Geiser-users] Image directory: geiser or org-mode issue?
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2017 15:36:10 -0400

I'm doing this with org-mode and geiser (latest elpa versions of both):

#+begin_src scheme :session mainsession :exports both :tangle yes :cache yes
(require math/flonum)
(require plot)
(plot3d (contour-intervals3d (λ (b x) (fllogb (fl b) (fl x))) 0 4 0 4)
          #:x-label "b" #:y-label "x")

with this result:

#+RESULTS[2d14189b00fd486def9082476fc9eabffb48c337]: 3d-plot-1
: "#<Image: /var/tmp/geiser-img-15035167321503516732263.png>"

Now, can I control where this image is sent? If so, is this an org-mode thing, or is it controlled by geiser?


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