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[Getfem-commits] (no subject)

From: Yves Renard
Subject: [Getfem-commits] (no subject)
Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2018 07:13:25 -0400 (EDT)

branch: devel-yves-generic-assembly-modifs
commit 764aa535c3bc4d970d15414fdf619c536edbdfee
Author: Yves Renard <address@hidden>
Date:   Fri Apr 27 13:12:45 2018 +0200

    splitting of the giant file, work in progress
 src/                                    |     7 +
 src/getfem/getfem_generic_assembly.h               |     4 +-
 .../getfem_generic_assembly_compile_and_exec.h     |   217 +
 ...tfem_generic_assembly_functions_and_operators.h |   111 +
 src/getfem/getfem_generic_assembly_semantic.h      |   117 +
 src/getfem/getfem_generic_assembly_tree.h          |   472 +
 src/                     | 14944 ++++++------------- |   645 +
 src/            |  3187 ++++
 src/                |  1597 ++
 10 files changed, 10830 insertions(+), 10471 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index d5700cf..30ed222 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -110,6 +110,10 @@ nobase_include_HEADERS =                                   
        getfem/getfem_assembling.h                      \
        getfem/getfem_assembling_tensors.h              \
        getfem/getfem_generic_assembly.h                \
+       getfem/getfem_generic_assembly_tree.h           \
+       getfem/getfem_generic_assembly_functions_and_operators.h \
+       getfem/getfem_generic_assembly_semantic.h       \
+       getfem/getfem_generic_assembly_compile_and_exec.h \
        getfem/getfem_context.h                         \
        getfem/getfem_config.h                          \
        getfem/getfem_interpolation.h                   \
@@ -220,6 +224,9 @@ SRC =                                               \                                \                    \                      \
+                 \
+ \
+             \                                \                          \                  \
diff --git a/src/getfem/getfem_generic_assembly.h 
index 045451c..1d8d1b9 100644
--- a/src/getfem/getfem_generic_assembly.h
+++ b/src/getfem/getfem_generic_assembly.h
@@ -72,7 +72,9 @@ namespace getfem {
   typedef gmm::row_matrix<model_complex_sparse_vector>
+  // 0 : ok
+  // 1 : function or operator name or "X"
+  // 2 : reserved prefix Grad, Hess, Div, Test and Test2
   int ga_check_name_validity(const std::string &name);
diff --git a/src/getfem/getfem_generic_assembly_compile_and_exec.h 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66f8757
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/getfem/getfem_generic_assembly_compile_and_exec.h
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Yves Renard
+ This file is a part of GetFEM++
+ GetFEM++  is  free software;  you  can  redistribute  it  and/or modify it
+ under  the  terms  of the  GNU  Lesser General Public License as published
+ by  the  Free Software Foundation;  either version 3 of the License,  or
+ (at your option) any later version along with the GCC Runtime Library
+ Exception either version 3.1 or (at your option) any later version.
+ This program  is  distributed  in  the  hope  that it will be useful,  but
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ or  FITNESS  FOR  A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License and GCC Runtime Library Exception for more details.
+ You  should  have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ along  with  this program;  if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
+ As a special exception, you  may use  this file  as it is a part of a free
+ software  library  without  restriction.  Specifically,  if   other  files
+ instantiate  templates  or  use macros or inline functions from this file,
+ or  you compile this  file  and  link  it  with other files  to produce an
+ executable, this file  does  not  by itself cause the resulting executable
+ to be covered  by the GNU Lesser General Public License.  This   exception
+ does not  however  invalidate  any  other  reasons why the executable file
+ might be covered by the GNU Lesser General Public License.
+/** @file   getfem_generic_assembly_tree.h
+    @author Yves Renard <address@hidden>
+    @date   November 18, 2013.
+    @brief  Compilation and execution operations. */
+#include "getfem/getfem_generic_assembly_semantic.h"
+namespace getfem {
+  class ga_if_hierarchy : public std::vector<size_type> {
+  public:
+    void increment() { (back())++; }
+    void child_of(const ga_if_hierarchy &gih)
+    { *this = gih; push_back(0); }
+    bool is_compatible(const std::list<ga_if_hierarchy> &gihl) {
+      std::list<ga_if_hierarchy>::const_iterator it = gihl.begin();
+      for (; it != gihl.end(); ++it) {
+        if (it->size() <= size()) {
+          bool ok = true;
+          for (size_type i = 0; i+1 < it->size(); ++i)
+            if ((*it)[i] != (*this)[i]) { ok = false; break; }
+          if (it->back() > (*this)[it->size()-1]) { ok = false; break; }
+          if (ok) return true;
+        }
+      }
+      return false;
+    }
+    ga_if_hierarchy() : std::vector<size_type>(1) { (*this)[0] = 0; }
+  };
+  struct ga_instruction {
+    virtual int exec() = 0;
+    virtual ~ga_instruction() {};
+  };
+  typedef std::shared_ptr<ga_instruction> pga_instruction;
+  typedef std::vector<pga_instruction> ga_instruction_list;
+  struct gauss_pt_corresp { // For neighbour interpolation transformation
+    bgeot::pgeometric_trans pgt1, pgt2;
+    papprox_integration pai;
+    std::vector<size_type> nodes;
+  };
+  bool operator <(const gauss_pt_corresp &gpc1,
+                  const gauss_pt_corresp &gpc2) {
+    if (gpc1.pai != gpc2.pai)
+      return (gpc1.pai  <  gpc2.pai );
+    if (gpc1.nodes.size() !=  gpc2.nodes.size())
+      return (gpc1.nodes.size() < gpc2.nodes.size());
+    for (size_type i = 0; i < gpc1.nodes.size(); ++i)
+      if (gpc1.nodes[i] != gpc2.nodes[i])
+        return (gpc1.nodes[i] < gpc2.nodes[i]);
+    if (gpc1.pgt1 != gpc2.pgt1)
+      return (gpc1.pgt1 <  gpc2.pgt1);
+    if (gpc1.pgt2 !=  gpc2.pgt2)
+      return (gpc1.pgt2 <  gpc2.pgt2);
+    return false;
+  }
+  struct ga_instruction_set {
+    papprox_integration pai;       // Current approximation method
+    fem_interpolation_context ctx; // Current fem interpolation context.
+    base_small_vector Normal;      // Outward unit normal vector to the
+                                   // boundary in case of boundary integration
+    scalar_type elt_size;          // Estimate of the diameter of the element
+                                   // if needed.
+    bool need_elt_size;
+    scalar_type coeff;             // Coefficient for the Gauss point
+    size_type nbpt, ipt;           // Number and index of Gauss point
+    bgeot::geotrans_precomp_pool gp_pool;
+    fem_precomp_pool fp_pool;
+    std::map<gauss_pt_corresp, bgeot::pstored_point_tab> neighbour_corresp;
+    struct region_mim : std::pair<const mesh_im *, const mesh_region *> {
+      const mesh_im* mim() const { return this->first; }
+      const mesh_region* region() const { return this->second; }
+      region_mim(const mesh_im *mim_, const mesh_region *region_) :
+        std::pair<const mesh_im *, const mesh_region *>(mim_, region_) {}
+    };
+    std::map<std::string, const base_vector *> extended_vars;
+    std::map<std::string, base_vector> really_extended_vars;
+    std::map<std::string, gmm::sub_interval> var_intervals;
+    size_type nb_dof, max_dof;
+    struct variable_group_info {
+      const mesh_fem *mf;
+      gmm::sub_interval Ir, In;
+      scalar_type alpha;
+      const base_vector *U;
+      const std::string *varname;
+      variable_group_info() : mf(0), U(0), varname(0) {}
+    };
+    struct interpolate_info {
+      size_type pt_type;
+      bool has_ctx;
+      const mesh *m;
+      fem_interpolation_context ctx;
+      base_node pt_y;
+      base_small_vector Normal;
+      base_matrix G;
+      std::map<std::string, variable_group_info> groups_info;
+      std::map<var_trans_pair, base_tensor> derivatives;
+      std::map<const mesh_fem *, pfem_precomp> pfps;
+    };
+    struct elementary_trans_info {
+      base_matrix M;
+      const mesh_fem *mf;
+      size_type icv;
+    };
+    std::set<std::string> transformations;
+    struct region_mim_instructions {
+      const mesh *m;
+      ga_if_hierarchy current_hierarchy;
+      std::map<std::string, base_vector> local_dofs;
+      std::map<const mesh_fem *, pfem_precomp> pfps;
+      std::map<const mesh_fem *, base_tensor> base;
+      std::map<const mesh_fem *, std::list<ga_if_hierarchy>> base_hierarchy;
+      std::map<const mesh_fem *, base_tensor> grad;
+      std::map<const mesh_fem *, std::list<ga_if_hierarchy>> grad_hierarchy;
+      std::map<const mesh_fem *, base_tensor> hess;
+      std::map<const mesh_fem *, std::list<ga_if_hierarchy>> hess_hierarchy;
+      std::map<const mesh_fem *, base_tensor>
+        xfem_plus_base,  xfem_plus_grad,  xfem_plus_hess,
+        xfem_minus_base, xfem_minus_grad, xfem_minus_hess;
+      std::map<const mesh_fem *, std::list<ga_if_hierarchy>>
+        xfem_plus_base_hierarchy,  xfem_plus_grad_hierarchy,
+        xfem_plus_hess_hierarchy,  xfem_minus_base_hierarchy,
+        xfem_minus_grad_hierarchy, xfem_minus_hess_hierarchy;
+      std::map<std::string, std::set<std::string>> transformations;
+      std::set<std::string> transformations_der;
+      std::map<std::string, interpolate_info> interpolate_infos;
+      std::map<std::string, elementary_trans_info> elementary_trans_infos;
+      // Instructions being executed at the first Gauss point after
+      // a change of integration method only.
+      ga_instruction_list begin_instructions;
+      // Instructions executed once per element
+      ga_instruction_list elt_instructions;
+      // Instructions executed on each integration/interpolation point
+      ga_instruction_list instructions;
+      std::map<scalar_type, std::list<pga_tree_node> > node_list;
+      region_mim_instructions(): m(0) {}
+    };
+    std::list<ga_tree> trees; // The trees are stored mainly because they
+                              // contain the intermediary tensors.
+    std::list<ga_tree> interpolation_trees;
+    typedef std::map<region_mim, region_mim_instructions> instructions_set;
+    instructions_set  whole_instructions;
+    ga_instruction_set() { max_dof = nb_dof = 0; need_elt_size = false; ipt=0; 
+  };
+  void ga_exec(ga_instruction_set &gis, ga_workspace &workspace);
+  void ga_function_exec(ga_instruction_set &gis);
+  void ga_compile(ga_workspace &workspace, ga_instruction_set &gis,
+                         size_type order);
+  void ga_compile_function(ga_workspace &workspace,
+                                  ga_instruction_set &gis, bool scalar);
+} /* end of namespace */
diff --git a/src/getfem/getfem_generic_assembly_functions_and_operators.h 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9039a7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/getfem/getfem_generic_assembly_functions_and_operators.h
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Yves Renard
+ This file is a part of GetFEM++
+ GetFEM++  is  free software;  you  can  redistribute  it  and/or modify it
+ under  the  terms  of the  GNU  Lesser General Public License as published
+ by  the  Free Software Foundation;  either version 3 of the License,  or
+ (at your option) any later version along with the GCC Runtime Library
+ Exception either version 3.1 or (at your option) any later version.
+ This program  is  distributed  in  the  hope  that it will be useful,  but
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ or  FITNESS  FOR  A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License and GCC Runtime Library Exception for more details.
+ You  should  have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ along  with  this program;  if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
+ As a special exception, you  may use  this file  as it is a part of a free
+ software  library  without  restriction.  Specifically,  if   other  files
+ instantiate  templates  or  use macros or inline functions from this file,
+ or  you compile this  file  and  link  it  with other files  to produce an
+ executable, this file  does  not  by itself cause the resulting executable
+ to be covered  by the GNU Lesser General Public License.  This   exception
+ does not  however  invalidate  any  other  reasons why the executable file
+ might be covered by the GNU Lesser General Public License.
+/** @file   getfem_generic_assembly_tree.h
+    @author Yves Renard <address@hidden>
+    @date   November 18, 2013.
+    @brief  Definition of functions and basic operators of the assembly 
+ */
+#include "getfem/getfem_generic_assembly_tree.h"
+namespace getfem {
+  struct ga_instruction_set;
+  using instruction_set = omp_distribute<ga_instruction_set>;
+  class ga_predef_function {
+    size_type ftype_; // 0 : C++ function with C++ derivative(s)
+                      // 1 : function defined by an string expression.
+    size_type dtype_; // 0 : no derivative(s)
+                      // 1 : derivative(s) given by C++ functions
+                      // 2 : derivatives(s) given by string expression(s)
+                      // 3 : derivatives(s) to be symbolically computed.
+    size_type nbargs_;         // One or two arguments
+    pscalar_func_onearg f1_;   // Function pointer for a one argument function
+    pscalar_func_twoargs f2_;  // Function pointer for a two arguments function
+    std::string expr_;
+    std::string derivative1_, derivative2_;
+    mutable omp_distribute<base_vector> t, u;
+    mutable omp_distribute<ga_workspace> workspace;
+    copyable_ptr<instruction_set> gis;
+    friend void ga_define_function(const std::string &name, size_type nbargs,
+                                   const std::string &expr,
+                                   const std::string &der1,
+                                   const std::string &der2);
+    friend void ga_define_function(const std::string &name,
+                                   pscalar_func_onearg f,
+                                   const std::string &der);
+    friend void ga_define_function(const std::string &name,
+                                   pscalar_func_twoargs f,
+                                   const std::string &der1,
+                                   const std::string &der2);
+  public:
+    scalar_type operator()(scalar_type t_, scalar_type u_ = 0.) const;
+    bool is_affine(const std::string &varname) const;
+    size_type ftype() const {return ftype_;}
+    size_type dtype() const {return dtype_;}
+    size_type nbargs() const {return nbargs_;}
+    const std::string &derivative1() const {return derivative1_;}
+    const std::string &derivative2() const {return derivative2_;}
+    const std::string &expr() const {return expr_;}
+    pscalar_func_onearg f1() const {return f1_;}
+    pscalar_func_twoargs f2() const {return f2_;}
+    ga_predef_function() : expr_(""), derivative1_(""),
+                           derivative2_(""), gis(nullptr) {}
+    ga_predef_function(pscalar_func_onearg f, size_type dtype__ = 0,
+                       const std::string &der = "")
+      : ftype_(0), dtype_(dtype__), nbargs_(1), f1_(f), expr_(""),
+        derivative1_(der), derivative2_("") {}
+    ga_predef_function(pscalar_func_twoargs f, size_type dtype__ = 0,
+                       const std::string &der1 = "",
+                       const std::string &der2 = "")
+      : ftype_(0), dtype_(dtype__), nbargs_(2), f2_(f),
+        expr_(""), derivative1_(der1), derivative2_(der2), gis(nullptr) {}
+    ga_predef_function(const std::string &expr__)
+      : ftype_(1), dtype_(3), nbargs_(1), expr_(expr__),
+        derivative1_(""), derivative2_(""), t(1, 0.), u(1, 0.), gis(nullptr) {}
+  };
+  typedef std::map<std::string, ga_predef_function> ga_predef_function_tab;
+} /* end of namespace */
diff --git a/src/getfem/getfem_generic_assembly_semantic.h 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c3939a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/getfem/getfem_generic_assembly_semantic.h
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Yves Renard
+ This file is a part of GetFEM++
+ GetFEM++  is  free software;  you  can  redistribute  it  and/or modify it
+ under  the  terms  of the  GNU  Lesser General Public License as published
+ by  the  Free Software Foundation;  either version 3 of the License,  or
+ (at your option) any later version along with the GCC Runtime Library
+ Exception either version 3.1 or (at your option) any later version.
+ This program  is  distributed  in  the  hope  that it will be useful,  but
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ or  FITNESS  FOR  A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License and GCC Runtime Library Exception for more details.
+ You  should  have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ along  with  this program;  if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
+ As a special exception, you  may use  this file  as it is a part of a free
+ software  library  without  restriction.  Specifically,  if   other  files
+ instantiate  templates  or  use macros or inline functions from this file,
+ or  you compile this  file  and  link  it  with other files  to produce an
+ executable, this file  does  not  by itself cause the resulting executable
+ to be covered  by the GNU Lesser General Public License.  This   exception
+ does not  however  invalidate  any  other  reasons why the executable file
+ might be covered by the GNU Lesser General Public License.
+/** @file   getfem_generic_assembly_semantic.h
+    @author Yves Renard <address@hidden>
+    @date   November 18, 2013.
+    @brief  Semantic analysis of assembly trees and semantic manipulations.
+ */
+#include "getfem/getfem_generic_assembly_tree.h"
+namespace getfem {
+  /* Performs the semantic analysis, tree simplification and tree enrichment
+     - Control tensor sizes for operations, operator or function call
+     - Compute all constant operations (i.e. non element dependent)
+     - Build a ready to use tree for derivation/compilation
+     option = 0 : strict analysis,
+              1 : do not complain about incompatible test functions but
+                  store them,
+             2 : cut incompatible test function branches with respect to the
+                  one in workspace.selected_pair
+              3 : do not complain about incompatible test functions neither
+                  store them.
+  */
+  void ga_semantic_analysis(const std::string &expr, ga_tree &tree,
+                           const ga_workspace &workspace,
+                           size_type meshdim,
+                           size_type ref_elt_dim,
+                           bool eval_fixed_size,
+                           bool ignore_X, int option);
+  /* Extract the variables used in a sub-tree, ignoring or not the data.
+     Variable groups are taken into account. Return if at least one variable
+     as been detected or not */
+  bool ga_extract_variables(const pga_tree_node pnode,
+                           const ga_workspace &workspace,
+                           const mesh &m,
+                           std::set<var_trans_pair> &vars,
+                           bool ignore_data);
+  /* Extract a sub tree which consists of the corresponding node and of
+     the terms multiplying this term, but not the term in addition.
+     The aim is to expand an expression is a sum of elementary factors.
+     Complains if a nonlinear term is encountered. */
+  void ga_extract_factor(ga_tree &result_tree, pga_tree_node pnode,
+                        pga_tree_node &new_pnode);
+  /* Extract the constant term of degree 1 expressions. */
+  bool ga_node_extract_constant_term
+  (ga_tree &tree, pga_tree_node pnode, const ga_workspace &workspace,
+   const mesh &m);
+  /* Extract the Neumann term of an assembly tree with respect to a variable. 
+  void ga_extract_Neumann_term
+  (ga_tree &tree, const std::string &varname,
+   ga_workspace &workspace, pga_tree_node pnode, std::string &result);
+  /* Derivation of the tree with respect to a variable.
+     The tree is modified and should be copied first and passed to
+     ga_semantic_analysis after for enrichment. */
+  void ga_derivative(ga_tree &tree, const ga_workspace &workspace,
+                            const mesh &m, const std::string &varname,
+                            const std::string &interpolatename,
+                            size_type order);
+  std::string ga_derivative_scalar_function(const std::string &expr,
+                                           const std::string &var);
+  bool ga_is_affine(const ga_tree &tree, const ga_workspace &workspace,
+                   const std::string &varname,
+                   const std::string &interpolatename);
+  // Function of internal use
+  inline size_type ref_elt_dim_of_mesh(const mesh &m) {
+    return m.convex_index().card() ?
+      m.trans_of_convex(m.convex_index().first())->dim() : size_type(0);
+  }
+} /* end of namespace */
diff --git a/src/getfem/getfem_generic_assembly_tree.h 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85b99dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/getfem/getfem_generic_assembly_tree.h
@@ -0,0 +1,472 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Yves Renard
+ This file is a part of GetFEM++
+ GetFEM++  is  free software;  you  can  redistribute  it  and/or modify it
+ under  the  terms  of the  GNU  Lesser General Public License as published
+ by  the  Free Software Foundation;  either version 3 of the License,  or
+ (at your option) any later version along with the GCC Runtime Library
+ Exception either version 3.1 or (at your option) any later version.
+ This program  is  distributed  in  the  hope  that it will be useful,  but
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ or  FITNESS  FOR  A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License and GCC Runtime Library Exception for more details.
+ You  should  have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ along  with  this program;  if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
+ As a special exception, you  may use  this file  as it is a part of a free
+ software  library  without  restriction.  Specifically,  if   other  files
+ instantiate  templates  or  use macros or inline functions from this file,
+ or  you compile this  file  and  link  it  with other files  to produce an
+ executable, this file  does  not  by itself cause the resulting executable
+ to be covered  by the GNU Lesser General Public License.  This   exception
+ does not  however  invalidate  any  other  reasons why the executable file
+ might be covered by the GNU Lesser General Public License.
+/** @file   getfem_generic_assembly_tree.h
+    @author Yves Renard <address@hidden>
+    @date   November 18, 2013.
+    @brief  Definition of the syntax tree and basic operations on it.
+            Internal header for the generic assembly language part. 
+ */
+#include "getfem/getfem_generic_assembly.h"
+#include "getfem/getfem_models.h"
+#include "gmm/gmm_blas.h"
+#include <iomanip>
+#include "getfem/getfem_omp.h"
+#include "getfem/dal_singleton.h"
+#include "getfem/bgeot_rtree.h"
+#include "getfem/bgeot_geotrans_inv.h"
+#include "getfem/getfem_copyable_ptr.h"
+#ifndef _WIN32
+extern "C"{
+#include <unistd.h>
+// #define GA_USES_BLAS // not so interesting, at least for debian blas
+// #define GA_DEBUG_INFO(a) { cout << a << endl; }
+#define GA_DEBUG_INFO(a)
+#define GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(a, b) GMM_ASSERT1(a, b)
+// #define GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(a, b)
+#if 1
+#  define GA_TIC
+#  define GA_TOC(a)
+#  define GA_TOCTIC(a)
+#  define GA_TIC scalar_type _ga_time_ = gmm::uclock_sec();
+#  define GA_TOC(a) { cout <<(a)<<" : "<<gmm::uclock_sec()-_ga_time_<< endl; }
+#  define GA_TOCTIC(a) { GA_TOC(a); _ga_time_ = gmm::uclock_sec(); }
+namespace getfem {
+  // Basic token types (basic language components)
+  enum GA_TOKEN_TYPE {
+    GA_INVALID = 0, // invalid token
+    GA_END,         // string end
+    GA_NAME,        // A variable or user defined nonlinear function name
+    GA_SCALAR,      // A real number
+    GA_PLUS,        // '+'
+    GA_MINUS,       // '-'
+    GA_UNARY_MINUS, // '-'
+    GA_MULT,        // '*'
+    GA_DIV,         // '/'
+    GA_COLON,       // ':'
+    GA_QUOTE,       // ''' transpose
+    GA_SYM,         // 'Sym' operator
+    GA_SKEW,        // 'Skew' operator
+    GA_TRACE,       // 'Trace' operator
+    GA_DEVIATOR,    // 'Deviator' operator
+    GA_INTERPOLATE, // 'Interpolate' operation
+    GA_INTERPOLATE_FILTER, // 'Interpolate_filter' operation
+    GA_ELEMENTARY,  // 'Elementary' operation (operation at the element level)
+    GA_XFEM_PLUS,   // �valuation on the + side of a level-set for 
+    GA_XFEM_MINUS,  // �valuation on the - side of a level-set for 
+    GA_PRINT,       // 'Print' Print the tensor
+    GA_DOT,         // '.'
+    GA_DOTMULT,     // '.*' componentwise multiplication
+    GA_DOTDIV,      // './' componentwise division
+    GA_TMULT,       // '@' tensor product
+    GA_COMMA,       // ','
+    GA_DCOMMA,      // ',,'
+    GA_SEMICOLON,   // ';'
+    GA_DSEMICOLON,  // ';;'
+    GA_LPAR,        // '('
+    GA_RPAR,        // ')'
+    GA_LBRACKET,    // '['
+    GA_RBRACKET,    // ']'
+  };
+  // Detects Grad_, Hess_ or Div_
+  size_type ga_parse_prefix_operator(std::string &name);
+  // Detects Test_ and Test2_
+  size_type ga_parse_prefix_test(std::string &name);
+  // Types of nodes for the syntax tree
+  enum GA_NODE_TYPE {
+    GA_NODE_VOID = 0,
+    GA_NODE_OP,
+    GA_NODE_X,
+  // Print error message indicating the position in the assembly string
+  void ga_throw_error_msg(const std::string &expr, size_type pos,
+                         const std::string &msg);
+# define ga_throw_error(expr, pos, msg)               \
+  { std::stringstream ss; ss << msg;                 \
+    ga_throw_error_msg(expr, pos, ss.str());         \
+    GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Error in assembly string" );  \
+  }
+  // Structure for the tensor associated with a tree node
+  struct assembly_tensor {
+    bool is_copied;
+    int sparsity_; // 0: plain, 1: vectorized base, 2: vectorised grad, ...
+    size_type qdim_; // Dimension of the vectorization for sparsity tensors
+    base_tensor t;
+    assembly_tensor *tensor_copied;
+    const base_tensor &org_tensor() const
+    { return is_copied ? tensor_copied->org_tensor() : t; }
+    base_tensor &org_tensor()
+    { return is_copied ? tensor_copied->org_tensor() : t; }
+    const base_tensor &tensor() const
+    { return (is_copied ? tensor_copied->tensor() : t); }
+    base_tensor &tensor()
+    { return (is_copied ? tensor_copied->tensor() : t); }
+    void set_sparsity(int sp, size_type q)
+    { sparsity_ = sp; qdim_ = q; }
+    size_type qdim() { return is_copied ? tensor_copied->qdim() : qdim_; }
+    int sparsity() const
+    { return is_copied ? tensor_copied->sparsity() : sparsity_; }
+    inline void set_to_original() { is_copied = false; }
+    inline void set_to_copy(assembly_tensor &t_) {
+      is_copied = true; sparsity_ = t_.sparsity_; qdim_ = t_.qdim_;
+      t = t_.org_tensor(); tensor_copied = &(t_);
+    }
+    inline void adjust_sizes(const bgeot::multi_index &ssizes)
+    { t.adjust_sizes(ssizes); }
+    inline void adjust_sizes()
+    { if (t.sizes().size() || t.size() != 1) t.init(); }
+    inline void adjust_sizes(size_type i)
+    { if (t.sizes().size() != 1 || t.sizes()[0] != i) t.init(i); }
+    inline void adjust_sizes(size_type i, size_type j) {
+      if (t.sizes().size() != 2 || t.sizes()[0] != i || t.sizes()[1] != j)
+        t.init(i, j);
+    }
+    inline void adjust_sizes(size_type i, size_type j, size_type k) {
+      if (t.sizes().size() != 3 || t.sizes()[0] != i || t.sizes()[1] != j
+          || t.sizes()[2] != k)
+        t.init(i, j, k);
+    }
+    inline void adjust_sizes(size_type i, size_type j,
+                             size_type k, size_type l) {
+      if (t.sizes().size() != 3 || t.sizes()[0] != i || t.sizes()[1] != j
+          || t.sizes()[2] != k || t.sizes()[3] != l)
+       t.init(i, j, k, l);
+    }
+    void init_scalar_tensor(scalar_type v)
+    { set_to_original(); t.adjust_sizes(); t[0] = v; }
+    void init_vector_tensor(size_type d)
+    { set_to_original(); t.adjust_sizes(d); }
+    void init_matrix_tensor(size_type n, size_type m)
+    { set_to_original(); t.adjust_sizes(n, m); }
+    void init_third_order_tensor(size_type n, size_type m,  size_type l)
+    { set_to_original(); t.adjust_sizes(n, m, l); }
+    void init_fourth_order_tensor(size_type n, size_type m,
+                                  size_type l, size_type k)
+    { set_to_original(); t.adjust_sizes(n, m, l, k); }
+    const bgeot::multi_index &sizes() const { return t.sizes(); }
+    assembly_tensor()
+    : is_copied(false), sparsity_(0), qdim_(0), tensor_copied(0) {}
+  };
+  struct ga_tree_node;
+  typedef ga_tree_node *pga_tree_node;
+  struct ga_tree_node {
+    GA_NODE_TYPE node_type;
+    GA_TOKEN_TYPE op_type;
+    assembly_tensor t;
+    size_type test_function_type; // -1 = undetermined
+                                  // 0 = no test function,
+                                  // 1 = first order, 2 = second order,
+                                  // 3 = both with always first order in first
+    std::string name_test1, name_test2; // variable names corresponding to test
+                                  // functions when test_function_type > 0.
+    std::string interpolate_name_test1, interpolate_name_test2; // name
+                                  // of interpolation transformation if any
+    size_type qdim1, qdim2;       // Qdims when test_function_type > 0.
+    size_type nbc1, nbc2, nbc3;   // For explicit matrices and x.
+    size_type pos;                // Position of the first character in string
+    std::string name;             // variable/constant/function/operator name
+    std::string interpolate_name; // For Interpolate : name of transformation
+    std::string interpolate_name_der; // For Interpolate derivative:
+                                      // name of transformation
+    std::string elementary_name;  // For Elementary_transformation :
+                                  // name of transformation
+    size_type der1, der2;         // For functions and nonlinear operators,
+                                  // optional derivative or second derivative.
+    bool symmetric_op;
+    pga_tree_node parent;         // Parent node
+    std::vector<pga_tree_node> children; // Children nodes
+    scalar_type hash_value;       // Hash value to identify nodes.
+    bool marked;                  // For specific use of some algorithms
+    inline const base_tensor &tensor() const { return t.tensor(); }
+    inline base_tensor &tensor() { return t.tensor(); }
+    int sparsity() const { return t.sparsity(); }
+    inline size_type nb_test_functions() const {
+      if (test_function_type == size_type(-1)) return 0;
+      return test_function_type - (test_function_type >= 2 ? 1 : 0);
+    }
+    inline size_type tensor_order() const
+    { return t.sizes().size() - nb_test_functions(); }
+    inline size_type tensor_test_size() const {
+      size_type st = nb_test_functions();
+      return (st >= 1 ? t.sizes()[0] : 1) * (st == 2 ? t.sizes()[1] : 1);
+    }
+    inline size_type tensor_proper_size() const
+    { return t.org_tensor().size() / tensor_test_size(); }
+    inline size_type tensor_proper_size(size_type i) const
+    { return t.sizes()[nb_test_functions()+i]; }
+    void mult_test(const pga_tree_node n0, const pga_tree_node n1,
+                   const std::string &expr);
+    bool tensor_is_zero() {
+      if (node_type == GA_NODE_ZERO) return true;
+      if (node_type != GA_NODE_CONSTANT) return false;
+      for (size_type i = 0; i < tensor().size(); ++i)
+        if (tensor()[i] != scalar_type(0)) return false;
+      return true;
+    }
+    inline void init_scalar_tensor(scalar_type v)
+    { t.init_scalar_tensor(v); test_function_type = 0; }
+    inline void init_vector_tensor(size_type d)
+    { t.init_vector_tensor(d); test_function_type = 0; }
+    inline void init_matrix_tensor(size_type n, size_type m)
+    { t.init_matrix_tensor(n, m); test_function_type = 0; }
+    inline void init_third_order_tensor(size_type n, size_type m,  size_type l)
+    { t.init_third_order_tensor(n, m, l); test_function_type = 0; }
+    inline void init_fourth_order_tensor(size_type n, size_type m,
+                                         size_type l, size_type k)
+    { t.init_fourth_order_tensor(n, m, l, k); test_function_type = 0; }
+    inline void adopt_child(pga_tree_node new_child)
+    { children.push_back(new_child); children.back()->parent = this; }
+    inline void replace_child(pga_tree_node oldchild,
+                              pga_tree_node newchild) {
+        bool found = false;
+        for (pga_tree_node &child : children)
+          if (child == oldchild) { child = newchild; found = true; }
+        GMM_ASSERT1(found, "Internal error");
+    }
+    ga_tree_node()
+      : node_type(GA_NODE_VOID), test_function_type(-1), qdim1(0), qdim2(0),
+        nbc1(0), nbc2(0), nbc3(0), pos(0), der1(0), der2(0),
+        symmetric_op(false), hash_value(0) {}
+    ga_tree_node(GA_NODE_TYPE ty, size_type p)
+      : node_type(ty), test_function_type(-1),
+        qdim1(0), qdim2(0), nbc1(0), nbc2(0), nbc3(0),
+        pos(p), der1(0), der2(0), symmetric_op(false), hash_value(0) {}
+    ga_tree_node(scalar_type v, size_type p)
+      : node_type(GA_NODE_CONSTANT), test_function_type(-1),
+        qdim1(0), qdim2(0), nbc1(0), nbc2(0), nbc3(0),
+        pos(p), der1(0), der2(0), symmetric_op(false),
+        hash_value(0)
+    { init_scalar_tensor(v); }
+    ga_tree_node(const char *n, size_type l, size_type p)
+      : node_type(GA_NODE_NAME), test_function_type(-1),
+        qdim1(0), qdim2(0), nbc1(0), nbc2(0), nbc3(0),
+        pos(p), name(n, l), der1(0), der2(0), symmetric_op(false),
+        hash_value(0) {}
+    ga_tree_node(GA_TOKEN_TYPE op, size_type p)
+      : node_type(GA_NODE_OP), op_type(op), test_function_type(-1),
+        qdim1(0), qdim2(0), nbc1(0), nbc2(0), nbc3(0),
+        pos(p), der1(0), der2(0), symmetric_op(false),
+        hash_value(0) {}
+  };
+# define ga_valid_operand(expr, pnode)                        \
+  {                                                          \
+    if (pnode && (pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_PREDEF_FUNC ||  \
+                  pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_SPEC_FUNC ||    \
+                  pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_NAME ||        \
+                  pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_OPERATOR ||     \
+                  pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_ALLINDICES))    \
+      ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Invalid term");              \
+  }
+  struct ga_tree {
+    pga_tree_node root, current_node;
+    void add_scalar(scalar_type val, size_type pos);
+    void add_allindices(size_type pos);
+    void add_name(const char *name, size_type length, size_type pos);
+    void add_sub_tree(ga_tree &sub_tree);
+    void add_params(size_type pos);
+    void add_matrix(size_type pos);
+    void zip_matrix(const pga_tree_node source_node);
+    void add_op(GA_TOKEN_TYPE op_type, size_type pos);
+    void clear_node_rec(pga_tree_node pnode);
+    void clear_node(pga_tree_node pnode);
+    void clear() { clear_node_rec(root); root = current_node = nullptr; }
+    void clear_children(pga_tree_node pnode);
+    void replace_node_by_child(pga_tree_node pnode, size_type i);
+    void copy_node(pga_tree_node pnode, pga_tree_node parent,
+                   pga_tree_node &child);
+    void duplicate_with_operation(pga_tree_node pnode, GA_TOKEN_TYPE op_type);
+    void duplicate_with_addition(pga_tree_node pnode)
+    { duplicate_with_operation(pnode, GA_PLUS); }
+    void duplicate_with_subtraction(pga_tree_node pnode)
+    { duplicate_with_operation(pnode, GA_MINUS); }
+    void insert_node(pga_tree_node pnode, GA_NODE_TYPE node_type);
+    void add_child(pga_tree_node pnode)
+    { pga_tree_node newnode=new ga_tree_node(); pnode->adopt_child(newnode); }
+    void swap(ga_tree &tree)
+    { std::swap(root, tree.root); std::swap(current_node, tree.current_node); }
+    ga_tree() : root(nullptr), current_node(nullptr) {}
+    ga_tree(const ga_tree &tree) : root(nullptr), current_node(nullptr)
+    { if (tree.root) copy_node(tree.root, nullptr, root); }
+    ga_tree &operator = (const ga_tree &tree)
+    { clear(); if (tree.root) copy_node(tree.root,nullptr,root); return *this; 
+    ~ga_tree() { clear(); }
+  };
+  // Test equality or equivalence of two sub trees.
+  // version = 0 : strict equality
+  //           1 : give the same result
+  //           2 : give the same result with transposition of test functions
+  bool sub_tree_are_equal
+  (const pga_tree_node pnode1, const pga_tree_node pnode2,
+   const ga_workspace &workspace, int version);
+  // Transform the expression of a node and its sub-nodes in the equivalent
+  // assembly string sent to ostream str
+  void ga_print_node(const pga_tree_node pnode,
+                    std::ostream &str);
+  // The same for the whole tree, the result is a std::string
+  std::string ga_tree_to_string(const ga_tree &tree);
+  // Syntax analysis of an assembly string. Conversion to a tree.
+  // No semantic analysis is done. The tree can be inconsistent.
+  void ga_read_string(const std::string &expr, ga_tree &tree);
+} /* end of namespace */
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index e07617a..41ba5de 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- Copyright (C) 2013-2017 Yves Renard
+ Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Yves Renard
  This file is a part of GetFEM++
@@ -19,57 +19,9 @@
-#include "getfem/getfem_generic_assembly.h"
-#include "getfem/getfem_models.h"
-#include "gmm/gmm_blas.h"
-#include <iomanip>
-#include "getfem/getfem_omp.h"
-#include "getfem/dal_singleton.h"
-#include "getfem/bgeot_rtree.h"
-#include "getfem/bgeot_geotrans_inv.h"
-#include "getfem/getfem_copyable_ptr.h"
-#ifndef _WIN32
-extern "C"{
-#include <unistd.h>
-   Providing for special Math functions unavailable on Intel or MSVS C++
-   compilers
-#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1800
-#include <boost/math/special_functions/acosh.hpp>
-#include <boost/math/special_functions/asinh.hpp>
-#include <boost/math/special_functions/atanh.hpp>
-#include <boost/math/special_functions/erf.hpp>
-typedef double (*BoostMathFunction)(double);
-BoostMathFunction const acosh = boost::math::acosh<double>;
-BoostMathFunction const asinh = boost::math::asinh<double>;
-BoostMathFunction const atanh = boost::math::atanh<double>;
-BoostMathFunction const erf = boost::math::erf<double>;
-BoostMathFunction const erfc = boost::math::erfc<double>;
-// #define GA_USES_BLAS // not so interesting, at least for debian blas
-// #define GA_DEBUG_INFO(a) { cout << a << endl; }
-#define GA_DEBUG_INFO(a)
-#define GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(a, b) GMM_ASSERT1(a, b)
-// #define GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(a, b)
-#if 1
-#  define GA_TIC
-#  define GA_TOC(a)
-#  define GA_TOCTIC(a)
-#  define GA_TIC scalar_type _ga_time_ = gmm::uclock_sec();
-#  define GA_TOC(a) { cout <<(a)<<" : "<<gmm::uclock_sec()-_ga_time_<< endl; }
-#  define GA_TOCTIC(a) { GA_TOC(a); _ga_time_ = gmm::uclock_sec(); }
+#include "getfem/getfem_generic_assembly_tree.h"
+#include "getfem/getfem_generic_assembly_semantic.h"
+#include "getfem/getfem_generic_assembly_compile_and_exec.h"
 namespace getfem {
@@ -77,10156 +29,5173 @@ namespace getfem {
   extern bool predef_operators_plasticity_initialized;
   extern bool predef_operators_contact_initialized;
-  base_matrix& __mat_aux1()
-  {
-    DEFINE_STATIC_THREAD_LOCAL(base_matrix, m);
-    return m;
-  }
-  // Lexical analysis for the generic assembly language
+  // Instructions for compilation: basic optimized operations on tensors
-  // Basic token types
-  enum GA_TOKEN_TYPE {
-    GA_INVALID = 0, // invalid token
-    GA_END,         // string end
-    GA_NAME,        // A variable or user defined nonlinear function name
-    GA_SCALAR,      // A real number
-    GA_PLUS,        // '+'
-    GA_MINUS,       // '-'
-    GA_UNARY_MINUS, // '-'
-    GA_MULT,        // '*'
-    GA_DIV,         // '/'
-    GA_COLON,       // ':'
-    GA_QUOTE,       // ''' transpose
-    GA_SYM,         // 'Sym' operator
-    GA_SKEW,        // 'Skew' operator
-    GA_TRACE,       // 'Trace' operator
-    GA_DEVIATOR,    // 'Deviator' operator
-    GA_INTERPOLATE, // 'Interpolate' operation
-    GA_INTERPOLATE_FILTER, // 'Interpolate_filter' operation
-    GA_ELEMENTARY,  // 'Elementary' operation (operation at the element level)
-    GA_XFEM_PLUS,   // �valuation on the + side of a level-set for 
-    GA_XFEM_MINUS,  // �valuation on the - side of a level-set for 
-    GA_PRINT,       // 'Print' Print the tensor
-    GA_DOT,         // '.'
-    GA_DOTMULT,     // '.*' componentwise multiplication
-    GA_DOTDIV,      // './' componentwise division
-    GA_TMULT,       // '@' tensor product
-    GA_COMMA,       // ','
-    GA_DCOMMA,      // ',,'
-    GA_SEMICOLON,   // ';'
-    GA_DSEMICOLON,  // ';;'
-    GA_LPAR,        // '('
-    GA_RPAR,        // ')'
-    GA_LBRACKET,    // '['
-    GA_RBRACKET,    // ']'
-  };
-  static GA_TOKEN_TYPE ga_char_type[256];
-  static int ga_operator_priorities[GA_NB_TOKEN_TYPE];
-  // Initialize ga_char_type and ga_operator_priorities arrays
-  static bool init_ga_char_type() {
-    for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) ga_char_type[i] = GA_INVALID;
-    ga_char_type['+'] = GA_PLUS;        ga_char_type['-'] = GA_MINUS;
-    ga_char_type['*'] = GA_MULT;        ga_char_type['/'] = GA_DIV;
-    ga_char_type[':'] = GA_COLON;       ga_char_type['\''] = GA_QUOTE;
-    ga_char_type['.'] = GA_DOT;         ga_char_type['@'] = GA_TMULT;
-    ga_char_type[','] = GA_COMMA;       ga_char_type[';'] = GA_SEMICOLON;
-    ga_char_type['('] = GA_LPAR;        ga_char_type[')'] = GA_RPAR;
-    ga_char_type['['] = GA_LBRACKET;    ga_char_type[']'] = GA_RBRACKET;
-    ga_char_type['_'] = GA_NAME;
-    for (unsigned i = 'a'; i <= 'z'; ++i)  ga_char_type[i] = GA_NAME;
-    for (unsigned i = 'A'; i <= 'Z'; ++i)  ga_char_type[i] = GA_NAME;
-    for (unsigned i = '0'; i <= '9'; ++i)  ga_char_type[i] = GA_SCALAR;
-    for (unsigned i = 0; i < GA_NB_TOKEN_TYPE; ++i)
-      ga_operator_priorities[i] = 0;
-    ga_operator_priorities[GA_PLUS] = 1;
-    ga_operator_priorities[GA_MINUS] = 1;
-    ga_operator_priorities[GA_MULT] = 2;
-    ga_operator_priorities[GA_DIV] = 2;
-    ga_operator_priorities[GA_COLON] = 2;
-    ga_operator_priorities[GA_DOT] = 2;
-    ga_operator_priorities[GA_DOTMULT] = 2;
-    ga_operator_priorities[GA_DOTDIV] = 2;
-    ga_operator_priorities[GA_TMULT] = 2;
-    ga_operator_priorities[GA_QUOTE] = 3;
-    ga_operator_priorities[GA_UNARY_MINUS] = 3;
-    ga_operator_priorities[GA_SYM] = 4;
-    ga_operator_priorities[GA_SKEW] = 4;
-    ga_operator_priorities[GA_TRACE] = 4;
-    ga_operator_priorities[GA_DEVIATOR] = 4;
-    ga_operator_priorities[GA_PRINT] = 4;
-    return true;
-  }
-  static bool ga_initialized = init_ga_char_type();
-  // Get the next token in the string at position 'pos' end return its type
-  static GA_TOKEN_TYPE ga_get_token(const std::string &expr,
-                                    size_type &pos,
-                                    size_type &token_pos,
-                                    size_type &token_length) {
-    bool fdot = false, fE = false;
-    GMM_ASSERT1(ga_initialized, "Internal error");
-    // Ignore white spaces
-    while (expr[pos] == ' ' && pos < expr.size()) ++pos;
-    token_pos = pos;
-    token_length = 0;
-    // Detecting end of expression
-    if (pos >= expr.size()) return GA_END;
-    // Treating the different cases (Operation, name or number)
-    GA_TOKEN_TYPE type = ga_char_type[unsigned(expr[pos])];
-    ++pos; ++token_length;
-    switch (type) {
-    case GA_DOT:
-      if (pos >= expr.size()) return type;
-      if (expr[pos] == '*') { ++pos; ++token_length; return GA_DOTMULT; }
-      if (expr[pos] == '/') { ++pos; ++token_length; return GA_DOTDIV; }
-      if (ga_char_type[unsigned(expr[pos])] != GA_SCALAR)
-        return type;
-      fdot = true; type = GA_SCALAR;
-    case GA_SCALAR:
-      while (pos < expr.size()) {
-        GA_TOKEN_TYPE ctype = ga_char_type[unsigned(expr[pos])];
-        switch (ctype) {
-        case GA_DOT:
-          if (fdot) return type;
-          fdot = true; ++pos; ++token_length;
-          break;
-        case GA_NAME:
-          if (fE || (expr[pos] != 'E' && expr[pos] != 'e')) return type;
-          fE = true; fdot = true; ++pos; ++token_length;
-          if (pos < expr.size()) {
-            if (expr[pos] == '+' || expr[pos] == '-')
-              { ++pos; ++token_length; }
-          }
-          if (pos >= expr.size()
-              || ga_char_type[unsigned(expr[pos])] != GA_SCALAR)
-            return GA_INVALID;
-          break;
-        case GA_SCALAR:
-          ++pos; ++token_length; break;
-        default:
-          return type;
-        }
+  struct ga_instruction_extract_local_im_data : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t;
+    const im_data &imd;
+    papprox_integration &pai;
+    const base_vector &U;
+    const fem_interpolation_context &ctx;
+    size_type qdim, cv_old;
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: extract local im data");
+      size_type cv = ctx.convex_num();
+      if (cv != cv_old) {
+        cv_old = cv;
+        GMM_ASSERT1(imd.linked_mesh_im().int_method_of_element(cv)
+                    ->approx_method() == pai, "Im data have to be used only "
+                    "on their original integration method.");
-      return type;
-    case GA_NAME:
-      while (pos < expr.size()) {
-        GA_TOKEN_TYPE ctype = ga_char_type[unsigned(expr[pos])];
-        if (ctype != GA_SCALAR && ctype != GA_NAME) break;
-        ++pos; ++token_length;
-      }
-      if (, token_length, "Sym") == 0)
-        return GA_SYM;
-      if (, token_length, "Skew") == 0)
-        return GA_SKEW;
-      if (, token_length, "Trace") == 0)
-        return GA_TRACE;
-      if (, token_length, "Deviator") == 0)
-        return GA_DEVIATOR;
-      if (, token_length, "Interpolate") == 0)
-        return GA_INTERPOLATE;
-      if (, token_length, "Interpolate_filter") == 0)
-        return GA_INTERPOLATE_FILTER;
-      if (, token_length,
-                       "Elementary_transformation") == 0)
-        return GA_ELEMENTARY;
-      if (, token_length, "Xfem_plus") == 0)
-        return GA_XFEM_PLUS;
-      if (, token_length, "Xfem_minus") == 0)
-        return GA_XFEM_MINUS;
-      if (, token_length, "Print") == 0)
-        return GA_PRINT;
-      return type;
-    case GA_COMMA:
-      if (pos < expr.size() &&
-          ga_char_type[unsigned(expr[pos])] == GA_COMMA) {
-        ++pos; return GA_DCOMMA;
-      }
-      return type;
-    case GA_SEMICOLON:
-      if (pos < expr.size() &&
-          ga_char_type[unsigned(expr[pos])] == GA_SEMICOLON) {
-        ++pos; return GA_DSEMICOLON;
-      }
-      return type;
-    default: return type;
-    }
-  }
-  //=========================================================================
-  // Tree structure for syntax analysis
-  //=========================================================================
-  static void ga_throw_error_msg(const std::string &expr, size_type pos,
-                                 const std::string &msg) {
-    int length_before = 70, length_after = 70;
-    if (expr.size()) {
-      int first = std::max(0, int(pos)-length_before);
-      int last = std::min(int(pos)+length_after, int(expr.size()));
-      if (last - first < length_before+length_after)
-      first = std::max(0, int(pos)-length_before
-                       -(length_before+length_after-last+first));
-      if (last - first < length_before+length_after)
-        last = std::min(int(pos)+length_after
-                        +(length_before+length_after-last+first),
-                        int(expr.size()));
-      if (first > 0) cerr << "...";
-      cerr << expr.substr(first, last-first);
-      if (last < int(expr.size())) cerr << "...";
-      cerr << endl;
-      if (first > 0) cerr << "   ";
-      if (int(pos) > first)
-        cerr << std::setfill ('-') << std::setw(int(pos)-first) << '-'
-             << std::setfill (' ');
-      cerr << "^" << endl;
-    }
-    cerr << msg << endl;
-  }
-#define ga_throw_error(expr, pos, msg)               \
-  { std::stringstream ss; ss << msg;                 \
-    ga_throw_error_msg(expr, pos, ss.str());         \
-    GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Error in assembly string" ); \
-  }
-  enum GA_NODE_TYPE {
-    GA_NODE_VOID = 0,
-    GA_NODE_OP,
-    GA_NODE_X,
-  struct assembly_tensor {
-    bool is_copied;
-    int sparsity_; // 0: plain, 1: vectorized base, 2: vectorised grad, ...
-    size_type qdim_; // Dimension of the vectorization for sparsity tensors
-    base_tensor t;
-    assembly_tensor *tensor_copied;
-    const base_tensor &org_tensor() const
-    { return is_copied ? tensor_copied->org_tensor() : t; }
-    base_tensor &org_tensor()
-    { return is_copied ? tensor_copied->org_tensor() : t; }
-    const base_tensor &tensor() const
-    { return (is_copied ? tensor_copied->tensor() : t); }
-    base_tensor &tensor()
-    { return (is_copied ? tensor_copied->tensor() : t); }
-    void set_sparsity(int sp, size_type q)
-    { sparsity_ = sp; qdim_ = q; }
-    size_type qdim() { return is_copied ? tensor_copied->qdim() : qdim_; }
-    int sparsity() const
-    { return is_copied ? tensor_copied->sparsity() : sparsity_; }
-    inline void set_to_original() { is_copied = false; }
-    inline void set_to_copy(assembly_tensor &t_) {
-      is_copied = true; sparsity_ = t_.sparsity_; qdim_ = t_.qdim_;
-      t = t_.org_tensor(); tensor_copied = &(t_);
-    }
-    inline void adjust_sizes(const bgeot::multi_index &ssizes)
-    { t.adjust_sizes(ssizes); }
-    inline void adjust_sizes()
-    { if (t.sizes().size() || t.size() != 1) t.init(); }
-    inline void adjust_sizes(size_type i)
-    { if (t.sizes().size() != 1 || t.sizes()[0] != i) t.init(i); }
-    inline void adjust_sizes(size_type i, size_type j) {
-      if (t.sizes().size() != 2 || t.sizes()[0] != i || t.sizes()[1] != j)
-        t.init(i, j);
-    }
-    inline void adjust_sizes(size_type i, size_type j, size_type k) {
-      if (t.sizes().size() != 3 || t.sizes()[0] != i || t.sizes()[1] != j
-          || t.sizes()[2] != k)
-        t.init(i, j, k);
-    }
-    inline void adjust_sizes(size_type i, size_type j,
-                             size_type k, size_type l) {
-      if (t.sizes().size() != 3 || t.sizes()[0] != i || t.sizes()[1] != j
-          || t.sizes()[2] != k || t.sizes()[3] != l)
-       t.init(i, j, k, l);
-    }
-    void init_scalar_tensor(scalar_type v)
-    { set_to_original(); t.adjust_sizes(); t[0] = v; }
-    void init_vector_tensor(size_type d)
-    { set_to_original(); t.adjust_sizes(d); }
-    void init_matrix_tensor(size_type n, size_type m)
-    { set_to_original(); t.adjust_sizes(n, m); }
-    void init_third_order_tensor(size_type n, size_type m,  size_type l)
-    { set_to_original(); t.adjust_sizes(n, m, l); }
-    void init_fourth_order_tensor(size_type n, size_type m,
-                                  size_type l, size_type k)
-    { set_to_original(); t.adjust_sizes(n, m, l, k); }
-    const bgeot::multi_index &sizes() const { return t.sizes(); }
-    assembly_tensor()
-    : is_copied(false), sparsity_(0), qdim_(0), tensor_copied(0) {}
-  };
-  struct ga_tree_node;
-  typedef ga_tree_node *pga_tree_node;
-  struct ga_tree_node {
-    GA_NODE_TYPE node_type;
-    GA_TOKEN_TYPE op_type;
-    assembly_tensor t;
-    size_type test_function_type; // -1 = undetermined
-                                  // 0 = no test function,
-                                  // 1 = first order, 2 = second order,
-                                  // 3 = both with always first order in first
-    std::string name_test1, name_test2; // variable names corresponding to test
-                                  // functions when test_function_type > 0.
-    std::string interpolate_name_test1, interpolate_name_test2; // name
-                                  // of interpolation transformation if any
-    size_type qdim1, qdim2;       // Qdims when test_function_type > 0.
-    size_type nbc1, nbc2, nbc3;   // For explicit matrices and x.
-    size_type pos;                // Position of the first character in string
-    std::string name;             // variable/constant/function/operator name
-    std::string interpolate_name; // For Interpolate : name of transformation
-    std::string interpolate_name_der; // For Interpolate derivative:
-                                      // name of transformation
-    std::string elementary_name;  // For Elementary_transformation :
-                                  // name of transformation
-    size_type der1, der2;         // For functions and nonlinear operators,
-                                  // optional derivative or second derivative.
-    bool symmetric_op;
-    pga_tree_node parent;         // Parent node
-    std::vector<pga_tree_node> children; // Children nodes
-    scalar_type hash_value;       // Hash value to identify nodes.
-    bool marked;                  // For specific use of some algorithms
-    inline const base_tensor &tensor() const { return t.tensor(); }
-    inline base_tensor &tensor() { return t.tensor(); }
-    int sparsity() const { return t.sparsity(); }
-    inline size_type nb_test_functions() const {
-      if (test_function_type == size_type(-1)) return 0;
-      return test_function_type - (test_function_type >= 2 ? 1 : 0);
+      size_type ipt = imd.filtered_index_of_point(cv, ctx.ii());
+      GMM_ASSERT1(ipt != size_type(-1),
+                  "Im data with no data on the current integration point.");
+      auto it = U.begin()+ipt*qdim;
+      std::copy(it, it+qdim, t.begin());
+      return 0;
+    ga_instruction_extract_local_im_data
+    (base_tensor &t_, const im_data &imd_, const base_vector &U_,
+     papprox_integration &pai_, const fem_interpolation_context &ctx_,
+     size_type qdim_)
+      : t(t_), imd(imd_), pai(pai_), U(U_), ctx(ctx_), qdim(qdim_),
+        cv_old(-1) {}
+  };
-    inline size_type tensor_order() const
-    { return t.sizes().size() - nb_test_functions(); }
-    inline size_type tensor_test_size() const {
-      size_type st = nb_test_functions();
-      return (st >= 1 ? t.sizes()[0] : 1) * (st == 2 ? t.sizes()[1] : 1);
+  struct ga_instruction_slice_local_dofs : public ga_instruction {
+    const mesh_fem &mf;
+    const base_vector &U;
+    const fem_interpolation_context &ctx;
+    base_vector &coeff;
+    size_type qmult1, qmult2;
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: Slice local dofs");
+      GMM_ASSERT1(qmult1 != 0 && qmult2 != 0, "Internal error");
+      slice_vector_on_basic_dof_of_element(mf, U, ctx.convex_num(),
+                                           coeff, qmult1, qmult2);
+      return 0;
+    ga_instruction_slice_local_dofs(const mesh_fem &mf_, const base_vector &U_,
+                                    const fem_interpolation_context &ctx_,
+                                    base_vector &coeff_,
+                                    size_type qmult1_, size_type qmult2_)
+      : mf(mf_), U(U_), ctx(ctx_), coeff(coeff_),
+        qmult1(qmult1_), qmult2(qmult2_) {}
+  };
-    inline size_type tensor_proper_size() const
-    { return t.org_tensor().size() / tensor_test_size(); }
-    inline size_type tensor_proper_size(size_type i) const
-    { return t.sizes()[nb_test_functions()+i]; }
-    void mult_test(const pga_tree_node n0, const pga_tree_node n1,
-                   const std::string &expr) {
-      size_type test0 = n0->test_function_type, test1 = n1->test_function_type;
-      if (test0 && test1 && (test0 == test1 ||
-                             test0 >= 3 || test1 >= 3))
-        ga_throw_error(expr, pos,
-                       "Incompatibility of test functions in product.");
-      GMM_ASSERT1(test0 != size_type(-1) && test1 != size_type(-1),
-                  "internal error");
-      test_function_type = test0 + test1;
-      size_type st = nb_test_functions();
-      bgeot::multi_index mi(st);
-      switch (test0) {
-      case 1: mi[0] = n0->t.sizes()[0]; break;
-      case 2: mi[st-1] = n0->t.sizes()[0]; break;
-      case 3: mi[0] = n0->t.sizes()[0]; mi[1] = n0->t.sizes()[1]; break;
-      }
-      switch (test1) {
-      case 1: mi[0] = n1->t.sizes()[0]; break;
-      case 2: mi[st-1] = n1->t.sizes()[0]; break;
-      case 3: mi[0] = n1->t.sizes()[0]; mi[1] = n1->t.sizes()[1]; break;
-      }
-      if (n0->name_test1.size()) {
-        name_test1 = n0->name_test1; qdim1 = n0->qdim1;
-        interpolate_name_test1 = n0->interpolate_name_test1;
-      } else {
-        name_test1 = n1->name_test1; qdim1 = n1->qdim1;
-        interpolate_name_test1 = n1->interpolate_name_test1;
-      }
+  struct ga_instruction_update_pfp : public ga_instruction {
+    const mesh_fem &mf;
+    const fem_interpolation_context &ctx;
+    fem_precomp_pool &fp_pool;
+    pfem_precomp &pfp;
-      if (n0->name_test2.size()) {
-        name_test2 = n0->name_test2; qdim2 = n0->qdim2;
-        interpolate_name_test2 = n0->interpolate_name_test2;
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: Pfp update");
+      if (ctx.have_pgp()) {
+        size_type cv = ctx.is_convex_num_valid()
+                     ? ctx.convex_num() : mf.convex_index().first_true();
+        pfem pf = mf.fem_of_element(cv);
+        if (!pfp || pf != pfp->get_pfem() ||
+            ctx.pgp()->get_ppoint_tab() != pfp->get_ppoint_tab()) {
+          pfp = fp_pool(pf, ctx.pgp()->get_ppoint_tab());
+        }
       } else {
-        name_test2 = n1->name_test2; qdim2 = n1->qdim2;
-        interpolate_name_test2 = n1->interpolate_name_test2;
+        pfp = 0;
-      t.adjust_sizes(mi);
-    }
-    bool tensor_is_zero() {
-      if (node_type == GA_NODE_ZERO) return true;
-      if (node_type != GA_NODE_CONSTANT) return false;
-      for (size_type i = 0; i < tensor().size(); ++i)
-        if (tensor()[i] != scalar_type(0)) return false;
-      return true;
+      return 0;
-    inline void init_scalar_tensor(scalar_type v)
-    { t.init_scalar_tensor(v); test_function_type = 0; }
-    inline void init_vector_tensor(size_type d)
-    { t.init_vector_tensor(d); test_function_type = 0; }
-    inline void init_matrix_tensor(size_type n, size_type m)
-    { t.init_matrix_tensor(n, m); test_function_type = 0; }
-    inline void init_third_order_tensor(size_type n, size_type m,  size_type l)
-    { t.init_third_order_tensor(n, m, l); test_function_type = 0; }
+    ga_instruction_update_pfp(const mesh_fem &mf_, pfem_precomp &pfp_,
+                              const fem_interpolation_context &ctx_,
+                              fem_precomp_pool &fp_pool_)
+      : mf(mf_), ctx(ctx_), fp_pool(fp_pool_), pfp(pfp_) {}
+  };
-    inline void init_fourth_order_tensor(size_type n, size_type m,
-                                         size_type l, size_type k)
-    { t.init_fourth_order_tensor(n, m, l, k); test_function_type = 0; }
+  struct ga_instruction_first_ind_tensor : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t;
+    const fem_interpolation_context &ctx;
+    size_type qdim;
+    const mesh_fem *mfn, **mfg;
-    inline void adopt_child(pga_tree_node new_child) {
-      children.push_back(new_child);
-      children.back()->parent = this;
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: adapt first index of tensor");
+      const mesh_fem &mf = *(mfg ? *mfg : mfn);
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(mfg ? *mfg : mfn, "Internal error");
+      size_type cv_1 = ctx.is_convex_num_valid()
+        ? ctx.convex_num() : mf.convex_index().first_true();
+      pfem pf = mf.fem_of_element(cv_1);
+      GMM_ASSERT1(pf, "An element without finite element method defined");
+      size_type Qmult = qdim / pf->target_dim();
+      size_type s = pf->nb_dof(cv_1) * Qmult;
+      if (t.sizes()[0] != s)
+        { bgeot::multi_index mi = t.sizes(); mi[0] = s; t.adjust_sizes(mi); }
+      return 0;
-    inline void replace_child(pga_tree_node oldchild,
-                              pga_tree_node newchild) {
-        bool found = false;
-        for (pga_tree_node &child : children)
-          if (child == oldchild) {
-            child = newchild;
-            found = true;
-          }
-        GMM_ASSERT1(found, "Internal error");
-    }
-    ga_tree_node()
-      : node_type(GA_NODE_VOID), test_function_type(-1), qdim1(0), qdim2(0),
-        nbc1(0), nbc2(0), nbc3(0), pos(0), der1(0), der2(0),
-        symmetric_op(false), hash_value(0) {}
-    ga_tree_node(GA_NODE_TYPE ty, size_type p)
-      : node_type(ty), test_function_type(-1),
-        qdim1(0), qdim2(0), nbc1(0), nbc2(0), nbc3(0),
-        pos(p), der1(0), der2(0), symmetric_op(false), hash_value(0) {}
-    ga_tree_node(scalar_type v, size_type p)
-      : node_type(GA_NODE_CONSTANT), test_function_type(-1),
-        qdim1(0), qdim2(0), nbc1(0), nbc2(0), nbc3(0),
-        pos(p), der1(0), der2(0), symmetric_op(false),
-        hash_value(0)
-    { init_scalar_tensor(v); }
-    ga_tree_node(const char *n, size_type l, size_type p)
-      : node_type(GA_NODE_NAME), test_function_type(-1),
-        qdim1(0), qdim2(0), nbc1(0), nbc2(0), nbc3(0),
-        pos(p), name(n, l), der1(0), der2(0), symmetric_op(false),
-        hash_value(0) {}
-    ga_tree_node(GA_TOKEN_TYPE op, size_type p)
-      : node_type(GA_NODE_OP), op_type(op), test_function_type(-1),
-        qdim1(0), qdim2(0), nbc1(0), nbc2(0), nbc3(0),
-        pos(p), der1(0), der2(0), symmetric_op(false),
-        hash_value(0) {}
-  };
-  struct ga_tree {
-    pga_tree_node root, current_node;
-    void add_scalar(scalar_type val, size_type pos) {
-      while (current_node && current_node->node_type != GA_NODE_OP)
-        current_node = current_node->parent;
-      if (current_node) {
-        current_node->adopt_child(new ga_tree_node(val, pos));
-        current_node = current_node->children.back();
-      }
-      else {
-        GMM_ASSERT1(root == nullptr, "Invalid tree operation");
-        current_node = root = new ga_tree_node(val, pos);
-        root->parent = nullptr;
-      }
-    }
+    ga_instruction_first_ind_tensor(base_tensor &t_,
+                                    const fem_interpolation_context &ctx_,
+                                    size_type qdim_, const mesh_fem *mfn_,
+                                    const mesh_fem **mfg_)
+      : t(t_),  ctx(ctx_), qdim(qdim_), mfn(mfn_), mfg(mfg_) {}
+  };
-    void add_allindices(size_type pos) {
-      while (current_node && current_node->node_type != GA_NODE_OP)
-        current_node = current_node->parent;
-      if (current_node) {
-        current_node->adopt_child(new ga_tree_node(GA_NODE_ALLINDICES, pos));
-        current_node = current_node->children.back();
-      }
-      else {
-        GMM_ASSERT1(root == nullptr, "Invalid tree operation");
-        current_node = root = new ga_tree_node(GA_NODE_ALLINDICES, pos);
-        root->parent = nullptr;
-      }
-    }
+  struct ga_instruction_second_ind_tensor
+    : public ga_instruction_first_ind_tensor {
-    void add_name(const char *name, size_type length, size_type pos) {
-      while (current_node && current_node->node_type != GA_NODE_OP)
-        current_node = current_node->parent;
-      if (current_node) {
-        current_node->adopt_child(new ga_tree_node(name, length, pos));
-        current_node = current_node->children.back();
-      }
-      else {
-        GMM_ASSERT1(root == nullptr, "Invalid tree operation");
-        current_node = root = new ga_tree_node(name, length, pos);
-        root->parent = nullptr;
-      }
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: adapt second index of tensor");
+      const mesh_fem &mf = *(mfg ? *mfg : mfn);
+      size_type cv_1 = ctx.is_convex_num_valid()
+        ? ctx.convex_num() : mf.convex_index().first_true();
+      pfem pf = mf.fem_of_element(cv_1);
+      GMM_ASSERT1(pf, "An element without finite element methode defined");
+      size_type Qmult = qdim / pf->target_dim();
+      size_type s = pf->nb_dof(cv_1) * Qmult;
+      if (t.sizes()[1] != s)
+        { bgeot::multi_index mi = t.sizes(); mi[1] = s; t.adjust_sizes(mi); }
+      return 0;
-    void add_sub_tree(ga_tree &sub_tree) {
-      if (current_node &&
-          (current_node->node_type == GA_NODE_PARAMS ||
-           current_node->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_FILTER ||
-           current_node->node_type == GA_NODE_C_MATRIX)) {
-        GMM_ASSERT1(sub_tree.root, "Invalid tree operation");
-        current_node->adopt_child(sub_tree.root);
-      } else {
-        GMM_ASSERT1(sub_tree.root, "Invalid tree operation");
-        while (current_node && current_node->node_type != GA_NODE_OP)
-          current_node = current_node->parent;
-        if (current_node) {
-          current_node->adopt_child(sub_tree.root);
-          current_node = sub_tree.root;
-        }
-        else {
-          GMM_ASSERT1(root == nullptr, "Invalid tree operation");
-          current_node = root = sub_tree.root;
-          root->parent = nullptr;
-        }
-      }
-      sub_tree.root = sub_tree.current_node = nullptr;
-    }
+    ga_instruction_second_ind_tensor(base_tensor &t_,
+                                     fem_interpolation_context &ctx_,
+                                     size_type qdim_, const mesh_fem *mfn_,
+                                     const mesh_fem **mfg_)
+      : ga_instruction_first_ind_tensor(t_, ctx_, qdim_, mfn_, mfg_) {}
-    void add_params(size_type pos) {
-      GMM_ASSERT1(current_node, "internal error");
-      while (current_node && current_node->parent &&
-             current_node->parent->node_type == GA_NODE_OP &&
-             ga_operator_priorities[current_node->parent->op_type] >= 4)
-        current_node = current_node->parent;
-      pga_tree_node new_node = new ga_tree_node(GA_NODE_PARAMS, pos);
-      new_node->parent = current_node->parent;
-      if (current_node->parent)
-        current_node->parent->replace_child(current_node, new_node);
-      else
-        root = new_node;
-      new_node->adopt_child(current_node);
-      current_node = new_node;
-    }
+  };
-    void add_matrix(size_type pos) {
-      while (current_node && current_node->node_type != GA_NODE_OP)
-        current_node = current_node->parent;
-      if (current_node) {
-        current_node->adopt_child(new ga_tree_node(GA_NODE_C_MATRIX, pos));
-        current_node = current_node->children.back();
-      }
-      else {
-        GMM_ASSERT1(root == nullptr, "Invalid tree operation");
-        current_node = root = new ga_tree_node(GA_NODE_C_MATRIX, pos);
-        root->parent = nullptr;
-      }
-      current_node->nbc1 = current_node->nbc2 = current_node->nbc3 = 0;
-    }
-    void zip_matrix(const pga_tree_node source_node) {
-      GMM_ASSERT1(current_node->node_type == GA_NODE_C_MATRIX &&
-                  source_node->node_type == GA_NODE_C_MATRIX,
-                  "Internal error");
-      size_type target_size = current_node->children.size();
-      size_type source_size = source_node->children.size();
-      size_type last_dim_size = target_size/source_size;
-      GMM_ASSERT1(target_size == source_size*last_dim_size,
-                  "Internal error, " << target_size << " != " <<
-                  source_size << "*" << last_dim_size);
-      std::vector<pga_tree_node> new_children;
-      for (size_type i = 0; i < source_size; ++i) {
-        for (size_type j = 0; j < last_dim_size; ++j)
-          new_children.push_back(current_node->children[i*last_dim_size+j]);
-        new_children.push_back(source_node->children[i]);
-        source_node->children[i]->parent = current_node;
-      }
-      source_node->children.resize(0); // so that the destructor of source_node
-                                       // will not destruct the children
-      current_node->children = new_children;
-    }
-    void add_op(GA_TOKEN_TYPE op_type, size_type pos) {
-      while (current_node && current_node->parent &&
-             current_node->parent->node_type == GA_NODE_OP &&
-             ga_operator_priorities[current_node->parent->op_type]
-             >= ga_operator_priorities[op_type])
-        current_node = current_node->parent;
-      pga_tree_node new_node = new ga_tree_node(op_type, pos);
-      if (current_node) {
-        if (op_type == GA_UNARY_MINUS
-            || op_type == GA_SYM || op_type == GA_SKEW
-            || op_type == GA_TRACE || op_type == GA_DEVIATOR
-            || op_type == GA_PRINT) {
-          current_node->adopt_child(new_node);
-        } else {
-          new_node->parent = current_node->parent;
-          if (current_node->parent)
-            current_node->parent->replace_child(current_node, new_node);
-          else
-            root = new_node;
-          new_node->adopt_child(current_node);
-        }
-      } else {
-        if (root) new_node->adopt_child(root);
-        root = new_node;
-        root->parent = nullptr;
-      }
-      current_node = new_node;
-    }
+  struct ga_instruction_two_first_ind_tensor : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t;
+    const fem_interpolation_context &ctx1, &ctx2;
+    size_type qdim1;
+    const mesh_fem *mfn1, **mfg1;
+    size_type qdim2;
+    const mesh_fem *mfn2, **mfg2;
-    void clear_node_rec(pga_tree_node pnode) {
-      if (pnode) {
-        for (pga_tree_node &child : pnode->children)
-          clear_node_rec(child);
-        delete pnode;
-        current_node = nullptr;
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: adapt two first indices of tensor");
+      const mesh_fem &mf1 = *(mfg1 ? *mfg1 : mfn1);
+      const mesh_fem &mf2 = *(mfg2 ? *mfg2 : mfn2);
+      size_type cv_1 = ctx1.is_convex_num_valid()
+        ? ctx1.convex_num() : mf1.convex_index().first_true();
+      size_type cv_2 = ctx2.is_convex_num_valid()
+        ? ctx2.convex_num() : mf2.convex_index().first_true();
+      pfem pf1 = mf1.fem_of_element(cv_1);
+      GMM_ASSERT1(pf1, "An element without finite element method defined");
+      pfem pf2 = mf2.fem_of_element(cv_2);
+      GMM_ASSERT1(pf2, "An element without finite element method defined");
+      size_type Qmult1 = qdim1 / pf1->target_dim();
+      size_type s1 = pf1->nb_dof(cv_1) * Qmult1;
+      size_type Qmult2 = qdim2 / pf2->target_dim();
+      size_type s2 = pf2->nb_dof(cv_2) * Qmult2;
+      if (t.sizes()[0] != s1 || t.sizes()[1] != s2) {
+        bgeot::multi_index mi = t.sizes();
+        mi[0] = s1; mi[1] = s2;
+        t.adjust_sizes(mi);
+      return 0;
-    void clear_node(pga_tree_node pnode) {
-      if (pnode) {
-        pga_tree_node parent = pnode->parent;
-        if (parent) { // keep all siblings of pnode
-          size_type j = 0;
-          for (pga_tree_node &sibling : parent->children)
-            if (sibling != pnode)
-              parent->children[j++] = sibling;
-          parent->children.resize(j);
-        } else
-          root = nullptr;
-      }
-      clear_node_rec(pnode);
-    }
+    ga_instruction_two_first_ind_tensor
+    (base_tensor &t_, const fem_interpolation_context &ctx1_,
+     const fem_interpolation_context &ctx2_,
+     size_type qdim1_, const mesh_fem *mfn1_, const mesh_fem **mfg1_,
+     size_type qdim2_, const mesh_fem *mfn2_, const mesh_fem **mfg2_)
+      : t(t_),  ctx1(ctx1_), ctx2(ctx2_), qdim1(qdim1_), mfn1(mfn1_),
+        mfg1(mfg1_), qdim2(qdim2_), mfn2(mfn2_), mfg2(mfg2_) {}
+  };
-    void clear() {
-      clear_node_rec(root);
-      root = current_node = nullptr;
-    }
-    void clear_children(pga_tree_node pnode) {
-      for (pga_tree_node &child : pnode->children)
-        clear_node_rec(child);
-      pnode->children.resize(0);
-    }
+  struct ga_instruction_X_component : public ga_instruction {
+    scalar_type &t;
+    const fem_interpolation_context &ctx;
+    size_type n;
-    void replace_node_by_child(pga_tree_node pnode, size_type i) {
-      GMM_ASSERT1(i < pnode->children.size(), "Internal error");
-      pga_tree_node child = pnode->children[i];
-      child->parent = pnode->parent;
-      if (pnode->parent)
-        pnode->parent->replace_child(pnode, child);
-      else
-        root = child;
-      current_node = nullptr;
-      for (pga_tree_node &sibling : pnode->children)
-        if (sibling != child) clear_node_rec(sibling);
-      delete pnode;
-    }
-    void copy_node(pga_tree_node pnode, pga_tree_node parent,
-                   pga_tree_node &child) {
-      GMM_ASSERT1(child == nullptr, "Internal error");
-      child = new ga_tree_node();
-      *child = *pnode;
-      child->parent = parent;
-      for (pga_tree_node &grandchild : child->children)
-        grandchild = nullptr;
-      for (size_type j = 0; j < child->children.size(); ++j)
-        copy_node(pnode->children[j], child, child->children[j]);
-    }
-    void duplicate_with_operation(pga_tree_node pnode,
-                                  GA_TOKEN_TYPE op_type) {
-      pga_tree_node newop = new ga_tree_node(op_type, pnode->pos);
-      newop->children.resize(2, nullptr);
-      newop->children[0] = pnode;
-      newop->parent = pnode->parent;
-      if (pnode->parent)
-        pnode->parent->replace_child(pnode, newop);
-      else
-        root = newop;
-      pnode->parent = newop;
-      copy_node(pnode, newop, newop->children[1]);
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: X component");
+      t = ctx.xreal()[n];
+      return 0;
-    void duplicate_with_addition(pga_tree_node pnode) {
-      duplicate_with_operation(pnode, GA_PLUS);
-    }
+    ga_instruction_X_component
+    (scalar_type &t_, const fem_interpolation_context &ctx_, size_type n_)
+      : t(t_),  ctx(ctx_), n(n_) {}
+  };
-    void duplicate_with_subtraction(pga_tree_node pnode) {
-      duplicate_with_operation(pnode, GA_MINUS);
-    }
+  struct ga_instruction_X : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t;
+    const fem_interpolation_context &ctx;
-    void insert_node(pga_tree_node pnode, GA_NODE_TYPE node_type) {
-      pga_tree_node newnode = new ga_tree_node();
-      newnode->node_type = node_type;
-      newnode->parent = pnode->parent;
-      if (pnode->parent)
-        pnode->parent->replace_child(pnode, newnode);
-      else
-        root = newnode;
-      newnode->adopt_child(pnode);
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: X");
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == ctx.xreal().size(), "dimensions mismatch");
+      gmm::copy(ctx.xreal(), t.as_vector());
+      return 0;
-    void add_child(pga_tree_node pnode) {
-      pga_tree_node newnode = new ga_tree_node();
-      pnode->adopt_child(newnode);
-    }
+    ga_instruction_X(base_tensor &t_, const fem_interpolation_context &ctx_)
+      : t(t_),  ctx(ctx_) {}
+  };
-    void swap(ga_tree &tree)
-    { std::swap(root, tree.root); std::swap(current_node, tree.current_node); }
-    ga_tree() : root(nullptr), current_node(nullptr) {}
+  struct ga_instruction_copy_small_vect : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t;
+    const base_small_vector &vec;
-    ga_tree(const ga_tree &tree) : root(nullptr), current_node(nullptr)
-    { if (tree.root) copy_node(tree.root, nullptr, root); }
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: copy small vector");
+      GMM_ASSERT1(t.size() == vec.size(), "Invalid vector size.");
+      gmm::copy(vec, t.as_vector());
+      return 0;
+    }
+    ga_instruction_copy_small_vect(base_tensor &t_,
+                                   const base_small_vector &vec_)
+      : t(t_), vec(vec_)  {}
+  };
-    ga_tree &operator = (const ga_tree &tree)
-    { clear(); if (tree.root) copy_node(tree.root, nullptr, root); return 
*this; }
+  struct ga_instruction_copy_Normal : public ga_instruction_copy_small_vect {
-    ~ga_tree() { clear(); }
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: Normal");
+      GMM_ASSERT1(t.size() == vec.size(), "Invalid outward unit normal "
+                  "vector. Possible reasons: not on boundary or "
+                  "transformation failed.");
+      gmm::copy(vec, t.as_vector());
+      return 0;
+    }
+    ga_instruction_copy_Normal(base_tensor &t_,
+                               const base_small_vector &Normal_)
+      : ga_instruction_copy_small_vect(t_, Normal_)  {}
+  struct ga_instruction_element_size : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t;
+    scalar_type &es;
-  // Test equality or equivalence of two sub trees.
-  // version = 0 : strict equality
-  //           1 : give the same result
-  //           2 : give the same result with transposition of test functions
-  static bool sub_tree_are_equal
-  (const pga_tree_node pnode1, const pga_tree_node pnode2,
-   const ga_workspace &workspace, int version) {
-    size_type ntype1 = pnode1->node_type;
-    if (ntype1 == GA_NODE_ZERO) ntype1 = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
-    size_type ntype2 = pnode2->node_type;
-    if (ntype2 == GA_NODE_ZERO) ntype2 = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
-    if (ntype1 != ntype2) return false;
-    if (pnode1->children.size() != pnode2->children.size()) return false;
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: element_size");
+      GMM_ASSERT1(t.size() == 1, "Invalid element size.");
+      t[0] = es;
+      return 0;
+    }
+    ga_instruction_element_size(base_tensor &t_, scalar_type &es_)
+      : t(t_), es(es_)  {}
+  };
-    switch(ntype1) {
-    case GA_NODE_OP:
-      if (pnode1->op_type != pnode2->op_type) return false;
-      if (pnode1->symmetric_op != pnode2->symmetric_op)  return false;
-      break;
-      if (pnode1->der1 != pnode2->der1 || pnode1->der2 != pnode2->der2)
-        return false;
-      if (pnode1->>name)) return false;
-      break;
-      if (pnode1->tensor().size() != pnode2->tensor().size()) return false;
-      switch(version) {
-      case 0: case 1:
-        if (pnode1->test_function_type != pnode2->test_function_type)
-          return false;
-        if ((pnode1->test_function_type & 1) &&
-            pnode1->>name_test1) != 0)
-          return false;
-        if ((pnode1->test_function_type & 2) &&
-            pnode1->>name_test2) != 0)
-          return false;
-        break;
-      case 2:
-        if ((pnode1->test_function_type == 1 &&
-             pnode2->test_function_type == 1) ||
-            (pnode1->test_function_type == 2 &&
-             pnode2->test_function_type == 2))
-          return false;
-        if ((pnode1->test_function_type & 1) &&
-            pnode1->>name_test2) != 0)
-          return false;
-        if ((pnode1->test_function_type & 2) &&
-            pnode1->>name_test1) != 0)
-          return false;
-        break;
-      }
-      if (pnode1->tensor().size() != 1 &&
-          pnode1->t.sizes().size() != pnode2->t.sizes().size()) return false;
-      for (size_type i = 0; i < pnode1->t.sizes().size(); ++i)
-        if (pnode1->t.sizes()[i] != pnode2->t.sizes()[i]) return false;
-      for (size_type i = 0; i < pnode1->tensor().size(); ++i)
-        if (gmm::abs(pnode1->tensor()[i] - pnode2->tensor()[i]) > 1E-25)
-          return false;
-      break;
-    case GA_NODE_C_MATRIX:
-      if (pnode1->nbc1 != pnode2->nbc1 || pnode1->nbc2 != pnode2->nbc2 ||
-          pnode1->nbc3 != pnode2->nbc3)
-        return false;
-      break;
-      if (pnode1->>interpolate_name) ||
-          pnode1->nbc1 != pnode2->nbc1)
-        return false;
-      break;
-      if (pnode1->>interpolate_name))
-        return false;
-      break;
-      if (pnode1->>interpolate_name_der))
-        return false;
-      // The test continues with what follows
-      if (pnode1->>interpolate_name) ||
-          pnode1->>elementary_name))
-        return false;
-      // The test continues with what follows
-      {
-        const mesh_fem *mf1 = workspace.associated_mf(pnode1->name);
-        const mesh_fem *mf2 = workspace.associated_mf(pnode2->name);
-        switch (version) {
-        case 0:
-          if (pnode1->>name) ||
-              pnode1->test_function_type != pnode2->test_function_type)
-            return false;
-          break;
-        case 1:
-          if (mf1 != mf2 ||
-              workspace.qdim(pnode1->name) != workspace.qdim(pnode2->name) ||
-              pnode1->test_function_type != pnode2->test_function_type)
-            return false;
-          break;
-        case 2:
-          if (mf1 != mf2 ||
-              workspace.qdim(pnode1->name) != workspace.qdim(pnode2->name) ||
-              pnode1->test_function_type == pnode2->test_function_type)
-            return false;
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      break;
-    case GA_NODE_VAL: case GA_NODE_GRAD:
-    case GA_NODE_HESS: case GA_NODE_DIVERG:
-      if (pnode1->>name)) return false;
-      break;
-      if (pnode1->>interpolate_name) ||
-          pnode1->>elementary_name) ||
-          pnode1->>name))
-        return false;
-      break;
-    case GA_NODE_X:
-      if (pnode1->nbc1 != pnode2->nbc1) return false;
-      break;
+  struct ga_instruction_element_K : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t;
+    const fem_interpolation_context &ctx;
-    default:break;
-    }
-    if (version && ntype1 == GA_NODE_OP && pnode1->symmetric_op) {
-      if (sub_tree_are_equal(pnode1->children[0], pnode2->children[0],
-                             workspace, version) &&
-          sub_tree_are_equal(pnode1->children[1], pnode2->children[1],
-                             workspace, version))
-        return true;
-      if (sub_tree_are_equal(pnode1->children[1], pnode2->children[0],
-                             workspace, version) &&
-          sub_tree_are_equal(pnode1->children[0], pnode2->children[1],
-                             workspace, version) )
-        return true;
-      return false;
-    } else {
-      for (size_type i = 0; i < pnode1->children.size(); ++i)
-        if (!(sub_tree_are_equal(pnode1->children[i], pnode2->children[i],
-                                 workspace, version)))
-          return false;
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: element_K");
+      GMM_ASSERT1(t.size() == (ctx.K()).size(), "Invalid tensor size.");
+      gmm::copy(ctx.K().as_vector(), t.as_vector());
+      return 0;
-    return true;
-  }
-  static void verify_tree(const pga_tree_node pnode,
-                          const pga_tree_node parent) {
-    GMM_ASSERT1(pnode->parent == parent,
-                "Invalid tree node " << pnode->node_type);
-    for (pga_tree_node &child : pnode->children)
-      verify_tree(child, pnode);
-  }
+    ga_instruction_element_K(base_tensor &t_,
+                             const fem_interpolation_context &ct)
+      : t(t_), ctx(ct)  {}
+  };
+  struct ga_instruction_element_B : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t;
+    const fem_interpolation_context &ctx;
-#define ga_valid_operand(expr, pnode)                        \
-  {                                                          \
-    if (pnode && (pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_PREDEF_FUNC || \
-                  pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_SPEC_FUNC ||   \
-                  pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_NAME ||        \
-                  pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_OPERATOR ||    \
-                  pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_ALLINDICES))   \
-      ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Invalid term");      \
-  }
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: element_B");
+      GMM_ASSERT1(t.size() == (ctx.B()).size(), "Invalid tensor size.");
+      gmm::copy(ctx.B().as_vector(), t.as_vector());
+      return 0;
+    }
+    ga_instruction_element_B(base_tensor &t_,
+                             const fem_interpolation_context &ct)
+      : t(t_), ctx(ct)  {}
+  };
-  static void ga_print_constant_tensor(const pga_tree_node pnode,
-                                       std::ostream &str) {
-    size_type nt = pnode->nb_test_functions(); // for printing zero tensors
-    switch (pnode->tensor_order()) {
-    case 0:
-      str << (nt ? scalar_type(0) : pnode->tensor()[0]);
-      break;
+  struct ga_instruction_val_base : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t;
+    fem_interpolation_context &ctx;
+    const mesh_fem &mf;
+    const pfem_precomp &pfp;
-    case 1:
-      str << "[";
-      for (size_type i = 0; i < pnode->tensor_proper_size(0); ++i) {
-        if (i != 0) str << "; ";
-        str << (nt ? scalar_type(0) : pnode->tensor()[i]);
+    virtual int exec() { // --> t(ndof,target_dim)
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: compute value of base functions");
+      // if (ctx.have_pgp()) ctx.set_pfp(pfp);
+      // else ctx.set_pf(mf.fem_of_element(ctx.convex_num()));
+      // GMM_ASSERT1(, "Undefined finite element method");
+      // ctx.base_value(t);
+      if (ctx.have_pgp()) ctx.pfp_base_value(t, pfp);
+      else {
+        ctx.set_pf(mf.fem_of_element(ctx.convex_num()));
+        GMM_ASSERT1(, "Undefined finite element method");
+        ctx.base_value(t);
-      str << "]";
-      break;
+      return 0;
+    }
-    case 2: case 3: case 4:
-      {
-        size_type ii(0);
-        size_type n0 = pnode->tensor_proper_size(0);
-        size_type n1 = pnode->tensor_proper_size(1);
-        size_type n2 = ((pnode->tensor_order() > 2) ?
-                        pnode->tensor_proper_size(2) : 1);
-        size_type n3 = ((pnode->tensor_order() > 3) ?
-                        pnode->tensor_proper_size(3) : 1);
-        if (n3 > 1) str << "[";
-        for (size_type l = 0; l < n3; ++l) {
-          if (l != 0) str << ",";
-          if (n2 > 1) str << "[";
-          for (size_type k = 0; k < n2; ++k) {
-            if (k != 0) str << ",";
-            if (n1 > 1) str << "[";
-            for (size_type j = 0; j < n1; ++j) {
-              if (j != 0) str << ",";
-              if (n0 > 1) str << "[";
-              for (size_type i = 0; i < n0; ++i) {
-                if (i != 0) str << ",";
-                str << (nt ? scalar_type(0) : pnode->tensor()[ii++]);
-              }
-              if (n0 > 1) str << "]";
-            }
-            if (n1 > 1) str << "]";
-          }
-          if (n2 > 1) str << "]";
-        }
-        if (n3 > 1) str << "]";
-      }
-      break;
+    ga_instruction_val_base(base_tensor &tt, fem_interpolation_context &ct,
+                            const mesh_fem &mf_, const pfem_precomp &pfp_)
+      : t(tt), ctx(ct), mf(mf_), pfp(pfp_) {}
+  };
-    case 5: case 6:
-      str << "Reshape([";
-      for (size_type i = 0; i < pnode->tensor_proper_size(); ++i) {
-        if (i != 0) str << "; ";
-        str << (nt ? scalar_type(0) : pnode->tensor()[i]);
-      }
-      str << "]";
-      for (size_type i = 0; i < pnode->tensor_order(); ++i) {
-        if (i != 0) str << ", ";
-        str << pnode->tensor_proper_size(i);
-      }
-      str << ")";
-      break;
+  struct ga_instruction_xfem_plus_val_base : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t;
+    fem_interpolation_context &ctx;
+    const mesh_fem &mf;
+    pfem_precomp &pfp;
-    default: GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Invalid tensor dimension");
+    virtual int exec() { // --> t(ndof,target_dim)
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: compute value of base functions");
+      if (ctx.have_pgp()) ctx.set_pfp(pfp);
+      else ctx.set_pf(mf.fem_of_element(ctx.convex_num()));
+      GMM_ASSERT1(, "Undefined finite element method");
+      int old_xfem_side = ctx.xfem_side();
+      ctx.set_xfem_side(1);
+      ctx.base_value(t);
+      ctx.set_xfem_side(old_xfem_side);
+      return 0;
-    GMM_ASSERT1(pnode->children.size() == 0, "Invalid tree");
-  }
-  static void ga_print_node(const pga_tree_node pnode,
-                            std::ostream &str) {
-    if (!pnode) return;
-    long prec = str.precision(16);
+    ga_instruction_xfem_plus_val_base(base_tensor &tt,
+                                      fem_interpolation_context &ct,
+                                      const mesh_fem &mf_, pfem_precomp &pfp_)
+      : t(tt), ctx(ct), mf(mf_), pfp(pfp_) {}
+  };
-    bool is_interpolate(false), is_elementary(false);
-    bool is_xfem_plus(false), is_xfem_minus(false);
-    switch(pnode->node_type) {
-      str << "Interpolate(";
-      is_interpolate = true;
-      break;
-      is_elementary = true;
-      str << "Elementary_transformation(";
-      break;
-    case GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS:
-      is_xfem_plus = true;
-      str << "Xfem_plus(";
-      break;
-      is_xfem_minus = true;
-      str << "Xfem_minus(";
-      break;
-    default:
-      break;
-    }
+  struct ga_instruction_xfem_minus_val_base : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t;
+    fem_interpolation_context &ctx;
+    const mesh_fem &mf;
+    pfem_precomp &pfp;
-    switch(pnode->node_type) {
-    case GA_NODE_GRAD:
-    case GA_NODE_GRAD_TEST:
-      str << "Grad_";
-      break;
-    case GA_NODE_HESS:
-    case GA_NODE_HESS_TEST:
-      str << "Hess_";
-      break;
-    case GA_NODE_DIVERG:
-      str << "Div_";
-      break;
-    default:
-      break;
+    virtual int exec() { // --> t(ndof,target_dim)
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: compute value of base functions");
+      if (ctx.have_pgp()) ctx.set_pfp(pfp);
+      else ctx.set_pf(mf.fem_of_element(ctx.convex_num()));
+      GMM_ASSERT1(, "Undefined finite element method");
+      int old_xfem_side = ctx.xfem_side();
+      ctx.set_xfem_side(-1);
+      ctx.base_value(t);
+      ctx.set_xfem_side(old_xfem_side);
+      return 0;
-    switch(pnode->node_type) {
-    case GA_NODE_OP:
-      {
-        bool par = false;
-        if (pnode->parent) {
-          if (pnode->parent->node_type == GA_NODE_OP &&
-              (ga_operator_priorities[pnode->op_type] >= 2 ||
-               ga_operator_priorities[pnode->op_type]
-               < ga_operator_priorities[pnode->parent->op_type]))
-            par = true;
-          if (pnode->parent->node_type == GA_NODE_PARAMS) par = true;
-        }
+    ga_instruction_xfem_minus_val_base
+    (base_tensor &tt, fem_interpolation_context &ct,
+     const mesh_fem &mf_, pfem_precomp &pfp_)
+      : t(tt), ctx(ct), mf(mf_), pfp(pfp_) {}
+  };
+  struct ga_instruction_grad_base : public ga_instruction_val_base {
-        if (par) str << "(";
-        if (pnode->op_type == GA_UNARY_MINUS) {
-          GMM_ASSERT1(pnode->children.size() == 1, "Invalid tree");
-          str << "-"; ga_print_node(pnode->children[0], str);
-        } else if (pnode->op_type == GA_QUOTE) {
-          GMM_ASSERT1(pnode->children.size() == 1, "Invalid tree");
-          ga_print_node(pnode->children[0], str); str << "'";
-        } else if (pnode->op_type == GA_SYM) {
-          GMM_ASSERT1(pnode->children.size() == 1, "Invalid tree");
-          str << "Sym("; ga_print_node(pnode->children[0], str); str << ")";
-        } else if (pnode->op_type == GA_SKEW) {
-          GMM_ASSERT1(pnode->children.size() == 1, "Invalid tree");
-          str << "Skew("; ga_print_node(pnode->children[0], str); str << ")";
-        } else if (pnode->op_type == GA_TRACE) {
-          GMM_ASSERT1(pnode->children.size() == 1, "Invalid tree");
-          str << "Trace("; ga_print_node(pnode->children[0], str); str << ")";
-        } else if (pnode->op_type == GA_DEVIATOR) {
-          GMM_ASSERT1(pnode->children.size() == 1, "Invalid tree with "
-                      << pnode->children.size() << " children instead of 1");
-          str << "Deviator("; ga_print_node(pnode->children[0], str); str<<")";
-        } else if (pnode->op_type == GA_PRINT) {
-          GMM_ASSERT1(pnode->children.size() == 1, "Invalid tree");
-          str << "Print("; ga_print_node(pnode->children[0], str); str << ")";
-        } else {
-          // GMM_ASSERT1(pnode->children.size() == 2, "Invalid tree");
-          if (!par && pnode->op_type == GA_MULT &&
-              (pnode->children.size() == 1 ||
-               pnode->test_function_type == size_type(-1) ||
-               (pnode->children[0]->tensor_order() == 4 &&
-                pnode->children[1]->tensor_order() == 2)))
-            { par = true; str << "("; }
-          ga_print_node(pnode->children[0], str);
-          switch (pnode->op_type) {
-          case GA_PLUS: str << "+"; break;
-          case GA_MINUS: str << "-"; break;
-          case GA_MULT: str << "*"; break;
-          case GA_DIV: str << "/"; break;
-          case GA_COLON: str << ":"; break;
-          case GA_DOT: str << "."; break;
-          case GA_DOTMULT: str << ".*"; break;
-          case GA_DOTDIV: str << "./"; break;
-          case GA_TMULT: str << "@"; break;
-          default: GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Invalid or not taken into account "
-                               "operation");
-          }
-          if (pnode->children.size() >= 2)
-            ga_print_node(pnode->children[1], str);
-          else
-            str << "(unknown second argument)";
-        }
-        if (par) str << ")";
+    virtual int exec() { // --> t(ndof,target_dim,N)
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: compute gradient of base functions");
+      // if (ctx.have_pgp()) ctx.set_pfp(pfp);
+      // else ctx.set_pf(mf.fem_of_element(ctx.convex_num()));
+      // GMM_ASSERT1(, "Undefined finite element method");
+      // ctx.grad_base_value(t);
+      if (ctx.have_pgp()) ctx.pfp_grad_base_value(t, pfp);
+      else {
+        ctx.set_pf(mf.fem_of_element(ctx.convex_num()));
+        GMM_ASSERT1(, "Undefined finite element method");
+        ctx.grad_base_value(t);
-      break;
+      return 0;
+    }
-    case GA_NODE_X:
-      if (pnode->nbc1) str << "X(" << pnode->nbc1 << ")"; else str << "X";
-      break;
-    case GA_NODE_ELT_SIZE: str << "element_size"; break;
-    case GA_NODE_ELT_K: str << "element_K"; break;
-    case GA_NODE_ELT_B: str << "element_B"; break;
-    case GA_NODE_NORMAL: str << "Normal"; break;
-      str << "Interpolate_filter(" << pnode->interpolate_name << ",";
-      ga_print_node(pnode->children[0], str);
-      if (pnode->children.size() == 2)
-        {  str << ","; ga_print_node(pnode->children[1], str); }
-      else if (pnode->nbc1 != size_type(-1)) str << "," << pnode->nbc1;
-      str << ")";
-      break;
-      str << "X";
-      break;
-      str << "Normal";
-      break;
-      str << (pnode->test_function_type == 1 ? "Test_" : "Test2_")
-          << "Interpolate_derivative(" << pnode->interpolate_name_der << ","
-          << pnode->interpolate_name << "," << pnode->name << ")";
-      break;
-    case GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS:
-    case GA_NODE_VAL:
-    case GA_NODE_GRAD:
-    case GA_NODE_HESS:
-    case GA_NODE_DIVERG:
-      str << pnode->name;
-      break;
-    case GA_NODE_VAL_TEST:
-    case GA_NODE_GRAD_TEST:
-    case GA_NODE_HESS_TEST:
-      str << (pnode->test_function_type == 1 ? "Test_" : "Test2_")
-          << pnode->name;
-      break;
-    case GA_NODE_SPEC_FUNC: str << pnode->name; break;
-      if (pnode->der1) {
-        str << "Derivative_" << pnode->der1 << "_";
-        if (pnode->der2) str << pnode->der2 << "_";
-      }
-      str << pnode->name; break;
-    case GA_NODE_ZERO:
-      GMM_ASSERT1(pnode->test_function_type != size_type(-1),
-                  "Internal error");
-      if (pnode->test_function_type) str << "(";
-      ga_print_constant_tensor(pnode, str);
-      if (pnode->name_test1.size()) {
-        GMM_ASSERT1(pnode->qdim1 > 0, "Internal error");
-        if (pnode->qdim1 == 1)
-          str << "*Test_" << pnode->name_test1;
-        else {
-          str << "*(Reshape(Test_" << pnode->name_test1 << ","
-              << pnode->qdim1<< ")(1))";
-        }
-      }
-      if (pnode->name_test2.size()) {
-        GMM_ASSERT1(pnode->qdim2 > 0, "Internal error");
-        if (pnode->qdim2 == 1)
-          str << "*Test2_" << pnode->name_test2;
-        else {
-          str << "*(Reshape(Test2_" << pnode->name_test2 << ","
-              << pnode->qdim2<< ")(1))";
-        }
-      }
-      if (pnode->test_function_type) str << ")";
-      break;
+    ga_instruction_grad_base(base_tensor &tt, fem_interpolation_context &ct,
+                             const mesh_fem &mf_, pfem_precomp &pfp_)
+    : ga_instruction_val_base(tt, ct, mf_, pfp_)
+    {}
+  };
-      ga_print_constant_tensor(pnode, str);
-      break;
+  struct ga_instruction_xfem_plus_grad_base : public ga_instruction_val_base {
-      str << ":";
-      GMM_ASSERT1(pnode->children.size() == 0, "Invalid tree");
-      break;
+    virtual int exec() { // --> t(ndof,target_dim,N)
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: compute gradient of base functions");
+      if (ctx.have_pgp()) ctx.set_pfp(pfp);
+      else ctx.set_pf(mf.fem_of_element(ctx.convex_num()));
+      GMM_ASSERT1(, "Undefined finite element method");
+      int old_xfem_side = ctx.xfem_side();
+      ctx.set_xfem_side(1);
+      ctx.grad_base_value(t);
+      ctx.set_xfem_side(old_xfem_side);
+      return 0;
+    }
-    case GA_NODE_PARAMS:
-      GMM_ASSERT1(pnode->children.size(), "Invalid tree");
-      ga_print_node(pnode->children[0], str);
-      str << "(";
-      for (size_type i = 1; i < pnode->children.size(); ++i) {
-        if (i > 1) str << ", ";
-        ga_print_node(pnode->children[i], str);
-      }
-      str << ")";
-      break;
-    case GA_NODE_NAME:
-      str << pnode->name;
-      GMM_ASSERT1(pnode->children.size() == 0, "Invalid tree");
-      break;
-    case GA_NODE_RESHAPE:
-      str << "Reshape";
-      GMM_ASSERT1(pnode->children.size() == 0, "Invalid tree");
-      break;
+    ga_instruction_xfem_plus_grad_base
+    (base_tensor &tt, fem_interpolation_context &ct,
+     const mesh_fem &mf_, pfem_precomp &pfp_)
+    : ga_instruction_val_base(tt, ct, mf_, pfp_)
+    {}
+  };
-    case GA_NODE_C_MATRIX:
-      {
-        GMM_ASSERT1(pnode->children.size(), "Invalid tree");
-        size_type nbc1 = pnode->nbc1;
-        size_type nbc2 = pnode->nbc2;
-        size_type nbc3 = pnode->nbc3;
-        size_type nbcl = pnode->children.size()/(nbc1*nbc2*nbc3);
-        if (nbc1 > 1) str << "[";
-        for (size_type i1 = 0; i1 < nbc1; ++i1) {
-          if (i1 != 0) str << ",";
-          if (nbc2 > 1) str << "[";
-          for (size_type i2 = 0; i2 < nbc2; ++i2) {
-            if (i2 != 0) str << ",";
-            if (nbc3 > 1) str << "[";
-            for (size_type i3 = 0; i3 < nbc3; ++i3) {
-              if (i3 != 0) str << ",";
-              if (nbcl > 1) str << "[";
-              for (size_type i4 = 0; i4 < nbcl; ++i4) {
-                if (i4 != 0) str << ",";
-                size_type ii = ((i4*nbc3 + i3)*nbc2 + i2)*nbc1 + i1;
-                ga_print_node(pnode->children[ii], str);
-              }
-              if (nbcl > 1) str << "]";
-            }
-            if (nbc3 > 1) str << "]";
-          }
-          if (nbc2 > 1) str << "]";
-        }
-        if (nbc1 > 1) str << "]";
-      }
-      break;
+  struct ga_instruction_xfem_minus_grad_base : public ga_instruction_val_base {
-    default:
-      str << "Invalid or not taken into account node type "
-           << pnode->node_type;
-      break;
+    virtual int exec() { // --> t(ndof,target_dim,N)
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: compute gradient of base functions");
+      if (ctx.have_pgp()) ctx.set_pfp(pfp);
+      else ctx.set_pf(mf.fem_of_element(ctx.convex_num()));
+      GMM_ASSERT1(, "Undefined finite element method");
+      int old_xfem_side = ctx.xfem_side();
+      ctx.set_xfem_side(-1);
+      ctx.grad_base_value(t);
+      ctx.set_xfem_side(old_xfem_side);
+      return 0;
-    if (is_interpolate)
-      str << "," << pnode->interpolate_name << ")";
-    else if (is_elementary)
-      str << "," << pnode->elementary_name << ")";
-    else if (is_xfem_plus || is_xfem_minus)
-      str << ")";
-    str.precision(prec);
-  }
-  std::string ga_tree_to_string(const ga_tree &tree) {
-    std::stringstream str;
-    str.precision(16);
-    if (tree.root) verify_tree(tree.root, 0);
-    if (tree.root) ga_print_node(tree.root, str); else str << "0";
-    return str.str();
-  }
+    ga_instruction_xfem_minus_grad_base
+    (base_tensor &tt, fem_interpolation_context &ct,
+     const mesh_fem &mf_, pfem_precomp &pfp_)
+    : ga_instruction_val_base(tt, ct, mf_, pfp_)
+    {}
+  };
-  size_type ga_parse_prefix_operator(std::string &name) {
-    if (name.size() >= 5 &&, 5, "Grad_") == 0)
-      { name = name.substr(5); return 1; }
-    else if (name.size() >= 5 &&, 5, "Hess_") == 0)
-      { name = name.substr(5); return 2; }
-    else if (name.size() >= 4 &&, 4, "Div_") == 0)
-      { name = name.substr(4); return 3; }
-    return 0;
-  }
-  size_type ga_parse_prefix_test(std::string &name) {
-    if (name.size() >= 5 &&, 5, "Test_") == 0)
-      { name = name.substr(5); return 1; }
-    else if (name.size() >= 6 &&, 6, "Test2_") == 0)
-      { name = name.substr(6); return 2; }
-    return 0;
-  }
+  struct ga_instruction_hess_base : public ga_instruction_val_base {
+    virtual int exec() { // --> t(ndof,target_dim,N*N)
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: compute Hessian of base functions");
+      if (ctx.have_pgp()) ctx.set_pfp(pfp);
+      else ctx.set_pf(mf.fem_of_element(ctx.convex_num()));
+      GMM_ASSERT1(, "Undefined finite element method");
+      ctx.hess_base_value(t);
+      return 0;
+    }
-  //=========================================================================
-  // Syntax analysis for the generic assembly langage
-  //=========================================================================
+    ga_instruction_hess_base(base_tensor &tt, fem_interpolation_context &ct,
+                             const mesh_fem &mf_, pfem_precomp &pfp_)
+    : ga_instruction_val_base(tt, ct, mf_, pfp_)
+    {}
+  };
-  // Read a term with an (implicit) pushdown automaton.
-  static GA_TOKEN_TYPE ga_read_term(const std::string &expr, size_type &pos,
-                                    ga_tree &tree) {
-    size_type token_pos, token_length;
-    GA_TOKEN_TYPE t_type;
-    int state = 1; // 1 = reading term, 2 = reading after term
+  struct ga_instruction_xfem_plus_hess_base : public ga_instruction_val_base {
-    for (;;) {
+    virtual int exec() { // --> t(ndof,target_dim,N*N)
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: compute Hessian of base functions");
+      if (ctx.have_pgp()) ctx.set_pfp(pfp);
+      else ctx.set_pf(mf.fem_of_element(ctx.convex_num()));
+      GMM_ASSERT1(, "Undefined finite element method");
+      int old_xfem_side = ctx.xfem_side();
+      ctx.set_xfem_side(1);
+      ctx.hess_base_value(t);
+      ctx.set_xfem_side(old_xfem_side);
+      return 0;
+    }
-      t_type = ga_get_token(expr, pos, token_pos, token_length);
+    ga_instruction_xfem_plus_hess_base
+    (base_tensor &tt, fem_interpolation_context &ct,
+     const mesh_fem &mf_, pfem_precomp &pfp_)
+    : ga_instruction_val_base(tt, ct, mf_, pfp_)
+    {}
+  };
-      switch (state) {
+  struct ga_instruction_xfem_minus_hess_base : public ga_instruction_val_base {
-      case 1:
-        switch (t_type) {
-        case GA_SCALAR:
-          {
-            char *endptr; const char *nptr = &(expr[token_pos]);
-            scalar_type s_read = ::strtod(nptr, &endptr);
-            if (endptr == nptr)
-              ga_throw_error(expr, token_pos, "Bad numeric format.");
-            tree.add_scalar(s_read, token_pos);
-          }
-          state = 2; break;
-        case GA_COLON:
-          tree.add_allindices(token_pos);
-          state = 2; break;
-        case GA_NAME:
-          tree.add_name(&(expr[token_pos]), token_length, token_pos);
-          state = 2; break;
-        case GA_MINUS: // unary -
-          tree.add_op(GA_UNARY_MINUS, token_pos);
-        case GA_PLUS:  // unary +
-          state = 1; break;
-        case GA_SYM:
-          tree.add_op(GA_SYM, token_pos);
-          state = 1; break;
-        case GA_SKEW:
-          tree.add_op(GA_SKEW, token_pos);
-          state = 1; break;
-        case GA_TRACE:
-          tree.add_op(GA_TRACE, token_pos);
-          state = 1; break;
-        case GA_DEVIATOR:
-          tree.add_op(GA_DEVIATOR, token_pos);
-          state = 1; break;
-        case GA_INTERPOLATE:
-          {
-            tree.add_scalar(scalar_type(0), token_pos);
-            tree.current_node->node_type = GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE;
-            t_type = ga_get_token(expr, pos, token_pos, token_length);
-            if (t_type != GA_LPAR)
-              ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1, "Missing interpolate arguments.");
-            t_type = ga_get_token(expr, pos, token_pos, token_length);
-            if (t_type != GA_NAME)
-              ga_throw_error(expr, pos,
-                             "First argument of Interpolate should be a "
-                             "variable, test function, X or Normal.");
-            tree.current_node->name = std::string(&(expr[token_pos]),
-                                                  token_length);
-            t_type = ga_get_token(expr, pos, token_pos, token_length);
-            if (t_type != GA_COMMA)
-              ga_throw_error(expr, pos, "Bad format for Interpolate "
-                             "arguments.");
-            t_type = ga_get_token(expr, pos, token_pos, token_length);
-            if (t_type != GA_NAME)
-              ga_throw_error(expr, pos,
-                             "Second argument of Interpolate should be a "
-                             "transformation name.");
-            tree.current_node->interpolate_name
-              = std::string(&(expr[token_pos]), token_length);
-            t_type = ga_get_token(expr, pos, token_pos, token_length);
-            if (t_type != GA_RPAR)
-              ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1, "Missing a parenthesis after "
-                             "interpolate arguments.");
-            state = 2;
-          }
-          break;
+    virtual int exec() { // --> t(ndof,target_dim,N*N)
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: compute Hessian of base functions");
+      if (ctx.have_pgp()) ctx.set_pfp(pfp);
+      else ctx.set_pf(mf.fem_of_element(ctx.convex_num()));
+      GMM_ASSERT1(, "Undefined finite element method");
+      int old_xfem_side = ctx.xfem_side();
+      ctx.set_xfem_side(-1);
+      ctx.hess_base_value(t);
+      ctx.set_xfem_side(old_xfem_side);
+      return 0;
+    }
-        case GA_ELEMENTARY:
-          {
-            tree.add_scalar(scalar_type(0), token_pos);
-            tree.current_node->node_type = GA_NODE_ELEMENTARY;
-            t_type = ga_get_token(expr, pos, token_pos, token_length);
-            if (t_type != GA_LPAR)
-              ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1,
-                             "Missing Elementary_transformation arguments.");
-            t_type = ga_get_token(expr, pos, token_pos, token_length);
-            if (t_type != GA_NAME)
-              ga_throw_error(expr, pos,
-                             "First argument of Elementary_transformation "
-                             "should be a variable or a test function.");
-            tree.current_node->name = std::string(&(expr[token_pos]),
-                                                  token_length);
-            t_type = ga_get_token(expr, pos, token_pos, token_length);
-            if (t_type != GA_COMMA)
-              ga_throw_error(expr, pos, "Bad format for "
-                             "Elementary_transformation arguments.");
-            t_type = ga_get_token(expr, pos, token_pos, token_length);
-            if (t_type != GA_NAME)
-              ga_throw_error(expr, pos,
-                             "Second argument of Elementary_transformation "
-                             "should be a transformation name.");
-            tree.current_node->elementary_name
-              = std::string(&(expr[token_pos]), token_length);
-            t_type = ga_get_token(expr, pos, token_pos, token_length);
-            if (t_type != GA_RPAR)
-              ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1, "Missing a parenthesis after "
-                             "Elementary_transformation arguments.");
-            state = 2;
-          }
-          break;
+    ga_instruction_xfem_minus_hess_base
+    (base_tensor &tt, fem_interpolation_context &ct,
+     const mesh_fem &mf_, pfem_precomp &pfp_)
+    : ga_instruction_val_base(tt, ct, mf_, pfp_)
+    {}
+  };
-        case GA_XFEM_PLUS:
-          {
-            tree.add_scalar(scalar_type(0), token_pos);
-            tree.current_node->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS;
-            t_type = ga_get_token(expr, pos, token_pos, token_length);
-            if (t_type != GA_LPAR)
-              ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1,
-                             "Missing Xfem_plus arguments.");
-            t_type = ga_get_token(expr, pos, token_pos, token_length);
-            if (t_type != GA_NAME)
-              ga_throw_error(expr, pos,
-                             "The argument of Xfem_plus should be a "
-                             "variable or a test function.");
-            tree.current_node->name = std::string(&(expr[token_pos]),
-                                                  token_length);
-            t_type = ga_get_token(expr, pos, token_pos, token_length);
-            if (t_type != GA_RPAR)
-              ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1, "Missing a parenthesis after "
-                             "Xfem_plus argument.");
-            state = 2;
-          }
-          break;
+  struct ga_instruction_val : public ga_instruction {
+    scalar_type &a;
+    base_tensor &t;
+    const base_tensor &Z;
+    const base_vector &coeff;
+    size_type qdim;
+    // Z(ndof,target_dim), coeff(Qmult,ndof) --> t(target_dim*Qmult)
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: variable value");
+      size_type ndof = Z.sizes()[0];
+      if (!ndof) { gmm::clear(t.as_vector()); return 0; }
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == qdim, "dimensions mismatch");
-        case GA_XFEM_MINUS:
-          {
-            tree.add_scalar(scalar_type(0), token_pos);
-            tree.current_node->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_MINUS;
-            t_type = ga_get_token(expr, pos, token_pos, token_length);
-            if (t_type != GA_LPAR)
-              ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1,
-                             "Missing Xfem_minus arguments.");
-            t_type = ga_get_token(expr, pos, token_pos, token_length);
-            if (t_type != GA_NAME)
-              ga_throw_error(expr, pos,
-                             "The argument of Xfem_minus should be a "
-                             "variable or a test function.");
-            tree.current_node->name = std::string(&(expr[token_pos]),
-                                                  token_length);
-            t_type = ga_get_token(expr, pos, token_pos, token_length);
-            if (t_type != GA_RPAR)
-              ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1, "Missing a parenthesis after "
-                             "Xfem_minus argument.");
-            state = 2;
+      if (qdim == 1) {
+        GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(gmm::vect_size(coeff) == ndof,
+                        "Wrong size for coeff vector");
+        auto itc = coeff.begin(); auto itZ = Z.begin();
+        a = (*itc++) * (*itZ++);
+        while (itc != coeff.end()) a += (*itc++) * (*itZ++);
+      } else {
+        size_type target_dim = Z.sizes()[1];
+        if (target_dim == 1) {
+          GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(gmm::vect_size(coeff) == ndof*qdim,
+                          "Wrong size for coeff vector");
+          auto itc = coeff.begin(); auto itZ = Z.begin();
+          for (auto it = t.begin(); it != t.end(); ++it)
+            *it = (*itc++) * (*itZ);
+          ++itZ;
+          for (size_type j = 1; j < ndof; ++j, ++itZ) {
+            for (auto it = t.begin(); it != t.end(); ++it)
+              *it += (*itc++) * (*itZ);
-          break;
+        } else {
+          size_type Qmult = qdim / target_dim;
+          GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(gmm::vect_size(coeff) == ndof*Qmult,
+                          "Wrong size for coeff vector");
-          {
-            tree.add_scalar(scalar_type(0), token_pos);
-            tree.current_node->node_type = GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_FILTER;
-            tree.current_node->nbc1 = size_type(-1);
-            t_type = ga_get_token(expr, pos, token_pos, token_length);
-            if (t_type != GA_LPAR)
-              ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1, "Missing interpolate arguments.");
-            t_type = ga_get_token(expr, pos, token_pos, token_length);
-            if (t_type != GA_NAME)
-              ga_throw_error(expr, pos, "First argument of Interpolate_filter "
-                             "should be a transformation name.");
-            tree.current_node->interpolate_name
-              = std::string(&(expr[token_pos]), token_length);
-            t_type = ga_get_token(expr, pos, token_pos, token_length);
-            if (t_type != GA_COMMA)
-              ga_throw_error(expr,pos,
-                             "Bad format for Interpolate_filter arguments.");
-            ga_tree sub_tree;
-            t_type = ga_read_term(expr, pos, sub_tree);
-            if (t_type != GA_RPAR && t_type != GA_COMMA)
-              ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1,
-                             "Bad format for Interpolate_filter arguments.");
-            tree.add_sub_tree(sub_tree);
-            if (t_type == GA_COMMA) {
-               ga_tree sub_tree2;
-               t_type = ga_read_term(expr, pos, sub_tree2);
-               tree.add_sub_tree(sub_tree2);
+          gmm::clear(t.as_vector());
+          auto itc = coeff.begin();
+          for (size_type j = 0; j < ndof; ++j) {
+            auto it = t.begin();
+            for (size_type q = 0; q < Qmult; ++q, ++itc) {
+              for (size_type r = 0; r < target_dim; ++r)
+                *it++ += (*itc) * Z[j + r*ndof];
-            if (t_type != GA_RPAR)
-              ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1, "Unbalanced parenthesis.");
-            state = 2;
-          }
-          break;
-        case GA_PRINT:
-          tree.add_op(GA_PRINT, token_pos);
-          state = 1; break;
-        case GA_LPAR: // Parenthesed expression
-          {
-            ga_tree sub_tree;
-            GA_TOKEN_TYPE r_type;
-            r_type = ga_read_term(expr, pos, sub_tree);
-            if (r_type != GA_RPAR)
-              ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1, "Unbalanced parenthesis.");
-            tree.add_sub_tree(sub_tree);
-            state = 2;
-          }
-          break;
-        case GA_LBRACKET: // Explicit vector/matrix or tensor
-          {
-            ga_tree sub_tree;
-            GA_TOKEN_TYPE r_type;
-            size_type nbc1(0), nbc2(0), nbc3(0), n1(0), n2(0), n3(0);
-            size_type tensor_order(1);
-            bool foundcomma(false), foundsemi(false), nested_format(false);
-            tree.add_matrix(token_pos);
-            do {
-              r_type = ga_read_term(expr, pos, sub_tree);
-              if (sub_tree.root->node_type == GA_NODE_C_MATRIX) {
-                // nested format
-                if (r_type != GA_COMMA && r_type != GA_RBRACKET)
-                  // in the nested format only "," and "]" are expected
-                  ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1, "Bad explicit "
-                                 "vector/matrix/tensor format.")
-                else if (sub_tree.root->nbc3 != 1)
-                  // the sub-tensor to be merged cannot be of fourth order
-                  ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1, "Definition of explicit "
-                                 "tensors is limitted to the fourth order. "
-                                 "Limit exceeded.")
-                else if (foundsemi || // Cannot mix with the non-nested format.
-                         (sub_tree.root->children.size() > 1 &&
-                          // The sub-tensor cannot be a column vector [a;b],
-                          sub_tree.root->nbc1 == 1))
-                  // the nested format only accepts row vectors [a,b]
-                  // and converts them to column vectors internally
-                  ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1, "Bad explicit "
-                                 "vector/matrix/tensor format.")  // (see 
-                // convert a row vector [a,b] to a column vector [a;b]
-                if (sub_tree.root->children.size() == sub_tree.root->nbc1)
-                  sub_tree.root->nbc1 = 1;
-                nested_format = true;
-                size_type sub_tensor_order = 3;
-                if (sub_tree.root->nbc1 == 1)
-                  sub_tensor_order = 1;
-                else if (sub_tree.root->nbc2 == 1)
-                  sub_tensor_order = 2;
-                if (tensor_order == 1) {
-                  if (nbc1 != 0 || nbc2 != 0 || nbc3 != 0)
-                    ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1, "Bad explicit "
-                                   "vector/matrix/tensor format.");
-                  nbc1 = 1;
-                  nbc2 = sub_tree.root->nbc1;
-                  nbc3 = sub_tree.root->nbc2;
-                  tensor_order = sub_tensor_order + 1;
-                } else {
-                  if ((tensor_order != sub_tensor_order + 1) ||
-                      (tensor_order > 2 && nbc2 != sub_tree.root->nbc1) ||
-                      (tensor_order > 3 && nbc3 != sub_tree.root->nbc2))
-                    ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1, "Bad explicit "
-                                   "vector/matrix/tensor format.");
-                  nbc1 += 1;
-                }
-                tree.zip_matrix(sub_tree.root);
-                sub_tree.clear();
-                if (r_type == GA_RBRACKET) {
-                  tree.current_node->nbc1 = nbc1;
-                  tree.current_node->nbc2 = nbc2;
-                  tree.current_node->nbc3 = nbc3;
-                }
-              } else {
-                // non-nested format
-                tree.add_sub_tree(sub_tree);
-                ++n1; ++n2; ++n3;
-                if (tensor_order < 2) ++nbc1;
-                if (tensor_order < 3) ++nbc2;
-                if (tensor_order < 4) ++nbc3;
-                if (r_type == GA_COMMA) {
-                  if (!foundcomma && tensor_order > 1)
-                    ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1, "Bad explicit "
-                                   "vector/matrix/tensor format.");
-                  foundcomma = true;
-                } else if (r_type == GA_SEMICOLON) {
-                  if (n1 != nbc1)
-                    ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1, "Bad explicit "
-                                   "vector/matrix/tensor format.");
-                  n1 = 0;
-                  tensor_order = std::max(tensor_order, size_type(2));
-                } else if (r_type == GA_DCOMMA) {
-                  if (n1 != nbc1 || n2 != nbc2)
-                    ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1, "Bad explicit "
-                                   "vector/matrix/tensor format.");
-                  foundsemi = true;
-                  n2 = n1 = 0;
-                  tensor_order = std::max(tensor_order, size_type(3));
-                } else if (r_type == GA_DSEMICOLON) {
-                  if (n1 != nbc1 || n2 != nbc2 || n3 != nbc3 ||
-                      tensor_order < 3)
-                    ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1, "Bad explicit "
-                                   "vector/matrix/tensor format.");
-                  n3 = n2 = n1 = 0;
-                  tensor_order = std::max(tensor_order, size_type(4));
-                } else if (r_type == GA_RBRACKET) {
-                  if (n1 != nbc1 || n2 != nbc2 || n3 != nbc3 ||
-                      tensor_order == 3)
-                    ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1, "Bad explicit "
-                                   "vector/matrix/tensor format.");
-                  tree.current_node->nbc1 = nbc1;
-                  if (tensor_order == 4) {
-                    tree.current_node->nbc2 = nbc2/nbc1;
-                    tree.current_node->nbc3 = nbc3/nbc2;
-                  } else {
-                    tree.current_node->nbc2 = tree.current_node->nbc3 = 1;
-                  }
-                } else {
-                  ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1, "The explicit "
-                                 "vector/matrix/tensor components should be "
-                                 "separated by ',', ';', ',,' and ';;' and "
-                                 "be ended by ']'.");
-                }
-              }
-            } while (r_type != GA_RBRACKET);
-            state = 2;
-          }
-          break;
-        default:
-          ga_throw_error(expr, token_pos, "Unexpected token.");
-        }
-        break;
-      case 2:
-        switch (t_type) {
-        case GA_PLUS: case GA_MINUS: case GA_MULT: case GA_DIV:
-        case GA_COLON: case GA_DOT: case GA_DOTMULT: case GA_DOTDIV:
-        case GA_TMULT:
-          tree.add_op(t_type, token_pos);
-          state = 1; break;
-        case GA_QUOTE:
-          tree.add_op(t_type, token_pos);
-          state = 2; break;
-        case GA_END: case GA_RPAR: case GA_COMMA: case GA_DCOMMA:
-          return t_type;
-        case GA_LPAR: // Parameter list
-          {
-            ga_tree sub_tree;
-            GA_TOKEN_TYPE r_type;
-            tree.add_params(token_pos);
-            do {
-              r_type = ga_read_term(expr, pos, sub_tree);
-              if (r_type != GA_RPAR && r_type != GA_COMMA)
-                ga_throw_error(expr, pos-((r_type != GA_END)?1:0),
-                               "Parameters should be separated "
-                               "by ',' and parameter list ended by ')'.");
-              tree.add_sub_tree(sub_tree);
-            } while (r_type != GA_RPAR);
-            state = 2;
-          break;
-        default:
-          ga_throw_error(expr, token_pos, "Unexpected token.");
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-    return GA_INVALID;
-  }
-  // Syntax analysis of a string. Conversion to a tree.
-  void ga_read_string(const std::string &expr, ga_tree &tree) {
-    size_type pos = 0, token_pos, token_length;
-    tree.clear();
-    GA_TOKEN_TYPE t = ga_get_token(expr, pos, token_pos, token_length);
-    if (t == GA_END) return;
-    pos = 0;
-    t = ga_read_term(expr, pos, tree);
-    switch (t) {
-    case GA_RPAR: ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1, "Unbalanced parenthesis.");
-    case GA_RBRACKET: ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1, "Unbalanced braket.");
-    case GA_END: break;
-    default: ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1, "Unexpected token.");
-    }
-  }
-  // Small tool to make basic substitutions into an assembly string
-  std::string ga_substitute(const std::string &expr,
-                            const std::map<std::string, std::string> &dict) {
-    if (dict.size()) {
-      size_type pos = 0, token_pos, token_length;
-      std::stringstream exprs;
-      while (true) {
-        GA_TOKEN_TYPE t_type = ga_get_token(expr, pos, token_pos, 
-        if (t_type == GA_END) return exprs.str();
-        std::string name(&(expr[token_pos]), token_length);
-        if (t_type == GA_NAME && dict.find(name) != dict.end())
-          exprs <<; else exprs << name;
+      return 0;
-    return expr;
-  }
-  //=========================================================================
-  // Structure to gather instructions
-  //=========================================================================
-  class ga_if_hierarchy : public std::vector<size_type> {
+    ga_instruction_val(base_tensor &tt, const base_tensor &Z_,
+                       const base_vector &co, size_type q)
+      : a(tt[0]), t(tt), Z(Z_), coeff(co), qdim(q) {}
+  };
-  public:
-    void increment() { (back())++; }
-    void child_of(const ga_if_hierarchy &gih)
-    { *this = gih; push_back(0); }
-    bool is_compatible(const std::list<ga_if_hierarchy> &gihl) {
-      std::list<ga_if_hierarchy>::const_iterator it = gihl.begin();
-      for (; it != gihl.end(); ++it) {
-        if (it->size() <= size()) {
-          bool ok = true;
-          for (size_type i = 0; i+1 < it->size(); ++i)
-            if ((*it)[i] != (*this)[i]) { ok = false; break; }
-          if (it->back() > (*this)[it->size()-1]) { ok = false; break; }
-          if (ok) return true;
+  struct ga_instruction_grad : public ga_instruction_val {
+    // Z(ndof,target_dim,N), coeff(Qmult,ndof) --> t(target_dim*Qmult,N)
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: gradient");
+      size_type ndof = Z.sizes()[0];
+      if (!ndof) { gmm::clear(t.as_vector()); return 0; }
+      size_type N = Z.sizes()[2];
+      if (qdim == 1) {
+        GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == N, "dimensions mismatch");
+        GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(coeff.size() == ndof, "Wrong size for coeff vector");
+        auto itZ = Z.begin();
+        for (auto it = t.begin(); it != t.end(); ++it) {
+          auto itc = coeff.begin();
+          *it =  (*itc++) * (*itZ++);
+          while (itc != coeff.end()) *it += (*itc++) * (*itZ++);
+        }
+      } else {
+        size_type target_dim = Z.sizes()[1];
+        if (target_dim == 1) {
+          GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == N*qdim, "dimensions mismatch");
+          GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(coeff.size() == ndof*qdim,
+                          "Wrong size for coeff vector");
+          for (size_type q = 0; q < qdim; ++q) {
+            auto itZ = Z.begin(); auto it = t.begin() + q;
+            for (size_type k = 0; k < N; ++k) {
+              if (k)  it += qdim;
+              auto itc = coeff.begin() + q;
+              *it = (*itc) * (*itZ++);
+              for (size_type j = 1; j < ndof; ++j)
+                { itc += qdim; *it += (*itc) * (*itZ++); }
+            }
+          }
+        } else {
+          size_type Qmult = qdim / target_dim;
+          GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == N*qdim, "dimensions mismatch");
+          GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(coeff.size() == ndof*Qmult,
+                          "Wrong size for coeff vector");
+          gmm::clear(t.as_vector());
+          for (size_type q = 0; q < Qmult; ++q) {
+            auto itZ = Z.begin();
+            for (size_type k = 0; k < N; ++k)
+              for (size_type r = 0; r < target_dim; ++r)
+                for (size_type j = 0; j < ndof; ++j)
+                  t[r + q*target_dim + k*qdim] += coeff[j*Qmult+q] * (*itZ++);
+          }
-      return false;
+      return 0;
-    ga_if_hierarchy() : std::vector<size_type>(1) { (*this)[0] = 0; }
-  };
-  struct ga_instruction {
-    virtual int exec() = 0;
-    virtual ~ga_instruction() {};
-  };
-  typedef std::shared_ptr<ga_instruction> pga_instruction;
-  typedef std::vector<pga_instruction> ga_instruction_list;
+    ga_instruction_grad(base_tensor &tt, const base_tensor &Z_,
+                        const base_vector &co, size_type q)
+    : ga_instruction_val(tt, Z_, co, q)
+    {}
-  struct gauss_pt_corresp { // For neighbour interpolation transformation
-    bgeot::pgeometric_trans pgt1, pgt2;
-    papprox_integration pai;
-    std::vector<size_type> nodes;
-  bool operator <(const gauss_pt_corresp &gpc1,
-                  const gauss_pt_corresp &gpc2) {
-    if (gpc1.pai != gpc2.pai)
-      return (gpc1.pai  <  gpc2.pai );
-    if (gpc1.nodes.size() !=  gpc2.nodes.size())
-      return (gpc1.nodes.size() < gpc2.nodes.size());
-    for (size_type i = 0; i < gpc1.nodes.size(); ++i)
-      if (gpc1.nodes[i] != gpc2.nodes[i])
-        return (gpc1.nodes[i] < gpc2.nodes[i]);
-    if (gpc1.pgt1 != gpc2.pgt1)
-      return (gpc1.pgt1 <  gpc2.pgt1);
-    if (gpc1.pgt2 !=  gpc2.pgt2)
-      return (gpc1.pgt2 <  gpc2.pgt2);
-    return false;
-  }
-  struct ga_instruction_set {
-    papprox_integration pai;       // Current approximation method
-    fem_interpolation_context ctx; // Current fem interpolation context.
-    base_small_vector Normal;      // Outward unit normal vector to the
-                                   // boundary in case of boundary integration
-    scalar_type elt_size;          // Estimate of the diameter of the element
-                                   // if needed.
-    bool need_elt_size;
-    scalar_type coeff;             // Coefficient for the Gauss point
-    size_type nbpt, ipt;           // Number and index of Gauss point
-    bgeot::geotrans_precomp_pool gp_pool;
-    fem_precomp_pool fp_pool;
-    std::map<gauss_pt_corresp, bgeot::pstored_point_tab> neighbour_corresp;
-    struct region_mim : std::pair<const mesh_im *, const mesh_region *> {
-      const mesh_im* mim() const { return this->first; }
-      const mesh_region* region() const { return this->second; }
-      region_mim(const mesh_im *mim_, const mesh_region *region_) :
-        std::pair<const mesh_im *, const mesh_region *>(mim_, region_) {}
-    };
-    std::map<std::string, const base_vector *> extended_vars;
-    std::map<std::string, base_vector> really_extended_vars;
-    std::map<std::string, gmm::sub_interval> var_intervals;
-    size_type nb_dof, max_dof;
-    struct variable_group_info {
-      const mesh_fem *mf;
-      gmm::sub_interval Ir, In;
-      scalar_type alpha;
-      const base_vector *U;
-      const std::string *varname;
-      variable_group_info() : mf(0), U(0), varname(0) {}
-    };
-    struct interpolate_info {
-      size_type pt_type;
-      bool has_ctx;
-      const mesh *m;
-      fem_interpolation_context ctx;
-      base_node pt_y;
-      base_small_vector Normal;
-      base_matrix G;
-      std::map<std::string, variable_group_info> groups_info;
-      std::map<var_trans_pair, base_tensor> derivatives;
-      std::map<const mesh_fem *, pfem_precomp> pfps;
-    };
-    struct elementary_trans_info {
-      base_matrix M;
-      const mesh_fem *mf;
-      size_type icv;
-    };
-    std::set<std::string> transformations;
-    struct region_mim_instructions {
-      const mesh *m;
-      ga_if_hierarchy current_hierarchy;
-      std::map<std::string, base_vector> local_dofs;
-      std::map<const mesh_fem *, pfem_precomp> pfps;
-      std::map<const mesh_fem *, base_tensor> base;
-      std::map<const mesh_fem *, std::list<ga_if_hierarchy>> base_hierarchy;
-      std::map<const mesh_fem *, base_tensor> grad;
-      std::map<const mesh_fem *, std::list<ga_if_hierarchy>> grad_hierarchy;
-      std::map<const mesh_fem *, base_tensor> hess;
-      std::map<const mesh_fem *, std::list<ga_if_hierarchy>> hess_hierarchy;
-      std::map<const mesh_fem *, base_tensor>
-        xfem_plus_base,  xfem_plus_grad,  xfem_plus_hess,
-        xfem_minus_base, xfem_minus_grad, xfem_minus_hess;
-      std::map<const mesh_fem *, std::list<ga_if_hierarchy>>
-        xfem_plus_base_hierarchy,  xfem_plus_grad_hierarchy,
-        xfem_plus_hess_hierarchy,  xfem_minus_base_hierarchy,
-        xfem_minus_grad_hierarchy, xfem_minus_hess_hierarchy;
-      std::map<std::string, std::set<std::string>> transformations;
-      std::set<std::string> transformations_der;
-      std::map<std::string, interpolate_info> interpolate_infos;
-      std::map<std::string, elementary_trans_info> elementary_trans_infos;
-      // Instructions being executed at the first Gauss point after
-      // a change of integration method only.
-      ga_instruction_list begin_instructions;
-      // Instructions executed once per element
-      ga_instruction_list elt_instructions;
-      // Instructions executed on each integration/interpolation point
-      ga_instruction_list instructions;
-      std::map<scalar_type, std::list<pga_tree_node> > node_list;
-      region_mim_instructions(): m(0) {}
-    };
-    std::list<ga_tree> trees; // The trees are stored mainly because they
-                              // contain the intermediary tensors.
-    std::list<ga_tree> interpolation_trees;
-    typedef std::map<region_mim, region_mim_instructions> instructions_set;
-    instructions_set  whole_instructions;
-    ga_instruction_set() { max_dof = nb_dof = 0; need_elt_size = false; ipt=0; 
-  };
-  //=========================================================================
-  // Structure dealing with predefined special functions
-  // such as mesh_dim, pi, qdim ...
-  //=========================================================================
-  typedef std::set<std::string> ga_spec_function_tab;
-  static ga_spec_function_tab SPEC_FUNCTIONS;
-  //=========================================================================
-  // Structure dealing with predefined scalar functions.
-  //=========================================================================
-  static void ga_semantic_analysis(const std::string &, ga_tree &,
-                                   const ga_workspace &, size_type, size_type,
-                                   bool, bool, int option = 0);
-  static void ga_node_analysis(const std::string &, ga_tree &,
-                               const ga_workspace &, pga_tree_node, size_type,
-                               size_type, bool, bool, int);
-  static void ga_derivative(ga_tree &, const ga_workspace &, const mesh &,
-                            const std::string &, const std::string &,
-                            size_type);
-  static void ga_exec(ga_instruction_set &gis, ga_workspace &workspace);
-  static void ga_function_exec(ga_instruction_set &gis);
-  static void ga_compile(ga_workspace &workspace, ga_instruction_set &gis,
-                         size_type order);
-  static void ga_compile_function(ga_workspace &workspace,
-                                  ga_instruction_set &gis, bool scalar);
-  static std::string ga_derivative_scalar_function(const std::string &expr,
-                                                   const std::string &var);
-  static bool ga_is_affine(const ga_tree &tree, const ga_workspace &workspace,
-                           const std::string &varname,
-                           const std::string &interpolatename);
-  using instruction_set = omp_distribute<ga_instruction_set>;
-  class ga_predef_function {
-    size_type ftype_; // 0 : C++ function with C++ derivative(s)
-                      // 1 : function defined by an string expression.
-    size_type dtype_; // 0 : no derivative(s)
-                      // 1 : derivative(s) given by C++ functions
-                      // 2 : derivatives(s) given by string expression(s)
-                      // 3 : derivatives(s) to be symbolically computed.
-    size_type nbargs_;         // One or two arguments
-    pscalar_func_onearg f1_;   // Function pointer for a one argument function
-    pscalar_func_twoargs f2_;  // Function pointer for a two arguments function
-    std::string expr_;
-    std::string derivative1_, derivative2_;
-    mutable omp_distribute<base_vector> t, u;
-    mutable omp_distribute<ga_workspace> workspace;
-    copyable_ptr<instruction_set> gis;
-    friend void ga_define_function(const std::string &name, size_type nbargs,
-                                   const std::string &expr,
-                                   const std::string &der1,
-                                   const std::string &der2);
-    friend void ga_define_function(const std::string &name,
-                                   pscalar_func_onearg f,
-                                   const std::string &der);
-    friend void ga_define_function(const std::string &name,
-                                   pscalar_func_twoargs f,
-                                   const std::string &der1,
-                                   const std::string &der2);
-  public:
-    scalar_type operator()(scalar_type t_, scalar_type u_ = 0.) const {
-      switch(ftype_) {
-      case 0:
-        if (nbargs_ == 2)
-          return (*f2_)(t_, u_);
-        else
-          return (*f1_)(t_);
-        break;
-      case 1:
-        t.thrd_cast()[0] = t_; u.thrd_cast()[0] = u_;
-        workspace.thrd_cast().assembled_potential() = scalar_type(0);
-        ga_function_exec(*gis);
-        return workspace.thrd_cast().assembled_potential();
-        break;
-      }
-      return 0.;
-    }
-    bool is_affine(const std::string &varname) const {
-      if (ftype_ == 1) {
-        for (size_type i = 0; i < workspace.thrd_cast().nb_trees(); ++i) {
-          const ga_workspace::tree_description &
-            td = workspace.thrd_cast().tree_info(i);
-          if (!(ga_is_affine(*(td.ptree), workspace, varname, "")))
-            return false;
+  struct ga_instruction_hess : public ga_instruction_val {
+    // Z(ndof,target_dim,N*N), coeff(Qmult,ndof) --> t(target_dim*Qmult,N,N)
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: Hessian");
+      size_type ndof = Z.sizes()[0];
+      if (!ndof) { gmm::clear(t.as_vector()); return 0; }
+      size_type NN = gmm::sqr(t.sizes().back());
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(NN == Z.sizes()[2], "Internal error");
+      if (qdim == 1) {
+        GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(gmm::vect_size(coeff) == ndof,
+                        "Wrong size for coeff vector");
+        auto it = Z.begin(); auto itt = t.begin();
+        for (size_type kl = 0; kl < NN; ++kl, ++itt) {
+          *itt = scalar_type(0);
+          for (auto itc = coeff.begin(); itc != coeff.end(); ++itc, ++it)
+            *itt += (*itc) * (*it);
-        return true;
-      }
-      return false;
-    }
-    size_type ftype() const {return ftype_;}
-    size_type dtype() const {return dtype_;}
-    size_type nbargs() const {return nbargs_;}
-    const std::string &derivative1() const {return derivative1_;}
-    const std::string &derivative2() const {return derivative2_;}
-    const std::string &expr() const {return expr_;}
-    pscalar_func_onearg f1() const {return f1_;}
-    pscalar_func_twoargs f2() const {return f2_;}
-    ga_predef_function() : expr_(""), derivative1_(""),
-                           derivative2_(""), gis(nullptr) {}
-    ga_predef_function(pscalar_func_onearg f, size_type dtype__ = 0,
-                       const std::string &der = "")
-      : ftype_(0), dtype_(dtype__), nbargs_(1), f1_(f), expr_(""),
-        derivative1_(der), derivative2_("") {}
-    ga_predef_function(pscalar_func_twoargs f, size_type dtype__ = 0,
-                       const std::string &der1 = "",
-                       const std::string &der2 = "")
-      : ftype_(0), dtype_(dtype__), nbargs_(2), f2_(f),
-        expr_(""), derivative1_(der1), derivative2_(der2), gis(nullptr) {}
-    ga_predef_function(const std::string &expr__)
-      : ftype_(1), dtype_(3), nbargs_(1), expr_(expr__),
-        derivative1_(""), derivative2_(""), t(1, 0.), u(1, 0.), gis(nullptr) {}
-  };
-  static scalar_type ga_Heaviside(scalar_type t) { return (t >= 0.) ? 1.: 0.; }
-  static scalar_type ga_pos_part(scalar_type t) { return (t >= 0.) ? t : 0.; }
-  static scalar_type ga_reg_pos_part(scalar_type t, scalar_type eps)
-  { return (t >= eps) ? t-eps/2. : ((t <= 0) ? 0. : t*t/(2.*eps)); }
-  static scalar_type ga_der_reg_pos_part(scalar_type t, scalar_type eps)
-  { return (t >= eps) ? 1. : ((t <= 0) ? 0. : t/eps); }
-  static scalar_type ga_der2_reg_pos_part(scalar_type t, scalar_type eps)
-  { return (t >= eps) ? 0. : ((t <= 0) ? 0. : 1./eps); }
-  static scalar_type ga_half_sqr_pos_part(scalar_type t)
-  { return (t >= 0.) ? 0.5*t*t : 0.; }
-  static scalar_type ga_neg_part(scalar_type t) { return (t >= 0.) ? 0. : -t; }
-  static scalar_type ga_half_sqr_neg_part(scalar_type t)
-  { return (t >= 0.) ? 0. : 0.5*t*t; }
-  static scalar_type ga_sinc(scalar_type t) {// cardinal sine function sin(t)/t
-    if (gmm::abs(t) < 1E-4) {
-      scalar_type t2 = t*t;
-      return 1-t2/6.+ t2*t2/120.;
-    } else {
-      return sin(t)/t;
-    }
-  }
-  static scalar_type ga_sqr(scalar_type t) { return t*t; }
-  static scalar_type ga_max(scalar_type t, scalar_type u)
-  { return std::max(t,u); }
-  static scalar_type ga_min(scalar_type t, scalar_type u)
-  { return std::min(t,u); }
-  static scalar_type ga_abs(scalar_type t) { return gmm::abs(t); }
-  static scalar_type ga_sign(scalar_type t) { return (t >= 0.) ? 1.: -1.; }
-  // Derivatives of predefined functions
-  static scalar_type ga_der_sinc(scalar_type t) {
-    if (gmm::abs(t) < 1E-4) {
-      scalar_type t2 = t*t;
-      return  -t/3. + t*t2/30. -t*t2*t2/840.;
-    } else {
-      return (t*cos(t) - sin(t))/(t*t);
-    }
-  }
-  static scalar_type ga_der2_sinc(scalar_type t) {
-    if (gmm::abs(t) < 1E-4) {
-      scalar_type t2 = t*t;
-      return  -1./3. + t2/10. -t2*t2/168.;
-    } else {
-      return ((2. - t*t)*sin(t) - 2.*t*cos(t))/(t*t*t);
+        GMM_ASSERT1(itt == t.end(),  "dimensions mismatch");
+      } else {
+        size_type target_dim = Z.sizes()[1];
+        if (target_dim == 1) {
+          GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == NN*qdim, "dimensions mismatch");
+          GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(gmm::vect_size(coeff) == ndof*qdim,
+                          "Wrong size for coeff vector");
+          gmm::clear(t.as_vector());
+          for (size_type q = 0; q < qdim; ++q) {
+            base_tensor::const_iterator it = Z.begin();
+            for (size_type kl = 0; kl < NN; ++kl)
+              for (size_type j = 0; j < ndof; ++j, ++it)
+                t[q + kl*qdim] += coeff[j*qdim+q] * (*it);
+          }
+        } else {
+          size_type Qmult = qdim / target_dim;
+          GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == NN*qdim, "dimensions mismatch");
+          GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(gmm::vect_size(coeff) == ndof*Qmult,
+                          "Wrong size for coeff vector");
+          gmm::clear(t.as_vector());
+          for (size_type q = 0; q < Qmult; ++q) {
+            base_tensor::const_iterator it = Z.begin();
+            for (size_type kl = 0; kl < NN; ++kl)
+              for (size_type r = 0; r < target_dim; ++r)
+                for (size_type j = 0; j < ndof; ++j, ++it)
+                  t[r + q*target_dim + kl*qdim] += coeff[j*Qmult+q] * (*it);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      return 0;
-  }
-  static scalar_type ga_der_sqrt(scalar_type t) { return 0.5/sqrt(t); }
-  // static scalar_type ga_der_sqr(scalar_type t) { return 2*t; }
-  static scalar_type ga_der_t_pow(scalar_type t, scalar_type u)
-  { return u*pow(t,u-1.); }
-  static scalar_type ga_der_u_pow(scalar_type t, scalar_type u)
-  { return pow(t,u)*log(gmm::abs(t)); }
-  static scalar_type ga_der_log(scalar_type t) { return 1./t; }
-  static scalar_type ga_der_log10(scalar_type t) { return 1./(t*log(10.)); }
-  static scalar_type ga_der_tanh(scalar_type t)
-  { return 1.-gmm::sqr(tanh(t)); }
-  static scalar_type ga_der_asinh(scalar_type t)
-  { return 1./(sqrt(t*t+1.)); }
-  static scalar_type ga_der_acosh(scalar_type t)
-  { return 1./(sqrt(t*t-1.)); }
-  static scalar_type ga_der_atanh(scalar_type t)
-  { return 1./(1.-t*t); }
-  static scalar_type ga_der_cos(scalar_type t)
-  { return -sin(t); }
-  static scalar_type ga_der_tan(scalar_type t)
-  { return 1.+gmm::sqr(tan(t)); }
-  static scalar_type ga_der_asin(scalar_type t)
-  { return 1./(sqrt(1.-t*t)); }
-  static scalar_type ga_der_acos(scalar_type t)
-  { return -1./(sqrt(1.-t*t)); }
-  static scalar_type ga_der_atan(scalar_type t)
-  { return 1./(1.+t*t); }
-  static scalar_type ga_der_t_atan2(scalar_type t, scalar_type u)
-  { return u/(t*t+u*u); }
-  static scalar_type ga_der_u_atan2(scalar_type t, scalar_type u)
-  { return -t/(t*t+u*u); }
-  static scalar_type ga_der_erf(scalar_type t)
-  { return exp(-t*t)*2./sqrt(M_PI); }
-  static scalar_type ga_der_erfc(scalar_type t)
-  { return -exp(-t*t)*2./sqrt(M_PI); }
-  static scalar_type ga_der_neg_part(scalar_type t)
-  { return (t >= 0) ? 0. : -1.; }
-  static scalar_type ga_der_t_max(scalar_type t, scalar_type u)
-  { return (t-u >= 0) ? 1. : 0.; }
-  static scalar_type ga_der_u_max(scalar_type t, scalar_type u)
-  { return (u-t >= 0) ? 1. : 0.; }
-  typedef std::map<std::string, ga_predef_function> ga_predef_function_tab;
-  //=========================================================================
-  // Structure dealing with predefined operators.
-  //=========================================================================
-  static void ga_init_scalar(bgeot::multi_index &mi) { mi.resize(0); }
-  static void ga_init_square_matrix(bgeot::multi_index &mi, size_type N)
-  { mi.resize(2); mi[0] = mi[1] = N; }
-  // Norm Operator
-  struct norm_operator : public ga_nonlinear_operator {
-    bool result_size(const arg_list &args, bgeot::multi_index &sizes) const {
-      if (args.size() != 1 || args[0]->sizes().size() > 2) return false;
-      ga_init_scalar(sizes);
-      return true;
-    }
+    ga_instruction_hess(base_tensor &tt, const base_tensor &Z_,
+                        const base_vector &co, size_type q)
+    : ga_instruction_val(tt, Z_, co, q)
+    {}
+  };
-    void value(const arg_list &args, base_tensor &result) const
-    { result[0] = gmm::vect_norm2(args[0]->as_vector()); }
+  struct ga_instruction_diverg : public ga_instruction_val {
+    // Z(ndof,target_dim,N), coeff(Qmult,ndof) --> t(1)
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: divergence");
+      size_type ndof = Z.sizes()[0];
+      if (!ndof) { gmm::clear(t.as_vector()); return 0; }
+      size_type target_dim = Z.sizes()[1];
+      size_type N = Z.sizes()[2];
+      size_type Qmult = qdim / target_dim;
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(Qmult*target_dim == N && (Qmult == 1 || target_dim == 1),
+                      "Dimensions mismatch for divergence operator");
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(gmm::vect_size(coeff) == ndof*Qmult,
+                      "Wrong size for coeff vector");
-    // Derivative : u/|u|
-    void derivative(const arg_list &args, size_type,
-                    base_tensor &result) const {
-      scalar_type no = gmm::vect_norm2(args[0]->as_vector());
-      if (no == scalar_type(0))
-        gmm::clear(result.as_vector());
-      else
-        gmm::copy(gmm::scaled(args[0]->as_vector(), scalar_type(1)/no),
-                  result.as_vector());
+      t[0] = scalar_type(0);
+      base_tensor::const_iterator it = Z.begin();
+      if (Qmult == 1)
+        for (size_type k = 0; k < N; ++k) {
+          if (k) it += (N*ndof + 1);
+          for (size_type j = 0; j < ndof; ++j) {
+            if (j) ++it;
+            t[0] += coeff[j] * (*it);
+          }
+        }
+      else // if (target_dim() == 1)
+        for (size_type k = 0; k < N; ++k) {
+          if (k) ++it;
+          for (size_type j = 0; j < ndof; ++j) {
+            if (j) ++it;
+            t[0] += coeff[j*N+k] * (*it);
+          }
+        }
+      return 0;
-    // Second derivative : (|u|^2 Id - u x u)/|u|^3
-    void second_derivative(const arg_list &args, size_type, size_type,
-                           base_tensor &result) const {
-      const base_tensor &t = *args[0];
-      size_type N = t.size();
-      scalar_type no = gmm::vect_norm2(t.as_vector());
-      scalar_type no3 = no*no*no;
+    ga_instruction_diverg(base_tensor &tt, const base_tensor &Z_,
+                          const base_vector &co, size_type q)
+    : ga_instruction_val(tt, Z_, co, q)
+    {}
+  };
-      if (no < 1E-25) no = 1E-25; // In order to avoid infinite values
+  struct ga_instruction_copy_val_base : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t;
+    const base_tensor &Z;
+    size_type qdim;
+    // Z(ndof,target_dim) --> t(Qmult*ndof,Qmult*target_dim)
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: value of test functions");
+      if (qdim == 1) {
+        std::copy(Z.begin(), Z.end(), t.begin());
+      } else {
+        size_type target_dim = Z.sizes()[1];
+        size_type Qmult = qdim / target_dim;
+        if (Qmult == 1) {
+          std::copy(Z.begin(), Z.end(), t.begin());
+        } else {
+          if (target_dim == 1) {
+            size_type ndof = Z.sizes()[0];
+            GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == Z.size() * Qmult * Qmult,
+                            "Wrong size for base vector");
+            std::fill(t.begin(), t.end(), scalar_type(0));
+            auto itZ = Z.begin();
+            size_type s = t.sizes()[0], sss = s+1;
-      for (size_type i = 0; i < N; ++i)
-        for (size_type j = 0; j < N; ++j) {
-          result[j*N+i] = - t[i]*t[j] / no3;
-          if (i == j) result[j*N+i] += scalar_type(1)/no;
-        }
-    }
-  };
+            // Performs t(i*Qmult+j, k*Qmult + j) = Z(i,k);
+            auto it = t.begin();
+            for (size_type i = 0; i < ndof; ++i, ++itZ) {
+              if (i) it += Qmult;
+              auto it2 = it;
+              *it2 = *itZ;
+              for (size_type j = 1; j < Qmult; ++j) { it2 += sss; *it2 = *itZ; 
+            }
+          } else {
+            size_type ndof = Z.sizes()[0];
+            GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == Z.size() * Qmult * Qmult,
+                            "Wrong size for base vector");
+            std::fill(t.begin(), t.end(), scalar_type(0));
+            auto itZ = Z.begin();
+            size_type s = t.sizes()[0], ss = s * Qmult, sss = s+1;
-  // Norm_sqr Operator
-  struct norm_sqr_operator : public ga_nonlinear_operator {
-    bool result_size(const arg_list &args, bgeot::multi_index &sizes) const {
-      if (args.size() != 1 || args[0]->sizes().size() > 2) return false;
-      ga_init_scalar(sizes);
-      return true;
-    }
-    void value(const arg_list &args, base_tensor &result) const
-    { result[0] = gmm::vect_norm2_sqr(args[0]->as_vector()); }
-    // Derivative : 2*u
-    void derivative(const arg_list &args, size_type,
-                    base_tensor &result) const {
-      gmm::copy(gmm::scaled(args[0]->as_vector(), scalar_type(2)),
-                result.as_vector());
-    }
-    // Second derivative : Id
-    void second_derivative(const arg_list &args, size_type, size_type,
-                           base_tensor &result) const {
-      const base_tensor &t = *args[0];
-      size_type N = t.size();
-      gmm::clear(result.as_vector());
-      for (size_type i = 0; i < N; ++i)
-        result[i*N+i] = scalar_type(2);
-    }
-  };
-  // Det Operator
-  struct det_operator : public ga_nonlinear_operator {
-    bool result_size(const arg_list &args, bgeot::multi_index &sizes) const {
-      if (args.size() != 1 || args[0]->sizes().size() != 2
-          || args[0]->sizes()[0] != args[0]->sizes()[1]) return false;
-      ga_init_scalar(sizes);
-      return true;
-    }
-    void value(const arg_list &args, base_tensor &result) const {
-      size_type N = args[0]->sizes()[0];
-      // base_matrix M(N, N);
-      // gmm::copy(args[0]->as_vector(), M.as_vector());
-      // result[0] = gmm::lu_det(M);
-      result[0] = bgeot::lu_det(&(*(args[0]->begin())), N);
-    }
-    // Derivative : det(M)M^{-T}
-    void derivative(const arg_list &args, size_type,
-                    base_tensor &result) const {
-      size_type N = args[0]->sizes()[0];
-      if (N) {
-        __mat_aux1().base_resize(N, N);
-        gmm::copy(args[0]->as_vector(), __mat_aux1().as_vector());
-        scalar_type det = bgeot::lu_inverse(__mat_aux1());
-        if (det == scalar_type(0))
-          gmm::clear(result.as_vector());
-        else {
-          auto it = result.begin();
-          auto ita = __mat_aux1().begin();
-          for (size_type j = 0; j < N; ++j, ++ita) {
-            auto itaa = ita;
-            *it = (*itaa) * det; ++it;
-            for (size_type i = 1; i < N; ++i, ++it)
-              { itaa += N; *it = (*itaa) * det; }
+            // Performs t(i*Qmult+j, k*Qmult + j) = Z(i,k);
+            for (size_type k = 0; k < target_dim; ++k) {
+              auto it = t.begin() + (ss * k);
+              for (size_type i = 0; i < ndof; ++i, ++itZ) {
+                if (i) it += Qmult;
+                auto it2 = it;
+                *it2 = *itZ;
+                for (size_type j = 1; j < Qmult; ++j)
+                  { it2 += sss; *it2 = *itZ; }
+              }
+            }
-          GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(it == result.end(), "Internal error");
+      return 0;
-    // Second derivative : det(M)(address@hidden - M^{-T}_{jk}M^{-T}_{li})
-    void second_derivative(const arg_list &args, size_type, size_type,
-                           base_tensor &result) const {
-      size_type N = args[0]->sizes()[0];
-      __mat_aux1().base_resize(N, N);
-      gmm::copy(args[0]->as_vector(), __mat_aux1().as_vector());
-      scalar_type det = bgeot::lu_inverse(__mat_aux1());
-      if (det == scalar_type(0))
-        gmm::clear(result.as_vector());
-      else {
-        auto it = result.begin();
-        auto ita = __mat_aux1().begin(), ita_l = ita;
-        for (size_type l = 0; l < N; ++l, ++ita_l) {
-          auto ita_lk = ita_l, ita_jk = ita;
-          for (size_type k = 0; k < N; ++k, ita_lk += N, ita_jk += N) {
-            auto ita_j = ita;
-            for (size_type j = 0; j < N; ++j, ++ita_j, ++ita_jk) {
-              auto ita_ji = ita_j, ita_li = ita_l;
-              for (size_type i = 0; i < N; ++i, ++it, ita_ji += N, ita_li += N)
-                *it = ((*ita_ji) * (*ita_lk) - (*ita_jk) * (*ita_li)) * det;
+    ga_instruction_copy_val_base(base_tensor &tt, const base_tensor &Z_,
+                                 size_type q) : t(tt), Z(Z_), qdim(q) {}
+  };
+  struct ga_instruction_copy_grad_base : public ga_instruction_copy_val_base {
+    // Z(ndof,target_dim,N) --> t(Qmult*ndof,Qmult*target_dim,N)
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: gradient of test functions");
+      if (qdim == 1) {
+        std::copy(Z.begin(), Z.end(), t.begin());
+      } else {
+        size_type target_dim = Z.sizes()[1];
+        size_type Qmult = qdim / target_dim;
+        if (Qmult == 1) {
+          std::copy(Z.begin(), Z.end(), t.begin());
+        } else {
+          if (target_dim == 1) {
+            size_type ndof = Z.sizes()[0];
+            size_type N = Z.sizes()[2];
+            GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == Z.size() * Qmult * Qmult,
+                            "Wrong size for gradient vector");
+            std::fill(t.begin(), t.end(), scalar_type(0));
+            base_tensor::const_iterator itZ = Z.begin();
+            size_type s = t.sizes()[0], sss = s+1, ssss = s*target_dim*Qmult;
+            // Performs t(i*Qmult+j, k*Qmult + j, l) = Z(i,k,l);
+            for (size_type l = 0; l < N; ++l) {
+              base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin() + (ssss*l);
+              for (size_type i = 0; i < ndof; ++i, ++itZ) {
+                if (i) it += Qmult;
+                base_tensor::iterator it2 = it;
+                *it2 = *itZ;
+                for (size_type j = 1; j < Qmult; ++j) { it2+=sss; *it2=*itZ; }
+              }
-          }
-        }
-        GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(it == result.end(), "Internal error");
-      }
-    }
-  };
-  // Inverse Operator (for square matrices)
-  struct inverse_operator : public ga_nonlinear_operator {
-    bool result_size(const arg_list &args, bgeot::multi_index &sizes) const {
-      if (args.size() != 1 || args[0]->sizes().size() != 2
-          || args[0]->sizes()[0] != args[0]->sizes()[1]) return false;
-      ga_init_square_matrix(sizes, args[0]->sizes()[0]);
-      return true;
-    }
-    // Value : M^{-1}
-    void value(const arg_list &args, base_tensor &result) const {
-      size_type N = args[0]->sizes()[0];
-      __mat_aux1().base_resize(N, N);
-      gmm::copy(args[0]->as_vector(), __mat_aux1().as_vector());
-      bgeot::lu_inverse(__mat_aux1());
-      gmm::copy(__mat_aux1().as_vector(), result.as_vector());
-    }
-    // Derivative : -M^{-1}{ik}M^{-1}{lj}  (comes from H -> M^{-1}HM^{-1})
-    void derivative(const arg_list &args, size_type,
-                    base_tensor &result) const { // to be verified
-      size_type N = args[0]->sizes()[0];
-      __mat_aux1().base_resize(N, N);
-      gmm::copy(args[0]->as_vector(), __mat_aux1().as_vector());
-      bgeot::lu_inverse(__mat_aux1());
-      auto it = result.begin();
-      auto ita = __mat_aux1().begin(), ita_l = ita;
-      for (size_type l = 0; l < N; ++l, ++ita_l) {
-        auto ita_k = ita;
-        for (size_type k = 0; k < N; ++k, ita_k += N) {
-          auto ita_lj = ita_l;
-          for (size_type j = 0; j < N; ++j, ++ita_lj) {
-            auto ita_ik = ita_k;
-            for (size_type i = 0; i < N; ++i, ++it, ++ita_ik)
-              *it = -(*ita_ik) * (*ita_lj);
+          } else {
+            size_type ndof = Z.sizes()[0];
+            size_type N = Z.sizes()[2];
+            GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == Z.size() * Qmult * Qmult,
+                            "Wrong size for gradient vector");
+            std::fill(t.begin(), t.end(), scalar_type(0));
+            base_tensor::const_iterator itZ = Z.begin();
+            size_type s = t.sizes()[0], ss = s * Qmult, sss = s+1;
+            size_type ssss = ss*target_dim;
+            // Performs t(i*Qmult+j, k*Qmult + j, l) = Z(i,k,l);
+            for (size_type l = 0; l < N; ++l)
+              for (size_type k = 0; k < target_dim; ++k) {
+                base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin() + (ss * k + ssss*l);
+                for (size_type i = 0; i < ndof; ++i, ++itZ) {
+                  if (i) it += Qmult;
+                  base_tensor::iterator it2 = it;
+                  *it2 = *itZ;
+                  for (size_type j = 1; j < Qmult; ++j) { it2+=sss; *it2=*itZ; 
+                }
+              }
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(it == result.end(), "Internal error");
-    }
-    // Second derivative :
-    // M^{-1}{ik}M^{-1}{lm}M^{-1}{nj} + M^{-1}{im}M^{-1}{mk}M^{-1}{lj}
-    // comes from (H,K) -> M^{-1}HM^{-1}KM^{-1} + M^{-1}KM^{-1}HM^{-1}
-    void second_derivative(const arg_list &args, size_type, size_type,
-                           base_tensor &result) const { // to be verified
-      size_type N = args[0]->sizes()[0];
-      __mat_aux1().base_resize(N, N);
-      gmm::copy(args[0]->as_vector(), __mat_aux1().as_vector());
-      bgeot::lu_inverse(__mat_aux1());
-      base_tensor::iterator it = result.begin();
-      for (size_type n = 0; n < N; ++n)
-        for (size_type m = 0; m < N; ++m)
-          for (size_type l = 0; l < N; ++l)
-            for (size_type k = 0; k < N; ++k)
-              for (size_type j = 0; j < N; ++j)
-                for (size_type i = 0; i < N; ++i, ++it)
-                  *it = __mat_aux1()(i,k)*__mat_aux1()(l,m)*__mat_aux1()(n,j)
-                    + __mat_aux1()(i,m)*__mat_aux1()(m,k)*__mat_aux1()(l,j);
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(it == result.end(), "Internal error");
+      return 0;
-  };
-  //=========================================================================
-  // Initialization of predefined functions and operators.
-  //=========================================================================
+    ga_instruction_copy_grad_base(base_tensor &tt, const base_tensor &Z_,
+                                  size_type q)
+      : ga_instruction_copy_val_base(tt,Z_,q) {}
+  };
-  bool init_predef_functions() {
-    // Predefined functions
-    ga_predef_function_tab &PREDEF_FUNCTIONS
-      = dal::singleton<ga_predef_function_tab>::instance(0);
-    // Power functions and their derivatives
-    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["sqrt"] = ga_predef_function(sqrt, 1, "DER_PDFUNC_SQRT");
-    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["sqr"] = ga_predef_function(ga_sqr, 2, "2*t");
-    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["pow"] = ga_predef_function(pow, 1, "DER_PDFUNC1_POW",
-                                                 "DER_PDFUNC2_POW");
-      ga_predef_function(ga_der_sqrt, 2, "-0.25/(t*sqrt(t))");
-      ga_predef_function(ga_der_t_pow, 2, "u*(u-1)*pow(t,u-2)",
-                         "pow(t,u-1)*(u*log(t)+1)");
-      ga_predef_function(ga_der_u_pow, 2, "pow(t,u-1)*(u*log(t)+1)",
-                         "pow(t,u)*sqr(log(t))");
-    // Hyperbolic functions
-    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["exp"] = ga_predef_function(exp, 1, "exp");
-    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["log"] = ga_predef_function(log, 1, "DER_PDFUNC_LOG");
-    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["log10"] =
-      ga_predef_function(log10, 1, "DER_PDFUNC_LOG10");
-    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["sinh"] = ga_predef_function(sinh, 1, "cosh");
-    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["cosh"] = ga_predef_function(cosh, 1, "sinh");
-    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["tanh"] = ga_predef_function(tanh, 1, "DER_PDFUNC_TANH");
-    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["asinh"] =
-      ga_predef_function(asinh, 1, "DER_PDFUNC_ASINH");
-    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["acosh"] =
-      ga_predef_function(acosh, 1, "DER_PDFUNC_ACOSH");
-    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["atanh"] =
-      ga_predef_function(atanh, 1, "DER_PDFUNC_ATANH");
-      ga_predef_function(ga_der_log, 2, "-1/sqr(t)");
-      ga_predef_function(ga_der_log10, 2, "-1/(sqr(t)*log(10))");
-      ga_predef_function(ga_der_tanh, 2, "2*tanh(t)*(sqr(tanh(t))-1)");
-      ga_predef_function(ga_der_asinh, 2, "-t/(pow(t*t+1,1.5))");
-      ga_predef_function(ga_der_acosh, 2, "-t/(pow(t*t-1,1.5))");
-      ga_predef_function(ga_der_atanh, 2, "2*t/sqr(1-t*t)");
-    // Trigonometric functions
-    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["sin"] = ga_predef_function(sin, 1, "cos");
-    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["cos"] = ga_predef_function(cos, 1, "DER_PDFUNC_COS");
-    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["tan"] = ga_predef_function(tan, 1, "DER_PDFUNC_TAN");
-    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["asin"] = ga_predef_function(asin, 1, "DER_PDFUNC_ASIN");
-    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["acos"] = ga_predef_function(acos, 1, "DER_PDFUNC_ACOS");
-    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["atan"] = ga_predef_function(atan, 1, "DER_PDFUNC_ATAN");
-    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["atan2"] = ga_predef_function(atan2,1,"DER_PDFUNC1_ATAN2",
-    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["sinc"] = ga_predef_function(ga_sinc, 1,
-                                                  "DER_PDFUNC_SINC");
-    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["DER_PDFUNC_SINC"] =ga_predef_function(ga_der_sinc, 1,
-    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["DER2_PDFUNC_SINC"] = ga_predef_function(ga_der2_sinc);
-      ga_predef_function(ga_der_cos, 2, "-cos(t)");
-      ga_predef_function(ga_der_tan, 2, "2*tan(t)/sqr(cos(t))");
-    //  ga_predef_function(ga_der_tan, 2, "2*tan(t)*(1+sqr(tan(t)))");
-      ga_predef_function(ga_der_asin, 2, "t/(pow(1-t*t,1.5))");
-      ga_predef_function(ga_der_acos, 2, "-t/(pow(1-t*t,1.5))");
-      ga_predef_function(ga_der_atan, 2, "-2*t/sqr(1+t*t)");
-      ga_predef_function(ga_der_t_atan2, 2, "-2*t*u/sqr(sqr(u)+sqr(t))",
-                         "(sqrt(t)-sqr(u))/sqr(sqr(u)+sqr(t))");
-      ga_predef_function(ga_der_u_atan2, 2,
-                         "(sqrt(t)-sqr(u))/sqr(sqr(u)+sqr(t))",
-                         "2*t*u/sqr(sqr(u)+sqr(t))");
-    // Error functions
-      = ga_predef_function(erf, 1, "DER_PDFUNC_ERF");
-      = ga_predef_function(erfc, 1, "DER_PDFUNC_ERFC");
-      ga_predef_function(ga_der_erf, 2, "exp(-t*t)*2/sqrt(pi)");
-      ga_predef_function(ga_der_erfc, 2, "-exp(-t*t)*2/sqrt(pi)");
-    // Miscellaneous functions
-    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["Heaviside"] = ga_predef_function(ga_Heaviside); // 
ga_predef_function(ga_Heaviside, 2, "(0)");
-    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["sign"] = ga_predef_function(ga_sign);
-    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["abs"] = ga_predef_function(ga_abs, 1, "sign");
-    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["pos_part"]
-      = ga_predef_function(ga_pos_part, 1, "Heaviside");
-    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["half_sqr_pos_part"]
-      = ga_predef_function(ga_half_sqr_pos_part, 1, "pos_part");
-    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["neg_part"]
-      = ga_predef_function(ga_neg_part, 1, "DER_PDFUNC_NEG_PART");
-    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["half_sqr_neg_part"]
-      = ga_predef_function(ga_half_sqr_neg_part, 2, "-neg_part(t)");
-    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["reg_pos_part"]
-      = ga_predef_function(ga_reg_pos_part, 1, "DER_REG_POS_PART", "");
-      = ga_predef_function(ga_der_reg_pos_part, 1, "DER2_REG_POS_PART", "");
-      = ga_predef_function(ga_der2_reg_pos_part);
-      = ga_predef_function(ga_max, 1, "DER_PDFUNC1_MAX", "DER_PDFUNC2_MAX");
-      = ga_predef_function(ga_min, 1, "DER_PDFUNC2_MAX", "DER_PDFUNC1_MAX");
-      = ga_predef_function(ga_der_neg_part, 2, "-Heaviside(-t)");
-    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["DER_PDFUNC1_MAX"] = ga_predef_function(ga_der_t_max);
-    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["DER_PDFUNC2_MAX"] = ga_predef_function(ga_der_u_max);
-    // Predefined special functions
-    SPEC_FUNCTIONS.insert("pi");
-    SPEC_FUNCTIONS.insert("meshdim");
-    SPEC_FUNCTIONS.insert("timestep");
-    SPEC_FUNCTIONS.insert("qdim");
-    SPEC_FUNCTIONS.insert("qdims");
-    SPEC_FUNCTIONS.insert("Id");
-    // Predefined operators
-    ga_predef_operator_tab &PREDEF_OPERATORS
-      = dal::singleton<ga_predef_operator_tab>::instance();
-    PREDEF_OPERATORS.add_method("Norm", std::make_shared<norm_operator>());
-    PREDEF_OPERATORS.add_method("Norm_sqr",
-                                std::make_shared<norm_sqr_operator>());
-    PREDEF_OPERATORS.add_method("Det", std::make_shared<det_operator>());
-    PREDEF_OPERATORS.add_method("Inv", std::make_shared<inverse_operator>());
-    return true;
-  }
-  static bool predef_functions_initialized = init_predef_functions();
-  bool ga_function_exists(const std::string &name) {
-    const ga_predef_function_tab &PREDEF_FUNCTIONS
-      = dal::singleton<ga_predef_function_tab>::instance(0);
-    return PREDEF_FUNCTIONS.find(name) != PREDEF_FUNCTIONS.end();
-  }
+  struct ga_instruction_copy_vect_val_base : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t;
+    const base_tensor &Z;
+    size_type qdim;
+    // Z(ndof) --> t(qdim*ndof,qdim*target_dim)
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: vectorized value of test functions");
+      size_type ndof = Z.sizes()[0];
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == Z.size() * qdim * qdim,
+                      "Wrong size for base vector");
+      // std::fill(t.begin(), t.end(), scalar_type(0)); // Factorized
+      auto itZ = Z.begin();
+      size_type s = t.sizes()[0], sss = s+1;
-  void ga_define_function(const std::string &name, size_type nbargs,
-                          const std::string &expr, const std::string &der1,
-                          const std::string &der2) {
-    auto guard = omp_guard{};
-    auto &PREDEF_FUNCTIONS = 
-    if(PREDEF_FUNCTIONS.find(name) != PREDEF_FUNCTIONS.end()) return;
-    GMM_ASSERT1(nbargs >= 1 && nbargs <= 2, "Generic assembly only allows "
-                "the definition of scalar function with one or two arguments");
-    { // Only for syntax analysis
-      base_vector t(1);
-      ga_workspace workspace;
-      workspace.add_fixed_size_variable("t", gmm::sub_interval(0,1), t);
-      if (nbargs == 2)
-        workspace.add_fixed_size_variable("u", gmm::sub_interval(0,1), t);
-      workspace.add_function_expression(expr);
-    }
-    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS[name] = ga_predef_function(expr);
-    ga_predef_function &F = PREDEF_FUNCTIONS[name];
-    F.gis = std::make_unique<instruction_set>();
-    for (size_type thread = 0; thread < num_threads(); ++thread)
-    {
-      F.workspace(thread).add_fixed_size_variable("t", gmm::sub_interval(0,1),
-                                                  F.t(thread));
-      if (nbargs == 2)
-        F.workspace(thread).add_fixed_size_variable("u", 
-                                                    F.u(thread));
-      F.workspace(thread).add_function_expression(expr);
-      ga_compile_function(F.workspace(thread), (*F.gis)(thread), true);
-    }
-    F.nbargs_ = nbargs;
-    if (nbargs == 1) {
-      if (der1.size()) { F.derivative1_ = der1; F.dtype_ = 2; }
-    } else {
-      if (der1.size() && der2.size()) {
-        F.derivative1_ = der1;  F.derivative2_ = der2; F.dtype_ = 2;
+      // Performs t(i*qdim+j, k*qdim + j) = Z(i,k);
+      auto it = t.begin();
+      for (size_type i = 0; i < ndof; ++i, ++itZ) {
+        if (i) it += qdim;
+        auto it2 = it;
+        *it2 = *itZ;
+        for (size_type j = 1; j < qdim; ++j) { it2 += sss; *it2 = *itZ; }
+      return 0;
-  }
-  void ga_define_function(const std::string &name, pscalar_func_onearg f,
-                          const std::string &der) {
-    ga_predef_function_tab &PREDEF_FUNCTIONS
-      = dal::singleton<ga_predef_function_tab>::instance(0);
-    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS[name] = ga_predef_function(f, 1, der);
-    ga_predef_function &F = PREDEF_FUNCTIONS[name];
-    if (der.size() == 0) F.dtype_ = 0;
-    else if (!(ga_function_exists(der))) F.dtype_ = 2;
-  }
+    ga_instruction_copy_vect_val_base(base_tensor &tt, const base_tensor &Z_,
+                                      size_type q) : t(tt), Z(Z_), qdim(q) {}
+  };
-  void ga_define_function(const std::string &name, pscalar_func_twoargs f,
-                          const std::string &der1, const std::string &der2) {
-    ga_predef_function_tab &PREDEF_FUNCTIONS
-      = dal::singleton<ga_predef_function_tab>::instance(0);
-    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS[name] = ga_predef_function(f, 1, der1, der2);
-    ga_predef_function &F = PREDEF_FUNCTIONS[name];
-    if (der1.size() == 0 || der2.size() == 0)
-      F.dtype_ = 0;
-    else if (!(ga_function_exists(der1)) || !(ga_function_exists(der2)))
-      F.dtype_ = 2;
-  }
+  struct ga_instruction_copy_vect_grad_base
+    : public ga_instruction_copy_vect_val_base {
+    // Z(ndof,N) --> t(qdim*ndof,qdim,N)
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: vectorized gradient of test functions");
+      size_type ndof = Z.sizes()[0];
+      size_type N = Z.sizes()[2];
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == Z.size() * qdim * qdim,
+                      "Wrong size for gradient vector");
+      // std::fill(t.begin(), t.end(), scalar_type(0)); // Factorized
+      base_tensor::const_iterator itZ = Z.begin();
+      size_type s = t.sizes()[0], sss = s+1, ssss = s*qdim;
-  void ga_undefine_function(const std::string &name) {
-    ga_predef_function_tab &PREDEF_FUNCTIONS
-      = dal::singleton<ga_predef_function_tab>::instance(0);
-    ga_predef_function_tab::iterator it = PREDEF_FUNCTIONS.find(name);
-    if (it != PREDEF_FUNCTIONS.end()) {
-      PREDEF_FUNCTIONS.erase(name);
-      std::string name0 = "DER_PDFUNC_" + name;
-      ga_undefine_function(name0);
-      std::string name1 = "DER_PDFUNC1_" + name;
-      ga_undefine_function(name1);
-      std::string name2 = "DER_PDFUNC2_" + name;
-      ga_undefine_function(name2);
+      // Performs t(i*qdim+j, k*qdim + j, l) = Z(i,k,l);
+      for (size_type l = 0; l < N; ++l) {
+        base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin() + (ssss*l);
+        for (size_type i = 0; i < ndof; ++i, ++itZ) {
+          if (i) it += qdim;
+          base_tensor::iterator it2 = it;
+          *it2 = *itZ;
+          for (size_type j = 1; j < qdim; ++j) { it2+=sss; *it2=*itZ; }
+        }
+      }
+      return 0;
-  }
-  //=========================================================================
-  // Instructions for compilation: basic optimized operations on tensors
-  //=========================================================================
+    ga_instruction_copy_vect_grad_base(base_tensor &tt, const base_tensor &Z_,
+                                       size_type q)
+      : ga_instruction_copy_vect_val_base(tt,Z_,q) {}
+  };
-  struct ga_instruction_extract_local_im_data : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t;
-    const im_data &imd;
-    papprox_integration &pai;
-    const base_vector &U;
-    const fem_interpolation_context &ctx;
-    size_type qdim, cv_old;
+  struct ga_instruction_copy_hess_base : public ga_instruction_copy_val_base {
+    // Z(ndof,target_dim,N*N) --> t(Qmult*ndof,Qmult*target_dim,N,N)
     virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: extract local im data");
-      size_type cv = ctx.convex_num();
-      if (cv != cv_old) {
-        cv_old = cv;
-        GMM_ASSERT1(imd.linked_mesh_im().int_method_of_element(cv)
-                    ->approx_method() == pai, "Im data have to be used only "
-                    "on their original integration method.");
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: Hessian of test functions");
+      size_type target_dim = Z.sizes()[1];
+      size_type Qmult = qdim / target_dim;
+      if (Qmult == 1) {
+        gmm::copy(Z.as_vector(), t.as_vector());
+      } else {
+        size_type ndof = Z.sizes()[0];
+        GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == Z.size() * Qmult * Qmult,
+                      "Wrong size for Hessian vector");
+        gmm::clear(t.as_vector());
+        base_tensor::const_iterator itZ = Z.begin();
+        size_type s = t.sizes()[0], ss = s * Qmult, sss = s+1;
+        // Performs t(i*Qmult+j, k*Qmult + j, l, m) = Z(i,k,l*N+m)
+        size_type NNdim = Z.sizes()[2]*target_dim;
+        for (size_type klm = 0; klm < NNdim; ++klm) {
+          base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin() + (ss * klm);
+          for (size_type i = 0; i < ndof; ++i, ++itZ) {
+            if (i) it += Qmult;
+            base_tensor::iterator it2 = it;
+            *it2 = *itZ;
+            for (size_type j = 1; j < Qmult; ++j) { it2 += sss; *it2 = *itZ; }
+          }
+        }
-      size_type ipt = imd.filtered_index_of_point(cv, ctx.ii());
-      GMM_ASSERT1(ipt != size_type(-1),
-                  "Im data with no data on the current integration point.");
-      auto it = U.begin()+ipt*qdim;
-      std::copy(it, it+qdim, t.begin());
       return 0;
-    ga_instruction_extract_local_im_data
-    (base_tensor &t_, const im_data &imd_, const base_vector &U_,
-     papprox_integration &pai_, const fem_interpolation_context &ctx_,
-     size_type qdim_)
-      : t(t_), imd(imd_), pai(pai_), U(U_), ctx(ctx_), qdim(qdim_),
-        cv_old(-1) {}
+    ga_instruction_copy_hess_base(base_tensor &tt, const base_tensor &Z_,
+                                  size_type q)
+    : ga_instruction_copy_val_base(tt, Z_, q) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_slice_local_dofs : public ga_instruction {
-    const mesh_fem &mf;
-    const base_vector &U;
-    const fem_interpolation_context &ctx;
-    base_vector &coeff;
-    size_type qmult1, qmult2;
+  struct ga_instruction_copy_diverg_base : public ga_instruction_copy_val_base 
+    // Z(ndof,target_dim,N) --> t(Qmult*ndof)
     virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: Slice local dofs");
-      GMM_ASSERT1(qmult1 != 0 && qmult2 != 0, "Internal error");
-      slice_vector_on_basic_dof_of_element(mf, U, ctx.convex_num(),
-                                           coeff, qmult1, qmult2);
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: divergence of test functions");
+      size_type ndof = Z.sizes()[0];
+      size_type target_dim = Z.sizes()[1];
+      size_type N = Z.sizes()[2];
+      size_type Qmult = qdim / target_dim;
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(Qmult*target_dim == N && (Qmult == 1 || target_dim == 1),
+                      "Dimensions mismatch for divergence operator");
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == ndof * Qmult,
+                      "Wrong size for divergence vector");
+      gmm::clear(t.as_vector());
+      base_tensor::const_iterator itZ = Z.begin();
+      if (Qmult == 1) { // target_dim == N
+        // Performs t(i) = Trace(Z(i,:,:))
+        for (size_type l = 0; l < N; ++l) {
+          base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin();
+          if (l) itZ += target_dim*ndof+1;
+          for (size_type i = 0; i < ndof; ++i) {
+            if (i) { ++it; ++itZ; }
+            *it += *itZ;
+          }
+        }
+      } else { // Qmult == N
+        // Performs t(i*Qmult+j) = Z(i,1,j)
+        for (size_type j = 0; j < N; ++j) {
+          base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin() + j;
+          if (j) ++itZ;
+          for (size_type i = 0; i < ndof; ++i) {
+            if (i) { it += Qmult; ++itZ; }
+            *it += *itZ;
+          }
+        }
+      }
       return 0;
-    ga_instruction_slice_local_dofs(const mesh_fem &mf_, const base_vector &U_,
-                                    const fem_interpolation_context &ctx_,
-                                    base_vector &coeff_,
-                                    size_type qmult1_, size_type qmult2_)
-      : mf(mf_), U(U_), ctx(ctx_), coeff(coeff_),
-        qmult1(qmult1_), qmult2(qmult2_) {}
+    ga_instruction_copy_diverg_base(base_tensor &tt, const base_tensor &Z_,
+                                    size_type q)
+      : ga_instruction_copy_val_base(tt, Z_, q) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_update_pfp : public ga_instruction {
+  struct ga_instruction_elementary_transformation {
+    const base_vector &coeff_in;
+    base_vector coeff_out;
+    pelementary_transformation elemtrans;
     const mesh_fem &mf;
     const fem_interpolation_context &ctx;
-    fem_precomp_pool &fp_pool;
-    pfem_precomp &pfp;
+    base_matrix &M;
+    const mesh_fem **mf_M;
+    size_type &icv;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: Pfp update");
-      if (ctx.have_pgp()) {
-        size_type cv = ctx.is_convex_num_valid()
-                     ? ctx.convex_num() : mf.convex_index().first_true();
-        pfem pf = mf.fem_of_element(cv);
-        if (!pfp || pf != pfp->get_pfem() ||
-            ctx.pgp()->get_ppoint_tab() != pfp->get_ppoint_tab()) {
-          pfp = fp_pool(pf, ctx.pgp()->get_ppoint_tab());
-        }
-      } else {
-        pfp = 0;
+    void do_transformation() {
+      size_type nn = gmm::vect_size(coeff_in);
+      if (M.size() == 0 || icv != ctx.convex_num() || &mf != *mf_M) {
+        M.base_resize(nn, nn);
+        *mf_M = &mf; icv = ctx.convex_num();
+        elemtrans->give_transformation(mf, icv, M);
-      return 0;
+      coeff_out.resize(nn);
+      gmm::mult(M, coeff_in, coeff_out); // remember: coeff == coeff_out
-    ga_instruction_update_pfp(const mesh_fem &mf_, pfem_precomp &pfp_,
-                              const fem_interpolation_context &ctx_,
-                              fem_precomp_pool &fp_pool_)
-      : mf(mf_), ctx(ctx_), fp_pool(fp_pool_), pfp(pfp_) {}
+    ga_instruction_elementary_transformation
+    (const base_vector &co, pelementary_transformation e,
+     const mesh_fem &mf_, const fem_interpolation_context &ctx_,
+     base_matrix &M_, const mesh_fem **mf_M_, size_type &icv_)
+      : coeff_in(co), elemtrans(e), mf(mf_), ctx(ctx_),
+        M(M_), mf_M(mf_M_), icv(icv_) {}
+    ~ga_instruction_elementary_transformation() {};
-  struct ga_instruction_first_ind_tensor : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t;
-    const fem_interpolation_context &ctx;
-    size_type qdim;
-    const mesh_fem *mfn, **mfg;
+  struct ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_val
+    : public ga_instruction_val, ga_instruction_elementary_transformation {
+    // Z(ndof,target_dim), coeff_in(Qmult,ndof) --> t(target_dim*Qmult)
     virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: adapt first index of tensor");
-      const mesh_fem &mf = *(mfg ? *mfg : mfn);
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(mfg ? *mfg : mfn, "Internal error");
-      size_type cv_1 = ctx.is_convex_num_valid()
-        ? ctx.convex_num() : mf.convex_index().first_true();
-      pfem pf = mf.fem_of_element(cv_1);
-      GMM_ASSERT1(pf, "An element without finite element method defined");
-      size_type Qmult = qdim / pf->target_dim();
-      size_type s = pf->nb_dof(cv_1) * Qmult;
-      if (t.sizes()[0] != s)
-        { bgeot::multi_index mi = t.sizes(); mi[0] = s; t.adjust_sizes(mi); }
-      return 0;
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: variable value with elementary "
+                    "transformation");
+      do_transformation();
+      return ga_instruction_val::exec();
-    ga_instruction_first_ind_tensor(base_tensor &t_,
-                                    const fem_interpolation_context &ctx_,
-                                    size_type qdim_, const mesh_fem *mfn_,
-                                    const mesh_fem **mfg_)
-      : t(t_),  ctx(ctx_), qdim(qdim_), mfn(mfn_), mfg(mfg_) {}
+    ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_val
+    (base_tensor &tt, const base_tensor &Z_, const base_vector &co, size_type 
+     pelementary_transformation e, const mesh_fem &mf_,
+     fem_interpolation_context &ctx_, base_matrix &M_,
+     const mesh_fem **mf_M_, size_type &icv_)
+      : ga_instruction_val(tt, Z_, coeff_out, q),
+        ga_instruction_elementary_transformation(co, e, mf_, ctx_, M_,
+                                                 mf_M_, icv_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_second_ind_tensor
-    : public ga_instruction_first_ind_tensor {
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: adapt second index of tensor");
-      const mesh_fem &mf = *(mfg ? *mfg : mfn);
-      size_type cv_1 = ctx.is_convex_num_valid()
-        ? ctx.convex_num() : mf.convex_index().first_true();
-      pfem pf = mf.fem_of_element(cv_1);
-      GMM_ASSERT1(pf, "An element without finite element methode defined");
-      size_type Qmult = qdim / pf->target_dim();
-      size_type s = pf->nb_dof(cv_1) * Qmult;
-      if (t.sizes()[1] != s)
-        { bgeot::multi_index mi = t.sizes(); mi[1] = s; t.adjust_sizes(mi); }
-      return 0;
+  struct ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_grad
+    : public ga_instruction_grad, ga_instruction_elementary_transformation {
+    // Z(ndof,target_dim,N), coeff_in(Qmult,ndof) --> t(target_dim*Qmult,N)
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: gradient with elementary transformation");
+      do_transformation();
+      return ga_instruction_grad::exec();
-    ga_instruction_second_ind_tensor(base_tensor &t_,
-                                     fem_interpolation_context &ctx_,
-                                     size_type qdim_, const mesh_fem *mfn_,
-                                     const mesh_fem **mfg_)
-      : ga_instruction_first_ind_tensor(t_, ctx_, qdim_, mfn_, mfg_) {}
+    ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_grad
+    (base_tensor &tt, const base_tensor &Z_, const base_vector &co, size_type 
+     pelementary_transformation e, const mesh_fem &mf_,
+     fem_interpolation_context &ctx_, base_matrix &M_,
+     const mesh_fem **mf_M_, size_type &icv_)
+      : ga_instruction_grad(tt, Z_, coeff_out, q),
+        ga_instruction_elementary_transformation(co, e, mf_, ctx_, M_,
+                                                 mf_M_, icv_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_two_first_ind_tensor : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t;
-    const fem_interpolation_context &ctx1, &ctx2;
-    size_type qdim1;
-    const mesh_fem *mfn1, **mfg1;
-    size_type qdim2;
-    const mesh_fem *mfn2, **mfg2;
+  struct ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_hess
+    : public ga_instruction_hess, ga_instruction_elementary_transformation {
+    // Z(ndof,target_dim,N,N), coeff_in(Qmult,ndof) --> t(target_dim*Qmult,N,N)
     virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: adapt two first indices of tensor");
-      const mesh_fem &mf1 = *(mfg1 ? *mfg1 : mfn1);
-      const mesh_fem &mf2 = *(mfg2 ? *mfg2 : mfn2);
-      size_type cv_1 = ctx1.is_convex_num_valid()
-        ? ctx1.convex_num() : mf1.convex_index().first_true();
-      size_type cv_2 = ctx2.is_convex_num_valid()
-        ? ctx2.convex_num() : mf2.convex_index().first_true();
-      pfem pf1 = mf1.fem_of_element(cv_1);
-      GMM_ASSERT1(pf1, "An element without finite element method defined");
-      pfem pf2 = mf2.fem_of_element(cv_2);
-      GMM_ASSERT1(pf2, "An element without finite element method defined");
-      size_type Qmult1 = qdim1 / pf1->target_dim();
-      size_type s1 = pf1->nb_dof(cv_1) * Qmult1;
-      size_type Qmult2 = qdim2 / pf2->target_dim();
-      size_type s2 = pf2->nb_dof(cv_2) * Qmult2;
-      if (t.sizes()[0] != s1 || t.sizes()[1] != s2) {
-        bgeot::multi_index mi = t.sizes();
-        mi[0] = s1; mi[1] = s2;
-        t.adjust_sizes(mi);
-      }
-      return 0;
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: Hessian with elementary transformation");
+      do_transformation();
+      return ga_instruction_hess::exec();
-    ga_instruction_two_first_ind_tensor
-    (base_tensor &t_, const fem_interpolation_context &ctx1_,
-     const fem_interpolation_context &ctx2_,
-     size_type qdim1_, const mesh_fem *mfn1_, const mesh_fem **mfg1_,
-     size_type qdim2_, const mesh_fem *mfn2_, const mesh_fem **mfg2_)
-      : t(t_),  ctx1(ctx1_), ctx2(ctx2_), qdim1(qdim1_), mfn1(mfn1_),
-        mfg1(mfg1_), qdim2(qdim2_), mfn2(mfn2_), mfg2(mfg2_) {}
+    ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_hess
+    (base_tensor &tt, const base_tensor &Z_, const base_vector &co, size_type 
+     pelementary_transformation e, const mesh_fem &mf_,
+     fem_interpolation_context &ctx_, base_matrix &M_,
+     const mesh_fem **mf_M_, size_type &icv_)
+      : ga_instruction_hess(tt, Z_, coeff_out, q),
+        ga_instruction_elementary_transformation(co, e, mf_, ctx_, M_,
+                                                 mf_M_, icv_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_X_component : public ga_instruction {
-    scalar_type &t;
-    const fem_interpolation_context &ctx;
-    size_type n;
+  struct ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_diverg
+    : public ga_instruction_diverg, ga_instruction_elementary_transformation {
+    // Z(ndof,target_dim,N), coeff_in(Qmult,ndof) --> t(1)
     virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: X component");
-      t = ctx.xreal()[n];
-      return 0;
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: divergence with elementary transformation");
+      do_transformation();
+      return ga_instruction_diverg::exec();
-    ga_instruction_X_component
-    (scalar_type &t_, const fem_interpolation_context &ctx_, size_type n_)
-      : t(t_),  ctx(ctx_), n(n_) {}
+    ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_diverg
+    (base_tensor &tt, const base_tensor &Z_, const base_vector &co, size_type 
+     pelementary_transformation e, const mesh_fem &mf_,
+     fem_interpolation_context &ctx_, base_matrix &M_,
+     const mesh_fem **mf_M_, size_type &icv_)
+      : ga_instruction_diverg(tt, Z_, coeff_out, q),
+        ga_instruction_elementary_transformation(co, e, mf_, ctx_, M_,
+                                                 mf_M_, icv_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_X : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t;
-    const fem_interpolation_context &ctx;
+  struct ga_instruction_update_group_info : public ga_instruction {
+    const ga_workspace &workspace;
+    ga_instruction_set &gis;
+    ga_instruction_set::interpolate_info &inin;
+    const std::string gname;
+    ga_instruction_set::variable_group_info &vgi;
     virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: X");
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == ctx.xreal().size(), "dimensions mismatch");
-      gmm::copy(ctx.xreal(), t.as_vector());
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: Update group info for "+gname);
+      if (vgi.varname &&
+          &(workspace.associated_mf(*(vgi.varname))->linked_mesh())==inin.m)
+        return 0;
+      const std::string &varname
+        = inin.m ? workspace.variable_in_group(gname, *(inin.m))
+                 : workspace.first_variable_of_group(gname);
+ = workspace.associated_mf(varname);
+      vgi.Ir = gis.var_intervals[varname];
+      vgi.In = workspace.interval_of_variable(varname);
+      vgi.alpha = workspace.factor_of_variable(varname);
+      vgi.U = gis.extended_vars[varname];
+      vgi.varname = &varname;
       return 0;
-    ga_instruction_X(base_tensor &t_, const fem_interpolation_context &ctx_)
-      : t(t_),  ctx(ctx_) {}
+    ga_instruction_update_group_info
+    (const ga_workspace &workspace_, ga_instruction_set &gis_,
+     ga_instruction_set::interpolate_info &inin_, const std::string &gname_,
+     ga_instruction_set::variable_group_info &vgi_) :
+      workspace(workspace_), gis(gis_), inin(inin_), gname(gname_),
+      vgi(vgi_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_copy_small_vect : public ga_instruction {
+  struct ga_instruction_interpolate_filter : public ga_instruction {
     base_tensor &t;
-    const base_small_vector &vec;
+    const ga_instruction_set::interpolate_info &inin;
+    size_type pt_type;
+    int nb;
     virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: copy small vector");
-      GMM_ASSERT1(t.size() == vec.size(), "Invalid vector size.");
-      gmm::copy(vec, t.as_vector());
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: interpolated filter");
+      if ((pt_type == size_type(-1) && inin.pt_type) ||
+          (pt_type != size_type(-1) && inin.pt_type == pt_type)) {
+        GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: interpolated filter: pass");
+        return 0;
+      }
+      else {
+        GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: interpolated filter: filtered");
+        gmm::clear(t.as_vector());
+        return nb;
+      }
       return 0;
-    ga_instruction_copy_small_vect(base_tensor &t_,
-                                   const base_small_vector &vec_)
-      : t(t_), vec(vec_)  {}
+    ga_instruction_interpolate_filter
+    (base_tensor &t_, const ga_instruction_set::interpolate_info &inin_,
+     size_type ind_, int nb_)
+      : t(t_), inin(inin_), pt_type(ind_), nb(nb_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_copy_Normal : public ga_instruction_copy_small_vect {
+  struct ga_instruction_interpolate : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t;
+    const mesh **m;
+    const mesh_fem *mfn, **mfg;
+    const base_vector *Un, **Ug;
+    fem_interpolation_context &ctx;
+    base_vector coeff;
+    size_type qdim;
+    const size_type &ipt;
+    fem_precomp_pool &fp_pool;
+    ga_instruction_set::interpolate_info &inin;
     virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: Normal");
-      GMM_ASSERT1(t.size() == vec.size(), "Invalid outward unit normal "
-                  "vector. Possible reasons: not on boundary or "
-                  "transformation failed.");
-      gmm::copy(vec, t.as_vector());
+      GMM_ASSERT1(ctx.is_convex_num_valid(), "No valid element for the "
+                  "transformation. Probably transformation failed");
+      const mesh_fem &mf = *(mfg ? *mfg : mfn);
+      const base_vector &U = *(Ug ? *Ug : Un);
+      GMM_ASSERT1(&(mf.linked_mesh()) == *m, "Interpolation of a variable "
+                  "on another mesh than the one it is defined on");
+      slice_vector_on_basic_dof_of_element(mf, U, ctx.convex_num(), coeff);
+      pfem pf = mf.fem_of_element(ctx.convex_num());
+      GMM_ASSERT1(pf, "Undefined finite element method");
+      if (ctx.have_pgp()) {
+        if (ipt == 0)
+          inin.pfps[&mf] = fp_pool(pf, ctx.pgp()->get_ppoint_tab());
+        ctx.set_pfp(inin.pfps[&mf]);
+      } else {
+        ctx.set_pf(pf);
+      }
       return 0;
-    ga_instruction_copy_Normal(base_tensor &t_,
-                               const base_small_vector &Normal_)
-      : ga_instruction_copy_small_vect(t_, Normal_)  {}
-  };
-  struct ga_instruction_element_size : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t;
-    scalar_type &es;
+    ga_instruction_interpolate
+    (base_tensor &tt, const mesh **m_, const mesh_fem *mfn_,
+     const mesh_fem **mfg_, const base_vector *Un_, const base_vector **Ug_,
+     fem_interpolation_context &ctx_, size_type q, const size_type &ipt_,
+     fem_precomp_pool &fp_pool_, ga_instruction_set::interpolate_info &inin_)
+      : t(tt), m(m_), mfn(mfn_), mfg(mfg_), Un(Un_), Ug(Ug_),
+        ctx(ctx_), qdim(q), ipt(ipt_), fp_pool(fp_pool_), inin(inin_) {}
+  };
+  struct ga_instruction_interpolate_val : public ga_instruction_interpolate {
+    // --> t(target_dim*Qmult)
     virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: element_size");
-      GMM_ASSERT1(t.size() == 1, "Invalid element size.");
-      t[0] = es;
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: interpolated variable value");
+      ga_instruction_interpolate::exec();
+>interpolation(ctx, coeff, t.as_vector(), dim_type(qdim));
+      // cout << "interpolate " << &U << " result : " << t.as_vector() << endl;
       return 0;
-    ga_instruction_element_size(base_tensor &t_, scalar_type &es_)
-      : t(t_), es(es_)  {}
-  };
-  struct ga_instruction_element_K : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t;
-    const fem_interpolation_context &ctx;
+    ga_instruction_interpolate_val
+    (base_tensor &tt, const mesh **m_, const mesh_fem *mfn_,
+     const mesh_fem **mfg_, const base_vector *Un_, const base_vector **Ug_,
+     fem_interpolation_context &ctx_, size_type q, size_type &ipt_,
+     fem_precomp_pool &fp_pool_, ga_instruction_set::interpolate_info &inin_)
+    : ga_instruction_interpolate(tt, m_, mfn_, mfg_, Un_, Ug_,ctx_, q, ipt_,
+                                 fp_pool_, inin_)
+    {}
+  };
+  struct ga_instruction_interpolate_grad : public ga_instruction_interpolate {
+    // --> t(target_dim*Qmult,N)
     virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: element_K");
-      GMM_ASSERT1(t.size() == (ctx.K()).size(), "Invalid tensor size.");
-      gmm::copy(ctx.K().as_vector(), t.as_vector());
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: interpolated variable grad");
+      ga_instruction_interpolate::exec();
+      base_matrix v(qdim, ctx.N());
+>interpolation_grad(ctx, coeff, v, dim_type(qdim));
+      gmm::copy(v.as_vector(), t.as_vector());
       return 0;
-    ga_instruction_element_K(base_tensor &t_,
-                             const fem_interpolation_context &ct)
-      : t(t_), ctx(ct)  {}
-  };
-  struct ga_instruction_element_B : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t;
-    const fem_interpolation_context &ctx;
+    ga_instruction_interpolate_grad
+    (base_tensor &tt, const mesh **m_, const mesh_fem *mfn_,
+     const mesh_fem **mfg_, const base_vector *Un_, const base_vector **Ug_,
+     fem_interpolation_context &ctx_, size_type q, size_type &ipt_,
+     fem_precomp_pool &fp_pool_, ga_instruction_set::interpolate_info &inin_)
+    : ga_instruction_interpolate(tt, m_, mfn_, mfg_, Un_, Ug_, ctx_, q, ipt_,
+                                 fp_pool_, inin_)
+    {}
+  };
+  struct ga_instruction_interpolate_hess : public ga_instruction_interpolate {
+    // --> t(target_dim*Qmult,N,N)
     virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: element_B");
-      GMM_ASSERT1(t.size() == (ctx.B()).size(), "Invalid tensor size.");
-      gmm::copy(ctx.B().as_vector(), t.as_vector());
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: interpolated variable hessian");
+      ga_instruction_interpolate::exec();
+      base_matrix v(qdim, ctx.N()*ctx.N()); // To be optimized
+>interpolation_hess(ctx, coeff, v, dim_type(qdim));
+      gmm::copy(v.as_vector(), t.as_vector());
       return 0;
-    ga_instruction_element_B(base_tensor &t_,
-                             const fem_interpolation_context &ct)
-      : t(t_), ctx(ct)  {}
-  };
-  struct ga_instruction_val_base : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t;
-    fem_interpolation_context &ctx;
-    const mesh_fem &mf;
-    const pfem_precomp &pfp;
+    ga_instruction_interpolate_hess
+    (base_tensor &tt, const mesh **m_, const mesh_fem *mfn_,
+     const mesh_fem **mfg_, const base_vector *Un_, const base_vector **Ug_,
+     fem_interpolation_context &ctx_, size_type q, size_type &ipt_,
+     fem_precomp_pool &fp_pool_, ga_instruction_set::interpolate_info &inin_)
+    : ga_instruction_interpolate(tt, m_, mfn_, mfg_, Un_, Ug_, ctx_, q, ipt_,
+                                 fp_pool_, inin_)
+    {}
+  };
-    virtual int exec() { // --> t(ndof,target_dim)
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: compute value of base functions");
-      // if (ctx.have_pgp()) ctx.set_pfp(pfp);
-      // else ctx.set_pf(mf.fem_of_element(ctx.convex_num()));
-      // GMM_ASSERT1(, "Undefined finite element method");
-      // ctx.base_value(t);
-      if (ctx.have_pgp()) ctx.pfp_base_value(t, pfp);
-      else {
-        ctx.set_pf(mf.fem_of_element(ctx.convex_num()));
-        GMM_ASSERT1(, "Undefined finite element method");
-        ctx.base_value(t);
-      }
+  struct ga_instruction_interpolate_diverg : public ga_instruction_interpolate 
+    // --> t(1)
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: interpolated variable divergence");
+      ga_instruction_interpolate::exec();
+>interpolation_diverg(ctx, coeff, t[0]);
       return 0;
-    ga_instruction_val_base(base_tensor &tt, fem_interpolation_context &ct,
-                            const mesh_fem &mf_, const pfem_precomp &pfp_)
-      : t(tt), ctx(ct), mf(mf_), pfp(pfp_) {}
+    ga_instruction_interpolate_diverg
+    (base_tensor &tt, const mesh **m_, const mesh_fem *mfn_,
+     const mesh_fem **mfg_, const base_vector *Un_, const base_vector **Ug_,
+     fem_interpolation_context &ctx_, size_type q, size_type &ipt_,
+     fem_precomp_pool &fp_pool_, ga_instruction_set::interpolate_info &inin_)
+    : ga_instruction_interpolate(tt, m_, mfn_, mfg_, Un_, Ug_, ctx_, q, ipt_,
+                                 fp_pool_, inin_)
+    {}
-  struct ga_instruction_xfem_plus_val_base : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t;
-    fem_interpolation_context &ctx;
-    const mesh_fem &mf;
-    pfem_precomp &pfp;
+  struct ga_instruction_interpolate_base {
+    base_tensor ZZ;
+    const mesh **m;
+    const mesh_fem *mfn, **mfg;
+    const size_type &ipt;
+    ga_instruction_set::interpolate_info &inin;
+    fem_precomp_pool &fp_pool;
-    virtual int exec() { // --> t(ndof,target_dim)
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: compute value of base functions");
-      if (ctx.have_pgp()) ctx.set_pfp(pfp);
-      else ctx.set_pf(mf.fem_of_element(ctx.convex_num()));
-      GMM_ASSERT1(, "Undefined finite element method");
-      int old_xfem_side = ctx.xfem_side();
-      ctx.set_xfem_side(1);
-      ctx.base_value(t);
-      ctx.set_xfem_side(old_xfem_side);
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GMM_ASSERT1(inin.ctx.is_convex_num_valid(), "No valid element for "
+                  "the transformation. Probably transformation failed");
+      const mesh_fem &mf = *(mfg ? *mfg : mfn);
+      GMM_ASSERT1(&(mf.linked_mesh()) == *m, "Interpolation of a variable "
+                  "on another mesh than the one it is defined on");
+      pfem pf = mf.fem_of_element(inin.ctx.convex_num());
+      GMM_ASSERT1(pf, "Undefined finite element method");
+      if (inin.ctx.have_pgp()) {
+        if (ipt == 0)
+          inin.pfps[&mf] = fp_pool(pf, inin.ctx.pgp()->get_ppoint_tab());
+        inin.ctx.set_pfp(inin.pfps[&mf]);
+      } else {
+        inin.ctx.set_pf(pf);
+      }
       return 0;
-    ga_instruction_xfem_plus_val_base(base_tensor &tt,
-                                      fem_interpolation_context &ct,
-                                      const mesh_fem &mf_, pfem_precomp &pfp_)
-      : t(tt), ctx(ct), mf(mf_), pfp(pfp_) {}
+    ga_instruction_interpolate_base
+    (const mesh **m_, const mesh_fem *mfn_, const mesh_fem **mfg_,
+     const size_type &ipt_, ga_instruction_set::interpolate_info &inin_,
+     fem_precomp_pool &fp_pool_)
+      : m(m_), mfn(mfn_), mfg(mfg_), ipt(ipt_), inin(inin_),
+        fp_pool(fp_pool_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_xfem_minus_val_base : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t;
-    fem_interpolation_context &ctx;
-    const mesh_fem &mf;
-    pfem_precomp &pfp;
-    virtual int exec() { // --> t(ndof,target_dim)
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: compute value of base functions");
-      if (ctx.have_pgp()) ctx.set_pfp(pfp);
-      else ctx.set_pf(mf.fem_of_element(ctx.convex_num()));
-      GMM_ASSERT1(, "Undefined finite element method");
-      int old_xfem_side = ctx.xfem_side();
-      ctx.set_xfem_side(-1);
-      ctx.base_value(t);
-      ctx.set_xfem_side(old_xfem_side);
-      return 0;
+  struct ga_instruction_interpolate_val_base
+    : public ga_instruction_copy_val_base, ga_instruction_interpolate_base {
+    // ctx --> Z(ndof,target_dim) --> t(Qmult*ndof,Qmult*target_dim)
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: interpolated base value");
+      ga_instruction_interpolate_base::exec();
+>real_base_value(inin.ctx, ZZ); // remember Z == ZZ
+      return ga_instruction_copy_val_base::exec();
-    ga_instruction_xfem_minus_val_base
-    (base_tensor &tt, fem_interpolation_context &ct,
-     const mesh_fem &mf_, pfem_precomp &pfp_)
-      : t(tt), ctx(ct), mf(mf_), pfp(pfp_) {}
+    ga_instruction_interpolate_val_base
+    (base_tensor &t_, const mesh **m_, const mesh_fem *mfn_,
+     const mesh_fem **mfg_, const size_type &ipt_, size_type q,
+     ga_instruction_set::interpolate_info &inin_, fem_precomp_pool &fp_pool_)
+      : ga_instruction_copy_val_base(t_, ZZ, q),
+        ga_instruction_interpolate_base(m_, mfn_, mfg_, ipt_,
+                                        inin_, fp_pool_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_grad_base : public ga_instruction_val_base {
-    virtual int exec() { // --> t(ndof,target_dim,N)
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: compute gradient of base functions");
-      // if (ctx.have_pgp()) ctx.set_pfp(pfp);
-      // else ctx.set_pf(mf.fem_of_element(ctx.convex_num()));
-      // GMM_ASSERT1(, "Undefined finite element method");
-      // ctx.grad_base_value(t);
-      if (ctx.have_pgp()) ctx.pfp_grad_base_value(t, pfp);
-      else {
-        ctx.set_pf(mf.fem_of_element(ctx.convex_num()));
-        GMM_ASSERT1(, "Undefined finite element method");
-        ctx.grad_base_value(t);
-      }
-      return 0;
+  struct ga_instruction_interpolate_grad_base
+    : public ga_instruction_copy_grad_base, ga_instruction_interpolate_base {
+    // ctx --> Z(ndof,target_dim,N) --> t(Qmult*ndof,Qmult*target_dim,N)
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: interpolated base grad");
+      ga_instruction_interpolate_base::exec();
+>real_grad_base_value(inin.ctx, ZZ); // remember Z == ZZ
+      return ga_instruction_copy_grad_base::exec();
-    ga_instruction_grad_base(base_tensor &tt, fem_interpolation_context &ct,
-                             const mesh_fem &mf_, pfem_precomp &pfp_)
-    : ga_instruction_val_base(tt, ct, mf_, pfp_)
-    {}
+    ga_instruction_interpolate_grad_base
+    (base_tensor &t_, const mesh **m_, const mesh_fem *mfn_,
+     const mesh_fem **mfg_, const size_type &ipt_, size_type q,
+     ga_instruction_set::interpolate_info &inin_, fem_precomp_pool &fp_pool_)
+      : ga_instruction_copy_grad_base(t_, ZZ, q),
+        ga_instruction_interpolate_base(m_, mfn_, mfg_, ipt_,
+                                        inin_, fp_pool_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_xfem_plus_grad_base : public ga_instruction_val_base {
-    virtual int exec() { // --> t(ndof,target_dim,N)
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: compute gradient of base functions");
-      if (ctx.have_pgp()) ctx.set_pfp(pfp);
-      else ctx.set_pf(mf.fem_of_element(ctx.convex_num()));
-      GMM_ASSERT1(, "Undefined finite element method");
-      int old_xfem_side = ctx.xfem_side();
-      ctx.set_xfem_side(1);
-      ctx.grad_base_value(t);
-      ctx.set_xfem_side(old_xfem_side);
-      return 0;
+  struct ga_instruction_interpolate_hess_base
+    : public ga_instruction_copy_hess_base, ga_instruction_interpolate_base {
+    // ctx --> Z(ndof,target_dim,N*N) --> t(Qmult*ndof,Qmult*target_dim,N,N)
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: interpolated base hessian");
+      ga_instruction_interpolate_base::exec();
+>real_hess_base_value(inin.ctx, ZZ); // remember Z == ZZ
+      return ga_instruction_copy_hess_base::exec();
-    ga_instruction_xfem_plus_grad_base
-    (base_tensor &tt, fem_interpolation_context &ct,
-     const mesh_fem &mf_, pfem_precomp &pfp_)
-    : ga_instruction_val_base(tt, ct, mf_, pfp_)
-    {}
+    ga_instruction_interpolate_hess_base
+    (base_tensor &t_, const mesh **m_, const mesh_fem *mfn_,
+     const mesh_fem **mfg_, const size_type &ipt_, size_type q,
+     ga_instruction_set::interpolate_info &inin_, fem_precomp_pool &fp_pool_)
+      : ga_instruction_copy_hess_base(t_, ZZ, q),
+        ga_instruction_interpolate_base(m_, mfn_, mfg_, ipt_,
+                                        inin_, fp_pool_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_xfem_minus_grad_base : public ga_instruction_val_base {
-    virtual int exec() { // --> t(ndof,target_dim,N)
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: compute gradient of base functions");
-      if (ctx.have_pgp()) ctx.set_pfp(pfp);
-      else ctx.set_pf(mf.fem_of_element(ctx.convex_num()));
-      GMM_ASSERT1(, "Undefined finite element method");
-      int old_xfem_side = ctx.xfem_side();
-      ctx.set_xfem_side(-1);
-      ctx.grad_base_value(t);
-      ctx.set_xfem_side(old_xfem_side);
-      return 0;
+  struct ga_instruction_interpolate_diverg_base
+    : public ga_instruction_copy_diverg_base, ga_instruction_interpolate_base {
+    // ctx --> Z(ndof,target_dim,N*N) --> t(Qmult*ndof)
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: interpolated base divergence");
+      ga_instruction_interpolate_base::exec();
+>real_grad_base_value(inin.ctx, ZZ); // remember Z == ZZ
+      return ga_instruction_copy_diverg_base::exec();
-    ga_instruction_xfem_minus_grad_base
-    (base_tensor &tt, fem_interpolation_context &ct,
-     const mesh_fem &mf_, pfem_precomp &pfp_)
-    : ga_instruction_val_base(tt, ct, mf_, pfp_)
-    {}
+    ga_instruction_interpolate_diverg_base
+    (base_tensor &t_, const mesh **m_, const mesh_fem *mfn_,
+     const mesh_fem **mfg_, const size_type &ipt_, size_type q,
+     ga_instruction_set::interpolate_info &inin_, fem_precomp_pool &fp_pool_)
+      : ga_instruction_copy_diverg_base(t_, ZZ, q),
+        ga_instruction_interpolate_base(m_, mfn_, mfg_, ipt_,
+                                        inin_, fp_pool_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_hess_base : public ga_instruction_val_base {
-    virtual int exec() { // --> t(ndof,target_dim,N*N)
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: compute Hessian of base functions");
-      if (ctx.have_pgp()) ctx.set_pfp(pfp);
-      else ctx.set_pf(mf.fem_of_element(ctx.convex_num()));
-      GMM_ASSERT1(, "Undefined finite element method");
-      ctx.hess_base_value(t);
-      return 0;
+  struct ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_base {
+    base_tensor t_in;
+    base_tensor &t_out;
+    pelementary_transformation elemtrans;
+    const mesh_fem &mf;
+    const fem_interpolation_context &ctx;
+    base_matrix &M;
+    const mesh_fem **mf_M;
+    size_type &icv;
+    void do_transformation(size_type n) {
+      if (M.size() == 0 || icv != ctx.convex_num() || &mf != *mf_M) {
+        M.base_resize(n, n);
+        *mf_M = &mf; icv = ctx.convex_num();
+        elemtrans->give_transformation(mf, icv, M);
+      }
+      t_out.mat_reduction(t_in, M, 0);
-    ga_instruction_hess_base(base_tensor &tt, fem_interpolation_context &ct,
-                             const mesh_fem &mf_, pfem_precomp &pfp_)
-    : ga_instruction_val_base(tt, ct, mf_, pfp_)
-    {}
+    ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_base
+    (base_tensor &t_, pelementary_transformation e, const mesh_fem &mf_,
+     const fem_interpolation_context &ctx_, base_matrix &M_,
+     const mesh_fem **mf_M_, size_type &icv_)
+      : t_out(t_), elemtrans(e), mf(mf_), ctx(ctx_),
+        M(M_), mf_M(mf_M_), icv(icv_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_xfem_plus_hess_base : public ga_instruction_val_base {
-    virtual int exec() { // --> t(ndof,target_dim,N*N)
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: compute Hessian of base functions");
-      if (ctx.have_pgp()) ctx.set_pfp(pfp);
-      else ctx.set_pf(mf.fem_of_element(ctx.convex_num()));
-      GMM_ASSERT1(, "Undefined finite element method");
-      int old_xfem_side = ctx.xfem_side();
-      ctx.set_xfem_side(1);
-      ctx.hess_base_value(t);
-      ctx.set_xfem_side(old_xfem_side);
+  struct ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_val_base
+    : public ga_instruction_copy_val_base,
+             ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_base {
+    // Z(ndof,target_dim) --> t_in --> t_out(Qmult*ndof,Qmult*target_dim)
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: value of test functions with elementary "
+                    "transformation");
+      size_type ndof = Z.sizes()[0];
+      size_type Qmult = qdim / Z.sizes()[1];
+      t_in.adjust_sizes(t_out.sizes());
+      ga_instruction_copy_val_base::exec();
+      do_transformation(ndof*Qmult);
       return 0;
-    ga_instruction_xfem_plus_hess_base
-    (base_tensor &tt, fem_interpolation_context &ct,
-     const mesh_fem &mf_, pfem_precomp &pfp_)
-    : ga_instruction_val_base(tt, ct, mf_, pfp_)
-    {}
+    ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_val_base
+    (base_tensor &t_, const base_tensor &Z_, size_type q,
+     pelementary_transformation e, const mesh_fem &mf_,
+     fem_interpolation_context &ctx_, base_matrix &M_,
+     const mesh_fem **mf_M_, size_type &icv_)
+      : ga_instruction_copy_val_base(t_in, Z_, q),
+        ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_base(t_, e, mf_, ctx_, M_,
+                                                      mf_M_, icv_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_xfem_minus_hess_base : public ga_instruction_val_base {
-    virtual int exec() { // --> t(ndof,target_dim,N*N)
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: compute Hessian of base functions");
-      if (ctx.have_pgp()) ctx.set_pfp(pfp);
-      else ctx.set_pf(mf.fem_of_element(ctx.convex_num()));
-      GMM_ASSERT1(, "Undefined finite element method");
-      int old_xfem_side = ctx.xfem_side();
-      ctx.set_xfem_side(-1);
-      ctx.hess_base_value(t);
-      ctx.set_xfem_side(old_xfem_side);
+  struct ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_grad_base
+    : public ga_instruction_copy_grad_base,
+             ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_base {
+    // Z(ndof,target_dim,N) --> t_in --> t_out(Qmult*ndof,Qmult*target_dim,N)
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: gradient of test functions with elementary "
+                    "transformation");
+      size_type ndof = Z.sizes()[0];
+      size_type Qmult = qdim / Z.sizes()[1];
+      t_in.adjust_sizes(t_out.sizes());
+      ga_instruction_copy_grad_base::exec();
+      do_transformation(ndof*Qmult);
       return 0;
-    ga_instruction_xfem_minus_hess_base
-    (base_tensor &tt, fem_interpolation_context &ct,
-     const mesh_fem &mf_, pfem_precomp &pfp_)
-    : ga_instruction_val_base(tt, ct, mf_, pfp_)
-    {}
+    ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_grad_base
+    (base_tensor &t_, const base_tensor &Z_, size_type q,
+     pelementary_transformation e, const mesh_fem &mf_,
+     fem_interpolation_context &ctx_, base_matrix &M_,
+     const mesh_fem **mf_M_, size_type &icv_)
+      : ga_instruction_copy_grad_base(t_in, Z_, q),
+        ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_base(t_, e, mf_, ctx_, M_,
+                                                      mf_M_, icv_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_val : public ga_instruction {
-    scalar_type &a;
-    base_tensor &t;
-    const base_tensor &Z;
-    const base_vector &coeff;
-    size_type qdim;
-    // Z(ndof,target_dim), coeff(Qmult,ndof) --> t(target_dim*Qmult)
+  struct ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_hess_base
+    : public ga_instruction_copy_hess_base,
+             ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_base {
+    // Z(ndof,target_dim,N*N) --> t_out(Qmult*ndof,Qmult*target_dim,N,N)
     virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: variable value");
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: Hessian of test functions with elementary "
+                    "transformation");
       size_type ndof = Z.sizes()[0];
-      if (!ndof) { gmm::clear(t.as_vector()); return 0; }
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == qdim, "dimensions mismatch");
-      if (qdim == 1) {
-        GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(gmm::vect_size(coeff) == ndof,
-                        "Wrong size for coeff vector");
-        auto itc = coeff.begin(); auto itZ = Z.begin();
-        a = (*itc++) * (*itZ++);
-        while (itc != coeff.end()) a += (*itc++) * (*itZ++);
-      } else {
-        size_type target_dim = Z.sizes()[1];
-        if (target_dim == 1) {
-          GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(gmm::vect_size(coeff) == ndof*qdim,
-                          "Wrong size for coeff vector");
-          auto itc = coeff.begin(); auto itZ = Z.begin();
-          for (auto it = t.begin(); it != t.end(); ++it)
-            *it = (*itc++) * (*itZ);
-          ++itZ;
-          for (size_type j = 1; j < ndof; ++j, ++itZ) {
-            for (auto it = t.begin(); it != t.end(); ++it)
-              *it += (*itc++) * (*itZ);
-          }
-        } else {
-          size_type Qmult = qdim / target_dim;
-          GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(gmm::vect_size(coeff) == ndof*Qmult,
-                          "Wrong size for coeff vector");
-          gmm::clear(t.as_vector());
-          auto itc = coeff.begin();
-          for (size_type j = 0; j < ndof; ++j) {
-            auto it = t.begin();
-            for (size_type q = 0; q < Qmult; ++q, ++itc) {
-              for (size_type r = 0; r < target_dim; ++r)
-                *it++ += (*itc) * Z[j + r*ndof];
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
+      size_type Qmult = qdim / Z.sizes()[1];
+      t_in.adjust_sizes(t_out.sizes());
+      ga_instruction_copy_hess_base::exec();
+      do_transformation(ndof*Qmult);
       return 0;
-    ga_instruction_val(base_tensor &tt, const base_tensor &Z_,
-                       const base_vector &co, size_type q)
-      : a(tt[0]), t(tt), Z(Z_), coeff(co), qdim(q) {}
+    ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_hess_base
+    (base_tensor &t_, const base_tensor &Z_, size_type q,
+     pelementary_transformation e, const mesh_fem &mf_,
+     fem_interpolation_context &ctx_, base_matrix &M_,
+     const mesh_fem **mf_M_, size_type &icv_)
+      : ga_instruction_copy_hess_base(t_in, Z_, q),
+        ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_base(t_, e, mf_, ctx_, M_,
+                                                      mf_M_, icv_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_grad : public ga_instruction_val {
-    // Z(ndof,target_dim,N), coeff(Qmult,ndof) --> t(target_dim*Qmult,N)
+  struct ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_diverg_base
+    : public ga_instruction_copy_diverg_base,
+             ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_base {
+    // Z(ndof,target_dim,N) --> t_out(Qmult*ndof)
     virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: gradient");
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: divergence of test functions with elementary 
+                    "transformation");
       size_type ndof = Z.sizes()[0];
-      if (!ndof) { gmm::clear(t.as_vector()); return 0; }
-      size_type N = Z.sizes()[2];
-      if (qdim == 1) {
-        GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == N, "dimensions mismatch");
-        GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(coeff.size() == ndof, "Wrong size for coeff vector");
-        auto itZ = Z.begin();
-        for (auto it = t.begin(); it != t.end(); ++it) {
-          auto itc = coeff.begin();
-          *it =  (*itc++) * (*itZ++);
-          while (itc != coeff.end()) *it += (*itc++) * (*itZ++);
-        }
-      } else {
-        size_type target_dim = Z.sizes()[1];
-        if (target_dim == 1) {
-          GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == N*qdim, "dimensions mismatch");
-          GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(coeff.size() == ndof*qdim,
-                          "Wrong size for coeff vector");
-          for (size_type q = 0; q < qdim; ++q) {
-            auto itZ = Z.begin(); auto it = t.begin() + q;
-            for (size_type k = 0; k < N; ++k) {
-              if (k)  it += qdim;
-              auto itc = coeff.begin() + q;
-              *it = (*itc) * (*itZ++);
-              for (size_type j = 1; j < ndof; ++j)
-                { itc += qdim; *it += (*itc) * (*itZ++); }
-            }
-          }
-        } else {
-          size_type Qmult = qdim / target_dim;
-          GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == N*qdim, "dimensions mismatch");
-          GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(coeff.size() == ndof*Qmult,
-                          "Wrong size for coeff vector");
-          gmm::clear(t.as_vector());
-          for (size_type q = 0; q < Qmult; ++q) {
-            auto itZ = Z.begin();
-            for (size_type k = 0; k < N; ++k)
-              for (size_type r = 0; r < target_dim; ++r)
-                for (size_type j = 0; j < ndof; ++j)
-                  t[r + q*target_dim + k*qdim] += coeff[j*Qmult+q] * (*itZ++);
-          }
-        }
-      }
+      size_type Qmult = qdim / Z.sizes()[1];
+      t_in.adjust_sizes(t_out.sizes());
+      ga_instruction_copy_diverg_base::exec();
+      do_transformation(ndof*Qmult);
       return 0;
-    ga_instruction_grad(base_tensor &tt, const base_tensor &Z_,
-                        const base_vector &co, size_type q)
-    : ga_instruction_val(tt, Z_, co, q)
-    {}
+    ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_diverg_base
+    (base_tensor &t_, const base_tensor &Z_, size_type q,
+     pelementary_transformation e, const mesh_fem &mf_,
+     fem_interpolation_context &ctx_, base_matrix &M_,
+     const mesh_fem **mf_M_, size_type &icv_)
+      : ga_instruction_copy_diverg_base(t_in, Z_, q),
+        ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_base(t_, e, mf_, ctx_, M_,
+                                                      mf_M_, icv_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_hess : public ga_instruction_val {
-    // Z(ndof,target_dim,N*N), coeff(Qmult,ndof) --> t(target_dim*Qmult,N,N)
+  struct ga_instruction_add : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t;
+    const base_tensor &tc1, &tc2;
     virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: Hessian");
-      size_type ndof = Z.sizes()[0];
-      if (!ndof) { gmm::clear(t.as_vector()); return 0; }
-      size_type NN = gmm::sqr(t.sizes().back());
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(NN == Z.sizes()[2], "Internal error");
-      if (qdim == 1) {
-        GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(gmm::vect_size(coeff) == ndof,
-                        "Wrong size for coeff vector");
-        auto it = Z.begin(); auto itt = t.begin();
-        for (size_type kl = 0; kl < NN; ++kl, ++itt) {
-          *itt = scalar_type(0);
-          for (auto itc = coeff.begin(); itc != coeff.end(); ++itc, ++it)
-            *itt += (*itc) * (*it);
-        }
-        GMM_ASSERT1(itt == t.end(),  "dimensions mismatch");
-      } else {
-        size_type target_dim = Z.sizes()[1];
-        if (target_dim == 1) {
-          GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == NN*qdim, "dimensions mismatch");
-          GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(gmm::vect_size(coeff) == ndof*qdim,
-                          "Wrong size for coeff vector");
-          gmm::clear(t.as_vector());
-          for (size_type q = 0; q < qdim; ++q) {
-            base_tensor::const_iterator it = Z.begin();
-            for (size_type kl = 0; kl < NN; ++kl)
-              for (size_type j = 0; j < ndof; ++j, ++it)
-                t[q + kl*qdim] += coeff[j*qdim+q] * (*it);
-          }
-        } else {
-          size_type Qmult = qdim / target_dim;
-          GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == NN*qdim, "dimensions mismatch");
-          GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(gmm::vect_size(coeff) == ndof*Qmult,
-                          "Wrong size for coeff vector");
-          gmm::clear(t.as_vector());
-          for (size_type q = 0; q < Qmult; ++q) {
-            base_tensor::const_iterator it = Z.begin();
-            for (size_type kl = 0; kl < NN; ++kl)
-              for (size_type r = 0; r < target_dim; ++r)
-                for (size_type j = 0; j < ndof; ++j, ++it)
-                  t[r + q*target_dim + kl*qdim] += coeff[j*Qmult+q] * (*it);
-          }
-        }
-      }
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: addition");
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == tc1.size(),
+                      "internal error " << t.size() << " != " << tc1.size());
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == tc2.size(),
+                      "internal error " << t.size() << " != " << tc2.size());
+      gmm::add(tc1.as_vector(), tc2.as_vector(), t.as_vector());
       return 0;
-    ga_instruction_hess(base_tensor &tt, const base_tensor &Z_,
-                        const base_vector &co, size_type q)
-    : ga_instruction_val(tt, Z_, co, q)
-    {}
+    ga_instruction_add(base_tensor &t_,
+                       const base_tensor &tc1_, const base_tensor &tc2_)
+      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), tc2(tc2_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_diverg : public ga_instruction_val {
-    // Z(ndof,target_dim,N), coeff(Qmult,ndof) --> t(1)
+  struct ga_instruction_add_to : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t;
+    const base_tensor &tc1;
     virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: divergence");
-      size_type ndof = Z.sizes()[0];
-      if (!ndof) { gmm::clear(t.as_vector()); return 0; }
-      size_type target_dim = Z.sizes()[1];
-      size_type N = Z.sizes()[2];
-      size_type Qmult = qdim / target_dim;
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(Qmult*target_dim == N && (Qmult == 1 || target_dim == 1),
-                      "Dimensions mismatch for divergence operator");
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(gmm::vect_size(coeff) == ndof*Qmult,
-                      "Wrong size for coeff vector");
-      t[0] = scalar_type(0);
-      base_tensor::const_iterator it = Z.begin();
-      if (Qmult == 1)
-        for (size_type k = 0; k < N; ++k) {
-          if (k) it += (N*ndof + 1);
-          for (size_type j = 0; j < ndof; ++j) {
-            if (j) ++it;
-            t[0] += coeff[j] * (*it);
-          }
-        }
-      else // if (target_dim() == 1)
-        for (size_type k = 0; k < N; ++k) {
-          if (k) ++it;
-          for (size_type j = 0; j < ndof; ++j) {
-            if (j) ++it;
-            t[0] += coeff[j*N+k] * (*it);
-          }
-        }
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: addition");
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == tc1.size(), "internal error " << t.size()
+                      << " incompatible with " << tc1.size());
+      gmm::add(tc1.as_vector(), t.as_vector());
       return 0;
-    ga_instruction_diverg(base_tensor &tt, const base_tensor &Z_,
-                          const base_vector &co, size_type q)
-    : ga_instruction_val(tt, Z_, co, q)
-    {}
+    ga_instruction_add_to(base_tensor &t_, const base_tensor &tc1_)
+      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_copy_val_base : public ga_instruction {
+  struct ga_instruction_sub : public ga_instruction {
     base_tensor &t;
-    const base_tensor &Z;
-    size_type qdim;
-    // Z(ndof,target_dim) --> t(Qmult*ndof,Qmult*target_dim)
+    const base_tensor &tc1, &tc2;
     virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: value of test functions");
-      if (qdim == 1) {
-        std::copy(Z.begin(), Z.end(), t.begin());
-      } else {
-        size_type target_dim = Z.sizes()[1];
-        size_type Qmult = qdim / target_dim;
-        if (Qmult == 1) {
-          std::copy(Z.begin(), Z.end(), t.begin());
-        } else {
-          if (target_dim == 1) {
-            size_type ndof = Z.sizes()[0];
-            GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == Z.size() * Qmult * Qmult,
-                            "Wrong size for base vector");
-            std::fill(t.begin(), t.end(), scalar_type(0));
-            auto itZ = Z.begin();
-            size_type s = t.sizes()[0], sss = s+1;
-            // Performs t(i*Qmult+j, k*Qmult + j) = Z(i,k);
-            auto it = t.begin();
-            for (size_type i = 0; i < ndof; ++i, ++itZ) {
-              if (i) it += Qmult;
-              auto it2 = it;
-              *it2 = *itZ;
-              for (size_type j = 1; j < Qmult; ++j) { it2 += sss; *it2 = *itZ; 
-            }
-          } else {
-            size_type ndof = Z.sizes()[0];
-            GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == Z.size() * Qmult * Qmult,
-                            "Wrong size for base vector");
-            std::fill(t.begin(), t.end(), scalar_type(0));
-            auto itZ = Z.begin();
-            size_type s = t.sizes()[0], ss = s * Qmult, sss = s+1;
-            // Performs t(i*Qmult+j, k*Qmult + j) = Z(i,k);
-            for (size_type k = 0; k < target_dim; ++k) {
-              auto it = t.begin() + (ss * k);
-              for (size_type i = 0; i < ndof; ++i, ++itZ) {
-                if (i) it += Qmult;
-                auto it2 = it;
-                *it2 = *itZ;
-                for (size_type j = 1; j < Qmult; ++j)
-                  { it2 += sss; *it2 = *itZ; }
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: subtraction");
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == tc1.size() && t.size() == tc2.size(),
+                      "internal error");
+      gmm::add(tc1.as_vector(), gmm::scaled(tc2.as_vector(), scalar_type(-1)),
+               t.as_vector());
       return 0;
-    ga_instruction_copy_val_base(base_tensor &tt, const base_tensor &Z_,
-                                 size_type q) : t(tt), Z(Z_), qdim(q) {}
+    ga_instruction_sub(base_tensor &t_,
+                       const base_tensor &tc1_, const base_tensor &tc2_)
+      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), tc2(tc2_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_copy_grad_base : public ga_instruction_copy_val_base {
-    // Z(ndof,target_dim,N) --> t(Qmult*ndof,Qmult*target_dim,N)
+  struct ga_instruction_opposite : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t;
     virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: gradient of test functions");
-      if (qdim == 1) {
-        std::copy(Z.begin(), Z.end(), t.begin());
-      } else {
-        size_type target_dim = Z.sizes()[1];
-        size_type Qmult = qdim / target_dim;
-        if (Qmult == 1) {
-          std::copy(Z.begin(), Z.end(), t.begin());
-        } else {
-          if (target_dim == 1) {
-            size_type ndof = Z.sizes()[0];
-            size_type N = Z.sizes()[2];
-            GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == Z.size() * Qmult * Qmult,
-                            "Wrong size for gradient vector");
-            std::fill(t.begin(), t.end(), scalar_type(0));
-            base_tensor::const_iterator itZ = Z.begin();
-            size_type s = t.sizes()[0], sss = s+1, ssss = s*target_dim*Qmult;
-            // Performs t(i*Qmult+j, k*Qmult + j, l) = Z(i,k,l);
-            for (size_type l = 0; l < N; ++l) {
-              base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin() + (ssss*l);
-              for (size_type i = 0; i < ndof; ++i, ++itZ) {
-                if (i) it += Qmult;
-                base_tensor::iterator it2 = it;
-                *it2 = *itZ;
-                for (size_type j = 1; j < Qmult; ++j) { it2+=sss; *it2=*itZ; }
-              }
-            }
-          } else {
-            size_type ndof = Z.sizes()[0];
-            size_type N = Z.sizes()[2];
-            GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == Z.size() * Qmult * Qmult,
-                            "Wrong size for gradient vector");
-            std::fill(t.begin(), t.end(), scalar_type(0));
-            base_tensor::const_iterator itZ = Z.begin();
-            size_type s = t.sizes()[0], ss = s * Qmult, sss = s+1;
-            size_type ssss = ss*target_dim;
-            // Performs t(i*Qmult+j, k*Qmult + j, l) = Z(i,k,l);
-            for (size_type l = 0; l < N; ++l)
-              for (size_type k = 0; k < target_dim; ++k) {
-                base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin() + (ss * k + ssss*l);
-                for (size_type i = 0; i < ndof; ++i, ++itZ) {
-                  if (i) it += Qmult;
-                  base_tensor::iterator it2 = it;
-                  *it2 = *itZ;
-                  for (size_type j = 1; j < Qmult; ++j) { it2+=sss; *it2=*itZ; 
-                }
-              }
-          }
-        }
-      }
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: multiplication with -1");
+      gmm::scale(t.as_vector(), scalar_type(-1));
       return 0;
-    ga_instruction_copy_grad_base(base_tensor &tt, const base_tensor &Z_,
-                                  size_type q)
-      : ga_instruction_copy_val_base(tt,Z_,q) {}
+    ga_instruction_opposite(base_tensor &t_) : t(t_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_copy_vect_val_base : public ga_instruction {
+  struct ga_instruction_print_tensor : public ga_instruction {
     base_tensor &t;
-    const base_tensor &Z;
-    size_type qdim;
-    // Z(ndof) --> t(qdim*ndof,qdim*target_dim)
+    pga_tree_node pnode;
+    const fem_interpolation_context &ctx;
+    size_type &nbpt, &ipt;
     virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: vectorized value of test functions");
-      size_type ndof = Z.sizes()[0];
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == Z.size() * qdim * qdim,
-                      "Wrong size for base vector");
-      // std::fill(t.begin(), t.end(), scalar_type(0)); // Factorized
-      auto itZ = Z.begin();
-      size_type s = t.sizes()[0], sss = s+1;
-      // Performs t(i*qdim+j, k*qdim + j) = Z(i,k);
-      auto it = t.begin();
-      for (size_type i = 0; i < ndof; ++i, ++itZ) {
-        if (i) it += qdim;
-        auto it2 = it;
-        *it2 = *itZ;
-        for (size_type j = 1; j < qdim; ++j) { it2 += sss; *it2 = *itZ; }
-      }
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: tensor print");
+      cout << "Print term "; ga_print_node(pnode, cout);
+      cout << " on Gauss point " << ipt << "/" << nbpt << " of element "
+           << ctx.convex_num() << ": " << t << endl;
       return 0;
-    ga_instruction_copy_vect_val_base(base_tensor &tt, const base_tensor &Z_,
-                                      size_type q) : t(tt), Z(Z_), qdim(q) {}
+    ga_instruction_print_tensor(base_tensor &t_, pga_tree_node pnode_,
+                                const fem_interpolation_context &ctx_,
+                                size_type &nbpt_, size_type &ipt_)
+      : t(t_), pnode(pnode_), ctx(ctx_), nbpt(nbpt_), ipt(ipt_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_copy_vect_grad_base
-    : public ga_instruction_copy_vect_val_base {
-    // Z(ndof,N) --> t(qdim*ndof,qdim,N)
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: vectorized gradient of test functions");
-      size_type ndof = Z.sizes()[0];
-      size_type N = Z.sizes()[2];
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == Z.size() * qdim * qdim,
-                      "Wrong size for gradient vector");
-      // std::fill(t.begin(), t.end(), scalar_type(0)); // Factorized
-      base_tensor::const_iterator itZ = Z.begin();
-      size_type s = t.sizes()[0], sss = s+1, ssss = s*qdim;
-      // Performs t(i*qdim+j, k*qdim + j, l) = Z(i,k,l);
-      for (size_type l = 0; l < N; ++l) {
-        base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin() + (ssss*l);
-        for (size_type i = 0; i < ndof; ++i, ++itZ) {
-          if (i) it += qdim;
-          base_tensor::iterator it2 = it;
-          *it2 = *itZ;
-          for (size_type j = 1; j < qdim; ++j) { it2+=sss; *it2=*itZ; }
-        }
-      }
+  struct ga_instruction_copy_tensor : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t;
+    const base_tensor &tc1;
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: tensor copy");
+      std::copy(tc1.begin(), tc1.end(), t.begin());
+      // gmm::copy(tc1.as_vector(), t.as_vector());
       return 0;
+    ga_instruction_copy_tensor(base_tensor &t_, const base_tensor &tc1_)
+      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_) {}
+  };
-    ga_instruction_copy_vect_grad_base(base_tensor &tt, const base_tensor &Z_,
-                                       size_type q)
-      : ga_instruction_copy_vect_val_base(tt,Z_,q) {}
+  struct ga_instruction_clear_tensor : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t;
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: clear tensor");
+      std::fill(t.begin(), t.end(), scalar_type(0));
+      return 0;
+    }
+    ga_instruction_clear_tensor(base_tensor &t_) : t(t_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_copy_hess_base : public ga_instruction_copy_val_base {
-    // Z(ndof,target_dim,N*N) --> t(Qmult*ndof,Qmult*target_dim,N,N)
+  struct ga_instruction_copy_tensor_possibly_void : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t;
+    const base_tensor &tc1;
     virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: Hessian of test functions");
-      size_type target_dim = Z.sizes()[1];
-      size_type Qmult = qdim / target_dim;
-      if (Qmult == 1) {
-        gmm::copy(Z.as_vector(), t.as_vector());
-      } else {
-        size_type ndof = Z.sizes()[0];
-        GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == Z.size() * Qmult * Qmult,
-                      "Wrong size for Hessian vector");
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: tensor copy possibly void");
+      if (tc1.size())
+        gmm::copy(tc1.as_vector(), t.as_vector());
+      else
-        base_tensor::const_iterator itZ = Z.begin();
-        size_type s = t.sizes()[0], ss = s * Qmult, sss = s+1;
+      return 0;
+    }
+    ga_instruction_copy_tensor_possibly_void(base_tensor &t_,
+                                             const base_tensor &tc1_)
+      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_) {}
+  };
-        // Performs t(i*Qmult+j, k*Qmult + j, l, m) = Z(i,k,l*N+m)
-        size_type NNdim = Z.sizes()[2]*target_dim;
-        for (size_type klm = 0; klm < NNdim; ++klm) {
-          base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin() + (ss * klm);
-          for (size_type i = 0; i < ndof; ++i, ++itZ) {
-            if (i) it += Qmult;
-            base_tensor::iterator it2 = it;
-            *it2 = *itZ;
-            for (size_type j = 1; j < Qmult; ++j) { it2 += sss; *it2 = *itZ; }
-          }
-        }
-      }
+  struct ga_instruction_copy_scalar : public ga_instruction {
+    scalar_type &t; const scalar_type &t1;
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: scalar copy");
+      t = t1;
       return 0;
+    ga_instruction_copy_scalar(scalar_type &t_, const scalar_type &t1_)
+      : t(t_), t1(t1_) {}
+  };
-    ga_instruction_copy_hess_base(base_tensor &tt, const base_tensor &Z_,
-                                  size_type q)
-    : ga_instruction_copy_val_base(tt, Z_, q) {}
+  struct ga_instruction_copy_vect : public ga_instruction {
+    base_vector &t;
+    const base_vector &t1;
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: fixed size tensor copy");
+      gmm::copy(t1, t);
+      return 0;
+    }
+    ga_instruction_copy_vect(base_vector &t_, const base_vector &t1_)
+      : t(t_), t1(t1_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_copy_diverg_base : public ga_instruction_copy_val_base 
-    // Z(ndof,target_dim,N) --> t(Qmult*ndof)
+  struct ga_instruction_trace : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t;
+    const base_tensor &tc1;
+    size_type n;
+    // tc1(:,:,...,n,n) --> t(:,:,...)
     virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: divergence of test functions");
-      size_type ndof = Z.sizes()[0];
-      size_type target_dim = Z.sizes()[1];
-      size_type N = Z.sizes()[2];
-      size_type Qmult = qdim / target_dim;
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(Qmult*target_dim == N && (Qmult == 1 || target_dim == 1),
-                      "Dimensions mismatch for divergence operator");
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == ndof * Qmult,
-                      "Wrong size for divergence vector");
-      gmm::clear(t.as_vector());
-      base_tensor::const_iterator itZ = Z.begin();
-      if (Qmult == 1) { // target_dim == N
-        // Performs t(i) = Trace(Z(i,:,:))
-        for (size_type l = 0; l < N; ++l) {
-          base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin();
-          if (l) itZ += target_dim*ndof+1;
-          for (size_type i = 0; i < ndof; ++i) {
-            if (i) { ++it; ++itZ; }
-            *it += *itZ;
-          }
-        }
-      } else { // Qmult == N
-        // Performs t(i*Qmult+j) = Z(i,1,j)
-        for (size_type j = 0; j < N; ++j) {
-          base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin() + j;
-          if (j) ++itZ;
-          for (size_type i = 0; i < ndof; ++i) {
-            if (i) { it += Qmult; ++itZ; }
-            *it += *itZ;
-          }
-        }
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: Trace");
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size()*n*n == tc1.size(), "Wrong sizes");
+      size_type s = t.size() * (n+1);
+      auto it = t.begin();
+      auto it1 = tc1.begin();
+      for (; it != t.end(); ++it, ++it1) {
+        auto it2 = it1;
+        *it = *it2;
+        for (size_type i = 1; i < n; ++i) { it2 += s; *it += *it2; }
       return 0;
-    ga_instruction_copy_diverg_base(base_tensor &tt, const base_tensor &Z_,
-                                    size_type q)
-      : ga_instruction_copy_val_base(tt, Z_, q) {}
+    ga_instruction_trace(base_tensor &t_, const base_tensor &tc1_, size_type 
+      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), n(n_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_elementary_transformation {
-    const base_vector &coeff_in;
-    base_vector coeff_out;
-    pelementary_transformation elemtrans;
-    const mesh_fem &mf;
-    const fem_interpolation_context &ctx;
-    base_matrix &M;
-    const mesh_fem **mf_M;
-    size_type &icv;
+  struct ga_instruction_deviator : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t;
+    const base_tensor &tc1;
+    size_type n;
+    // tc1(:,:,...,n,n) --> t(:,:,...,n,n)
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: Deviator");
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == tc1.size(), "Wrong sizes");
-    void do_transformation() {
-      size_type nn = gmm::vect_size(coeff_in);
-      if (M.size() == 0 || icv != ctx.convex_num() || &mf != *mf_M) {
-        M.base_resize(nn, nn);
-        *mf_M = &mf; icv = ctx.convex_num();
-        elemtrans->give_transformation(mf, icv, M);
+      gmm::copy(tc1.as_vector(), t.as_vector());
+      size_type nb = t.size()/(n*n);
+      size_type s = nb * (n+1), j = 0;
+      base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin();
+      base_tensor::const_iterator it1 = tc1.begin();
+      for (; j < nb; ++it, ++it1, ++j) {
+        scalar_type tr(0);
+        base_tensor::const_iterator it2 = it1;
+        tr += *it2;
+        for (size_type i = 1; i < n; ++i) { it2 += s; tr += *it2; }
+        tr /= scalar_type(n);
+        base_tensor::iterator it3 = it;
+        *it3 -= tr;
+        for (size_type i = 1; i < n; ++i) { it3 += s; *it3 -= tr; }
-      coeff_out.resize(nn);
-      gmm::mult(M, coeff_in, coeff_out); // remember: coeff == coeff_out
+      return 0;
-    ga_instruction_elementary_transformation
-    (const base_vector &co, pelementary_transformation e,
-     const mesh_fem &mf_, const fem_interpolation_context &ctx_,
-     base_matrix &M_, const mesh_fem **mf_M_, size_type &icv_)
-      : coeff_in(co), elemtrans(e), mf(mf_), ctx(ctx_),
-        M(M_), mf_M(mf_M_), icv(icv_) {}
-    ~ga_instruction_elementary_transformation() {};
+    ga_instruction_deviator(base_tensor &t_, const base_tensor &tc1_,
+                            size_type n_)
+      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), n(n_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_val
-    : public ga_instruction_val, ga_instruction_elementary_transformation {
-    // Z(ndof,target_dim), coeff_in(Qmult,ndof) --> t(target_dim*Qmult)
+  struct ga_instruction_transpose : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t;
+    const base_tensor &tc1;
     virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: variable value with elementary "
-                    "transformation");
-      do_transformation();
-      return ga_instruction_val::exec();
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: transpose");
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == tc1.size(), "Wrong sizes");
+      size_type order = t.sizes().size();
+      size_type s1 = t.sizes()[order-2], s2 = t.sizes()[order-1];
+      size_type s = t.size() / (s1*s2);
+      for (size_type i = 0; i < s1;  ++i)
+        for (size_type j = 0; j < s2;  ++j) {
+          base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin() + s*(i + s1*j);
+          base_tensor::const_iterator it1 = tc1.begin() + s*(j + s2*i);
+          for (size_type k = 0; k < s; ++k) *it++ = *it1++;
+        }
+      return 0;
-    ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_val
-    (base_tensor &tt, const base_tensor &Z_, const base_vector &co, size_type 
-     pelementary_transformation e, const mesh_fem &mf_,
-     fem_interpolation_context &ctx_, base_matrix &M_,
-     const mesh_fem **mf_M_, size_type &icv_)
-      : ga_instruction_val(tt, Z_, coeff_out, q),
-        ga_instruction_elementary_transformation(co, e, mf_, ctx_, M_,
-                                                 mf_M_, icv_) {}
+    ga_instruction_transpose(base_tensor &t_, const base_tensor &tc1_)
+      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_grad
-    : public ga_instruction_grad, ga_instruction_elementary_transformation {
-    // Z(ndof,target_dim,N), coeff_in(Qmult,ndof) --> t(target_dim*Qmult,N)
+  struct ga_instruction_transpose_test : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t;
+    const base_tensor &tc1;
     virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: gradient with elementary transformation");
-      do_transformation();
-      return ga_instruction_grad::exec();
-    }
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: copy tensor and transpose test functions");
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == tc1.size(), "Wrong sizes");
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.sizes().size() >= 2, "Wrong sizes");
-    ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_grad
-    (base_tensor &tt, const base_tensor &Z_, const base_vector &co, size_type 
-     pelementary_transformation e, const mesh_fem &mf_,
-     fem_interpolation_context &ctx_, base_matrix &M_,
-     const mesh_fem **mf_M_, size_type &icv_)
-      : ga_instruction_grad(tt, Z_, coeff_out, q),
-        ga_instruction_elementary_transformation(co, e, mf_, ctx_, M_,
-                                                 mf_M_, icv_) {}
+      size_type s1 = t.sizes()[0], s2 = t.sizes()[1], s3 = s1*s2;
+      size_type s = t.size() / s3;
+      base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin();
+      for (size_type k = 0; k < s; ++k)
+        for (size_type j = 0; j < s2;  ++j)
+          for (size_type i = 0; i < s1; ++i, ++it)
+            *it = tc1[j+s2*i+k*s3];
+      return 0;
+    }
+    ga_instruction_transpose_test(base_tensor &t_, const base_tensor &tc1_)
+      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_hess
-    : public ga_instruction_hess, ga_instruction_elementary_transformation {
-    // Z(ndof,target_dim,N,N), coeff_in(Qmult,ndof) --> t(target_dim*Qmult,N,N)
+  struct ga_instruction_sym : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t;
+    const base_tensor &tc1;
     virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: Hessian with elementary transformation");
-      do_transformation();
-      return ga_instruction_hess::exec();
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: symmetric part");
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == tc1.size(), "Wrong sizes");
+      size_type order = t.sizes().size();
+      size_type s1 = t.sizes()[order-2], s2 = t.sizes()[order-1];
+      size_type s = t.size() / (s1*s2);
+      for (size_type i = 0; i < s1;  ++i)
+        for (size_type j = 0; j < s2;  ++j) {
+          base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin() + s*(i + s1*j);
+          base_tensor::const_iterator it1 = tc1.begin() + s*(i + s1*j),
+                                      it1T = tc1.begin() + s*(j + s2*i);
+          for (size_type k = 0; k < s; ++k) *it++ = 0.5*(*it1++ + *it1T++);
+        }
+      return 0;
-    ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_hess
-    (base_tensor &tt, const base_tensor &Z_, const base_vector &co, size_type 
-     pelementary_transformation e, const mesh_fem &mf_,
-     fem_interpolation_context &ctx_, base_matrix &M_,
-     const mesh_fem **mf_M_, size_type &icv_)
-      : ga_instruction_hess(tt, Z_, coeff_out, q),
-        ga_instruction_elementary_transformation(co, e, mf_, ctx_, M_,
-                                                 mf_M_, icv_) {}
+    ga_instruction_sym(base_tensor &t_, const base_tensor &tc1_)
+      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_diverg
-    : public ga_instruction_diverg, ga_instruction_elementary_transformation {
-    // Z(ndof,target_dim,N), coeff_in(Qmult,ndof) --> t(1)
+  struct ga_instruction_skew : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t;
+    const base_tensor &tc1;
     virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: divergence with elementary transformation");
-      do_transformation();
-      return ga_instruction_diverg::exec();
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: skew-symmetric part");
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == tc1.size(), "Wrong sizes");
+      size_type order = t.sizes().size();
+      size_type s1 = t.sizes()[order-2], s2 = t.sizes()[order-1];
+      size_type s = t.size() / (s1*s2);
+      for (size_type i = 0; i < s1;  ++i)
+        for (size_type j = 0; j < s2;  ++j) {
+          base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin() + s*(i + s1*j);
+          base_tensor::const_iterator it1 = tc1.begin() + s*(i + s1*j),
+                                      it1T = tc1.begin() + s*(j + s2*i);
+          for (size_type k = 0; k < s; ++k) *it++ = 0.5*(*it1++ - *it1T++);
+        }
+      return 0;
-    ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_diverg
-    (base_tensor &tt, const base_tensor &Z_, const base_vector &co, size_type 
-     pelementary_transformation e, const mesh_fem &mf_,
-     fem_interpolation_context &ctx_, base_matrix &M_,
-     const mesh_fem **mf_M_, size_type &icv_)
-      : ga_instruction_diverg(tt, Z_, coeff_out, q),
-        ga_instruction_elementary_transformation(co, e, mf_, ctx_, M_,
-                                                 mf_M_, icv_) {}
+    ga_instruction_skew(base_tensor &t_, const base_tensor &tc1_)
+      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_update_group_info : public ga_instruction {
-    const ga_workspace &workspace;
-    ga_instruction_set &gis;
-    ga_instruction_set::interpolate_info &inin;
-    const std::string gname;
-    ga_instruction_set::variable_group_info &vgi;
+  struct ga_instruction_scalar_add : public ga_instruction {
+    scalar_type &t;
+    const scalar_type &c, &d;
     virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: Update group info for "+gname);
-      if (vgi.varname &&
-          &(workspace.associated_mf(*(vgi.varname))->linked_mesh())==inin.m)
-        return 0;
-      const std::string &varname
-        = inin.m ? workspace.variable_in_group(gname, *(inin.m))
-                 : workspace.first_variable_of_group(gname);
- = workspace.associated_mf(varname);
-      vgi.Ir = gis.var_intervals[varname];
-      vgi.In = workspace.interval_of_variable(varname);
-      vgi.alpha = workspace.factor_of_variable(varname);
-      vgi.U = gis.extended_vars[varname];
-      vgi.varname = &varname;
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: scalar addition");
+      t = c + d;
       return 0;
-    ga_instruction_update_group_info
-    (const ga_workspace &workspace_, ga_instruction_set &gis_,
-     ga_instruction_set::interpolate_info &inin_, const std::string &gname_,
-     ga_instruction_set::variable_group_info &vgi_) :
-      workspace(workspace_), gis(gis_), inin(inin_), gname(gname_),
-      vgi(vgi_) {}
+    ga_instruction_scalar_add(scalar_type &t_, const scalar_type &c_,
+                              const  scalar_type &d_)
+      : t(t_), c(c_), d(d_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_interpolate_filter : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t;
-    const ga_instruction_set::interpolate_info &inin;
-    size_type pt_type;
-    int nb;
+  struct ga_instruction_scalar_sub : public ga_instruction {
+    scalar_type &t;
+    const scalar_type &c, &d;
     virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: interpolated filter");
-      if ((pt_type == size_type(-1) && inin.pt_type) ||
-          (pt_type != size_type(-1) && inin.pt_type == pt_type)) {
-        GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: interpolated filter: pass");
-        return 0;
-      }
-      else {
-        GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: interpolated filter: filtered");
-        gmm::clear(t.as_vector());
-        return nb;
-      }
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: scalar subtraction");
+      t = c - d;
       return 0;
-    ga_instruction_interpolate_filter
-    (base_tensor &t_, const ga_instruction_set::interpolate_info &inin_,
-     size_type ind_, int nb_)
-      : t(t_), inin(inin_), pt_type(ind_), nb(nb_) {}
+    ga_instruction_scalar_sub(scalar_type &t_, const scalar_type &c_,
+                              const  scalar_type &d_)
+      : t(t_), c(c_), d(d_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_interpolate : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t;
-    const mesh **m;
-    const mesh_fem *mfn, **mfg;
-    const base_vector *Un, **Ug;
-    fem_interpolation_context &ctx;
-    base_vector coeff;
-    size_type qdim;
-    const size_type &ipt;
-    fem_precomp_pool &fp_pool;
-    ga_instruction_set::interpolate_info &inin;
+  struct ga_instruction_scalar_scalar_mult : public ga_instruction {
+    scalar_type &t;
+    const scalar_type &c, &d;
     virtual int exec() {
-      GMM_ASSERT1(ctx.is_convex_num_valid(), "No valid element for the "
-                  "transformation. Probably transformation failed");
-      const mesh_fem &mf = *(mfg ? *mfg : mfn);
-      const base_vector &U = *(Ug ? *Ug : Un);
-      GMM_ASSERT1(&(mf.linked_mesh()) == *m, "Interpolation of a variable "
-                  "on another mesh than the one it is defined on");
-      slice_vector_on_basic_dof_of_element(mf, U, ctx.convex_num(), coeff);
-      pfem pf = mf.fem_of_element(ctx.convex_num());
-      GMM_ASSERT1(pf, "Undefined finite element method");
-      if (ctx.have_pgp()) {
-        if (ipt == 0)
-          inin.pfps[&mf] = fp_pool(pf, ctx.pgp()->get_ppoint_tab());
-        ctx.set_pfp(inin.pfps[&mf]);
-      } else {
-        ctx.set_pf(pf);
-      }
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: scalar multiplication");
+      t = c * d;
       return 0;
-    ga_instruction_interpolate
-    (base_tensor &tt, const mesh **m_, const mesh_fem *mfn_,
-     const mesh_fem **mfg_, const base_vector *Un_, const base_vector **Ug_,
-     fem_interpolation_context &ctx_, size_type q, const size_type &ipt_,
-     fem_precomp_pool &fp_pool_, ga_instruction_set::interpolate_info &inin_)
-      : t(tt), m(m_), mfn(mfn_), mfg(mfg_), Un(Un_), Ug(Ug_),
-        ctx(ctx_), qdim(q), ipt(ipt_), fp_pool(fp_pool_), inin(inin_) {}
+    ga_instruction_scalar_scalar_mult(scalar_type &t_, const scalar_type &c_,
+                                      const  scalar_type &d_)
+      : t(t_), c(c_), d(d_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_interpolate_val : public ga_instruction_interpolate {
-    // --> t(target_dim*Qmult)
+  struct ga_instruction_scalar_scalar_div : public ga_instruction {
+    scalar_type &t;
+    const scalar_type &c, &d;
     virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: interpolated variable value");
-      ga_instruction_interpolate::exec();
->interpolation(ctx, coeff, t.as_vector(), dim_type(qdim));
-      // cout << "interpolate " << &U << " result : " << t.as_vector() << endl;
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: scalar division");
+      t = c / d;
       return 0;
-    ga_instruction_interpolate_val
-    (base_tensor &tt, const mesh **m_, const mesh_fem *mfn_,
-     const mesh_fem **mfg_, const base_vector *Un_, const base_vector **Ug_,
-     fem_interpolation_context &ctx_, size_type q, size_type &ipt_,
-     fem_precomp_pool &fp_pool_, ga_instruction_set::interpolate_info &inin_)
-    : ga_instruction_interpolate(tt, m_, mfn_, mfg_, Un_, Ug_,ctx_, q, ipt_,
-                                 fp_pool_, inin_)
-    {}
+    ga_instruction_scalar_scalar_div(scalar_type &t_, const scalar_type &c_,
+                                     const  scalar_type &d_)
+      : t(t_), c(c_), d(d_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_interpolate_grad : public ga_instruction_interpolate {
-    // --> t(target_dim*Qmult,N)
+  struct ga_instruction_scalar_mult : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t, &tc1;
+    const scalar_type &c;
     virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: interpolated variable grad");
-      ga_instruction_interpolate::exec();
-      base_matrix v(qdim, ctx.N());
->interpolation_grad(ctx, coeff, v, dim_type(qdim));
-      gmm::copy(v.as_vector(), t.as_vector());
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: multiplication of a tensor by a scalar " << 
+      gmm::copy(gmm::scaled(tc1.as_vector(), c), t.as_vector());
       return 0;
-    ga_instruction_interpolate_grad
-    (base_tensor &tt, const mesh **m_, const mesh_fem *mfn_,
-     const mesh_fem **mfg_, const base_vector *Un_, const base_vector **Ug_,
-     fem_interpolation_context &ctx_, size_type q, size_type &ipt_,
-     fem_precomp_pool &fp_pool_, ga_instruction_set::interpolate_info &inin_)
-    : ga_instruction_interpolate(tt, m_, mfn_, mfg_, Un_, Ug_, ctx_, q, ipt_,
-                                 fp_pool_, inin_)
-    {}
+    ga_instruction_scalar_mult(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &tc1_,
+                               const scalar_type &c_)
+      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), c(c_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_interpolate_hess : public ga_instruction_interpolate {
-    // --> t(target_dim*Qmult,N,N)
+  struct ga_instruction_scalar_div : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t, &tc1;
+    const scalar_type &c;
     virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: interpolated variable hessian");
-      ga_instruction_interpolate::exec();
-      base_matrix v(qdim, ctx.N()*ctx.N()); // To be optimized
->interpolation_hess(ctx, coeff, v, dim_type(qdim));
-      gmm::copy(v.as_vector(), t.as_vector());
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: division of a tensor by a scalar");
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == tc1.size(), "Wrong sizes");
+      base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin(), it1 = tc1.begin();
+      for (; it != t.end(); ++it, ++it1) *it = *it1/c;
       return 0;
+    ga_instruction_scalar_div(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &tc1_,
+                               const scalar_type &c_)
+      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), c(c_) {}
+  };
-    ga_instruction_interpolate_hess
-    (base_tensor &tt, const mesh **m_, const mesh_fem *mfn_,
-     const mesh_fem **mfg_, const base_vector *Un_, const base_vector **Ug_,
-     fem_interpolation_context &ctx_, size_type q, size_type &ipt_,
-     fem_precomp_pool &fp_pool_, ga_instruction_set::interpolate_info &inin_)
-    : ga_instruction_interpolate(tt, m_, mfn_, mfg_, Un_, Ug_, ctx_, q, ipt_,
-                                 fp_pool_, inin_)
-    {}
-  };
-  struct ga_instruction_interpolate_diverg : public ga_instruction_interpolate 
-    // --> t(1)
+  struct ga_instruction_dotmult : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
     virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: interpolated variable divergence");
-      ga_instruction_interpolate::exec();
->interpolation_diverg(ctx, coeff, t[0]);
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: componentwise multiplication");
+      size_type s2 = tc2.size(), s1_1 = tc1.size() / s2;
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == s1_1*s2, "Wrong sizes");
+      base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin();
+      for (size_type i = 0; i < s2; ++i)
+        for (size_type m = 0; m < s1_1; ++m, ++it)
+          *it = tc1[m+s1_1*i] * tc2[i];
       return 0;
-    ga_instruction_interpolate_diverg
-    (base_tensor &tt, const mesh **m_, const mesh_fem *mfn_,
-     const mesh_fem **mfg_, const base_vector *Un_, const base_vector **Ug_,
-     fem_interpolation_context &ctx_, size_type q, size_type &ipt_,
-     fem_precomp_pool &fp_pool_, ga_instruction_set::interpolate_info &inin_)
-    : ga_instruction_interpolate(tt, m_, mfn_, mfg_, Un_, Ug_, ctx_, q, ipt_,
-                                 fp_pool_, inin_)
-    {}
+    ga_instruction_dotmult(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &tc1_,
+                           base_tensor &tc2_)
+      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), tc2(tc2_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_interpolate_base {
-    base_tensor ZZ;
-    const mesh **m;
-    const mesh_fem *mfn, **mfg;
-    const size_type &ipt;
-    ga_instruction_set::interpolate_info &inin;
-    fem_precomp_pool &fp_pool;
+  struct ga_instruction_dotdiv : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
     virtual int exec() {
-      GMM_ASSERT1(inin.ctx.is_convex_num_valid(), "No valid element for "
-                  "the transformation. Probably transformation failed");
-      const mesh_fem &mf = *(mfg ? *mfg : mfn);
-      GMM_ASSERT1(&(mf.linked_mesh()) == *m, "Interpolation of a variable "
-                  "on another mesh than the one it is defined on");
-      pfem pf = mf.fem_of_element(inin.ctx.convex_num());
-      GMM_ASSERT1(pf, "Undefined finite element method");
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: componentwise division");
+      size_type s2 = tc2.size(), s1_1 = tc1.size() / s2;
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == s1_1*s2, "Wrong sizes");
-      if (inin.ctx.have_pgp()) {
-        if (ipt == 0)
-          inin.pfps[&mf] = fp_pool(pf, inin.ctx.pgp()->get_ppoint_tab());
-        inin.ctx.set_pfp(inin.pfps[&mf]);
-      } else {
-        inin.ctx.set_pf(pf);
-      }
+      base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin();
+      for (size_type i = 0; i < s2; ++i)
+        for (size_type m = 0; m < s1_1; ++m, ++it)
+          *it = tc1[m+s1_1*i] / tc2[i];
       return 0;
-    ga_instruction_interpolate_base
-    (const mesh **m_, const mesh_fem *mfn_, const mesh_fem **mfg_,
-     const size_type &ipt_, ga_instruction_set::interpolate_info &inin_,
-     fem_precomp_pool &fp_pool_)
-      : m(m_), mfn(mfn_), mfg(mfg_), ipt(ipt_), inin(inin_),
-        fp_pool(fp_pool_) {}
+    ga_instruction_dotdiv(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &tc1_,
+                          base_tensor &tc2_)
+      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), tc2(tc2_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_interpolate_val_base
-    : public ga_instruction_copy_val_base, ga_instruction_interpolate_base {
-    // ctx --> Z(ndof,target_dim) --> t(Qmult*ndof,Qmult*target_dim)
+  // Performs Ami Bni -> Cmni
+  struct ga_instruction_dotmult_spec : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
     virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: interpolated base value");
-      ga_instruction_interpolate_base::exec();
->real_base_value(inin.ctx, ZZ); // remember Z == ZZ
-      return ga_instruction_copy_val_base::exec();
-    }
-    ga_instruction_interpolate_val_base
-    (base_tensor &t_, const mesh **m_, const mesh_fem *mfn_,
-     const mesh_fem **mfg_, const size_type &ipt_, size_type q,
-     ga_instruction_set::interpolate_info &inin_, fem_precomp_pool &fp_pool_)
-      : ga_instruction_copy_val_base(t_, ZZ, q),
-        ga_instruction_interpolate_base(m_, mfn_, mfg_, ipt_,
-                                        inin_, fp_pool_) {}
-  };
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: specific componentwise "
+                           "multiplication");
+      size_type s2_1 = tc2.sizes()[0], s2_2 = tc2.size() / s2_1;
+      size_type s1_1 = tc1.size() / s2_2;
-  struct ga_instruction_interpolate_grad_base
-    : public ga_instruction_copy_grad_base, ga_instruction_interpolate_base {
-    // ctx --> Z(ndof,target_dim,N) --> t(Qmult*ndof,Qmult*target_dim,N)
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: interpolated base grad");
-      ga_instruction_interpolate_base::exec();
->real_grad_base_value(inin.ctx, ZZ); // remember Z == ZZ
-      return ga_instruction_copy_grad_base::exec();
+      base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin();
+      for (size_type i = 0; i < s2_2; ++i)
+        for (size_type n = 0; n < s2_1; ++n)
+          for (size_type m = 0; m < s1_1; ++m, ++it)
+            *it = tc1[m+s1_1*i] * tc2[n+s2_1*i];
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(it == t.end(), "Wrong sizes");
+      return 0;
-    ga_instruction_interpolate_grad_base
-    (base_tensor &t_, const mesh **m_, const mesh_fem *mfn_,
-     const mesh_fem **mfg_, const size_type &ipt_, size_type q,
-     ga_instruction_set::interpolate_info &inin_, fem_precomp_pool &fp_pool_)
-      : ga_instruction_copy_grad_base(t_, ZZ, q),
-        ga_instruction_interpolate_base(m_, mfn_, mfg_, ipt_,
-                                        inin_, fp_pool_) {}
+    ga_instruction_dotmult_spec(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &tc1_,
+                           base_tensor &tc2_)
+      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), tc2(tc2_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_interpolate_hess_base
-    : public ga_instruction_copy_hess_base, ga_instruction_interpolate_base {
-    // ctx --> Z(ndof,target_dim,N*N) --> t(Qmult*ndof,Qmult*target_dim,N,N)
+  // Performs Amij Bjk -> Cmik. To be optimized
+  struct ga_instruction_matrix_mult : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
     virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: interpolated base hessian");
-      ga_instruction_interpolate_base::exec();
->real_hess_base_value(inin.ctx, ZZ); // remember Z == ZZ
-      return ga_instruction_copy_hess_base::exec();
-    }
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: matrix multiplication");
+      size_type order = tc2.sizes().size();
+      size_type s2_1 = tc2.sizes()[order-2];
+      size_type s2_2 = tc2.sizes()[order-1];
+      size_type s1 = tc1.size() / s2_1;
+      size_type s2 = tc2.size() / (s2_1*s2_2);
-    ga_instruction_interpolate_hess_base
-    (base_tensor &t_, const mesh **m_, const mesh_fem *mfn_,
-     const mesh_fem **mfg_, const size_type &ipt_, size_type q,
-     ga_instruction_set::interpolate_info &inin_, fem_precomp_pool &fp_pool_)
-      : ga_instruction_copy_hess_base(t_, ZZ, q),
-        ga_instruction_interpolate_base(m_, mfn_, mfg_, ipt_,
-                                        inin_, fp_pool_) {}
+      base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin();
+      for (size_type k = 0; k < s2_2; ++k)
+        for (size_type i = 0; i < s1; ++i)
+          for (size_type m = 0; m < s2; ++m, ++it) {
+            *it = scalar_type(0);
+            for (size_type j = 0; j < s2_1; ++j)
+              *it += tc1[i+j*s1] * tc2[m+j*s2+k*s2_1*s2];
+          }
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(it == t.end(), "Wrong sizes");
+      return 0;
+    }
+    ga_instruction_matrix_mult(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &tc1_,
+                               base_tensor &tc2_)
+      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), tc2(tc2_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_interpolate_diverg_base
-    : public ga_instruction_copy_diverg_base, ga_instruction_interpolate_base {
-    // ctx --> Z(ndof,target_dim,N*N) --> t(Qmult*ndof)
+  // Performs Amij Bnjk -> Cmnik. To be optimized
+  struct ga_instruction_matrix_mult_spec : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
     virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: interpolated base divergence");
-      ga_instruction_interpolate_base::exec();
->real_grad_base_value(inin.ctx, ZZ); // remember Z == ZZ
-      return ga_instruction_copy_diverg_base::exec();
-    }
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: specific matrix multiplication");
+      size_type s1_1 = tc1.sizes()[0];
+      size_type s1_2 = tc1.sizes()[1];
+      // size_type s1_3 = tc1.sizes()[2];
+      size_type s2_1 = tc2.sizes()[0];
+      size_type s2_2 = tc2.sizes()[1];
+      size_type s2_3 = tc2.sizes()[2];
-    ga_instruction_interpolate_diverg_base
-    (base_tensor &t_, const mesh **m_, const mesh_fem *mfn_,
-     const mesh_fem **mfg_, const size_type &ipt_, size_type q,
-     ga_instruction_set::interpolate_info &inin_, fem_precomp_pool &fp_pool_)
-      : ga_instruction_copy_diverg_base(t_, ZZ, q),
-        ga_instruction_interpolate_base(m_, mfn_, mfg_, ipt_,
-                                        inin_, fp_pool_) {}
+      base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin();
+      for (size_type k = 0; k < s2_3; ++k)
+        for (size_type i = 0; i < s1_2; ++i)
+          for (size_type n = 0; n < s2_1; ++n)
+            for (size_type m = 0; m < s1_1; ++m, ++it) {
+              *it = scalar_type(0);
+              for (size_type j = 0; j < s2_2; ++j)
+                *it += tc1[m+i*s1_1+j*s1_1*s1_2] * tc2[n+j*s2_1+k*s2_1*s2_2];
+            }
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(it == t.end(), "Wrong sizes");
+      return 0;
+    }
+    ga_instruction_matrix_mult_spec(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &tc1_,
+                               base_tensor &tc2_)
+      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), tc2(tc2_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_base {
-    base_tensor t_in;
-    base_tensor &t_out;
-    pelementary_transformation elemtrans;
-    const mesh_fem &mf;
-    const fem_interpolation_context &ctx;
-    base_matrix &M;
-    const mesh_fem **mf_M;
-    size_type &icv;
+  // Performs Ani Bmi -> Cmn
+  struct ga_instruction_reduction : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
+    size_type nn;
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: reduction operation of size " << nn);
+      long m = int(tc1.size()/nn), k = int(nn), n = int(tc2.size()/nn);
+      long lda = m, ldb = n, ldc = m;
+      char T = 'T', N = 'N';
+      scalar_type alpha(1), beta(0);
+      gmm::dgemm_(&N, &T, &m, &n, &k, &alpha, &(tc1[0]), &lda, &(tc2[0]), &ldb,
+                  &beta, &(t[0]), &ldc);
+      size_type s1 = tc1.size()/nn, s2 = tc2.size()/nn;
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == s1*s2, "Internal error");
-    void do_transformation(size_type n) {
-      if (M.size() == 0 || icv != ctx.convex_num() || &mf != *mf_M) {
-        M.base_resize(n, n);
-        *mf_M = &mf; icv = ctx.convex_num();
-        elemtrans->give_transformation(mf, icv, M);
+      auto it1=tc1.begin(), it2=tc2.begin(), it2end=it2 + s2;
+      for (auto it = t.begin(); it != t.end(); ++it) {
+        auto it11 = it1, it22 = it2;
+        scalar_type a = (*it11) * (*it22);
+        for (size_type i = 1; i < nn; ++i)
+          { it11 += s1; it22 += s2; a += (*it11) * (*it22); }
+        *it = a;
+        ++it2; if (it2 == it2end) { it2 = tc2.begin(), ++it1; }
-      t_out.mat_reduction(t_in, M, 0);
+      // auto it = t.begin(); // Unoptimized version.
+      // for (size_type i = 0; i < s1; ++i)
+      //   for (size_type j = 0; j < s2; ++j, ++it) {
+      //     *it = scalar_type(0);
+      //     for (size_type k = 0; k < nn; ++k)
+      //       *it += tc1[i+k*s1] * tc2[j+k*s2];
+      //   }
+      return 0;
-    ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_base
-    (base_tensor &t_, pelementary_transformation e, const mesh_fem &mf_,
-     const fem_interpolation_context &ctx_, base_matrix &M_,
-     const mesh_fem **mf_M_, size_type &icv_)
-      : t_out(t_), elemtrans(e), mf(mf_), ctx(ctx_),
-        M(M_), mf_M(mf_M_), icv(icv_) {}
+    ga_instruction_reduction(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &tc1_,
+                             base_tensor &tc2_, size_type n_)
+      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), tc2(tc2_), nn(n_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_val_base
-    : public ga_instruction_copy_val_base,
-             ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_base {
-    // Z(ndof,target_dim) --> t_in --> t_out(Qmult*ndof,Qmult*target_dim)
+  // Performs Ani Bmi -> Cmn
+  struct ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2 : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
+    size_type n, q;
     virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: value of test functions with elementary "
-                    "transformation");
-      size_type ndof = Z.sizes()[0];
-      size_type Qmult = qdim / Z.sizes()[1];
-      t_in.adjust_sizes(t_out.sizes());
-      ga_instruction_copy_val_base::exec();
-      do_transformation(ndof*Qmult);
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: reduction operation of size " << n*q <<
+                    " optimized for vectorized second tensor of type 2");
+      size_type nn = n*q, s1 = tc1.size()/nn, s2 = tc2.size()/nn, s2_q = s2/q;
+      size_type s1_qq = s1*q, s2_qq = s2*q;
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == s1*s2, "Internal error");
+      auto it = t.begin(), it1 = tc1.begin();
+      for (size_type i = 0; i < s1; ++i, ++it1) {
+        auto it2 = tc2.begin();
+        for (size_type j = 0; j < s2_q; ++j) {
+          if (j) it2+=q;
+          auto itt1 = it1;
+          for (size_type l = 0; l < q; ++l, ++it) {
+            if (l) itt1 += s1;
+            auto ittt1 = itt1, ittt2 = it2;
+            *it = *ittt1 * (*ittt2);
+            for (size_type m = 1; m < n; ++m) {
+              ittt1 += s1_qq, ittt2 += s2_qq; *it += *ittt1 * (*ittt2);
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      // base_tensor u = t;
+      // ga_instruction_reduction toto(t, tc1, tc2, n*q);
+      // toto.exec();
+      // GMM_ASSERT1(gmm::vect_dist2(t.as_vector(), u.as_vector()) < 1E-9, 
       return 0;
-    ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_val_base
-    (base_tensor &t_, const base_tensor &Z_, size_type q,
-     pelementary_transformation e, const mesh_fem &mf_,
-     fem_interpolation_context &ctx_, base_matrix &M_,
-     const mesh_fem **mf_M_, size_type &icv_)
-      : ga_instruction_copy_val_base(t_in, Z_, q),
-        ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_base(t_, e, mf_, ctx_, M_,
-                                                      mf_M_, icv_) {}
+    ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &tc1_,
+                                    base_tensor &tc2_, size_type n_,
+                                    size_type q_)
+      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), tc2(tc2_), n(n_), q(q_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_grad_base
-    : public ga_instruction_copy_grad_base,
-             ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_base {
-    // Z(ndof,target_dim,N) --> t_in --> t_out(Qmult*ndof,Qmult*target_dim,N)
+  // Performs Ani Bmi -> Cmn
+  template <int N>
+  struct ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_unrolled : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
+    size_type q;
     virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: gradient of test functions with elementary "
-                    "transformation");
-      size_type ndof = Z.sizes()[0];
-      size_type Qmult = qdim / Z.sizes()[1];
-      t_in.adjust_sizes(t_out.sizes());
-      ga_instruction_copy_grad_base::exec();
-      do_transformation(ndof*Qmult);
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: unrolled reduction operation of size " << N*q
+                    << " optimized for vectorized second tensor of type 2");
+      size_type nn = N*q, s1 = tc1.size()/nn, s2 = tc2.size()/nn, s2_q = s2/q;
+      size_type s1_qq = s1*q, s2_qq = s2*q;
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == s1*s2, "Internal error");
+      auto it = t.begin(), it1 = tc1.begin();
+      for (size_type i = 0; i < s1; ++i, ++it1) {
+        auto it2 = tc2.begin();
+        for (size_type j = 0; j < s2_q; ++j) {
+          if (j) it2+=q;
+          auto itt1 = it1;
+          for (size_type l = 0; l < q; ++l, ++it) {
+            if (l) itt1 += s1;
+            auto ittt1 = itt1, ittt2 = it2;
+            *it = *ittt1 * (*ittt2);
+            for (size_type m = 1; m < N; ++m) {
+              ittt1 += s1_qq, ittt2 += s2_qq; *it += *ittt1 * (*ittt2);
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
       return 0;
-    ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_grad_base
-    (base_tensor &t_, const base_tensor &Z_, size_type q,
-     pelementary_transformation e, const mesh_fem &mf_,
-     fem_interpolation_context &ctx_, base_matrix &M_,
-     const mesh_fem **mf_M_, size_type &icv_)
-      : ga_instruction_copy_grad_base(t_in, Z_, q),
-        ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_base(t_, e, mf_, ctx_, M_,
-                                                      mf_M_, icv_) {}
+    ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_unrolled(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor 
+                                             base_tensor &tc2_, size_type q_)
+      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), tc2(tc2_), q(q_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_hess_base
-    : public ga_instruction_copy_hess_base,
-             ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_base {
-    // Z(ndof,target_dim,N*N) --> t_out(Qmult*ndof,Qmult*target_dim,N,N)
+  // Performs Ani Bmi -> Cmn
+  template <int N, int Q>
+  struct ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_dunrolled : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
     virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: Hessian of test functions with elementary "
-                    "transformation");
-      size_type ndof = Z.sizes()[0];
-      size_type Qmult = qdim / Z.sizes()[1];
-      t_in.adjust_sizes(t_out.sizes());
-      ga_instruction_copy_hess_base::exec();
-      do_transformation(ndof*Qmult);
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: unrolled reduction operation of size " << N*Q
+                    << " optimized for vectorized second tensor of type 2");
+      size_type s1 = tc1.size()/(N*Q), s2 = tc2.size()/(N*Q), s2_q = s2/Q;
+      size_type s1_qq = s1*Q, s2_qq = s2*Q;
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == s1*s2, "Internal error");
+      auto it = t.begin(), it1 = tc1.begin();
+      for (size_type i = 0; i < s1; ++i, ++it1) {
+        auto it2 = tc2.begin();
+        for (size_type j = 0; j < s2_q; ++j) {
+          if (j) it2+=Q;
+          auto itt1 = it1;
+          for (size_type l = 0; l < Q; ++l, ++it) {
+            if (l) itt1 += s1;
+            auto ittt1 = itt1, ittt2 = it2;
+            *it = *ittt1 * (*ittt2);
+            for (size_type m = 1; m < N; ++m) {
+              ittt1 += s1_qq, ittt2 += s2_qq; *it += *ittt1 * (*ittt2);
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
       return 0;
-    ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_hess_base
-    (base_tensor &t_, const base_tensor &Z_, size_type q,
-     pelementary_transformation e, const mesh_fem &mf_,
-     fem_interpolation_context &ctx_, base_matrix &M_,
-     const mesh_fem **mf_M_, size_type &icv_)
-      : ga_instruction_copy_hess_base(t_in, Z_, q),
-        ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_base(t_, e, mf_, ctx_, M_,
-                                                      mf_M_, icv_) {}
+    ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_dunrolled
+    (base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &tc1_, base_tensor &tc2_)
+      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), tc2(tc2_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_diverg_base
-    : public ga_instruction_copy_diverg_base,
-             ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_base {
-    // Z(ndof,target_dim,N) --> t_out(Qmult*ndof)
+  // Performs Ani Bmi -> Cmn
+  struct ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0 : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
+    size_type n, q;
     virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: divergence of test functions with elementary 
-                    "transformation");
-      size_type ndof = Z.sizes()[0];
-      size_type Qmult = qdim / Z.sizes()[1];
-      t_in.adjust_sizes(t_out.sizes());
-      ga_instruction_copy_diverg_base::exec();
-      do_transformation(ndof*Qmult);
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: reduction operation of size " << n*q <<
+                    " optimized for vectorized second tensor of type 2");
+      size_type nn = n*q, s1 = tc1.size()/nn, s2 = tc2.size()/nn;
+      size_type s1_q = s1/q, s1_qq = s1*q, s2_qq = s2*q;
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == s1*s2, "Internal error");
+      auto it = t.begin();
+      for (size_type i = 0; i < s1_q; ++i)  {
+        auto it1 = tc1.begin() + i*q;
+        for (size_type l = 0; l < q; ++l) {
+          auto it2 = tc2.begin() + l*s2;
+          for (size_type j = 0; j < s2; ++j, ++it, ++it2) {
+            auto itt1 = it1, itt2 = it2;
+            *it = *itt1 * (*itt2);
+            for (size_type m = 1; m < n; ++m) {
+              itt1 += s1_qq, itt2 += s2_qq; *it += *itt1 * (*itt2);
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
       return 0;
-    ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_diverg_base
-    (base_tensor &t_, const base_tensor &Z_, size_type q,
-     pelementary_transformation e, const mesh_fem &mf_,
-     fem_interpolation_context &ctx_, base_matrix &M_,
-     const mesh_fem **mf_M_, size_type &icv_)
-      : ga_instruction_copy_diverg_base(t_in, Z_, q),
-        ga_instruction_elementary_transformation_base(t_, e, mf_, ctx_, M_,
-                                                      mf_M_, icv_) {}
+    ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &tc1_,
+                                    base_tensor &tc2_, size_type n_,
+                                    size_type q_)
+      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), tc2(tc2_), n(n_), q(q_) { }
-  struct ga_instruction_add : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t;
-    const base_tensor &tc1, &tc2;
+  // Performs Ani Bmi -> Cmn
+  template <int N>
+  struct ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_unrolled : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
+    size_type q;
     virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: addition");
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == tc1.size(),
-                      "internal error " << t.size() << " != " << tc1.size());
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == tc2.size(),
-                      "internal error " << t.size() << " != " << tc2.size());
-      gmm::add(tc1.as_vector(), tc2.as_vector(), t.as_vector());
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: unrolled reduction operation of size " << N*q
+                    << " optimized for vectorized second tensor of type 2");
+      size_type nn = N*q, s1 = tc1.size()/nn, s2 = tc2.size()/nn;
+      size_type s1_q = s1/q, s1_qq = s1*q, s2_qq = s2*q;
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == s1*s2, "Internal error");
+      auto it = t.begin(), it1 = tc1.begin();
+      for (size_type i = 0; i < s1_q; ++i, it1 += q)  {
+        for (size_type l = 0; l < q; ++l) {
+          auto it2 = tc2.begin() + l*s2;
+          for (size_type j = 0; j < s2; ++j, ++it, ++it2) {
+            auto itt1 = it1, itt2 = it2;
+            *it = *itt1 * (*itt2);
+            for (size_type m = 1; m < N; ++m) {
+              itt1 += s1_qq, itt2 += s2_qq; *it += *itt1 * (*itt2);
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
       return 0;
-    ga_instruction_add(base_tensor &t_,
-                       const base_tensor &tc1_, const base_tensor &tc2_)
-      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), tc2(tc2_) {}
+    ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_unrolled(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor 
+                                             base_tensor &tc2_, size_type q_)
+      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), tc2(tc2_), q(q_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_add_to : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t;
-    const base_tensor &tc1;
+  // Performs Ani Bmi -> Cmn
+  template <int N, int Q>
+  struct ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_dunrolled : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
     virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: addition");
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == tc1.size(), "internal error " << t.size()
-                      << " incompatible with " << tc1.size());
-      gmm::add(tc1.as_vector(), t.as_vector());
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_add_to(base_tensor &t_, const base_tensor &tc1_)
-      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_) {}
-  };
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: unrolled reduction operation of size " << N*Q
+                    << " optimized for vectorized second tensor of type 2");
+      size_type s1 = tc1.size()/(N*Q), s2 = tc2.size()/(N*Q);
+      size_type s1_q = s1/Q, s1_qq = s1*Q, s2_qq = s2*Q;
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == s1*s2, "Internal error");
-  struct ga_instruction_sub : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t;
-    const base_tensor &tc1, &tc2;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: subtraction");
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == tc1.size() && t.size() == tc2.size(),
-                      "internal error");
-      gmm::add(tc1.as_vector(), gmm::scaled(tc2.as_vector(), scalar_type(-1)),
-               t.as_vector());
+      auto it = t.begin(), it1 = tc1.begin();
+      for (size_type i = 0; i < s1_q; ++i, it1 += Q)  {
+        for (size_type l = 0; l < Q; ++l) {
+          auto it2 = tc2.begin() + l*s2;
+          for (size_type j = 0; j < s2; ++j, ++it, ++it2) {
+            auto itt1 = it1, itt2 = it2;
+            *it = *itt1 * (*itt2);
+            for (size_type m = 1; m < N; ++m) {
+              itt1 += s1_qq, itt2 += s2_qq; *it += *itt1 * (*itt2);
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
       return 0;
-    ga_instruction_sub(base_tensor &t_,
-                       const base_tensor &tc1_, const base_tensor &tc2_)
+    ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_dunrolled
+    (base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &tc1_, base_tensor &tc2_)
       : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), tc2(tc2_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_opposite : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: multiplication with -1");
-      gmm::scale(t.as_vector(), scalar_type(-1));
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_opposite(base_tensor &t_) : t(t_) {}
-  };
-  struct ga_instruction_print_tensor : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t;
-    pga_tree_node pnode;
-    const fem_interpolation_context &ctx;
-    size_type &nbpt, &ipt;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: tensor print");
-      cout << "Print term "; ga_print_node(pnode, cout);
-      cout << " on Gauss point " << ipt << "/" << nbpt << " of element "
-           << ctx.convex_num() << ": " << t << endl;
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_print_tensor(base_tensor &t_, pga_tree_node pnode_,
-                                const fem_interpolation_context &ctx_,
-                                size_type &nbpt_, size_type &ipt_)
-      : t(t_), pnode(pnode_), ctx(ctx_), nbpt(nbpt_), ipt(ipt_) {}
-  };
-  struct ga_instruction_copy_tensor : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t;
-    const base_tensor &tc1;
+  // Performs Ani Bmi -> Cmn
+  struct ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_1 : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
+    size_type nn;
     virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: tensor copy");
-      std::copy(tc1.begin(), tc1.end(), t.begin());
-      // gmm::copy(tc1.as_vector(), t.as_vector());
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_copy_tensor(base_tensor &t_, const base_tensor &tc1_)
-      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_) {}
-  };
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: reduction operation of size " << nn <<
+                    " optimized for vectorized second tensor of type 1");
+      size_type ss1=tc1.size(), s1 = ss1/nn, s2=tc2.size()/nn, s2_n=s2/nn;
-  struct ga_instruction_clear_tensor : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: clear tensor");
-      std::fill(t.begin(), t.end(), scalar_type(0));
+      auto it = t.begin(), it1 = tc1.begin();
+      for (size_type i = 0; i < s1; ++i, ++it1) {
+        auto it2 = tc2.begin();
+        for (size_type j = 0; j < s2_n; ++j) {
+          if (j) it2 += nn;
+          auto itt1 = it1;
+          *it++ = (*itt1) * (*it2);
+          for (size_type k = 1; k < nn; ++k)
+            { itt1 += s1; *it++ = (*itt1) * (*it2); }
+        }
+      }
       return 0;
-    ga_instruction_clear_tensor(base_tensor &t_) : t(t_) {}
+    ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_1(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &tc1_,
+                                    base_tensor &tc2_, size_type n_)
+      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), tc2(tc2_), nn(n_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_copy_tensor_possibly_void : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t;
-    const base_tensor &tc1;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: tensor copy possibly void");
-      if (tc1.size())
-        gmm::copy(tc1.as_vector(), t.as_vector());
-      else
-        gmm::clear(t.as_vector());
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_copy_tensor_possibly_void(base_tensor &t_,
-                                             const base_tensor &tc1_)
-      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_) {}
-  };
+  template<int N> inline void reduc_elem_unrolled_opt1_
+  (const base_vector::iterator &it, const base_vector::iterator &it1,
+   scalar_type a, size_type s1) {
+    it[N-1] = it1[(N-1)*s1] * a;
+    reduc_elem_unrolled_opt1_<N-1>(it, it1, a, s1);
+  }
+  template<> inline void reduc_elem_unrolled_opt1_<1>
+  (const base_vector::iterator &it, const base_vector::iterator &it1,
+   scalar_type a, size_type /* s1 */)
+  { *it = (*it1) * a; }
-  struct ga_instruction_copy_scalar : public ga_instruction {
-    scalar_type &t; const scalar_type &t1;
+  // Performs Ani Bmi -> Cmn
+  template <int N>
+  struct ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_1_unrolled : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
     virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: scalar copy");
-      t = t1;
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: unrolled reduction operation of size " << N
+                    << " optimized for vectorized second tensor of type 1");
+      size_type s1 = tc1.size()/N, s2 = tc2.size()/N;
+      auto it = t.begin(), it1 = tc1.begin();
+      for (size_type i = 0; i < s1; ++i, ++it1) {
+        auto it2 = tc2.begin(), it2e = it2 + s2;
+        for (; it2 != it2e; it2 += N, it += N)
+          reduc_elem_unrolled_opt1_<N>(it, it1, *it2, s1);
+      }
       return 0;
-    ga_instruction_copy_scalar(scalar_type &t_, const scalar_type &t1_)
-      : t(t_), t1(t1_) {}
+    ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_1_unrolled(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor 
+                                             base_tensor &tc2_)
+      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), tc2(tc2_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_copy_vect : public ga_instruction {
-    base_vector &t;
-    const base_vector &t1;
+  // Performs Ani Bmi -> Cmn
+  struct ga_instruction_reduction_opt1_1 : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
+    size_type nn;
     virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: fixed size tensor copy");
-      gmm::copy(t1, t);
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_copy_vect(base_vector &t_, const base_vector &t1_)
-      : t(t_), t1(t1_) {}
-  };
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: reduction operation of size " << nn <<
+                    " optimized for both vectorized tensor of type 1");
+      size_type s1 = tc1.size()/nn, s2 = tc2.size()/nn, s2_1 = s2+1;
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == s2*s1, "Internal error");
+      size_type ss1 = s1/nn, ss2 = s2/nn;
-  struct ga_instruction_trace : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t;
-    const base_tensor &tc1;
-    size_type n;
-    // tc1(:,:,...,n,n) --> t(:,:,...)
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: Trace");
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size()*n*n == tc1.size(), "Wrong sizes");
-      size_type s = t.size() * (n+1);
-      auto it = t.begin();
-      auto it1 = tc1.begin();
-      for (; it != t.end(); ++it, ++it1) {
-        auto it2 = it1;
-        *it = *it2;
-        for (size_type i = 1; i < n; ++i) { it2 += s; *it += *it2; }
+      // std::fill(t.begin(), t.end(), scalar_type(0)); // Factorized
+      auto it2 = tc2.begin();
+      for (size_type j = 0; j < ss2; ++j) {
+        if (j) it2 += nn;
+        auto it1 = tc1.begin(), it = t.begin() + j*nn;
+        for (size_type i = 0; i < ss1; ++i) {
+          if (i) { it1 += nn, it += s2*nn; }
+          scalar_type a = (*it1) * (*it2);
+          auto itt = it;
+          *itt = a; itt += s2_1; *itt = a;
+          for (size_type k = 2; k < nn; ++k) { itt += s2_1; *itt = a; }
+        }
       return 0;
-    ga_instruction_trace(base_tensor &t_, const base_tensor &tc1_, size_type 
-      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), n(n_) {}
+    ga_instruction_reduction_opt1_1(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &tc1_,
+                                    base_tensor &tc2_, size_type n_)
+      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), tc2(tc2_), nn(n_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_deviator : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t;
-    const base_tensor &tc1;
-    size_type n;
-    // tc1(:,:,...,n,n) --> t(:,:,...,n,n)
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: Deviator");
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == tc1.size(), "Wrong sizes");
-      gmm::copy(tc1.as_vector(), t.as_vector());
-      size_type nb = t.size()/(n*n);
-      size_type s = nb * (n+1), j = 0;
-      base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin();
-      base_tensor::const_iterator it1 = tc1.begin();
-      for (; j < nb; ++it, ++it1, ++j) {
-        scalar_type tr(0);
-        base_tensor::const_iterator it2 = it1;
-        tr += *it2;
-        for (size_type i = 1; i < n; ++i) { it2 += s; tr += *it2; }
-        tr /= scalar_type(n);
+  template<int N> inline scalar_type reduc_elem_unrolled__
+  (base_tensor::iterator &it1, base_tensor::iterator &it2,
+   size_type s1, size_type s2) {
+    return (it1[(N-1)*s1])*(it2[(N-1)*s2])
+      + reduc_elem_unrolled__<N-1>(it1, it2, s1, s2);
+  }
+  template<> inline scalar_type reduc_elem_unrolled__<1>
+  (base_tensor::iterator &it1, base_tensor::iterator &it2,
+   size_type /*s1*/, size_type /*s2*/)
+  { return (*it1)*(*it2); }
-        base_tensor::iterator it3 = it;
-        *it3 -= tr;
-        for (size_type i = 1; i < n; ++i) { it3 += s; *it3 -= tr; }
+  // Performs Ani Bmi -> Cmn. Unrolled operation.
+  template<int N> struct ga_instruction_reduction_unrolled
+    : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: unrolled reduction operation of size " << N);
+      size_type s1 = tc1.size()/N, s2 = tc2.size()/N;
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == s1*s2, "Internal error, " << t.size()
+                      << " != " << s1 << "*" << s2);
+      base_tensor::iterator it1=tc1.begin(), it2=tc2.begin(), it2end=it2 + s2;
+      for (base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin(); it != t.end(); ++it) {
+        *it = reduc_elem_unrolled__<N>(it1, it2, s1, s2);
+        ++it2; if (it2 == it2end) { it2 = tc2.begin(), ++it1; }
       return 0;
-    ga_instruction_deviator(base_tensor &t_, const base_tensor &tc1_,
-                            size_type n_)
-      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), n(n_) {}
+    ga_instruction_reduction_unrolled(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &tc1_,
+                                      base_tensor &tc2_)
+      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), tc2(tc2_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_transpose : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t;
-    const base_tensor &tc1;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: transpose");
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == tc1.size(), "Wrong sizes");
-      size_type order = t.sizes().size();
-      size_type s1 = t.sizes()[order-2], s2 = t.sizes()[order-1];
-      size_type s = t.size() / (s1*s2);
-      for (size_type i = 0; i < s1;  ++i)
-        for (size_type j = 0; j < s2;  ++j) {
-          base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin() + s*(i + s1*j);
-          base_tensor::const_iterator it1 = tc1.begin() + s*(j + s2*i);
-          for (size_type k = 0; k < s; ++k) *it++ = *it1++;
-        }
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_transpose(base_tensor &t_, const base_tensor &tc1_)
-      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_) {}
-  };
-  struct ga_instruction_transpose_test : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t;
-    const base_tensor &tc1;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: copy tensor and transpose test functions");
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == tc1.size(), "Wrong sizes");
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.sizes().size() >= 2, "Wrong sizes");
-      size_type s1 = t.sizes()[0], s2 = t.sizes()[1], s3 = s1*s2;
-      size_type s = t.size() / s3;
-      base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin();
-      for (size_type k = 0; k < s; ++k)
-        for (size_type j = 0; j < s2;  ++j)
-          for (size_type i = 0; i < s1; ++i, ++it)
-            *it = tc1[j+s2*i+k*s3];
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_transpose_test(base_tensor &t_, const base_tensor &tc1_)
-      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_) {}
-  };
-  struct ga_instruction_sym : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t;
-    const base_tensor &tc1;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: symmetric part");
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == tc1.size(), "Wrong sizes");
-      size_type order = t.sizes().size();
-      size_type s1 = t.sizes()[order-2], s2 = t.sizes()[order-1];
-      size_type s = t.size() / (s1*s2);
-      for (size_type i = 0; i < s1;  ++i)
-        for (size_type j = 0; j < s2;  ++j) {
-          base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin() + s*(i + s1*j);
-          base_tensor::const_iterator it1 = tc1.begin() + s*(i + s1*j),
-                                      it1T = tc1.begin() + s*(j + s2*i);
-          for (size_type k = 0; k < s; ++k) *it++ = 0.5*(*it1++ + *it1T++);
-        }
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_sym(base_tensor &t_, const base_tensor &tc1_)
-      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_) {}
-  };
-  struct ga_instruction_skew : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t;
-    const base_tensor &tc1;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: skew-symmetric part");
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == tc1.size(), "Wrong sizes");
-      size_type order = t.sizes().size();
-      size_type s1 = t.sizes()[order-2], s2 = t.sizes()[order-1];
-      size_type s = t.size() / (s1*s2);
-      for (size_type i = 0; i < s1;  ++i)
-        for (size_type j = 0; j < s2;  ++j) {
-          base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin() + s*(i + s1*j);
-          base_tensor::const_iterator it1 = tc1.begin() + s*(i + s1*j),
-                                      it1T = tc1.begin() + s*(j + s2*i);
-          for (size_type k = 0; k < s; ++k) *it++ = 0.5*(*it1++ - *it1T++);
-        }
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_skew(base_tensor &t_, const base_tensor &tc1_)
-      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_) {}
-  };
-  struct ga_instruction_scalar_add : public ga_instruction {
-    scalar_type &t;
-    const scalar_type &c, &d;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: scalar addition");
-      t = c + d;
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_scalar_add(scalar_type &t_, const scalar_type &c_,
-                              const  scalar_type &d_)
-      : t(t_), c(c_), d(d_) {}
-  };
+  template<int N, int S2> inline void reduc_elem_d_unrolled__
+  (base_tensor::iterator &it, base_tensor::iterator &it1,
+   base_tensor::iterator &it2, size_type s1, size_type s2)  {
+    *it++ = reduc_elem_unrolled__<N>(it1, it2, s1, s2);
+    reduc_elem_d_unrolled__<N, S2-1>(it, it1, ++it2, s1, s2);
+  }
+  // A Repeated definition is following because partial specialization
+  // of functions is not allowed in C++ for the moment.
+  // The gain in assembly time is small compared to the simply unrolled version
+  template<> inline void reduc_elem_d_unrolled__<1, 0>
+  (base_tensor::iterator &/* it */, base_tensor::iterator &/* it1 */,
+   base_tensor::iterator &/* it2 */, size_type /* s1 */, size_type /* s2 */) { 
+  template<> inline void reduc_elem_d_unrolled__<2, 0>
+  (base_tensor::iterator &/* it */, base_tensor::iterator &/* it1 */,
+   base_tensor::iterator &/* it2 */, size_type /* s1 */, size_type /* s2 */) { 
+  template<> inline void reduc_elem_d_unrolled__<3, 0>
+  (base_tensor::iterator &/* it */, base_tensor::iterator &/* it1 */,
+   base_tensor::iterator &/* it2 */, size_type /* s1 */, size_type /* s2 */) { 
+  template<> inline void reduc_elem_d_unrolled__<4, 0>
+  (base_tensor::iterator &/* it */, base_tensor::iterator &/* it1 */,
+   base_tensor::iterator &/* it2 */, size_type /* s1 */, size_type /* s2 */) { 
+  template<> inline void reduc_elem_d_unrolled__<5, 0>
+  (base_tensor::iterator &/* it */, base_tensor::iterator &/* it1 */,
+   base_tensor::iterator &/* it2 */, size_type /* s1 */, size_type /* s2 */) { 
+  template<> inline void reduc_elem_d_unrolled__<6, 0>
+  (base_tensor::iterator &/* it */, base_tensor::iterator &/* it1 */,
+   base_tensor::iterator &/* it2 */, size_type /* s1 */, size_type /* s2 */) { 
+  template<> inline void reduc_elem_d_unrolled__<7, 0>
+  (base_tensor::iterator &/* it */, base_tensor::iterator &/* it1 */,
+   base_tensor::iterator &/* it2 */, size_type /* s1 */, size_type /* s2 */) { 
+  template<> inline void reduc_elem_d_unrolled__<8, 0>
+  (base_tensor::iterator &/* it */, base_tensor::iterator &/* it1 */,
+   base_tensor::iterator &/* it2 */, size_type /* s1 */, size_type /* s2 */) { 
+  template<> inline void reduc_elem_d_unrolled__<9, 0>
+  (base_tensor::iterator &/* it */, base_tensor::iterator &/* it1 */,
+   base_tensor::iterator &/* it2 */, size_type /* s1 */, size_type /* s2 */) { 
+  template<> inline void reduc_elem_d_unrolled__<10, 0>
+  (base_tensor::iterator &/* it */, base_tensor::iterator &/* it1 */,
+   base_tensor::iterator &/* it2 */, size_type /* s1 */, size_type /* s2 */) { 
+  template<> inline void reduc_elem_d_unrolled__<11, 0>
+  (base_tensor::iterator &/* it */, base_tensor::iterator &/* it1 */,
+   base_tensor::iterator &/* it2 */, size_type /* s1 */, size_type /* s2 */) { 
+  template<> inline void reduc_elem_d_unrolled__<12, 0>
+  (base_tensor::iterator &/* it */, base_tensor::iterator &/* it1 */,
+   base_tensor::iterator &/* it2 */, size_type /* s1 */, size_type /* s2 */) { 
+  template<> inline void reduc_elem_d_unrolled__<13, 0>
+  (base_tensor::iterator &/* it */, base_tensor::iterator &/* it1 */,
+   base_tensor::iterator &/* it2 */, size_type /* s1 */, size_type /* s2 */) { 
+  template<> inline void reduc_elem_d_unrolled__<14, 0>
+  (base_tensor::iterator &/* it */, base_tensor::iterator &/* it1 */,
+   base_tensor::iterator &/* it2 */, size_type /* s1 */, size_type /* s2 */) { 
+  template<> inline void reduc_elem_d_unrolled__<15, 0>
+  (base_tensor::iterator &/* it */, base_tensor::iterator &/* it1 */,
+   base_tensor::iterator &/* it2 */, size_type /* s1 */, size_type /* s2 */) { 
+  template<> inline void reduc_elem_d_unrolled__<16, 0>
+  (base_tensor::iterator &/* it */, base_tensor::iterator &/* it1 */,
+   base_tensor::iterator &/* it2 */, size_type /* s1 */, size_type /* s2 */) { 
-  struct ga_instruction_scalar_sub : public ga_instruction {
-    scalar_type &t;
-    const scalar_type &c, &d;
+  // Performs Ani Bmi -> Cmn. Automatically doubly unrolled operation
+  // (for uniform meshes).
+  template<int N, int S2> struct ga_ins_red_d_unrolled
+    : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
     virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: scalar subtraction");
-      t = c - d;
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: doubly unrolled reduction operation of size "
+                    << S2 << "x" << N);
+      size_type s1 = tc1.size()/N, s2 = tc2.size()/N;
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(s2 == S2, "Internal error");
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == s1*s2, "Internal error, " << t.size()
+                      << " != " << s1 << "*" << s2);
+      base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin(), it1 = tc1.begin();
+      for (size_type ii = 0; ii < s1; ++ii, ++it1) {
+        base_tensor::iterator it2 = tc2.begin();
+        reduc_elem_d_unrolled__<N, S2>(it, it1, it2, s1, s2);
+      }
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(it == t.end(), "Internal error");
       return 0;
-    ga_instruction_scalar_sub(scalar_type &t_, const scalar_type &c_,
-                              const  scalar_type &d_)
-      : t(t_), c(c_), d(d_) {}
+    ga_ins_red_d_unrolled(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &tc1_, base_tensor 
+      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), tc2(tc2_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_scalar_scalar_mult : public ga_instruction {
-    scalar_type &t;
-    const scalar_type &c, &d;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: scalar multiplication");
-      t = c * d;
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_scalar_scalar_mult(scalar_type &t_, const scalar_type &c_,
-                                      const  scalar_type &d_)
-      : t(t_), c(c_), d(d_) {}
-  };
-  struct ga_instruction_scalar_scalar_div : public ga_instruction {
-    scalar_type &t;
-    const scalar_type &c, &d;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: scalar division");
-      t = c / d;
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_scalar_scalar_div(scalar_type &t_, const scalar_type &c_,
-                                     const  scalar_type &d_)
-      : t(t_), c(c_), d(d_) {}
-  };
+  pga_instruction ga_instruction_reduction_switch
+  (assembly_tensor &t_, assembly_tensor &tc1_, assembly_tensor &tc2_,
+   size_type n, bool &to_clear) {
+    base_tensor &t = t_.tensor(), &tc1 = tc1_.tensor(), &tc2 = tc2_.tensor();
-  struct ga_instruction_scalar_mult : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t, &tc1;
-    const scalar_type &c;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: multiplication of a tensor by a scalar " << 
-      gmm::copy(gmm::scaled(tc1.as_vector(), c), t.as_vector());
-      return 0;
+    if (tc1_.sparsity() == 1 && tc2_.sparsity() == 1 &&
+        tc1_.qdim() == n && tc2_.qdim() == n) {
+      to_clear = true;
+      t_.set_sparsity(10, tc1_.qdim());
+      return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt1_1>(t, tc1, tc2, n);
-    ga_instruction_scalar_mult(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &tc1_,
-                               const scalar_type &c_)
-      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), c(c_) {}
-  };
-  struct ga_instruction_scalar_div : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t, &tc1;
-    const scalar_type &c;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: division of a tensor by a scalar");
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == tc1.size(), "Wrong sizes");
-      base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin(), it1 = tc1.begin();
-      for (; it != t.end(); ++it, ++it1) *it = *it1/c;
-      return 0;
+    if (tc2_.sparsity() == 1) {
+      switch(n) {
+      case 2:
+        return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_1_unrolled<2>>
+          (t, tc1, tc2);
+      case 3:
+        return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_1_unrolled<3>>
+          (t, tc1, tc2);
+      case 4:
+        return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_1_unrolled<4>>
+          (t, tc1, tc2);
+      case 5:
+        return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_1_unrolled<5>>
+          (t, tc1, tc2);
+      default:
+        return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_1>(t,tc1,tc2, n);
+      }
-    ga_instruction_scalar_div(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &tc1_,
-                               const scalar_type &c_)
-      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), c(c_) {}
-  };
-  struct ga_instruction_dotmult : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: componentwise multiplication");
-      size_type s2 = tc2.size(), s1_1 = tc1.size() / s2;
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == s1_1*s2, "Wrong sizes");
-      base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin();
-      for (size_type i = 0; i < s2; ++i)
-        for (size_type m = 0; m < s1_1; ++m, ++it)
-          *it = tc1[m+s1_1*i] * tc2[i];
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_dotmult(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &tc1_,
-                           base_tensor &tc2_)
-      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), tc2(tc2_) {}
-  };
-  struct ga_instruction_dotdiv : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: componentwise division");
-      size_type s2 = tc2.size(), s1_1 = tc1.size() / s2;
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == s1_1*s2, "Wrong sizes");
-      base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin();
-      for (size_type i = 0; i < s2; ++i)
-        for (size_type m = 0; m < s1_1; ++m, ++it)
-          *it = tc1[m+s1_1*i] / tc2[i];
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_dotdiv(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &tc1_,
-                          base_tensor &tc2_)
-      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), tc2(tc2_) {}
-  };
-  // Performs Ami Bni -> Cmni
-  struct ga_instruction_dotmult_spec : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: specific componentwise "
-                           "multiplication");
-      size_type s2_1 = tc2.sizes()[0], s2_2 = tc2.size() / s2_1;
-      size_type s1_1 = tc1.size() / s2_2;
-      base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin();
-      for (size_type i = 0; i < s2_2; ++i)
-        for (size_type n = 0; n < s2_1; ++n)
-          for (size_type m = 0; m < s1_1; ++m, ++it)
-            *it = tc1[m+s1_1*i] * tc2[n+s2_1*i];
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(it == t.end(), "Wrong sizes");
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_dotmult_spec(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &tc1_,
-                           base_tensor &tc2_)
-      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), tc2(tc2_) {}
-  };
-  // Performs Amij Bjk -> Cmik. To be optimized
-  struct ga_instruction_matrix_mult : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: matrix multiplication");
-      size_type order = tc2.sizes().size();
-      size_type s2_1 = tc2.sizes()[order-2];
-      size_type s2_2 = tc2.sizes()[order-1];
-      size_type s1 = tc1.size() / s2_1;
-      size_type s2 = tc2.size() / (s2_1*s2_2);
-      base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin();
-      for (size_type k = 0; k < s2_2; ++k)
-        for (size_type i = 0; i < s1; ++i)
-          for (size_type m = 0; m < s2; ++m, ++it) {
-            *it = scalar_type(0);
-            for (size_type j = 0; j < s2_1; ++j)
-              *it += tc1[i+j*s1] * tc2[m+j*s2+k*s2_1*s2];
-          }
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(it == t.end(), "Wrong sizes");
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_matrix_mult(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &tc1_,
-                               base_tensor &tc2_)
-      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), tc2(tc2_) {}
-  };
-  // Performs Amij Bnjk -> Cmnik. To be optimized
-  struct ga_instruction_matrix_mult_spec : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: specific matrix multiplication");
-      size_type s1_1 = tc1.sizes()[0];
-      size_type s1_2 = tc1.sizes()[1];
-      // size_type s1_3 = tc1.sizes()[2];
-      size_type s2_1 = tc2.sizes()[0];
-      size_type s2_2 = tc2.sizes()[1];
-      size_type s2_3 = tc2.sizes()[2];
-      base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin();
-      for (size_type k = 0; k < s2_3; ++k)
-        for (size_type i = 0; i < s1_2; ++i)
-          for (size_type n = 0; n < s2_1; ++n)
-            for (size_type m = 0; m < s1_1; ++m, ++it) {
-              *it = scalar_type(0);
-              for (size_type j = 0; j < s2_2; ++j)
-                *it += tc1[m+i*s1_1+j*s1_1*s1_2] * tc2[n+j*s2_1+k*s2_1*s2_2];
-            }
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(it == t.end(), "Wrong sizes");
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_matrix_mult_spec(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &tc1_,
-                               base_tensor &tc2_)
-      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), tc2(tc2_) {}
-  };
-  // Performs Ani Bmi -> Cmn
-  struct ga_instruction_reduction : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
-    size_type nn;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: reduction operation of size " << nn);
-      long m = int(tc1.size()/nn), k = int(nn), n = int(tc2.size()/nn);
-      long lda = m, ldb = n, ldc = m;
-      char T = 'T', N = 'N';
-      scalar_type alpha(1), beta(0);
-      gmm::dgemm_(&N, &T, &m, &n, &k, &alpha, &(tc1[0]), &lda, &(tc2[0]), &ldb,
-                  &beta, &(t[0]), &ldc);
-      size_type s1 = tc1.size()/nn, s2 = tc2.size()/nn;
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == s1*s2, "Internal error");
-      auto it1=tc1.begin(), it2=tc2.begin(), it2end=it2 + s2;
-      for (auto it = t.begin(); it != t.end(); ++it) {
-        auto it11 = it1, it22 = it2;
-        scalar_type a = (*it11) * (*it22);
-        for (size_type i = 1; i < nn; ++i)
-          { it11 += s1; it22 += s2; a += (*it11) * (*it22); }
-        *it = a;
-        ++it2; if (it2 == it2end) { it2 = tc2.begin(), ++it1; }
-      }
-      // auto it = t.begin(); // Unoptimized version.
-      // for (size_type i = 0; i < s1; ++i)
-      //   for (size_type j = 0; j < s2; ++j, ++it) {
-      //     *it = scalar_type(0);
-      //     for (size_type k = 0; k < nn; ++k)
-      //       *it += tc1[i+k*s1] * tc2[j+k*s2];
-      //   }
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_reduction(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &tc1_,
-                             base_tensor &tc2_, size_type n_)
-      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), tc2(tc2_), nn(n_) {}
-  };
-  // Performs Ani Bmi -> Cmn
-  struct ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2 : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
-    size_type n, q;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: reduction operation of size " << n*q <<
-                    " optimized for vectorized second tensor of type 2");
-      size_type nn = n*q, s1 = tc1.size()/nn, s2 = tc2.size()/nn, s2_q = s2/q;
-      size_type s1_qq = s1*q, s2_qq = s2*q;
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == s1*s2, "Internal error");
-      auto it = t.begin(), it1 = tc1.begin();
-      for (size_type i = 0; i < s1; ++i, ++it1) {
-        auto it2 = tc2.begin();
-        for (size_type j = 0; j < s2_q; ++j) {
-          if (j) it2+=q;
-          auto itt1 = it1;
-          for (size_type l = 0; l < q; ++l, ++it) {
-            if (l) itt1 += s1;
-            auto ittt1 = itt1, ittt2 = it2;
-            *it = *ittt1 * (*ittt2);
-            for (size_type m = 1; m < n; ++m) {
-              ittt1 += s1_qq, ittt2 += s2_qq; *it += *ittt1 * (*ittt2);
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      // base_tensor u = t;
-      // ga_instruction_reduction toto(t, tc1, tc2, n*q);
-      // toto.exec();
-      // GMM_ASSERT1(gmm::vect_dist2(t.as_vector(), u.as_vector()) < 1E-9, 
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &tc1_,
-                                    base_tensor &tc2_, size_type n_,
-                                    size_type q_)
-      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), tc2(tc2_), n(n_), q(q_) {}
-  };
-  // Performs Ani Bmi -> Cmn
-  template <int N>
-  struct ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_unrolled : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
-    size_type q;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: unrolled reduction operation of size " << N*q
-                    << " optimized for vectorized second tensor of type 2");
-      size_type nn = N*q, s1 = tc1.size()/nn, s2 = tc2.size()/nn, s2_q = s2/q;
-      size_type s1_qq = s1*q, s2_qq = s2*q;
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == s1*s2, "Internal error");
-      auto it = t.begin(), it1 = tc1.begin();
-      for (size_type i = 0; i < s1; ++i, ++it1) {
-        auto it2 = tc2.begin();
-        for (size_type j = 0; j < s2_q; ++j) {
-          if (j) it2+=q;
-          auto itt1 = it1;
-          for (size_type l = 0; l < q; ++l, ++it) {
-            if (l) itt1 += s1;
-            auto ittt1 = itt1, ittt2 = it2;
-            *it = *ittt1 * (*ittt2);
-            for (size_type m = 1; m < N; ++m) {
-              ittt1 += s1_qq, ittt2 += s2_qq; *it += *ittt1 * (*ittt2);
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_unrolled(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor 
-                                             base_tensor &tc2_, size_type q_)
-      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), tc2(tc2_), q(q_) {}
-  };
-  // Performs Ani Bmi -> Cmn
-  template <int N, int Q>
-  struct ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_dunrolled : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: unrolled reduction operation of size " << N*Q
-                    << " optimized for vectorized second tensor of type 2");
-      size_type s1 = tc1.size()/(N*Q), s2 = tc2.size()/(N*Q), s2_q = s2/Q;
-      size_type s1_qq = s1*Q, s2_qq = s2*Q;
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == s1*s2, "Internal error");
-      auto it = t.begin(), it1 = tc1.begin();
-      for (size_type i = 0; i < s1; ++i, ++it1) {
-        auto it2 = tc2.begin();
-        for (size_type j = 0; j < s2_q; ++j) {
-          if (j) it2+=Q;
-          auto itt1 = it1;
-          for (size_type l = 0; l < Q; ++l, ++it) {
-            if (l) itt1 += s1;
-            auto ittt1 = itt1, ittt2 = it2;
-            *it = *ittt1 * (*ittt2);
-            for (size_type m = 1; m < N; ++m) {
-              ittt1 += s1_qq, ittt2 += s2_qq; *it += *ittt1 * (*ittt2);
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_dunrolled
-    (base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &tc1_, base_tensor &tc2_)
-      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), tc2(tc2_) {}
-  };
-  // Performs Ani Bmi -> Cmn
-  struct ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0 : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
-    size_type n, q;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: reduction operation of size " << n*q <<
-                    " optimized for vectorized second tensor of type 2");
-      size_type nn = n*q, s1 = tc1.size()/nn, s2 = tc2.size()/nn;
-      size_type s1_q = s1/q, s1_qq = s1*q, s2_qq = s2*q;
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == s1*s2, "Internal error");
-      auto it = t.begin();
-      for (size_type i = 0; i < s1_q; ++i)  {
-        auto it1 = tc1.begin() + i*q;
-        for (size_type l = 0; l < q; ++l) {
-          auto it2 = tc2.begin() + l*s2;
-          for (size_type j = 0; j < s2; ++j, ++it, ++it2) {
-            auto itt1 = it1, itt2 = it2;
-            *it = *itt1 * (*itt2);
-            for (size_type m = 1; m < n; ++m) {
-              itt1 += s1_qq, itt2 += s2_qq; *it += *itt1 * (*itt2);
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &tc1_,
-                                    base_tensor &tc2_, size_type n_,
-                                    size_type q_)
-      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), tc2(tc2_), n(n_), q(q_) { }
-  };
-  // Performs Ani Bmi -> Cmn
-  template <int N>
-  struct ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_unrolled : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
-    size_type q;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: unrolled reduction operation of size " << N*q
-                    << " optimized for vectorized second tensor of type 2");
-      size_type nn = N*q, s1 = tc1.size()/nn, s2 = tc2.size()/nn;
-      size_type s1_q = s1/q, s1_qq = s1*q, s2_qq = s2*q;
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == s1*s2, "Internal error");
-      auto it = t.begin(), it1 = tc1.begin();
-      for (size_type i = 0; i < s1_q; ++i, it1 += q)  {
-        for (size_type l = 0; l < q; ++l) {
-          auto it2 = tc2.begin() + l*s2;
-          for (size_type j = 0; j < s2; ++j, ++it, ++it2) {
-            auto itt1 = it1, itt2 = it2;
-            *it = *itt1 * (*itt2);
-            for (size_type m = 1; m < N; ++m) {
-              itt1 += s1_qq, itt2 += s2_qq; *it += *itt1 * (*itt2);
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_unrolled(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor 
-                                             base_tensor &tc2_, size_type q_)
-      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), tc2(tc2_), q(q_) {}
-  };
-  // Performs Ani Bmi -> Cmn
-  template <int N, int Q>
-  struct ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_dunrolled : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: unrolled reduction operation of size " << N*Q
-                    << " optimized for vectorized second tensor of type 2");
-      size_type s1 = tc1.size()/(N*Q), s2 = tc2.size()/(N*Q);
-      size_type s1_q = s1/Q, s1_qq = s1*Q, s2_qq = s2*Q;
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == s1*s2, "Internal error");
-      auto it = t.begin(), it1 = tc1.begin();
-      for (size_type i = 0; i < s1_q; ++i, it1 += Q)  {
-        for (size_type l = 0; l < Q; ++l) {
-          auto it2 = tc2.begin() + l*s2;
-          for (size_type j = 0; j < s2; ++j, ++it, ++it2) {
-            auto itt1 = it1, itt2 = it2;
-            *it = *itt1 * (*itt2);
-            for (size_type m = 1; m < N; ++m) {
-              itt1 += s1_qq, itt2 += s2_qq; *it += *itt1 * (*itt2);
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_dunrolled
-    (base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &tc1_, base_tensor &tc2_)
-      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), tc2(tc2_) {}
-  };
-  // Performs Ani Bmi -> Cmn
-  struct ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_1 : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
-    size_type nn;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: reduction operation of size " << nn <<
-                    " optimized for vectorized second tensor of type 1");
-      size_type ss1=tc1.size(), s1 = ss1/nn, s2=tc2.size()/nn, s2_n=s2/nn;
-      auto it = t.begin(), it1 = tc1.begin();
-      for (size_type i = 0; i < s1; ++i, ++it1) {
-        auto it2 = tc2.begin();
-        for (size_type j = 0; j < s2_n; ++j) {
-          if (j) it2 += nn;
-          auto itt1 = it1;
-          *it++ = (*itt1) * (*it2);
-          for (size_type k = 1; k < nn; ++k)
-            { itt1 += s1; *it++ = (*itt1) * (*it2); }
-        }
-      }
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_1(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &tc1_,
-                                    base_tensor &tc2_, size_type n_)
-      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), tc2(tc2_), nn(n_) {}
-  };
-  template<int N> inline void reduc_elem_unrolled_opt1_
-  (const base_vector::iterator &it, const base_vector::iterator &it1,
-   scalar_type a, size_type s1) {
-    it[N-1] = it1[(N-1)*s1] * a;
-    reduc_elem_unrolled_opt1_<N-1>(it, it1, a, s1);
-  }
-  template<> inline void reduc_elem_unrolled_opt1_<1>
-  (const base_vector::iterator &it, const base_vector::iterator &it1,
-   scalar_type a, size_type /* s1 */)
-  { *it = (*it1) * a; }
-  // Performs Ani Bmi -> Cmn
-  template <int N>
-  struct ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_1_unrolled : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: unrolled reduction operation of size " << N
-                    << " optimized for vectorized second tensor of type 1");
-      size_type s1 = tc1.size()/N, s2 = tc2.size()/N;
-      auto it = t.begin(), it1 = tc1.begin();
-      for (size_type i = 0; i < s1; ++i, ++it1) {
-        auto it2 = tc2.begin(), it2e = it2 + s2;
-        for (; it2 != it2e; it2 += N, it += N)
-          reduc_elem_unrolled_opt1_<N>(it, it1, *it2, s1);
-      }
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_1_unrolled(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor 
-                                             base_tensor &tc2_)
-      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), tc2(tc2_) {}
-  };
-  // Performs Ani Bmi -> Cmn
-  struct ga_instruction_reduction_opt1_1 : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
-    size_type nn;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: reduction operation of size " << nn <<
-                    " optimized for both vectorized tensor of type 1");
-      size_type s1 = tc1.size()/nn, s2 = tc2.size()/nn, s2_1 = s2+1;
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == s2*s1, "Internal error");
-      size_type ss1 = s1/nn, ss2 = s2/nn;
-      // std::fill(t.begin(), t.end(), scalar_type(0)); // Factorized
-      auto it2 = tc2.begin();
-      for (size_type j = 0; j < ss2; ++j) {
-        if (j) it2 += nn;
-        auto it1 = tc1.begin(), it = t.begin() + j*nn;
-        for (size_type i = 0; i < ss1; ++i) {
-          if (i) { it1 += nn, it += s2*nn; }
-          scalar_type a = (*it1) * (*it2);
-          auto itt = it;
-          *itt = a; itt += s2_1; *itt = a;
-          for (size_type k = 2; k < nn; ++k) { itt += s2_1; *itt = a; }
-        }
-      }
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_reduction_opt1_1(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &tc1_,
-                                    base_tensor &tc2_, size_type n_)
-      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), tc2(tc2_), nn(n_) {}
-  };
-  template<int N> inline scalar_type reduc_elem_unrolled__
-  (base_tensor::iterator &it1, base_tensor::iterator &it2,
-   size_type s1, size_type s2) {
-    return (it1[(N-1)*s1])*(it2[(N-1)*s2])
-      + reduc_elem_unrolled__<N-1>(it1, it2, s1, s2);
-  }
-  template<> inline scalar_type reduc_elem_unrolled__<1>
-  (base_tensor::iterator &it1, base_tensor::iterator &it2,
-   size_type /*s1*/, size_type /*s2*/)
-  { return (*it1)*(*it2); }
-  // Performs Ani Bmi -> Cmn. Unrolled operation.
-  template<int N> struct ga_instruction_reduction_unrolled
-    : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: unrolled reduction operation of size " << N);
-      size_type s1 = tc1.size()/N, s2 = tc2.size()/N;
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == s1*s2, "Internal error, " << t.size()
-                      << " != " << s1 << "*" << s2);
-      base_tensor::iterator it1=tc1.begin(), it2=tc2.begin(), it2end=it2 + s2;
-      for (base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin(); it != t.end(); ++it) {
-        *it = reduc_elem_unrolled__<N>(it1, it2, s1, s2);
-        ++it2; if (it2 == it2end) { it2 = tc2.begin(), ++it1; }
-      }
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_reduction_unrolled(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &tc1_,
-                                      base_tensor &tc2_)
-      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), tc2(tc2_) {}
-  };
-  template<int N, int S2> inline void reduc_elem_d_unrolled__
-  (base_tensor::iterator &it, base_tensor::iterator &it1,
-   base_tensor::iterator &it2, size_type s1, size_type s2)  {
-    *it++ = reduc_elem_unrolled__<N>(it1, it2, s1, s2);
-    reduc_elem_d_unrolled__<N, S2-1>(it, it1, ++it2, s1, s2);
-  }
-  // A Repeated definition is following because partial specialization
-  // of functions is not allowed in C++ for the moment.
-  // The gain in assembly time is small compared to the simply unrolled version
-  template<> inline void reduc_elem_d_unrolled__<1, 0>
-  (base_tensor::iterator &/* it */, base_tensor::iterator &/* it1 */,
-   base_tensor::iterator &/* it2 */, size_type /* s1 */, size_type /* s2 */) { 
-  template<> inline void reduc_elem_d_unrolled__<2, 0>
-  (base_tensor::iterator &/* it */, base_tensor::iterator &/* it1 */,
-   base_tensor::iterator &/* it2 */, size_type /* s1 */, size_type /* s2 */) { 
-  template<> inline void reduc_elem_d_unrolled__<3, 0>
-  (base_tensor::iterator &/* it */, base_tensor::iterator &/* it1 */,
-   base_tensor::iterator &/* it2 */, size_type /* s1 */, size_type /* s2 */) { 
-  template<> inline void reduc_elem_d_unrolled__<4, 0>
-  (base_tensor::iterator &/* it */, base_tensor::iterator &/* it1 */,
-   base_tensor::iterator &/* it2 */, size_type /* s1 */, size_type /* s2 */) { 
-  template<> inline void reduc_elem_d_unrolled__<5, 0>
-  (base_tensor::iterator &/* it */, base_tensor::iterator &/* it1 */,
-   base_tensor::iterator &/* it2 */, size_type /* s1 */, size_type /* s2 */) { 
-  template<> inline void reduc_elem_d_unrolled__<6, 0>
-  (base_tensor::iterator &/* it */, base_tensor::iterator &/* it1 */,
-   base_tensor::iterator &/* it2 */, size_type /* s1 */, size_type /* s2 */) { 
-  template<> inline void reduc_elem_d_unrolled__<7, 0>
-  (base_tensor::iterator &/* it */, base_tensor::iterator &/* it1 */,
-   base_tensor::iterator &/* it2 */, size_type /* s1 */, size_type /* s2 */) { 
-  template<> inline void reduc_elem_d_unrolled__<8, 0>
-  (base_tensor::iterator &/* it */, base_tensor::iterator &/* it1 */,
-   base_tensor::iterator &/* it2 */, size_type /* s1 */, size_type /* s2 */) { 
-  template<> inline void reduc_elem_d_unrolled__<9, 0>
-  (base_tensor::iterator &/* it */, base_tensor::iterator &/* it1 */,
-   base_tensor::iterator &/* it2 */, size_type /* s1 */, size_type /* s2 */) { 
-  template<> inline void reduc_elem_d_unrolled__<10, 0>
-  (base_tensor::iterator &/* it */, base_tensor::iterator &/* it1 */,
-   base_tensor::iterator &/* it2 */, size_type /* s1 */, size_type /* s2 */) { 
-  template<> inline void reduc_elem_d_unrolled__<11, 0>
-  (base_tensor::iterator &/* it */, base_tensor::iterator &/* it1 */,
-   base_tensor::iterator &/* it2 */, size_type /* s1 */, size_type /* s2 */) { 
-  template<> inline void reduc_elem_d_unrolled__<12, 0>
-  (base_tensor::iterator &/* it */, base_tensor::iterator &/* it1 */,
-   base_tensor::iterator &/* it2 */, size_type /* s1 */, size_type /* s2 */) { 
-  template<> inline void reduc_elem_d_unrolled__<13, 0>
-  (base_tensor::iterator &/* it */, base_tensor::iterator &/* it1 */,
-   base_tensor::iterator &/* it2 */, size_type /* s1 */, size_type /* s2 */) { 
-  template<> inline void reduc_elem_d_unrolled__<14, 0>
-  (base_tensor::iterator &/* it */, base_tensor::iterator &/* it1 */,
-   base_tensor::iterator &/* it2 */, size_type /* s1 */, size_type /* s2 */) { 
-  template<> inline void reduc_elem_d_unrolled__<15, 0>
-  (base_tensor::iterator &/* it */, base_tensor::iterator &/* it1 */,
-   base_tensor::iterator &/* it2 */, size_type /* s1 */, size_type /* s2 */) { 
-  template<> inline void reduc_elem_d_unrolled__<16, 0>
-  (base_tensor::iterator &/* it */, base_tensor::iterator &/* it1 */,
-   base_tensor::iterator &/* it2 */, size_type /* s1 */, size_type /* s2 */) { 
-  // Performs Ani Bmi -> Cmn. Automatically doubly unrolled operation
-  // (for uniform meshes).
-  template<int N, int S2> struct ga_ins_red_d_unrolled
-    : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: doubly unrolled reduction operation of size "
-                    << S2 << "x" << N);
-      size_type s1 = tc1.size()/N, s2 = tc2.size()/N;
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(s2 == S2, "Internal error");
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == s1*s2, "Internal error, " << t.size()
-                      << " != " << s1 << "*" << s2);
-      base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin(), it1 = tc1.begin();
-      for (size_type ii = 0; ii < s1; ++ii, ++it1) {
-        base_tensor::iterator it2 = tc2.begin();
-        reduc_elem_d_unrolled__<N, S2>(it, it1, it2, s1, s2);
-      }
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(it == t.end(), "Internal error");
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_ins_red_d_unrolled(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &tc1_, base_tensor 
-      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), tc2(tc2_) {}
-  };
-  pga_instruction ga_instruction_reduction_switch
-  (assembly_tensor &t_, assembly_tensor &tc1_, assembly_tensor &tc2_,
-   size_type n, bool &to_clear) {
-    base_tensor &t = t_.tensor(), &tc1 = tc1_.tensor(), &tc2 = tc2_.tensor();
-    if (tc1_.sparsity() == 1 && tc2_.sparsity() == 1 &&
-        tc1_.qdim() == n && tc2_.qdim() == n) {
-      to_clear = true;
-      t_.set_sparsity(10, tc1_.qdim());
-      return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt1_1>(t, tc1, tc2, n);
-    }
-    if (tc2_.sparsity() == 1) {
-      switch(n) {
-      case 2:
-        return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_1_unrolled<2>>
-          (t, tc1, tc2);
-      case 3:
-        return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_1_unrolled<3>>
-          (t, tc1, tc2);
-      case 4:
-        return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_1_unrolled<4>>
-          (t, tc1, tc2);
-      case 5:
-        return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_1_unrolled<5>>
-          (t, tc1, tc2);
-      default:
-        return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_1>(t,tc1,tc2, n);
-      }
-    }
-        if (tc2_.sparsity() == 2) {
-      size_type q2 = tc2.sizes()[1];
-      size_type n2 = (tc2.sizes().size() > 2) ? tc2.sizes()[1] : 1;
-      if (n2*q2 == n) {
-        switch (n2) {
-        case 1:
-          switch (q2) {
-          case 2:
-            return
-              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_dunrolled<1,2>>
-              (t, tc1, tc2);
-          case 3:
-            return
-              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_dunrolled<1,3>>
-              (t, tc1, tc2);
-          case 4:
-            return
-              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_dunrolled<1,4>>
-              (t, tc1, tc2);
-          default :
-            return 
-              (t, tc1, tc2, q2);
-          }
-        case 2:
-          switch (q2) {
-          case 2:
-            return
-              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_dunrolled<2,2>>
-              (t, tc1, tc2);
-          case 3:
-            return
-              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_dunrolled<2,3>>
-              (t, tc1, tc2);
-          case 4:
-            return
-              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_dunrolled<2,4>>
-              (t, tc1, tc2);
-          default :
-            return 
-              (t, tc1, tc2, q2);
-          }
-        case 3:
-          switch (q2) {
-          case 2:
-            return
-              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_dunrolled<3,2>>
-              (t, tc1, tc2);
-          case 3:
-            return
-              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_dunrolled<3,3>>
-              (t, tc1, tc2);
-          case 4:
-            return
-              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_dunrolled<3,4>>
-              (t, tc1, tc2);
-          default :
-            return 
-              (t, tc1, tc2, q2);
-          }
-        case 4:
-          return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_unrolled<4>>
-            (t, tc1, tc2, q2);
-        case 5:
-          return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_unrolled<5>>
-            (t, tc1, tc2, q2);
-        default:
-          return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2>
-            (t,tc1,tc2,n2,q2);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    if (tc1_.sparsity() == 2) {
-      size_type q1 = tc1.sizes()[1];
-      size_type n1 = (tc1.sizes().size() > 2) ? tc1.sizes()[1] : 1;
-      if (n1*q1 == n) {
-        switch (n1) {
-        case 1:
-          switch (q1) {
-          case 2:
-            return
-              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_dunrolled<1,2>>
-              (t, tc1, tc2);
-          case 3:
-            return
-              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_dunrolled<1,3>>
-              (t, tc1, tc2);
-          case 4:
-            return
-              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_dunrolled<1,4>>
-              (t, tc1, tc2);
-          default :
-            return 
-              (t, tc1, tc2, q1);
-          }
-        case 2:
-          switch (q1) {
-          case 2:
-            return
-              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_dunrolled<2,2>>
-              (t, tc1, tc2);
-          case 3:
-            return
-              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_dunrolled<2,3>>
-              (t, tc1, tc2);
-          case 4:
-            return
-              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_dunrolled<2,4>>
-              (t, tc1, tc2);
-          default :
-            return 
-              (t, tc1, tc2, q1);
-          }
-        case 3:
-          switch (q1) {
-          case 2:
-            return
-              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_dunrolled<3,2>>
-              (t, tc1, tc2);
-          case 3:
-            return
-              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_dunrolled<3,3>>
-              (t, tc1, tc2);
-          case 4:
-            return
-              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_dunrolled<3,4>>
-              (t, tc1, tc2);
-          default :
-            return 
-              (t, tc1, tc2, q1);
-          }
-          return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_unrolled<3>>
-            (t, tc1, tc2, q1);
-        case 4:
-          return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_unrolled<4>>
-            (t, tc1, tc2, q1);
-        case 5:
-          return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_unrolled<5>>
-            (t, tc1, tc2, q1);
-        default:
-          return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0>
-            (t,tc1,tc2, n1, q1);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    switch(n) {
-    case  2 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_unrolled< 2>>
-                     (t, tc1, tc2);
-    case  3 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_unrolled< 3>>
-                     (t, tc1, tc2);
-    case  4 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_unrolled< 4>>
-                     (t, tc1, tc2);
-    case  5 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_unrolled< 5>>
-                     (t, tc1, tc2);
-    case  6 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_unrolled< 6>>
-                     (t, tc1, tc2);
-    case  7 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_unrolled< 7>>
-                     (t, tc1, tc2);
-    case  8 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_unrolled< 8>>
-                     (t, tc1, tc2);
-    case  9 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_unrolled< 9>>
-                     (t, tc1, tc2);
-    case 10 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_unrolled<10>>
-                     (t, tc1, tc2);
-    case 11 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_unrolled<11>>
-                     (t, tc1, tc2);
-    case 12 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_unrolled<12>>
-                     (t, tc1, tc2);
-    case 13 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_unrolled<13>>
-                     (t, tc1, tc2);
-    case 14 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_unrolled<14>>
-                     (t, tc1, tc2);
-    case 15 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_unrolled<15>>
-                     (t, tc1, tc2);
-    case 16 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_unrolled<16>>
-                     (t, tc1, tc2);
-    default : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction>
-                     (t, tc1, tc2, n);
-    }
-  }
-  pga_instruction  ga_uniform_instruction_reduction_switch
-  (assembly_tensor &t_, assembly_tensor &tc1_, assembly_tensor &tc2_,
-   size_type n, bool &to_clear) {
-    base_tensor &t = t_.tensor(), &tc1 = tc1_.tensor(), &tc2 = tc2_.tensor();
-    if (tc1_.sparsity() == 1 && tc2_.sparsity() == 1 &&
-        tc1_.qdim() == n && tc2_.qdim() == n) {
-      to_clear = true;
-      t_.set_sparsity(10, tc1_.qdim());
-      return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt1_1>(t,tc1,tc2,n);
-    }
-    if (tc2_.sparsity() == 1) {
-      switch(n) {
-      case 2:
-        return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_1_unrolled<2>>
-          (t, tc1, tc2);
-      case 3:
-        return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_1_unrolled<3>>
-          (t, tc1, tc2);
-      case 4:
-        return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_1_unrolled<4>>
-          (t, tc1, tc2);
-      case 5:
-        return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_1_unrolled<5>>
-          (t, tc1, tc2);
-      default:
-        return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_1>(t,tc1,tc2, n);
-      }
-    }
-    if (tc2_.sparsity() == 2) {
-      size_type q2 = tc2.sizes()[1];
-      size_type n2 = (tc2.sizes().size() > 2) ? tc2.sizes()[1] : 1;
-      if (n2*q2 == n) {
-        switch (n2) {
-        case 1:
-          switch (q2) {
-          case 2:
-            return
-              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_dunrolled<1,2>>
-              (t, tc1, tc2);
-          case 3:
-            return
-              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_dunrolled<1,3>>
-              (t, tc1, tc2);
-          case 4:
-            return
-              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_dunrolled<1,4>>
-              (t, tc1, tc2);
-          default :
-            return 
-              (t, tc1, tc2, q2);
-          }
-        case 2:
-          switch (q2) {
-          case 2:
-            return
-              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_dunrolled<2,2>>
-              (t, tc1, tc2);
-          case 3:
-            return
-              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_dunrolled<2,3>>
-              (t, tc1, tc2);
-          case 4:
-            return
-              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_dunrolled<2,4>>
-              (t, tc1, tc2);
-          default :
-            return 
-              (t, tc1, tc2, q2);
-          }
-        case 3:
-          switch (q2) {
-          case 2:
-            return
-              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_dunrolled<3,2>>
-              (t, tc1, tc2);
-          case 3:
-            return
-              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_dunrolled<3,3>>
-              (t, tc1, tc2);
-          case 4:
-            return
-              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_dunrolled<3,4>>
-              (t, tc1, tc2);
-          default :
-            return 
-              (t, tc1, tc2, q2);
-          }
-        case 4:
-          return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_unrolled<4>>
-            (t, tc1, tc2, q2);
-        case 5:
-          return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_unrolled<5>>
-            (t, tc1, tc2, q2);
-        default:
-          return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2>
-            (t,tc1,tc2,n2,q2);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    if (tc1_.sparsity() == 2) {
-      size_type q1 = tc1.sizes()[1];
-      size_type n1 = (tc1.sizes().size() > 2) ? tc1.sizes()[1] : 1;
-      if (n1*q1 == n) {
-        switch (n1) {
-        case 1:
-          switch (q1) {
-          case 2:
-            return
-              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_dunrolled<1,2>>
-              (t, tc1, tc2);
-          case 3:
-            return
-              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_dunrolled<1,3>>
-              (t, tc1, tc2);
-          case 4:
-            return
-              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_dunrolled<1,4>>
-              (t, tc1, tc2);
-          default :
-            return 
-              (t, tc1, tc2, q1);
-          }
-        case 2:
-          switch (q1) {
-          case 2:
-            return
-              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_dunrolled<2,2>>
-              (t, tc1, tc2);
-          case 3:
-            return
-              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_dunrolled<2,3>>
-              (t, tc1, tc2);
-          case 4:
-            return
-              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_dunrolled<2,4>>
-              (t, tc1, tc2);
-          default :
-            return 
-              (t, tc1, tc2, q1);
-          }
-        case 3:
-          switch (q1) {
-          case 2:
-            return
-              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_dunrolled<3,2>>
-              (t, tc1, tc2);
-          case 3:
-            return
-              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_dunrolled<3,3>>
-              (t, tc1, tc2);
-          case 4:
-            return
-              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_dunrolled<3,4>>
-              (t, tc1, tc2);
-          default :
-            return 
-              (t, tc1, tc2, q1);
-          }
-          return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_unrolled<3>>
-            (t, tc1, tc2, q1);
-        case 4:
-          return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_unrolled<4>>
-            (t, tc1, tc2, q1);
-        case 5:
-          return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_unrolled<5>>
-            (t, tc1, tc2, q1);
-        default:
-          return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0>
-            (t,tc1,tc2, n1, q1);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    // Only specialized for certain values
-    size_type s2 = tc2.size()/n;
-    switch(s2) {
-    case 1 :
-      switch(n) {
-      case 2: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<2,1>>(t, tc1, tc2);
-      case 3: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<3,1>>(t, tc1, tc2);
-      case 4: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<4,1>>(t, tc1, tc2);
-      default: return ga_instruction_reduction_switch(t_,tc1_,tc2_,n,to_clear);
-      }
-    case 2 :
-      switch(n) {
-      case 2: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<2,2>>(t, tc1, tc2);
-      case 3: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<3,2>>(t, tc1, tc2);
-      case 4: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<4,2>>(t, tc1, tc2);
-      default: return ga_instruction_reduction_switch(t_,tc1_,tc2_,n,to_clear);
-      }
-    case 3 :
-      switch(n) {
-      case 2: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<2,3>>(t, tc1, tc2);
-      case 3: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<3,3>>(t, tc1, tc2);
-      case 4: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<4,3>>(t, tc1, tc2);
-      default: return ga_instruction_reduction_switch(t_,tc1_,tc2_,n,to_clear);
-      }
-    case 4 :
-      switch(n) {
-      case 2: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<2,4>>(t, tc1, tc2);
-      case 3: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<3,4>>(t, tc1, tc2);
-      case 4: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<4,4>>(t, tc1, tc2);
-      default: return ga_instruction_reduction_switch(t_,tc1_,tc2_,n,to_clear);
-      }
-    case 5 :
-      switch(n) {
-      case 2: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<2,5>>(t, tc1, tc2);
-      case 3: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<3,5>>(t, tc1, tc2);
-      case 4: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<4,5>>(t, tc1, tc2);
-      default: return ga_instruction_reduction_switch(t_,tc1_,tc2_,n,to_clear);
-      }
-    case 6 :
-      switch(n) {
-      case 2: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<2,6>>(t, tc1, tc2);
-      case 3: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<3,6>>(t, tc1, tc2);
-      case 4: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<4,6>>(t, tc1, tc2);
-      default: return ga_instruction_reduction_switch(t_,tc1_,tc2_,n,to_clear);
-      }
-    case 7 :
-      switch(n) {
-      case 2: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<2,7>>(t, tc1, tc2);
-      case 3: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<3,7>>(t, tc1, tc2);
-      case 4: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<4,7>>(t, tc1, tc2);
-      default: return ga_instruction_reduction_switch(t_,tc1_,tc2_,n,to_clear);
-      }
-    case 8 :
-      switch(n) {
-      case 2: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<2,8>>(t, tc1, tc2);
-      case 3: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<3,8>>(t, tc1, tc2);
-      case 4: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<4,8>>(t, tc1, tc2);
-      default: return ga_instruction_reduction_switch(t_,tc1_,tc2_,n,to_clear);
-      }
-    case 9 :
-      switch(n) {
-      case 2: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<2,9>>(t, tc1, tc2);
-      case 3: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<3,9>>(t, tc1, tc2);
-      case 4: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<4,9>>(t, tc1, tc2);
-      default: return ga_instruction_reduction_switch(t_,tc1_,tc2_,n,to_clear);
-      }
-    case 10:
-      switch(n) {
-      case 2: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<2,10>>(t, tc1, 
-      case 3: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<3,10>>(t, tc1, 
-      case 4: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<4,10>>(t, tc1, 
-      default: return ga_instruction_reduction_switch(t_,tc1_,tc2_,n,to_clear);
-      }
-    default: return ga_instruction_reduction_switch(t_,tc1_,tc2_,n,to_clear);
-    }
-  }
-  // Performs Amij Bnj -> Cmni. To be optimized.
-  struct ga_instruction_spec_reduction : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
-    size_type nn;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: specific reduction operation of "
-                    "size " << nn);
-      size_type s1 = tc1.sizes()[0], s11 = tc1.size() / (s1*nn), s111 = s1*s11;
-      size_type s2 = tc2.sizes()[0];
-      base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin();
-      for (size_type i = 0; i < s11; ++i)
-        for (size_type n = 0; n < s2; ++n)
-          for (size_type m = 0; m < s1; ++m, ++it) {
-            *it = scalar_type(0);
-            for (size_type j = 0; j < nn; ++j)
-              *it += tc1[m+i*s1+j*s111] * tc2[n+j*s2];
-          }
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(it == t.end(), "Wrong sizes");
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_spec_reduction(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &tc1_,
-                                  base_tensor &tc2_, size_type n_)
-      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), tc2(tc2_), nn(n_) {}
-  };
-  // Performs Amik Bnjk -> Cmnij. To be optimized.
-  struct ga_instruction_spec2_reduction : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
-    size_type nn;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: second specific reduction operation of "
-                    "size " << nn);
-      size_type s1 = tc1.sizes()[0], s11 = tc1.size() / (s1*nn), s111 = s1*s11;
-      size_type s2 = tc2.sizes()[0], s22 = tc2.size() / (s2*nn), s222 = s2*s22;
-      base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin();
-      for (size_type j = 0; j < s22; ++j)
-        for (size_type i = 0; i < s11; ++i)
-          for (size_type m = 0; m < s1; ++m)
-            for (size_type n = 0; n < s2; ++n, ++it) {
-              *it = scalar_type(0);
-              for (size_type k = 0; k < nn; ++k)
-                *it += tc1[m+i*s1+k*s111] * tc2[n+j*s2+k*s222];
-            }
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(it == t.end(), "Wrong sizes");
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_spec2_reduction(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &tc1_,
-                                   base_tensor &tc2_, size_type n_)
-      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), tc2(tc2_), nn(n_) {}
-  };
-  // Performs Aij Bkl -> Cijkl
-  struct ga_instruction_simple_tmult : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: simple tensor product");
-      size_type s1 = tc1.size();
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == s1 * tc2.size(), "Wrong sizes");
-      base_tensor::iterator it2=tc2.begin(), it1=tc1.begin(), it1end=it1 + s1;
-      for (base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin(); it != t.end(); ++it) {
-        *it = *(it2) * (*it1);
-        ++it1; if (it1 == it1end) { it1 = tc1.begin(), ++it2; }
-      }
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_simple_tmult(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &tc1_,
-                                base_tensor &tc2_)
-      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), tc2(tc2_) {}
-  };
-  template<int S1> inline void tmult_elem_unrolled__
-  (base_tensor::iterator &it, base_tensor::iterator &it1,
-   base_tensor::iterator &it2) {
-    *it++ = (*it1++)*(*it2);
-    tmult_elem_unrolled__<S1-1>(it, it1, it2);
-  }
-  template<> inline void tmult_elem_unrolled__<0>
-  (base_tensor::iterator &/*it*/, base_tensor::iterator &/*it1*/,
-   base_tensor::iterator &/*it2*/) { }
-  // Performs Aij Bkl -> Cijkl, partially unrolled version
-  template<int S1> struct ga_instruction_simple_tmult_unrolled
-    : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      size_type s2 = tc2.size();
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: simple tensor product, unrolled with "
-                    << tc1.size() << " operations");
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == tc1.size() * s2, "Wrong sizes");
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(tc1.size() == S1, "Wrong sizes");
-      base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin(), it2 = tc2.begin();
-      for (size_type ii = 0; ii < s2; ++ii, ++it2) {
-        base_tensor::iterator it1 = tc1.begin();
-        tmult_elem_unrolled__<S1>(it, it1, it2);
-      }
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(it == t.end(), "Internal error");
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_simple_tmult_unrolled(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &tc1_,
-                                         base_tensor &tc2_)
-      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), tc2(tc2_) {}
-  };
-  pga_instruction  ga_uniform_instruction_simple_tmult
-  (base_tensor &t, base_tensor &tc1, base_tensor &tc2) {
-    switch(tc1.size()) {
-    case  2 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_simple_tmult_unrolled< 2>>
-                     (t, tc1, tc2);
-    case  3 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_simple_tmult_unrolled< 3>>
-                     (t, tc1, tc2);
-    case  4 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_simple_tmult_unrolled< 4>>
-                     (t, tc1, tc2);
-    case  5 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_simple_tmult_unrolled< 5>>
-                     (t, tc1, tc2);
-    case  6 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_simple_tmult_unrolled< 6>>
-                     (t, tc1, tc2);
-    case  7 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_simple_tmult_unrolled< 7>>
-                     (t, tc1, tc2);
-    case  8 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_simple_tmult_unrolled< 8>>
-                     (t, tc1, tc2);
-    case  9 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_simple_tmult_unrolled< 9>>
-                     (t, tc1, tc2);
-    case 10 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_simple_tmult_unrolled<10>>
-                     (t, tc1, tc2);
-    case 11 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_simple_tmult_unrolled<11>>
-                     (t, tc1, tc2);
-    case 12 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_simple_tmult_unrolled<12>>
-                     (t, tc1, tc2);
-    case 13 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_simple_tmult_unrolled<13>>
-                     (t, tc1, tc2);
-    case 14 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_simple_tmult_unrolled<14>>
-                     (t, tc1, tc2);
-    case 15 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_simple_tmult_unrolled<15>>
-                     (t, tc1, tc2);
-    case 16 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_simple_tmult_unrolled<16>>
-                     (t, tc1, tc2);
-    default : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_simple_tmult>
-                     (t, tc1, tc2);
-    }
-  }
-  // Performs Ami Bnj -> Cmnij. To be optimized.
-  struct ga_instruction_spec_tmult : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
-    size_type s1_2, s2_2;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: specific tensor product");
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == tc1.size() * tc2.size(), "Wrong sizes");
-      size_type s1_1 = tc1.size() / s1_2;
-      size_type s2_1 = tc2.size() / s2_2;
-      base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin();
-      for (size_type j = 0; j < s2_2; ++j)
-        for (size_type i = 0; i < s1_2; ++i)
-          for (size_type n = 0; n < s2_1; ++n)
-            for (size_type m = 0; m < s1_1; ++m, ++it)
-              *it = tc1[m+i*s1_1] * tc2[n+j*s2_1];
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(it == t.end(), "Wrong sizes");
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_spec_tmult(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &tc1_,
-                              base_tensor &tc2_, size_type s1_2_,
-                              size_type s2_2_)
-      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), tc2(tc2_), s1_2(s1_2_), s2_2(s2_2_) {}
-  };
-  // Performs Ai Bmj -> Cmij. To be optimized.
-  struct ga_instruction_spec2_tmult : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: second specific tensor product");
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == tc1.size() * tc2.size(), "Wrong sizes");
-      size_type s1 = tc1.size();
-      size_type s2_1 = tc2.sizes()[0], s2_2 = tc2.size() / s2_1;
-      base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin();
-      for (size_type j = 0; j < s2_2; ++j)
-        for (size_type i = 0; i < s1; ++i)
-          for (size_type m = 0; m < s2_1; ++m, ++it)
-            *it = tc1[i] * tc2[m+j*s2_1];
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(it == t.end(), "Wrong sizes");
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_spec2_tmult(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &tc1_,
-                              base_tensor &tc2_)
-      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), tc2(tc2_) {}
-  };
-  struct ga_instruction_simple_c_matrix : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t;
-    std::vector<scalar_type *> components;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: gathering components for explicit "
-                    "matrix");
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == components.size(), "Wrong sizes");
-      for (size_type i = 0; i < components.size(); ++i)
-        t[i] = *(components[i]);
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_simple_c_matrix(base_tensor &t_,
-                                   std::vector<scalar_type *> &components_)
-      : t(t_), components(components_) {}
-  };
-  struct ga_instruction_c_matrix_with_tests : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t;
-    const std::vector<const base_tensor *> components;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: gathering components for explicit "
-                    "matrix with tests functions");
-      size_type s = t.size() / components.size();
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(s, "Wrong sizes");
-      base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin();
-      for (size_type i = 0; i < components.size(); ++i) {
-        const base_tensor &t1 = *(components[i]);
-        if (t1.size() > 1) {
-          GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t1.size() == s, "Wrong sizes, " << t1.size()
-                          << " != " << s);
-          for (size_type j = 0; j < s; ++j) *it++ = t1[j];
-        } else {
-          for (size_type j = 0; j < s; ++j) *it++ = t1[0];
-        }
-      }
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_c_matrix_with_tests
-    (base_tensor &t_, const std::vector<const base_tensor *>  &components_)
-      : t(t_), components(components_) {}
-  };
-  struct ga_instruction_eval_func_1arg_1res : public ga_instruction {
-    scalar_type &t;
-    const scalar_type &c;
-    pscalar_func_onearg f1;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: evaluation of a one argument "
-                    "predefined function on a scalar");
-      t = (*f1)(c);
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_eval_func_1arg_1res(scalar_type &t_, const scalar_type &c_,
-                                       pscalar_func_onearg f1_)
-      : t(t_), c(c_), f1(f1_) {}
-  };
-  struct ga_instruction_eval_func_1arg_1res_expr : public ga_instruction {
-    scalar_type &t;
-    const scalar_type &c;
-    const ga_predef_function &F;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: evaluation of a one argument "
-                    "predefined function on a scalar");
-      t = F(c);
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_eval_func_1arg_1res_expr(scalar_type &t_,
-                                            const scalar_type &c_,
-                                            const ga_predef_function &F_)
-      : t(t_), c(c_), F(F_) {}
-  };
-  struct ga_instruction_eval_func_1arg : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t, &tc1;
-    pscalar_func_onearg f1;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: evaluation of a one argument "
-                    "predefined function on tensor");
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == tc1.size(), "Wrong sizes");
-      for (size_type i = 0; i < t.size(); ++i)  t[i] = (*f1)(tc1[i]);
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_eval_func_1arg(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &c_,
-                                  pscalar_func_onearg f1_)
-      : t(t_), tc1(c_), f1(f1_) {}
-  };
-  struct ga_instruction_eval_func_1arg_expr : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t, &tc1;
-    const ga_predef_function &F;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: evaluation of a one argument "
-                    "predefined function on tensor");
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == tc1.size(), "Wrong sizes");
-      for (size_type i = 0; i < t.size(); ++i)  t[i] = F(tc1[i]);
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_eval_func_1arg_expr(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &c_,
-                                       const ga_predef_function &F_)
-      : t(t_), tc1(c_), F(F_) {}
-  };
-  struct ga_instruction_eval_func_2arg_1res : public ga_instruction {
-    scalar_type &t;
-    const scalar_type &c, &d;
-    pscalar_func_twoargs f2;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: evaluation of a two arguments "
-                    "predefined function on two scalar");
-      t = (*f2)(c, d);
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_eval_func_2arg_1res(scalar_type &t_, const scalar_type &c_,
-                                       const scalar_type &d_,
-                                       pscalar_func_twoargs f2_)
-      : t(t_), c(c_), d(d_), f2(f2_) {}
-  };
-  struct ga_instruction_eval_func_2arg_1res_expr : public ga_instruction {
-    scalar_type &t;
-    const scalar_type &c, &d;
-    const ga_predef_function &F;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: evaluation of a two arguments "
-                           "predefined function on two scalar");
-      t = F(c, d);
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_eval_func_2arg_1res_expr(scalar_type &t_,
-                                            const scalar_type &c_,
-                                            const scalar_type &d_,
-                                            const ga_predef_function &F_)
-      : t(t_), c(c_), d(d_), F(F_) {}
-  };
-  struct ga_instruction_eval_func_2arg_first_scalar : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
-    pscalar_func_twoargs f2;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: evaluation of a two arguments "
-                    "predefined function on one scalar and one tensor");
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == tc2.size(), "Wrong sizes");
-      for (size_type i = 0; i < t.size(); ++i)  t[i] = (*f2)(tc1[0], tc2[i]);
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_eval_func_2arg_first_scalar
-    (base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &c_, base_tensor &d_,
-     pscalar_func_twoargs f2_)
-      : t(t_), tc1(c_), tc2(d_), f2(f2_) {}
-  };
-  struct ga_instruction_eval_func_2arg_first_scalar_expr
-    : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
-    const ga_predef_function &F;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: evaluation of a two arguments "
-                    "predefined function on one scalar and one tensor");
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == tc2.size(), "Wrong sizes");
-      for (size_type i = 0; i < t.size(); ++i)  t[i] = F(tc1[0], tc2[i]);
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_eval_func_2arg_first_scalar_expr
-    (base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &c_, base_tensor &d_,
-     const ga_predef_function &F_)
-      : t(t_), tc1(c_), tc2(d_), F(F_) {}
-  };
-  struct ga_instruction_eval_func_2arg_second_scalar : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
-    pscalar_func_twoargs f2;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: evaluation of a two arguments "
-                    "predefined function on one tensor and one scalar");
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == tc1.size(), "Wrong sizes");
-      for (size_type i = 0; i < t.size(); ++i)  t[i] = (*f2)(tc1[i], tc2[0]);
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_eval_func_2arg_second_scalar(base_tensor &t_,
-                                                base_tensor &c_,
-                                                base_tensor &d_,
-                                                pscalar_func_twoargs f2_)
-      : t(t_), tc1(c_), tc2(d_), f2(f2_) {}
-  };
-  struct ga_instruction_eval_func_2arg_second_scalar_expr
-    : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
-    const ga_predef_function &F;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: evaluation of a two arguments "
-                    "predefined function on one tensor and one scalar");
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == tc1.size(), "Wrong sizes");
-      for (size_type i = 0; i < t.size(); ++i)  t[i] = F(tc1[i], tc2[0]);
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_eval_func_2arg_second_scalar_expr
-    (base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &c_, base_tensor &d_,
-     const ga_predef_function &F_)
-      : t(t_), tc1(c_), tc2(d_), F(F_) {}
-  };
-  struct ga_instruction_eval_func_2arg : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
-    pscalar_func_twoargs f2;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: evaluation of a two arguments "
-                    "predefined function on two tensors");
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == tc1.size() && t.size() == tc2.size(),
-                      "Wrong sizes");
-      for (size_type i = 0; i < t.size(); ++i)  t[i] = (*f2)(tc1[i], tc2[i]);
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_eval_func_2arg(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &c_,
-                                  base_tensor &d_, pscalar_func_twoargs f2_)
-      : t(t_), tc1(c_), tc2(d_), f2(f2_) {}
-  };
-  struct ga_instruction_eval_func_2arg_expr : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
-    const ga_predef_function &F;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: evaluation of a two arguments "
-                    "predefined function on two tensors");
-      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == tc1.size() && t.size() == tc2.size(),
-                      "Wrong sizes");
-      for (size_type i = 0; i < t.size(); ++i)  t[i] = F(tc1[i], tc2[i]);
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_eval_func_2arg_expr(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &c_,
-                                       base_tensor &d_,
-                                       const ga_predef_function &F_)
-      : t(t_), tc1(c_), tc2(d_), F(F_) {}
-  };
-  struct ga_instruction_eval_OP : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t;
-    const ga_nonlinear_operator &OP;
-    ga_nonlinear_operator::arg_list args;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: operator evaluation");
-      OP.value(args, t);
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_eval_OP(base_tensor &t_, const ga_nonlinear_operator &OP_,
-                           ga_nonlinear_operator::arg_list &args_)
-      : t(t_), OP(OP_), args(args_) {}
-  };
-  struct ga_instruction_eval_derivative_OP : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t;
-    const ga_nonlinear_operator &OP;
-    ga_nonlinear_operator::arg_list args;
-    size_type der1;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: operator derivative evaluation");
-      OP.derivative(args, der1, t);
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_eval_derivative_OP(base_tensor &t_,
-                                      const ga_nonlinear_operator &OP_,
-                                      ga_nonlinear_operator::arg_list &args_,
-                                      size_type der1_)
-      : t(t_), OP(OP_), args(args_), der1(der1_) {}
-  };
-  struct ga_instruction_eval_second_derivative_OP : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t;
-    const ga_nonlinear_operator &OP;
-    ga_nonlinear_operator::arg_list args;
-    size_type der1, der2;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: operator second derivative evaluation");
-      OP.second_derivative(args, der1, der2, t);
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_eval_second_derivative_OP
-    (base_tensor &t_, const ga_nonlinear_operator &OP_,
-     ga_nonlinear_operator::arg_list &args_, size_type der1_, size_type der2_)
-      : t(t_), OP(OP_), args(args_), der1(der1_), der2(der2_) {}
-  };
-  struct ga_instruction_tensor_slice : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t, &tc1;
-    bgeot::multi_index mi, indices;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: tensor slice");
-      size_type order = t.sizes().size();
-      for (bgeot::multi_index mi3(order); !mi3.finished(t.sizes());
-           mi3.incrementation(t.sizes())) {
-        for (size_type j = 0; j < order; ++j)
-          mi[indices[j]] = mi3[j];
-        t(mi3) = tc1(mi);
-      }
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_tensor_slice(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &tc1_,
-                                bgeot::multi_index &mi_,
-                                bgeot::multi_index &indices_)
-      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), mi(mi_), indices(indices_)  {}
-  };
-  struct ga_instruction_transformation_call : public ga_instruction {
-    const ga_workspace &workspace;
-    ga_instruction_set::interpolate_info &inin;
-    pinterpolate_transformation trans;
-    fem_interpolation_context &ctx;
-    const base_small_vector &Normal;
-    const mesh &m;
-    bool compute_der;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: call interpolate transformation");
-      base_node P_ref;
-      size_type cv;
-      short_type face_num;
-      gmm::clear(inin.Normal);
-      inin.pt_type = trans->transform(workspace, m, ctx, Normal, &(inin.m), cv,
-                                      face_num, P_ref, inin.Normal,
-                                      inin.derivatives, compute_der);
-      if (inin.pt_type) {
-        if (cv != size_type(-1)) {
-          inin.m->points_of_convex(cv, inin.G);
-          inin.ctx.change((inin.m)->trans_of_convex(cv),
-                          0, P_ref, inin.G, cv, face_num);
-          inin.has_ctx = true;
-          if (face_num != short_type(-1)) {
-            inin.Normal = bgeot::compute_normal(inin.ctx, face_num);
-            gmm::scale(inin.Normal, 1.0/gmm::vect_norm2(inin.Normal));
-          } else
-            inin.Normal.resize(0);
-          inin.pt_y = inin.ctx.xreal();
-        } else {
-          inin.ctx.invalid_convex_num();
-          inin.pt_y = P_ref;
-          inin.has_ctx = false;
-        }
-      } else {
-        inin.ctx.invalid_convex_num();
-        inin.Normal.resize(0);
-        inin.pt_y.resize(0);
-        inin.has_ctx = false;
-      }
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: end of call interpolate transformation");
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_transformation_call
-    (const ga_workspace &w, ga_instruction_set::interpolate_info &i,
-     pinterpolate_transformation t, fem_interpolation_context &ctxx,
-     const base_small_vector &No, const mesh &mm, bool compute_der_)
-      : workspace(w), inin(i), trans(t), ctx(ctxx), Normal(No), m(mm),
-        compute_der(compute_der_) {}
-  };
-  struct ga_instruction_neighbour_transformation_call : public ga_instruction {
-    const ga_workspace &workspace;
-    ga_instruction_set::interpolate_info &inin;
-    pinterpolate_transformation trans;
-    fem_interpolation_context &ctx;
-    base_small_vector &Normal;
-    const mesh &m;
-    size_type &ipt;
-    papprox_integration &pai;
-    bgeot::geotrans_precomp_pool &gp_pool;
-    std::map<gauss_pt_corresp, bgeot::pstored_point_tab> &neighbour_corresp;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      bool cancel_optimization = false;
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: call interpolate transformation");
-      if (ipt == 0) {
-        if (!(ctx.have_pgp()) || !pai || pai->is_built_on_the_fly()
-            || cancel_optimization) {
-          inin.ctx.invalid_convex_num();
-        } else {
-          // Test if the situation has already been encountered
-          size_type cv = ctx.convex_num();
-          short_type f = ctx.face_num();
-          auto adj_face = m.adjacent_face(cv, f);
-          if ( == size_type(-1)) {
-            inin.ctx.invalid_convex_num();
-          } else {
-            gauss_pt_corresp gpc;
-            gpc.pgt1 = m.trans_of_convex(cv);
-            gpc.pgt2 = m.trans_of_convex(;
-            gpc.pai = pai;
-            auto inds_pt1 = m.ind_points_of_face_of_convex(cv, f);
-            auto inds_pt2 = m.ind_points_of_face_of_convex(,
-                                                           adj_face.f);
-            auto str1 = gpc.pgt1->structure();
-            auto str2 = gpc.pgt2->structure();
-            size_type nbptf1 = str1->nb_points_of_face(f);
-            size_type nbptf2 = str2->nb_points_of_face(adj_face.f);
-            gpc.nodes.resize(nbptf1*2);
-            for (size_type i = 0; i < nbptf1; ++i)  {
-              gpc.nodes[2*i] = str1->ind_points_of_face(f)[i];
-              bool found = false;
-              for (size_type j = 0; j < nbptf2; ++j) {
-                if (inds_pt2[j] == inds_pt1[i]) {
-                  gpc.nodes[2*i+1] = str2->ind_points_of_face(adj_face.f)[j];
-                  found = true;
-                  break;
-                }
-              }
-              GMM_ASSERT1(found, "Internal error");
-            }
-            bgeot::pstored_point_tab pspt = 0;
-            auto itm = neighbour_corresp.find(gpc);
-            if (itm != neighbour_corresp.end()) {
-              pspt = itm->second;
-            } else {
-              size_type nbpt = pai->nb_points_on_face(f);
-              bgeot::geotrans_inv_convex gic;
-              gic.init(m.points_of_convex(, gpc.pgt2);
-              size_type first_ind = pai->ind_first_point_on_face(f);
-              const bgeot::stored_point_tab
-                &spt = *(pai->pintegration_points());
-              base_matrix G;
-              m.points_of_convex(cv, G);
-              fem_interpolation_context ctx_x(gpc.pgt1, 0, spt[0], G, cv, f);
-              std::vector<base_node> P_ref(nbpt);
-              for (size_type i = 0; i < nbpt; ++i) {
-                ctx_x.set_xref(spt[first_ind+i]);
-                bool converged = true;
-                bool is_in = gic.invert(ctx_x.xreal(), 
-                GMM_ASSERT1(is_in && converged,"Geometric transformation "
-                            "inversion has failed in neighbour 
-              }
-              pspt = store_point_tab(P_ref);
-              neighbour_corresp[gpc] = pspt;
-            }
-            m.points_of_convex(, inin.G);
-            bgeot::pgeotrans_precomp pgp = gp_pool(gpc.pgt2, pspt);
-            inin.ctx.change(pgp, 0, 0, inin.G,, adj_face.f);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (inin.ctx.have_pgp()) {
-        inin.ctx.set_ii(ipt);
-        inin.pt_type = 1;
-        inin.has_ctx = true;
-        inin.pt_y = inin.ctx.xreal();
-        inin.Normal = bgeot::compute_normal(inin.ctx, inin.ctx.face_num());
-        gmm::scale(inin.Normal, 1.0/gmm::vect_norm2(inin.Normal));
-        inin.m = &m;
-      } else {
-        base_node P_ref;
-        size_type cv;
-        short_type face_num;
-        gmm::clear(inin.Normal);
-        inin.pt_type = trans->transform(workspace, m, ctx, Normal, &(inin.m),
-                                        cv, face_num, P_ref, inin.Normal,
-                                        inin.derivatives, false);
-        if (inin.pt_type) {
-          if (cv != size_type(-1)) {
-            inin.m->points_of_convex(cv, inin.G);
-            inin.ctx.change((inin.m)->trans_of_convex(cv),
-                            0, P_ref, inin.G, cv, face_num);
-            inin.has_ctx = true;
-            if (face_num != short_type(-1)) {
-              inin.Normal = bgeot::compute_normal(inin.ctx, face_num);
-              gmm::scale(inin.Normal, 1.0/gmm::vect_norm2(inin.Normal));
-            } else
-              inin.Normal.resize(0);
-            inin.pt_y = inin.ctx.xreal();
-          } else {
-            inin.ctx.invalid_convex_num();
-            inin.pt_y = P_ref;
-            inin.has_ctx = false;
-          }
-        } else {
-          inin.ctx.invalid_convex_num();
-          inin.Normal.resize(0);
-          inin.pt_y.resize(0);
-          inin.has_ctx = false;
-        }
-      }
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: end of call interpolate transformation");
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_neighbour_transformation_call
-    (const ga_workspace &w, ga_instruction_set::interpolate_info &i,
-     pinterpolate_transformation t, fem_interpolation_context &ctxx,
-     base_small_vector &No, const mesh &mm, size_type &ipt_,
-     papprox_integration &pai_, bgeot::geotrans_precomp_pool &gp_pool_,
-     std::map<gauss_pt_corresp, bgeot::pstored_point_tab> &neighbour_corresp_)
-      : workspace(w), inin(i), trans(t), ctx(ctxx), Normal(No), m(mm),
-        ipt(ipt_), pai(pai_), gp_pool(gp_pool_),
-        neighbour_corresp(neighbour_corresp_) {}
-  };
-  struct ga_instruction_scalar_assembly : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t;
-    scalar_type &E, &coeff;
-     virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: scalar term assembly");
-      E += t[0] * coeff;
-      return 0;
-     }
-    ga_instruction_scalar_assembly(base_tensor &t_, scalar_type &E_,
-                                   scalar_type &coeff_)
-      : t(t_), E(E_), coeff(coeff_) {}
-  };
-  struct ga_instruction_fem_vector_assembly : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t;
-    base_vector &Vr, &Vn;
-    const fem_interpolation_context &ctx;
-    const gmm::sub_interval &Ir, &In;
-    const mesh_fem *mfn, **mfg;
-    scalar_type &coeff;
-    const size_type &nbpt, &ipt;
-    base_vector elem;
-    bool interpolate;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: vector term assembly for fem variable");
-      if (ipt == 0 || interpolate) {
-        elem.resize(t.size());
-        auto itt = t.begin(); auto it = elem.begin(), ite = elem.end();
-        size_type nd = ((t.size()) >> 2);
-        for (size_type i = 0; i < nd; ++i) {
-          *it++ = (*itt++) * coeff; *it++ = (*itt++) * coeff;
-          *it++ = (*itt++) * coeff; *it++ = (*itt++) * coeff;
-        }
-        for (; it != ite;) *it++ = (*itt++) * coeff;
-        // gmm::copy(gmm::scaled(t.as_vector(), coeff), elem);
-      } else {
-        auto itt = t.begin(); auto it = elem.begin(), ite = elem.end();
-        size_type nd = ((t.size()) >> 2);
-        for (size_type i = 0; i < nd; ++i) {
-          *it++ += (*itt++) * coeff; *it++ += (*itt++) * coeff;
-          *it++ += (*itt++) * coeff; *it++ += (*itt++) * coeff;
-        }
-        for (; it != ite;) *it++ += (*itt++) * coeff;
-        // gmm::add(gmm::scaled(t.as_vector(), coeff), elem);
-      }
-      if (ipt == nbpt-1 || interpolate) {
-        const mesh_fem &mf = *(mfg ? *mfg : mfn);
-        GMM_ASSERT1(mfg ? *mfg : mfn, "Internal error");
-        const gmm::sub_interval &I = mf.is_reduced() ? Ir : In;
-        base_vector &V = mf.is_reduced() ? Vr : Vn;
-        if (!(ctx.is_convex_num_valid())) return 0;
-        size_type cv_1 = ctx.convex_num();
-        // size_type cv_1 = ctx.is_convex_num_valid()
-        //   ? ctx.convex_num() : mf.convex_index().first_true();
-        GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(V.size() >= I.first() + mf.nb_basic_dof(),
-                        "Bad assembly vector size");
-        auto &ct = mf.ind_scalar_basic_dof_of_element(cv_1);
-        size_type qmult = mf.get_qdim();
-        if (qmult > 1) qmult /= mf.fem_of_element(cv_1)->target_dim();
-        size_type ifirst = I.first();
-        auto ite = elem.begin();
-        for (auto itc = ct.begin(); itc != ct.end(); ++itc)
-          for (size_type q = 0; q < qmult; ++q)
-            V[ifirst+(*itc)+q] += *ite++;
-        GMM_ASSERT1(ite == elem.end(), "Internal error");
-      }
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_fem_vector_assembly
-    (base_tensor &t_, base_vector &Vr_, base_vector &Vn_,
-     const fem_interpolation_context &ctx_,
-     const gmm::sub_interval &Ir_, const gmm::sub_interval &In_,
-     const mesh_fem *mfn_, const mesh_fem **mfg_,
-     scalar_type &coeff_,
-     const size_type &nbpt_, const size_type &ipt_, bool interpolate_)
-    : t(t_), Vr(Vr_), Vn(Vn_), ctx(ctx_), Ir(Ir_), In(In_), mfn(mfn_),
-      mfg(mfg_), coeff(coeff_), nbpt(nbpt_), ipt(ipt_),
-      interpolate(interpolate_) {}
-  };
-  struct ga_instruction_vector_assembly : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t;
-    base_vector &V;
-    const gmm::sub_interval &I;
-    scalar_type &coeff;
-     virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: vector term assembly for "
-                    "fixed size variable");
-      gmm::add(gmm::scaled(t.as_vector(), coeff), gmm::sub_vector(V, I));
-      return 0;
-     }
-    ga_instruction_vector_assembly(base_tensor &t_, base_vector &V_,
-                                   const gmm::sub_interval &I_,
-                                   scalar_type &coeff_)
-      : t(t_), V(V_), I(I_), coeff(coeff_) {}
-  };
-  struct ga_instruction_assignment : public ga_instruction {
-    base_tensor &t;
-    base_vector &V;
-    const fem_interpolation_context &ctx;
-    const im_data *imd;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: Assignement to im_data");
-      imd->set_tensor(V, ctx.convex_num(), ctx.ii(), t);
-      return 0;
-     }
-    ga_instruction_assignment(base_tensor &t_, base_vector &V_,
-                              const fem_interpolation_context &ctx_,
-                              const im_data *imd_)
-      : t(t_), V(V_), ctx(ctx_), imd(imd_) {}
-  };
-  template <class MAT>
-  inline void add_elem_matrix_
-  (MAT &K, const std::vector<size_type> &dofs1,
-   const std::vector<size_type> &dofs2, std::vector<size_type> &/*dofs1_sort*/,
-   base_vector &elem, scalar_type threshold, size_type /* N */) {
-    base_vector::const_iterator it = elem.cbegin();
-    for (const size_type &dof2 : dofs2)
-      for (const size_type &dof1 : dofs1) {
-        if (gmm::abs(*it) > threshold)
-          K(dof1, dof2) += *it;
-        ++it;
-      }
-  }
-  // static const std::vector<size_type> *the_indto_sort;
-  // int compare_my_indices(const void *a, const void *b) {
-  //   size_type aa = *((const size_type *)(a));
-  //   size_type bb = *((const size_type *)(b));
-  //   return  int((*the_indto_sort)[aa]) - int((*the_indto_sort)[bb]);
-  // }
-  inline void add_elem_matrix_
-  (gmm::col_matrix<gmm::rsvector<scalar_type>> &K,
-   const std::vector<size_type> &dofs1, const std::vector<size_type> &dofs2,
-   std::vector<size_type> &dofs1_sort,
-   base_vector &elem, scalar_type threshold, size_type N) {
-    size_type maxest = (N+1) * std::max(dofs1.size(), dofs2.size());
-    size_type s1 = dofs1.size(), s2 = dofs2.size();
-    gmm::elt_rsvector_<scalar_type> ev;
-    dofs1_sort.resize(s1);
-    for (size_type i = 0; i < s1; ++i) { // insertion sort
-      size_type j = i, k = j-1;
-      while (j > 0 && dofs1[i] < dofs1[dofs1_sort[k]])
-        { dofs1_sort[j] = dofs1_sort[k]; j--; k--; }
-      dofs1_sort[j] = i;
-    }
-    // dofs1_sort.resize(s1); // test with qsort: not faster in the tested 
-    // for (size_type i = 0; i < s1; ++i) dofs1_sort[i] = i;
-    // the_indto_sort = &dofs1;
-    // qsort(&(dofs1_sort[0]), s1, sizeof(size_type), compare_my_indices);
-    base_vector::const_iterator it = elem.cbegin();
-    for (size_type j = 0; j < s2; ++j) { // Iteration on columns
-      if (j) it += s1;
-      std::vector<gmm::elt_rsvector_<scalar_type>> &col = K[dofs2[j]];
-      size_type nb = col.size();
-      if (nb == 0) {
-        col.reserve(maxest);
-        for (size_type i = 0; i < s1; ++i) {
-          size_type k = dofs1_sort[i]; ev.e = *(it+k);
-          if (gmm::abs(ev.e) > threshold) { ev.c=dofs1[k]; col.push_back(ev); }
-        }
-      } else { // column merge
-        size_type ind = 0;
-        for (size_type i = 0; i < s1; ++i) {
-          size_type k = dofs1_sort[i]; ev.e = *(it+k);
-          if (gmm::abs(ev.e) > threshold) {
-            ev.c = dofs1[k];
-            size_type count = nb - ind, step, l;
-            while (count > 0) {
-              step = count / 2; l = ind + step;
-              if (col[l].c < ev.c) { ind = ++l; count -= step + 1; }
-              else count = step;
-            }
-            auto itc = col.begin() + ind;
-            if (ind != nb && itc->c == ev.c) itc->e += ev.e;
-            else {
-              if (nb - ind > 1100)
-                GMM_WARNING2("Inefficient addition of element in rsvector with 
-                             << col.size() - ind << " non-zero entries");
-              col.push_back(ev);
-              if (ind != nb) {
-                itc = col.begin() + ind;
-                auto ite = col.end(); --ite; auto itee = ite;
-                for (; ite != itc; --ite) { --itee; *ite = *itee; }
-                *itc = ev;
-              }
-              ++nb;
-            }
-            ++ind;
+        if (tc2_.sparsity() == 2) {
+      size_type q2 = tc2.sizes()[1];
+      size_type n2 = (tc2.sizes().size() > 2) ? tc2.sizes()[1] : 1;
+      if (n2*q2 == n) {
+        switch (n2) {
+        case 1:
+          switch (q2) {
+          case 2:
+            return
+              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_dunrolled<1,2>>
+              (t, tc1, tc2);
+          case 3:
+            return
+              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_dunrolled<1,3>>
+              (t, tc1, tc2);
+          case 4:
+            return
+              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_dunrolled<1,4>>
+              (t, tc1, tc2);
+          default :
+            return 
+              (t, tc1, tc2, q2);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  template <class MAT = model_real_sparse_matrix>
-  struct ga_instruction_matrix_assembly : public ga_instruction {
-    const base_tensor &t;
-    MAT &Kr, &Kn;
-    const fem_interpolation_context &ctx1, &ctx2;
-    const gmm::sub_interval &Ir1, &Ir2;
-    const gmm::sub_interval &In1, &In2;
-    const mesh_fem *mfn1, *mfn2;
-    const mesh_fem **mfg1, **mfg2;
-    const scalar_type &coeff, &alpha1, &alpha2;
-    const size_type &nbpt, &ipt;
-    base_vector elem;
-    bool interpolate;
-    std::vector<size_type> dofs1, dofs2, dofs1_sort;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: matrix term assembly");
-      if (ipt == 0 || interpolate) {
-        elem.resize(t.size());
-        auto itt = t.begin(); auto it = elem.begin(), ite = elem.end();
-        scalar_type e = coeff*alpha1*alpha2;
-        size_type nd = ((t.size()) >> 2);
-        for (size_type i = 0; i < nd; ++i) {
-          *it++ = (*itt++) * e; *it++ = (*itt++) * e;
-          *it++ = (*itt++) * e; *it++ = (*itt++) * e;
-        }
-        for (; it != ite;) *it++ = (*itt++) * e;
-        // gmm::copy(gmm::scaled(t.as_vector(), coeff*alpha1*alpha2), elem);
-      } else {
-        // Faster than a daxpy blas call on my config
-        auto itt = t.begin(); auto it = elem.begin(), ite = elem.end();
-        scalar_type e = coeff*alpha1*alpha2;
-        size_type nd = ((t.size()) >> 2);
-        for (size_type i = 0; i < nd; ++i) {
-          *it++ += (*itt++) * e; *it++ += (*itt++) * e;
-          *it++ += (*itt++) * e; *it++ += (*itt++) * e;
-        }
-        for (; it != ite;) *it++ += (*itt++) * e;
-        // gmm::add(gmm::scaled(t.as_vector(), coeff*alpha1*alpha2), elem);
-      }
-      if (ipt == nbpt-1 || interpolate) {
-        const mesh_fem *pmf1 = mfg1 ? *mfg1 : mfn1;
-        const mesh_fem *pmf2 = mfg2 ? *mfg2 : mfn2;
-        bool reduced = (pmf1 && pmf1->is_reduced())
-          || (pmf2 && pmf2->is_reduced());
-        MAT &K = reduced ? Kr : Kn;
-        const gmm::sub_interval &I1 = reduced ? Ir1 : In1;
-        const gmm::sub_interval &I2 = reduced ? Ir2 : In2;
-        GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(I1.size() && I2.size(), "Internal error");
-        scalar_type ninf = gmm::vect_norminf(elem);
-        if (ninf == scalar_type(0)) return 0;
-        size_type s1 = t.sizes()[0], s2 = t.sizes()[1];
-        size_type cv1 = pmf1 ? ctx1.convex_num() : s1;
-        size_type cv2 = pmf2 ? ctx2.convex_num() : s2;
-        size_type N = 1;
-        dofs1.assign(s1, I1.first());
-        if (pmf1) {
-          if (!(ctx1.is_convex_num_valid())) return 0;
-          N = ctx1.N();
-          auto &ct1 = pmf1->ind_scalar_basic_dof_of_element(cv1);
-          size_type qmult1 = pmf1->get_qdim();
-          if (qmult1 > 1) qmult1 /= pmf1->fem_of_element(cv1)->target_dim();
-          auto itd = dofs1.begin();
-          if (qmult1 == 1) {
-            for (auto itt = ct1.begin(); itt != ct1.end(); ++itt)
-              *itd++ += *itt;
-          } else {
-            for (auto itt = ct1.begin(); itt != ct1.end(); ++itt)
-              for (size_type q = 0; q < qmult1; ++q)
-                  *itd++ += *itt + q;
+        case 2:
+          switch (q2) {
+          case 2:
+            return
+              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_dunrolled<2,2>>
+              (t, tc1, tc2);
+          case 3:
+            return
+              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_dunrolled<2,3>>
+              (t, tc1, tc2);
+          case 4:
+            return
+              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_dunrolled<2,4>>
+              (t, tc1, tc2);
+          default :
+            return 
+              (t, tc1, tc2, q2);
-        } else
-          for (size_type i=0; i < s1; ++i) dofs1[i] += i;
-        if (pmf1 == pmf2 && cv1 == cv2) {
-          if (I1.first() == I2.first()) {
-            add_elem_matrix_(K, dofs1, dofs1, dofs1_sort, elem, ninf*1E-14, N);
-          } else {
-            dofs2.resize(dofs1.size());
-            for (size_type i = 0; i < dofs1.size(); ++i)
-              dofs2[i] =  dofs1[i] + I2.first() - I1.first();
-            add_elem_matrix_(K, dofs1, dofs2, dofs1_sort, elem, ninf*1E-14, N);
+        case 3:
+          switch (q2) {
+          case 2:
+            return
+              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_dunrolled<3,2>>
+              (t, tc1, tc2);
+          case 3:
+            return
+              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_dunrolled<3,3>>
+              (t, tc1, tc2);
+          case 4:
+            return
+              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_dunrolled<3,4>>
+              (t, tc1, tc2);
+          default :
+            return 
+              (t, tc1, tc2, q2);
-        } else {
-          dofs2.assign(s2, I2.first());
-          if (pmf2) {
-            if (!(ctx2.is_convex_num_valid())) return 0;
-            N = std::max(N, ctx2.N());
-            auto &ct2 = pmf2->ind_scalar_basic_dof_of_element(cv2);
-            size_type qmult2 = pmf2->get_qdim();
-            if (qmult2 > 1) qmult2 /= pmf2->fem_of_element(cv2)->target_dim();
-            auto itd = dofs2.begin();
-            if (qmult2 == 1) {
-              for (auto itt = ct2.begin(); itt != ct2.end(); ++itt)
-                *itd++ += *itt;
-            } else {
-              for (auto itt = ct2.begin(); itt != ct2.end(); ++itt)
-                for (size_type q = 0; q < qmult2; ++q)
-                  *itd++ += *itt + q;
-            }
-          } else
-            for (size_type i=0; i < s2; ++i) dofs2[i] += i;
-          add_elem_matrix_(K, dofs1, dofs2, dofs1_sort, elem, ninf*1E-14, N);
+        case 4:
+          return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_unrolled<4>>
+            (t, tc1, tc2, q2);
+        case 5:
+          return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_unrolled<5>>
+            (t, tc1, tc2, q2);
+        default:
+          return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2>
+            (t,tc1,tc2,n2,q2);
-      return 0;
-    ga_instruction_matrix_assembly
-    (const base_tensor &t_, MAT &Kr_, MAT &Kn_,
-     const fem_interpolation_context &ctx1_,
-     const fem_interpolation_context &ctx2_,
-     const gmm::sub_interval &Ir1_, const gmm::sub_interval &In1_,
-     const gmm::sub_interval &Ir2_, const gmm::sub_interval &In2_,
-     const mesh_fem *mfn1_, const mesh_fem **mfg1_,
-     const mesh_fem *mfn2_, const mesh_fem **mfg2_,
-     const scalar_type &coeff_,
-     const scalar_type &alpha2_, const scalar_type &alpha1_,
-     const size_type &nbpt_, const size_type &ipt_, bool interpolate_)
-      : t(t_), Kr(Kr_), Kn(Kn_), ctx1(ctx1_), ctx2(ctx2_),
-        Ir1(Ir1_), Ir2(Ir2_), In1(In1_), In2(In2_),
-        mfn1(mfn1_), mfn2(mfn2_), mfg1(mfg1_), mfg2(mfg2_),
-        coeff(coeff_), alpha1(alpha1_), alpha2(alpha2_),
-        nbpt(nbpt_), ipt(ipt_), interpolate(interpolate_),
-        dofs1(0), dofs2(0) {}
-  };
-  template <class MAT = model_real_sparse_matrix>
-  struct ga_instruction_matrix_assembly_standard_scalar: public ga_instruction 
-    const base_tensor &t;
-    MAT &K;
-    const fem_interpolation_context &ctx1, &ctx2;
-    const gmm::sub_interval &I1, &I2;
-    const mesh_fem *pmf1, *pmf2;
-    const scalar_type &coeff, &alpha1, &alpha2;
-    const size_type &nbpt, &ipt;
-    base_vector elem;
-    std::vector<size_type> dofs1, dofs2, dofs1_sort;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: matrix term assembly for standard "
-                    "scalar fems");
-      if (ipt == 0) {
-        elem.resize(t.size());
-        auto itt = t.begin(); auto it = elem.begin(), ite = elem.end();
-        scalar_type e = coeff*alpha1*alpha2;
-        size_type nd = ((t.size()) >> 2);
-        for (size_type i = 0; i < nd; ++i) {
-          *it++ = (*itt++) * e; *it++ = (*itt++) * e;
-          *it++ = (*itt++) * e; *it++ = (*itt++) * e;
-        }
-        for (; it != ite;) *it++ = (*itt++) * e;
-        // gmm::copy(gmm::scaled(t.as_vector(), coeff*alpha1*alpha2), elem);
-      } else {
-        // Faster than a daxpy blas call on my config
-        auto itt = t.begin(); auto it = elem.begin(), ite = elem.end();
-        scalar_type e = coeff*alpha1*alpha2;
-        size_type nd = ((t.size()) >> 2);
-        for (size_type i = 0; i < nd; ++i) {
-          *it++ += (*itt++) * e; *it++ += (*itt++) * e;
-          *it++ += (*itt++) * e; *it++ += (*itt++) * e;
+    if (tc1_.sparsity() == 2) {
+      size_type q1 = tc1.sizes()[1];
+      size_type n1 = (tc1.sizes().size() > 2) ? tc1.sizes()[1] : 1;
+      if (n1*q1 == n) {
+        switch (n1) {
+        case 1:
+          switch (q1) {
+          case 2:
+            return
+              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_dunrolled<1,2>>
+              (t, tc1, tc2);
+          case 3:
+            return
+              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_dunrolled<1,3>>
+              (t, tc1, tc2);
+          case 4:
+            return
+              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_dunrolled<1,4>>
+              (t, tc1, tc2);
+          default :
+            return 
+              (t, tc1, tc2, q1);
+          }
+        case 2:
+          switch (q1) {
+          case 2:
+            return
+              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_dunrolled<2,2>>
+              (t, tc1, tc2);
+          case 3:
+            return
+              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_dunrolled<2,3>>
+              (t, tc1, tc2);
+          case 4:
+            return
+              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_dunrolled<2,4>>
+              (t, tc1, tc2);
+          default :
+            return 
+              (t, tc1, tc2, q1);
+          }
+        case 3:
+          switch (q1) {
+          case 2:
+            return
+              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_dunrolled<3,2>>
+              (t, tc1, tc2);
+          case 3:
+            return
+              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_dunrolled<3,3>>
+              (t, tc1, tc2);
+          case 4:
+            return
+              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_dunrolled<3,4>>
+              (t, tc1, tc2);
+          default :
+            return 
+              (t, tc1, tc2, q1);
+          }
+          return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_unrolled<3>>
+            (t, tc1, tc2, q1);
+        case 4:
+          return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_unrolled<4>>
+            (t, tc1, tc2, q1);
+        case 5:
+          return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_unrolled<5>>
+            (t, tc1, tc2, q1);
+        default:
+          return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0>
+            (t,tc1,tc2, n1, q1);
-        for (; it != ite;) *it++ += (*itt++) * e;
-        // gmm::add(gmm::scaled(t.as_vector(), coeff*alpha1*alpha2), elem);
-      if (ipt == nbpt-1) {
-        GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(I1.size() && I2.size(), "Internal error");
+    }
-        scalar_type ninf = gmm::vect_norminf(elem);
-        if (ninf == scalar_type(0)) return 0;
+    switch(n) {
+    case  2 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_unrolled< 2>>
+                     (t, tc1, tc2);
+    case  3 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_unrolled< 3>>
+                     (t, tc1, tc2);
+    case  4 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_unrolled< 4>>
+                     (t, tc1, tc2);
+    case  5 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_unrolled< 5>>
+                     (t, tc1, tc2);
+    case  6 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_unrolled< 6>>
+                     (t, tc1, tc2);
+    case  7 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_unrolled< 7>>
+                     (t, tc1, tc2);
+    case  8 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_unrolled< 8>>
+                     (t, tc1, tc2);
+    case  9 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_unrolled< 9>>
+                     (t, tc1, tc2);
+    case 10 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_unrolled<10>>
+                     (t, tc1, tc2);
+    case 11 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_unrolled<11>>
+                     (t, tc1, tc2);
+    case 12 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_unrolled<12>>
+                     (t, tc1, tc2);
+    case 13 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_unrolled<13>>
+                     (t, tc1, tc2);
+    case 14 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_unrolled<14>>
+                     (t, tc1, tc2);
+    case 15 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_unrolled<15>>
+                     (t, tc1, tc2);
+    case 16 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_unrolled<16>>
+                     (t, tc1, tc2);
+    default : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction>
+                     (t, tc1, tc2, n);
+    }
+  }
-        size_type cv1 = ctx1.convex_num(), cv2 = ctx2.convex_num(), N=ctx1.N();
-        if (cv1 == size_type(-1)) return 0;
-        auto &ct1 = pmf1->ind_scalar_basic_dof_of_element(cv1);
-        GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(ct1.size() == t.sizes()[0], "Internal error");
-        dofs1.resize(ct1.size());
-        for (size_type i = 0; i < ct1.size(); ++i)
-          dofs1[i] = ct1[i] + I1.first();
+  pga_instruction  ga_uniform_instruction_reduction_switch
+  (assembly_tensor &t_, assembly_tensor &tc1_, assembly_tensor &tc2_,
+   size_type n, bool &to_clear) {
+    base_tensor &t = t_.tensor(), &tc1 = tc1_.tensor(), &tc2 = tc2_.tensor();
-        if (pmf2 == pmf1 && cv1 == cv2) {
-          if (I1.first() == I2.first()) {
-            add_elem_matrix_(K, dofs1, dofs1, dofs1_sort, elem, ninf*1E-14, N);
-          } else {
-            dofs2.resize(dofs1.size());
-            for (size_type i = 0; i < dofs1.size(); ++i)
-              dofs2[i] =  dofs1[i] + I2.first() - I1.first();
-            add_elem_matrix_(K, dofs1, dofs2, dofs1_sort, elem, ninf*1E-14, N);
+    if (tc1_.sparsity() == 1 && tc2_.sparsity() == 1 &&
+        tc1_.qdim() == n && tc2_.qdim() == n) {
+      to_clear = true;
+      t_.set_sparsity(10, tc1_.qdim());
+      return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt1_1>(t,tc1,tc2,n);
+    }
+    if (tc2_.sparsity() == 1) {
+      switch(n) {
+      case 2:
+        return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_1_unrolled<2>>
+          (t, tc1, tc2);
+      case 3:
+        return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_1_unrolled<3>>
+          (t, tc1, tc2);
+      case 4:
+        return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_1_unrolled<4>>
+          (t, tc1, tc2);
+      case 5:
+        return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_1_unrolled<5>>
+          (t, tc1, tc2);
+      default:
+        return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_1>(t,tc1,tc2, n);
+      }
+    }
+    if (tc2_.sparsity() == 2) {
+      size_type q2 = tc2.sizes()[1];
+      size_type n2 = (tc2.sizes().size() > 2) ? tc2.sizes()[1] : 1;
+      if (n2*q2 == n) {
+        switch (n2) {
+        case 1:
+          switch (q2) {
+          case 2:
+            return
+              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_dunrolled<1,2>>
+              (t, tc1, tc2);
+          case 3:
+            return
+              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_dunrolled<1,3>>
+              (t, tc1, tc2);
+          case 4:
+            return
+              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_dunrolled<1,4>>
+              (t, tc1, tc2);
+          default :
+            return 
+              (t, tc1, tc2, q2);
-        } else {
-          if (cv2 == size_type(-1)) return 0;
-          auto &ct2 = pmf2->ind_scalar_basic_dof_of_element(cv2);
-          GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(ct2.size() == t.sizes()[1], "Internal error");
-          dofs2.resize(ct2.size());
-          for (size_type i = 0; i < ct2.size(); ++i)
-            dofs2[i] = ct2[i] + I2.first();
-          add_elem_matrix_(K, dofs1, dofs2, dofs1_sort, elem, ninf*1E-14, N);
+        case 2:
+          switch (q2) {
+          case 2:
+            return
+              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_dunrolled<2,2>>
+              (t, tc1, tc2);
+          case 3:
+            return
+              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_dunrolled<2,3>>
+              (t, tc1, tc2);
+          case 4:
+            return
+              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_dunrolled<2,4>>
+              (t, tc1, tc2);
+          default :
+            return 
+              (t, tc1, tc2, q2);
+          }
+        case 3:
+          switch (q2) {
+          case 2:
+            return
+              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_dunrolled<3,2>>
+              (t, tc1, tc2);
+          case 3:
+            return
+              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_dunrolled<3,3>>
+              (t, tc1, tc2);
+          case 4:
+            return
+              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_dunrolled<3,4>>
+              (t, tc1, tc2);
+          default :
+            return 
+              (t, tc1, tc2, q2);
+          }
+        case 4:
+          return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_unrolled<4>>
+            (t, tc1, tc2, q2);
+        case 5:
+          return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2_unrolled<5>>
+            (t, tc1, tc2, q2);
+        default:
+          return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt0_2>
+            (t,tc1,tc2,n2,q2);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (tc1_.sparsity() == 2) {
+      size_type q1 = tc1.sizes()[1];
+      size_type n1 = (tc1.sizes().size() > 2) ? tc1.sizes()[1] : 1;
+      if (n1*q1 == n) {
+        switch (n1) {
+        case 1:
+          switch (q1) {
+          case 2:
+            return
+              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_dunrolled<1,2>>
+              (t, tc1, tc2);
+          case 3:
+            return
+              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_dunrolled<1,3>>
+              (t, tc1, tc2);
+          case 4:
+            return
+              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_dunrolled<1,4>>
+              (t, tc1, tc2);
+          default :
+            return 
+              (t, tc1, tc2, q1);
+          }
+        case 2:
+          switch (q1) {
+          case 2:
+            return
+              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_dunrolled<2,2>>
+              (t, tc1, tc2);
+          case 3:
+            return
+              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_dunrolled<2,3>>
+              (t, tc1, tc2);
+          case 4:
+            return
+              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_dunrolled<2,4>>
+              (t, tc1, tc2);
+          default :
+            return 
+              (t, tc1, tc2, q1);
+          }
+        case 3:
+          switch (q1) {
+          case 2:
+            return
+              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_dunrolled<3,2>>
+              (t, tc1, tc2);
+          case 3:
+            return
+              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_dunrolled<3,3>>
+              (t, tc1, tc2);
+          case 4:
+            return
+              std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_dunrolled<3,4>>
+              (t, tc1, tc2);
+          default :
+            return 
+              (t, tc1, tc2, q1);
+          }
+          return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_unrolled<3>>
+            (t, tc1, tc2, q1);
+        case 4:
+          return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_unrolled<4>>
+            (t, tc1, tc2, q1);
+        case 5:
+          return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0_unrolled<5>>
+            (t, tc1, tc2, q1);
+        default:
+          return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_reduction_opt2_0>
+            (t,tc1,tc2, n1, q1);
-      return 0;
-    ga_instruction_matrix_assembly_standard_scalar
-    (const base_tensor &t_, MAT &Kn_,
-     const fem_interpolation_context &ctx1_,
-     const fem_interpolation_context &ctx2_,
-     const gmm::sub_interval &In1_, const gmm::sub_interval &In2_,
-     const mesh_fem *mfn1_, const mesh_fem *mfn2_,
-     const scalar_type &coeff_, const scalar_type &alpha2_,
-     const scalar_type &alpha1_,
-     const size_type &nbpt_, const size_type &ipt_)
-      : t(t_), K(Kn_), ctx1(ctx1_), ctx2(ctx2_),
-        I1(In1_), I2(In2_),  pmf1(mfn1_), pmf2(mfn2_),
-        coeff(coeff_), alpha1(alpha1_), alpha2(alpha2_),
-        nbpt(nbpt_), ipt(ipt_) {}
-  };
-  template <class MAT = model_real_sparse_matrix>
-  struct ga_instruction_matrix_assembly_standard_vector: public ga_instruction 
-    const base_tensor &t;
-    MAT &K;
-    const fem_interpolation_context &ctx1, &ctx2;
-    const gmm::sub_interval &I1, &I2;
-    const mesh_fem *pmf1, *pmf2;
-    const scalar_type &coeff, &alpha1, &alpha2;
-    const size_type &nbpt, &ipt;
-    mutable base_vector elem;
-    mutable std::vector<size_type> dofs1, dofs2, dofs1_sort;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: matrix term assembly for standard "
-                        "vector fems");
-      if (ipt == 0) {
-        elem.resize(t.size());
-        auto itt = t.begin(); auto it = elem.begin(), ite = elem.end();
-        scalar_type e = coeff*alpha1*alpha2;
-        size_type nd = ((t.size()) >> 3);
-        for (size_type i = 0; i < nd; ++i) {
-          *it++ = (*itt++) * e; *it++ = (*itt++) * e;
-          *it++ = (*itt++) * e; *it++ = (*itt++) * e;
-          *it++ = (*itt++) * e; *it++ = (*itt++) * e;
-          *it++ = (*itt++) * e; *it++ = (*itt++) * e;
-        }
-        for (; it != ite;) *it++ = (*itt++) * e;
-        // gmm::copy(gmm::scaled(t.as_vector(), coeff*alpha1*alpha2), elem);
-      } else {
-        // (Far) faster than a daxpy blas call on my config.
-        auto itt = t.begin(); auto it = elem.begin(), ite = elem.end();
-        scalar_type e = coeff*alpha1*alpha2;
-        size_type nd = ((t.size()) >> 3);
-        for (size_type i = 0; i < nd; ++i) {
-          *it++ += (*itt++) * e; *it++ += (*itt++) * e;
-          *it++ += (*itt++) * e; *it++ += (*itt++) * e;
-          *it++ += (*itt++) * e; *it++ += (*itt++) * e;
-          *it++ += (*itt++) * e; *it++ += (*itt++) * e;
-        }
-        for (; it != ite;) *it++ += (*itt++) * e;
-        // gmm::add(gmm::scaled(t.as_vector(), coeff*alpha1*alpha2), elem);
+    // Only specialized for certain values
+    size_type s2 = tc2.size()/n;
+    switch(s2) {
+    case 1 :
+      switch(n) {
+      case 2: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<2,1>>(t, tc1, tc2);
+      case 3: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<3,1>>(t, tc1, tc2);
+      case 4: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<4,1>>(t, tc1, tc2);
+      default: return ga_instruction_reduction_switch(t_,tc1_,tc2_,n,to_clear);
-      if (ipt == nbpt-1) {
-        GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(I1.size() && I2.size(), "Internal error");
-        scalar_type ninf = gmm::vect_norminf(elem);
-        if (ninf == scalar_type(0)) return 0;
-        size_type s1 = t.sizes()[0], s2 = t.sizes()[1], N = ctx1.N();
-        size_type cv1 = ctx1.convex_num(), cv2 = ctx2.convex_num();
-        if (cv1 == size_type(-1)) return 0;
-        auto &ct1 = pmf1->ind_scalar_basic_dof_of_element(cv1);
-        size_type qmult1 = pmf1->get_qdim();
-        if (qmult1 > 1) qmult1 /= pmf1->fem_of_element(cv1)->target_dim();
-        dofs1.assign(s1, I1.first());
-        auto itd = dofs1.begin();
-        for (auto itt = ct1.begin(); itt != ct1.end(); ++itt)
-          for (size_type q = 0; q < qmult1; ++q)
-            *itd++ += *itt + q;
-        if (pmf2 == pmf1 && cv1 == cv2) {
-          if (I1.first() == I2.first()) {
-            add_elem_matrix_(K, dofs1, dofs1, dofs1_sort, elem, ninf*1E-14, N);
-          } else {
-            dofs2.resize(dofs1.size());
-            for (size_type i = 0; i < dofs1.size(); ++i)
-              dofs2[i] =  dofs1[i] + I2.first() - I1.first();
-            add_elem_matrix_(K, dofs1, dofs2, dofs1_sort, elem, ninf*1E-14, N);
-          }
-        } else {
-          if (cv2 == size_type(-1)) return 0;
-          auto &ct2 = pmf2->ind_scalar_basic_dof_of_element(cv2);
-          size_type qmult2 = pmf2->get_qdim();
-          if (qmult2 > 1) qmult2 /= pmf2->fem_of_element(cv2)->target_dim();
-          dofs2.assign(s2, I2.first());
-          itd = dofs2.begin();
-          for (auto itt = ct2.begin(); itt != ct2.end(); ++itt)
-            for (size_type q = 0; q < qmult2; ++q)
-              *itd++ += *itt + q;
-          add_elem_matrix_(K, dofs1, dofs2, dofs1_sort, elem, ninf*1E-14, N);
-        }
+    case 2 :
+      switch(n) {
+      case 2: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<2,2>>(t, tc1, tc2);
+      case 3: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<3,2>>(t, tc1, tc2);
+      case 4: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<4,2>>(t, tc1, tc2);
+      default: return ga_instruction_reduction_switch(t_,tc1_,tc2_,n,to_clear);
-      return 0;
-    }
-    ga_instruction_matrix_assembly_standard_vector
-    (const base_tensor &t_, MAT &Kn_,
-     const fem_interpolation_context &ctx1_,
-     const fem_interpolation_context &ctx2_,
-     const gmm::sub_interval &In1_, const gmm::sub_interval &In2_,
-     const mesh_fem *mfn1_, const mesh_fem *mfn2_,
-     const scalar_type &coeff_, const scalar_type &alpha2_,
-     const scalar_type &alpha1_, const size_type &nbpt_,
-     const size_type &ipt_)
-      : t(t_), K(Kn_), ctx1(ctx1_), ctx2(ctx2_),
-        I1(In1_), I2(In2_),  pmf1(mfn1_), pmf2(mfn2_),
-        coeff(coeff_), alpha1(alpha1_), alpha2(alpha2_),
-        nbpt(nbpt_), ipt(ipt_), dofs1(0), dofs2(0) {}
-  };
-  struct ga_instruction_matrix_assembly_standard_vector_opt10_2
-    : public ga_instruction {
-    const base_tensor &t;
-    model_real_sparse_matrix &K;
-    const fem_interpolation_context &ctx1, &ctx2;
-    const gmm::sub_interval &I1, &I2;
-    const mesh_fem *pmf1, *pmf2;
-    const scalar_type &coeff, &alpha1, &alpha2;
-    const size_type &nbpt, &ipt;
-    mutable base_vector elem;
-    mutable std::vector<size_type> dofs1, dofs2, dofs1_sort;
-    virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: matrix term assembly for standard "
-                    "vector fems optimized for format 10 qdim 2");
-      size_type s1 = t.sizes()[0], s2 = t.sizes()[1], s1_q = 2*s1;
-      size_type ss1 = s1/2, ss2 = s2/2;
-      scalar_type e = coeff*alpha1*alpha2;
-      if (ipt == 0) {
-        elem.resize(ss1*ss2);
-        auto itel = elem.begin();
-        for (size_type j = 0; j < ss2; ++j) {
-          auto it = t.begin() + j*s1_q;
-          for (size_type i = 0; i < ss1; ++i, it += 2)
-            *itel++ = (*it) * e;
-        }
-      } else {
-        auto itel = elem.begin();
-        for (size_type j = 0; j < ss2; ++j) {
-          auto it = t.begin() + j*s1_q;
-          for (size_type i = 0; i < ss1; ++i, it += 2)
-            *itel++ += (*it) * e;
-        }
+    case 3 :
+      switch(n) {
+      case 2: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<2,3>>(t, tc1, tc2);
+      case 3: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<3,3>>(t, tc1, tc2);
+      case 4: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<4,3>>(t, tc1, tc2);
+      default: return ga_instruction_reduction_switch(t_,tc1_,tc2_,n,to_clear);
-      if (ipt == nbpt-1) {
-        GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(I1.size() && I2.size(), "Internal error");
+    case 4 :
+      switch(n) {
+      case 2: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<2,4>>(t, tc1, tc2);
+      case 3: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<3,4>>(t, tc1, tc2);
+      case 4: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<4,4>>(t, tc1, tc2);
+      default: return ga_instruction_reduction_switch(t_,tc1_,tc2_,n,to_clear);
+      }
+    case 5 :
+      switch(n) {
+      case 2: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<2,5>>(t, tc1, tc2);
+      case 3: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<3,5>>(t, tc1, tc2);
+      case 4: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<4,5>>(t, tc1, tc2);
+      default: return ga_instruction_reduction_switch(t_,tc1_,tc2_,n,to_clear);
+      }
+    case 6 :
+      switch(n) {
+      case 2: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<2,6>>(t, tc1, tc2);
+      case 3: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<3,6>>(t, tc1, tc2);
+      case 4: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<4,6>>(t, tc1, tc2);
+      default: return ga_instruction_reduction_switch(t_,tc1_,tc2_,n,to_clear);
+      }
+    case 7 :
+      switch(n) {
+      case 2: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<2,7>>(t, tc1, tc2);
+      case 3: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<3,7>>(t, tc1, tc2);
+      case 4: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<4,7>>(t, tc1, tc2);
+      default: return ga_instruction_reduction_switch(t_,tc1_,tc2_,n,to_clear);
+      }
+    case 8 :
+      switch(n) {
+      case 2: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<2,8>>(t, tc1, tc2);
+      case 3: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<3,8>>(t, tc1, tc2);
+      case 4: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<4,8>>(t, tc1, tc2);
+      default: return ga_instruction_reduction_switch(t_,tc1_,tc2_,n,to_clear);
+      }
+    case 9 :
+      switch(n) {
+      case 2: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<2,9>>(t, tc1, tc2);
+      case 3: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<3,9>>(t, tc1, tc2);
+      case 4: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<4,9>>(t, tc1, tc2);
+      default: return ga_instruction_reduction_switch(t_,tc1_,tc2_,n,to_clear);
+      }
+    case 10:
+      switch(n) {
+      case 2: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<2,10>>(t, tc1, 
+      case 3: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<3,10>>(t, tc1, 
+      case 4: return std::make_shared<ga_ins_red_d_unrolled<4,10>>(t, tc1, 
+      default: return ga_instruction_reduction_switch(t_,tc1_,tc2_,n,to_clear);
+      }
+    default: return ga_instruction_reduction_switch(t_,tc1_,tc2_,n,to_clear);
+    }
+  }
-        scalar_type ninf = gmm::vect_norminf(elem) * 1E-14;
-        if (ninf == scalar_type(0)) return 0;
-        size_type N = ctx1.N();
-        size_type cv1 = ctx1.convex_num(), cv2 = ctx2.convex_num();
-        size_type i1 = I1.first(), i2 = I2.first();
-        if (cv1 == size_type(-1)) return 0;
-        auto &ct1 = pmf1->ind_scalar_basic_dof_of_element(cv1);
-        dofs1.resize(ss1);
-        for (size_type i = 0; i < ss1; ++i) dofs1[i] = i1 + ct1[i];
-        if (pmf2 == pmf1 && cv1 == cv2) {
-          if (i1 == i2) {
-            add_elem_matrix_(K, dofs1, dofs1, dofs1_sort, elem, ninf, N);
-            for (size_type i = 0; i < ss1; ++i) (dofs1[i])++;
-            add_elem_matrix_(K, dofs1, dofs1, dofs1_sort, elem, ninf, N);
-          } else {
-            dofs2.resize(ss2);
-            for (size_type i = 0; i < ss2; ++i) dofs2[i] = i2 + ct1[i];
-            add_elem_matrix_(K, dofs1, dofs2, dofs1_sort, elem, ninf, N);
-            for (size_type i = 0; i < ss1; ++i) (dofs1[i])++;
-            for (size_type i = 0; i < ss2; ++i) (dofs2[i])++;
-            add_elem_matrix_(K, dofs1, dofs2, dofs1_sort, elem, ninf, N);
+  // Performs Amij Bnj -> Cmni. To be optimized.
+  struct ga_instruction_spec_reduction : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
+    size_type nn;
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: specific reduction operation of "
+                    "size " << nn);
+      size_type s1 = tc1.sizes()[0], s11 = tc1.size() / (s1*nn), s111 = s1*s11;
+      size_type s2 = tc2.sizes()[0];
+      base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin();
+      for (size_type i = 0; i < s11; ++i)
+        for (size_type n = 0; n < s2; ++n)
+          for (size_type m = 0; m < s1; ++m, ++it) {
+            *it = scalar_type(0);
+            for (size_type j = 0; j < nn; ++j)
+              *it += tc1[m+i*s1+j*s111] * tc2[n+j*s2];
-        } else {
-          if (cv2 == size_type(-1)) return 0;
-          auto &ct2 = pmf2->ind_scalar_basic_dof_of_element(cv2);
-          dofs2.resize(ss2);
-          for (size_type i = 0; i < ss2; ++i) dofs2[i] = i2 + ct2[i];
-          add_elem_matrix_(K, dofs1, dofs2, dofs1_sort, elem, ninf, N);
-          for (size_type i = 0; i < ss1; ++i) (dofs1[i])++;
-          for (size_type i = 0; i < ss2; ++i) (dofs2[i])++;
-          add_elem_matrix_(K, dofs1, dofs2, dofs1_sort, elem, ninf, N);
-        }
-      }
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(it == t.end(), "Wrong sizes");
       return 0;
-    ga_instruction_matrix_assembly_standard_vector_opt10_2
-    (const base_tensor &t_, model_real_sparse_matrix &Kn_,
-     const fem_interpolation_context &ctx1_,
-     const fem_interpolation_context &ctx2_,
-     const gmm::sub_interval &In1_, const gmm::sub_interval &In2_,
-     const mesh_fem *mfn1_, const mesh_fem *mfn2_,
-     const scalar_type &coeff_, const scalar_type &alpha2_,
-     const scalar_type &alpha1_, const size_type &nbpt_,
-     const size_type &ipt_)
-      : t(t_), K(Kn_), ctx1(ctx1_), ctx2(ctx2_),
-        I1(In1_), I2(In2_),  pmf1(mfn1_), pmf2(mfn2_),
-        coeff(coeff_), alpha1(alpha1_), alpha2(alpha2_),
-        nbpt(nbpt_), ipt(ipt_), dofs1(0), dofs2(0) {}
+    ga_instruction_spec_reduction(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &tc1_,
+                                  base_tensor &tc2_, size_type n_)
+      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), tc2(tc2_), nn(n_) {}
-  struct ga_instruction_matrix_assembly_standard_vector_opt10_3
-    : public ga_instruction {
-    const base_tensor &t;
-    model_real_sparse_matrix &K;
-    const fem_interpolation_context &ctx1, &ctx2;
-    const gmm::sub_interval &I1, &I2;
-    const mesh_fem *pmf1, *pmf2;
-    const scalar_type &coeff, &alpha1, &alpha2;
-    const size_type &nbpt, &ipt;
-    mutable base_vector elem;
-    mutable std::vector<size_type> dofs1, dofs2, dofs1_sort;
+  // Performs Amik Bnjk -> Cmnij. To be optimized.
+  struct ga_instruction_spec2_reduction : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
+    size_type nn;
     virtual int exec() {
-      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: matrix term assembly for standard "
-                    "vector fems optimized for format 10 qdim 3");
-      size_type s1 = t.sizes()[0], s2 = t.sizes()[1], s1_q = 3*s1;
-      size_type ss1 = s1/3, ss2 = s2/3;
-      scalar_type e = coeff*alpha1*alpha2;
-      if (ipt == 0) {
-        elem.resize(ss1*ss2);
-        auto itel = elem.begin();
-        for (size_type j = 0; j < ss2; ++j) {
-          auto it = t.begin() + j*s1_q;
-          for (size_type i = 0; i < ss1; ++i, it += 3)
-            *itel++ = (*it) * e;
-        }
-      } else {
-        auto itel = elem.begin();
-        for (size_type j = 0; j < ss2; ++j) {
-          auto it = t.begin() + j*s1_q;
-          for (size_type i = 0; i < ss1; ++i, it += 3)
-            *itel++ += (*it) * e;
-        }
-      }
-      if (ipt == nbpt-1) {
-        GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(I1.size() && I2.size(), "Internal error");
-        scalar_type ninf = gmm::vect_norminf(elem)*1E-14;
-        if (ninf == scalar_type(0)) return 0;
-        size_type N = ctx1.N();
-        size_type cv1 = ctx1.convex_num(), cv2 = ctx2.convex_num();
-        size_type i1 = I1.first(), i2 = I2.first();
-        if (cv1 == size_type(-1)) return 0;
-        auto &ct1 = pmf1->ind_scalar_basic_dof_of_element(cv1);
-        dofs1.resize(ss1);
-        for (size_type i = 0; i < ss1; ++i) dofs1[i] = i1 + ct1[i];
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: second specific reduction operation of "
+                    "size " << nn);
+      size_type s1 = tc1.sizes()[0], s11 = tc1.size() / (s1*nn), s111 = s1*s11;
+      size_type s2 = tc2.sizes()[0], s22 = tc2.size() / (s2*nn), s222 = s2*s22;
+      base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin();
+      for (size_type j = 0; j < s22; ++j)
+        for (size_type i = 0; i < s11; ++i)
+          for (size_type m = 0; m < s1; ++m)
+            for (size_type n = 0; n < s2; ++n, ++it) {
+              *it = scalar_type(0);
+              for (size_type k = 0; k < nn; ++k)
+                *it += tc1[m+i*s1+k*s111] * tc2[n+j*s2+k*s222];
+            }
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(it == t.end(), "Wrong sizes");
+      return 0;
+    }
+    ga_instruction_spec2_reduction(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &tc1_,
+                                   base_tensor &tc2_, size_type n_)
+      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), tc2(tc2_), nn(n_) {}
+  };
-        if (pmf2 == pmf1 && cv1 == cv2) {
-          if (i1 == i2) {
-            add_elem_matrix_(K, dofs1, dofs1, dofs1_sort, elem, ninf, N);
-            for (size_type i = 0; i < ss1; ++i) (dofs1[i])++;
-            add_elem_matrix_(K, dofs1, dofs1, dofs1_sort, elem, ninf, N);
-            for (size_type i = 0; i < ss1; ++i) (dofs1[i])++;
-            add_elem_matrix_(K, dofs1, dofs1, dofs1_sort, elem, ninf, N);
-          } else {
-            dofs2.resize(ss2);
-            for (size_type i = 0; i < ss2; ++i) dofs2[i] = i2 + ct1[i];
-            add_elem_matrix_(K, dofs1, dofs2, dofs1_sort, elem, ninf, N);
-            for (size_type i = 0; i < ss1; ++i) (dofs1[i])++;
-            for (size_type i = 0; i < ss2; ++i) (dofs2[i])++;
-            add_elem_matrix_(K, dofs1, dofs2, dofs1_sort, elem, ninf, N);
-            for (size_type i = 0; i < ss1; ++i) (dofs1[i])++;
-            for (size_type i = 0; i < ss2; ++i) (dofs2[i])++;
-            add_elem_matrix_(K, dofs1, dofs2, dofs1_sort, elem, ninf, N);
-          }
-        } else {
-          if (cv2 == size_type(-1)) return 0;
-          auto &ct2 = pmf2->ind_scalar_basic_dof_of_element(cv2);
-          dofs2.resize(ss2);
-          for (size_type i = 0; i < ss2; ++i) dofs2[i] = i2 + ct2[i];
-          add_elem_matrix_(K, dofs1, dofs2, dofs1_sort, elem, ninf, N);
-          for (size_type i = 0; i < ss1; ++i) (dofs1[i])++;
-          for (size_type i = 0; i < ss2; ++i) (dofs2[i])++;
-          add_elem_matrix_(K, dofs1, dofs2, dofs1_sort, elem, ninf, N);
-          for (size_type i = 0; i < ss1; ++i) (dofs1[i])++;
-          for (size_type i = 0; i < ss2; ++i) (dofs2[i])++;
-          add_elem_matrix_(K, dofs1, dofs2, dofs1_sort, elem, ninf, N);
-        }
+  // Performs Aij Bkl -> Cijkl
+  struct ga_instruction_simple_tmult : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: simple tensor product");
+      size_type s1 = tc1.size();
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == s1 * tc2.size(), "Wrong sizes");
+      base_tensor::iterator it2=tc2.begin(), it1=tc1.begin(), it1end=it1 + s1;
+      for (base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin(); it != t.end(); ++it) {
+        *it = *(it2) * (*it1);
+        ++it1; if (it1 == it1end) { it1 = tc1.begin(), ++it2; }
       return 0;
-    ga_instruction_matrix_assembly_standard_vector_opt10_3
-    (const base_tensor &t_, model_real_sparse_matrix &Kn_,
-     const fem_interpolation_context &ctx1_,
-     const fem_interpolation_context &ctx2_,
-     const gmm::sub_interval &In1_, const gmm::sub_interval &In2_,
-     const mesh_fem *mfn1_, const mesh_fem *mfn2_,
-     const scalar_type &coeff_, const scalar_type &alpha2_,
-     const scalar_type &alpha1_, const size_type &nbpt_,
-     const size_type &ipt_)
-      : t(t_), K(Kn_), ctx1(ctx1_), ctx2(ctx2_),
-        I1(In1_), I2(In2_),  pmf1(mfn1_), pmf2(mfn2_),
-        coeff(coeff_), alpha1(alpha1_), alpha2(alpha2_),
-        nbpt(nbpt_), ipt(ipt_), dofs1(0), dofs2(0) {}
+    ga_instruction_simple_tmult(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &tc1_,
+                                base_tensor &tc2_)
+      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), tc2(tc2_) {}
-  //=========================================================================
-  // Structure dealing with user defined environment : constant, variables,
-  // functions, operators.
-  //=========================================================================
-  void ga_workspace::init() {
-    // allocate own storage for K an V to be used unless/until external
-    // storage is provided with set_assembled_matrix/vector
-    K = std::make_shared<model_real_sparse_matrix>(2,2);
-    V = std::make_shared<base_vector>(2);
-    // add default transformations
-    add_interpolate_transformation
-      ("neighbour_elt", interpolate_transformation_neighbour_instance());
-  }
-  // variables and variable groups
-  void ga_workspace::add_fem_variable
-  (const std::string &name, const mesh_fem &mf,
-   const gmm::sub_interval &I, const model_real_plain_vector &VV) {
-    variables[name] = var_description(true, true, &mf, I, &VV, 0, 1);
-  }
-  void ga_workspace::add_fixed_size_variable
-  (const std::string &name,
-   const gmm::sub_interval &I, const model_real_plain_vector &VV) {
-    variables[name] = var_description(true, false, 0, I, &VV, 0,
-                                      dim_type(gmm::vect_size(VV)));
-  }
-  void ga_workspace::add_fem_constant
-  (const std::string &name, const mesh_fem &mf,
-   const model_real_plain_vector &VV) {
-    GMM_ASSERT1(mf.nb_dof(), "The provided mesh_fem of variable" << name
-                             << "has zero degrees of freedom.");
-    size_type Q = gmm::vect_size(VV)/mf.nb_dof();
-    if (Q == 0) Q = size_type(1);
-    variables[name] = var_description(false, true, &mf,
-                                      gmm::sub_interval(), &VV, 0, Q);
-  }
-  void ga_workspace::add_fixed_size_constant
-  (const std::string &name, const model_real_plain_vector &VV) {
-    variables[name] = var_description(false, false, 0,
-                                      gmm::sub_interval(), &VV, 0,
-                                      gmm::vect_size(VV));
-  }
-  void ga_workspace::add_im_data(const std::string &name, const im_data &imd,
-                                 const model_real_plain_vector &VV) {
-    variables[name] = var_description
-      (false, false, 0, gmm::sub_interval(), &VV, &imd,
-       gmm::vect_size(VV)/(imd.nb_filtered_index() * imd.nb_tensor_elem()));
-  }
-  bool ga_workspace::variable_exists(const std::string &name) const {
-    return (md && md->variable_exists(name)) ||
-      (parent_workspace && parent_workspace->variable_exists(name)) ||
-      (variables.find(name) != variables.end());
-  }
-  bool ga_workspace::variable_group_exists(const std::string &name) const {
-    return (variable_groups.find(name) != variable_groups.end()) ||
-      (md && md->variable_group_exists(name)) ||
-      (parent_workspace && parent_workspace->variable_group_exists(name));
-  }
-  const std::vector<std::string>&
-  ga_workspace::variable_group(const std::string &group_name) const {
-    std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string> >::const_iterator
-      it = variable_groups.find(group_name);
-    if (it != variable_groups.end())
-      return (variable_groups.find(group_name))->second;
-    if (md && md->variable_group_exists(group_name))
-      return md->variable_group(group_name);
-    if (parent_workspace &&
-        parent_workspace->variable_group_exists(group_name))
-      return parent_workspace->variable_group(group_name);
-    GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Undefined variable group " << group_name);
-  }
-  const std::string&
-  ga_workspace::first_variable_of_group(const std::string &name) const {
-    const std::vector<std::string> &t = variable_group(name);
-    GMM_ASSERT1(t.size(), "Variable group " << name << " is empty");
-    return t[0];
+  template<int S1> inline void tmult_elem_unrolled__
+  (base_tensor::iterator &it, base_tensor::iterator &it1,
+   base_tensor::iterator &it2) {
+    *it++ = (*it1++)*(*it2);
+    tmult_elem_unrolled__<S1-1>(it, it1, it2);
+  template<> inline void tmult_elem_unrolled__<0>
+  (base_tensor::iterator &/*it*/, base_tensor::iterator &/*it1*/,
+   base_tensor::iterator &/*it2*/) { }
-  bool ga_workspace::is_constant(const std::string &name) const {
-    VAR_SET::const_iterator it = variables.find(name);
-    if (it != variables.end()) return !(it->second.is_variable);
-    if (variable_group_exists(name))
-      return is_constant(first_variable_of_group(name));
-    if (md && md->variable_exists(name)) {
-      if (enable_all_md_variables) return md->is_true_data(name);
-      return md->is_data(name);
+  // Performs Aij Bkl -> Cijkl, partially unrolled version
+  template<int S1> struct ga_instruction_simple_tmult_unrolled
+    : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
+    virtual int exec() {
+      size_type s2 = tc2.size();
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: simple tensor product, unrolled with "
+                    << tc1.size() << " operations");
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == tc1.size() * s2, "Wrong sizes");
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(tc1.size() == S1, "Wrong sizes");
+      base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin(), it2 = tc2.begin();
+      for (size_type ii = 0; ii < s2; ++ii, ++it2) {
+        base_tensor::iterator it1 = tc1.begin();
+        tmult_elem_unrolled__<S1>(it, it1, it2);
+      }
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(it == t.end(), "Internal error");
+      return 0;
-    if (parent_workspace && parent_workspace->variable_exists(name))
-      return parent_workspace->is_constant(name);
-    GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Undefined variable " << name);
-  }
+    ga_instruction_simple_tmult_unrolled(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &tc1_,
+                                         base_tensor &tc2_)
+      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), tc2(tc2_) {}
+  };
-  bool ga_workspace::is_disabled_variable(const std::string &name) const {
-    VAR_SET::const_iterator it = variables.find(name);
-    if (it != variables.end()) return false;
-    if (variable_group_exists(name))
-      return is_disabled_variable(first_variable_of_group(name));
-    if (md && md->variable_exists(name)) {
-      if (enable_all_md_variables) return false;
-      return md->is_disabled_variable(name);
+  pga_instruction  ga_uniform_instruction_simple_tmult
+  (base_tensor &t, base_tensor &tc1, base_tensor &tc2) {
+    switch(tc1.size()) {
+    case  2 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_simple_tmult_unrolled< 2>>
+                     (t, tc1, tc2);
+    case  3 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_simple_tmult_unrolled< 3>>
+                     (t, tc1, tc2);
+    case  4 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_simple_tmult_unrolled< 4>>
+                     (t, tc1, tc2);
+    case  5 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_simple_tmult_unrolled< 5>>
+                     (t, tc1, tc2);
+    case  6 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_simple_tmult_unrolled< 6>>
+                     (t, tc1, tc2);
+    case  7 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_simple_tmult_unrolled< 7>>
+                     (t, tc1, tc2);
+    case  8 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_simple_tmult_unrolled< 8>>
+                     (t, tc1, tc2);
+    case  9 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_simple_tmult_unrolled< 9>>
+                     (t, tc1, tc2);
+    case 10 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_simple_tmult_unrolled<10>>
+                     (t, tc1, tc2);
+    case 11 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_simple_tmult_unrolled<11>>
+                     (t, tc1, tc2);
+    case 12 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_simple_tmult_unrolled<12>>
+                     (t, tc1, tc2);
+    case 13 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_simple_tmult_unrolled<13>>
+                     (t, tc1, tc2);
+    case 14 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_simple_tmult_unrolled<14>>
+                     (t, tc1, tc2);
+    case 15 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_simple_tmult_unrolled<15>>
+                     (t, tc1, tc2);
+    case 16 : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_simple_tmult_unrolled<16>>
+                     (t, tc1, tc2);
+    default : return std::make_shared<ga_instruction_simple_tmult>
+                     (t, tc1, tc2);
-    if (parent_workspace && parent_workspace->variable_exists(name))
-      return parent_workspace->is_disabled_variable(name);
-    GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Undefined variable " << name);
-  const scalar_type &
-  ga_workspace::factor_of_variable(const std::string &name) const {
-    static const scalar_type one(1);
-    VAR_SET::const_iterator it = variables.find(name);
-    if (it != variables.end()) return one;
-    if (variable_group_exists(name))
-      return one;
-    if (md && md->variable_exists(name)) return md->factor_of_variable(name);
-    if (parent_workspace && parent_workspace->variable_exists(name))
-      return parent_workspace->factor_of_variable(name);
-    GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Undefined variable " << name);
-  }
-  const gmm::sub_interval &
-  ga_workspace::interval_of_disabled_variable(const std::string &name) const {
-    std::map<std::string, gmm::sub_interval>::const_iterator
-      it1 = int_disabled_variables.find(name);
-    if (it1 != int_disabled_variables.end()) return it1->second;
-    if (md->is_affine_dependent_variable(name))
-      return interval_of_disabled_variable(md->org_variable(name));
+  // Performs Ami Bnj -> Cmnij. To be optimized.
+  struct ga_instruction_spec_tmult : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
+    size_type s1_2, s2_2;
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: specific tensor product");
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == tc1.size() * tc2.size(), "Wrong sizes");
+      size_type s1_1 = tc1.size() / s1_2;
+      size_type s2_1 = tc2.size() / s2_2;
-    size_type first = md->nb_dof();
-    for (const std::pair<std::string, gmm::sub_interval> &p
-         : int_disabled_variables)
-      first = std::max(first, p.second.last());
+      base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin();
+      for (size_type j = 0; j < s2_2; ++j)
+        for (size_type i = 0; i < s1_2; ++i)
+          for (size_type n = 0; n < s2_1; ++n)
+            for (size_type m = 0; m < s1_1; ++m, ++it)
+              *it = tc1[m+i*s1_1] * tc2[n+j*s2_1];
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(it == t.end(), "Wrong sizes");
+      return 0;
+    }
+    ga_instruction_spec_tmult(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &tc1_,
+                              base_tensor &tc2_, size_type s1_2_,
+                              size_type s2_2_)
+      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), tc2(tc2_), s1_2(s1_2_), s2_2(s2_2_) {}
+  };
-    int_disabled_variables[name]
-      = gmm::sub_interval(first, gmm::vect_size(value(name)));
-    return int_disabled_variables[name];
-  }
+  // Performs Ai Bmj -> Cmij. To be optimized.
+  struct ga_instruction_spec2_tmult : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: second specific tensor product");
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == tc1.size() * tc2.size(), "Wrong sizes");
+      size_type s1 = tc1.size();
+      size_type s2_1 = tc2.sizes()[0], s2_2 = tc2.size() / s2_1;
-  const gmm::sub_interval &
-  ga_workspace::interval_of_variable(const std::string &name) const {
-    VAR_SET::const_iterator it = variables.find(name);
-    if (it != variables.end()) return it->second.I;
-    if (md && md->variable_exists(name)) {
-      if (enable_all_md_variables && md->is_disabled_variable(name))
-        return interval_of_disabled_variable(name);
-      return md->interval_of_variable(name);
+      base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin();
+      for (size_type j = 0; j < s2_2; ++j)
+        for (size_type i = 0; i < s1; ++i)
+          for (size_type m = 0; m < s2_1; ++m, ++it)
+            *it = tc1[i] * tc2[m+j*s2_1];
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(it == t.end(), "Wrong sizes");
+      return 0;
-    if (parent_workspace && parent_workspace->variable_exists(name))
-      return parent_workspace->interval_of_variable(name);
-    GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Undefined variable " << name);
-  }
+    ga_instruction_spec2_tmult(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &tc1_,
+                              base_tensor &tc2_)
+      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), tc2(tc2_) {}
+  };
-  const mesh_fem *
-  ga_workspace::associated_mf(const std::string &name) const {
-    VAR_SET::const_iterator it = variables.find(name);
-    if (it != variables.end())
-      return it->second.is_fem_dofs ? it-> : 0;
-    if (md && md->variable_exists(name))
-      return md->pmesh_fem_of_variable(name);
-    if (parent_workspace && parent_workspace->variable_exists(name))
-      return parent_workspace->associated_mf(name);
-    if (variable_group_exists(name))
-      return associated_mf(first_variable_of_group(name));
-    GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Undefined variable or group " << name);
-  }
-  const im_data *
-  ga_workspace::associated_im_data(const std::string &name) const {
-    VAR_SET::const_iterator it = variables.find(name);
-    if (it != variables.end()) return it->second.imd;
-    if (md && md->variable_exists(name))
-      return md->pim_data_of_variable(name);
-    if (parent_workspace && parent_workspace->variable_exists(name))
-      return parent_workspace->associated_im_data(name);
-    if (variable_group_exists(name)) return 0;
-    GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Undefined variable " << name);
-  }
-  size_type ga_workspace::qdim(const std::string &name) const {
-    VAR_SET::const_iterator it = variables.find(name);
-    if (it != variables.end()) {
-      const mesh_fem *mf =  it->second.is_fem_dofs ? it-> : 0;
-      const im_data *imd = it->second.imd;
-      size_type n = it->second.qdim();
-      if (mf) {
-        return n * mf->get_qdim();
-      } else if (imd) {
-        return n * imd->tensor_size().total_size();
-      }
-      return n;
+  struct ga_instruction_simple_c_matrix : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t;
+    std::vector<scalar_type *> components;
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: gathering components for explicit "
+                    "matrix");
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == components.size(), "Wrong sizes");
+      for (size_type i = 0; i < components.size(); ++i)
+        t[i] = *(components[i]);
+      return 0;
-    if (md && md->variable_exists(name))
-      return md->qdim_of_variable(name);
-    if (parent_workspace && parent_workspace->variable_exists(name))
-      return parent_workspace->qdim(name);
-    if (variable_group_exists(name))
-      return qdim(first_variable_of_group(name));
-    GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Undefined variable or group " << name);
-  }
+    ga_instruction_simple_c_matrix(base_tensor &t_,
+                                   std::vector<scalar_type *> &components_)
+      : t(t_), components(components_) {}
+  };
-  bgeot::multi_index
-  ga_workspace::qdims(const std::string &name) const {
-    VAR_SET::const_iterator it = variables.find(name);
-    if (it != variables.end()) {
-      const mesh_fem *mf =  it->second.is_fem_dofs ? it-> : 0;
-      const im_data *imd = it->second.imd;
-      size_type n = it->second.qdim();
-      if (mf) {
-        bgeot::multi_index mi = mf->get_qdims();
-        if (n > 1 || it->second.qdims.size() > 1) {
-          size_type i = 0;
-          if (mi.back() == 1) { mi.back() *= it->second.qdims[0]; ++i; }
-          for (; i < it->second.qdims.size(); ++i)
-            mi.push_back(it->second.qdims[i]);
-        }
-        return mi;
-      } else if (imd) {
-        bgeot::multi_index mi = imd->tensor_size();
-        size_type q = n / imd->nb_filtered_index();
-        GMM_ASSERT1(q % imd->nb_tensor_elem() == 0,
-                    "Invalid mesh im data vector");
-        if (n > 1 || it->second.qdims.size() > 1) {
-          size_type i = 0;
-          if (mi.back() == 1) { mi.back() *= it->second.qdims[0]; ++i; }
-          for (; i < it->second.qdims.size(); ++i)
-            mi.push_back(it->second.qdims[i]);
+  struct ga_instruction_c_matrix_with_tests : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t;
+    const std::vector<const base_tensor *> components;
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: gathering components for explicit "
+                    "matrix with tests functions");
+      size_type s = t.size() / components.size();
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(s, "Wrong sizes");
+      base_tensor::iterator it = t.begin();
+      for (size_type i = 0; i < components.size(); ++i) {
+        const base_tensor &t1 = *(components[i]);
+        if (t1.size() > 1) {
+          GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t1.size() == s, "Wrong sizes, " << t1.size()
+                          << " != " << s);
+          for (size_type j = 0; j < s; ++j) *it++ = t1[j];
+        } else {
+          for (size_type j = 0; j < s; ++j) *it++ = t1[0];
-        return mi;
-      return it->second.qdims;
+      return 0;
-    if (md && md->variable_exists(name))
-      return md->qdims_of_variable(name);
-    if (parent_workspace && parent_workspace->variable_exists(name))
-      return parent_workspace->qdims(name);
-    if (variable_group_exists(name))
-      return qdims(first_variable_of_group(name));
-    GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Undefined variable or group " << name);
-  }
+    ga_instruction_c_matrix_with_tests
+    (base_tensor &t_, const std::vector<const base_tensor *>  &components_)
+      : t(t_), components(components_) {}
+  };
-  const model_real_plain_vector &
-  ga_workspace::value(const std::string &name) const {
-    VAR_SET::const_iterator it = variables.find(name);
-    if (it != variables.end())
-      return *(it->second.V);
-    if (md && md->variable_exists(name))
-      return md->real_variable(name);
-    if (parent_workspace && parent_workspace->variable_exists(name))
-      return parent_workspace->value(name);
-    if (variable_group_exists(name))
-      return value(first_variable_of_group(name));
-    GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Undefined variable or group " << name);
-  }
+  struct ga_instruction_eval_func_1arg_1res : public ga_instruction {
+    scalar_type &t;
+    const scalar_type &c;
+    pscalar_func_onearg f1;
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: evaluation of a one argument "
+                    "predefined function on a scalar");
+      t = (*f1)(c);
+      return 0;
+    }
+    ga_instruction_eval_func_1arg_1res(scalar_type &t_, const scalar_type &c_,
+                                       pscalar_func_onearg f1_)
+      : t(t_), c(c_), f1(f1_) {}
+  };
-  scalar_type ga_workspace::get_time_step() const {
-    if (md) return md->get_time_step();
-    if (parent_workspace) return parent_workspace->get_time_step();
-    GMM_ASSERT1(false, "No time step defined here");
-  }
+  struct ga_instruction_eval_func_1arg_1res_expr : public ga_instruction {
+    scalar_type &t;
+    const scalar_type &c;
+    const ga_predef_function &F;
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: evaluation of a one argument "
+                    "predefined function on a scalar");
+      t = F(c);
+      return 0;
+    }
+    ga_instruction_eval_func_1arg_1res_expr(scalar_type &t_,
+                                            const scalar_type &c_,
+                                            const ga_predef_function &F_)
+      : t(t_), c(c_), F(F_) {}
+  };
+  struct ga_instruction_eval_func_1arg : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t, &tc1;
+    pscalar_func_onearg f1;
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: evaluation of a one argument "
+                    "predefined function on tensor");
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == tc1.size(), "Wrong sizes");
+      for (size_type i = 0; i < t.size(); ++i)  t[i] = (*f1)(tc1[i]);
+      return 0;
+    }
+    ga_instruction_eval_func_1arg(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &c_,
+                                  pscalar_func_onearg f1_)
+      : t(t_), tc1(c_), f1(f1_) {}
+  };
-  // Macros
-  bool ga_workspace::macro_exists(const std::string &name) const {
-    if (macros.find(name) != macros.end()) return true;
-    if (md && md->macro_exists(name)) return true;
-    if (parent_workspace &&
-        parent_workspace->macro_exists(name)) return true;
-    return false;
-  }
+  struct ga_instruction_eval_func_1arg_expr : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t, &tc1;
+    const ga_predef_function &F;
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: evaluation of a one argument "
+                    "predefined function on tensor");
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == tc1.size(), "Wrong sizes");
+      for (size_type i = 0; i < t.size(); ++i)  t[i] = F(tc1[i]);
+      return 0;
+    }
+    ga_instruction_eval_func_1arg_expr(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &c_,
+                                       const ga_predef_function &F_)
+      : t(t_), tc1(c_), F(F_) {}
+  };
-  const std::string&
-  ga_workspace::get_macro(const std::string &name) const {
-    std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it=macros.find(name);
-    if (it != macros.end()) return it->second;
-    if (md && md->macro_exists(name)) return md->get_macro(name);
-    if (parent_workspace &&
-        parent_workspace->macro_exists(name))
-      return parent_workspace->get_macro(name);
-    GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Undefined macro");
-  }
+  struct ga_instruction_eval_func_2arg_1res : public ga_instruction {
+    scalar_type &t;
+    const scalar_type &c, &d;
+    pscalar_func_twoargs f2;
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: evaluation of a two arguments "
+                    "predefined function on two scalar");
+      t = (*f2)(c, d);
+      return 0;
+    }
+    ga_instruction_eval_func_2arg_1res(scalar_type &t_, const scalar_type &c_,
+                                       const scalar_type &d_,
+                                       pscalar_func_twoargs f2_)
+      : t(t_), c(c_), d(d_), f2(f2_) {}
+  };
-  ga_tree &
-  ga_workspace::macro_tree(const std::string &name, size_type meshdim,
-                           size_type ref_elt_dim, bool ignore_X) const {
-    GMM_ASSERT1(macro_exists(name), "Undefined macro");
-    auto it = macro_trees.find(name);
-    bool to_be_analyzed = false;
-    m_tree *mt = 0;
+  struct ga_instruction_eval_func_2arg_1res_expr : public ga_instruction {
+    scalar_type &t;
+    const scalar_type &c, &d;
+    const ga_predef_function &F;
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: evaluation of a two arguments "
+                           "predefined function on two scalar");
+      t = F(c, d);
+      return 0;
+    }
+    ga_instruction_eval_func_2arg_1res_expr(scalar_type &t_,
+                                            const scalar_type &c_,
+                                            const scalar_type &d_,
+                                            const ga_predef_function &F_)
+      : t(t_), c(c_), d(d_), F(F_) {}
+  };
-    if (it == macro_trees.end()) {
-      mt = &(macro_trees[name]);
-      to_be_analyzed = true;
-    } else {
-      mt = &(it->second);
-      GMM_ASSERT1(mt->ptree, "Recursive definition of macro " << name);
-      if (mt->meshdim != meshdim || mt->ignore_X != ignore_X) {
-        to_be_analyzed = true;
-        delete mt->ptree; mt->ptree = 0;
-      }
+  struct ga_instruction_eval_func_2arg_first_scalar : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
+    pscalar_func_twoargs f2;
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: evaluation of a two arguments "
+                    "predefined function on one scalar and one tensor");
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == tc2.size(), "Wrong sizes");
+      for (size_type i = 0; i < t.size(); ++i)  t[i] = (*f2)(tc1[0], tc2[i]);
+      return 0;
-    if (to_be_analyzed) {
-      ga_tree tree;
-      ga_read_string(get_macro(name), tree);
-      ga_semantic_analysis(get_macro(name), tree, *this, meshdim, ref_elt_dim,
-                           false, ignore_X, 3);
-      GMM_ASSERT1(tree.root, "Invalid macro");
-      mt->ptree = new ga_tree(tree);
-      mt->meshdim = meshdim;
-      mt->ignore_X = ignore_X;
+    ga_instruction_eval_func_2arg_first_scalar
+    (base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &c_, base_tensor &d_,
+     pscalar_func_twoargs f2_)
+      : t(t_), tc1(c_), tc2(d_), f2(f2_) {}
+  };
+  struct ga_instruction_eval_func_2arg_first_scalar_expr
+    : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
+    const ga_predef_function &F;
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: evaluation of a two arguments "
+                    "predefined function on one scalar and one tensor");
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == tc2.size(), "Wrong sizes");
+      for (size_type i = 0; i < t.size(); ++i)  t[i] = F(tc1[0], tc2[i]);
+      return 0;
-    return *(mt->ptree);
-  }
+    ga_instruction_eval_func_2arg_first_scalar_expr
+    (base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &c_, base_tensor &d_,
+     const ga_predef_function &F_)
+      : t(t_), tc1(c_), tc2(d_), F(F_) {}
+  };
-  void ga_workspace::add_interpolate_transformation
-  (const std::string &name, pinterpolate_transformation ptrans) {
-    if (transformations.find(name) != transformations.end())
-      GMM_ASSERT1("neighbour_elt"), "neighbour_elt is a "
-                  "reserved interpolate transformation name");
-    transformations[name] = ptrans;
-  }
+  struct ga_instruction_eval_func_2arg_second_scalar : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
+    pscalar_func_twoargs f2;
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: evaluation of a two arguments "
+                    "predefined function on one tensor and one scalar");
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == tc1.size(), "Wrong sizes");
+      for (size_type i = 0; i < t.size(); ++i)  t[i] = (*f2)(tc1[i], tc2[0]);
+      return 0;
+    }
+    ga_instruction_eval_func_2arg_second_scalar(base_tensor &t_,
+                                                base_tensor &c_,
+                                                base_tensor &d_,
+                                                pscalar_func_twoargs f2_)
+      : t(t_), tc1(c_), tc2(d_), f2(f2_) {}
+  };
-  bool ga_workspace::interpolate_transformation_exists
-  (const std::string &name) const {
-    return (md && md->interpolate_transformation_exists(name)) ||
-      (parent_workspace &&
-       parent_workspace->interpolate_transformation_exists(name)) ||
-      (transformations.find(name) != transformations.end());
-  }
+  struct ga_instruction_eval_func_2arg_second_scalar_expr
+    : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
+    const ga_predef_function &F;
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: evaluation of a two arguments "
+                    "predefined function on one tensor and one scalar");
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == tc1.size(), "Wrong sizes");
+      for (size_type i = 0; i < t.size(); ++i)  t[i] = F(tc1[i], tc2[0]);
+      return 0;
+    }
+    ga_instruction_eval_func_2arg_second_scalar_expr
+    (base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &c_, base_tensor &d_,
+     const ga_predef_function &F_)
+      : t(t_), tc1(c_), tc2(d_), F(F_) {}
+  };
+  struct ga_instruction_eval_func_2arg : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
+    pscalar_func_twoargs f2;
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: evaluation of a two arguments "
+                    "predefined function on two tensors");
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == tc1.size() && t.size() == tc2.size(),
+                      "Wrong sizes");
-  pinterpolate_transformation
-  ga_workspace::interpolate_transformation(const std::string &name) const {
-    std::map<std::string, pinterpolate_transformation>::const_iterator
-      it = transformations.find(name);
-    if (it != transformations.end()) return it->second;
-    if (md && md->interpolate_transformation_exists(name))
-      return md->interpolate_transformation(name);
-    if (parent_workspace &&
-       parent_workspace->interpolate_transformation_exists(name))
-      return parent_workspace->interpolate_transformation(name);
-    GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Inexistent transformation " << name);
-  }
+      for (size_type i = 0; i < t.size(); ++i)  t[i] = (*f2)(tc1[i], tc2[i]);
+      return 0;
+    }
+    ga_instruction_eval_func_2arg(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &c_,
+                                  base_tensor &d_, pscalar_func_twoargs f2_)
+      : t(t_), tc1(c_), tc2(d_), f2(f2_) {}
+  };
-  bool ga_workspace::elementary_transformation_exists
-  (const std::string &name) const {
-    return (md && md->elementary_transformation_exists(name)) ||
-      (parent_workspace &&
-       parent_workspace->elementary_transformation_exists(name)) ||
-      (elem_transformations.find(name) != elem_transformations.end());
-  }
+  struct ga_instruction_eval_func_2arg_expr : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t, &tc1, &tc2;
+    const ga_predef_function &F;
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: evaluation of a two arguments "
+                    "predefined function on two tensors");
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(t.size() == tc1.size() && t.size() == tc2.size(),
+                      "Wrong sizes");
-  pelementary_transformation
-  ga_workspace::elementary_transformation(const std::string &name) const {
-    std::map<std::string, pelementary_transformation>::const_iterator
-      it = elem_transformations.find(name);
-    if (it != elem_transformations.end()) return it->second;
-    if (md && md->elementary_transformation_exists(name))
-      return md->elementary_transformation(name);
-    if (parent_workspace &&
-       parent_workspace->elementary_transformation_exists(name))
-      return parent_workspace->elementary_transformation(name);
-    GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Inexistent elementary transformation " << name);
-  }
+      for (size_type i = 0; i < t.size(); ++i)  t[i] = F(tc1[i], tc2[i]);
+      return 0;
+    }
+    ga_instruction_eval_func_2arg_expr(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &c_,
+                                       base_tensor &d_,
+                                       const ga_predef_function &F_)
+      : t(t_), tc1(c_), tc2(d_), F(F_) {}
+  };
-  const mesh_region &
-  ga_workspace::register_region(const mesh &m, const mesh_region &region) {
-    if (&m == &dummy_mesh())
-      return dummy_mesh_region();
+  struct ga_instruction_eval_OP : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t;
+    const ga_nonlinear_operator &OP;
+    ga_nonlinear_operator::arg_list args;
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: operator evaluation");
+      OP.value(args, t);
+      return 0;
+    }
+    ga_instruction_eval_OP(base_tensor &t_, const ga_nonlinear_operator &OP_,
+                           ga_nonlinear_operator::arg_list &args_)
+      : t(t_), OP(OP_), args(args_) {}
+  };
-    std::list<mesh_region> &lmr = registred_mesh_regions[&m];
-    for (const mesh_region &rg : lmr)
-      if (, region, m)) return rg;
-    lmr.push_back(region);
-    return lmr.back();
-  }
+  struct ga_instruction_eval_derivative_OP : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t;
+    const ga_nonlinear_operator &OP;
+    ga_nonlinear_operator::arg_list args;
+    size_type der1;
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: operator derivative evaluation");
+      OP.derivative(args, der1, t);
+      return 0;
+    }
+    ga_instruction_eval_derivative_OP(base_tensor &t_,
+                                      const ga_nonlinear_operator &OP_,
+                                      ga_nonlinear_operator::arg_list &args_,
+                                      size_type der1_)
+      : t(t_), OP(OP_), args(args_), der1(der1_) {}
+  };
+  struct ga_instruction_eval_second_derivative_OP : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t;
+    const ga_nonlinear_operator &OP;
+    ga_nonlinear_operator::arg_list args;
+    size_type der1, der2;
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: operator second derivative evaluation");
+      OP.second_derivative(args, der1, der2, t);
+      return 0;
+    }
+    ga_instruction_eval_second_derivative_OP
+    (base_tensor &t_, const ga_nonlinear_operator &OP_,
+     ga_nonlinear_operator::arg_list &args_, size_type der1_, size_type der2_)
+      : t(t_), OP(OP_), args(args_), der1(der1_), der2(der2_) {}
+  };
+  struct ga_instruction_tensor_slice : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t, &tc1;
+    bgeot::multi_index mi, indices;
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: tensor slice");
+      size_type order = t.sizes().size();
+      for (bgeot::multi_index mi3(order); !mi3.finished(t.sizes());
+           mi3.incrementation(t.sizes())) {
+        for (size_type j = 0; j < order; ++j)
+          mi[indices[j]] = mi3[j];
+        t(mi3) = tc1(mi);
+      }
+      return 0;
+    }
+    ga_instruction_tensor_slice(base_tensor &t_, base_tensor &tc1_,
+                                bgeot::multi_index &mi_,
+                                bgeot::multi_index &indices_)
+      : t(t_), tc1(tc1_), mi(mi_), indices(indices_)  {}
+  };
+  struct ga_instruction_transformation_call : public ga_instruction {
+    const ga_workspace &workspace;
+    ga_instruction_set::interpolate_info &inin;
+    pinterpolate_transformation trans;
+    fem_interpolation_context &ctx;
+    const base_small_vector &Normal;
+    const mesh &m;
+    bool compute_der;
-  static bool ga_extract_variables(const pga_tree_node pnode,
-                                   const ga_workspace &workspace,
-                                   const mesh &m,
-                                   std::set<var_trans_pair> &vars,
-                                   bool ignore_data) {
-    bool expand_groups = !ignore_data;
-    bool found_var = false;
-    if (pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_VAL ||
-        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_GRAD ||
-        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_HESS ||
-        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_DIVERG ||
-        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_VAL ||
-        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_GRAD ||
-        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_HESS ||
-        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_DIVERG ||
-        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_ELEMENTARY_VAL ||
-        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_ELEMENTARY_GRAD ||
-        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_ELEMENTARY_HESS ||
-        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_ELEMENTARY_DIVERG ||
-        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS_VAL ||
-        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS_GRAD ||
-        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS_HESS ||
-        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS_DIVERG ||
-        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_XFEM_MINUS_VAL ||
-        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_XFEM_MINUS_GRAD ||
-        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_XFEM_MINUS_HESS ||
-        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_XFEM_MINUS_DIVERG) {
-      bool group = workspace.variable_group_exists(pnode->name);
-      bool iscte = (!group) && workspace.is_constant(pnode->name);
-      if (!iscte) found_var = true;
-      if (!ignore_data || !iscte) {
-        if (group && expand_groups) {
-          for (const std::string &t : workspace.variable_group(pnode->name))
-            vars.insert(var_trans_pair(t, pnode->interpolate_name));
-        } else
-          vars.insert(var_trans_pair(pnode->name, pnode->interpolate_name));
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: call interpolate transformation");
+      base_node P_ref;
+      size_type cv;
+      short_type face_num;
+      gmm::clear(inin.Normal);
+      inin.pt_type = trans->transform(workspace, m, ctx, Normal, &(inin.m), cv,
+                                      face_num, P_ref, inin.Normal,
+                                      inin.derivatives, compute_der);
+      if (inin.pt_type) {
+        if (cv != size_type(-1)) {
+          inin.m->points_of_convex(cv, inin.G);
+          inin.ctx.change((inin.m)->trans_of_convex(cv),
+                          0, P_ref, inin.G, cv, face_num);
+          inin.has_ctx = true;
+          if (face_num != short_type(-1)) {
+            inin.Normal = bgeot::compute_normal(inin.ctx, face_num);
+            gmm::scale(inin.Normal, 1.0/gmm::vect_norm2(inin.Normal));
+          } else
+            inin.Normal.resize(0);
+          inin.pt_y = inin.ctx.xreal();
+        } else {
+          inin.ctx.invalid_convex_num();
+          inin.pt_y = P_ref;
+          inin.has_ctx = false;
+        }
+      } else {
+        inin.ctx.invalid_convex_num();
+        inin.Normal.resize(0);
+        inin.pt_y.resize(0);
+        inin.has_ctx = false;
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: end of call interpolate transformation");
+      return 0;
-    if (pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_VAL ||
-        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_GRAD ||
-        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_HESS ||
-        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_DIVERG ||
-        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_VAL_TEST ||
-        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_GRAD_TEST ||
-        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_HESS_TEST ||
-        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_DIVERG_TEST ||
-        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_X ||
-        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_NORMAL) {
-      workspace.interpolate_transformation(pnode->interpolate_name)
-        ->extract_variables(workspace, vars, ignore_data, m,
-                            pnode->interpolate_name);
-    }
-    for (auto&& child : pnode->children)
-      found_var = ga_extract_variables(child, workspace, m,
-                                       vars, ignore_data)
-        || found_var;
-    return found_var;
-  }
+    ga_instruction_transformation_call
+    (const ga_workspace &w, ga_instruction_set::interpolate_info &i,
+     pinterpolate_transformation t, fem_interpolation_context &ctxx,
+     const base_small_vector &No, const mesh &mm, bool compute_der_)
+      : workspace(w), inin(i), trans(t), ctx(ctxx), Normal(No), m(mm),
+        compute_der(compute_der_) {}
+  };
-  static size_type ref_elt_dim_of_mesh(const mesh &m) {
-    if (m.convex_index().card())
-      return m.trans_of_convex(m.convex_index().first())->dim();
-    else
-      return size_type(0);
-  }
+  struct ga_instruction_neighbour_transformation_call : public ga_instruction {
+    const ga_workspace &workspace;
+    ga_instruction_set::interpolate_info &inin;
+    pinterpolate_transformation trans;
+    fem_interpolation_context &ctx;
+    base_small_vector &Normal;
+    const mesh &m;
+    size_type &ipt;
+    papprox_integration &pai;
+    bgeot::geotrans_precomp_pool &gp_pool;
+    std::map<gauss_pt_corresp, bgeot::pstored_point_tab> &neighbour_corresp;
-  void ga_workspace::add_tree(ga_tree &tree, const mesh &m,
-                              const mesh_im &mim, const mesh_region &rg,
-                              const std::string &expr,
-                              size_type add_derivative_order,
-                              bool function_expr, size_type for_interpolation,
-                              const std::string varname_interpolation) {
-    if (tree.root) {
+    virtual int exec() {
+      bool cancel_optimization = false;
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: call interpolate transformation");
+      if (ipt == 0) {
+        if (!(ctx.have_pgp()) || !pai || pai->is_built_on_the_fly()
+            || cancel_optimization) {
+          inin.ctx.invalid_convex_num();
+        } else {
+          // Test if the situation has already been encountered
+          size_type cv = ctx.convex_num();
+          short_type f = ctx.face_num();
+          auto adj_face = m.adjacent_face(cv, f);
+          if ( == size_type(-1)) {
+            inin.ctx.invalid_convex_num();
+          } else {
+            gauss_pt_corresp gpc;
+            gpc.pgt1 = m.trans_of_convex(cv);
+            gpc.pgt2 = m.trans_of_convex(;
+            gpc.pai = pai;
+            auto inds_pt1 = m.ind_points_of_face_of_convex(cv, f);
+            auto inds_pt2 = m.ind_points_of_face_of_convex(,
+                                                           adj_face.f);
+            auto str1 = gpc.pgt1->structure();
+            auto str2 = gpc.pgt2->structure();
+            size_type nbptf1 = str1->nb_points_of_face(f);
+            size_type nbptf2 = str2->nb_points_of_face(adj_face.f);
+            gpc.nodes.resize(nbptf1*2);
+            for (size_type i = 0; i < nbptf1; ++i)  {
+              gpc.nodes[2*i] = str1->ind_points_of_face(f)[i];
+              bool found = false;
+              for (size_type j = 0; j < nbptf2; ++j) {
+                if (inds_pt2[j] == inds_pt1[i]) {
+                  gpc.nodes[2*i+1] = str2->ind_points_of_face(adj_face.f)[j];
+                  found = true;
+                  break;
+                }
+              }
+              GMM_ASSERT1(found, "Internal error");
+            }
+            bgeot::pstored_point_tab pspt = 0;
+            auto itm = neighbour_corresp.find(gpc);
+            if (itm != neighbour_corresp.end()) {
+              pspt = itm->second;
+            } else {
+              size_type nbpt = pai->nb_points_on_face(f);
+              bgeot::geotrans_inv_convex gic;
+              gic.init(m.points_of_convex(, gpc.pgt2);
+              size_type first_ind = pai->ind_first_point_on_face(f);
+              const bgeot::stored_point_tab
+                &spt = *(pai->pintegration_points());
+              base_matrix G;
+              m.points_of_convex(cv, G);
+              fem_interpolation_context ctx_x(gpc.pgt1, 0, spt[0], G, cv, f);
+              std::vector<base_node> P_ref(nbpt);
-      // Eliminate the term if it corresponds to disabled variables
-      if ((tree.root->test_function_type >= 1 &&
-           is_disabled_variable(tree.root->name_test1)) ||
-          (tree.root->test_function_type >= 2 &&
-           is_disabled_variable(tree.root->name_test2))) {
-        // cout<<"disabling term ";  ga_print_node(tree.root, cout); 
-        return;
+              for (size_type i = 0; i < nbpt; ++i) {
+                ctx_x.set_xref(spt[first_ind+i]);
+                bool converged = true;
+                bool is_in = gic.invert(ctx_x.xreal(), 
+                GMM_ASSERT1(is_in && converged,"Geometric transformation "
+                            "inversion has failed in neighbour 
+              }
+              pspt = store_point_tab(P_ref);
+              neighbour_corresp[gpc] = pspt;
+            }
+            m.points_of_convex(, inin.G);
+            bgeot::pgeotrans_precomp pgp = gp_pool(gpc.pgt2, pspt);
+            inin.ctx.change(pgp, 0, 0, inin.G,, adj_face.f);
+          }
+        }
-      // cout << "add tree with tests functions of " <<  tree.root->name_test1
-      //      << " and " << tree.root->name_test2 << endl;
-      //      ga_print_node(tree.root, cout); cout << endl;
-      bool remain = true;
-      size_type order = 0, ind_tree = 0;
-      if (for_interpolation)
-        order = size_type(-1) - add_derivative_order;
-      else {
-        switch(tree.root->test_function_type) {
-        case 0: order = 0; break;
-        case 1: order = 1; break;
-        case 3: order = 2; break;
-        default: GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Inconsistent term "
-                             << tree.root->test_function_type);
+      if (inin.ctx.have_pgp()) {
+        inin.ctx.set_ii(ipt);
+        inin.pt_type = 1;
+        inin.has_ctx = true;
+        inin.pt_y = inin.ctx.xreal();
+        inin.Normal = bgeot::compute_normal(inin.ctx, inin.ctx.face_num());
+        gmm::scale(inin.Normal, 1.0/gmm::vect_norm2(inin.Normal));
+        inin.m = &m;
+      } else {
+        base_node P_ref;
+        size_type cv;
+        short_type face_num;
+        gmm::clear(inin.Normal);
+        inin.pt_type = trans->transform(workspace, m, ctx, Normal, &(inin.m),
+                                        cv, face_num, P_ref, inin.Normal,
+                                        inin.derivatives, false);
+        if (inin.pt_type) {
+          if (cv != size_type(-1)) {
+            inin.m->points_of_convex(cv, inin.G);
+            inin.ctx.change((inin.m)->trans_of_convex(cv),
+                            0, P_ref, inin.G, cv, face_num);
+            inin.has_ctx = true;
+            if (face_num != short_type(-1)) {
+              inin.Normal = bgeot::compute_normal(inin.ctx, face_num);
+              gmm::scale(inin.Normal, 1.0/gmm::vect_norm2(inin.Normal));
+            } else
+              inin.Normal.resize(0);
+            inin.pt_y = inin.ctx.xreal();
+          } else {
+            inin.ctx.invalid_convex_num();
+            inin.pt_y = P_ref;
+            inin.has_ctx = false;
+          }
+        } else {
+          inin.ctx.invalid_convex_num();
+          inin.Normal.resize(0);
+          inin.pt_y.resize(0);
+          inin.has_ctx = false;
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: end of call interpolate transformation");
+      return 0;
+    }
+    ga_instruction_neighbour_transformation_call
+    (const ga_workspace &w, ga_instruction_set::interpolate_info &i,
+     pinterpolate_transformation t, fem_interpolation_context &ctxx,
+     base_small_vector &No, const mesh &mm, size_type &ipt_,
+     papprox_integration &pai_, bgeot::geotrans_precomp_pool &gp_pool_,
+     std::map<gauss_pt_corresp, bgeot::pstored_point_tab> &neighbour_corresp_)
+      : workspace(w), inin(i), trans(t), ctx(ctxx), Normal(No), m(mm),
+        ipt(ipt_), pai(pai_), gp_pool(gp_pool_),
+        neighbour_corresp(neighbour_corresp_) {}
+  };
-      bool found = false;
-      for (size_type i = 0; i < trees.size(); ++i) {
-        if (trees[i].mim == &mim && trees[i].m == &m &&
-            trees[i].order == order &&
-            trees[i]>name_test1) == 0 &&
-            trees[i]
-            (tree.root->interpolate_name_test1) == 0 &&
-            trees[i]>name_test2) == 0 &&
-            trees[i]
-            (tree.root->interpolate_name_test2) == 0 &&
-            trees[i].rg == &rg && trees[i].interpolation == for_interpolation 
-            trees[i] {
-          ga_tree &ftree = *(trees[i].ptree);
-          ftree.insert_node(ftree.root, GA_NODE_OP);
-          ftree.root->op_type = GA_PLUS;
-          ftree.root->children.resize(2, nullptr);
-          ftree.copy_node(tree.root, ftree.root, ftree.root->children[1]);
-          ga_semantic_analysis("", ftree, *this, m.dim(),
-                               ref_elt_dim_of_mesh(m), false, function_expr);
-          found = true;
-          break;
+  struct ga_instruction_scalar_assembly : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t;
+    scalar_type &E, &coeff;
+     virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: scalar term assembly");
+      E += t[0] * coeff;
+      return 0;
+     }
+    ga_instruction_scalar_assembly(base_tensor &t_, scalar_type &E_,
+                                   scalar_type &coeff_)
+      : t(t_), E(E_), coeff(coeff_) {}
+  };
+  struct ga_instruction_fem_vector_assembly : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t;
+    base_vector &Vr, &Vn;
+    const fem_interpolation_context &ctx;
+    const gmm::sub_interval &Ir, &In;
+    const mesh_fem *mfn, **mfg;
+    scalar_type &coeff;
+    const size_type &nbpt, &ipt;
+    base_vector elem;
+    bool interpolate;
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: vector term assembly for fem variable");
+      if (ipt == 0 || interpolate) {
+        elem.resize(t.size());
+        auto itt = t.begin(); auto it = elem.begin(), ite = elem.end();
+        size_type nd = ((t.size()) >> 2);
+        for (size_type i = 0; i < nd; ++i) {
+          *it++ = (*itt++) * coeff; *it++ = (*itt++) * coeff;
+          *it++ = (*itt++) * coeff; *it++ = (*itt++) * coeff;
+        }
+        for (; it != ite;) *it++ = (*itt++) * coeff;
+        // gmm::copy(gmm::scaled(t.as_vector(), coeff), elem);
+      } else {
+        auto itt = t.begin(); auto it = elem.begin(), ite = elem.end();
+        size_type nd = ((t.size()) >> 2);
+        for (size_type i = 0; i < nd; ++i) {
+          *it++ += (*itt++) * coeff; *it++ += (*itt++) * coeff;
+          *it++ += (*itt++) * coeff; *it++ += (*itt++) * coeff;
+        for (; it != ite;) *it++ += (*itt++) * coeff;
+        // gmm::add(gmm::scaled(t.as_vector(), coeff), elem);
+      }
+      if (ipt == nbpt-1 || interpolate) {
+        const mesh_fem &mf = *(mfg ? *mfg : mfn);
+        GMM_ASSERT1(mfg ? *mfg : mfn, "Internal error");
+        const gmm::sub_interval &I = mf.is_reduced() ? Ir : In;
+        base_vector &V = mf.is_reduced() ? Vr : Vn;
+        if (!(ctx.is_convex_num_valid())) return 0;
+        size_type cv_1 = ctx.convex_num();
+        // size_type cv_1 = ctx.is_convex_num_valid()
+        //   ? ctx.convex_num() : mf.convex_index().first_true();
+        GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(V.size() >= I.first() + mf.nb_basic_dof(),
+                        "Bad assembly vector size");
+        auto &ct = mf.ind_scalar_basic_dof_of_element(cv_1);
+        size_type qmult = mf.get_qdim();
+        if (qmult > 1) qmult /= mf.fem_of_element(cv_1)->target_dim();
+        size_type ifirst = I.first();
+        auto ite = elem.begin();
+        for (auto itc = ct.begin(); itc != ct.end(); ++itc)
+          for (size_type q = 0; q < qmult; ++q)
+            V[ifirst+(*itc)+q] += *ite++;
+        GMM_ASSERT1(ite == elem.end(), "Internal error");
+      return 0;
+    }
+    ga_instruction_fem_vector_assembly
+    (base_tensor &t_, base_vector &Vr_, base_vector &Vn_,
+     const fem_interpolation_context &ctx_,
+     const gmm::sub_interval &Ir_, const gmm::sub_interval &In_,
+     const mesh_fem *mfn_, const mesh_fem **mfg_,
+     scalar_type &coeff_,
+     const size_type &nbpt_, const size_type &ipt_, bool interpolate_)
+    : t(t_), Vr(Vr_), Vn(Vn_), ctx(ctx_), Ir(Ir_), In(In_), mfn(mfn_),
+      mfg(mfg_), coeff(coeff_), nbpt(nbpt_), ipt(ipt_),
+      interpolate(interpolate_) {}
+  };
-      if (!found) {
-        ind_tree = trees.size(); remain = false;
-        trees.push_back(tree_description());
-        trees.back().mim = &mim; trees.back().m = &m;
-        trees.back().rg = &rg;
-        trees.back().ptree = new ga_tree;
-        trees.back().ptree->swap(tree);
-        pga_tree_node root = trees.back().ptree->root;
-        trees.back().name_test1 = root->name_test1;
-        trees.back().name_test2 = root->name_test2;
-        trees.back().interpolate_name_test1 = root->interpolate_name_test1;
-        trees.back().interpolate_name_test2 = root->interpolate_name_test2;
-        trees.back().order = order;
-        trees.back().interpolation = for_interpolation;
-        trees.back().varname_interpolation = varname_interpolation;
-       }
+  struct ga_instruction_vector_assembly : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t;
+    base_vector &V;
+    const gmm::sub_interval &I;
+    scalar_type &coeff;
+     virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: vector term assembly for "
+                    "fixed size variable");
+      gmm::add(gmm::scaled(t.as_vector(), coeff), gmm::sub_vector(V, I));
+      return 0;
+     }
+    ga_instruction_vector_assembly(base_tensor &t_, base_vector &V_,
+                                   const gmm::sub_interval &I_,
+                                   scalar_type &coeff_)
+      : t(t_), V(V_), I(I_), coeff(coeff_) {}
+  };
-      if (for_interpolation == 0 && order < add_derivative_order) {
-        std::set<var_trans_pair> expr_variables;
-        ga_extract_variables((remain ? tree : *(trees[ind_tree].ptree)).root,
-                             *this, m, expr_variables, true);
-        for (const var_trans_pair &var : expr_variables) {
-          if (!(is_constant(var.varname))) {
-            ga_tree dtree = (remain ? tree : *(trees[ind_tree].ptree));
-            // cout << "Derivation with respect to " << var.first << " : "
-            //     << var.second << " of " << ga_tree_to_string(dtree) << endl;
-            GA_TIC;
-            ga_derivative(dtree, *this, m, var.varname, var.transname, 
-            // cout << "Result : " << ga_tree_to_string(dtree) << endl;
-            GA_TOCTIC("Derivative time");
-            ga_semantic_analysis(expr, dtree, *this, m.dim(),
-                                 ref_elt_dim_of_mesh(m), false, function_expr);
-            GA_TOCTIC("Analysis after Derivative time");
-            // cout << "after analysis "  << ga_tree_to_string(dtree) << endl;
-            add_tree(dtree, m, mim, rg, expr, add_derivative_order,
-                     function_expr, for_interpolation, varname_interpolation);
-          }
-        }
+  struct ga_instruction_assignment : public ga_instruction {
+    base_tensor &t;
+    base_vector &V;
+    const fem_interpolation_context &ctx;
+    const im_data *imd;
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: Assignement to im_data");
+      imd->set_tensor(V, ctx.convex_num(), ctx.ii(), t);
+      return 0;
+     }
+    ga_instruction_assignment(base_tensor &t_, base_vector &V_,
+                              const fem_interpolation_context &ctx_,
+                              const im_data *imd_)
+      : t(t_), V(V_), ctx(ctx_), imd(imd_) {}
+  };
+  template <class MAT>
+  inline void add_elem_matrix_
+  (MAT &K, const std::vector<size_type> &dofs1,
+   const std::vector<size_type> &dofs2, std::vector<size_type> &/*dofs1_sort*/,
+   base_vector &elem, scalar_type threshold, size_type /* N */) {
+    base_vector::const_iterator it = elem.cbegin();
+    for (const size_type &dof2 : dofs2)
+      for (const size_type &dof1 : dofs1) {
+        if (gmm::abs(*it) > threshold)
+          K(dof1, dof2) += *it;
+        ++it;
-    }
-  ga_workspace::m_tree::~m_tree() { if (ptree) delete ptree; }
-  ga_workspace::m_tree::m_tree(const m_tree& o)
-    : ptree(o.ptree), meshdim(o.meshdim), ignore_X(o.ignore_X)
-  { if (o.ptree) ptree = new ga_tree(*(o.ptree)); }
-  ga_workspace::m_tree &ga_workspace::m_tree::operator =(const m_tree& o) {
-    if (ptree) delete ptree;
-    ptree = o.ptree; meshdim = o.meshdim; ignore_X = o.ignore_X;
-    if (o.ptree) ptree = new ga_tree(*(o.ptree));
-    return *this;
-  }
+  // static const std::vector<size_type> *the_indto_sort;
+  // int compare_my_indices(const void *a, const void *b) {
+  //   size_type aa = *((const size_type *)(a));
+  //   size_type bb = *((const size_type *)(b));
+  //   return  int((*the_indto_sort)[aa]) - int((*the_indto_sort)[bb]);
+  // }
-  size_type ga_workspace::add_expression(const std::string &expr,
-                                         const mesh_im &mim,
-                                         const mesh_region &rg_,
-                                         size_type add_derivative_order) {
-    const mesh_region &rg = register_region(mim.linked_mesh(), rg_);
-    // cout << "adding expression " << expr << endl;
-    GA_TIC;
-    size_type max_order = 0;
-    std::vector<ga_tree> ltrees(1);
-    ga_read_string(expr, ltrees[0]);
-    // cout << "read : " << ga_tree_to_string(ltrees[0])  << endl;
-    ga_semantic_analysis(expr, ltrees[0], *this, mim.linked_mesh().dim(),
-                         ref_elt_dim_of_mesh(mim.linked_mesh()),
-                         false, false, 1);
-    // cout << "analysed : " << ga_tree_to_string(ltrees[0]) << endl;
-    GA_TOC("First analysis time");
-    if (ltrees[0].root) {
-      if (test1.size() > 1 || test2.size() > 1) {
-        size_type ntest2 = std::max(size_type(1), test2.size());
-        size_type nb_ltrees = test1.size()*ntest2;
-        ltrees.resize(nb_ltrees);
-        for (size_type i = 1; i < nb_ltrees; ++i) ltrees[i] = ltrees[0];
-        std::set<var_trans_pair>::iterator it1 = test1.begin();
-        for (size_type i = 0; i < test1.size(); ++i, ++it1) {
-          std::set<var_trans_pair>::iterator it2 = test2.begin();
-          for (size_type j = 0; j < ntest2; ++j) {
-            selected_test1 = *it1;
-            if (test2.size()) selected_test2 = *it2++;
-            // cout << "analysis with " << selected_test1.first << endl;
-            ga_semantic_analysis(expr, ltrees[i*ntest2+j], *this,
-                                 mim.linked_mesh().dim(),
-                                 ref_elt_dim_of_mesh(mim.linked_mesh()),
-                                 false, false, 2);
-            // cout <<"split: "<< ga_tree_to_string(ltrees[i*ntest2+j]) << 
-          }
-        }
-      }
+  inline void add_elem_matrix_
+  (gmm::col_matrix<gmm::rsvector<scalar_type>> &K,
+   const std::vector<size_type> &dofs1, const std::vector<size_type> &dofs2,
+   std::vector<size_type> &dofs1_sort,
+   base_vector &elem, scalar_type threshold, size_type N) {
+    size_type maxest = (N+1) * std::max(dofs1.size(), dofs2.size());
+    size_type s1 = dofs1.size(), s2 = dofs2.size();
+    gmm::elt_rsvector_<scalar_type> ev;
-      for (size_type i = 0; i < ltrees.size(); ++i) {
-        if (ltrees[i].root) {
-          // cout << "adding tree " << ga_tree_to_string(ltrees[i]) << endl;
-          max_order = std::max(ltrees[i].root->nb_test_functions(), max_order);
-          add_tree(ltrees[i], mim.linked_mesh(), mim, rg, expr,
-                   add_derivative_order, true, 0, "");
-        }
-      }
+    dofs1_sort.resize(s1);
+    for (size_type i = 0; i < s1; ++i) { // insertion sort
+      size_type j = i, k = j-1;
+      while (j > 0 && dofs1[i] < dofs1[dofs1_sort[k]])
+        { dofs1_sort[j] = dofs1_sort[k]; j--; k--; }
+      dofs1_sort[j] = i;
-    GA_TOC("Time for add expression");
-    return max_order;
-  }
-  void ga_workspace::add_function_expression(const std::string &expr) {
-    ga_tree tree;
-    ga_read_string(expr, tree);
-    ga_semantic_analysis(expr, tree, *this, 1, 1, false, true);
-    if (tree.root) {
-      // GMM_ASSERT1(tree.root->nb_test_functions() == 0,
-      //            "Invalid function expression");
-      add_tree(tree, dummy_mesh(), dummy_mesh_im(), dummy_mesh_region(),
-               expr, 0, true, 0, "");
-    }
-  }
+    // dofs1_sort.resize(s1); // test with qsort: not faster in the tested 
+    // for (size_type i = 0; i < s1; ++i) dofs1_sort[i] = i;
+    // the_indto_sort = &dofs1;
+    // qsort(&(dofs1_sort[0]), s1, sizeof(size_type), compare_my_indices);
-  void ga_workspace::add_interpolation_expression(const std::string &expr,
-                                                  const mesh &m,
-                                                  const mesh_region &rg_) {
-    const mesh_region &rg = register_region(m, rg_);
-    ga_tree tree;
-    ga_read_string(expr, tree);
-    ga_semantic_analysis(expr, tree, *this, m.dim(), ref_elt_dim_of_mesh(m),
-                         false, false);
-    if (tree.root) {
-      // GMM_ASSERT1(tree.root->nb_test_functions() == 0,
-      //            "Invalid expression containing test functions");
-      add_tree(tree, m, dummy_mesh_im(), rg, expr, 0, false, 1, "");
-    }
-  }
+    base_vector::const_iterator it = elem.cbegin();
+    for (size_type j = 0; j < s2; ++j) { // Iteration on columns
+      if (j) it += s1;
+      std::vector<gmm::elt_rsvector_<scalar_type>> &col = K[dofs2[j]];
+      size_type nb = col.size();
-  void ga_workspace::add_interpolation_expression(const std::string &expr,
-                                                  const mesh_im &mim,
-                                                  const mesh_region &rg_) {
-    const mesh &m = mim.linked_mesh();
-    const mesh_region &rg = register_region(m, rg_);
-    ga_tree tree;
-    ga_read_string(expr, tree);
-    ga_semantic_analysis(expr, tree, *this, m.dim(), ref_elt_dim_of_mesh(m),
-                         false, false);
-    if (tree.root) {
-      GMM_ASSERT1(tree.root->nb_test_functions() == 0,
-                  "Invalid expression containing test functions");
-      add_tree(tree, m, mim, rg, expr, 0, false, 1, "");
-    }
-  }
+      if (nb == 0) {
+        col.reserve(maxest);
+        for (size_type i = 0; i < s1; ++i) {
+          size_type k = dofs1_sort[i]; ev.e = *(it+k);
+          if (gmm::abs(ev.e) > threshold) { ev.c=dofs1[k]; col.push_back(ev); }
+        }
+      } else { // column merge
+        size_type ind = 0;
+        for (size_type i = 0; i < s1; ++i) {
+          size_type k = dofs1_sort[i]; ev.e = *(it+k);
+          if (gmm::abs(ev.e) > threshold) {
+            ev.c = dofs1[k];
-  void ga_workspace::add_assignment_expression
-  (const std::string &varname, const std::string &expr, const mesh_region &rg_,
-   size_type order, bool before) {
-    const im_data *imd = associated_im_data(varname);
-    GMM_ASSERT1(imd != 0, "Only applicable to im_data");
-    const mesh_im &mim = imd->linked_mesh_im();
-    const mesh &m = mim.linked_mesh();
-    const mesh_region &rg = register_region(m, rg_);
-    ga_tree tree;
-    ga_read_string(expr, tree);
-    ga_semantic_analysis(expr, tree, *this, m.dim(), ref_elt_dim_of_mesh(m),
-                         false, false);
-    if (tree.root) {
-      GMM_ASSERT1(tree.root->nb_test_functions() == 0,
-                  "Invalid expression containing test functions");
-      add_tree(tree, m, mim, rg, expr, order+1, false, (before ? 1 : 2),
-               varname);
+            size_type count = nb - ind, step, l;
+            while (count > 0) {
+              step = count / 2; l = ind + step;
+              if (col[l].c < ev.c) { ind = ++l; count -= step + 1; }
+              else count = step;
+            }
+            auto itc = col.begin() + ind;
+            if (ind != nb && itc->c == ev.c) itc->e += ev.e;
+            else {
+              if (nb - ind > 1100)
+                GMM_WARNING2("Inefficient addition of element in rsvector with 
+                             << col.size() - ind << " non-zero entries");
+              col.push_back(ev);
+              if (ind != nb) {
+                itc = col.begin() + ind;
+                auto ite = col.end(); --ite; auto itee = ite;
+                for (; ite != itc; --ite) { --itee; *ite = *itee; }
+                *itc = ev;
+              }
+              ++nb;
+            }
+            ++ind;
+          }
+        }
+      }
-  size_type ga_workspace::nb_trees() const { return trees.size(); }
-  ga_workspace::tree_description &ga_workspace::tree_info(size_type i)
-  { return trees[i]; }
+  template <class MAT = model_real_sparse_matrix>
+  struct ga_instruction_matrix_assembly : public ga_instruction {
+    const base_tensor &t;
+    MAT &Kr, &Kn;
+    const fem_interpolation_context &ctx1, &ctx2;
+    const gmm::sub_interval &Ir1, &Ir2;
+    const gmm::sub_interval &In1, &In2;
+    const mesh_fem *mfn1, *mfn2;
+    const mesh_fem **mfg1, **mfg2;
+    const scalar_type &coeff, &alpha1, &alpha2;
+    const size_type &nbpt, &ipt;
+    base_vector elem;
+    bool interpolate;
+    std::vector<size_type> dofs1, dofs2, dofs1_sort;
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: matrix term assembly");
+      if (ipt == 0 || interpolate) {
+        elem.resize(t.size());
+        auto itt = t.begin(); auto it = elem.begin(), ite = elem.end();
+        scalar_type e = coeff*alpha1*alpha2;
+        size_type nd = ((t.size()) >> 2);
+        for (size_type i = 0; i < nd; ++i) {
+          *it++ = (*itt++) * e; *it++ = (*itt++) * e;
+          *it++ = (*itt++) * e; *it++ = (*itt++) * e;
+        }
+        for (; it != ite;) *it++ = (*itt++) * e;
+        // gmm::copy(gmm::scaled(t.as_vector(), coeff*alpha1*alpha2), elem);
+      } else {
+        // Faster than a daxpy blas call on my config
+        auto itt = t.begin(); auto it = elem.begin(), ite = elem.end();
+        scalar_type e = coeff*alpha1*alpha2;
+        size_type nd = ((t.size()) >> 2);
+        for (size_type i = 0; i < nd; ++i) {
+          *it++ += (*itt++) * e; *it++ += (*itt++) * e;
+          *it++ += (*itt++) * e; *it++ += (*itt++) * e;
+        }
+        for (; it != ite;) *it++ += (*itt++) * e;
+        // gmm::add(gmm::scaled(t.as_vector(), coeff*alpha1*alpha2), elem);
+      }
+      if (ipt == nbpt-1 || interpolate) {
+        const mesh_fem *pmf1 = mfg1 ? *mfg1 : mfn1;
+        const mesh_fem *pmf2 = mfg2 ? *mfg2 : mfn2;
+        bool reduced = (pmf1 && pmf1->is_reduced())
+          || (pmf2 && pmf2->is_reduced());
+        MAT &K = reduced ? Kr : Kn;
+        const gmm::sub_interval &I1 = reduced ? Ir1 : In1;
+        const gmm::sub_interval &I2 = reduced ? Ir2 : In2;
+        GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(I1.size() && I2.size(), "Internal error");
-  bool ga_workspace::used_variables(std::vector<std::string> &vl,
-                                    std::vector<std::string> &vl_test1,
-                                    std::vector<std::string> &vl_test2,
-                                    std::vector<std::string> &dl,
-                                    size_type order) {
-    bool islin = true;
-    std::set<var_trans_pair> vll, dll;
-    for (size_type i = 0; i < vl.size(); ++i)
-      vll.insert(var_trans_pair(vl[i], ""));
-    for (size_type i = 0; i < dl.size(); ++i)
-      dll.insert(var_trans_pair(dl[i], ""));
+        scalar_type ninf = gmm::vect_norminf(elem);
+        if (ninf == scalar_type(0)) return 0;
-    for (size_type i = 0; i < trees.size(); ++i) {
-      ga_workspace::tree_description &td =  trees[i];
-      std::set<var_trans_pair> dllaux;
-      bool fv = ga_extract_variables(td.ptree->root, *this, *(td.m),
-                                     dllaux, false);
+        size_type s1 = t.sizes()[0], s2 = t.sizes()[1];
+        size_type cv1 = pmf1 ? ctx1.convex_num() : s1;
+        size_type cv2 = pmf2 ? ctx2.convex_num() : s2;
+        size_type N = 1;
-      if (td.order == order) {
-        for (std::set<var_trans_pair>::iterator it = dllaux.begin();
-             it!=dllaux.end(); ++it)
-          dll.insert(*it);
-      }
-      switch (td.order) {
-      case 0:  break;
-      case 1:
-        if (td.order == order) {
-          if (variable_group_exists(td.name_test1)) {
-            for (const std::string &t : variable_group(td.name_test1))
-              vll.insert(var_trans_pair(t, td.interpolate_name_test1));
-          } else {
-            vll.insert(var_trans_pair(td.name_test1,
-                                      td.interpolate_name_test1));
-          }
-          bool found = false;
-          for (const std::string &t : vl_test1)
-            if ( == 0)
-              found = true;
-          if (!found)
-            vl_test1.push_back(td.name_test1);
-        }
-        break;
-      case 2:
-        if (td.order == order) {
-          if (variable_group_exists(td.name_test1)) {
-            for (const std::string &t : variable_group(td.name_test1))
-              vll.insert(var_trans_pair(t, td.interpolate_name_test1));
+        dofs1.assign(s1, I1.first());
+        if (pmf1) {
+          if (!(ctx1.is_convex_num_valid())) return 0;
+          N = ctx1.N();
+          auto &ct1 = pmf1->ind_scalar_basic_dof_of_element(cv1);
+          size_type qmult1 = pmf1->get_qdim();
+          if (qmult1 > 1) qmult1 /= pmf1->fem_of_element(cv1)->target_dim();
+          auto itd = dofs1.begin();
+          if (qmult1 == 1) {
+            for (auto itt = ct1.begin(); itt != ct1.end(); ++itt)
+              *itd++ += *itt;
           } else {
-            vll.insert(var_trans_pair(td.name_test1,
-                                      td.interpolate_name_test1));
+            for (auto itt = ct1.begin(); itt != ct1.end(); ++itt)
+              for (size_type q = 0; q < qmult1; ++q)
+                  *itd++ += *itt + q;
-          if (variable_group_exists(td.name_test2)) {
-            for (const std::string &t : variable_group(td.name_test2))
-              vll.insert(var_trans_pair(t, td.interpolate_name_test2));
+        } else
+          for (size_type i=0; i < s1; ++i) dofs1[i] += i;
+        if (pmf1 == pmf2 && cv1 == cv2) {
+          if (I1.first() == I2.first()) {
+            add_elem_matrix_(K, dofs1, dofs1, dofs1_sort, elem, ninf*1E-14, N);
           } else {
-            vll.insert(var_trans_pair(td.name_test2,
-                                      td.interpolate_name_test2));
-          }
-          bool found = false;
-          for (size_type j = 0; j < vl_test1.size(); ++j)
-            if (([j]) == 0) &&
-                ([j]) == 0))
-              found = true;
-          if (!found) {
-            vl_test1.push_back(td.name_test1);
-            vl_test2.push_back(td.name_test2);
+            dofs2.resize(dofs1.size());
+            for (size_type i = 0; i < dofs1.size(); ++i)
+              dofs2[i] =  dofs1[i] + I2.first() - I1.first();
+            add_elem_matrix_(K, dofs1, dofs2, dofs1_sort, elem, ninf*1E-14, N);
+        } else {
+          dofs2.assign(s2, I2.first());
+          if (pmf2) {
+            if (!(ctx2.is_convex_num_valid())) return 0;
+            N = std::max(N, ctx2.N());
+            auto &ct2 = pmf2->ind_scalar_basic_dof_of_element(cv2);
+            size_type qmult2 = pmf2->get_qdim();
+            if (qmult2 > 1) qmult2 /= pmf2->fem_of_element(cv2)->target_dim();
+            auto itd = dofs2.begin();
+            if (qmult2 == 1) {
+              for (auto itt = ct2.begin(); itt != ct2.end(); ++itt)
+                *itd++ += *itt;
+            } else {
+              for (auto itt = ct2.begin(); itt != ct2.end(); ++itt)
+                for (size_type q = 0; q < qmult2; ++q)
+                  *itd++ += *itt + q;
+            }
+          } else
+            for (size_type i=0; i < s2; ++i) dofs2[i] += i;
+          add_elem_matrix_(K, dofs1, dofs2, dofs1_sort, elem, ninf*1E-14, N);
-        if (fv) islin = false;
-        break;
+      return 0;
-    vl.clear();
-    for (const auto &var : vll)
-      if (vl.size() == 0 ||
-        vl.push_back(var.varname);
-    dl.clear();
-    for (const auto &var : dll)
-      if (dl.size() == 0 ||
-        dl.push_back(var.varname);
+    ga_instruction_matrix_assembly
+    (const base_tensor &t_, MAT &Kr_, MAT &Kn_,
+     const fem_interpolation_context &ctx1_,
+     const fem_interpolation_context &ctx2_,
+     const gmm::sub_interval &Ir1_, const gmm::sub_interval &In1_,
+     const gmm::sub_interval &Ir2_, const gmm::sub_interval &In2_,
+     const mesh_fem *mfn1_, const mesh_fem **mfg1_,
+     const mesh_fem *mfn2_, const mesh_fem **mfg2_,
+     const scalar_type &coeff_,
+     const scalar_type &alpha2_, const scalar_type &alpha1_,
+     const size_type &nbpt_, const size_type &ipt_, bool interpolate_)
+      : t(t_), Kr(Kr_), Kn(Kn_), ctx1(ctx1_), ctx2(ctx2_),
+        Ir1(Ir1_), Ir2(Ir2_), In1(In1_), In2(In2_),
+        mfn1(mfn1_), mfn2(mfn2_), mfg1(mfg1_), mfg2(mfg2_),
+        coeff(coeff_), alpha1(alpha1_), alpha2(alpha2_),
+        nbpt(nbpt_), ipt(ipt_), interpolate(interpolate_),
+        dofs1(0), dofs2(0) {}
+  };
-    return islin;
-  }
+  template <class MAT = model_real_sparse_matrix>
+  struct ga_instruction_matrix_assembly_standard_scalar: public ga_instruction 
+    const base_tensor &t;
+    MAT &K;
+    const fem_interpolation_context &ctx1, &ctx2;
+    const gmm::sub_interval &I1, &I2;
+    const mesh_fem *pmf1, *pmf2;
+    const scalar_type &coeff, &alpha1, &alpha2;
+    const size_type &nbpt, &ipt;
+    base_vector elem;
+    std::vector<size_type> dofs1, dofs2, dofs1_sort;
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: matrix term assembly for standard "
+                    "scalar fems");
+      if (ipt == 0) {
+        elem.resize(t.size());
+        auto itt = t.begin(); auto it = elem.begin(), ite = elem.end();
+        scalar_type e = coeff*alpha1*alpha2;
+        size_type nd = ((t.size()) >> 2);
+        for (size_type i = 0; i < nd; ++i) {
+          *it++ = (*itt++) * e; *it++ = (*itt++) * e;
+          *it++ = (*itt++) * e; *it++ = (*itt++) * e;
+        }
+        for (; it != ite;) *it++ = (*itt++) * e;
+        // gmm::copy(gmm::scaled(t.as_vector(), coeff*alpha1*alpha2), elem);
+      } else {
+        // Faster than a daxpy blas call on my config
+        auto itt = t.begin(); auto it = elem.begin(), ite = elem.end();
+        scalar_type e = coeff*alpha1*alpha2;
+        size_type nd = ((t.size()) >> 2);
+        for (size_type i = 0; i < nd; ++i) {
+          *it++ += (*itt++) * e; *it++ += (*itt++) * e;
+          *it++ += (*itt++) * e; *it++ += (*itt++) * e;
+        }
+        for (; it != ite;) *it++ += (*itt++) * e;
+        // gmm::add(gmm::scaled(t.as_vector(), coeff*alpha1*alpha2), elem);
+      }
+      if (ipt == nbpt-1) {
+        GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(I1.size() && I2.size(), "Internal error");
-  void ga_workspace::define_variable_group(const std::string &group_name,
-                                           const std::vector<std::string> &nl) 
-    GMM_ASSERT1(!(variable_exists(group_name)), "The name of a group of "
-                "variables cannot be the same as a variable name");
+        scalar_type ninf = gmm::vect_norminf(elem);
+        if (ninf == scalar_type(0)) return 0;
-    std::set<const mesh *> ms;
-    bool is_data_ = false;
-    for (size_type i = 0; i < nl.size(); ++i) {
-      if (i == 0)
-        is_data_ = is_constant(nl[i]);
-      else {
-        GMM_ASSERT1(is_data_ == is_constant(nl[i]),
-                    "It is not possible to mix variables and data in a group");
+        size_type cv1 = ctx1.convex_num(), cv2 = ctx2.convex_num(), N=ctx1.N();
+        if (cv1 == size_type(-1)) return 0;
+        auto &ct1 = pmf1->ind_scalar_basic_dof_of_element(cv1);
+        GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(ct1.size() == t.sizes()[0], "Internal error");
+        dofs1.resize(ct1.size());
+        for (size_type i = 0; i < ct1.size(); ++i)
+          dofs1[i] = ct1[i] + I1.first();
+        if (pmf2 == pmf1 && cv1 == cv2) {
+          if (I1.first() == I2.first()) {
+            add_elem_matrix_(K, dofs1, dofs1, dofs1_sort, elem, ninf*1E-14, N);
+          } else {
+            dofs2.resize(dofs1.size());
+            for (size_type i = 0; i < dofs1.size(); ++i)
+              dofs2[i] =  dofs1[i] + I2.first() - I1.first();
+            add_elem_matrix_(K, dofs1, dofs2, dofs1_sort, elem, ninf*1E-14, N);
+          }
+        } else {
+          if (cv2 == size_type(-1)) return 0;
+          auto &ct2 = pmf2->ind_scalar_basic_dof_of_element(cv2);
+          GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(ct2.size() == t.sizes()[1], "Internal error");
+          dofs2.resize(ct2.size());
+          for (size_type i = 0; i < ct2.size(); ++i)
+            dofs2[i] = ct2[i] + I2.first();
+          add_elem_matrix_(K, dofs1, dofs2, dofs1_sort, elem, ninf*1E-14, N);
+        }
+      }
+      return 0;
+    }
+    ga_instruction_matrix_assembly_standard_scalar
+    (const base_tensor &t_, MAT &Kn_,
+     const fem_interpolation_context &ctx1_,
+     const fem_interpolation_context &ctx2_,
+     const gmm::sub_interval &In1_, const gmm::sub_interval &In2_,
+     const mesh_fem *mfn1_, const mesh_fem *mfn2_,
+     const scalar_type &coeff_, const scalar_type &alpha2_,
+     const scalar_type &alpha1_,
+     const size_type &nbpt_, const size_type &ipt_)
+      : t(t_), K(Kn_), ctx1(ctx1_), ctx2(ctx2_),
+        I1(In1_), I2(In2_),  pmf1(mfn1_), pmf2(mfn2_),
+        coeff(coeff_), alpha1(alpha1_), alpha2(alpha2_),
+        nbpt(nbpt_), ipt(ipt_) {}
+  };
+  template <class MAT = model_real_sparse_matrix>
+  struct ga_instruction_matrix_assembly_standard_vector: public ga_instruction 
+    const base_tensor &t;
+    MAT &K;
+    const fem_interpolation_context &ctx1, &ctx2;
+    const gmm::sub_interval &I1, &I2;
+    const mesh_fem *pmf1, *pmf2;
+    const scalar_type &coeff, &alpha1, &alpha2;
+    const size_type &nbpt, &ipt;
+    mutable base_vector elem;
+    mutable std::vector<size_type> dofs1, dofs2, dofs1_sort;
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: matrix term assembly for standard "
+                        "vector fems");
+      if (ipt == 0) {
+        elem.resize(t.size());
+        auto itt = t.begin(); auto it = elem.begin(), ite = elem.end();
+        scalar_type e = coeff*alpha1*alpha2;
+        size_type nd = ((t.size()) >> 3);
+        for (size_type i = 0; i < nd; ++i) {
+          *it++ = (*itt++) * e; *it++ = (*itt++) * e;
+          *it++ = (*itt++) * e; *it++ = (*itt++) * e;
+          *it++ = (*itt++) * e; *it++ = (*itt++) * e;
+          *it++ = (*itt++) * e; *it++ = (*itt++) * e;
+        }
+        for (; it != ite;) *it++ = (*itt++) * e;
+        // gmm::copy(gmm::scaled(t.as_vector(), coeff*alpha1*alpha2), elem);
+      } else {
+        // (Far) faster than a daxpy blas call on my config.
+        auto itt = t.begin(); auto it = elem.begin(), ite = elem.end();
+        scalar_type e = coeff*alpha1*alpha2;
+        size_type nd = ((t.size()) >> 3);
+        for (size_type i = 0; i < nd; ++i) {
+          *it++ += (*itt++) * e; *it++ += (*itt++) * e;
+          *it++ += (*itt++) * e; *it++ += (*itt++) * e;
+          *it++ += (*itt++) * e; *it++ += (*itt++) * e;
+          *it++ += (*itt++) * e; *it++ += (*itt++) * e;
+        }
+        for (; it != ite;) *it++ += (*itt++) * e;
+        // gmm::add(gmm::scaled(t.as_vector(), coeff*alpha1*alpha2), elem);
-      GMM_ASSERT1(variable_exists(nl[i]),
-                  "All variables in a group have to exist in the model");
-      const mesh_fem *mf = associated_mf(nl[i]);
-      GMM_ASSERT1(mf, "Variables in a group should be fem variables");
-      GMM_ASSERT1(ms.find(&(mf->linked_mesh())) == ms.end(),
-                  "Two variables in a group cannot share the same mesh");
-      ms.insert(&(mf->linked_mesh()));
-    }
-    variable_groups[group_name] = nl;
-  }
-  const std::string &ga_workspace::variable_in_group
-  (const std::string &group_name, const mesh &m) const {
-    if (variable_group_exists(group_name)) {
-      for (const std::string &t : variable_group(group_name))
-        if (&(associated_mf(t)->linked_mesh()) == &m)
-          return t;
-      GMM_ASSERT1(false, "No variable in this group for the given mesh");
-    } else
-      return group_name;
-  }
+      if (ipt == nbpt-1) {
+        GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(I1.size() && I2.size(), "Internal error");
+        scalar_type ninf = gmm::vect_norminf(elem);
+        if (ninf == scalar_type(0)) return 0;
+        size_type s1 = t.sizes()[0], s2 = t.sizes()[1], N = ctx1.N();
-  void ga_workspace::assembly(size_type order) {
-    size_type ndof;
-    const ga_workspace *w = this;
-    while (w->parent_workspace) w = w->parent_workspace;
-    if (w->md) ndof = w->md->nb_dof(); // To eventually call actualize_sizes()
+        size_type cv1 = ctx1.convex_num(), cv2 = ctx2.convex_num();
+        if (cv1 == size_type(-1)) return 0;
+        auto &ct1 = pmf1->ind_scalar_basic_dof_of_element(cv1);
+        size_type qmult1 = pmf1->get_qdim();
+        if (qmult1 > 1) qmult1 /= pmf1->fem_of_element(cv1)->target_dim();
+        dofs1.assign(s1, I1.first());
+        auto itd = dofs1.begin();
+        for (auto itt = ct1.begin(); itt != ct1.end(); ++itt)
+          for (size_type q = 0; q < qmult1; ++q)
+            *itd++ += *itt + q;
-    GA_TIC;
-    ga_instruction_set gis;
-    ga_compile(*this, gis, order);
-    ndof = gis.nb_dof;
-    size_type max_dof =  gis.max_dof;
-    GA_TOCTIC("Compile time");
+        if (pmf2 == pmf1 && cv1 == cv2) {
+          if (I1.first() == I2.first()) {
+            add_elem_matrix_(K, dofs1, dofs1, dofs1_sort, elem, ninf*1E-14, N);
+          } else {
+            dofs2.resize(dofs1.size());
+            for (size_type i = 0; i < dofs1.size(); ++i)
+              dofs2[i] =  dofs1[i] + I2.first() - I1.first();
+            add_elem_matrix_(K, dofs1, dofs2, dofs1_sort, elem, ninf*1E-14, N);
+          }
+        } else {
+          if (cv2 == size_type(-1)) return 0;
+          auto &ct2 = pmf2->ind_scalar_basic_dof_of_element(cv2);
+          size_type qmult2 = pmf2->get_qdim();
+          if (qmult2 > 1) qmult2 /= pmf2->fem_of_element(cv2)->target_dim();
+          dofs2.assign(s2, I2.first());
+          itd = dofs2.begin();
+          for (auto itt = ct2.begin(); itt != ct2.end(); ++itt)
+            for (size_type q = 0; q < qmult2; ++q)
+              *itd++ += *itt + q;
-    if (order == 2) {
-      if (K.use_count()) {
-        gmm::clear(*K);
-        gmm::resize(*K, max_dof, max_dof);
+          add_elem_matrix_(K, dofs1, dofs2, dofs1_sort, elem, ninf*1E-14, N);
+        }
-      gmm::clear(unreduced_K);
-      gmm::resize(unreduced_K, ndof, ndof);
+      return 0;
-    if (order == 1) {
-      if (V.use_count()) {
-        gmm::clear(*V);
-        gmm::resize(*V, max_dof);
+    ga_instruction_matrix_assembly_standard_vector
+    (const base_tensor &t_, MAT &Kn_,
+     const fem_interpolation_context &ctx1_,
+     const fem_interpolation_context &ctx2_,
+     const gmm::sub_interval &In1_, const gmm::sub_interval &In2_,
+     const mesh_fem *mfn1_, const mesh_fem *mfn2_,
+     const scalar_type &coeff_, const scalar_type &alpha2_,
+     const scalar_type &alpha1_, const size_type &nbpt_,
+     const size_type &ipt_)
+      : t(t_), K(Kn_), ctx1(ctx1_), ctx2(ctx2_),
+        I1(In1_), I2(In2_),  pmf1(mfn1_), pmf2(mfn2_),
+        coeff(coeff_), alpha1(alpha1_), alpha2(alpha2_),
+        nbpt(nbpt_), ipt(ipt_), dofs1(0), dofs2(0) {}
+  };
+  struct ga_instruction_matrix_assembly_standard_vector_opt10_2
+    : public ga_instruction {
+    const base_tensor &t;
+    model_real_sparse_matrix &K;
+    const fem_interpolation_context &ctx1, &ctx2;
+    const gmm::sub_interval &I1, &I2;
+    const mesh_fem *pmf1, *pmf2;
+    const scalar_type &coeff, &alpha1, &alpha2;
+    const size_type &nbpt, &ipt;
+    mutable base_vector elem;
+    mutable std::vector<size_type> dofs1, dofs2, dofs1_sort;
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: matrix term assembly for standard "
+                    "vector fems optimized for format 10 qdim 2");
+      size_type s1 = t.sizes()[0], s2 = t.sizes()[1], s1_q = 2*s1;
+      size_type ss1 = s1/2, ss2 = s2/2;
+      scalar_type e = coeff*alpha1*alpha2;
+      if (ipt == 0) {
+        elem.resize(ss1*ss2);
+        auto itel = elem.begin();
+        for (size_type j = 0; j < ss2; ++j) {
+          auto it = t.begin() + j*s1_q;
+          for (size_type i = 0; i < ss1; ++i, it += 2)
+            *itel++ = (*it) * e;
+        }
+      } else {
+        auto itel = elem.begin();
+        for (size_type j = 0; j < ss2; ++j) {
+          auto it = t.begin() + j*s1_q;
+          for (size_type i = 0; i < ss1; ++i, it += 2)
+            *itel++ += (*it) * e;
+        }
-      gmm::clear(unreduced_V);
-      gmm::resize(unreduced_V, ndof);
-    }
-    E = 0;
-    GA_TOCTIC("Init time");
+      if (ipt == nbpt-1) {
+        GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(I1.size() && I2.size(), "Internal error");
-    ga_exec(gis, *this);
-    GA_TOCTIC("Exec time");
+        scalar_type ninf = gmm::vect_norminf(elem) * 1E-14;
+        if (ninf == scalar_type(0)) return 0;
+        size_type N = ctx1.N();
+        size_type cv1 = ctx1.convex_num(), cv2 = ctx2.convex_num();
+        size_type i1 = I1.first(), i2 = I2.first();
+        if (cv1 == size_type(-1)) return 0;
+        auto &ct1 = pmf1->ind_scalar_basic_dof_of_element(cv1);
+        dofs1.resize(ss1);
+        for (size_type i = 0; i < ss1; ++i) dofs1[i] = i1 + ct1[i];
-    if (order == 1) {
-      MPI_SUM_VECTOR(assembled_vector());
-      MPI_SUM_VECTOR(unreduced_V);
-    } else if (order == 0) {
-      assembled_potential() = MPI_SUM_SCALAR(assembled_potential());
+        if (pmf2 == pmf1 && cv1 == cv2) {
+          if (i1 == i2) {
+            add_elem_matrix_(K, dofs1, dofs1, dofs1_sort, elem, ninf, N);
+            for (size_type i = 0; i < ss1; ++i) (dofs1[i])++;
+            add_elem_matrix_(K, dofs1, dofs1, dofs1_sort, elem, ninf, N);
+          } else {
+            dofs2.resize(ss2);
+            for (size_type i = 0; i < ss2; ++i) dofs2[i] = i2 + ct1[i];
+            add_elem_matrix_(K, dofs1, dofs2, dofs1_sort, elem, ninf, N);
+            for (size_type i = 0; i < ss1; ++i) (dofs1[i])++;
+            for (size_type i = 0; i < ss2; ++i) (dofs2[i])++;
+            add_elem_matrix_(K, dofs1, dofs2, dofs1_sort, elem, ninf, N);
+          }
+        } else {
+          if (cv2 == size_type(-1)) return 0;
+          auto &ct2 = pmf2->ind_scalar_basic_dof_of_element(cv2);
+          dofs2.resize(ss2);
+          for (size_type i = 0; i < ss2; ++i) dofs2[i] = i2 + ct2[i];
+          add_elem_matrix_(K, dofs1, dofs2, dofs1_sort, elem, ninf, N);
+          for (size_type i = 0; i < ss1; ++i) (dofs1[i])++;
+          for (size_type i = 0; i < ss2; ++i) (dofs2[i])++;
+          add_elem_matrix_(K, dofs1, dofs2, dofs1_sort, elem, ninf, N);
+        }
+      }
+      return 0;
+    ga_instruction_matrix_assembly_standard_vector_opt10_2
+    (const base_tensor &t_, model_real_sparse_matrix &Kn_,
+     const fem_interpolation_context &ctx1_,
+     const fem_interpolation_context &ctx2_,
+     const gmm::sub_interval &In1_, const gmm::sub_interval &In2_,
+     const mesh_fem *mfn1_, const mesh_fem *mfn2_,
+     const scalar_type &coeff_, const scalar_type &alpha2_,
+     const scalar_type &alpha1_, const size_type &nbpt_,
+     const size_type &ipt_)
+      : t(t_), K(Kn_), ctx1(ctx1_), ctx2(ctx2_),
+        I1(In1_), I2(In2_),  pmf1(mfn1_), pmf2(mfn2_),
+        coeff(coeff_), alpha1(alpha1_), alpha2(alpha2_),
+        nbpt(nbpt_), ipt(ipt_), dofs1(0), dofs2(0) {}
+  };
-    // Deal with reduced fems.
-    if (order > 0) {
-      std::set<std::string> vars_vec_done;
-      std::set<std::pair<std::string, std::string> > vars_mat_done;
-      for (ga_tree &tree : gis.trees) {
-        if (tree.root) {
-          if (order == 1) {
-            const std::string &name = tree.root->name_test1;
-            const std::vector<std::string> vnames_(1,name);
-            const std::vector<std::string> &vnames
-              = variable_group_exists(name) ? variable_group(name)
-                                            : vnames_;
-            for (const std::string &vname : vnames) {
-              const mesh_fem *mf = associated_mf(vname);
-              if (mf && mf->is_reduced() &&
-                  vars_vec_done.find(vname) == vars_vec_done.end()) {
-                gmm::mult_add(gmm::transposed(mf->extension_matrix()),
-                              gmm::sub_vector(unreduced_V,
-                                              gis.var_intervals[vname]),
-                              gmm::sub_vector(*V,
-                                              interval_of_variable(vname)));
-                vars_vec_done.insert(vname);
-              }
-            }
+  struct ga_instruction_matrix_assembly_standard_vector_opt10_3
+    : public ga_instruction {
+    const base_tensor &t;
+    model_real_sparse_matrix &K;
+    const fem_interpolation_context &ctx1, &ctx2;
+    const gmm::sub_interval &I1, &I2;
+    const mesh_fem *pmf1, *pmf2;
+    const scalar_type &coeff, &alpha1, &alpha2;
+    const size_type &nbpt, &ipt;
+    mutable base_vector elem;
+    mutable std::vector<size_type> dofs1, dofs2, dofs1_sort;
+    virtual int exec() {
+      GA_DEBUG_INFO("Instruction: matrix term assembly for standard "
+                    "vector fems optimized for format 10 qdim 3");
+      size_type s1 = t.sizes()[0], s2 = t.sizes()[1], s1_q = 3*s1;
+      size_type ss1 = s1/3, ss2 = s2/3;
+      scalar_type e = coeff*alpha1*alpha2;
+      if (ipt == 0) {
+        elem.resize(ss1*ss2);
+        auto itel = elem.begin();
+        for (size_type j = 0; j < ss2; ++j) {
+          auto it = t.begin() + j*s1_q;
+          for (size_type i = 0; i < ss1; ++i, it += 3)
+            *itel++ = (*it) * e;
+        }
+      } else {
+        auto itel = elem.begin();
+        for (size_type j = 0; j < ss2; ++j) {
+          auto it = t.begin() + j*s1_q;
+          for (size_type i = 0; i < ss1; ++i, it += 3)
+            *itel++ += (*it) * e;
+        }
+      }
+      if (ipt == nbpt-1) {
+        GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(I1.size() && I2.size(), "Internal error");
+        scalar_type ninf = gmm::vect_norminf(elem)*1E-14;
+        if (ninf == scalar_type(0)) return 0;
+        size_type N = ctx1.N();
+        size_type cv1 = ctx1.convex_num(), cv2 = ctx2.convex_num();
+        size_type i1 = I1.first(), i2 = I2.first();
+        if (cv1 == size_type(-1)) return 0;
+        auto &ct1 = pmf1->ind_scalar_basic_dof_of_element(cv1);
+        dofs1.resize(ss1);
+        for (size_type i = 0; i < ss1; ++i) dofs1[i] = i1 + ct1[i];
+        if (pmf2 == pmf1 && cv1 == cv2) {
+          if (i1 == i2) {
+            add_elem_matrix_(K, dofs1, dofs1, dofs1_sort, elem, ninf, N);
+            for (size_type i = 0; i < ss1; ++i) (dofs1[i])++;
+            add_elem_matrix_(K, dofs1, dofs1, dofs1_sort, elem, ninf, N);
+            for (size_type i = 0; i < ss1; ++i) (dofs1[i])++;
+            add_elem_matrix_(K, dofs1, dofs1, dofs1_sort, elem, ninf, N);
           } else {
-            std::string &name1 = tree.root->name_test1;
-            std::string &name2 = tree.root->name_test2;
-            const std::vector<std::string> vnames1_(1,name1),
-                                           vnames2_(2,name2);
-            const std::vector<std::string> &vnames1
-              = variable_group_exists(name1) ? variable_group(name1)
-                                             : vnames1_;
-            const std::vector<std::string> &vnames2
-              = variable_group_exists(name2) ? variable_group(name2)
-                                             : vnames2_;
-            for (const std::string &vname1 : vnames1) {
-              for (const std::string &vname2 : vnames2) {
-                const mesh_fem *mf1 = associated_mf(vname1);
-                const mesh_fem *mf2 = associated_mf(vname2);
-                if (((mf1 && mf1->is_reduced())
-                     || (mf2 && mf2->is_reduced()))) {
-                  std::pair<std::string, std::string> p(vname1, vname2);
-                  if (vars_mat_done.find(p) == vars_mat_done.end()) {
-                    gmm::sub_interval uI1 = gis.var_intervals[vname1];
-                    gmm::sub_interval uI2 = gis.var_intervals[vname2];
-                    gmm::sub_interval I1 = interval_of_variable(vname1);
-                    gmm::sub_interval I2 = interval_of_variable(vname2);
-                    if ((mf1 && mf1->is_reduced()) &&
-                        (mf2 && mf2->is_reduced())) {
-                      model_real_sparse_matrix aux(I1.size(), uI2.size());
-                      model_real_row_sparse_matrix M(I1.size(), I2.size());
-                      gmm::mult(gmm::transposed(mf1->extension_matrix()),
-                                gmm::sub_matrix(unreduced_K, uI1, uI2), aux);
-                      gmm::mult(aux, mf2->extension_matrix(), M);
-                      gmm::add(M, gmm::sub_matrix(*K, I1, I2));
-                    } else if (mf1 && mf1->is_reduced()) {
-                      model_real_sparse_matrix M(I1.size(), I2.size());
-                      gmm::mult(gmm::transposed(mf1->extension_matrix()),
-                                gmm::sub_matrix(unreduced_K, uI1, uI2), M);
-                      gmm::add(M, gmm::sub_matrix(*K, I1, I2));
-                    } else {
-                      model_real_row_sparse_matrix M(I1.size(), I2.size());
-                      gmm::mult(gmm::sub_matrix(unreduced_K, uI1, uI2),
-                                mf2->extension_matrix(), M);
-                      gmm::add(M, gmm::sub_matrix(*K, I1, I2));
-                    }
-                    vars_mat_done.insert(p);
-                  }
-                }
-              }
-            }
+            dofs2.resize(ss2);
+            for (size_type i = 0; i < ss2; ++i) dofs2[i] = i2 + ct1[i];
+            add_elem_matrix_(K, dofs1, dofs2, dofs1_sort, elem, ninf, N);
+            for (size_type i = 0; i < ss1; ++i) (dofs1[i])++;
+            for (size_type i = 0; i < ss2; ++i) (dofs2[i])++;
+            add_elem_matrix_(K, dofs1, dofs2, dofs1_sort, elem, ninf, N);
+            for (size_type i = 0; i < ss1; ++i) (dofs1[i])++;
+            for (size_type i = 0; i < ss2; ++i) (dofs2[i])++;
+            add_elem_matrix_(K, dofs1, dofs2, dofs1_sort, elem, ninf, N);
+        } else {
+          if (cv2 == size_type(-1)) return 0;
+          auto &ct2 = pmf2->ind_scalar_basic_dof_of_element(cv2);
+          dofs2.resize(ss2);
+          for (size_type i = 0; i < ss2; ++i) dofs2[i] = i2 + ct2[i];
+          add_elem_matrix_(K, dofs1, dofs2, dofs1_sort, elem, ninf, N);
+          for (size_type i = 0; i < ss1; ++i) (dofs1[i])++;
+          for (size_type i = 0; i < ss2; ++i) (dofs2[i])++;
+          add_elem_matrix_(K, dofs1, dofs2, dofs1_sort, elem, ninf, N);
+          for (size_type i = 0; i < ss1; ++i) (dofs1[i])++;
+          for (size_type i = 0; i < ss2; ++i) (dofs2[i])++;
+          add_elem_matrix_(K, dofs1, dofs2, dofs1_sort, elem, ninf, N);
+      return 0;
-  }
-  void ga_workspace::clear_expressions() {
-    trees.clear();
-    macro_trees.clear();
-  }
+    ga_instruction_matrix_assembly_standard_vector_opt10_3
+    (const base_tensor &t_, model_real_sparse_matrix &Kn_,
+     const fem_interpolation_context &ctx1_,
+     const fem_interpolation_context &ctx2_,
+     const gmm::sub_interval &In1_, const gmm::sub_interval &In2_,
+     const mesh_fem *mfn1_, const mesh_fem *mfn2_,
+     const scalar_type &coeff_, const scalar_type &alpha2_,
+     const scalar_type &alpha1_, const size_type &nbpt_,
+     const size_type &ipt_)
+      : t(t_), K(Kn_), ctx1(ctx1_), ctx2(ctx2_),
+        I1(In1_), I2(In2_),  pmf1(mfn1_), pmf2(mfn2_),
+        coeff(coeff_), alpha1(alpha1_), alpha2(alpha2_),
+        nbpt(nbpt_), ipt(ipt_), dofs1(0), dofs2(0) {}
+  };
-  void ga_workspace::print(std::ostream &str) {
-    for (size_type i = 0; i < trees.size(); ++i)
-      if (trees[i].ptree->root) {
-        cout << "Expression tree " << i << " of order " <<
-                trees[i].ptree->root->nb_test_functions() << " :" << endl;
-        ga_print_node(trees[i].ptree->root, str);
-        cout << endl;
-      }
-  }
-  void ga_workspace::tree_description::copy(const tree_description& td) {
-    order = td.order;
-    interpolation = td.interpolation;
-    varname_interpolation = td.varname_interpolation;
-    name_test1 = td.name_test1;
-    name_test2 = td.name_test2;
-    interpolate_name_test1 = td.interpolate_name_test1;
-    interpolate_name_test2 = td.interpolate_name_test2;
-    mim = td.mim;
-    m = td.m;
-    rg = td.rg;
-    ptree = 0;
-    if (td.ptree) ptree = new ga_tree(*(td.ptree));
-  }
-  ga_workspace::tree_description &ga_workspace::tree_description::operator =
-  (const ga_workspace::tree_description& td)
-  { if (ptree) delete ptree; ptree = 0; copy(td); return *this; }
-  ga_workspace::tree_description::~tree_description()
-  { if (ptree) delete ptree; ptree = 0; }
-  // Some hash code functions for node identification
+  // Structure dealing with user defined environment : constant, variables,
+  // functions, operators.
-  static scalar_type ga_hash_code(const std::string &s) {
-    scalar_type c(0);
-    for (size_type i = 0; i < s.size(); ++i)
-      c += sin(M_E+scalar_type(s[i]))+M_PI*M_E*scalar_type(i+1);
-    return c;
+  void ga_workspace::init() {
+    // allocate own storage for K an V to be used unless/until external
+    // storage is provided with set_assembled_matrix/vector
+    K = std::make_shared<model_real_sparse_matrix>(2,2);
+    V = std::make_shared<base_vector>(2);
+    // add default transformations
+    add_interpolate_transformation
+      ("neighbour_elt", interpolate_transformation_neighbour_instance());
-  static scalar_type ga_hash_code(const base_tensor &t) {
-    scalar_type c(0);
-    for (size_type i = 0; i < t.size(); ++i)
-      c += sin(M_E+t[i]+M_E*M_E*scalar_type(i+1))+scalar_type(i+1)*M_PI;
-    return c;
+  // variables and variable groups
+  void ga_workspace::add_fem_variable
+  (const std::string &name, const mesh_fem &mf,
+   const gmm::sub_interval &I, const model_real_plain_vector &VV) {
+    variables[name] = var_description(true, true, &mf, I, &VV, 0, 1);
-  static scalar_type ga_hash_code(GA_NODE_TYPE e) {
-    return cos(M_E + scalar_type((e == GA_NODE_ZERO) ? GA_NODE_CONSTANT : e));
+  void ga_workspace::add_fixed_size_variable
+  (const std::string &name,
+   const gmm::sub_interval &I, const model_real_plain_vector &VV) {
+    variables[name] = var_description(true, false, 0, I, &VV, 0,
+                                      dim_type(gmm::vect_size(VV)));
-  static scalar_type ga_hash_code(const pga_tree_node pnode) {
-    scalar_type c = ga_hash_code(pnode->node_type);
-    switch (pnode->node_type) {
-      c += ga_hash_code(pnode->tensor());
-      if (pnode->test_function_type & 1)
-        c += 34.731 * ga_hash_code(pnode->name_test1);
-      if (pnode->test_function_type & 2)
-        c += 34.731 * ga_hash_code(pnode->name_test2);
-      break;
-    case GA_NODE_OP: c += scalar_type(pnode->op_type)*M_E*M_PI*M_PI; break;
-    case GA_NODE_X: c += scalar_type(pnode->nbc1) + M_E*M_PI; break;
-    case GA_NODE_VAL: case GA_NODE_GRAD:
-    case GA_NODE_HESS: case GA_NODE_DIVERG:
-      c += ga_hash_code(pnode->name); break;
-      c += 1.73*ga_hash_code(pnode->interpolate_name)
-        + 2.486*double(pnode->nbc1 + 1);
-      break;
-      c += 2.321*ga_hash_code(pnode->interpolate_name_der);
-      // No break. The hash code is completed with the next item
-      c += 1.33*(1.22+ga_hash_code(pnode->name))
-        + 1.66*ga_hash_code(pnode->interpolate_name);
-      break;
-      c += 1.33*(1.22+ga_hash_code(pnode->name))
-        + 2.63*ga_hash_code(pnode->elementary_name);
-      break;
-      c += 1.33*(1.22+ga_hash_code(pnode->name));
-      break;
-      c += M_PI*1.33*ga_hash_code(pnode->interpolate_name);
-      break;
-      c += ga_hash_code(pnode->name)
-        + tanh(scalar_type(pnode->der1)/M_PI + scalar_type(pnode->der2)*M_PI);
-      break;
-    default: break;
-    }
-    return c;
+  void ga_workspace::add_fem_constant
+  (const std::string &name, const mesh_fem &mf,
+   const model_real_plain_vector &VV) {
+    GMM_ASSERT1(mf.nb_dof(), "The provided mesh_fem of variable" << name
+                             << "has zero degrees of freedom.");
+    size_type Q = gmm::vect_size(VV)/mf.nb_dof();
+    if (Q == 0) Q = size_type(1);
+    variables[name] = var_description(false, true, &mf,
+                                      gmm::sub_interval(), &VV, 0, Q);
+  void ga_workspace::add_fixed_size_constant
+  (const std::string &name, const model_real_plain_vector &VV) {
+    variables[name] = var_description(false, false, 0,
+                                      gmm::sub_interval(), &VV, 0,
+                                      gmm::vect_size(VV));
+  }
+  void ga_workspace::add_im_data(const std::string &name, const im_data &imd,
+                                 const model_real_plain_vector &VV) {
+    variables[name] = var_description
+      (false, false, 0, gmm::sub_interval(), &VV, &imd,
+       gmm::vect_size(VV)/(imd.nb_filtered_index() * imd.nb_tensor_elem()));
+  }
-  // 0 : ok
-  // 1 : function or operator name or "X"
-  // 2 : reserved prefix Grad, Hess, Div, Test and Test2
-  // 3 : reserved prefix Dot and Previous
-  int ga_check_name_validity(const std::string &name) {
-    if (!("X")) ||
-        !("Normal")) ||
-        !("Reshape")))
-      return 1;
-    if (, 11, "Derivative_") == 0)
-      return 2;
-    ga_predef_function_tab &PREDEF_FUNCTIONS
-      = dal::singleton<ga_predef_function_tab>::instance(0);
-    ga_predef_operator_tab &PREDEF_OPERATORS
-      = dal::singleton<ga_predef_operator_tab>::instance(0);
-    ga_predef_function_tab::const_iterator it=PREDEF_FUNCTIONS.find(name);
-    if (it != PREDEF_FUNCTIONS.end())
-      return 1;
-    if (SPEC_FUNCTIONS.find(name) != SPEC_FUNCTIONS.end())
-      return 1;
-    if ( !=
-      return 1;
-    if (name.size() >= 5 &&, 5, "Grad_") == 0)
-      return 2;
-    if (name.size() >= 5 &&, 5, "Hess_") == 0)
-      return 2;
-    if (name.size() >= 4 &&, 4, "Div_") == 0)
-      return 2;
-    if (name.size() >= 6 &&, 6, "Test2_") == 0)
-      return 2;
-    if (name.size() >= 5 &&, 5, "Test_") == 0)
-      return 2;
+  bool ga_workspace::variable_exists(const std::string &name) const {
+    return (md && md->variable_exists(name)) ||
+      (parent_workspace && parent_workspace->variable_exists(name)) ||
+      (variables.find(name) != variables.end());
+  }
-//     if (name.size() >= 4 &&, 4, "Dot_") == 0)
-//       return 3;
-//     if (name.size() >= 5 &&, 5, "Dot2_") == 0)
-//       return 3;
+  bool ga_workspace::variable_group_exists(const std::string &name) const {
+    return (variable_groups.find(name) != variable_groups.end()) ||
+      (md && md->variable_group_exists(name)) ||
+      (parent_workspace && parent_workspace->variable_group_exists(name));
+  }
-//     if (name.size() >= 9 &&, 9, "Previous_") == 0)
-//       return 3;
-//     if (name.size() >= 10 &&, 10, "Previous2_") == 0)
-//       return 3;
-//     if (name.size() >= 12 &&, 12, "Previous1_2_") == 0)
-//       return 3;
+  const std::vector<std::string>&
+  ga_workspace::variable_group(const std::string &group_name) const {
+    std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string> >::const_iterator
+      it = variable_groups.find(group_name);
+    if (it != variable_groups.end())
+      return (variable_groups.find(group_name))->second;
+    if (md && md->variable_group_exists(group_name))
+      return md->variable_group(group_name);
+    if (parent_workspace &&
+        parent_workspace->variable_group_exists(group_name))
+      return parent_workspace->variable_group(group_name);
+    GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Undefined variable group " << group_name);
+  }
+  const std::string&
+  ga_workspace::first_variable_of_group(const std::string &name) const {
+    const std::vector<std::string> &t = variable_group(name);
+    GMM_ASSERT1(t.size(), "Variable group " << name << " is empty");
+    return t[0];
+  }
-    return 0;
+  bool ga_workspace::is_constant(const std::string &name) const {
+    VAR_SET::const_iterator it = variables.find(name);
+    if (it != variables.end()) return !(it->second.is_variable);
+    if (variable_group_exists(name))
+      return is_constant(first_variable_of_group(name));
+    if (md && md->variable_exists(name)) {
+      if (enable_all_md_variables) return md->is_true_data(name);
+      return md->is_data(name);
+    }
+    if (parent_workspace && parent_workspace->variable_exists(name))
+      return parent_workspace->is_constant(name);
+    GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Undefined variable " << name);
-  //=========================================================================
-  // Semantic analysis, tree simplification and tree enrichment
-  //    - Control tensor sizes for operations, operator or function call
-  //    - Compute all constant operations (i.e. non element dependent)
-  //    - Build a ready to use tree for derivation/compilation
-  //=========================================================================
-  // option = 0 : strict analysis,
-  //          1 : do not complain about incompatible test functions but
-  //              store them,
-  //          2 : cut incompatible test function branches with respect to the
-  //              one in workspace.selected_pair
-  //          3 : do not complain about incompatible test functions neither
-  //              store them,
-  static void ga_semantic_analysis(const std::string &expr, ga_tree &tree,
-                                   const ga_workspace &workspace,
-                                   size_type meshdim,
-                                   size_type ref_elt_dim,
-                                   bool eval_fixed_size,
-                                   bool ignore_X, int option) {
-    GMM_ASSERT1(predef_functions_initialized &&
-                predef_operators_nonlinear_elasticity_initialized &&
-                predef_operators_plasticity_initialized &&
-                predef_operators_contact_initialized, "Internal error");
-    if (!(tree.root)) return;
-    if (option == 1) { workspace.test1.clear(); workspace.test2.clear(); }
-    // cout << "semantic analysis of " << ga_tree_to_string(tree) << endl;
-    ga_node_analysis(expr, tree, workspace, tree.root, meshdim, ref_elt_dim,
-                     eval_fixed_size, ignore_X, option);
-    if (tree.root && option == 2) {
-      if (((tree.root->test_function_type & 1) &&
-           (tree.root->
-            || tree.root->
-            (workspace.selected_test1.transname)))
-          ||
-          ((tree.root->test_function_type & 2) &&
-           (tree.root->
-            || tree.root->
-            (workspace.selected_test2.transname))))
-        tree.clear();
-    }
-    // cout << "semantic analysis done " << endl;
-    ga_valid_operand(expr, tree.root);
+  bool ga_workspace::is_disabled_variable(const std::string &name) const {
+    VAR_SET::const_iterator it = variables.find(name);
+    if (it != variables.end()) return false;
+    if (variable_group_exists(name))
+      return is_disabled_variable(first_variable_of_group(name));
+    if (md && md->variable_exists(name)) {
+      if (enable_all_md_variables) return false;
+      return md->is_disabled_variable(name);
+    }
+    if (parent_workspace && parent_workspace->variable_exists(name))
+      return parent_workspace->is_disabled_variable(name);
+    GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Undefined variable " << name);
-  static void ga_node_analysis(const std::string &expr, ga_tree &tree,
-                               const ga_workspace &workspace,
-                               pga_tree_node pnode, size_type meshdim,
-                               size_type ref_elt_dim, bool eval_fixed_size,
-                               bool ignore_X, int option) {
-    bool all_cte = true, all_sc = true;
-    pnode->symmetric_op = false;
-    for (size_type i = 0; i < pnode->children.size(); ++i) {
-      ga_node_analysis(expr, tree, workspace, pnode->children[i], meshdim,
-                       ref_elt_dim, eval_fixed_size, ignore_X, option);
-      all_cte = all_cte && (pnode->children[i]->node_type == GA_NODE_CONSTANT);
-      all_sc = all_sc && (pnode->children[i]->tensor_proper_size() == 1);
-      GMM_ASSERT1(pnode->children[i]->test_function_type != size_type(-1),
-                  "internal error on child " << i);
-      if (pnode->node_type != GA_NODE_PARAMS)
-        ga_valid_operand(expr, pnode->children[i]);
-    }
+  const scalar_type &
+  ga_workspace::factor_of_variable(const std::string &name) const {
+    static const scalar_type one(1);
+    VAR_SET::const_iterator it = variables.find(name);
+    if (it != variables.end()) return one;
+    if (variable_group_exists(name))
+      return one;
+    if (md && md->variable_exists(name)) return md->factor_of_variable(name);
+    if (parent_workspace && parent_workspace->variable_exists(name))
+      return parent_workspace->factor_of_variable(name);
+    GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Undefined variable " << name);
+  }
-    size_type nbch = pnode->children.size();
-    pga_tree_node child0 = (nbch > 0) ? pnode->children[0] : 0;
-    pga_tree_node child1 = (nbch > 1) ? pnode->children[1] : 0;
-    bgeot::multi_index mi;
-    const bgeot::multi_index &size0 = child0 ? child0->t.sizes() : mi;
-    const bgeot::multi_index &size1 = child1 ? child1->t.sizes() : mi;
-    size_type dim0 = child0 ? child0->tensor_order() : 0;
-    size_type dim1 = child1 ? child1->tensor_order() : 0;
+  const gmm::sub_interval &
+  ga_workspace::interval_of_disabled_variable(const std::string &name) const {
+    std::map<std::string, gmm::sub_interval>::const_iterator
+      it1 = int_disabled_variables.find(name);
+    if (it1 != int_disabled_variables.end()) return it1->second;
+    if (md->is_affine_dependent_variable(name))
+      return interval_of_disabled_variable(md->org_variable(name));
-    // cout << "child1 = " << child1 << endl;
-    // cout << "child0 = " << child0 << endl;
-    // cout << "nbch = " << nbch << endl;
-    // cout<<"begin analysis of node "; ga_print_node(pnode, cout); cout<<endl;
+    size_type first = md->nb_dof();
+    for (const std::pair<std::string, gmm::sub_interval> &p
+         : int_disabled_variables)
+      first = std::max(first, p.second.last());
-    const ga_predef_function_tab &PREDEF_FUNCTIONS
-      = dal::singleton<ga_predef_function_tab>::instance(0);
-    const ga_predef_operator_tab &PREDEF_OPERATORS
-      = dal::singleton<ga_predef_operator_tab>::instance(0);
+    int_disabled_variables[name]
+      = gmm::sub_interval(first, gmm::vect_size(value(name)));
+    return int_disabled_variables[name];
+  }
-    switch (pnode->node_type) {
-    case GA_NODE_ELT_K:  case GA_NODE_ELT_B:
-      pnode->test_function_type = 0; break;
-    case GA_NODE_ALLINDICES: pnode->test_function_type = 0; break;
-    case GA_NODE_VAL:
-      if (eval_fixed_size && !(workspace.associated_mf(pnode->name))
-          && !(workspace.associated_im_data(pnode->name))) {
-        gmm::copy(workspace.value(pnode->name), pnode->tensor().as_vector());
-        pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
-      }
-      break;
+  const gmm::sub_interval &
+  ga_workspace::interval_of_variable(const std::string &name) const {
+    VAR_SET::const_iterator it = variables.find(name);
+    if (it != variables.end()) return it->second.I;
+    if (md && md->variable_exists(name)) {
+      if (enable_all_md_variables && md->is_disabled_variable(name))
+        return interval_of_disabled_variable(name);
+      return md->interval_of_variable(name);
+    }
+    if (parent_workspace && parent_workspace->variable_exists(name))
+      return parent_workspace->interval_of_variable(name);
+    GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Undefined variable " << name);
+  }
-    case GA_NODE_ZERO: case GA_NODE_GRAD:
-    case GA_NODE_HESS: case GA_NODE_DIVERG:
-      break;
+  const mesh_fem *
+  ga_workspace::associated_mf(const std::string &name) const {
+    VAR_SET::const_iterator it = variables.find(name);
+    if (it != variables.end())
+      return it->second.is_fem_dofs ? it-> : 0;
+    if (md && md->variable_exists(name))
+      return md->pmesh_fem_of_variable(name);
+    if (parent_workspace && parent_workspace->variable_exists(name))
+      return parent_workspace->associated_mf(name);
+    if (variable_group_exists(name))
+      return associated_mf(first_variable_of_group(name));
+    GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Undefined variable or group " << name);
+  }
-      {
-        const mesh_fem *mf = workspace.associated_mf(pnode->name);
-        size_type t_type = pnode->test_function_type;
-        if (t_type == 1) {
-          pnode->name_test1 = pnode->name;
-          pnode->interpolate_name_test1 = pnode->interpolate_name;
-          pnode->interpolate_name_test2 = pnode->name_test2 = "";
-          pnode->qdim1 = (mf ? workspace.qdim(pnode->name)
-                          : gmm::vect_size(workspace.value(pnode->name)));
-          if (option == 1)
-            workspace.test1.insert
-              (var_trans_pair(pnode->name_test1,
-                              pnode->interpolate_name_test1));
-          if (!(pnode->qdim1))
-            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Invalid null size of variable");
-        } else {
-          pnode->interpolate_name_test1 = pnode->name_test1 = "";
-          pnode->name_test2 = pnode->name;
-          pnode->interpolate_name_test2 = pnode->interpolate_name;
-          pnode->qdim2 = (mf ? workspace.qdim(pnode->name)
-                          : gmm::vect_size(workspace.value(pnode->name)));
-          if (option == 1)
-            workspace.test2.insert
-              (var_trans_pair(pnode->name_test2,
-                              pnode->interpolate_name_test2));
-          if (!(pnode->qdim2))
-            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Invalid null size of variable");
-        }
-        if (!mf) {
-          size_type n = workspace.qdim(pnode->name);
-          if (!n)
-            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Invalid null size of variable");
-          if (n == 1) {
-            pnode->init_vector_tensor(1);
-            pnode->tensor()[0] = scalar_type(1);
-            pnode->test_function_type = t_type;
-          } else {
-            pnode->init_matrix_tensor(n,n);
-            pnode->test_function_type = t_type;
-            for (size_type i = 0; i < n; ++i)
-              for (size_type j = 0; j < n; ++j)
-                pnode->tensor()(i,j) = (i==j) ? scalar_type(1) : 
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      break;
+  const im_data *
+  ga_workspace::associated_im_data(const std::string &name) const {
+    VAR_SET::const_iterator it = variables.find(name);
+    if (it != variables.end()) return it->second.imd;
+    if (md && md->variable_exists(name))
+      return md->pim_data_of_variable(name);
+    if (parent_workspace && parent_workspace->variable_exists(name))
+      return parent_workspace->associated_im_data(name);
+    if (variable_group_exists(name)) return 0;
+    GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Undefined variable " << name);
+  }
-      if (pnode->"X") == 0) {
-        pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_X;
-        pnode->init_vector_tensor(meshdim);
-        break;
-      }
-      if (pnode->"Normal") == 0) {
-        pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_NORMAL;
-        pnode->init_vector_tensor(meshdim);
-        break;
+  size_type ga_workspace::qdim(const std::string &name) const {
+    VAR_SET::const_iterator it = variables.find(name);
+    if (it != variables.end()) {
+      const mesh_fem *mf =  it->second.is_fem_dofs ? it-> : 0;
+      const im_data *imd = it->second.imd;
+      size_type n = it->second.qdim();
+      if (mf) {
+        return n * mf->get_qdim();
+      } else if (imd) {
+        return n * imd->tensor_size().total_size();
-      // else continue with what follows
-    case GA_NODE_ELEMENTARY: // and ... case GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE:
-    case GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS:
-      {
-        int ndt = ((pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE) ? 1 : 0)
-          + ((pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_ELEMENTARY) ? 2 : 0)
-          + ((pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS) ? 3 : 0)
-          + ((pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_XFEM_MINUS) ? 4 : 0);
-        std::string op__name =
-          (pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE) ? "Interpolation" : ""
-          + (pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_ELEMENTARY) ?
-             "Elementary transformation" : ""
-          + (pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS) ? "Xfem_plus" : ""
-          + (pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_XFEM_MINUS) ? "Xfem_minus" : "";
-        std::string name = pnode->name;
-        size_type prefix_id = ga_parse_prefix_operator(name);
-        size_type test = ga_parse_prefix_test(name);
-        pnode->name = name;
-        // Group must be tested and it should be a fem variable
-        if (!(workspace.variable_or_group_exists(name)))
-          ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
-                         "Unknown variable or group of variables");
-        const mesh_fem *mf = workspace.associated_mf(name);
-        if (!mf)
-          ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, op__name
-                         << " can only apply to finite element 
-        size_type q = workspace.qdim(name), n = mf->linked_mesh().dim();
-        if (!q) ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
-                               "Invalid null size of variable");
-        bgeot::multi_index mii = workspace.qdims(name);
-        if (mii.size() > 6)
-          ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
-                         "Tensor with too many dimensions. Limited to 6");
-        if (test == 1) {
-          pnode->name_test1 = name;
-          pnode->interpolate_name_test1 = pnode->interpolate_name;
-          if (option == 1)
-            workspace.test1.insert
-              (var_trans_pair(pnode->name_test1,
-                              pnode->interpolate_name_test1));
-          pnode->qdim1 = workspace.qdim(name);
-          if (!(pnode->qdim1))
-            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
-                           "Invalid null size of variable");
-        } else if (test == 2) {
-          pnode->name_test2 = name;
-          pnode->interpolate_name_test2 = pnode->interpolate_name;
-          if (option == 1)
-            workspace.test2.insert
-              (var_trans_pair(pnode->name_test2,
-                              pnode->interpolate_name_test2));
-          pnode->qdim2 = workspace.qdim(name);
-          if (!(pnode->qdim2))
-            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
-                           "Invalid null size of variable");
-        }
+      return n;
+    }
+    if (md && md->variable_exists(name))
+      return md->qdim_of_variable(name);
+    if (parent_workspace && parent_workspace->variable_exists(name))
+      return parent_workspace->qdim(name);
+    if (variable_group_exists(name))
+      return qdim(first_variable_of_group(name));
+    GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Undefined variable or group " << name);
+  }
-        switch (prefix_id) {
-        case 0: // value
-          if (!test) {
-            switch (ndt) {
-            case 1: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_VAL; break;
-            case 2: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ELEMENTARY_VAL; break;
-            case 3: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS_VAL; break;
-            case 4: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_MINUS_VAL; break;
-            default: GMM_ASSERT1(false, "internal error");
-            }
-          } else {
-            switch (ndt) {
-            case 1: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_VAL_TEST; break;
-            case 2: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ELEMENTARY_VAL_TEST; break;
-            case 3: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS_VAL_TEST; break;
-            case 4: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_MINUS_VAL_TEST; break;
-            default: GMM_ASSERT1(false, "internal error");
-            }
-            if (q == 1 && mii.size() <= 1) {
-              mii.resize(1);
-              mii[0] = 2;
-            } else
-              mii.insert(mii.begin(), 2);
-          }
-          break;
-        case 1: // grad
-          if (!test) {
-            switch (ndt) {
-            case 1: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_GRAD; break;
-            case 2: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ELEMENTARY_GRAD; break;
-            case 3: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS_GRAD; break;
-            case 4: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_MINUS_GRAD; break;
-            default: GMM_ASSERT1(false, "internal error");
-            }
-            if (n > 1) {
-              if (q == 1 && mii.size() == 1) mii[0] = n;
-              else mii.push_back(n);
-            }
-          } else {
-            switch (ndt) {
-            case 1: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_GRAD_TEST; break;
-            case 2: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ELEMENTARY_GRAD_TEST; break;
-            case 3: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS_GRAD_TEST; break;
-            case 4: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_MINUS_GRAD_TEST; break;
-            default: GMM_ASSERT1(false, "internal error");
-            }
-            if (q == 1 && mii.size() <= 1) {
-              mii.resize(1);
-              mii[0] = 2;
-            } else
-              mii.insert(mii.begin(), 2);
-            if (n > 1) mii.push_back(n);
-          }
-          break;
-        case 2: // Hessian
-          if (!test) {
-            switch (ndt) {
-            case 1: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_HESS; break;
-            case 2: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ELEMENTARY_HESS; break;
-            case 3: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS_HESS; break;
-            case 4: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_MINUS_HESS; break;
-            default: GMM_ASSERT1(false, "internal error");
-            }
-            if (n > 1) {
-              if (q == 1 && mii.size() == 1) { mii[0] = n;  mii.push_back(n); }
-              else { mii.push_back(n); mii.push_back(n); }
-            }
-          } else {
-            switch (ndt) {
-            case 1: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_HESS_TEST; break;
-            case 2: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ELEMENTARY_HESS_TEST; break;
-            case 3: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS_HESS_TEST; break;
-            case 4: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_MINUS_HESS_TEST; break;
-            default: GMM_ASSERT1(false, "internal error");
-            }
-            if (q == 1 && mii.size() <= 1) {
-              mii.resize(1);
-              mii[0] = 2;
-            } else
-              mii.insert(mii.begin(), 2);
-            if (n > 1) { mii.push_back(n); mii.push_back(n); }
-          }
-          break;
-        case 3: // divergence
-          if (q != n)
-            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
-                           "Divergence operator requires fem qdim ("
-                           << q << ") to be equal to dim (" << n << ")");
-          if (!test) {
-            switch (ndt) {
-            case 1: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_DIVERG; break;
-            case 2: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ELEMENTARY_DIVERG; break;
-            case 3: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS_DIVERG; break;
-            case 4: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_MINUS_DIVERG; break;
-            default: GMM_ASSERT1(false, "internal error");
-            }
-            mii.resize(1);
-            mii[0] = 1;
-          } else {
-            switch (ndt) {
-            case 1: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_DIVERG_TEST; break;
-            case 2: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ELEMENTARY_DIVERG_TEST; break;
-            case 3: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS_DIVERG_TEST; break;
-            case 4: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_MINUS_DIVERG_TEST; break;
-            default: GMM_ASSERT1(false, "internal error");
-            }
-            mii.resize(1);
-            mii[0] = 2;
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-        pnode->t.adjust_sizes(mii);
-        pnode->test_function_type = test;
-        if (ndt == 1) {
-          if (!(workspace.interpolate_transformation_exists
-                (pnode->interpolate_name)))  {
-            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
-                           "Unknown interpolate transformation");
-          }
-        } else if (ndt == 2) {
-          if (!(workspace.elementary_transformation_exists
-                (pnode->elementary_name))) {
-            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
-                           "Unknown elementary transformation");
-          }
+  bgeot::multi_index
+  ga_workspace::qdims(const std::string &name) const {
+    VAR_SET::const_iterator it = variables.find(name);
+    if (it != variables.end()) {
+      const mesh_fem *mf =  it->second.is_fem_dofs ? it-> : 0;
+      const im_data *imd = it->second.imd;
+      size_type n = it->second.qdim();
+      if (mf) {
+        bgeot::multi_index mi = mf->get_qdims();
+        if (n > 1 || it->second.qdims.size() > 1) {
+          size_type i = 0;
+          if (mi.back() == 1) { mi.back() *= it->second.qdims[0]; ++i; }
+          for (; i < it->second.qdims.size(); ++i)
+            mi.push_back(it->second.qdims[i]);
-      }
-      break;
-      {
-        if (pnode->children.size() == 2) {
-          bool valid = (child1->node_type == GA_NODE_CONSTANT);
-          int n = valid ? int(round(child1->tensor()[0])) : -1;
-          if (n < 0 || n > 100 || child1->tensor_order() > 0)
-            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "The third argument of "
-                           "Interpolate_filter should be a (small) "
-                           "non-negative integer.");
-          pnode->nbc1 = size_type(n);
-          tree.clear_node(child1);
+        return mi;
+      } else if (imd) {
+        bgeot::multi_index mi = imd->tensor_size();
+        size_type q = n / imd->nb_filtered_index();
+        GMM_ASSERT1(q % imd->nb_tensor_elem() == 0,
+                    "Invalid mesh im data vector");
+        if (n > 1 || it->second.qdims.size() > 1) {
+          size_type i = 0;
+          if (mi.back() == 1) { mi.back() *= it->second.qdims[0]; ++i; }
+          for (; i < it->second.qdims.size(); ++i)
+            mi.push_back(it->second.qdims[i]);
-        if (!(workspace.interpolate_transformation_exists
-              (pnode->interpolate_name)))
-          ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
-                         "Unknown interpolate transformation");
-        pnode->t = child0->t;
-        pnode->test_function_type = child0->test_function_type;
-        pnode->name_test1 = child0->name_test1;
-        pnode->name_test2 = child0->name_test2;
-        pnode->interpolate_name_test1 = child0->interpolate_name_test1;
-        pnode->interpolate_name_test2 = child0->interpolate_name_test2;
-        pnode->qdim1 = child0->qdim1;
-        pnode->qdim2 = child0->qdim2;
+        return mi;
-      break;
-    case GA_NODE_OP:
-      switch(pnode->op_type) {
-      case GA_PLUS: case GA_MINUS:
-        {
-          if (pnode->op_type == GA_PLUS) pnode->symmetric_op = true;
-          size_type c_size = std::min(size0.size(), size1.size());
-          bool compatible = true;
-          size_type f_ind = 0;
-          if (child0->test_function_type &&
-              child1->test_function_type == child0->test_function_type)
-            f_ind = (child0->test_function_type == 3) ? 2:1;
-          for (size_type i = f_ind; i < c_size; ++i)
-            if (size0[i] != size1[i]) compatible = false;
-          for (size_type i = c_size; i < size0.size(); ++i)
-            if (size0[i] != 1) compatible = false;
-          for (size_type i = c_size; i < size1.size(); ++i)
-            if (size1[i] != 1) compatible = false;
-          if (!compatible)
-            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Addition or subtraction of "
-                           "expressions of different sizes: "
-                           << size0 << " != " << size1);
-          if (child0->test_function_type || child1->test_function_type) {
-            switch (option) {
-            case 0: case 2:
-              if (child0->>name_test1) ||
-                  child0->>name_test2) ||
-                  child0->
-                  (child1->interpolate_name_test1) ||
-                  child0->
-                  (child1->interpolate_name_test2))
-                compatible = false;
-              break;
-            case 1: case 3: break;
-            default: GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Unknown option");
-            }
-          }
-          if (child0->test_function_type != child1->test_function_type ||
-              (!compatible && option != 2))
-            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Addition or subtraction of "
-                           "incompatible test functions");
-          if (all_cte) {
-            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
-            pnode->test_function_type = 0;
-            pnode->tensor() = pnode->children[0]->tensor();
-            if (pnode->op_type == GA_MINUS)
-              pnode->tensor() -= pnode->children[1]->tensor();
-            else
-              pnode->tensor() += pnode->children[1]->tensor();
-            tree.clear_children(pnode);
-          } else {
-            pnode->t = child0->t;
-            pnode->test_function_type = child0->test_function_type;
-            pnode->name_test1 = child0->name_test1;
-            pnode->name_test2 = child0->name_test2;
-            pnode->interpolate_name_test1 = child0->interpolate_name_test1;
-            pnode->interpolate_name_test2 = child0->interpolate_name_test2;
-            pnode->qdim1 = child0->qdim1;
-            pnode->qdim2 = child0->qdim2;
-            // simplification if one of the two operands is constant and zero
-            if (child0->tensor_is_zero()) {
-              if (pnode->op_type == GA_MINUS) {
-                pnode->op_type = GA_UNARY_MINUS;
-                tree.clear_node(child0);
-              } else {
-                tree.replace_node_by_child(pnode, 1);
-                pnode = child1;
-              }
-            } else if (child1->tensor_is_zero()) {
-              tree.replace_node_by_child(pnode, 0);
-              pnode = child0;
-            } else if (option == 2 && !compatible) {
-              bool child0_compatible = true, child1_compatible = true;
-              if (pnode->test_function_type & 1) {
-                if 
-                    || child0->
-                    (workspace.selected_test1.transname))
-                  child0_compatible = false;
-                if 
-                    || child1->
-                    (workspace.selected_test1.transname))
-                  child1_compatible = false;
-              }
-              if (pnode->test_function_type & 2) {
-                if 
-                    || child0->
-                    (workspace.selected_test2.transname))
-                  child0_compatible = false;
-                if 
-                    || child1->
-                    (workspace.selected_test2.transname))
-                  child1_compatible = false;
-              }
-              if (child0_compatible) {
-                tree.replace_node_by_child(pnode, 0);
-                pnode = child0;
-              } else if (child1_compatible) {
-                if (pnode->op_type == GA_MINUS) {
-                  pnode->op_type = GA_UNARY_MINUS;
-                  pnode->t = child1->t;
-                  pnode->test_function_type = child1->test_function_type;
-                  pnode->name_test1 = child1->name_test1;
-                  pnode->name_test2 = child1->name_test2;
-                  pnode->interpolate_name_test1=child1->interpolate_name_test1;
-                  pnode->interpolate_name_test2=child1->interpolate_name_test2;
-                  pnode->qdim1 = child1->qdim1;
-                  pnode->qdim2 = child1->qdim2;
-                  tree.clear_node(child0);
-                } else {
-                  tree.replace_node_by_child(pnode, 1);
-                  pnode = child1;
-                }
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        break;
-      case GA_DOTMULT: case GA_DOTDIV:
-        {
-          if (pnode->op_type == GA_DOTMULT) pnode->symmetric_op = true;
-          bool compatible = true;
-          if (child0->tensor_proper_size() != child1->tensor_proper_size())
-            compatible = false;
-          if (child0->tensor_proper_size() != 1) {
-            if (child0->tensor_order() != child1->tensor_order())
-              compatible = false;
-            for (size_type i = 0; i < child0->tensor_order(); ++i)
-              if (child0->tensor_proper_size(i)!=child1->tensor_proper_size(i))
-                compatible = false;
-          }
-          if (!compatible)
-            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
-                           "Arguments of different sizes for .* or ./");
-          if (pnode->op_type == GA_DOTDIV && child1->test_function_type)
-            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
-                           "Division by test functions is not allowed");
-          pnode->mult_test(child0, child1, expr);
-          mi = pnode->t.sizes();
-          for (size_type i = 0; i < child0->tensor_order(); ++i)
-            mi.push_back(child0->tensor_proper_size(i));
-          pnode->t.adjust_sizes(mi);
-          if (all_cte) {
-            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
-            pnode->test_function_type = 0;
-            if (pnode->op_type == GA_DOTMULT) {
-              for (size_type i = 0; i < child0->tensor().size(); ++i)
-                pnode->tensor()[i] = child0->tensor()[i] * child1->tensor()[i];
-            } else {
-              for (size_type i = 0; i < child0->tensor().size(); ++i) {
-                if (child1->tensor()[i] == scalar_type(0))
-                  ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Division by zero.");
-                pnode->tensor()[i] = child0->tensor()[i] / child1->tensor()[i];
-              }
-            }
-            tree.clear_children(pnode);
-          } else {
-            if (child0->tensor_is_zero() || child1->tensor_is_zero()) {
-              gmm::clear(pnode->tensor().as_vector());
-              pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ZERO;
-              tree.clear_children(pnode);
-            }
-            if (child1->tensor_is_zero() && pnode->op_type == GA_DOTDIV)
-              ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Division by zero.");
-          }
-        }
-        break;
+      return it->second.qdims;
+    }
+    if (md && md->variable_exists(name))
+      return md->qdims_of_variable(name);
+    if (parent_workspace && parent_workspace->variable_exists(name))
+      return parent_workspace->qdims(name);
+    if (variable_group_exists(name))
+      return qdims(first_variable_of_group(name));
+    GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Undefined variable or group " << name);
+  }
-      case GA_UNARY_MINUS:
-        pnode->t = child0->t;
-        pnode->test_function_type = child0->test_function_type;
-        pnode->name_test1 = child0->name_test1;
-        pnode->name_test2 = child0->name_test2;
-        pnode->interpolate_name_test1 = child0->interpolate_name_test1;
-        pnode->interpolate_name_test2 = child0->interpolate_name_test2;
-        pnode->qdim1 = child0->qdim1;
-        pnode->qdim2 = child0->qdim2;
-        if (all_cte) {
-          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
-          pnode->test_function_type = 0;
-          gmm::scale(pnode->tensor().as_vector(), scalar_type(-1));
-          tree.clear_children(pnode);
-        } else if (child0->node_type == GA_NODE_ZERO) {
-          tree.replace_node_by_child(pnode, 0);
-          pnode = child0;
-        }
-        break;
+  const model_real_plain_vector &
+  ga_workspace::value(const std::string &name) const {
+    VAR_SET::const_iterator it = variables.find(name);
+    if (it != variables.end())
+      return *(it->second.V);
+    if (md && md->variable_exists(name))
+      return md->real_variable(name);
+    if (parent_workspace && parent_workspace->variable_exists(name))
+      return parent_workspace->value(name);
+    if (variable_group_exists(name))
+      return value(first_variable_of_group(name));
+    GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Undefined variable or group " << name);
+  }
-      case GA_QUOTE:
-        if (dim0 > 2)
-          ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Transpose operator is for "
-                         "vectors or matrices only.");
-        mi = size0;
-        if (child0->tensor_proper_size() == 1)
-          { tree.replace_node_by_child(pnode, 0); pnode = child0; break; }
-        else if (dim0 == 2) std::swap(mi.back(), mi[size0.size()-2]);
-        else { size_type N = mi.back(); mi.back() = 1; mi.push_back(N); }
-        pnode->t.adjust_sizes(mi);
-        pnode->test_function_type = child0->test_function_type;
-        pnode->name_test1 = child0->name_test1;
-        pnode->name_test2 = child0->name_test2;
-        pnode->interpolate_name_test1 = child0->interpolate_name_test1;
-        pnode->interpolate_name_test2 = child0->interpolate_name_test2;
-        pnode->qdim1 = child0->qdim1;
-        pnode->qdim2 = child0->qdim2;
-        if (all_cte) {
-          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
-          pnode->test_function_type = 0;
-          if (dim0 == 2) {
-            for (size_type i = 0; i < mi.back(); ++i)
-              for (size_type j = 0; j < mi[size0.size()-2]; ++j)
-                pnode->tensor()(j, i) = child0->tensor()(i,j);
-          } else if (dim0 == 1) {
-            for (size_type i = 0; i < mi.back(); ++i)
-              pnode->tensor()(0, i) = child0->tensor()[i];
-          }
-          tree.clear_children(pnode);
-        } else if (child0->node_type == GA_NODE_ZERO) {
-          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ZERO;
-          gmm::clear(pnode->tensor().as_vector());
-          tree.clear_children(pnode);
-        }
-        break;
+  scalar_type ga_workspace::get_time_step() const {
+    if (md) return md->get_time_step();
+    if (parent_workspace) return parent_workspace->get_time_step();
+    GMM_ASSERT1(false, "No time step defined here");
+  }
-      case GA_SYM: case GA_SKEW:
-        if (child0->tensor_proper_size() != 1 &&
-            (dim0 != 2 || size0.back() != size0[size0.size()-2]))
-          ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Sym and Skew operators are for "
-                         "square matrices only.");
-        mi = size0;
-        if (child0->tensor_proper_size() == 1) {
-          if (pnode->op_type == GA_SYM)
-            { tree.replace_node_by_child(pnode, 0); pnode = child0; break; }
-          else {
-            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ZERO;
-            gmm::clear(pnode->tensor().as_vector());
-            tree.clear_children(pnode);
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        pnode->t.adjust_sizes(mi);
-        pnode->test_function_type = child0->test_function_type;
-        pnode->name_test1 = child0->name_test1;
-        pnode->name_test2 = child0->name_test2;
-        pnode->interpolate_name_test1 = child0->interpolate_name_test1;
-        pnode->interpolate_name_test2 = child0->interpolate_name_test2;
-        pnode->qdim1 = child0->qdim1;
-        pnode->qdim2 = child0->qdim2;
-        if (all_cte) {
-          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
-          pnode->test_function_type = 0;
-          for (size_type i = 0; i < mi.back(); ++i)
-            for (size_type j = 0; j < mi.back(); ++j)
-              if (pnode->op_type == GA_SYM)
-                pnode->tensor()(j, i) = 0.5*(child0->tensor()(j,i)
-                                             + child0->tensor()(i,j));
-              else
-                pnode->tensor()(j, i) = 0.5*(child0->tensor()(j,i)
-                                             - child0->tensor()(i,j));
-          tree.clear_children(pnode);
-        } else if (child0->node_type == GA_NODE_ZERO) {
-          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ZERO;
-          gmm::clear(pnode->tensor().as_vector());
-          tree.clear_children(pnode);
-        }
-        break;
+  // Macros
+  bool ga_workspace::macro_exists(const std::string &name) const {
+    if (macros.find(name) != macros.end()) return true;
+    if (md && md->macro_exists(name)) return true;
+    if (parent_workspace &&
+        parent_workspace->macro_exists(name)) return true;
+    return false;
+  }
-      case GA_TRACE:
-        {
-          mi = size0;
-          size_type N = (child0->tensor_proper_size() == 1) ? 1 : mi.back();
-          if (child0->tensor_proper_size() == 1)
-            { tree.replace_node_by_child(pnode, 0); pnode = child0; break; }
-          if ((dim0 != 2 && child0->tensor_proper_size() != 1) ||
-              (dim0 == 2 && mi[mi.size()-2] != N))
-            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
-                           "Trace operator is for square matrices only.");
-          if (dim0 == 2) { mi.pop_back(); mi.pop_back(); }
-          pnode->t.adjust_sizes(mi);
-          pnode->test_function_type = child0->test_function_type;
-          pnode->name_test1 = child0->name_test1;
-          pnode->name_test2 = child0->name_test2;
-          pnode->interpolate_name_test1 = child0->interpolate_name_test1;
-          pnode->interpolate_name_test2 = child0->interpolate_name_test2;
-          pnode->qdim1 = child0->qdim1;
-          pnode->qdim2 = child0->qdim2;
-          if (all_cte) {
-            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
-            pnode->test_function_type = 0;
-            if (dim0 == 2) {
-              pnode->tensor()[0] = scalar_type(0);
-              for (size_type i = 0; i < N; ++i)
-                pnode->tensor()[0] += child0->tensor()(i,i);
-            } else {
-              pnode->tensor()[0] += child0->tensor()[0];
-            }
-            tree.clear_children(pnode);
-          } else if (child0->node_type == GA_NODE_ZERO) {
-            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ZERO;
-            gmm::clear(pnode->tensor().as_vector());
-            tree.clear_children(pnode);
-          }
-        }
-        break;
+  const std::string&
+  ga_workspace::get_macro(const std::string &name) const {
+    std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it=macros.find(name);
+    if (it != macros.end()) return it->second;
+    if (md && md->macro_exists(name)) return md->get_macro(name);
+    if (parent_workspace &&
+        parent_workspace->macro_exists(name))
+      return parent_workspace->get_macro(name);
+    GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Undefined macro");
+  }
-      case GA_DEVIATOR:
-        {
-          mi = size0;
-          size_type N = (child0->tensor_proper_size() == 1) ? 1 : mi.back();
+  ga_tree &
+  ga_workspace::macro_tree(const std::string &name, size_type meshdim,
+                           size_type ref_elt_dim, bool ignore_X) const {
+    GMM_ASSERT1(macro_exists(name), "Undefined macro");
+    auto it = macro_trees.find(name);
+    bool to_be_analyzed = false;
+    m_tree *mt = 0;
-          if ((dim0 != 2 && child0->tensor_proper_size() != 1) ||
-              (dim0 == 2 && mi[mi.size()-2] != N))
-            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
-                           "Deviator operator is for square matrices only.");
+    if (it == macro_trees.end()) {
+      mt = &(macro_trees[name]);
+      to_be_analyzed = true;
+    } else {
+      mt = &(it->second);
+      GMM_ASSERT1(mt->ptree, "Recursive definition of macro " << name);
+      if (mt->meshdim != meshdim || mt->ignore_X != ignore_X) {
+        to_be_analyzed = true;
+        delete mt->ptree; mt->ptree = 0;
+      }
+    }
+    if (to_be_analyzed) {
+      ga_tree tree;
+      ga_read_string(get_macro(name), tree);
+      ga_semantic_analysis(get_macro(name), tree, *this, meshdim, ref_elt_dim,
+                           false, ignore_X, 3);
+      GMM_ASSERT1(tree.root, "Invalid macro");
+      mt->ptree = new ga_tree(tree);
+      mt->meshdim = meshdim;
+      mt->ignore_X = ignore_X;
+    }
+    return *(mt->ptree);
+  }
-          if (child0->tensor_proper_size() == 1) {
-            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ZERO;
-            gmm::clear(pnode->tensor().as_vector());
-            tree.clear_children(pnode);
-            break;
-          }
+  void ga_workspace::add_interpolate_transformation
+  (const std::string &name, pinterpolate_transformation ptrans) {
+    if (transformations.find(name) != transformations.end())
+      GMM_ASSERT1("neighbour_elt"), "neighbour_elt is a "
+                  "reserved interpolate transformation name");
+    transformations[name] = ptrans;
+  }
-          pnode->t.adjust_sizes(mi);
-          pnode->test_function_type = child0->test_function_type;
-          pnode->name_test1 = child0->name_test1;
-          pnode->name_test2 = child0->name_test2;
-          pnode->interpolate_name_test1 = child0->interpolate_name_test1;
-          pnode->interpolate_name_test2 = child0->interpolate_name_test2;
-          pnode->qdim1 = child0->qdim1;
-          pnode->qdim2 = child0->qdim2;
-          if (all_cte) {
-            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
-            pnode->test_function_type = 0;
-            if (dim0 == 2) {
-              scalar_type tr(0);
-              gmm::copy(child0->tensor().as_vector(),
-                        pnode->tensor().as_vector());
-              for (size_type i = 0; i < N; ++i)
-                tr += child0->tensor()(i,i);
-              for (size_type i = 0; i < N; ++i)
-                pnode->tensor()(i,i) -= tr / scalar_type(N);
-            } else {
-              pnode->tensor()[0] = scalar_type(0);
-            }
-            tree.clear_children(pnode);
-          } else if (child0->node_type == GA_NODE_ZERO) {
-            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ZERO;
-            gmm::clear(pnode->tensor().as_vector());
-            tree.clear_children(pnode);
-          }
-        }
-        break;
+  bool ga_workspace::interpolate_transformation_exists
+  (const std::string &name) const {
+    return (md && md->interpolate_transformation_exists(name)) ||
+      (parent_workspace &&
+       parent_workspace->interpolate_transformation_exists(name)) ||
+      (transformations.find(name) != transformations.end());
+  }
-      case GA_PRINT:
-        {
-          pnode->t = child0->t;
-          pnode->test_function_type = child0->test_function_type;
-          pnode->name_test1 = child0->name_test1;
-          pnode->name_test2 = child0->name_test2;
-          pnode->interpolate_name_test1 = child0->interpolate_name_test1;
-          pnode->interpolate_name_test2 = child0->interpolate_name_test2;
-          pnode->qdim1 = child0->qdim1;
-          pnode->qdim2 = child0->qdim2;
-          if (all_cte) {
-            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
-            cout << "Print constant term "; ga_print_node(child0, cout);
-            cout << ": " << pnode->tensor() << endl;
-            tree.clear_children(pnode);
-          } else if (child0->node_type == GA_NODE_ZERO) {
-            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ZERO;
-            gmm::clear(pnode->tensor().as_vector());
-            cout << "Print zero term "; ga_print_node(child0, cout);
-            cout << ": " << pnode->tensor() << endl;
-            tree.clear_children(pnode);
-          }
-        }
-        break;
+  pinterpolate_transformation
+  ga_workspace::interpolate_transformation(const std::string &name) const {
+    std::map<std::string, pinterpolate_transformation>::const_iterator
+      it = transformations.find(name);
+    if (it != transformations.end()) return it->second;
+    if (md && md->interpolate_transformation_exists(name))
+      return md->interpolate_transformation(name);
+    if (parent_workspace &&
+       parent_workspace->interpolate_transformation_exists(name))
+      return parent_workspace->interpolate_transformation(name);
+    GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Inexistent transformation " << name);
+  }
-      case GA_DOT:
-        if (dim1 > 1)
-          ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "The second argument of the dot "
-                         "product has to be a vector.")
-        else {
-          size_type s0 = dim0 == 0 ? 1 : size0.back();
-          size_type s1 = dim1 == 0 ? 1 : size1.back();
-          if (s0 != s1) ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Dot product "
-                                       "of expressions of different sizes ("
-                                       << s0 << " != " << s1 << ").");
-          if (child0->tensor_order() <= 1) pnode->symmetric_op = true;
-          pnode->mult_test(child0, child1, expr);
-          if (dim0 > 1) {
-            mi = pnode->t.sizes();
-            for (size_type i = 1; i < dim0; ++i)
-              mi.push_back(child0->tensor_proper_size(i-1));
-            pnode->t.adjust_sizes(mi);
-          }
+  bool ga_workspace::elementary_transformation_exists
+  (const std::string &name) const {
+    return (md && md->elementary_transformation_exists(name)) ||
+      (parent_workspace &&
+       parent_workspace->elementary_transformation_exists(name)) ||
+      (elem_transformations.find(name) != elem_transformations.end());
+  }
-          if (all_cte) {
-            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
-            gmm::clear(pnode->tensor().as_vector());
-            size_type k = 0;
-            for (size_type i = 0, j = 0; i < child0->tensor().size(); ++i) {
-             pnode->tensor()[j] += child0->tensor()[i] * child1->tensor()[k];
-             ++j; if (j == pnode->tensor().size()) { j = 0; ++k; }
-            }
-            GMM_ASSERT1(k == child1->tensor().size(), "Internal error");
-            tree.clear_children(pnode);
-          } else {
-            if (child0->tensor_is_zero() || child1->tensor_is_zero()) {
-              gmm::clear(pnode->tensor().as_vector());
-              pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ZERO;
-              tree.clear_children(pnode);
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        break;
+  pelementary_transformation
+  ga_workspace::elementary_transformation(const std::string &name) const {
+    std::map<std::string, pelementary_transformation>::const_iterator
+      it = elem_transformations.find(name);
+    if (it != elem_transformations.end()) return it->second;
+    if (md && md->elementary_transformation_exists(name))
+      return md->elementary_transformation(name);
+    if (parent_workspace &&
+       parent_workspace->elementary_transformation_exists(name))
+      return parent_workspace->elementary_transformation(name);
+    GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Inexistent elementary transformation " << name);
+  }
-      case GA_COLON:
-        if (dim1 > 2)
-          ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
-                          "Frobenius product acts only on matrices.")
-        else {
-          size_type s00 = (dim0 == 0) ? 1
-            : (dim0 == 1 ? size0.back() : size0[size0.size()-2]);
-          size_type s01 = (dim0 >= 2) ? size0.back() : 1;
-          size_type s10 = (dim1 == 0) ? 1
-            : (dim1 == 1 ? size1.back() : size1[size1.size()-2]);
-          size_type s11 = (dim1 >= 2) ? size1.back() : 1;
-          if (s00 != s10 || s01 != s11)
-            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Frobenius product "
-                           "of expressions of different sizes ("
-                           << s00 << "," << s01 << " != " << s10 << ","
-                           << s11 << ").");
-          if (child0->tensor_order() <= 2) pnode->symmetric_op = true;
-          pnode->mult_test(child0, child1, expr);
-          if (dim0 > 2) {
-            mi = pnode->t.sizes();
-            for (size_type i = 2; i < dim0; ++i)
-              mi.push_back(child0->tensor_proper_size(i-2));
-            pnode->t.adjust_sizes(mi);
-          }
-          if (all_cte) {
-            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
-            gmm::clear(pnode->tensor().as_vector());
-            size_type k = 0;
-            for (size_type i = 0, j = 0; i < child0->tensor().size(); ++i) {
-             pnode->tensor()[j] += child0->tensor()[i] * child1->tensor()[k];
-             ++j; if (j == pnode->tensor().size()) { j = 0; ++k; }
-            }
-            GMM_ASSERT1(k == child1->tensor().size(), "Internal error");
-            tree.clear_children(pnode);
-          } else {
-            if (child0->tensor_is_zero() || child1->tensor_is_zero()) {
-              gmm::clear(pnode->tensor().as_vector());
-              pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ZERO;
-              tree.clear_children(pnode);
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        break;
+  const mesh_region &
+  ga_workspace::register_region(const mesh &m, const mesh_region &region) {
+    if (&m == &dummy_mesh())
+      return dummy_mesh_region();
-      case GA_TMULT:
-        if (all_cte) {
-          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
-          pnode->test_function_type = 0;
-          if (child0->tensor().size() == 1 && child1->tensor().size() == 1) {
-            pnode->init_scalar_tensor
-              (child0->tensor()[0] * child1->tensor()[0]);
-          } else if (child0->tensor().size() == 1) {
-            pnode->t = child1->t;
-            gmm::scale(pnode->tensor().as_vector(),
-                       scalar_type(child0->tensor()[0]));
-          } else if (child1->tensor().size() == 1) {
-            pnode->t = child0->t;
-            gmm::scale(pnode->tensor().as_vector(),
-                       scalar_type(child1->tensor()[0]));
-          } else {
-            if (dim0+dim1 > 6)
-              ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Unauthorized "
-                              "tensor multiplication.");
-            for (size_type i = 0; i < dim0; ++i)
-              mi.push_back(child0->tensor().size(i));
-            for (size_type i = 0; i < dim1; ++i)
-              mi.push_back(child1->tensor().size(i));
-            pnode->t.adjust_sizes(mi);
-            size_type n0 = child0->tensor().size();
-            size_type n1 = child1->tensor().size();
-            for (size_type i = 0; i < n0; ++i)
-              for (size_type j = 0; j < n1; ++j)
-          }
-          tree.clear_children(pnode);
-        } else {
-          pnode->mult_test(child0, child1, expr);
-          mi = pnode->t.sizes();
-          if (child0->tensor_proper_size() != 1
-              || child1->tensor_proper_size() != 1) {
-            if (child0->tensor_proper_size() == 1) {
-              for (size_type i = 0; i < dim1; ++i)
-                mi.push_back(child1->tensor_proper_size(i));
-            } else if (child1->tensor().size() == 1) {
-              for (size_type i = 0; i < dim0; ++i)
-                mi.push_back(child0->tensor_proper_size(i));
-            } else {
-              if (dim0+dim1 > 6)
-                ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Unauthorized "
-                                "tensor multiplication.");
-              for (size_type i = 0; i < dim0; ++i)
-                mi.push_back(child0->tensor_proper_size(i));
-              for (size_type i = 0; i < dim1; ++i)
-                mi.push_back(child1->tensor_proper_size(i));
-            }
-            pnode->t.adjust_sizes(mi);
-          }
-          if (child0->tensor_is_zero() || child1->tensor_is_zero()) {
-            gmm::clear(pnode->tensor().as_vector());
-            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ZERO;
-            tree.clear_children(pnode);
-          }
-        }
-        break;
+    std::list<mesh_region> &lmr = registred_mesh_regions[&m];
+    for (const mesh_region &rg : lmr)
+      if (, region, m)) return rg;
+    lmr.push_back(region);
+    return lmr.back();
+  }
-      case GA_MULT:
-        if (all_cte) {
-          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
-          pnode->test_function_type = 0;
-          if (child0->tensor_proper_size() == 1 &&
-              child1->tensor_proper_size() == 1) {
-            pnode->init_scalar_tensor(child0->tensor()[0]*child1->tensor()[0]);
-          } else if (child0->tensor_proper_size() == 1) {
-            pnode->t = child1->t;
-            gmm::scale(pnode->tensor().as_vector(), child0->tensor()[0]);
-          } else if (child1->tensor_proper_size() == 1) {
-            pnode->t = child0->t;
-            gmm::scale(pnode->tensor().as_vector(), child1->tensor()[0]);
-          } else if (dim0 == 2 && dim1 == 1) {
-            size_type m=child0->tensor().size(0), n=child0->tensor().size(1);
-            if (n != child1->tensor().size(0))
-              ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
-                             "Incompatible sizes in matrix-vector "
-                             "multiplication (" << n << " != "
-                             << child1->tensor().size(0) << ").");
-            pnode->init_vector_tensor(m);
-            gmm::clear(pnode->tensor().as_vector());
-            for (size_type i = 0; i < m; ++i)
-              for (size_type j = 0; j < n; ++j)
-                pnode->tensor()[i] += 
-          } else if (dim0 == 2 && dim1 == 2) {
-            size_type m = child0->tensor().size(0);
-            size_type n = child0->tensor().size(1);
-            size_type p = child1->tensor().size(1);
-            if (n != child1->tensor().size(0))
-              ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
-                             "Incompatible sizes in matrix-matrix "
-                             "multiplication (" << n << " != "
-                             << child1->tensor().size(0) << ").");
-            pnode->init_matrix_tensor(m,p);
-            gmm::clear(pnode->tensor().as_vector());
-            for (size_type i = 0; i < m; ++i)
-              for (size_type j = 0; j < n; ++j)
-                for (size_type k = 0; k < p; ++k)
-                  pnode->tensor()(i,k) += child0->tensor()(i,j)
-                                          * child1->tensor()(j,k);
-          }
-          else if (dim0 == 4 && dim1 == 2) {
-            size_type m=child0->tensor().size(0), n=child0->tensor().size(1);
-            size_type o=child0->tensor().size(2), p=child0->tensor().size(3);
-            if (o != child1->tensor().size(0) || p != child1->tensor().size(1))
-              ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
-                             "Incompatible sizes in tensor-matrix "
-                             "multiplication (" << o << "," << p << " != "
-                             << child1->tensor().size(0) << ","
-                             << child1->tensor().size(1) << ").");
-            pnode->init_matrix_tensor(m,n);
-            gmm::clear(pnode->tensor().as_vector());
-            for (size_type i = 0; i < m; ++i)
-              for (size_type j = 0; j < n; ++j)
-                for (size_type k = 0; k < o; ++k)
-                  for (size_type l = 0; l < p; ++l)
-                    pnode->tensor()(i,j) += child0->tensor()(i,j,k,l)
-                                            * child1->tensor()(k,l);
-          } else ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
-                                 "Unauthorized multiplication.");
-          tree.clear_children(pnode);
-        } else {
-          pnode->mult_test(child0, child1, expr);
-          mi = pnode->t.sizes();
-          if (child0->tensor_proper_size() == 1 &&
-              child1->tensor_proper_size() == 1) {
-            pnode->symmetric_op = true;
-          } else if (child0->tensor_proper_size() == 1) {
-            pnode->symmetric_op = true;
-            for (size_type i = 0; i < dim1; ++i)
-                mi.push_back(child1->tensor_proper_size(i));
-          } else if (child1->tensor_proper_size() == 1) {
-            pnode->symmetric_op = true;
-            for (size_type i = 0; i < dim0; ++i)
-                mi.push_back(child0->tensor_proper_size(i));
-          } else if (child0->tensor_order() == 2 &&
-                     child1->tensor_order() == 1) {
-            size_type m = child0->tensor_proper_size(0);
-            size_type n = child0->tensor_proper_size(1);
-            mi.push_back(m);
-            if (n != child1->tensor_proper_size(0))
-              ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
-                             "Incompatible sizes in matrix-vector "
-                             "multiplication (" << n << " != "
-                             << child1->tensor_proper_size(0) << ").");
-          } else if (child0->tensor_order() == 2 &&
-                     child1->tensor_order() == 2) {
-            size_type m = child0->tensor_proper_size(0);
-            size_type n = child0->tensor_proper_size(1);
-            size_type p = child1->tensor_proper_size(1);
-            mi.push_back(m); mi.push_back(p);
-            if (n != child1->tensor_proper_size(0))
-              ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
-                             "Incompatible sizes in matrix-matrix "
-                             "multiplication (" << n << " != "
-                             << child1->tensor_proper_size(0) << ").");
-          }
-          else if (pnode->children[0]->tensor_order() == 4 &&
-                   pnode->children[1]->tensor_order() == 2) {
-            size_type m = child0->tensor_proper_size(0);
-            size_type n = child0->tensor_proper_size(1);
-            size_type o = child0->tensor_proper_size(2);
-            size_type p = child0->tensor_proper_size(3);
-            mi.push_back(m); mi.push_back(n);
-            if (o != child1->tensor_proper_size(0) ||
-                p != child1->tensor_proper_size(1))
-              ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
-                             "Incompatible sizes in tensor-matrix "
-                             "multiplication (" << o << "," << p << " != "
-                             << child1->tensor_proper_size(0) << ","
-                             << child1->tensor_proper_size(1) << ").");
-          } else ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
-                                "Unauthorized multiplication.");
-          pnode->t.adjust_sizes(mi);
-          // Simplifications
-          if (child0->tensor_is_zero() || child1->tensor_is_zero()) {
-            gmm::clear(pnode->tensor().as_vector());
-            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ZERO;
-            tree.clear_children(pnode);
-          } else if (child0->node_type == GA_NODE_CONSTANT &&
-                     child0->tensor().size() == 1 &&
-                     child0->tensor()[0] == scalar_type(1)) {
-            tree.replace_node_by_child(pnode, 1);
-            pnode = child1;
-          } else if (child1->node_type == GA_NODE_CONSTANT &&
-                     child1->tensor().size() == 1 &&
-                     child1->tensor()[0] == scalar_type(1)) {
-            tree.replace_node_by_child(pnode, 0);
-            pnode = child0;
-          }
-        }
-        break;
-      case GA_DIV:
-        if (child1->tensor_proper_size() > 1)
-          ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
-                         "Only the division by a scalar is allowed. "
-                         "Got a size of " << child1->tensor_proper_size());
-        if (child1->test_function_type)
-          ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
-                         "Division by test functions is not allowed.");
-        if (child1->node_type == GA_NODE_CONSTANT &&
-            child1->tensor()[0] == scalar_type(0))
-          ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->children[1]->pos, "Division by zero");
-        pnode->t = child0->t;
-        pnode->test_function_type = child0->test_function_type;
-        pnode->name_test1 = child0->name_test1;
-        pnode->name_test2 = child0->name_test2;
-        pnode->interpolate_name_test1 = child0->interpolate_name_test1;
-        pnode->interpolate_name_test2 = child0->interpolate_name_test2;
-        pnode->qdim1 = child0->qdim1;
-        pnode->qdim2 = child0->qdim2;
-        if (all_cte) {
-          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
-          pnode->t = pnode->children[0]->t;
-          pnode->test_function_type = 0;
-          gmm::scale(pnode->tensor().as_vector(),
-                     scalar_type(1) / pnode->children[1]->tensor()[0]);
-          tree.clear_children(pnode);
-        } else if (child0->tensor_is_zero()) {
-          gmm::clear(pnode->tensor().as_vector());
-          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ZERO;
-          tree.clear_children(pnode);
-        } else if (child1->node_type == GA_NODE_CONSTANT &&
-                   child1->tensor().size() == 1 &&
-                   child1->tensor()[0] == scalar_type(1)) {
-          tree.replace_node_by_child(pnode, 0);
-          pnode = child0;
-        }
-        break;
+  void ga_workspace::add_tree(ga_tree &tree, const mesh &m,
+                              const mesh_im &mim, const mesh_region &rg,
+                              const std::string &expr,
+                              size_type add_derivative_order,
+                              bool function_expr, size_type for_interpolation,
+                              const std::string varname_interpolation) {
+    if (tree.root) {
-      default:GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Unexpected operation. Internal error.");
+      // Eliminate the term if it corresponds to disabled variables
+      if ((tree.root->test_function_type >= 1 &&
+           is_disabled_variable(tree.root->name_test1)) ||
+          (tree.root->test_function_type >= 2 &&
+           is_disabled_variable(tree.root->name_test2))) {
+        // cout<<"disabling term ";  ga_print_node(tree.root, cout); 
+        return;
-      break;
-    case GA_NODE_C_MATRIX:
-      {
-        if (!all_sc) {
-          ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Constant vector/matrix/tensor "
-                         "components should be scalar valued.");
-        }
+      // cout << "add tree with tests functions of " <<  tree.root->name_test1
+      //      << " and " << tree.root->name_test2 << endl;
+      //      ga_print_node(tree.root, cout); cout << endl;
+      bool remain = true;
+      size_type order = 0, ind_tree = 0;
-        size_type nbc1 = pnode->nbc1, nbc2 = pnode->nbc2, nbc3 = pnode->nbc3;
-        size_type nbl = pnode->children.size() / (nbc1*nbc2*nbc3);
-        if (all_cte) pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
-        pnode->test_function_type = 0;
-        for (size_type i = 0; i < pnode->children.size(); ++i) {
-          if (pnode->children[i]->test_function_type) {
-            if (pnode->test_function_type == 0) {
-              pnode->test_function_type=pnode->children[i]->test_function_type;
-              pnode->name_test1 = pnode->children[i]->name_test1;
-              pnode->name_test2 = pnode->children[i]->name_test2;
-              pnode->interpolate_name_test1
-                = pnode->children[i]->interpolate_name_test1;
-              pnode->interpolate_name_test2
-                = pnode->children[i]->interpolate_name_test2;
-              pnode->qdim1 = pnode->children[i]->qdim1;
-              pnode->qdim2 = pnode->children[i]->qdim2;
-            } else {
-              if (pnode->test_function_type !=
-                  pnode->children[i]->test_function_type ||
-                  pnode->>children[i]->name_test1) ||
-                  pnode->>children[i]->name_test2) ||
-                  pnode->
-                  (pnode->children[i]->interpolate_name_test1) ||
-                  pnode->
-                  (pnode->children[i]->interpolate_name_test2))
-                ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Inconsistent use of test "
-                               "function in constant matrix.");
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        mi.resize(0);
-        if (pnode->test_function_type) mi.push_back(2);
-        if (pnode->test_function_type >= 3) mi.push_back(2);
-        if (nbc1 == 1 && nbc2 == 1 && nbc3 == 1 && nbl == 1) {
-          pnode->t.adjust_sizes(mi);
-          if (all_cte) pnode->tensor()[0] = child0->tensor()[0];
-        } else {
-          mi.push_back(nbl);
-          if (nbc3 != 1) mi.push_back(nbc3);
-          if (nbc2 != 1) mi.push_back(nbc2);
-          if (nbc1 != 1) mi.push_back(nbc1);
-          pnode->t.adjust_sizes(mi);
-          if (all_cte) {
-            size_type n = 0;
-            if (nbc1 == 1 && nbc2 == 1 && nbc3 == 1)
-              for (size_type i = 0; i < nbl; ++i)
-                pnode->tensor()[i] = pnode->children[i]->tensor()[0];
-            else if (nbc2 == 1 && nbc3 == 1) // TODO: verify order
-              for (size_type i = 0; i < nbl; ++i)
-                for (size_type j = 0; j < nbc1; ++j)
-                  pnode->tensor()(i,j) = pnode->children[n++]->tensor()[0];
-            else if (nbc3 == 1) // TODO: verify order
-              for (size_type i = 0; i < nbl; ++i)
-                for (size_type j = 0; j < nbc2; ++j)
-                  for (size_type k = 0; k < nbc1; ++k)
-                    pnode->tensor()(i,j,k) = pnode->children[n++]->tensor()[0];
-            else // TODO: verify order
-              for (size_type i = 0; i < nbl; ++i)
-                for (size_type j = 0; j < nbc3; ++j)
-                  for (size_type k = 0; k < nbc2; ++k)
-                    for (size_type l = 0; l < nbc1; ++l)
-                      pnode->tensor()(i,j,k,l)
-                        = pnode->children[n++]->tensor()[0];
-          }
+      if (for_interpolation)
+        order = size_type(-1) - add_derivative_order;
+      else {
+        switch(tree.root->test_function_type) {
+        case 0: order = 0; break;
+        case 1: order = 1; break;
+        case 3: order = 2; break;
+        default: GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Inconsistent term "
+                             << tree.root->test_function_type);
-        if (all_cte) tree.clear_children(pnode);
-      break;
-    case GA_NODE_NAME:
-      {
-        std::string name = pnode->name;
-        if (!ignore_X && !("X"))) {
-          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_X;
-          pnode->nbc1 = 0;
-          pnode->init_vector_tensor(meshdim);
-          break;
-        }
-        if (!("element_size"))) {
-          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ELT_SIZE;
-          pnode->init_scalar_tensor(0);
-          break;
-        }
-        if (!("element_K"))) {
-          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ELT_K;
-         if (ref_elt_dim == 1)
-           pnode->init_vector_tensor(meshdim);
-         else
-           pnode->init_matrix_tensor(meshdim, ref_elt_dim);
-          break;
-        }
-        if (!("element_B"))) {
-          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ELT_B;
-          pnode->init_matrix_tensor(ref_elt_dim, meshdim);
-          break;
-        }
-        if (!("Normal"))) {
-          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_NORMAL;
-          pnode->init_vector_tensor(meshdim);
-          break;
-        }
-        if (!("Reshape"))) {
-          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_RESHAPE;
-          pnode->init_vector_tensor(meshdim);
-          break;
-        }
+      bool found = false;
+      for (size_type i = 0; i < trees.size(); ++i) {
+        if (trees[i].mim == &mim && trees[i].m == &m &&
+            trees[i].order == order &&
+            trees[i]>name_test1) == 0 &&
+            trees[i]
+            (tree.root->interpolate_name_test1) == 0 &&
+            trees[i]>name_test2) == 0 &&
+            trees[i]
+            (tree.root->interpolate_name_test2) == 0 &&
+            trees[i].rg == &rg && trees[i].interpolation == for_interpolation 
+            trees[i] {
+          ga_tree &ftree = *(trees[i].ptree);
-        if (, 11, "Derivative_") == 0) {
-          name = name.substr(11);
-          bool valid = true;
-          pnode->der1 = 1; pnode->der2 = 0;
-          char *p;
-          size_type d = strtol(name.c_str(), &p, 10);
-          size_type s = p - name.c_str();
-          if (s > 0) {
-            pnode->der1 = d;
-            if (name[s] != '_') valid = false; else
-              name = name.substr(s+1);
-          }
-          d = strtol(name.c_str(), &p, 10);
-          s = p - name.c_str();
-          if (s > 0) {
-            pnode->der2 = d;
-            if (name[s] != '_') valid = false; else
-              name = name.substr(s+1);
-          }
-          if (!valid || pnode->der1 == 0)
-            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Invalid derivative format");
+          ftree.insert_node(ftree.root, GA_NODE_OP);
+          ftree.root->op_type = GA_PLUS;
+          ftree.root->children.resize(2, nullptr);
+          ftree.copy_node(tree.root, ftree.root, ftree.root->children[1]);
+          ga_semantic_analysis("", ftree, *this, m.dim(),
+                               ref_elt_dim_of_mesh(m), false, function_expr);
+          found = true;
+          break;
+      }
-        ga_predef_function_tab::const_iterator it=PREDEF_FUNCTIONS.find(name);
-        if (it != PREDEF_FUNCTIONS.end()) {
-          // Predefined function found
-          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_PREDEF_FUNC;
-          pnode->name = name;
-          pnode->test_function_type = 0;
-          if (pnode->der1) {
-            if (pnode->der1 > it->second.nbargs()
-                || pnode->der2 > it->second.nbargs())
-              ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Invalid derivative.");
-            const ga_predef_function &F = it->second;
-            if ((F.ftype() == 0 || F.dtype() == 2) && !(pnode->der2)) {
-              pnode->name = ((pnode->der1 == 1) ?
-                             F.derivative1() : F.derivative2());
-              pnode->der1 = pnode->der2 = 0;
-            }
-          }
-        } else if (SPEC_FUNCTIONS.find(name) != SPEC_FUNCTIONS.end()) {
-          // Special function found
-          if (pnode->der1)
-            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Special functions do not "
-                           "support derivatives.");
-          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_SPEC_FUNC;
-          pnode->name = name;
-          pnode->test_function_type = 0;
-          if (!"pi")) {
-            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
-            pnode->init_scalar_tensor(M_PI);
-          } else if (!"meshdim")) {
-            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
-            pnode->init_scalar_tensor(scalar_type(meshdim));
-          } else if (!"timestep")) {
-            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
-            pnode->init_scalar_tensor(scalar_type(workspace.get_time_step()));
-          }
-        } else if (
-                   != {
-          // Nonlinear operator found
-          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_OPERATOR;
-          pnode->name = name;
-          pnode->test_function_type = 0;
-        } else if (workspace.macro_exists(name)) {
-          GMM_ASSERT1(pnode->der1 == 0 && pnode->der2 == 0,
-                      "Derivativation of a macro is not allowed");
-          ga_tree &ma_tree
-            = workspace.macro_tree(name, meshdim, ref_elt_dim, ignore_X);
-          pga_tree_node pnode_old = pnode;
-          pnode = nullptr;
-          tree.copy_node(ma_tree.root, pnode_old->parent, pnode);
-          if (pnode_old->parent)
-            pnode_old->parent->replace_child(pnode_old, pnode);
-          else
-            tree.root = pnode;
-          GMM_ASSERT1(pnode_old->children.empty(), "Internal error");
-          delete pnode_old;
-          ga_node_analysis(expr, tree, workspace, pnode, meshdim,
-                           ref_elt_dim, eval_fixed_size, ignore_X, option);
-        } else {
-          // Search for a variable name with optional gradient, Hessian,
-          // divergence or test functions
-          size_type prefix_id = ga_parse_prefix_operator(name);
-          size_type test = ga_parse_prefix_test(name);
-          if (!(workspace.variable_exists(name)))
-            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Unknown variable, function, "
-                           "operator or data " + name);
-          if (pnode->der1)
-            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Derivative is for functions or "
-                           "operators, not for variables. Use Grad instead.");
-          pnode->name = name;
-          const mesh_fem *mf = workspace.associated_mf(name);
-          const im_data *imd = workspace.associated_im_data(name);
-          if (test && workspace.is_constant(name) &&
-              !(workspace.is_disabled_variable(name)))
-            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Test functions of constants "
-                           "are not allowed.");
-          if (test == 1) {
-            pnode->name_test1 = name;
-            pnode->interpolate_name_test1 = "";
-            if (option == 1)
-              workspace.test1.insert
-                (var_trans_pair(pnode->name_test1,
-                                pnode->interpolate_name_test1));
-            pnode->qdim1 = mf ? workspace.qdim(name)
-                              : gmm::vect_size(workspace.value(name));
-            if (!(pnode->qdim1))
-              ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
-                             "Invalid null size of variable");
-          } else if (test == 2) {
-            pnode->name_test2 = name;
-            pnode->interpolate_name_test2 = "";
-            if (option == 1)
-              workspace.test2.insert
-                (var_trans_pair(pnode->name_test2,
-                                pnode->interpolate_name_test2));
-            pnode->qdim2 = mf ? workspace.qdim(name)
-                              : gmm::vect_size(workspace.value(name));
-            if (!(pnode->qdim2))
-              ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
-                             "Invalid null size of variable");
-          }
-          if (!mf && (test || !imd)) {
-            if (prefix_id)
-              ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Gradient, Hessian or 
-                             " cannot be evaluated for fixed size data.");
-            if (test)
-              pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_VAL_TEST;
-            else if (eval_fixed_size)
-              pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
-            else
-              pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_VAL;
+      if (!found) {
+        ind_tree = trees.size(); remain = false;
+        trees.push_back(tree_description());
+        trees.back().mim = &mim; trees.back().m = &m;
+        trees.back().rg = &rg;
+        trees.back().ptree = new ga_tree;
+        trees.back().ptree->swap(tree);
+        pga_tree_node root = trees.back().ptree->root;
+        trees.back().name_test1 = root->name_test1;
+        trees.back().name_test2 = root->name_test2;
+        trees.back().interpolate_name_test1 = root->interpolate_name_test1;
+        trees.back().interpolate_name_test2 = root->interpolate_name_test2;
+        trees.back().order = order;
+        trees.back().interpolation = for_interpolation;
+        trees.back().varname_interpolation = varname_interpolation;
+       }
-            size_type n = gmm::vect_size(workspace.value(name));
-            if (n == 1) {
-              if (test) {
-                pnode->init_vector_tensor(1);
-                pnode->tensor()[0]=scalar_type(1);
-              }
-              else pnode->init_scalar_tensor(workspace.value(name)[0]);
-            } else {
-              if (test) {
-                pnode->init_matrix_tensor(n,n);
-                for (size_type i = 0; i < n; ++i)
-                  for (size_type j = 0; j < n; ++j)
-                    pnode->tensor()(i,j)
-                      = ((i == j) ? scalar_type(1) : scalar_type(0));
-              } else {
-                pnode->t.adjust_sizes(workspace.qdims(name));
-                gmm::copy(workspace.value(name), pnode->tensor().as_vector());
-              }
-            }
-          } else if (!test && imd) {
-            if (prefix_id)
-              ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Gradient, Hessian or 
-                              " cannot be evaluated for im data.");
-            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_VAL;
-            pnode->t.adjust_sizes(workspace.qdims(name));
-          } else {
-            size_type q = workspace.qdim(name);
-            size_type n = mf->linked_mesh().dim();
-            bgeot::multi_index mii = workspace.qdims(name);
-            if (!q) ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
-                                   "Invalid null size of variable " << name);
-            if (mii.size() > 6)
-              ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
-                            "Tensor with too much dimensions. Limited to 6");
-            switch (prefix_id) {
-            case 0: // value
-              pnode->node_type = test ? GA_NODE_VAL_TEST : GA_NODE_VAL;
-              // For Test nodes a first dimension of size equal to 2 has to be
-              // prepended by convention (to be adapted later)
-              if (test && q == 1 && mii.size() <= 1) {
-                mii.resize(1);
-                mii[0] = 2;
-              } else if (test) {
-                mii.insert(mii.begin(), 2);
-                pnode->t.adjust_sizes(mii);
-              }
-              break;
-            case 1: // grad
-              pnode->node_type = test ? GA_NODE_GRAD_TEST : GA_NODE_GRAD;
-              if (test) {
-                if (q == 1 && mii.size() <= 1) {
-                  mii.resize(1);
-                  mii[0] = 2;
-                } else
-                  mii.insert(mii.begin(), 2);
-              }
-              if (n > 1) {
-                if (mii.size() == 1 && mii[0] == 1) mii[0] = n;
-                else mii.push_back(n);
-              }
-              break;
-            case 2: // Hessian
-              pnode->node_type = test ? GA_NODE_HESS_TEST : GA_NODE_HESS;
-              if (test) {
-                if (q == 1 && mii.size() <= 1) {
-                  mii.resize(1);
-                  mii[0] = 2;
-                } else
-                  mii.insert(mii.begin(), 2);
-              }
-              if (n > 1) {
-                if (mii.size() == 1 && mii[0] == 1) mii[0] = n;
-                else mii.push_back(n);
-                mii.push_back(n);
-              }
-              break;
-            case 3: // divergence
-              pnode->node_type = test ? GA_NODE_DIVERG_TEST : GA_NODE_DIVERG;
-              if (q != n)
-                ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
-                               "Divergence operator can only be applied to"
-                               "Fields with qdim (" << q << ") equal to dim ("
-                               << n << ")");
-              mii.resize(1);
-              mii[0] = test ? 2 : 1;
-              break;
-            }
-            pnode->t.adjust_sizes(mii);
+      if (for_interpolation == 0 && order < add_derivative_order) {
+        std::set<var_trans_pair> expr_variables;
+        ga_extract_variables((remain ? tree : *(trees[ind_tree].ptree)).root,
+                             *this, m, expr_variables, true);
+        for (const var_trans_pair &var : expr_variables) {
+          if (!(is_constant(var.varname))) {
+            ga_tree dtree = (remain ? tree : *(trees[ind_tree].ptree));
+            // cout << "Derivation with respect to " << var.first << " : "
+            //     << var.second << " of " << ga_tree_to_string(dtree) << endl;
+            GA_TIC;
+            ga_derivative(dtree, *this, m, var.varname, var.transname, 
+            // cout << "Result : " << ga_tree_to_string(dtree) << endl;
+            GA_TOCTIC("Derivative time");
+            ga_semantic_analysis(expr, dtree, *this, m.dim(),
+                                 ref_elt_dim_of_mesh(m), false, function_expr);
+            GA_TOCTIC("Analysis after Derivative time");
+            // cout << "after analysis "  << ga_tree_to_string(dtree) << endl;
+            add_tree(dtree, m, mim, rg, expr, add_derivative_order,
+                     function_expr, for_interpolation, varname_interpolation);
-          pnode->test_function_type = test;
-      break;
-    case GA_NODE_PARAMS:
-      if (child0->node_type == GA_NODE_X) {
-        child0->init_scalar_tensor(0);
-        if (pnode->children.size() != 2)
-          ga_throw_error(expr, child1->pos, "X stands for the coordinates on "
-                         "the real elements. It accepts only one index.");
-        if (!(child1->node_type == GA_NODE_CONSTANT) ||
-            child1->tensor().size() != 1)
-          ga_throw_error(expr, child1->pos, "Index for X has to be constant "
-                         "and of size 1.");
-        child0->nbc1 = size_type(round(child1->tensor()[0]));
-        if (child0->nbc1 == 0 || child0->nbc1 > meshdim)
-          ga_throw_error(expr, child1->pos, "Index for X not convenient. "
-                         "Found " << child0->nbc1 << " with meshdim = "
-                         << meshdim);
-        tree.replace_node_by_child(pnode, 0);
-        pnode = child0;
-      } else if (child0->node_type == GA_NODE_RESHAPE) {
-        if (pnode->children.size() < 3)
-          ga_throw_error(expr, child1->pos,
-                         "Not enough parameters for Reshape");
-        if (pnode->children.size() > 8)
-          ga_throw_error(expr, child1->pos,
-                         "Too many parameters for Reshape");
-        pnode->t = child1->t;
-        pnode->test_function_type = child1->test_function_type;
-        pnode->name_test1 = child1->name_test1;
-        pnode->name_test2 = child1->name_test2;
-        pnode->interpolate_name_test1 = child1->interpolate_name_test1;
-        pnode->interpolate_name_test2 = child1->interpolate_name_test2;
-        pnode->qdim1 = child1->qdim1;
-        pnode->qdim2 = child1->qdim2;
-        mi.resize(0);
-        for (size_type i = 0; i < pnode->nb_test_functions(); ++i)
-          mi.push_back(size1[i]);
-        for (size_type i = 2; i < pnode->children.size(); ++i) {
-          if (pnode->children[i]->node_type != GA_NODE_CONSTANT)
-            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->children[i]->pos, "Reshape sizes "
-                           "should be constant positive integers.");
-          mi.push_back(size_type(round(pnode->children[i]->tensor()[0])));
-          if (mi.back() == 0)
-            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->children[i]->pos, "Wrong zero size "
-                           "for Reshape.");
-        }
-        size_type total_size(1);
-        for (size_type i = 0; i < mi.size(); ++i)
-          total_size *= mi[i];
-        if (total_size != pnode->tensor().size())
-           ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Invalid sizes for reshape.");
-        pnode->t.adjust_sizes(mi);
-        if (child1->node_type == GA_NODE_CONSTANT) {
-          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
-          tree.clear_children(pnode);
-        } else if (child1->node_type == GA_NODE_ZERO) {
-          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ZERO;
-          tree.clear_children(pnode);
-        }
-      } else if (child0->node_type == GA_NODE_PREDEF_FUNC) {
-        // Evaluation of a predefined function
+    }
+  }
-        for (size_type i = 1; i < pnode->children.size(); ++i)
-          ga_valid_operand(expr, pnode->children[i]);
-        std::string name = child0->name;
-        ga_predef_function_tab::const_iterator it = 
-        const ga_predef_function &F = it->second;
-        size_type nbargs = F.nbargs();
-        if (nbargs+1 != pnode->children.size()) {
-            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Bad number of arguments for "
-                "predefined function " << name << ". Found "
-                 << pnode->children.size()-1 << ", should be "<<nbargs << ".");
-        }
-        pnode->test_function_type = 0;
-        pga_tree_node child2 = (nbargs == 2) ? pnode->children[2] : child1;
-        all_cte = child1->node_type == GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
-        if (nbargs == 2)
-          all_cte = all_cte && (child2->node_type == GA_NODE_CONSTANT);
-        if (child1->test_function_type || child2->test_function_type)
-          ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Test functions cannot be passed "
-                         "as argument of a predefined function.");
-        if (child1->tensor_order() > 2 || child2->tensor_order() > 2)
-          ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Sorry, function can be applied "
-                         "to scalar, vector and matrices only.");
-        size_type s1 = child1->tensor().size();
-        size_type s2 = (nbargs == 2) ? child2->tensor().size() : s1;
-        if (s1 != s2 && (s1 != 1 || s2 != 1))
-          ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
-                         "Invalid argument size for a scalar function. "
-                         "Size of first argument: " << s1 <<
-                         ". Size of second argument: " << s2 << ".");
+  ga_workspace::m_tree::~m_tree() { if (ptree) delete ptree; }
+  ga_workspace::m_tree::m_tree(const m_tree& o)
+    : ptree(o.ptree), meshdim(o.meshdim), ignore_X(o.ignore_X)
+  { if (o.ptree) ptree = new ga_tree(*(o.ptree)); }
+  ga_workspace::m_tree &ga_workspace::m_tree::operator =(const m_tree& o) {
+    if (ptree) delete ptree;
+    ptree = o.ptree; meshdim = o.meshdim; ignore_X = o.ignore_X;
+    if (o.ptree) ptree = new ga_tree(*(o.ptree));
+    return *this;
+  }
-        if (nbargs == 1) {
-          pnode->t = child1->t;
-        } else {
-          if (s1 == s2) {
-            pnode->t = child1->t;
-          } else if (s1 == 1) {
-            pnode->t = child2->t;
-          } else {
-            pnode->t = child1->t;
+  size_type ga_workspace::add_expression(const std::string &expr,
+                                         const mesh_im &mim,
+                                         const mesh_region &rg_,
+                                         size_type add_derivative_order) {
+    const mesh_region &rg = register_region(mim.linked_mesh(), rg_);
+    // cout << "adding expression " << expr << endl;
+    GA_TIC;
+    size_type max_order = 0;
+    std::vector<ga_tree> ltrees(1);
+    ga_read_string(expr, ltrees[0]);
+    // cout << "read : " << ga_tree_to_string(ltrees[0])  << endl;
+    ga_semantic_analysis(expr, ltrees[0], *this, mim.linked_mesh().dim(),
+                         ref_elt_dim_of_mesh(mim.linked_mesh()),
+                         false, false, 1);
+    // cout << "analysed : " << ga_tree_to_string(ltrees[0]) << endl;
+    GA_TOC("First analysis time");
+    if (ltrees[0].root) {
+      if (test1.size() > 1 || test2.size() > 1) {
+        size_type ntest2 = std::max(size_type(1), test2.size());
+        size_type nb_ltrees = test1.size()*ntest2;
+        ltrees.resize(nb_ltrees);
+        for (size_type i = 1; i < nb_ltrees; ++i) ltrees[i] = ltrees[0];
+        std::set<var_trans_pair>::iterator it1 = test1.begin();
+        for (size_type i = 0; i < test1.size(); ++i, ++it1) {
+          std::set<var_trans_pair>::iterator it2 = test2.begin();
+          for (size_type j = 0; j < ntest2; ++j) {
+            selected_test1 = *it1;
+            if (test2.size()) selected_test2 = *it2++;
+            // cout << "analysis with " << selected_test1.first << endl;
+            ga_semantic_analysis(expr, ltrees[i*ntest2+j], *this,
+                                 mim.linked_mesh().dim(),
+                                 ref_elt_dim_of_mesh(mim.linked_mesh()),
+                                 false, false, 2);
+            // cout <<"split: "<< ga_tree_to_string(ltrees[i*ntest2+j]) << 
+      }
-        if (all_cte) {
-          if (pnode->der1)
-            GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Sorry, to be done");
-          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
-          if (nbargs == 1) {
-            for (size_type i = 0; i < s1; ++i)
-              pnode->tensor()[i] = F(child1->tensor()[i]);
-          } else {
-            if (s1 == s2) {
-              for (size_type i = 0; i < s1; ++i)
-                pnode->tensor()[i] = F(child1->tensor()[i],
-                                       child2->tensor()[i]);
-            } else if (s1 == 1) {
-              for (size_type i = 0; i < s2; ++i)
-                pnode->tensor()[i] = F(child1->tensor()[0],
-                                       child2->tensor()[i]);
-            } else {
-              for (size_type i = 0; i < s1; ++i)
-                pnode->tensor()[i] = F(child1->tensor()[i],
-                                       child2->tensor()[0]);
-            }
-          }
-          tree.clear_children(pnode);
+      for (size_type i = 0; i < ltrees.size(); ++i) {
+        if (ltrees[i].root) {
+          // cout << "adding tree " << ga_tree_to_string(ltrees[i]) << endl;
+          max_order = std::max(ltrees[i].root->nb_test_functions(), max_order);
+          add_tree(ltrees[i], mim.linked_mesh(), mim, rg, expr,
+                   add_derivative_order, true, 0, "");
-      } else if (child0->node_type == GA_NODE_SPEC_FUNC) {
+      }
+    }
+    GA_TOC("Time for add expression");
+    return max_order;
+  }
-        // Special constant functions: meshdim, qdim(u) ...
+  void ga_workspace::add_function_expression(const std::string &expr) {
+    ga_tree tree;
+    ga_read_string(expr, tree);
+    ga_semantic_analysis(expr, tree, *this, 1, 1, false, true);
+    if (tree.root) {
+      // GMM_ASSERT1(tree.root->nb_test_functions() == 0,
+      //            "Invalid function expression");
+      add_tree(tree, dummy_mesh(), dummy_mesh_im(), dummy_mesh_region(),
+               expr, 0, true, 0, "");
+    }
+  }
-        for (size_type i = 1; i < pnode->children.size(); ++i)
-          ga_valid_operand(expr, pnode->children[i]);
-        if (pnode->children.size() != 2)
-          ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
-                         "One and only one argument is allowed for function "
-                         +child0->name+".");
-        if (!(child0->"qdim"))) {
-          if (child1->node_type != GA_NODE_VAL)
-            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "The argument of qdim "
-                           "function can only be a variable name.");
-          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
-          pnode->init_scalar_tensor(scalar_type(workspace.qdim(child1->name)));
-          if (pnode->tensor()[0] <= 0)
-            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
-                           "Invalid null size of variable");
-        } else if (!(child0->"qdims"))) {
-          if (child1->node_type != GA_NODE_VAL)
-            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "The argument of qdim "
-                           "function can only be a variable name.");
-          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
-          bgeot::multi_index mii = workspace.qdims(child1->name);
-          if (mii.size() > 6)
-            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
-                           "Tensor with too much dimensions. Limited to 6");
-          if (mii.size() == 0 || scalar_type(mii[0]) <= 0)
-            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
-                           "Invalid null size of variable");
-          if (mii.size() == 1)
-            pnode->init_scalar_tensor(scalar_type(mii[0]));
-          if (mii.size() >= 1) {
-            pnode->init_vector_tensor(mii.size());
-            for (size_type i = 0; i < mii.size(); ++i)
-              pnode->tensor()[i] = scalar_type(mii[i]);
-          }
-        } else if (!(child0->"Id"))) {
-          bool valid = (child1->node_type == GA_NODE_CONSTANT);
-          int n = valid ? int(round(child1->tensor()[0])) : -1;
-          if (n <= 0 || n > 100 || child1->tensor_order() > 0)
-            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "The argument of Id "
-                           "should be a (small) positive integer.");
-          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
-          if (n == 1)
-            pnode->init_scalar_tensor(scalar_type(1));
-          else {
-            pnode->init_matrix_tensor(n,n);
-            for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) pnode->tensor()(i,i) = scalar_type(1);
-          }
-        } else ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->children[0]->pos,
-                              "Unknown special function.");
-        tree.clear_children(pnode);
-      } else if (child0->node_type == GA_NODE_OPERATOR) {
+  void ga_workspace::add_interpolation_expression(const std::string &expr,
+                                                  const mesh &m,
+                                                  const mesh_region &rg_) {
+    const mesh_region &rg = register_region(m, rg_);
+    ga_tree tree;
+    ga_read_string(expr, tree);
+    ga_semantic_analysis(expr, tree, *this, m.dim(), ref_elt_dim_of_mesh(m),
+                         false, false);
+    if (tree.root) {
+      // GMM_ASSERT1(tree.root->nb_test_functions() == 0,
+      //            "Invalid expression containing test functions");
+      add_tree(tree, m, dummy_mesh_im(), rg, expr, 0, false, 1, "");
+    }
+  }
-        // Call to a nonlinear operator
+  void ga_workspace::add_interpolation_expression(const std::string &expr,
+                                                  const mesh_im &mim,
+                                                  const mesh_region &rg_) {
+    const mesh &m = mim.linked_mesh();
+    const mesh_region &rg = register_region(m, rg_);
+    ga_tree tree;
+    ga_read_string(expr, tree);
+    ga_semantic_analysis(expr, tree, *this, m.dim(), ref_elt_dim_of_mesh(m),
+                         false, false);
+    if (tree.root) {
+      GMM_ASSERT1(tree.root->nb_test_functions() == 0,
+                  "Invalid expression containing test functions");
+      add_tree(tree, m, mim, rg, expr, 0, false, 1, "");
+    }
+  }
-        for (size_type i = 1; i < pnode->children.size(); ++i)
-          ga_valid_operand(expr, pnode->children[i]);
-        all_cte = true;
-        ga_nonlinear_operator::arg_list args;
-        for (size_type i = 1; i < pnode->children.size(); ++i) {
-          all_cte = all_cte
-            && (pnode->children[i]->node_type == GA_NODE_CONSTANT);
-          args.push_back(&(pnode->children[i]->tensor()));
-          if (pnode->children[i]->node_type == GA_NODE_ALLINDICES)
-            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->children[i]->pos,
-                           "Colon operator is not allowed in nonlinear "
-                           "operator call.");
-          if (pnode->children[i]->test_function_type)
-            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Test functions cannot be passed "
-                           "as argument of a nonlinear operator.");
-          if (pnode->children[i]->tensor_order() > 2)
-            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Sorry, arguments to nonlinear "
-                        "operators should only be scalar, vector or matrices");
-        }
-        ga_predef_operator_tab::T::const_iterator it
-          =>name);
-        const ga_nonlinear_operator &OP = *(it->second);
-        mi.resize(0);
-        if (!(OP.result_size(args, mi)))
-          ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
-                         "Wrong number or wrong size of arguments for the "
-                         "call of nonlinear operator " + child0->name);
+  void ga_workspace::add_assignment_expression
+  (const std::string &varname, const std::string &expr, const mesh_region &rg_,
+   size_type order, bool before) {
+    const im_data *imd = associated_im_data(varname);
+    GMM_ASSERT1(imd != 0, "Only applicable to im_data");
+    const mesh_im &mim = imd->linked_mesh_im();
+    const mesh &m = mim.linked_mesh();
+    const mesh_region &rg = register_region(m, rg_);
+    ga_tree tree;
+    ga_read_string(expr, tree);
+    ga_semantic_analysis(expr, tree, *this, m.dim(), ref_elt_dim_of_mesh(m),
+                         false, false);
+    if (tree.root) {
+      GMM_ASSERT1(tree.root->nb_test_functions() == 0,
+                  "Invalid expression containing test functions");
+      add_tree(tree, m, mim, rg, expr, order+1, false, (before ? 1 : 2),
+               varname);
+    }
+  }
-        pnode->test_function_type = 0;
+  size_type ga_workspace::nb_trees() const { return trees.size(); }
-        if (child0->der1 > args.size() || child0->der2 > args.size())
-           ga_throw_error(expr, child0->pos,
-                         "Invalid derivative number for nonlinear operator "
-                          + child0->name);
+  ga_workspace::tree_description &ga_workspace::tree_info(size_type i)
+  { return trees[i]; }
-        if (child0->der1 && child0->der2 == 0) {
-          for (size_type i = 0; i < args[child0->der1-1]->sizes().size(); ++i)
-            mi.push_back(args[child0->der1-1]->sizes()[i]);
-          pnode->t.adjust_sizes(mi);
-          if (all_cte) {
-            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
-            OP.derivative(args, child0->der1, pnode->tensor());
-            tree.clear_children(pnode);
-          }
-        } else if (child0->der1 && child0->der2) {
-          for (size_type i = 0; i < args[child0->der1-1]->sizes().size(); ++i)
-            mi.push_back(args[child0->der1-1]->sizes()[i]);
-          for (size_type i = 0; i < args[child0->der2-1]->sizes().size(); ++i)
-            mi.push_back(args[child0->der2-1]->sizes()[i]);
-          pnode->t.adjust_sizes(mi);
-          if (all_cte) {
-            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
-            OP.second_derivative(args, child0->der1, child0->der2,
-                                 pnode->tensor());
-            tree.clear_children(pnode);
-          }
-        } else {
-          pnode->t.adjust_sizes(mi);
-          if (all_cte) {
-            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
-            OP.value(args, pnode->tensor());
-            tree.clear_children(pnode);
+  bool ga_workspace::used_variables(std::vector<std::string> &vl,
+                                    std::vector<std::string> &vl_test1,
+                                    std::vector<std::string> &vl_test2,
+                                    std::vector<std::string> &dl,
+                                    size_type order) {
+    bool islin = true;
+    std::set<var_trans_pair> vll, dll;
+    for (size_type i = 0; i < vl.size(); ++i)
+      vll.insert(var_trans_pair(vl[i], ""));
+    for (size_type i = 0; i < dl.size(); ++i)
+      dll.insert(var_trans_pair(dl[i], ""));
+    for (size_type i = 0; i < trees.size(); ++i) {
+      ga_workspace::tree_description &td =  trees[i];
+      std::set<var_trans_pair> dllaux;
+      bool fv = ga_extract_variables(td.ptree->root, *this, *(td.m),
+                                     dllaux, false);
+      if (td.order == order) {
+        for (std::set<var_trans_pair>::iterator it = dllaux.begin();
+             it!=dllaux.end(); ++it)
+          dll.insert(*it);
+      }
+      switch (td.order) {
+      case 0:  break;
+      case 1:
+        if (td.order == order) {
+          if (variable_group_exists(td.name_test1)) {
+            for (const std::string &t : variable_group(td.name_test1))
+              vll.insert(var_trans_pair(t, td.interpolate_name_test1));
+          } else {
+            vll.insert(var_trans_pair(td.name_test1,
+                                      td.interpolate_name_test1));
+          bool found = false;
+          for (const std::string &t : vl_test1)
+            if ( == 0)
+              found = true;
+          if (!found)
+            vl_test1.push_back(td.name_test1);
-      } else {
-        // Access to components of a tensor
-        all_cte = (child0->node_type == GA_NODE_CONSTANT);
-        // cout << "child0->tensor_order() = " << child0->tensor_order();
-        // cout << endl << "child0->t.sizes() = "
-        //      << child0->t.sizes() << endl;
-        if (pnode->children.size() != child0->tensor_order() + 1)
-          ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Bad number of indices.");
-        for (size_type i = 1; i < pnode->children.size(); ++i)
-          if (pnode->children[i]->node_type != GA_NODE_ALLINDICES &&
-              (pnode->children[i]->node_type != GA_NODE_CONSTANT ||
-               pnode->children[i]->tensor().size() != 1))
-            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->children[i]->pos,
-                            "Indices should be constant integers or colon.");
-        bgeot::multi_index mi1(size0.size()), mi2, indices;
-        for (size_type i = 0; i < child0->tensor_order(); ++i) {
-          if (pnode->children[i+1]->node_type == GA_NODE_ALLINDICES) {
-            mi2.push_back(child0->tensor_proper_size(i));
-            indices.push_back(i);
-            mi1[i] = 0;
+        break;
+      case 2:
+        if (td.order == order) {
+          if (variable_group_exists(td.name_test1)) {
+            for (const std::string &t : variable_group(td.name_test1))
+              vll.insert(var_trans_pair(t, td.interpolate_name_test1));
           } else {
-            mi1[i] = size_type(round(pnode->children[i+1]->tensor()[0])-1);
-            if (mi1[i] >= child0->tensor_proper_size(i))
-              ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->children[i+1]->pos,
-                             "Index out of range, " << mi1[i]+1
-                             << ". Should be between 1 and "
-                             << child0->tensor_proper_size(i) << ".");
+            vll.insert(var_trans_pair(td.name_test1,
+                                      td.interpolate_name_test1));
-        }
-        mi.resize(0);
-        for (size_type i = 0; i < child0->nb_test_functions(); ++i)
-          mi.push_back(child0->t.sizes()[i]);
-        for (size_type i = 0; i < mi2.size(); ++i) mi.push_back(mi2[i]);
-        pnode->t.adjust_sizes(mi);
-        pnode->test_function_type = child0->test_function_type;
-        pnode->name_test1 = child0->name_test1;
-        pnode->name_test2 = child0->name_test2;
-        pnode->interpolate_name_test1 = child0->interpolate_name_test1;
-        pnode->interpolate_name_test2 = child0->interpolate_name_test2;
-        pnode->qdim1 = child0->qdim1;
-        pnode->qdim2 = child0->qdim2;
-        if (all_cte) {
-          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
-          for (bgeot::multi_index mi3(mi2.size()); !mi3.finished(mi2);
-               mi3.incrementation(mi2)) {
-            for (size_type j = 0; j < mi2.size(); ++j) {
-              mi1[indices[j]] = mi3[j];
-            }
-            pnode->tensor()(mi3) = pnode->children[0]->tensor()(mi1);
+          if (variable_group_exists(td.name_test2)) {
+            for (const std::string &t : variable_group(td.name_test2))
+              vll.insert(var_trans_pair(t, td.interpolate_name_test2));
+          } else {
+            vll.insert(var_trans_pair(td.name_test2,
+                                      td.interpolate_name_test2));
-          tree.clear_children(pnode);
-        } else {
-          if (child0->tensor_is_zero() || child1->tensor_is_zero()) {
-            gmm::clear(pnode->tensor().as_vector());
-            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ZERO;
-            tree.clear_children(pnode);
+          bool found = false;
+          for (size_type j = 0; j < vl_test1.size(); ++j)
+            if (([j]) == 0) &&
+                ([j]) == 0))
+              found = true;
+          if (!found) {
+            vl_test1.push_back(td.name_test1);
+            vl_test2.push_back(td.name_test2);
+        if (fv) islin = false;
+        break;
-      break;
-    default:GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Unexpected node type " << pnode->node_type
-                        << " in semantic analysis. Internal error.");
-    // cout << " begin hash code = " << pnode->hash_value << endl;
-    pnode->hash_value = ga_hash_code(pnode);
-    // cout << "node_type = " << pnode->node_type << " op_type = "
-    //      << pnode->op_type << " proper hash code = " << pnode->hash_value;
-    for (size_type i = 0; i < pnode->children.size(); ++i) {
-      pnode->hash_value += (pnode->children[i]->hash_value)
-        * 1.0101 * (pnode->symmetric_op ? scalar_type(1) : scalar_type(i+1));
-    }
-    // cout << " final hash code = " << pnode->hash_value << endl;
-  }
-  //=========================================================================
-  // Extract a sub tree which consists of the corresponding node and of
-  // the terms multiplying this term, but not the term in addition.
-  // The aim is to expand an expression is a sum of elementary factors.
-  // Complains if a nonlinear term is encountered.
-  //=========================================================================
-  static void ga_extract_factor(ga_tree &result_tree, pga_tree_node pnode,
-                                pga_tree_node &new_pnode) {
-    result_tree.clear();
-    result_tree.copy_node(pnode, 0,  result_tree.root);
-    new_pnode = result_tree.root;
-    bool minus_sign = false;
+    vl.clear();
+    for (const auto &var : vll)
+      if (vl.size() == 0 ||
+        vl.push_back(var.varname);
+    dl.clear();
+    for (const auto &var : dll)
+      if (dl.size() == 0 ||
+        dl.push_back(var.varname);
-    pga_tree_node pnode_child = pnode;
-    pnode = pnode->parent;
+    return islin;
+  }
-    while (pnode) {
+  void ga_workspace::define_variable_group(const std::string &group_name,
+                                           const std::vector<std::string> &nl) 
+    GMM_ASSERT1(!(variable_exists(group_name)), "The name of a group of "
+                "variables cannot be the same as a variable name");
-      size_type nbch = pnode->children.size();
-      pga_tree_node child0 = (nbch > 0) ? pnode->children[0] : 0;
-      pga_tree_node child1 = (nbch > 1) ? pnode->children[1] : 0;
+    std::set<const mesh *> ms;
+    bool is_data_ = false;
+    for (size_type i = 0; i < nl.size(); ++i) {
+      if (i == 0)
+        is_data_ = is_constant(nl[i]);
+      else {
+        GMM_ASSERT1(is_data_ == is_constant(nl[i]),
+                    "It is not possible to mix variables and data in a group");
+      }
+      GMM_ASSERT1(variable_exists(nl[i]),
+                  "All variables in a group have to exist in the model");
+      const mesh_fem *mf = associated_mf(nl[i]);
+      GMM_ASSERT1(mf, "Variables in a group should be fem variables");
+      GMM_ASSERT1(ms.find(&(mf->linked_mesh())) == ms.end(),
+                  "Two variables in a group cannot share the same mesh");
+      ms.insert(&(mf->linked_mesh()));
+    }
+    variable_groups[group_name] = nl;
+  }
-      switch (pnode->node_type) {
-      case GA_NODE_OP:
-        switch(pnode->op_type) {
-        case GA_PLUS:
-          // Nothing to do
-          break;
-        case GA_MINUS:
-          if (child1 == pnode_child) minus_sign = !(minus_sign);
-          // A remaining minus sign is added at the end if necessary.
-          break;
-        case GA_UNARY_MINUS: case GA_QUOTE: case GA_SYM: case GA_SKEW:
-        case GA_TRACE: case GA_DEVIATOR: case GA_PRINT:
-          // Copy of the term
-          result_tree.insert_node(result_tree.root, pnode->node_type);
-          result_tree.root->op_type = pnode->op_type;
-          result_tree.root->pos = pnode->pos;
-          break;
-        case GA_DOT: case GA_MULT: case GA_COLON: case GA_TMULT:
-        case GA_DOTMULT: case GA_DIV: case GA_DOTDIV:
-          // Copy of the term and other child
-          result_tree.insert_node(result_tree.root, pnode->node_type);
-          result_tree.root->op_type = pnode->op_type;
-          result_tree.root->pos = pnode->pos;
-          result_tree.root->children.resize(2, nullptr);
-         if (child0 == pnode_child) {
-           result_tree.copy_node(child1, result_tree.root,
-                                  result_tree.root->children[1]);
-          } else if (child1 == pnode_child) {
-            std::swap(result_tree.root->children[1],
-                     result_tree.root->children[0]);
-            result_tree.copy_node(child0, result_tree.root,
-                                  result_tree.root->children[0]);
-          } else GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Corrupted tree");
-          break;
-        default: GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Unexpected operation. Internal error.");
-        }
-        break;
+  const std::string &ga_workspace::variable_in_group
+  (const std::string &group_name, const mesh &m) const {
+    if (variable_group_exists(group_name)) {
+      for (const std::string &t : variable_group(group_name))
+        if (&(associated_mf(t)->linked_mesh()) == &m)
+          return t;
+      GMM_ASSERT1(false, "No variable in this group for the given mesh");
+    } else
+      return group_name;
+  }
-      case GA_NODE_PARAMS:
-        GMM_ASSERT1(child0->node_type == GA_NODE_RESHAPE, "Cannot extract a "
-                    "factor which is a parameter of a nonlinear "
-                    "operator/function");
-        GMM_ASSERT1(child1 == pnode_child, "Cannot extract a factor of a "
-                    "Reshape size parameter");
-        // Copy of the term and other children
-        result_tree.insert_node(result_tree.root, pnode->node_type);
-        result_tree.root->pos = pnode->pos;
-        result_tree.root->children.resize(pnode->children.size(), nullptr);
-       std::swap(result_tree.root->children[1], result_tree.root->children[0]);
-        for (size_type i = 0; i < pnode->children.size(); ++i)
-          if (i != 1)
-            result_tree.copy_node(pnode->children[i], result_tree.root,
-                                  result_tree.root->children[i]);
-        break;
-      case GA_NODE_C_MATRIX:
-        result_tree.insert_node(result_tree.root, pnode->node_type);
-        result_tree.root->pos = pnode->pos;
-        result_tree.root->children.resize(pnode->children.size());
-        for (size_type i = 0; i < pnode->children.size(); ++i)
-          if (pnode_child == pnode->children[i]) {
-            result_tree.root->children[i] = result_tree.root->children[0];
-            result_tree.root->children[0] = 0;
-          }
+  void ga_workspace::assembly(size_type order) {
+    size_type ndof;
+    const ga_workspace *w = this;
+    while (w->parent_workspace) w = w->parent_workspace;
+    if (w->md) ndof = w->md->nb_dof(); // To eventually call actualize_sizes()
-        for (size_type i = 0; i < pnode->children.size(); ++i) {
-          if (pnode_child == pnode->children[i]) {
-            pnode->children[i] = new ga_tree_node(GA_NODE_ZERO, pnode->pos);
-            pnode->children[i]->init_scalar_tensor(scalar_type(0));
-            pnode->children[i]->parent = pnode;
-          }
-        }
-        break;
+    GA_TIC;
+    ga_instruction_set gis;
+    ga_compile(*this, gis, order);
+    ndof = gis.nb_dof;
+    size_type max_dof =  gis.max_dof;
+    GA_TOCTIC("Compile time");
-      default: GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Unexpected node type " << pnode->node_type
-                           << " in extract constant term. Internal error.");
+    if (order == 2) {
+      if (K.use_count()) {
+        gmm::clear(*K);
+        gmm::resize(*K, max_dof, max_dof);
-      pnode_child = pnode;
-      pnode = pnode->parent;
+      gmm::clear(unreduced_K);
+      gmm::resize(unreduced_K, ndof, ndof);
-    if (minus_sign) {
-      result_tree.insert_node(result_tree.root, GA_NODE_OP);
-      result_tree.root->op_type = GA_UNARY_MINUS;
-      result_tree.root->pos = pnode->children[0]->pos;
+    if (order == 1) {
+      if (V.use_count()) {
+        gmm::clear(*V);
+        gmm::resize(*V, max_dof);
+      }
+      gmm::clear(unreduced_V);
+      gmm::resize(unreduced_V, ndof);
-  }
-  //=========================================================================
-  // Extract the constant term of degree 1 expressions
-  //=========================================================================
-  static bool ga_node_extract_constant_term
-  (ga_tree &tree, pga_tree_node pnode, const ga_workspace &workspace,
-   const mesh &m) {
-    bool is_constant = true;
-    size_type nbch = pnode->children.size();
-    pga_tree_node child0 = (nbch > 0) ? pnode->children[0] : 0;
-    // pga_tree_node child1 = (nbch > 1) ? pnode->children[1] : 0;
-    bool child_0_is_constant = (nbch <= 0) ? true :
-      ga_node_extract_constant_term(tree, pnode->children[0], workspace, m);
-    bool child_1_is_constant = (nbch <= 1) ? true :
-      ga_node_extract_constant_term(tree, pnode->children[1], workspace, m);
-    switch (pnode->node_type) {
-    case GA_NODE_ZERO: is_constant = false; break;
-    case GA_NODE_ELT_SIZE: case GA_NODE_ELT_K: case GA_NODE_ELT_B:
-    case GA_NODE_CONSTANT: case GA_NODE_X:
-      is_constant = true; break;
+    E = 0;
+    GA_TOCTIC("Init time");
-    case GA_NODE_VAL: case GA_NODE_GRAD: case GA_NODE_HESS:
-    case GA_NODE_DIVERG:
-      is_constant = workspace.is_constant(pnode->name);
-      break;
+    ga_exec(gis, *this);
+    GA_TOCTIC("Exec time");
-      {
-        if (!(workspace.is_constant(pnode->name))) {
-          is_constant = false; break;
-        }
-        std::set<var_trans_pair> vars;
-        workspace.interpolate_transformation(pnode->interpolate_name)
-          ->extract_variables(workspace, vars, true, m,
-                              pnode->interpolate_name);
-        for (const var_trans_pair &var : vars) {
-          if (!(workspace.is_constant(var.varname)))
-            { is_constant = false; break; }
-        }
-      }
-      break;
+    if (order == 1) {
+      MPI_SUM_VECTOR(assembled_vector());
+      MPI_SUM_VECTOR(unreduced_V);
+    } else if (order == 0) {
+      assembled_potential() = MPI_SUM_SCALAR(assembled_potential());
+    }
-      if (!child_0_is_constant) { is_constant = false; break; }
-      // No break intentionally
-      {
-        std::set<var_trans_pair> vars;
-        workspace.interpolate_transformation(pnode->interpolate_name)
-          ->extract_variables(workspace, vars, true, m,
-                              pnode->interpolate_name);
-        for (const var_trans_pair &var : vars) {
-          if (!(workspace.is_constant(var.varname)))
-            { is_constant = false; break; }
+    // Deal with reduced fems.
+    if (order > 0) {
+      std::set<std::string> vars_vec_done;
+      std::set<std::pair<std::string, std::string> > vars_mat_done;
+      for (ga_tree &tree : gis.trees) {
+        if (tree.root) {
+          if (order == 1) {
+            const std::string &name = tree.root->name_test1;
+            const std::vector<std::string> vnames_(1,name);
+            const std::vector<std::string> &vnames
+              = variable_group_exists(name) ? variable_group(name)
+                                            : vnames_;
+            for (const std::string &vname : vnames) {
+              const mesh_fem *mf = associated_mf(vname);
+              if (mf && mf->is_reduced() &&
+                  vars_vec_done.find(vname) == vars_vec_done.end()) {
+                gmm::mult_add(gmm::transposed(mf->extension_matrix()),
+                              gmm::sub_vector(unreduced_V,
+                                              gis.var_intervals[vname]),
+                              gmm::sub_vector(*V,
+                                              interval_of_variable(vname)));
+                vars_vec_done.insert(vname);
+              }
+            }
+          } else {
+            std::string &name1 = tree.root->name_test1;
+            std::string &name2 = tree.root->name_test2;
+            const std::vector<std::string> vnames1_(1,name1),
+                                           vnames2_(2,name2);
+            const std::vector<std::string> &vnames1
+              = variable_group_exists(name1) ? variable_group(name1)
+                                             : vnames1_;
+            const std::vector<std::string> &vnames2
+              = variable_group_exists(name2) ? variable_group(name2)
+                                             : vnames2_;
+            for (const std::string &vname1 : vnames1) {
+              for (const std::string &vname2 : vnames2) {
+                const mesh_fem *mf1 = associated_mf(vname1);
+                const mesh_fem *mf2 = associated_mf(vname2);
+                if (((mf1 && mf1->is_reduced())
+                     || (mf2 && mf2->is_reduced()))) {
+                  std::pair<std::string, std::string> p(vname1, vname2);
+                  if (vars_mat_done.find(p) == vars_mat_done.end()) {
+                    gmm::sub_interval uI1 = gis.var_intervals[vname1];
+                    gmm::sub_interval uI2 = gis.var_intervals[vname2];
+                    gmm::sub_interval I1 = interval_of_variable(vname1);
+                    gmm::sub_interval I2 = interval_of_variable(vname2);
+                    if ((mf1 && mf1->is_reduced()) &&
+                        (mf2 && mf2->is_reduced())) {
+                      model_real_sparse_matrix aux(I1.size(), uI2.size());
+                      model_real_row_sparse_matrix M(I1.size(), I2.size());
+                      gmm::mult(gmm::transposed(mf1->extension_matrix()),
+                                gmm::sub_matrix(unreduced_K, uI1, uI2), aux);
+                      gmm::mult(aux, mf2->extension_matrix(), M);
+                      gmm::add(M, gmm::sub_matrix(*K, I1, I2));
+                    } else if (mf1 && mf1->is_reduced()) {
+                      model_real_sparse_matrix M(I1.size(), I2.size());
+                      gmm::mult(gmm::transposed(mf1->extension_matrix()),
+                                gmm::sub_matrix(unreduced_K, uI1, uI2), M);
+                      gmm::add(M, gmm::sub_matrix(*K, I1, I2));
+                    } else {
+                      model_real_row_sparse_matrix M(I1.size(), I2.size());
+                      gmm::mult(gmm::sub_matrix(unreduced_K, uI1, uI2),
+                                mf2->extension_matrix(), M);
+                      gmm::add(M, gmm::sub_matrix(*K, I1, I2));
+                    }
+                    vars_mat_done.insert(p);
+                  }
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          }
-      break;
-    case GA_NODE_OP:
-      switch(pnode->op_type) {
-        case GA_PLUS: case GA_MINUS:
-          if (!child_0_is_constant && !child_1_is_constant)
-            { is_constant = false; break; }
-          break;
-      case GA_UNARY_MINUS: case GA_QUOTE: case GA_SYM: case GA_SKEW:
-      case GA_TRACE: case GA_DEVIATOR: case GA_PRINT:
-        is_constant = child_0_is_constant;
-        break;
+    }
+  }
-      case GA_DOT: case GA_MULT: case GA_COLON: case GA_TMULT:
-      case GA_DOTMULT: case GA_DIV: case GA_DOTDIV:
-        is_constant = (child_0_is_constant && child_1_is_constant);
-        break;
+  void ga_workspace::clear_expressions() {
+    trees.clear();
+    macro_trees.clear();
+  }
-      default: GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Unexpected operation. Internal error.");
+  void ga_workspace::print(std::ostream &str) {
+    for (size_type i = 0; i < trees.size(); ++i)
+      if (trees[i].ptree->root) {
+        cout << "Expression tree " << i << " of order " <<
+                trees[i].ptree->root->nb_test_functions() << " :" << endl;
+        ga_print_node(trees[i].ptree->root, str);
+        cout << endl;
-      break;
+  }
-    case GA_NODE_C_MATRIX:
-      for (size_type i = 0; i < pnode->children.size(); ++i) {
-        if (!(ga_node_extract_constant_term(tree, pnode->children[i],
-                                            workspace, m)))
-          { is_constant = false; break; }
-      }
-      break;
+  void ga_workspace::tree_description::copy(const tree_description& td) {
+    order = td.order;
+    interpolation = td.interpolation;
+    varname_interpolation = td.varname_interpolation;
+    name_test1 = td.name_test1;
+    name_test2 = td.name_test2;
+    interpolate_name_test1 = td.interpolate_name_test1;
+    interpolate_name_test2 = td.interpolate_name_test2;
+    mim = td.mim;
+    m = td.m;
+    rg = td.rg;
+    ptree = 0;
+    if (td.ptree) ptree = new ga_tree(*(td.ptree));
+  }
-    case GA_NODE_PARAMS:
-      if (child0->node_type == GA_NODE_RESHAPE) {
-        is_constant = child_1_is_constant;
-      } else if (child0->node_type == GA_NODE_PREDEF_FUNC) {
-        for (size_type i = 1; i < pnode->children.size(); ++i) {
-          if (!(ga_node_extract_constant_term(tree, pnode->children[i],
-                                              workspace, m)))
-            { is_constant = false; break; }
-        }
-      } else if (child0->node_type == GA_NODE_SPEC_FUNC) {
-        GMM_ASSERT1(false, "internal error");
-      } else if (child0->node_type == GA_NODE_OPERATOR) {
-        for (size_type i = 1; i < pnode->children.size(); ++i) {
-          if (!(ga_node_extract_constant_term(tree, pnode->children[i],
-                                              workspace, m)))
-            { is_constant = false; break; }
-        }
-      } else {
-        is_constant = child_0_is_constant;
-      }
-      break;
+  ga_workspace::tree_description &ga_workspace::tree_description::operator =
+  (const ga_workspace::tree_description& td)
+  { if (ptree) delete ptree; ptree = 0; copy(td); return *this; }
+  ga_workspace::tree_description::~tree_description()
+  { if (ptree) delete ptree; ptree = 0; }
-    default: GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Unexpected node type " << pnode->node_type
-                         << " in extract constant term. Internal error.");
-    }
-    if (!is_constant) {
-      pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ZERO;
-      tree.clear_children(pnode);
-    }
-    return is_constant;
-  }
+  //=========================================================================
+  // Extract the constant term of degree 1 expressions
+  //=========================================================================
   std::string ga_workspace::extract_constant_term(const mesh &m) {
     std::string constant_term;
@@ -10287,187 +5256,10 @@ namespace getfem {
     return term;
   // Extract Neumann terms
-  static std::string ga_extract_one_Neumann_term
-  (const std::string &varname,
-   ga_workspace &workspace, pga_tree_node pnode) {
-    size_type N = workspace.qdim(varname);
-    const mesh_fem *mf = workspace.associated_mf(varname);
-    GMM_ASSERT1(mf, "Works only with fem variables.");
-    size_type meshdim = mf->linked_mesh().dim();
-    ga_tree factor;
-    pga_tree_node new_pnode = nullptr;
-    ga_extract_factor(factor, pnode, new_pnode);
-    std::string result;
-    pga_tree_node nnew_pnode = new_pnode;
-    int cas = new_pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_GRAD_TEST ? 0 : 1;
-    // Allow to detect Trace(Grad_Test_u)
-    if (cas == 0 && new_pnode->parent &&
-        new_pnode->parent->node_type == GA_NODE_OP &&
-        new_pnode->parent->op_type == GA_TRACE) {
-      cas = 2; nnew_pnode = new_pnode->parent;
-    }
-    bool ok = true;
-    pga_tree_node colon_pnode = nullptr;
-    bool quote_before_colon = false;
-    // A:Grad_Test_u --> A*Normal if A is a matrix
-    // Grad_Test_u:A --> A*Normal if A is a matrix
-    // A*Div_Test_u  --> A*Normal if A is a scalar
-    // Div_Test_u*A  --> Normal*A if A is a scalar
-    // A*(Grad_Test_u)' --> (A)'*Normal if A is a matrix
-    // intercaled scalar multplications and divisions are taken into account
-    while (nnew_pnode->parent) {
-      pga_tree_node previous_node = nnew_pnode;
-      nnew_pnode = nnew_pnode->parent;
-      if (nnew_pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_OP &&
-          nnew_pnode->op_type == GA_MULT &&
-          nnew_pnode->children[0] == previous_node &&
-          nnew_pnode->children[1]->tensor_proper_size() == 1) {
-      } else if (nnew_pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_OP &&
-                 nnew_pnode->op_type == GA_MULT &&
-                 nnew_pnode->children[1] == previous_node &&
-                 nnew_pnode->children[0]->tensor_proper_size() == 1) {
-      } else if (nnew_pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_OP &&
-                 nnew_pnode->op_type == GA_DIV &&
-                 nnew_pnode->children[0] == previous_node &&
-                 nnew_pnode->children[1]->tensor_proper_size() == 1) {
-      } else if (nnew_pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_OP &&
-                 nnew_pnode->op_type == GA_COLON &&
-                 nnew_pnode->children[0] == previous_node &&
-                 nnew_pnode->children[1]->tensor_order() == 2 &&
-                 colon_pnode == 0 && cas == 0) {
-        std::swap(nnew_pnode->children[0],  nnew_pnode->children[1]);
-        colon_pnode = nnew_pnode;
-      } else if (nnew_pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_OP &&
-                 nnew_pnode->op_type == GA_COLON &&
-                 nnew_pnode->children[1] == previous_node &&
-                 nnew_pnode->children[0]->tensor_order() == 2 &&
-                 colon_pnode == 0 && cas == 0) {
-        colon_pnode = nnew_pnode;
-      } else if (nnew_pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_OP &&
-                 nnew_pnode->op_type == GA_QUOTE &&
-                 colon_pnode == 0 && cas == 0 && !quote_before_colon) {
-        quote_before_colon = true;
-      } else ok = false;
-    }
-    // cout << "analyzing factor : " <<  ga_tree_to_string(factor) << endl;
-    // cout << "ok = " << int(ok) << endl;
-    // cout << "colon_pnode = " << colon_pnode << endl;
-    if (ok && cas == 0 && !colon_pnode) ok = false;
-    if (N == 1) {
-      new_pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_NORMAL;
-      result = "(" + ga_tree_to_string(factor) + ")";
-    } else if (ok) {
-      switch (cas) {
-      case 0:
-        new_pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_NORMAL;
-        colon_pnode->op_type = GA_MULT;
-        if (quote_before_colon) {
-          factor.insert_node(colon_pnode->children[0], GA_NODE_OP);
-          colon_pnode->children[0]->op_type = GA_QUOTE;
-          nnew_pnode = new_pnode->parent;
-          while(nnew_pnode->node_type != GA_NODE_OP ||
-                nnew_pnode->op_type != GA_QUOTE)
-            nnew_pnode = nnew_pnode->parent;
-          factor.replace_node_by_child(nnew_pnode,0);
-        }
-        break;
-      case 1:
-        new_pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_NORMAL;
-        break;
-      case 2:
-        new_pnode->parent->node_type = GA_NODE_NORMAL;
-        factor.clear_children(new_pnode->parent);
-        break;
-      }
-      result = "(" + ga_tree_to_string(factor) + ")";
-    } else {
-      // General case
-      result = "[";
-      bgeot::multi_index mi(2); mi[0] = N; mi[1] = meshdim;
-      for (size_type i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
-        factor.clear_children(new_pnode);
-        new_pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_C_MATRIX;
-        new_pnode->nbc1 = meshdim;
-        new_pnode->nbc2 = new_pnode->nbc3 = 1;
-        new_pnode->t.adjust_sizes(mi);
-        new_pnode->children.resize(N*meshdim);
-        for (size_type j = 0; j < N; ++j) {
-          for (size_type k = 0; k < meshdim; ++k) {
-            if (j == i) {
-              pga_tree_node param_node = new_pnode->children[k*N+j]
-                = new ga_tree_node(GA_NODE_PARAMS, pnode->pos);
-              new_pnode->children[k*N+j]->parent = new_pnode;
-              param_node->children.resize(2);
-              param_node->children[0] = new ga_tree_node(GA_NODE_NORMAL,
-                                                         pnode->pos);
-              param_node->children[0]->parent = param_node;
-              param_node->children[1] = new ga_tree_node(GA_NODE_CONSTANT,
-                                                         pnode->pos);
-              param_node->children[1]->parent = param_node;
-              param_node->children[1]->init_scalar_tensor(scalar_type(k));
-            } else {
-              new_pnode->children[k*N+j] = new ga_tree_node(GA_NODE_ZERO,
-                                                            pnode->pos);
-              new_pnode->children[k*N+j]->init_scalar_tensor(scalar_type(0));
-              new_pnode->children[k*N+j]->parent = new_pnode;
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        result += "(" + ga_tree_to_string(factor) + ")";
-        if (i < N-1) result += ";";
-      }
-      result += "]";
-      GMM_TRACE2("Warning, generic Neumann term used: " << result);
-    }
-    return result;
-  }
-  static void ga_extract_Neumann_term_rec
-  (ga_tree &tree, const std::string &varname,
-   ga_workspace &workspace, pga_tree_node pnode, std::string &result) {
-    for (size_type i = 0; i < pnode->children.size(); ++i)
-      ga_extract_Neumann_term_rec(tree, varname, workspace,
-                                  pnode->children[i], result);
-    switch (pnode->node_type) {
-      if (pnode-> == 0) {
-        if (result.size()) result += " + ";
-        result += ga_extract_one_Neumann_term(varname, workspace, pnode);
-      }
-      break;
-      if (pnode-> == 0)
-        GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Do not know how to extract a "
-                    "Neumann term with an interpolate transformation");
-      break;
-    default:
-      break;
-    }
-  }
   std::string ga_workspace::extract_Neumann_term(const std::string &varname) {
     std::string result;
     for (size_type i = 0; i < trees.size(); ++i) {
@@ -10475,7 +5267,7 @@ namespace getfem {
       if (td.order == 1 && == 0) {
         ga_tree &local_tree = *(td.ptree);
         if (local_tree.root)
-          ga_extract_Neumann_term_rec(local_tree, varname, *this,
+          ga_extract_Neumann_term(local_tree, varname, *this,
                                       local_tree.root, result);
@@ -10483,794 +5275,6 @@ namespace getfem {
-  // Derivation algorithm: derivation of a tree with respect to a variable
-  //   The result tree is not ready to use. It has to be passed again in
-  //   ga_semantic_analysis for enrichment.
-  //=========================================================================
-  static bool ga_node_mark_tree_for_variable
-  (pga_tree_node pnode, const ga_workspace &workspace, const mesh &m,
-   const std::string &varname,
-   const std::string &interpolatename) {
-    bool marked = false;
-    for (size_type i = 0; i < pnode->children.size(); ++i)
-      if (ga_node_mark_tree_for_variable(pnode->children[i], workspace, m,
-                                         varname, interpolatename))
-        marked = true;
-    bool plain_node(pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_VAL ||
-                    pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_GRAD ||
-                    pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_HESS ||
-                    pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_DIVERG);
-    bool interpolate_node(pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_VAL ||
-                          pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_GRAD ||
-                          pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_HESS ||
-                          pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_DIVERG);
-    bool elementary_node(pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_ELEMENTARY_VAL ||
-                         pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_ELEMENTARY_GRAD ||
-                         pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_ELEMENTARY_HESS ||
-                         pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_ELEMENTARY_DIVERG);
-    bool xfem_node(pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS_VAL ||
-                   pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS_GRAD ||
-                   pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS_HESS ||
-                   pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS_DIVERG ||
-                   pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_XFEM_MINUS_VAL ||
-                   pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_XFEM_MINUS_GRAD ||
-                   pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_XFEM_MINUS_HESS ||
-                   pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_XFEM_MINUS_DIVERG);
-    bool interpolate_test_node
-      (pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_VAL_TEST ||
-       pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_GRAD_TEST ||
-       pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_HESS_TEST ||
-       pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_DIVERG_TEST);
-    if ((plain_node || interpolate_node || elementary_node || xfem_node) &&
-        (pnode-> == 0 &&
-         pnode-> == 0)) marked = true;
-    if (interpolate_node || interpolate_test_node ||
-        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_X ||
-        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_NORMAL) {
-      std::set<var_trans_pair> vars;
-      workspace.interpolate_transformation(pnode->interpolate_name)
-        ->extract_variables(workspace, vars, true,
-                            m, pnode->interpolate_name);
-      for (std::set<var_trans_pair>::iterator it=vars.begin();
-           it != vars.end(); ++it) {
-        if (it-> == 0 &&
-            it-> == 0) marked = true;
-      }
-    }
-    pnode->marked = marked;
-    return marked;
-  }
-  static void ga_node_derivation(ga_tree &tree, const ga_workspace &workspace,
-                                 const mesh &m,
-                                 pga_tree_node pnode,
-                                 const std::string &varname,
-                                 const std::string &interpolatename,
-                                 size_type order) {
-    size_type nbch = pnode->children.size();
-    pga_tree_node child0 = (nbch > 0) ? pnode->children[0] : 0;
-    pga_tree_node child1 = (nbch > 1) ? pnode->children[1] : 0;
-    bool mark0 = ((nbch > 0) ? child0->marked : false);
-    bool mark1 = ((nbch > 1) ? child1->marked : false);
-    bgeot::multi_index mi;
-    const ga_predef_function_tab &PREDEF_FUNCTIONS
-      = dal::singleton<ga_predef_function_tab>::instance(0);
-    switch (pnode->node_type) {
-    case GA_NODE_VAL: case GA_NODE_GRAD:
-    case GA_NODE_HESS: case GA_NODE_DIVERG:
-      mi.resize(1); mi[0] = 2;
-      for (size_type i = 0; i < pnode->tensor_order(); ++i)
-        mi.push_back(pnode->tensor_proper_size(i));
-      pnode->t.adjust_sizes(mi);
-      if (pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_VAL)
-        pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_VAL_TEST;
-      else if (pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_GRAD)
-        pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_GRAD_TEST;
-      else if (pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_HESS)
-        pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_HESS_TEST;
-      else if (pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_DIVERG)
-        pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_DIVERG_TEST;
-      pnode->test_function_type = order;
-      break;
-      {
-        bool is_val(pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_VAL);
-        bool is_grad(pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_GRAD);
-        bool is_hess(pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_HESS);
-        bool is_diverg(pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_DIVERG);
-        bool ivar = (pnode-> == 0 &&
-                     pnode-> == 0);
-        bool itrans = !ivar;
-        if (!itrans) {
-          std::set<var_trans_pair> vars;
-          workspace.interpolate_transformation(pnode->interpolate_name)
-            ->extract_variables(workspace, vars, true, m,
-                                pnode->interpolate_name);
-          for (const var_trans_pair &var : vars) {
-            if ( == 0 &&
-       == 0)
-              itrans = true;
-          }
-        }
-        pga_tree_node pnode_trans = pnode;
-        if (is_hess) {
-          GMM_ASSERT1(!itrans, "Sorry, cannot derive a hessian once more");
-        } else if (itrans && ivar) {
-          tree.duplicate_with_addition(pnode);
-          pnode_trans = pnode->parent->children[1];
-        }
-        if (ivar) {
-          mi.resize(1); mi[0] = 2;
-          for (size_type i = 0; i < pnode->tensor_order(); ++i)
-            mi.push_back(pnode->tensor_proper_size(i));
-          pnode->t.adjust_sizes(mi);
-          if (is_val) // --> t(Qmult*ndof,Qmult*target_dim)
-            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_VAL_TEST;
-          else if (is_grad) // --> t(Qmult*ndof,Qmult*target_dim,N)
-            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_GRAD_TEST;
-          else if (is_hess) // --> t(Qmult*ndof,Qmult*target_dim,N,N)
-            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_HESS_TEST;
-          else if (is_diverg) // --> t(Qmult*ndof)
-            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_DIVERG_TEST;
-          pnode->test_function_type = order;
-        }
-        if (itrans) {
-          const mesh_fem *mf = workspace.associated_mf(pnode_trans->name);
-          size_type q = workspace.qdim(pnode_trans->name);
-          size_type n = mf->linked_mesh().dim();
-          bgeot::multi_index mii = workspace.qdims(pnode_trans->name);
-          if (is_val)  // --> t(target_dim*Qmult,N)
-            pnode_trans->node_type = GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_GRAD;
-          else if (is_grad || is_diverg)  // --> t(target_dim*Qmult,N,N)
-            pnode_trans->node_type = GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_HESS;
-          if (n > 1) {
-            if (q == 1 && mii.size() <= 1) { mii.resize(1); mii[0] = n; }
-            else mii.push_back(n);
-            if (is_grad || is_diverg) mii.push_back(n);
-          }
-          pnode_trans->t.adjust_sizes(mii);
-          tree.duplicate_with_operation(pnode_trans,
-                                        (n > 1) ? GA_DOT : GA_MULT);
-          pga_tree_node pnode_der = pnode_trans->parent->children[1];
-          pnode_der->node_type = GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_DERIVATIVE;
-          if (n == 1)
-            pnode_der->init_vector_tensor(2);
-          else
-            pnode_der->init_matrix_tensor(2, n);
-          pnode_der->test_function_type = order;
-          pnode_der->name = varname;
-          pnode_der->interpolate_name_der = pnode_der->interpolate_name;
-          pnode_der->interpolate_name = interpolatename;
-          if (is_diverg) { // --> t(Qmult*ndof)
-            tree.insert_node(pnode_trans->parent, GA_NODE_OP);
-            pga_tree_node pnode_tr = pnode_trans->parent->parent;
-            pnode_tr->op_type = GA_TRACE;
-            pnode_tr->init_vector_tensor(2);
-//            pnode_tr->test_function_type = order;
-//            pnode_tr->name_test1 = pnode_trans->name_test1;
-//            pnode_tr->name_test2 = pnode_trans->name_test2;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      break;
-      {
-        bool is_val(pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_VAL_TEST);
-        bool is_grad(pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_GRAD_TEST);
-        bool is_diverg(pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_DIVERG_TEST);
-        pga_tree_node pnode_trans = pnode;
-        const mesh_fem *mf = workspace.associated_mf(pnode_trans->name);
-        size_type q = workspace.qdim(pnode_trans->name);
-        size_type n = mf->linked_mesh().dim();
-        bgeot::multi_index mii = workspace.qdims(pnode_trans->name);
-        if (is_val) // --> t(Qmult*ndof,Qmult*target_dim,N)
-          pnode_trans->node_type = GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_GRAD_TEST;
-        else if (is_grad || is_diverg) // --> 
-          pnode_trans->node_type = GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_HESS_TEST;
-        if (q == 1 && mii.size() <= 1) { mii.resize(1); mii[0] = 2; }
-        else mii.insert(mii.begin(), 2);
-        if (n > 1) {
-          mii.push_back(n);
-          if (is_grad || is_diverg) mii.push_back(n);
-        }
-        pnode_trans->t.adjust_sizes(mii);
-        // pnode_trans->test_function_type = order;
-        tree.duplicate_with_operation(pnode_trans,
-                                      (n > 1 ? GA_DOT : GA_MULT));
-        pga_tree_node pnode_der = pnode_trans->parent->children[1];
-        pnode_der->node_type = GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_DERIVATIVE;
-        if (n == 1)
-          pnode_der->init_vector_tensor(2);
-        else
-          pnode_der->init_matrix_tensor(2, n);
-        pnode_der->test_function_type = order;
-        pnode_der->name = varname;
-        pnode_der->interpolate_name_der = pnode_der->interpolate_name;
-        pnode_der->interpolate_name = interpolatename;
-        if (is_diverg) { // --> t(Qmult*ndof)
-          tree.insert_node(pnode_trans->parent, GA_NODE_OP);
-          pga_tree_node pnode_tr = pnode_trans->parent->parent;
-          pnode_tr->op_type = GA_TRACE;
-          pnode_tr->init_vector_tensor(2);
-//          pnode_tr->test_function_type = order;
-//          pnode_tr->name_test1 = pnode_trans->name_test1;
-//          pnode_tr->name_test2 = pnode_trans->name_test2;
-        }
-      }
-      break;
-      GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Sorry, cannot derive a hessian once more");
-      break;
-      {
-        size_type n = m.dim();
-        pga_tree_node pnode_der = pnode;
-        pnode_der->node_type = GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_DERIVATIVE;
-        if (n == 1)
-          pnode_der->init_vector_tensor(2);
-        else
-          pnode_der->init_matrix_tensor(2, n);
-        pnode_der->test_function_type = order;
-        pnode_der->name = varname;
-        pnode_der->interpolate_name_der = pnode_der->interpolate_name;
-        pnode_der->interpolate_name = interpolatename;
-      }
-      break;
-      GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Sorry, cannot derive the interpolated Normal");
-      break;
-      GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Sorry, second order transformation derivative "
-                  "not taken into account");
-      break;
-      ga_node_derivation(tree, workspace, m, child0, varname,
-                         interpolatename, order);
-      break;
-      mi.resize(1); mi[0] = 2;
-      for (size_type i = 0; i < pnode->tensor_order(); ++i)
-        mi.push_back(pnode->tensor_proper_size(i));
-      pnode->t.adjust_sizes(mi);
-      switch(pnode->node_type) {
-        pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ELEMENTARY_VAL_TEST; break;
-        pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ELEMENTARY_GRAD_TEST; break;
-        pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ELEMENTARY_HESS_TEST; break;
-        pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ELEMENTARY_DIVERG_TEST; break;
-      case GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS_VAL:
-        pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS_VAL_TEST; break;
-        pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS_GRAD_TEST; break;
-        pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS_HESS_TEST; break;
-        pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS_DIVERG_TEST; break;
-        pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_MINUS_VAL_TEST; break;
-        pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_MINUS_GRAD_TEST; break;
-        pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_MINUS_HESS_TEST; break;
-        pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_MINUS_DIVERG_TEST; break;
-      default : GMM_ASSERT1(false, "internal error");
-      }
-      pnode->test_function_type = order;
-      break;
-    case GA_NODE_OP:
-      switch(pnode->op_type) {
-        case GA_PLUS: case GA_MINUS:
-          if (mark0 && mark1) {
-            ga_node_derivation(tree, workspace, m, child0, varname,
-                               interpolatename, order);
-            ga_node_derivation(tree, workspace, m, child1, varname,
-                               interpolatename, order);
-          } else if (mark0) {
-            ga_node_derivation(tree, workspace, m, child0, varname,
-                               interpolatename, order);
-            tree.replace_node_by_child(pnode, 0);
-          } else {
-            ga_node_derivation(tree, workspace, m, child1, varname,
-                               interpolatename, order);
-            if (pnode->op_type == GA_MINUS) {
-              pnode->op_type = GA_UNARY_MINUS;
-              tree.clear_node(child0);
-            }
-            else
-              tree.replace_node_by_child(pnode, 1);
-          }
-          break;
-      case GA_UNARY_MINUS: case GA_QUOTE: case GA_SYM: case GA_SKEW:
-      case GA_TRACE: case GA_DEVIATOR: case GA_PRINT:
-        ga_node_derivation(tree, workspace, m, child0, varname,
-                           interpolatename, order);
-        break;
-      case GA_DOT: case GA_MULT: case GA_COLON: case GA_TMULT:
-      case GA_DOTMULT:
-        if (mark0 && mark1) {
-          if (sub_tree_are_equal(child0, child1, workspace, 0) &&
-              (pnode->op_type != GA_MULT || child0->tensor_order() < 2)) {
-            ga_node_derivation(tree, workspace, m, child1, varname,
-                               interpolatename, order);
-            tree.insert_node(pnode, GA_NODE_OP);
-            pnode->parent->op_type = GA_MULT;
-            tree.add_child(pnode->parent);
-            pnode->parent->children[1]->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
-            pnode->parent->children[1]->init_scalar_tensor(scalar_type(2));
-          } else {
-            tree.duplicate_with_addition(pnode);
-            if ((pnode->op_type == GA_COLON && child0->tensor_order() == 2) ||
-                (pnode->op_type == GA_DOT && child0->tensor_order() == 1) ||
-                pnode->op_type == GA_DOTMULT ||
-                (child0->tensor_proper_size()== 1 &&
-                 child1->tensor_proper_size()== 1))
-              std::swap(pnode->children[0], pnode->children[1]);
-            ga_node_derivation(tree, workspace, m, child0, varname,
-                               interpolatename, order);
-            ga_node_derivation(tree, workspace, m,
-                               pnode->parent->children[1]->children[1],
-                               varname, interpolatename, order);
-          }
-        } else if (mark0) {
-          ga_node_derivation(tree, workspace, m, child0, varname,
-                             interpolatename, order);
-        } else
-          ga_node_derivation(tree, workspace, m, child1, varname,
-                             interpolatename, order);
-        break;
-      case GA_DIV: case GA_DOTDIV:
-        if (mark1) {
-          if (pnode->children[0]->node_type == GA_NODE_CONSTANT)
-            gmm::scale(pnode->children[0]->tensor().as_vector(),
-                       scalar_type(-1));
-          else {
-            if (mark0) {
-              tree.duplicate_with_subtraction(pnode);
-              ga_node_derivation(tree, workspace, m, child0, varname,
-                                 interpolatename, order);
-              pnode = pnode->parent->children[1];
-            } else {
-              tree.insert_node(pnode, GA_NODE_OP);
-              pnode->parent->op_type = GA_UNARY_MINUS;
-            }
-          }
-          tree.insert_node(pnode->children[1], GA_NODE_PARAMS);
-          pga_tree_node pnode_param = pnode->children[1];
-          tree.add_child(pnode_param);
-          std::swap(pnode_param->children[0], pnode_param->children[1]);
-          pnode_param->children[0]->node_type = GA_NODE_PREDEF_FUNC;
-          pnode_param->children[0]->name = "sqr";
-          tree.insert_node(pnode, GA_NODE_OP);
-          pga_tree_node pnode_mult = pnode->parent;
-          if (pnode->op_type == GA_DOTDIV)
-            pnode_mult->op_type = GA_DOTMULT;
-          else
-            pnode_mult->op_type = GA_MULT;
-          pnode_mult->children.resize(2, nullptr);
-          tree.copy_node(pnode_param->children[1],
-                         pnode_mult, pnode_mult->children[1]);
-          ga_node_derivation(tree, workspace, m, pnode_mult->children[1],
-                             varname, interpolatename, order);
-        } else {
-          ga_node_derivation(tree, workspace, m, child0, varname,
-                             interpolatename, order);
-        }
-        break;
-      default: GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Unexpected operation. Internal error.");
-      }
-      break;
-    case GA_NODE_C_MATRIX:
-      for (size_type i = 0; i < pnode->children.size(); ++i) {
-        if (pnode->children[i]->marked)
-          ga_node_derivation(tree, workspace, m, pnode->children[i],
-                             varname, interpolatename, order);
-        else {
-          pnode->children[i]->init_scalar_tensor(scalar_type(0));
-          pnode->children[i]->node_type = GA_NODE_ZERO;
-          tree.clear_children(pnode->children[i]);
-        }
-      }
-      break;
-    case GA_NODE_PARAMS:
-      if (child0->node_type == GA_NODE_RESHAPE) {
-        ga_node_derivation(tree, workspace, m, pnode->children[1],
-                           varname, interpolatename, order);
-      } else if (child0->node_type == GA_NODE_PREDEF_FUNC) {
-        std::string name = child0->name;
-        ga_predef_function_tab::const_iterator it = 
-        const ga_predef_function &F = it->second;
-        if (F.nbargs() == 1) {
-          switch (F.dtype()) {
-          case 0:
-            GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Cannot derive function " << child0->name
-                     << ". No derivative provided or not derivable function.");
-          case 1:
-            child0->name = F.derivative1();
-            break;
-          case 2: case 3:
-            {
-              child0->name = "DER_PDFUNC_" + child0->name;
-              if (!(ga_function_exists(child0->name))) {
-                if (F.dtype() == 2)
-                  ga_define_function(child0->name, 1, F.derivative1());
-                else {
-                  std::string expr=ga_derivative_scalar_function(F.expr(),"t");
-                  ga_define_function(child0->name, 1, expr);
-                }
-              }
-              // Inline extension if the derivative is affine (for instance
-              // for sqr)
-              ga_predef_function_tab::const_iterator
-                itp = PREDEF_FUNCTIONS.find(child0->name);
-              const ga_predef_function &Fp = itp->second;
-              if (Fp.is_affine("t")) {
-                scalar_type b = Fp(scalar_type(0));
-                scalar_type a = Fp(scalar_type(1)) - b;
-                pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_OP;
-                pnode->op_type = GA_MULT;
-                child0->init_scalar_tensor(a);
-                child0->node_type = ((a == scalar_type(0)) ?
-                                     GA_NODE_ZERO : GA_NODE_CONSTANT);
-                if (b != scalar_type(0)) {
-                  tree.insert_node(pnode, GA_NODE_OP);
-                  pnode->parent->op_type = (b > 0) ? GA_PLUS : GA_MINUS;
-                  tree.add_child(pnode->parent);
-                  pga_tree_node pnode_cte = pnode->parent->children[1];
-                  pnode_cte->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
-                  pnode_cte->t = pnode->t;
-                  std::fill(pnode_cte->tensor().begin(),
-                            pnode_cte->tensor().end(), gmm::abs(b));
-                  pnode = pnode->parent;
-                }
-              }
-            }
-            break;
-          }
-          if (pnode->children.size() >= 2) {
-            tree.insert_node(pnode, GA_NODE_OP);
-            pga_tree_node pnode_op = pnode->parent;
-            if (child1->tensor_order() == 0)
-              pnode_op->op_type = GA_MULT;
-            else
-              pnode_op->op_type = GA_DOTMULT;
-            pnode_op->children.resize(2, nullptr);
-            tree.copy_node(child1, pnode_op, pnode_op->children[1]);
-            ga_node_derivation(tree, workspace, m, pnode_op->children[1],
-                               varname, interpolatename, order);
-          }
-        } else {
-          pga_tree_node child2 = pnode->children[2];
-          if (child1->marked && child2->marked)
-            tree.duplicate_with_addition(pnode);
-          if (child1->marked) {
-            switch (F.dtype()) {
-            case 0:
-              GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Cannot derive function " << child0->name
-                          << ". No derivative provided");
-            case 1:
-              child0->name = F.derivative1();
-              break;
-            case 2:
-              child0->name = "DER_PDFUNC1_" + child0->name;
-              if (!(ga_function_exists(child0->name)))
-                ga_define_function(child0->name, 2, F.derivative1());
-              break;
-            case 3:
-              child0->name = "DER_PDFUNC1_" + child0->name;
-              if (!(ga_function_exists(child0->name))) {
-                std::string expr = ga_derivative_scalar_function(F.expr(), 
-                ga_define_function(child0->name, 2, expr);
-              }
-              break;
-            }
-            tree.insert_node(pnode, GA_NODE_OP);
-            pga_tree_node pnode_op = pnode->parent;
-            if (child1->tensor_order() == 0)
-              pnode_op->op_type = GA_MULT;
-            else
-              pnode_op->op_type = GA_DOTMULT;
-            pnode_op->children.resize(2, nullptr);
-            tree.copy_node(child1, pnode_op, pnode_op->children[1]);
-            ga_node_derivation(tree, workspace, m, pnode_op->children[1],
-                               varname, interpolatename, order);
-          }
-          if (child2->marked) {
-            if (child1->marked && child2->marked)
-              pnode = pnode->parent->parent->children[1];
-            child0 = pnode->children[0]; child1 = pnode->children[1];
-            child2 = pnode->children[2];
-            switch (F.dtype()) {
-            case 0:
-              GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Cannot derive function " << child0->name
-                          << ". No derivative provided");
-            case 1:
-              child0->name = F.derivative2();
-              break;
-            case 2:
-              child0->name = "DER_PDFUNC2_" + child0->name;
-              if (!(ga_function_exists(child0->name)))
-                ga_define_function(child0->name, 2, F.derivative2());
-              break;
-            case 3:
-              child0->name = "DER_PDFUNC2_" + child0->name;
-              if (!(ga_function_exists(child0->name))) {
-                std::string expr = ga_derivative_scalar_function(F.expr(), 
-                ga_define_function(child0->name, 2, expr);
-              }
-              break;
-            }
-            tree.insert_node(pnode, GA_NODE_OP);
-            pga_tree_node pnode_op = pnode->parent;
-            if (child2->tensor_order() == 0)
-              pnode_op->op_type = GA_MULT;
-            else
-              pnode_op->op_type = GA_DOTMULT;
-            pnode_op->children.resize(2, nullptr);
-            tree.copy_node(child2, pnode_op, pnode_op->children[1]);
-            ga_node_derivation(tree, workspace, m, pnode_op->children[1],
-                               varname, interpolatename, order);
-          }
-        }
-      } else if (child0->node_type == GA_NODE_SPEC_FUNC) {
-        GMM_ASSERT1(false, "internal error");
-      } else if (child0->node_type == GA_NODE_OPERATOR) {
-        if (child0->der2)
-          GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Error in derivation of the assembly string. "
-                      "Cannot derive again operator " <<  child0->name);
-        size_type nbargs_der = 0;
-        for (size_type i = 1; i < pnode->children.size(); ++i)
-          if (pnode->children[i]->marked) ++nbargs_der;
-        pga_tree_node pnode2 = 0;
-        size_type j = 0;
-        for (size_type i = 1; i < pnode->children.size(); ++i) {
-          if (pnode->children[i]->marked) {
-            ++j;
-            if (j != nbargs_der) {
-              tree.insert_node(pnode, GA_NODE_OP);
-              pga_tree_node pnode_op = pnode->parent;
-              pnode_op->node_type = GA_NODE_OP;
-              pnode_op->op_type = GA_PLUS;
-              pnode_op->children.resize(2, nullptr);
-              tree.copy_node(pnode, pnode_op , pnode_op->children[1]);
-              pnode2 = pnode_op->children[1];
-            }
-            else pnode2 = pnode;
-            if (child0->der1)
-              pnode2->children[0]->der2 = i;
-            else
-              pnode2->children[0]->der1 = i;
-            tree.insert_node(pnode2, GA_NODE_OP);
-            pga_tree_node pnode_op = pnode2->parent;
-            // calcul de l'ordre de reduction
-            size_type red = pnode->children[i]->tensor_order();
-            switch (red) {
-            case 0 : pnode_op->op_type = GA_MULT; break;
-            case 1 : pnode_op->op_type = GA_DOT; break;
-            case 2 : pnode_op->op_type = GA_COLON; break;
-            default: GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Error in derivation of the assembly "
-                                 "string. Bad reduction order.")
-            }
-            pnode_op->children.resize(2, nullptr);
-            tree.copy_node(pnode->children[i], pnode_op,
-                           pnode_op->children[1]);
-            ga_node_derivation(tree, workspace, m, pnode_op->children[1],
-                               varname, interpolatename, order);
-            if (pnode2->children[0]->"Norm_sqr") == 0
-                && pnode2->children[0]->der1 == 1) {
-              pnode2->node_type = GA_NODE_OP;
-              pnode2->op_type = GA_MULT;
-              pnode2->children[0]->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
-              pnode2->children[0]->init_scalar_tensor(scalar_type(2));
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      } else {
-        ga_node_derivation(tree, workspace, m, child0, varname,
-                           interpolatename, order);
-      }
-      break;
-    default: GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Unexpected node type " << pnode->node_type
-                         << " in derivation. Internal error.");
-    }
-  }
-  // The tree is modified. Should be copied first and passed to
-  // ga_semantic_analysis after for enrichment
-  static void ga_derivative(ga_tree &tree, const ga_workspace &workspace,
-                            const mesh &m, const std::string &varname,
-                            const std::string &interpolatename,
-                            size_type order) {
-    // cout << "compute derivative of " << ga_tree_to_string(tree)
-    //  << " with respect to " << varname << " : " << interpolatename << endl;
-    if (!(tree.root)) return;
-    if (ga_node_mark_tree_for_variable(tree.root, workspace, m, varname,
-                                       interpolatename))
-      ga_node_derivation(tree, workspace, m, tree.root, varname,
-                         interpolatename, order);
-    else
-      tree.clear();
-    // cout << "derived tree : " << ga_tree_to_string(tree) << endl;
-  }
-  static void ga_replace_test_by_cte(pga_tree_node pnode,  bool full_replace) {
-    for (size_type i = 0; i < pnode->children.size(); ++i)
-      ga_replace_test_by_cte(pnode->children[i], full_replace);
-    GMM_ASSERT1(pnode->node_type != GA_NODE_GRAD_TEST, "Invalid tree");
-    GMM_ASSERT1(pnode->node_type != GA_NODE_HESS_TEST, "Invalid tree");
-    GMM_ASSERT1(pnode->node_type != GA_NODE_DIVERG_TEST, "Invalid tree");
-    if (pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_VAL_TEST) {
-      pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
-      if (full_replace) pnode->init_scalar_tensor(scalar_type(1));
-    }
-  }
-  static std::string ga_derivative_scalar_function(const std::string &expr,
-                                                   const std::string &var) {
-    base_vector t(1), u(1);
-    ga_workspace workspace;
-    workspace.add_fixed_size_variable("t", gmm::sub_interval(0,1), t);
-    workspace.add_fixed_size_variable("u", gmm::sub_interval(0,1), u);
-    workspace.add_function_expression(expr);
-    GMM_ASSERT1(workspace.nb_trees() <= 1, "Internal error");
-    if (workspace.nb_trees()) {
-      ga_tree tree = *(workspace.tree_info(0).ptree);
-      ga_derivative(tree, workspace, *((const mesh *)(0)), var, "", 1);
-      if (tree.root) {
-        ga_replace_test_by_cte(tree.root, true);
-        ga_semantic_analysis(expr, tree, workspace, 1, 1, false, true);
-      }
-      return ga_tree_to_string(tree);
-    } else return "0";
-  }
-  static bool ga_node_is_affine(const pga_tree_node pnode) {
-    size_type nbch = pnode->children.size();
-    pga_tree_node child0 = (nbch > 0) ? pnode->children[0] : 0;
-    pga_tree_node child1 = (nbch > 1) ? pnode->children[1] : 0;
-    bool mark0 = ((nbch > 0) ? child0->marked : false);
-    bool mark1 = ((nbch > 1) ? child1->marked : false);
-    switch (pnode->node_type) {
-    case GA_NODE_VAL: case GA_NODE_GRAD:
-    case GA_NODE_HESS: case GA_NODE_DIVERG:
-      return true;
-    case GA_NODE_OP:
-      switch(pnode->op_type) {
-      case GA_PLUS: case GA_MINUS:
-        if (mark0 && mark1)
-          return ga_node_is_affine(child0) &&
-            ga_node_is_affine(child1);
-        if (mark0) return ga_node_is_affine(child0);
-        return ga_node_is_affine(child1);
-      case GA_UNARY_MINUS: case GA_QUOTE: case GA_SYM: case GA_SKEW:
-      case GA_TRACE: case GA_DEVIATOR:
-        return ga_node_is_affine(child0);
-      case GA_DOT: case GA_MULT: case GA_COLON: case GA_TMULT:
-      case GA_DOTMULT:
-        if (mark0 && mark1) return false;
-        if (mark0) return ga_node_is_affine(child0);
-        return ga_node_is_affine(child1);
-      case GA_DIV: case GA_DOTDIV:
-        if (mark1) return false;
-        if (mark0) return ga_node_is_affine(child0);
-      default: GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Unexpected operation. Internal error.");
-      }
-      break;
-    case GA_NODE_C_MATRIX:
-        for (size_type i = 0; i < pnode->children.size(); ++i)
-          if (pnode->children[i]->marked &&
-              !(ga_node_is_affine(pnode->children[i])))
-            return false;
-        return true;
-    case GA_NODE_PARAMS:
-      if (child0->node_type == GA_NODE_RESHAPE)
-        return ga_node_is_affine(child1);
-      if (child0->node_type == GA_NODE_PREDEF_FUNC)
-        return false;
-      if (child0->node_type == GA_NODE_OPERATOR)
-        return false;
-      return ga_node_is_affine(child0);
-    default: GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Unexpected node type " << pnode->node_type
-                         << " in derivation. Internal error.");
-    }
-  }
-  static bool ga_is_affine(const ga_tree &tree, const ga_workspace &workspace,
-                           const std::string &varname,
-                           const std::string &interpolatename) {
-    const mesh &m = *((const mesh *)(0));
-    if (tree.root && ga_node_mark_tree_for_variable(tree.root, workspace, m,
-                                                    varname, interpolatename))
-      return ga_node_is_affine(tree.root);
-    return true;
-  }
-  //=========================================================================
   // Compilation of assembly trees into a list of basic instructions
@@ -12772,7 +6776,7 @@ namespace getfem {
-  static void ga_compile_function(ga_workspace &workspace,
+  void ga_compile_function(ga_workspace &workspace,
                                   ga_instruction_set &gis, bool scalar) {
     for (size_type i = 0; i < workspace.nb_trees(); ++i) {
       const ga_workspace::tree_description &td = workspace.tree_info(i);
@@ -12926,7 +6930,7 @@ namespace getfem {
-  static void ga_compile(ga_workspace &workspace,
+  void ga_compile(ga_workspace &workspace,
                          ga_instruction_set &gis, size_type order) {
@@ -13137,7 +7141,7 @@ namespace getfem {
-  static void ga_function_exec(ga_instruction_set &gis) {
+  void ga_function_exec(ga_instruction_set &gis) {
     ga_instruction_set::instructions_set::iterator it
       = gis.whole_instructions.begin();
@@ -13265,7 +7269,7 @@ namespace getfem {
-  static void ga_exec(ga_instruction_set &gis, ga_workspace &workspace) {
+  void ga_exec(ga_instruction_set &gis, ga_workspace &workspace) {
     base_matrix G;
     base_small_vector un;
     scalar_type J(0);
diff --git a/src/ 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05f6d85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,645 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Yves Renard
+ This file is a part of GetFEM++
+ GetFEM++  is  free software;  you  can  redistribute  it  and/or modify it
+ under  the  terms  of the  GNU  Lesser General Public License as published
+ by  the  Free Software Foundation;  either version 3 of the License,  or
+ (at your option) any later version along with the GCC Runtime Library
+ Exception either version 3.1 or (at your option) any later version.
+ This program  is  distributed  in  the  hope  that it will be useful,  but
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ or  FITNESS  FOR  A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License and GCC Runtime Library Exception for more details.
+ You  should  have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ along  with  this program;  if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
+#include "getfem/getfem_generic_assembly_semantic.h"
+#include "getfem/getfem_generic_assembly_functions_and_operators.h"
+#include "getfem/getfem_generic_assembly_compile_and_exec.h"
+   Providing for special Math functions unavailable on Intel or MSVS C++
+   compilers
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1800
+#include <boost/math/special_functions/acosh.hpp>
+#include <boost/math/special_functions/asinh.hpp>
+#include <boost/math/special_functions/atanh.hpp>
+#include <boost/math/special_functions/erf.hpp>
+typedef double (*BoostMathFunction)(double);
+BoostMathFunction const acosh = boost::math::acosh<double>;
+BoostMathFunction const asinh = boost::math::asinh<double>;
+BoostMathFunction const atanh = boost::math::atanh<double>;
+BoostMathFunction const erf = boost::math::erf<double>;
+BoostMathFunction const erfc = boost::math::erfc<double>;
+namespace getfem {
+  extern bool predef_operators_nonlinear_elasticity_initialized;
+  extern bool predef_operators_plasticity_initialized;
+  extern bool predef_operators_contact_initialized;
+  base_matrix& __mat_aux1()
+  {
+    DEFINE_STATIC_THREAD_LOCAL(base_matrix, m);
+    return m;
+  }
+  //=========================================================================
+  // Structure dealing with predefined special functions
+  // such as mesh_dim, pi, qdim ...
+  //=========================================================================
+  typedef std::set<std::string> ga_spec_function_tab;
+  static ga_spec_function_tab SPEC_FUNCTIONS;
+  //=========================================================================
+  // Structure dealing with predefined scalar functions.
+  //=========================================================================
+  scalar_type ga_predef_function::operator()(scalar_type t_,
+                                            scalar_type u_) const {
+    switch(ftype_) {
+    case 0:
+      if (nbargs_ == 2)
+       return (*f2_)(t_, u_);
+      else
+       return (*f1_)(t_);
+      break;
+    case 1:
+      t.thrd_cast()[0] = t_; u.thrd_cast()[0] = u_;
+      workspace.thrd_cast().assembled_potential() = scalar_type(0);
+      ga_function_exec(*gis);
+      return workspace.thrd_cast().assembled_potential();
+      break;
+    }
+    return 0.;
+  }
+  bool ga_predef_function::is_affine(const std::string &varname) const {
+    if (ftype_ == 1) {
+      for (size_type i = 0; i < workspace.thrd_cast().nb_trees(); ++i) {
+       const ga_workspace::tree_description &
+         td = workspace.thrd_cast().tree_info(i);
+       if (!(ga_is_affine(*(td.ptree), workspace, varname, "")))
+         return false;
+      }
+      return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  static scalar_type ga_Heaviside(scalar_type t) { return (t >= 0.) ? 1.: 0.; }
+  static scalar_type ga_pos_part(scalar_type t) { return (t >= 0.) ? t : 0.; }
+  static scalar_type ga_reg_pos_part(scalar_type t, scalar_type eps)
+  { return (t >= eps) ? t-eps/2. : ((t <= 0) ? 0. : t*t/(2.*eps)); }
+  static scalar_type ga_der_reg_pos_part(scalar_type t, scalar_type eps)
+  { return (t >= eps) ? 1. : ((t <= 0) ? 0. : t/eps); }
+  static scalar_type ga_der2_reg_pos_part(scalar_type t, scalar_type eps)
+  { return (t >= eps) ? 0. : ((t <= 0) ? 0. : 1./eps); }
+  static scalar_type ga_half_sqr_pos_part(scalar_type t)
+  { return (t >= 0.) ? 0.5*t*t : 0.; }
+  static scalar_type ga_neg_part(scalar_type t) { return (t >= 0.) ? 0. : -t; }
+  static scalar_type ga_half_sqr_neg_part(scalar_type t)
+  { return (t >= 0.) ? 0. : 0.5*t*t; }
+  static scalar_type ga_sinc(scalar_type t) {// cardinal sine function sin(t)/t
+    if (gmm::abs(t) < 1E-4) {
+      scalar_type t2 = t*t;
+      return 1-t2/6.+ t2*t2/120.;
+    } else {
+      return sin(t)/t;
+    }
+  }
+  static scalar_type ga_sqr(scalar_type t) { return t*t; }
+  static scalar_type ga_max(scalar_type t, scalar_type u)
+  { return std::max(t,u); }
+  static scalar_type ga_min(scalar_type t, scalar_type u)
+  { return std::min(t,u); }
+  static scalar_type ga_abs(scalar_type t) { return gmm::abs(t); }
+  static scalar_type ga_sign(scalar_type t) { return (t >= 0.) ? 1.: -1.; }
+  // Derivatives of predefined functions
+  static scalar_type ga_der_sinc(scalar_type t) {
+    if (gmm::abs(t) < 1E-4) {
+      scalar_type t2 = t*t;
+      return  -t/3. + t*t2/30. -t*t2*t2/840.;
+    } else {
+      return (t*cos(t) - sin(t))/(t*t);
+    }
+  }
+  static scalar_type ga_der2_sinc(scalar_type t) {
+    if (gmm::abs(t) < 1E-4) {
+      scalar_type t2 = t*t;
+      return  -1./3. + t2/10. -t2*t2/168.;
+    } else {
+      return ((2. - t*t)*sin(t) - 2.*t*cos(t))/(t*t*t);
+    }
+  }
+  static scalar_type ga_der_sqrt(scalar_type t) { return 0.5/sqrt(t); }
+  // static scalar_type ga_der_sqr(scalar_type t) { return 2*t; }
+  static scalar_type ga_der_t_pow(scalar_type t, scalar_type u)
+  { return u*pow(t,u-1.); }
+  static scalar_type ga_der_u_pow(scalar_type t, scalar_type u)
+  { return pow(t,u)*log(gmm::abs(t)); }
+  static scalar_type ga_der_log(scalar_type t) { return 1./t; }
+  static scalar_type ga_der_log10(scalar_type t) { return 1./(t*log(10.)); }
+  static scalar_type ga_der_tanh(scalar_type t)
+  { return 1.-gmm::sqr(tanh(t)); }
+  static scalar_type ga_der_asinh(scalar_type t)
+  { return 1./(sqrt(t*t+1.)); }
+  static scalar_type ga_der_acosh(scalar_type t)
+  { return 1./(sqrt(t*t-1.)); }
+  static scalar_type ga_der_atanh(scalar_type t)
+  { return 1./(1.-t*t); }
+  static scalar_type ga_der_cos(scalar_type t)
+  { return -sin(t); }
+  static scalar_type ga_der_tan(scalar_type t)
+  { return 1.+gmm::sqr(tan(t)); }
+  static scalar_type ga_der_asin(scalar_type t)
+  { return 1./(sqrt(1.-t*t)); }
+  static scalar_type ga_der_acos(scalar_type t)
+  { return -1./(sqrt(1.-t*t)); }
+  static scalar_type ga_der_atan(scalar_type t)
+  { return 1./(1.+t*t); }
+  static scalar_type ga_der_t_atan2(scalar_type t, scalar_type u)
+  { return u/(t*t+u*u); }
+  static scalar_type ga_der_u_atan2(scalar_type t, scalar_type u)
+  { return -t/(t*t+u*u); }
+  static scalar_type ga_der_erf(scalar_type t)
+  { return exp(-t*t)*2./sqrt(M_PI); }
+  static scalar_type ga_der_erfc(scalar_type t)
+  { return -exp(-t*t)*2./sqrt(M_PI); }
+  static scalar_type ga_der_neg_part(scalar_type t)
+  { return (t >= 0) ? 0. : -1.; }
+  static scalar_type ga_der_t_max(scalar_type t, scalar_type u)
+  { return (t-u >= 0) ? 1. : 0.; }
+  static scalar_type ga_der_u_max(scalar_type t, scalar_type u)
+  { return (u-t >= 0) ? 1. : 0.; }
+  //=========================================================================
+  // Structure dealing with predefined operators.
+  //=========================================================================
+  static void ga_init_scalar(bgeot::multi_index &mi) { mi.resize(0); }
+  static void ga_init_square_matrix(bgeot::multi_index &mi, size_type N)
+  { mi.resize(2); mi[0] = mi[1] = N; }
+  // Norm Operator
+  struct norm_operator : public ga_nonlinear_operator {
+    bool result_size(const arg_list &args, bgeot::multi_index &sizes) const {
+      if (args.size() != 1 || args[0]->sizes().size() > 2) return false;
+      ga_init_scalar(sizes);
+      return true;
+    }
+    void value(const arg_list &args, base_tensor &result) const
+    { result[0] = gmm::vect_norm2(args[0]->as_vector()); }
+    // Derivative : u/|u|
+    void derivative(const arg_list &args, size_type,
+                    base_tensor &result) const {
+      scalar_type no = gmm::vect_norm2(args[0]->as_vector());
+      if (no == scalar_type(0))
+        gmm::clear(result.as_vector());
+      else
+        gmm::copy(gmm::scaled(args[0]->as_vector(), scalar_type(1)/no),
+                  result.as_vector());
+    }
+    // Second derivative : (|u|^2 Id - u x u)/|u|^3
+    void second_derivative(const arg_list &args, size_type, size_type,
+                           base_tensor &result) const {
+      const base_tensor &t = *args[0];
+      size_type N = t.size();
+      scalar_type no = gmm::vect_norm2(t.as_vector());
+      scalar_type no3 = no*no*no;
+      if (no < 1E-25) no = 1E-25; // In order to avoid infinite values
+      for (size_type i = 0; i < N; ++i)
+        for (size_type j = 0; j < N; ++j) {
+          result[j*N+i] = - t[i]*t[j] / no3;
+          if (i == j) result[j*N+i] += scalar_type(1)/no;
+        }
+    }
+  };
+  // Norm_sqr Operator
+  struct norm_sqr_operator : public ga_nonlinear_operator {
+    bool result_size(const arg_list &args, bgeot::multi_index &sizes) const {
+      if (args.size() != 1 || args[0]->sizes().size() > 2) return false;
+      ga_init_scalar(sizes);
+      return true;
+    }
+    void value(const arg_list &args, base_tensor &result) const
+    { result[0] = gmm::vect_norm2_sqr(args[0]->as_vector()); }
+    // Derivative : 2*u
+    void derivative(const arg_list &args, size_type,
+                    base_tensor &result) const {
+      gmm::copy(gmm::scaled(args[0]->as_vector(), scalar_type(2)),
+                result.as_vector());
+    }
+    // Second derivative : Id
+    void second_derivative(const arg_list &args, size_type, size_type,
+                           base_tensor &result) const {
+      const base_tensor &t = *args[0];
+      size_type N = t.size();
+      gmm::clear(result.as_vector());
+      for (size_type i = 0; i < N; ++i)
+        result[i*N+i] = scalar_type(2);
+    }
+  };
+  // Det Operator
+  struct det_operator : public ga_nonlinear_operator {
+    bool result_size(const arg_list &args, bgeot::multi_index &sizes) const {
+      if (args.size() != 1 || args[0]->sizes().size() != 2
+          || args[0]->sizes()[0] != args[0]->sizes()[1]) return false;
+      ga_init_scalar(sizes);
+      return true;
+    }
+    void value(const arg_list &args, base_tensor &result) const {
+      size_type N = args[0]->sizes()[0];
+      // base_matrix M(N, N);
+      // gmm::copy(args[0]->as_vector(), M.as_vector());
+      // result[0] = gmm::lu_det(M);
+      result[0] = bgeot::lu_det(&(*(args[0]->begin())), N);
+    }
+    // Derivative : det(M)M^{-T}
+    void derivative(const arg_list &args, size_type,
+                    base_tensor &result) const {
+      size_type N = args[0]->sizes()[0];
+      if (N) {
+        __mat_aux1().base_resize(N, N);
+        gmm::copy(args[0]->as_vector(), __mat_aux1().as_vector());
+        scalar_type det = bgeot::lu_inverse(__mat_aux1());
+        if (det == scalar_type(0))
+          gmm::clear(result.as_vector());
+        else {
+          auto it = result.begin();
+          auto ita = __mat_aux1().begin();
+          for (size_type j = 0; j < N; ++j, ++ita) {
+            auto itaa = ita;
+            *it = (*itaa) * det; ++it;
+            for (size_type i = 1; i < N; ++i, ++it)
+              { itaa += N; *it = (*itaa) * det; }
+          }
+          GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(it == result.end(), "Internal error");
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    // Second derivative : det(M)(address@hidden - M^{-T}_{jk}M^{-T}_{li})
+    void second_derivative(const arg_list &args, size_type, size_type,
+                           base_tensor &result) const {
+      size_type N = args[0]->sizes()[0];
+      __mat_aux1().base_resize(N, N);
+      gmm::copy(args[0]->as_vector(), __mat_aux1().as_vector());
+      scalar_type det = bgeot::lu_inverse(__mat_aux1());
+      if (det == scalar_type(0))
+        gmm::clear(result.as_vector());
+      else {
+        auto it = result.begin();
+        auto ita = __mat_aux1().begin(), ita_l = ita;
+        for (size_type l = 0; l < N; ++l, ++ita_l) {
+          auto ita_lk = ita_l, ita_jk = ita;
+          for (size_type k = 0; k < N; ++k, ita_lk += N, ita_jk += N) {
+            auto ita_j = ita;
+            for (size_type j = 0; j < N; ++j, ++ita_j, ++ita_jk) {
+              auto ita_ji = ita_j, ita_li = ita_l;
+              for (size_type i = 0; i < N; ++i, ++it, ita_ji += N, ita_li += N)
+                *it = ((*ita_ji) * (*ita_lk) - (*ita_jk) * (*ita_li)) * det;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(it == result.end(), "Internal error");
+      }
+    }
+  };
+  // Inverse Operator (for square matrices)
+  struct inverse_operator : public ga_nonlinear_operator {
+    bool result_size(const arg_list &args, bgeot::multi_index &sizes) const {
+      if (args.size() != 1 || args[0]->sizes().size() != 2
+          || args[0]->sizes()[0] != args[0]->sizes()[1]) return false;
+      ga_init_square_matrix(sizes, args[0]->sizes()[0]);
+      return true;
+    }
+    // Value : M^{-1}
+    void value(const arg_list &args, base_tensor &result) const {
+      size_type N = args[0]->sizes()[0];
+      __mat_aux1().base_resize(N, N);
+      gmm::copy(args[0]->as_vector(), __mat_aux1().as_vector());
+      bgeot::lu_inverse(__mat_aux1());
+      gmm::copy(__mat_aux1().as_vector(), result.as_vector());
+    }
+    // Derivative : -M^{-1}{ik}M^{-1}{lj}  (comes from H -> M^{-1}HM^{-1})
+    void derivative(const arg_list &args, size_type,
+                    base_tensor &result) const { // to be verified
+      size_type N = args[0]->sizes()[0];
+      __mat_aux1().base_resize(N, N);
+      gmm::copy(args[0]->as_vector(), __mat_aux1().as_vector());
+      bgeot::lu_inverse(__mat_aux1());
+      auto it = result.begin();
+      auto ita = __mat_aux1().begin(), ita_l = ita;
+      for (size_type l = 0; l < N; ++l, ++ita_l) {
+        auto ita_k = ita;
+        for (size_type k = 0; k < N; ++k, ita_k += N) {
+          auto ita_lj = ita_l;
+          for (size_type j = 0; j < N; ++j, ++ita_lj) {
+            auto ita_ik = ita_k;
+            for (size_type i = 0; i < N; ++i, ++it, ++ita_ik)
+              *it = -(*ita_ik) * (*ita_lj);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(it == result.end(), "Internal error");
+    }
+    // Second derivative :
+    // M^{-1}{ik}M^{-1}{lm}M^{-1}{nj} + M^{-1}{im}M^{-1}{mk}M^{-1}{lj}
+    // comes from (H,K) -> M^{-1}HM^{-1}KM^{-1} + M^{-1}KM^{-1}HM^{-1}
+    void second_derivative(const arg_list &args, size_type, size_type,
+                           base_tensor &result) const { // to be verified
+      size_type N = args[0]->sizes()[0];
+      __mat_aux1().base_resize(N, N);
+      gmm::copy(args[0]->as_vector(), __mat_aux1().as_vector());
+      bgeot::lu_inverse(__mat_aux1());
+      base_tensor::iterator it = result.begin();
+      for (size_type n = 0; n < N; ++n)
+        for (size_type m = 0; m < N; ++m)
+          for (size_type l = 0; l < N; ++l)
+            for (size_type k = 0; k < N; ++k)
+              for (size_type j = 0; j < N; ++j)
+                for (size_type i = 0; i < N; ++i, ++it)
+                  *it = __mat_aux1()(i,k)*__mat_aux1()(l,m)*__mat_aux1()(n,j)
+                    + __mat_aux1()(i,m)*__mat_aux1()(m,k)*__mat_aux1()(l,j);
+      GA_DEBUG_ASSERT(it == result.end(), "Internal error");
+    }
+  };
+  //=========================================================================
+  // Initialization of predefined functions and operators.
+  //=========================================================================
+  bool init_predef_functions() {
+    // Predefined functions
+    ga_predef_function_tab &PREDEF_FUNCTIONS
+      = dal::singleton<ga_predef_function_tab>::instance(0);
+    // Power functions and their derivatives
+    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["sqrt"] = ga_predef_function(sqrt, 1, "DER_PDFUNC_SQRT");
+    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["sqr"] = ga_predef_function(ga_sqr, 2, "2*t");
+    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["pow"] = ga_predef_function(pow, 1, "DER_PDFUNC1_POW",
+                                                 "DER_PDFUNC2_POW");
+      ga_predef_function(ga_der_sqrt, 2, "-0.25/(t*sqrt(t))");
+      ga_predef_function(ga_der_t_pow, 2, "u*(u-1)*pow(t,u-2)",
+                         "pow(t,u-1)*(u*log(t)+1)");
+      ga_predef_function(ga_der_u_pow, 2, "pow(t,u-1)*(u*log(t)+1)",
+                         "pow(t,u)*sqr(log(t))");
+    // Hyperbolic functions
+    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["exp"] = ga_predef_function(exp, 1, "exp");
+    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["log"] = ga_predef_function(log, 1, "DER_PDFUNC_LOG");
+    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["log10"] =
+      ga_predef_function(log10, 1, "DER_PDFUNC_LOG10");
+    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["sinh"] = ga_predef_function(sinh, 1, "cosh");
+    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["cosh"] = ga_predef_function(cosh, 1, "sinh");
+    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["tanh"] = ga_predef_function(tanh, 1, "DER_PDFUNC_TANH");
+    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["asinh"] =
+      ga_predef_function(asinh, 1, "DER_PDFUNC_ASINH");
+    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["acosh"] =
+      ga_predef_function(acosh, 1, "DER_PDFUNC_ACOSH");
+    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["atanh"] =
+      ga_predef_function(atanh, 1, "DER_PDFUNC_ATANH");
+      ga_predef_function(ga_der_log, 2, "-1/sqr(t)");
+      ga_predef_function(ga_der_log10, 2, "-1/(sqr(t)*log(10))");
+      ga_predef_function(ga_der_tanh, 2, "2*tanh(t)*(sqr(tanh(t))-1)");
+      ga_predef_function(ga_der_asinh, 2, "-t/(pow(t*t+1,1.5))");
+      ga_predef_function(ga_der_acosh, 2, "-t/(pow(t*t-1,1.5))");
+      ga_predef_function(ga_der_atanh, 2, "2*t/sqr(1-t*t)");
+    // Trigonometric functions
+    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["sin"] = ga_predef_function(sin, 1, "cos");
+    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["cos"] = ga_predef_function(cos, 1, "DER_PDFUNC_COS");
+    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["tan"] = ga_predef_function(tan, 1, "DER_PDFUNC_TAN");
+    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["asin"] = ga_predef_function(asin, 1, "DER_PDFUNC_ASIN");
+    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["acos"] = ga_predef_function(acos, 1, "DER_PDFUNC_ACOS");
+    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["atan"] = ga_predef_function(atan, 1, "DER_PDFUNC_ATAN");
+    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["atan2"] = ga_predef_function(atan2,1,"DER_PDFUNC1_ATAN2",
+    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["sinc"] = ga_predef_function(ga_sinc, 1,
+                                                  "DER_PDFUNC_SINC");
+    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["DER_PDFUNC_SINC"] =ga_predef_function(ga_der_sinc, 1,
+    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["DER2_PDFUNC_SINC"] = ga_predef_function(ga_der2_sinc);
+      ga_predef_function(ga_der_cos, 2, "-cos(t)");
+      ga_predef_function(ga_der_tan, 2, "2*tan(t)/sqr(cos(t))");
+    //  ga_predef_function(ga_der_tan, 2, "2*tan(t)*(1+sqr(tan(t)))");
+      ga_predef_function(ga_der_asin, 2, "t/(pow(1-t*t,1.5))");
+      ga_predef_function(ga_der_acos, 2, "-t/(pow(1-t*t,1.5))");
+      ga_predef_function(ga_der_atan, 2, "-2*t/sqr(1+t*t)");
+      ga_predef_function(ga_der_t_atan2, 2, "-2*t*u/sqr(sqr(u)+sqr(t))",
+                         "(sqrt(t)-sqr(u))/sqr(sqr(u)+sqr(t))");
+      ga_predef_function(ga_der_u_atan2, 2,
+                         "(sqrt(t)-sqr(u))/sqr(sqr(u)+sqr(t))",
+                         "2*t*u/sqr(sqr(u)+sqr(t))");
+    // Error functions
+      = ga_predef_function(erf, 1, "DER_PDFUNC_ERF");
+      = ga_predef_function(erfc, 1, "DER_PDFUNC_ERFC");
+      ga_predef_function(ga_der_erf, 2, "exp(-t*t)*2/sqrt(pi)");
+      ga_predef_function(ga_der_erfc, 2, "-exp(-t*t)*2/sqrt(pi)");
+    // Miscellaneous functions
+    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["Heaviside"] = ga_predef_function(ga_Heaviside); // 
ga_predef_function(ga_Heaviside, 2, "(0)");
+    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["sign"] = ga_predef_function(ga_sign);
+    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["abs"] = ga_predef_function(ga_abs, 1, "sign");
+    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["pos_part"]
+      = ga_predef_function(ga_pos_part, 1, "Heaviside");
+    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["half_sqr_pos_part"]
+      = ga_predef_function(ga_half_sqr_pos_part, 1, "pos_part");
+    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["neg_part"]
+      = ga_predef_function(ga_neg_part, 1, "DER_PDFUNC_NEG_PART");
+    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["half_sqr_neg_part"]
+      = ga_predef_function(ga_half_sqr_neg_part, 2, "-neg_part(t)");
+    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["reg_pos_part"]
+      = ga_predef_function(ga_reg_pos_part, 1, "DER_REG_POS_PART", "");
+      = ga_predef_function(ga_der_reg_pos_part, 1, "DER2_REG_POS_PART", "");
+      = ga_predef_function(ga_der2_reg_pos_part);
+      = ga_predef_function(ga_max, 1, "DER_PDFUNC1_MAX", "DER_PDFUNC2_MAX");
+      = ga_predef_function(ga_min, 1, "DER_PDFUNC2_MAX", "DER_PDFUNC1_MAX");
+      = ga_predef_function(ga_der_neg_part, 2, "-Heaviside(-t)");
+    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["DER_PDFUNC1_MAX"] = ga_predef_function(ga_der_t_max);
+    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS["DER_PDFUNC2_MAX"] = ga_predef_function(ga_der_u_max);
+    // Predefined special functions
+    SPEC_FUNCTIONS.insert("pi");
+    SPEC_FUNCTIONS.insert("meshdim");
+    SPEC_FUNCTIONS.insert("timestep");
+    SPEC_FUNCTIONS.insert("qdim");
+    SPEC_FUNCTIONS.insert("qdims");
+    SPEC_FUNCTIONS.insert("Id");
+    // Predefined operators
+    ga_predef_operator_tab &PREDEF_OPERATORS
+      = dal::singleton<ga_predef_operator_tab>::instance();
+    PREDEF_OPERATORS.add_method("Norm", std::make_shared<norm_operator>());
+    PREDEF_OPERATORS.add_method("Norm_sqr",
+                                std::make_shared<norm_sqr_operator>());
+    PREDEF_OPERATORS.add_method("Det", std::make_shared<det_operator>());
+    PREDEF_OPERATORS.add_method("Inv", std::make_shared<inverse_operator>());
+    return true;
+  }
+  bool predef_functions_initialized = init_predef_functions();
+  bool ga_function_exists(const std::string &name) {
+    const ga_predef_function_tab &PREDEF_FUNCTIONS
+      = dal::singleton<ga_predef_function_tab>::instance(0);
+    return PREDEF_FUNCTIONS.find(name) != PREDEF_FUNCTIONS.end();
+  }
+  void ga_define_function(const std::string &name, size_type nbargs,
+                          const std::string &expr, const std::string &der1,
+                          const std::string &der2) {
+    auto guard = omp_guard{};
+    auto &PREDEF_FUNCTIONS = 
+    if(PREDEF_FUNCTIONS.find(name) != PREDEF_FUNCTIONS.end()) return;
+    GMM_ASSERT1(nbargs >= 1 && nbargs <= 2, "Generic assembly only allows "
+                "the definition of scalar function with one or two arguments");
+    { // Only for syntax analysis
+      base_vector t(1);
+      ga_workspace workspace;
+      workspace.add_fixed_size_variable("t", gmm::sub_interval(0,1), t);
+      if (nbargs == 2)
+        workspace.add_fixed_size_variable("u", gmm::sub_interval(0,1), t);
+      workspace.add_function_expression(expr);
+    }
+    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS[name] = ga_predef_function(expr);
+    ga_predef_function &F = PREDEF_FUNCTIONS[name];
+    F.gis = std::make_unique<instruction_set>();
+    for (size_type thread = 0; thread < num_threads(); ++thread)
+    {
+      F.workspace(thread).add_fixed_size_variable("t", gmm::sub_interval(0,1),
+                                                  F.t(thread));
+      if (nbargs == 2)
+        F.workspace(thread).add_fixed_size_variable("u", 
+                                                    F.u(thread));
+      F.workspace(thread).add_function_expression(expr);
+      ga_compile_function(F.workspace(thread), (*F.gis)(thread), true);
+    }
+    F.nbargs_ = nbargs;
+    if (nbargs == 1) {
+      if (der1.size()) { F.derivative1_ = der1; F.dtype_ = 2; }
+    } else {
+      if (der1.size() && der2.size()) {
+        F.derivative1_ = der1;  F.derivative2_ = der2; F.dtype_ = 2;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  void ga_define_function(const std::string &name, pscalar_func_onearg f,
+                          const std::string &der) {
+    ga_predef_function_tab &PREDEF_FUNCTIONS
+      = dal::singleton<ga_predef_function_tab>::instance(0);
+    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS[name] = ga_predef_function(f, 1, der);
+    ga_predef_function &F = PREDEF_FUNCTIONS[name];
+    if (der.size() == 0) F.dtype_ = 0;
+    else if (!(ga_function_exists(der))) F.dtype_ = 2;
+  }
+  void ga_define_function(const std::string &name, pscalar_func_twoargs f,
+                          const std::string &der1, const std::string &der2) {
+    ga_predef_function_tab &PREDEF_FUNCTIONS
+      = dal::singleton<ga_predef_function_tab>::instance(0);
+    PREDEF_FUNCTIONS[name] = ga_predef_function(f, 1, der1, der2);
+    ga_predef_function &F = PREDEF_FUNCTIONS[name];
+    if (der1.size() == 0 || der2.size() == 0)
+      F.dtype_ = 0;
+    else if (!(ga_function_exists(der1)) || !(ga_function_exists(der2)))
+      F.dtype_ = 2;
+  }
+  void ga_undefine_function(const std::string &name) {
+    ga_predef_function_tab &PREDEF_FUNCTIONS
+      = dal::singleton<ga_predef_function_tab>::instance(0);
+    ga_predef_function_tab::iterator it = PREDEF_FUNCTIONS.find(name);
+    if (it != PREDEF_FUNCTIONS.end()) {
+      PREDEF_FUNCTIONS.erase(name);
+      std::string name0 = "DER_PDFUNC_" + name;
+      ga_undefine_function(name0);
+      std::string name1 = "DER_PDFUNC1_" + name;
+      ga_undefine_function(name1);
+      std::string name2 = "DER_PDFUNC2_" + name;
+      ga_undefine_function(name2);
+    }
+  }
+} /* end of namespace */
diff --git a/src/ 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..006d573
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,3187 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Yves Renard
+ This file is a part of GetFEM++
+ GetFEM++  is  free software;  you  can  redistribute  it  and/or modify it
+ under  the  terms  of the  GNU  Lesser General Public License as published
+ by  the  Free Software Foundation;  either version 3 of the License,  or
+ (at your option) any later version along with the GCC Runtime Library
+ Exception either version 3.1 or (at your option) any later version.
+ This program  is  distributed  in  the  hope  that it will be useful,  but
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ or  FITNESS  FOR  A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License and GCC Runtime Library Exception for more details.
+ You  should  have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ along  with  this program;  if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
+// Semantic analysis of assembly trees and semantic manipulations.
+#include <getfem/getfem_generic_assembly_functions_and_operators.h>
+#include <getfem/getfem_generic_assembly_semantic.h>
+namespace getfem {
+  bool ga_extract_variables(const pga_tree_node pnode,
+                           const ga_workspace &workspace,
+                           const mesh &m,
+                           std::set<var_trans_pair> &vars,
+                           bool ignore_data) {
+    bool expand_groups = !ignore_data;
+    bool found_var = false;
+    if (pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_VAL ||
+        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_GRAD ||
+        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_HESS ||
+        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_DIVERG ||
+        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_VAL ||
+        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_GRAD ||
+        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_HESS ||
+        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_DIVERG ||
+        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_ELEMENTARY_VAL ||
+        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_ELEMENTARY_GRAD ||
+        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_ELEMENTARY_HESS ||
+        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_ELEMENTARY_DIVERG ||
+        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS_VAL ||
+        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS_GRAD ||
+        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS_HESS ||
+        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS_DIVERG ||
+        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_XFEM_MINUS_VAL ||
+        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_XFEM_MINUS_GRAD ||
+        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_XFEM_MINUS_HESS ||
+        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_XFEM_MINUS_DIVERG) {
+      bool group = workspace.variable_group_exists(pnode->name);
+      bool iscte = (!group) && workspace.is_constant(pnode->name);
+      if (!iscte) found_var = true;
+      if (!ignore_data || !iscte) {
+        if (group && expand_groups) {
+          for (const std::string &t : workspace.variable_group(pnode->name))
+            vars.insert(var_trans_pair(t, pnode->interpolate_name));
+        } else
+          vars.insert(var_trans_pair(pnode->name, pnode->interpolate_name));
+      }
+    }
+    if (pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_VAL ||
+        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_GRAD ||
+        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_HESS ||
+        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_DIVERG ||
+        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_VAL_TEST ||
+        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_GRAD_TEST ||
+        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_HESS_TEST ||
+        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_DIVERG_TEST ||
+        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_X ||
+        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_NORMAL) {
+      workspace.interpolate_transformation(pnode->interpolate_name)
+        ->extract_variables(workspace, vars, ignore_data, m,
+                            pnode->interpolate_name);
+    }
+    for (auto&& child : pnode->children)
+      found_var = ga_extract_variables(child, workspace, m,
+                                       vars, ignore_data)
+        || found_var;
+    return found_var;
+  }
+  //=========================================================================
+  // Some hash code functions for node identification
+  //=========================================================================
+  static scalar_type ga_hash_code(const std::string &s) {
+    scalar_type c(0);
+    for (size_type i = 0; i < s.size(); ++i)
+      c += sin(M_E+scalar_type(s[i]))+M_PI*M_E*scalar_type(i+1);
+    return c;
+  }
+  static scalar_type ga_hash_code(const base_tensor &t) {
+    scalar_type c(0);
+    for (size_type i = 0; i < t.size(); ++i)
+      c += sin(M_E+t[i]+M_E*M_E*scalar_type(i+1))+scalar_type(i+1)*M_PI;
+    return c;
+  }
+  static scalar_type ga_hash_code(GA_NODE_TYPE e) {
+    return cos(M_E + scalar_type((e == GA_NODE_ZERO) ? GA_NODE_CONSTANT : e));
+  }
+  static scalar_type ga_hash_code(const pga_tree_node pnode) {
+    scalar_type c = ga_hash_code(pnode->node_type);
+    switch (pnode->node_type) {
+      c += ga_hash_code(pnode->tensor());
+      if (pnode->test_function_type & 1)
+        c += 34.731 * ga_hash_code(pnode->name_test1);
+      if (pnode->test_function_type & 2)
+        c += 34.731 * ga_hash_code(pnode->name_test2);
+      break;
+    case GA_NODE_OP: c += scalar_type(pnode->op_type)*M_E*M_PI*M_PI; break;
+    case GA_NODE_X: c += scalar_type(pnode->nbc1) + M_E*M_PI; break;
+    case GA_NODE_VAL: case GA_NODE_GRAD:
+    case GA_NODE_HESS: case GA_NODE_DIVERG:
+      c += ga_hash_code(pnode->name); break;
+      c += 1.73*ga_hash_code(pnode->interpolate_name)
+        + 2.486*double(pnode->nbc1 + 1);
+      break;
+      c += 2.321*ga_hash_code(pnode->interpolate_name_der);
+      // No break. The hash code is completed with the next item
+      c += 1.33*(1.22+ga_hash_code(pnode->name))
+        + 1.66*ga_hash_code(pnode->interpolate_name);
+      break;
+      c += 1.33*(1.22+ga_hash_code(pnode->name))
+        + 2.63*ga_hash_code(pnode->elementary_name);
+      break;
+      c += 1.33*(1.22+ga_hash_code(pnode->name));
+      break;
+      c += M_PI*1.33*ga_hash_code(pnode->interpolate_name);
+      break;
+      c += ga_hash_code(pnode->name)
+        + tanh(scalar_type(pnode->der1)/M_PI + scalar_type(pnode->der2)*M_PI);
+      break;
+    default: break;
+    }
+    return c;
+  }
+  static void ga_node_analysis(const std::string &expr, ga_tree &tree,
+                               const ga_workspace &workspace,
+                               pga_tree_node pnode, size_type meshdim,
+                               size_type ref_elt_dim, bool eval_fixed_size,
+                               bool ignore_X, int option) {
+    bool all_cte = true, all_sc = true;
+    pnode->symmetric_op = false;
+    for (size_type i = 0; i < pnode->children.size(); ++i) {
+      ga_node_analysis(expr, tree, workspace, pnode->children[i], meshdim,
+                       ref_elt_dim, eval_fixed_size, ignore_X, option);
+      all_cte = all_cte && (pnode->children[i]->node_type == GA_NODE_CONSTANT);
+      all_sc = all_sc && (pnode->children[i]->tensor_proper_size() == 1);
+      GMM_ASSERT1(pnode->children[i]->test_function_type != size_type(-1),
+                  "internal error on child " << i);
+      if (pnode->node_type != GA_NODE_PARAMS)
+        ga_valid_operand(expr, pnode->children[i]);
+    }
+    size_type nbch = pnode->children.size();
+    pga_tree_node child0 = (nbch > 0) ? pnode->children[0] : 0;
+    pga_tree_node child1 = (nbch > 1) ? pnode->children[1] : 0;
+    bgeot::multi_index mi;
+    const bgeot::multi_index &size0 = child0 ? child0->t.sizes() : mi;
+    const bgeot::multi_index &size1 = child1 ? child1->t.sizes() : mi;
+    size_type dim0 = child0 ? child0->tensor_order() : 0;
+    size_type dim1 = child1 ? child1->tensor_order() : 0;
+    // cout << "child1 = " << child1 << endl;
+    // cout << "child0 = " << child0 << endl;
+    // cout << "nbch = " << nbch << endl;
+    // cout<<"begin analysis of node "; ga_print_node(pnode, cout); cout<<endl;
+    const ga_predef_function_tab &PREDEF_FUNCTIONS
+      = dal::singleton<ga_predef_function_tab>::instance(0);
+    const ga_predef_operator_tab &PREDEF_OPERATORS
+      = dal::singleton<ga_predef_operator_tab>::instance(0);
+    switch (pnode->node_type) {
+    case GA_NODE_ELT_K:  case GA_NODE_ELT_B:
+      pnode->test_function_type = 0; break;
+    case GA_NODE_ALLINDICES: pnode->test_function_type = 0; break;
+    case GA_NODE_VAL:
+      if (eval_fixed_size && !(workspace.associated_mf(pnode->name))
+          && !(workspace.associated_im_data(pnode->name))) {
+        gmm::copy(workspace.value(pnode->name), pnode->tensor().as_vector());
+        pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
+      }
+      break;
+    case GA_NODE_ZERO: case GA_NODE_GRAD:
+    case GA_NODE_HESS: case GA_NODE_DIVERG:
+      break;
+      {
+        const mesh_fem *mf = workspace.associated_mf(pnode->name);
+        size_type t_type = pnode->test_function_type;
+        if (t_type == 1) {
+          pnode->name_test1 = pnode->name;
+          pnode->interpolate_name_test1 = pnode->interpolate_name;
+          pnode->interpolate_name_test2 = pnode->name_test2 = "";
+          pnode->qdim1 = (mf ? workspace.qdim(pnode->name)
+                          : gmm::vect_size(workspace.value(pnode->name)));
+          if (option == 1)
+            workspace.test1.insert
+              (var_trans_pair(pnode->name_test1,
+                              pnode->interpolate_name_test1));
+          if (!(pnode->qdim1))
+            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Invalid null size of variable");
+        } else {
+          pnode->interpolate_name_test1 = pnode->name_test1 = "";
+          pnode->name_test2 = pnode->name;
+          pnode->interpolate_name_test2 = pnode->interpolate_name;
+          pnode->qdim2 = (mf ? workspace.qdim(pnode->name)
+                          : gmm::vect_size(workspace.value(pnode->name)));
+          if (option == 1)
+            workspace.test2.insert
+              (var_trans_pair(pnode->name_test2,
+                              pnode->interpolate_name_test2));
+          if (!(pnode->qdim2))
+            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Invalid null size of variable");
+        }
+        if (!mf) {
+          size_type n = workspace.qdim(pnode->name);
+          if (!n)
+            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Invalid null size of variable");
+          if (n == 1) {
+            pnode->init_vector_tensor(1);
+            pnode->tensor()[0] = scalar_type(1);
+            pnode->test_function_type = t_type;
+          } else {
+            pnode->init_matrix_tensor(n,n);
+            pnode->test_function_type = t_type;
+            for (size_type i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+              for (size_type j = 0; j < n; ++j)
+                pnode->tensor()(i,j) = (i==j) ? scalar_type(1) : 
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+      if (pnode->"X") == 0) {
+        pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_X;
+        pnode->init_vector_tensor(meshdim);
+        break;
+      }
+      if (pnode->"Normal") == 0) {
+        pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_NORMAL;
+        pnode->init_vector_tensor(meshdim);
+        break;
+      }
+      // else continue with what follows
+    case GA_NODE_ELEMENTARY: // and ... case GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE:
+    case GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS:
+      {
+        int ndt = ((pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE) ? 1 : 0)
+          + ((pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_ELEMENTARY) ? 2 : 0)
+          + ((pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS) ? 3 : 0)
+          + ((pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_XFEM_MINUS) ? 4 : 0);
+        std::string op__name =
+          (pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE) ? "Interpolation" : ""
+          + (pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_ELEMENTARY) ?
+             "Elementary transformation" : ""
+          + (pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS) ? "Xfem_plus" : ""
+          + (pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_XFEM_MINUS) ? "Xfem_minus" : "";
+        std::string name = pnode->name;
+        size_type prefix_id = ga_parse_prefix_operator(name);
+        size_type test = ga_parse_prefix_test(name);
+        pnode->name = name;
+        // Group must be tested and it should be a fem variable
+        if (!(workspace.variable_or_group_exists(name)))
+          ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
+                         "Unknown variable or group of variables");
+        const mesh_fem *mf = workspace.associated_mf(name);
+        if (!mf)
+          ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, op__name
+                         << " can only apply to finite element 
+        size_type q = workspace.qdim(name), n = mf->linked_mesh().dim();
+        if (!q) ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
+                               "Invalid null size of variable");
+        bgeot::multi_index mii = workspace.qdims(name);
+        if (mii.size() > 6)
+          ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
+                         "Tensor with too many dimensions. Limited to 6");
+        if (test == 1) {
+          pnode->name_test1 = name;
+          pnode->interpolate_name_test1 = pnode->interpolate_name;
+          if (option == 1)
+            workspace.test1.insert
+              (var_trans_pair(pnode->name_test1,
+                              pnode->interpolate_name_test1));
+          pnode->qdim1 = workspace.qdim(name);
+          if (!(pnode->qdim1))
+            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
+                           "Invalid null size of variable");
+        } else if (test == 2) {
+          pnode->name_test2 = name;
+          pnode->interpolate_name_test2 = pnode->interpolate_name;
+          if (option == 1)
+            workspace.test2.insert
+              (var_trans_pair(pnode->name_test2,
+                              pnode->interpolate_name_test2));
+          pnode->qdim2 = workspace.qdim(name);
+          if (!(pnode->qdim2))
+            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
+                           "Invalid null size of variable");
+        }
+        switch (prefix_id) {
+        case 0: // value
+          if (!test) {
+            switch (ndt) {
+            case 1: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_VAL; break;
+            case 2: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ELEMENTARY_VAL; break;
+            case 3: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS_VAL; break;
+            case 4: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_MINUS_VAL; break;
+            default: GMM_ASSERT1(false, "internal error");
+            }
+          } else {
+            switch (ndt) {
+            case 1: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_VAL_TEST; break;
+            case 2: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ELEMENTARY_VAL_TEST; break;
+            case 3: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS_VAL_TEST; break;
+            case 4: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_MINUS_VAL_TEST; break;
+            default: GMM_ASSERT1(false, "internal error");
+            }
+            if (q == 1 && mii.size() <= 1) {
+              mii.resize(1);
+              mii[0] = 2;
+            } else
+              mii.insert(mii.begin(), 2);
+          }
+          break;
+        case 1: // grad
+          if (!test) {
+            switch (ndt) {
+            case 1: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_GRAD; break;
+            case 2: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ELEMENTARY_GRAD; break;
+            case 3: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS_GRAD; break;
+            case 4: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_MINUS_GRAD; break;
+            default: GMM_ASSERT1(false, "internal error");
+            }
+            if (n > 1) {
+              if (q == 1 && mii.size() == 1) mii[0] = n;
+              else mii.push_back(n);
+            }
+          } else {
+            switch (ndt) {
+            case 1: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_GRAD_TEST; break;
+            case 2: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ELEMENTARY_GRAD_TEST; break;
+            case 3: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS_GRAD_TEST; break;
+            case 4: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_MINUS_GRAD_TEST; break;
+            default: GMM_ASSERT1(false, "internal error");
+            }
+            if (q == 1 && mii.size() <= 1) {
+              mii.resize(1);
+              mii[0] = 2;
+            } else
+              mii.insert(mii.begin(), 2);
+            if (n > 1) mii.push_back(n);
+          }
+          break;
+        case 2: // Hessian
+          if (!test) {
+            switch (ndt) {
+            case 1: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_HESS; break;
+            case 2: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ELEMENTARY_HESS; break;
+            case 3: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS_HESS; break;
+            case 4: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_MINUS_HESS; break;
+            default: GMM_ASSERT1(false, "internal error");
+            }
+            if (n > 1) {
+              if (q == 1 && mii.size() == 1) { mii[0] = n;  mii.push_back(n); }
+              else { mii.push_back(n); mii.push_back(n); }
+            }
+          } else {
+            switch (ndt) {
+            case 1: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_HESS_TEST; break;
+            case 2: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ELEMENTARY_HESS_TEST; break;
+            case 3: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS_HESS_TEST; break;
+            case 4: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_MINUS_HESS_TEST; break;
+            default: GMM_ASSERT1(false, "internal error");
+            }
+            if (q == 1 && mii.size() <= 1) {
+              mii.resize(1);
+              mii[0] = 2;
+            } else
+              mii.insert(mii.begin(), 2);
+            if (n > 1) { mii.push_back(n); mii.push_back(n); }
+          }
+          break;
+        case 3: // divergence
+          if (q != n)
+            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
+                           "Divergence operator requires fem qdim ("
+                           << q << ") to be equal to dim (" << n << ")");
+          if (!test) {
+            switch (ndt) {
+            case 1: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_DIVERG; break;
+            case 2: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ELEMENTARY_DIVERG; break;
+            case 3: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS_DIVERG; break;
+            case 4: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_MINUS_DIVERG; break;
+            default: GMM_ASSERT1(false, "internal error");
+            }
+            mii.resize(1);
+            mii[0] = 1;
+          } else {
+            switch (ndt) {
+            case 1: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_DIVERG_TEST; break;
+            case 2: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ELEMENTARY_DIVERG_TEST; break;
+            case 3: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS_DIVERG_TEST; break;
+            case 4: pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_MINUS_DIVERG_TEST; break;
+            default: GMM_ASSERT1(false, "internal error");
+            }
+            mii.resize(1);
+            mii[0] = 2;
+          }
+          break;
+        }
+        pnode->t.adjust_sizes(mii);
+        pnode->test_function_type = test;
+        if (ndt == 1) {
+          if (!(workspace.interpolate_transformation_exists
+                (pnode->interpolate_name)))  {
+            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
+                           "Unknown interpolate transformation");
+          }
+        } else if (ndt == 2) {
+          if (!(workspace.elementary_transformation_exists
+                (pnode->elementary_name))) {
+            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
+                           "Unknown elementary transformation");
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+      {
+        if (pnode->children.size() == 2) {
+          bool valid = (child1->node_type == GA_NODE_CONSTANT);
+          int n = valid ? int(round(child1->tensor()[0])) : -1;
+          if (n < 0 || n > 100 || child1->tensor_order() > 0)
+            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "The third argument of "
+                           "Interpolate_filter should be a (small) "
+                           "non-negative integer.");
+          pnode->nbc1 = size_type(n);
+          tree.clear_node(child1);
+        }
+        if (!(workspace.interpolate_transformation_exists
+              (pnode->interpolate_name)))
+          ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
+                         "Unknown interpolate transformation");
+        pnode->t = child0->t;
+        pnode->test_function_type = child0->test_function_type;
+        pnode->name_test1 = child0->name_test1;
+        pnode->name_test2 = child0->name_test2;
+        pnode->interpolate_name_test1 = child0->interpolate_name_test1;
+        pnode->interpolate_name_test2 = child0->interpolate_name_test2;
+        pnode->qdim1 = child0->qdim1;
+        pnode->qdim2 = child0->qdim2;
+      }
+      break;
+    case GA_NODE_OP:
+      switch(pnode->op_type) {
+      case GA_PLUS: case GA_MINUS:
+        {
+          if (pnode->op_type == GA_PLUS) pnode->symmetric_op = true;
+          size_type c_size = std::min(size0.size(), size1.size());
+          bool compatible = true;
+          size_type f_ind = 0;
+          if (child0->test_function_type &&
+              child1->test_function_type == child0->test_function_type)
+            f_ind = (child0->test_function_type == 3) ? 2:1;
+          for (size_type i = f_ind; i < c_size; ++i)
+            if (size0[i] != size1[i]) compatible = false;
+          for (size_type i = c_size; i < size0.size(); ++i)
+            if (size0[i] != 1) compatible = false;
+          for (size_type i = c_size; i < size1.size(); ++i)
+            if (size1[i] != 1) compatible = false;
+          if (!compatible)
+            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Addition or subtraction of "
+                           "expressions of different sizes: "
+                           << size0 << " != " << size1);
+          if (child0->test_function_type || child1->test_function_type) {
+            switch (option) {
+            case 0: case 2:
+              if (child0->>name_test1) ||
+                  child0->>name_test2) ||
+                  child0->
+                  (child1->interpolate_name_test1) ||
+                  child0->
+                  (child1->interpolate_name_test2))
+                compatible = false;
+              break;
+            case 1: case 3: break;
+            default: GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Unknown option");
+            }
+          }
+          if (child0->test_function_type != child1->test_function_type ||
+              (!compatible && option != 2))
+            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Addition or subtraction of "
+                           "incompatible test functions");
+          if (all_cte) {
+            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
+            pnode->test_function_type = 0;
+            pnode->tensor() = pnode->children[0]->tensor();
+            if (pnode->op_type == GA_MINUS)
+              pnode->tensor() -= pnode->children[1]->tensor();
+            else
+              pnode->tensor() += pnode->children[1]->tensor();
+            tree.clear_children(pnode);
+          } else {
+            pnode->t = child0->t;
+            pnode->test_function_type = child0->test_function_type;
+            pnode->name_test1 = child0->name_test1;
+            pnode->name_test2 = child0->name_test2;
+            pnode->interpolate_name_test1 = child0->interpolate_name_test1;
+            pnode->interpolate_name_test2 = child0->interpolate_name_test2;
+            pnode->qdim1 = child0->qdim1;
+            pnode->qdim2 = child0->qdim2;
+            // simplification if one of the two operands is constant and zero
+            if (child0->tensor_is_zero()) {
+              if (pnode->op_type == GA_MINUS) {
+                pnode->op_type = GA_UNARY_MINUS;
+                tree.clear_node(child0);
+              } else {
+                tree.replace_node_by_child(pnode, 1);
+                pnode = child1;
+              }
+            } else if (child1->tensor_is_zero()) {
+              tree.replace_node_by_child(pnode, 0);
+              pnode = child0;
+            } else if (option == 2 && !compatible) {
+              bool child0_compatible = true, child1_compatible = true;
+              if (pnode->test_function_type & 1) {
+                if 
+                    || child0->
+                    (workspace.selected_test1.transname))
+                  child0_compatible = false;
+                if 
+                    || child1->
+                    (workspace.selected_test1.transname))
+                  child1_compatible = false;
+              }
+              if (pnode->test_function_type & 2) {
+                if 
+                    || child0->
+                    (workspace.selected_test2.transname))
+                  child0_compatible = false;
+                if 
+                    || child1->
+                    (workspace.selected_test2.transname))
+                  child1_compatible = false;
+              }
+              if (child0_compatible) {
+                tree.replace_node_by_child(pnode, 0);
+                pnode = child0;
+              } else if (child1_compatible) {
+                if (pnode->op_type == GA_MINUS) {
+                  pnode->op_type = GA_UNARY_MINUS;
+                  pnode->t = child1->t;
+                  pnode->test_function_type = child1->test_function_type;
+                  pnode->name_test1 = child1->name_test1;
+                  pnode->name_test2 = child1->name_test2;
+                  pnode->interpolate_name_test1=child1->interpolate_name_test1;
+                  pnode->interpolate_name_test2=child1->interpolate_name_test2;
+                  pnode->qdim1 = child1->qdim1;
+                  pnode->qdim2 = child1->qdim2;
+                  tree.clear_node(child0);
+                } else {
+                  tree.replace_node_by_child(pnode, 1);
+                  pnode = child1;
+                }
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        break;
+      case GA_DOTMULT: case GA_DOTDIV:
+        {
+          if (pnode->op_type == GA_DOTMULT) pnode->symmetric_op = true;
+          bool compatible = true;
+          if (child0->tensor_proper_size() != child1->tensor_proper_size())
+            compatible = false;
+          if (child0->tensor_proper_size() != 1) {
+            if (child0->tensor_order() != child1->tensor_order())
+              compatible = false;
+            for (size_type i = 0; i < child0->tensor_order(); ++i)
+              if (child0->tensor_proper_size(i)!=child1->tensor_proper_size(i))
+                compatible = false;
+          }
+          if (!compatible)
+            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
+                           "Arguments of different sizes for .* or ./");
+          if (pnode->op_type == GA_DOTDIV && child1->test_function_type)
+            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
+                           "Division by test functions is not allowed");
+          pnode->mult_test(child0, child1, expr);
+          mi = pnode->t.sizes();
+          for (size_type i = 0; i < child0->tensor_order(); ++i)
+            mi.push_back(child0->tensor_proper_size(i));
+          pnode->t.adjust_sizes(mi);
+          if (all_cte) {
+            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
+            pnode->test_function_type = 0;
+            if (pnode->op_type == GA_DOTMULT) {
+              for (size_type i = 0; i < child0->tensor().size(); ++i)
+                pnode->tensor()[i] = child0->tensor()[i] * child1->tensor()[i];
+            } else {
+              for (size_type i = 0; i < child0->tensor().size(); ++i) {
+                if (child1->tensor()[i] == scalar_type(0))
+                  ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Division by zero.");
+                pnode->tensor()[i] = child0->tensor()[i] / child1->tensor()[i];
+              }
+            }
+            tree.clear_children(pnode);
+          } else {
+            if (child0->tensor_is_zero() || child1->tensor_is_zero()) {
+              gmm::clear(pnode->tensor().as_vector());
+              pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ZERO;
+              tree.clear_children(pnode);
+            }
+            if (child1->tensor_is_zero() && pnode->op_type == GA_DOTDIV)
+              ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Division by zero.");
+          }
+        }
+        break;
+      case GA_UNARY_MINUS:
+        pnode->t = child0->t;
+        pnode->test_function_type = child0->test_function_type;
+        pnode->name_test1 = child0->name_test1;
+        pnode->name_test2 = child0->name_test2;
+        pnode->interpolate_name_test1 = child0->interpolate_name_test1;
+        pnode->interpolate_name_test2 = child0->interpolate_name_test2;
+        pnode->qdim1 = child0->qdim1;
+        pnode->qdim2 = child0->qdim2;
+        if (all_cte) {
+          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
+          pnode->test_function_type = 0;
+          gmm::scale(pnode->tensor().as_vector(), scalar_type(-1));
+          tree.clear_children(pnode);
+        } else if (child0->node_type == GA_NODE_ZERO) {
+          tree.replace_node_by_child(pnode, 0);
+          pnode = child0;
+        }
+        break;
+      case GA_QUOTE:
+        if (dim0 > 2)
+          ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Transpose operator is for "
+                         "vectors or matrices only.");
+        mi = size0;
+        if (child0->tensor_proper_size() == 1)
+          { tree.replace_node_by_child(pnode, 0); pnode = child0; break; }
+        else if (dim0 == 2) std::swap(mi.back(), mi[size0.size()-2]);
+        else { size_type N = mi.back(); mi.back() = 1; mi.push_back(N); }
+        pnode->t.adjust_sizes(mi);
+        pnode->test_function_type = child0->test_function_type;
+        pnode->name_test1 = child0->name_test1;
+        pnode->name_test2 = child0->name_test2;
+        pnode->interpolate_name_test1 = child0->interpolate_name_test1;
+        pnode->interpolate_name_test2 = child0->interpolate_name_test2;
+        pnode->qdim1 = child0->qdim1;
+        pnode->qdim2 = child0->qdim2;
+        if (all_cte) {
+          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
+          pnode->test_function_type = 0;
+          if (dim0 == 2) {
+            for (size_type i = 0; i < mi.back(); ++i)
+              for (size_type j = 0; j < mi[size0.size()-2]; ++j)
+                pnode->tensor()(j, i) = child0->tensor()(i,j);
+          } else if (dim0 == 1) {
+            for (size_type i = 0; i < mi.back(); ++i)
+              pnode->tensor()(0, i) = child0->tensor()[i];
+          }
+          tree.clear_children(pnode);
+        } else if (child0->node_type == GA_NODE_ZERO) {
+          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ZERO;
+          gmm::clear(pnode->tensor().as_vector());
+          tree.clear_children(pnode);
+        }
+        break;
+      case GA_SYM: case GA_SKEW:
+        if (child0->tensor_proper_size() != 1 &&
+            (dim0 != 2 || size0.back() != size0[size0.size()-2]))
+          ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Sym and Skew operators are for "
+                         "square matrices only.");
+        mi = size0;
+        if (child0->tensor_proper_size() == 1) {
+          if (pnode->op_type == GA_SYM)
+            { tree.replace_node_by_child(pnode, 0); pnode = child0; break; }
+          else {
+            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ZERO;
+            gmm::clear(pnode->tensor().as_vector());
+            tree.clear_children(pnode);
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+        pnode->t.adjust_sizes(mi);
+        pnode->test_function_type = child0->test_function_type;
+        pnode->name_test1 = child0->name_test1;
+        pnode->name_test2 = child0->name_test2;
+        pnode->interpolate_name_test1 = child0->interpolate_name_test1;
+        pnode->interpolate_name_test2 = child0->interpolate_name_test2;
+        pnode->qdim1 = child0->qdim1;
+        pnode->qdim2 = child0->qdim2;
+        if (all_cte) {
+          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
+          pnode->test_function_type = 0;
+          for (size_type i = 0; i < mi.back(); ++i)
+            for (size_type j = 0; j < mi.back(); ++j)
+              if (pnode->op_type == GA_SYM)
+                pnode->tensor()(j, i) = 0.5*(child0->tensor()(j,i)
+                                             + child0->tensor()(i,j));
+              else
+                pnode->tensor()(j, i) = 0.5*(child0->tensor()(j,i)
+                                             - child0->tensor()(i,j));
+          tree.clear_children(pnode);
+        } else if (child0->node_type == GA_NODE_ZERO) {
+          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ZERO;
+          gmm::clear(pnode->tensor().as_vector());
+          tree.clear_children(pnode);
+        }
+        break;
+      case GA_TRACE:
+        {
+          mi = size0;
+          size_type N = (child0->tensor_proper_size() == 1) ? 1 : mi.back();
+          if (child0->tensor_proper_size() == 1)
+            { tree.replace_node_by_child(pnode, 0); pnode = child0; break; }
+          if ((dim0 != 2 && child0->tensor_proper_size() != 1) ||
+              (dim0 == 2 && mi[mi.size()-2] != N))
+            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
+                           "Trace operator is for square matrices only.");
+          if (dim0 == 2) { mi.pop_back(); mi.pop_back(); }
+          pnode->t.adjust_sizes(mi);
+          pnode->test_function_type = child0->test_function_type;
+          pnode->name_test1 = child0->name_test1;
+          pnode->name_test2 = child0->name_test2;
+          pnode->interpolate_name_test1 = child0->interpolate_name_test1;
+          pnode->interpolate_name_test2 = child0->interpolate_name_test2;
+          pnode->qdim1 = child0->qdim1;
+          pnode->qdim2 = child0->qdim2;
+          if (all_cte) {
+            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
+            pnode->test_function_type = 0;
+            if (dim0 == 2) {
+              pnode->tensor()[0] = scalar_type(0);
+              for (size_type i = 0; i < N; ++i)
+                pnode->tensor()[0] += child0->tensor()(i,i);
+            } else {
+              pnode->tensor()[0] += child0->tensor()[0];
+            }
+            tree.clear_children(pnode);
+          } else if (child0->node_type == GA_NODE_ZERO) {
+            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ZERO;
+            gmm::clear(pnode->tensor().as_vector());
+            tree.clear_children(pnode);
+          }
+        }
+        break;
+      case GA_DEVIATOR:
+        {
+          mi = size0;
+          size_type N = (child0->tensor_proper_size() == 1) ? 1 : mi.back();
+          if ((dim0 != 2 && child0->tensor_proper_size() != 1) ||
+              (dim0 == 2 && mi[mi.size()-2] != N))
+            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
+                           "Deviator operator is for square matrices only.");
+          if (child0->tensor_proper_size() == 1) {
+            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ZERO;
+            gmm::clear(pnode->tensor().as_vector());
+            tree.clear_children(pnode);
+            break;
+          }
+          pnode->t.adjust_sizes(mi);
+          pnode->test_function_type = child0->test_function_type;
+          pnode->name_test1 = child0->name_test1;
+          pnode->name_test2 = child0->name_test2;
+          pnode->interpolate_name_test1 = child0->interpolate_name_test1;
+          pnode->interpolate_name_test2 = child0->interpolate_name_test2;
+          pnode->qdim1 = child0->qdim1;
+          pnode->qdim2 = child0->qdim2;
+          if (all_cte) {
+            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
+            pnode->test_function_type = 0;
+            if (dim0 == 2) {
+              scalar_type tr(0);
+              gmm::copy(child0->tensor().as_vector(),
+                        pnode->tensor().as_vector());
+              for (size_type i = 0; i < N; ++i)
+                tr += child0->tensor()(i,i);
+              for (size_type i = 0; i < N; ++i)
+                pnode->tensor()(i,i) -= tr / scalar_type(N);
+            } else {
+              pnode->tensor()[0] = scalar_type(0);
+            }
+            tree.clear_children(pnode);
+          } else if (child0->node_type == GA_NODE_ZERO) {
+            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ZERO;
+            gmm::clear(pnode->tensor().as_vector());
+            tree.clear_children(pnode);
+          }
+        }
+        break;
+      case GA_PRINT:
+        {
+          pnode->t = child0->t;
+          pnode->test_function_type = child0->test_function_type;
+          pnode->name_test1 = child0->name_test1;
+          pnode->name_test2 = child0->name_test2;
+          pnode->interpolate_name_test1 = child0->interpolate_name_test1;
+          pnode->interpolate_name_test2 = child0->interpolate_name_test2;
+          pnode->qdim1 = child0->qdim1;
+          pnode->qdim2 = child0->qdim2;
+          if (all_cte) {
+            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
+            cout << "Print constant term "; ga_print_node(child0, cout);
+            cout << ": " << pnode->tensor() << endl;
+            tree.clear_children(pnode);
+          } else if (child0->node_type == GA_NODE_ZERO) {
+            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ZERO;
+            gmm::clear(pnode->tensor().as_vector());
+            cout << "Print zero term "; ga_print_node(child0, cout);
+            cout << ": " << pnode->tensor() << endl;
+            tree.clear_children(pnode);
+          }
+        }
+        break;
+      case GA_DOT:
+        if (dim1 > 1)
+          ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "The second argument of the dot "
+                         "product has to be a vector.")
+        else {
+          size_type s0 = dim0 == 0 ? 1 : size0.back();
+          size_type s1 = dim1 == 0 ? 1 : size1.back();
+          if (s0 != s1) ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Dot product "
+                                       "of expressions of different sizes ("
+                                       << s0 << " != " << s1 << ").");
+          if (child0->tensor_order() <= 1) pnode->symmetric_op = true;
+          pnode->mult_test(child0, child1, expr);
+          if (dim0 > 1) {
+            mi = pnode->t.sizes();
+            for (size_type i = 1; i < dim0; ++i)
+              mi.push_back(child0->tensor_proper_size(i-1));
+            pnode->t.adjust_sizes(mi);
+          }
+          if (all_cte) {
+            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
+            gmm::clear(pnode->tensor().as_vector());
+            size_type k = 0;
+            for (size_type i = 0, j = 0; i < child0->tensor().size(); ++i) {
+             pnode->tensor()[j] += child0->tensor()[i] * child1->tensor()[k];
+             ++j; if (j == pnode->tensor().size()) { j = 0; ++k; }
+            }
+            GMM_ASSERT1(k == child1->tensor().size(), "Internal error");
+            tree.clear_children(pnode);
+          } else {
+            if (child0->tensor_is_zero() || child1->tensor_is_zero()) {
+              gmm::clear(pnode->tensor().as_vector());
+              pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ZERO;
+              tree.clear_children(pnode);
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        break;
+      case GA_COLON:
+        if (dim1 > 2)
+          ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
+                          "Frobenius product acts only on matrices.")
+        else {
+          size_type s00 = (dim0 == 0) ? 1
+            : (dim0 == 1 ? size0.back() : size0[size0.size()-2]);
+          size_type s01 = (dim0 >= 2) ? size0.back() : 1;
+          size_type s10 = (dim1 == 0) ? 1
+            : (dim1 == 1 ? size1.back() : size1[size1.size()-2]);
+          size_type s11 = (dim1 >= 2) ? size1.back() : 1;
+          if (s00 != s10 || s01 != s11)
+            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Frobenius product "
+                           "of expressions of different sizes ("
+                           << s00 << "," << s01 << " != " << s10 << ","
+                           << s11 << ").");
+          if (child0->tensor_order() <= 2) pnode->symmetric_op = true;
+          pnode->mult_test(child0, child1, expr);
+          if (dim0 > 2) {
+            mi = pnode->t.sizes();
+            for (size_type i = 2; i < dim0; ++i)
+              mi.push_back(child0->tensor_proper_size(i-2));
+            pnode->t.adjust_sizes(mi);
+          }
+          if (all_cte) {
+            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
+            gmm::clear(pnode->tensor().as_vector());
+            size_type k = 0;
+            for (size_type i = 0, j = 0; i < child0->tensor().size(); ++i) {
+             pnode->tensor()[j] += child0->tensor()[i] * child1->tensor()[k];
+             ++j; if (j == pnode->tensor().size()) { j = 0; ++k; }
+            }
+            GMM_ASSERT1(k == child1->tensor().size(), "Internal error");
+            tree.clear_children(pnode);
+          } else {
+            if (child0->tensor_is_zero() || child1->tensor_is_zero()) {
+              gmm::clear(pnode->tensor().as_vector());
+              pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ZERO;
+              tree.clear_children(pnode);
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        break;
+      case GA_TMULT:
+        if (all_cte) {
+          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
+          pnode->test_function_type = 0;
+          if (child0->tensor().size() == 1 && child1->tensor().size() == 1) {
+            pnode->init_scalar_tensor
+              (child0->tensor()[0] * child1->tensor()[0]);
+          } else if (child0->tensor().size() == 1) {
+            pnode->t = child1->t;
+            gmm::scale(pnode->tensor().as_vector(),
+                       scalar_type(child0->tensor()[0]));
+          } else if (child1->tensor().size() == 1) {
+            pnode->t = child0->t;
+            gmm::scale(pnode->tensor().as_vector(),
+                       scalar_type(child1->tensor()[0]));
+          } else {
+            if (dim0+dim1 > 6)
+              ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Unauthorized "
+                              "tensor multiplication.");
+            for (size_type i = 0; i < dim0; ++i)
+              mi.push_back(child0->tensor().size(i));
+            for (size_type i = 0; i < dim1; ++i)
+              mi.push_back(child1->tensor().size(i));
+            pnode->t.adjust_sizes(mi);
+            size_type n0 = child0->tensor().size();
+            size_type n1 = child1->tensor().size();
+            for (size_type i = 0; i < n0; ++i)
+              for (size_type j = 0; j < n1; ++j)
+          }
+          tree.clear_children(pnode);
+        } else {
+          pnode->mult_test(child0, child1, expr);
+          mi = pnode->t.sizes();
+          if (child0->tensor_proper_size() != 1
+              || child1->tensor_proper_size() != 1) {
+            if (child0->tensor_proper_size() == 1) {
+              for (size_type i = 0; i < dim1; ++i)
+                mi.push_back(child1->tensor_proper_size(i));
+            } else if (child1->tensor().size() == 1) {
+              for (size_type i = 0; i < dim0; ++i)
+                mi.push_back(child0->tensor_proper_size(i));
+            } else {
+              if (dim0+dim1 > 6)
+                ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Unauthorized "
+                                "tensor multiplication.");
+              for (size_type i = 0; i < dim0; ++i)
+                mi.push_back(child0->tensor_proper_size(i));
+              for (size_type i = 0; i < dim1; ++i)
+                mi.push_back(child1->tensor_proper_size(i));
+            }
+            pnode->t.adjust_sizes(mi);
+          }
+          if (child0->tensor_is_zero() || child1->tensor_is_zero()) {
+            gmm::clear(pnode->tensor().as_vector());
+            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ZERO;
+            tree.clear_children(pnode);
+          }
+        }
+        break;
+      case GA_MULT:
+        if (all_cte) {
+          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
+          pnode->test_function_type = 0;
+          if (child0->tensor_proper_size() == 1 &&
+              child1->tensor_proper_size() == 1) {
+            pnode->init_scalar_tensor(child0->tensor()[0]*child1->tensor()[0]);
+          } else if (child0->tensor_proper_size() == 1) {
+            pnode->t = child1->t;
+            gmm::scale(pnode->tensor().as_vector(), child0->tensor()[0]);
+          } else if (child1->tensor_proper_size() == 1) {
+            pnode->t = child0->t;
+            gmm::scale(pnode->tensor().as_vector(), child1->tensor()[0]);
+          } else if (dim0 == 2 && dim1 == 1) {
+            size_type m=child0->tensor().size(0), n=child0->tensor().size(1);
+            if (n != child1->tensor().size(0))
+              ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
+                             "Incompatible sizes in matrix-vector "
+                             "multiplication (" << n << " != "
+                             << child1->tensor().size(0) << ").");
+            pnode->init_vector_tensor(m);
+            gmm::clear(pnode->tensor().as_vector());
+            for (size_type i = 0; i < m; ++i)
+              for (size_type j = 0; j < n; ++j)
+                pnode->tensor()[i] += 
+          } else if (dim0 == 2 && dim1 == 2) {
+            size_type m = child0->tensor().size(0);
+            size_type n = child0->tensor().size(1);
+            size_type p = child1->tensor().size(1);
+            if (n != child1->tensor().size(0))
+              ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
+                             "Incompatible sizes in matrix-matrix "
+                             "multiplication (" << n << " != "
+                             << child1->tensor().size(0) << ").");
+            pnode->init_matrix_tensor(m,p);
+            gmm::clear(pnode->tensor().as_vector());
+            for (size_type i = 0; i < m; ++i)
+              for (size_type j = 0; j < n; ++j)
+                for (size_type k = 0; k < p; ++k)
+                  pnode->tensor()(i,k) += child0->tensor()(i,j)
+                                          * child1->tensor()(j,k);
+          }
+          else if (dim0 == 4 && dim1 == 2) {
+            size_type m=child0->tensor().size(0), n=child0->tensor().size(1);
+            size_type o=child0->tensor().size(2), p=child0->tensor().size(3);
+            if (o != child1->tensor().size(0) || p != child1->tensor().size(1))
+              ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
+                             "Incompatible sizes in tensor-matrix "
+                             "multiplication (" << o << "," << p << " != "
+                             << child1->tensor().size(0) << ","
+                             << child1->tensor().size(1) << ").");
+            pnode->init_matrix_tensor(m,n);
+            gmm::clear(pnode->tensor().as_vector());
+            for (size_type i = 0; i < m; ++i)
+              for (size_type j = 0; j < n; ++j)
+                for (size_type k = 0; k < o; ++k)
+                  for (size_type l = 0; l < p; ++l)
+                    pnode->tensor()(i,j) += child0->tensor()(i,j,k,l)
+                                            * child1->tensor()(k,l);
+          } else ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
+                                 "Unauthorized multiplication.");
+          tree.clear_children(pnode);
+        } else {
+          pnode->mult_test(child0, child1, expr);
+          mi = pnode->t.sizes();
+          if (child0->tensor_proper_size() == 1 &&
+              child1->tensor_proper_size() == 1) {
+            pnode->symmetric_op = true;
+          } else if (child0->tensor_proper_size() == 1) {
+            pnode->symmetric_op = true;
+            for (size_type i = 0; i < dim1; ++i)
+                mi.push_back(child1->tensor_proper_size(i));
+          } else if (child1->tensor_proper_size() == 1) {
+            pnode->symmetric_op = true;
+            for (size_type i = 0; i < dim0; ++i)
+                mi.push_back(child0->tensor_proper_size(i));
+          } else if (child0->tensor_order() == 2 &&
+                     child1->tensor_order() == 1) {
+            size_type m = child0->tensor_proper_size(0);
+            size_type n = child0->tensor_proper_size(1);
+            mi.push_back(m);
+            if (n != child1->tensor_proper_size(0))
+              ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
+                             "Incompatible sizes in matrix-vector "
+                             "multiplication (" << n << " != "
+                             << child1->tensor_proper_size(0) << ").");
+          } else if (child0->tensor_order() == 2 &&
+                     child1->tensor_order() == 2) {
+            size_type m = child0->tensor_proper_size(0);
+            size_type n = child0->tensor_proper_size(1);
+            size_type p = child1->tensor_proper_size(1);
+            mi.push_back(m); mi.push_back(p);
+            if (n != child1->tensor_proper_size(0))
+              ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
+                             "Incompatible sizes in matrix-matrix "
+                             "multiplication (" << n << " != "
+                             << child1->tensor_proper_size(0) << ").");
+          }
+          else if (pnode->children[0]->tensor_order() == 4 &&
+                   pnode->children[1]->tensor_order() == 2) {
+            size_type m = child0->tensor_proper_size(0);
+            size_type n = child0->tensor_proper_size(1);
+            size_type o = child0->tensor_proper_size(2);
+            size_type p = child0->tensor_proper_size(3);
+            mi.push_back(m); mi.push_back(n);
+            if (o != child1->tensor_proper_size(0) ||
+                p != child1->tensor_proper_size(1))
+              ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
+                             "Incompatible sizes in tensor-matrix "
+                             "multiplication (" << o << "," << p << " != "
+                             << child1->tensor_proper_size(0) << ","
+                             << child1->tensor_proper_size(1) << ").");
+          } else ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
+                                "Unauthorized multiplication.");
+          pnode->t.adjust_sizes(mi);
+          // Simplifications
+          if (child0->tensor_is_zero() || child1->tensor_is_zero()) {
+            gmm::clear(pnode->tensor().as_vector());
+            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ZERO;
+            tree.clear_children(pnode);
+          } else if (child0->node_type == GA_NODE_CONSTANT &&
+                     child0->tensor().size() == 1 &&
+                     child0->tensor()[0] == scalar_type(1)) {
+            tree.replace_node_by_child(pnode, 1);
+            pnode = child1;
+          } else if (child1->node_type == GA_NODE_CONSTANT &&
+                     child1->tensor().size() == 1 &&
+                     child1->tensor()[0] == scalar_type(1)) {
+            tree.replace_node_by_child(pnode, 0);
+            pnode = child0;
+          }
+        }
+        break;
+      case GA_DIV:
+        if (child1->tensor_proper_size() > 1)
+          ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
+                         "Only the division by a scalar is allowed. "
+                         "Got a size of " << child1->tensor_proper_size());
+        if (child1->test_function_type)
+          ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
+                         "Division by test functions is not allowed.");
+        if (child1->node_type == GA_NODE_CONSTANT &&
+            child1->tensor()[0] == scalar_type(0))
+          ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->children[1]->pos, "Division by zero");
+        pnode->t = child0->t;
+        pnode->test_function_type = child0->test_function_type;
+        pnode->name_test1 = child0->name_test1;
+        pnode->name_test2 = child0->name_test2;
+        pnode->interpolate_name_test1 = child0->interpolate_name_test1;
+        pnode->interpolate_name_test2 = child0->interpolate_name_test2;
+        pnode->qdim1 = child0->qdim1;
+        pnode->qdim2 = child0->qdim2;
+        if (all_cte) {
+          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
+          pnode->t = pnode->children[0]->t;
+          pnode->test_function_type = 0;
+          gmm::scale(pnode->tensor().as_vector(),
+                     scalar_type(1) / pnode->children[1]->tensor()[0]);
+          tree.clear_children(pnode);
+        } else if (child0->tensor_is_zero()) {
+          gmm::clear(pnode->tensor().as_vector());
+          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ZERO;
+          tree.clear_children(pnode);
+        } else if (child1->node_type == GA_NODE_CONSTANT &&
+                   child1->tensor().size() == 1 &&
+                   child1->tensor()[0] == scalar_type(1)) {
+          tree.replace_node_by_child(pnode, 0);
+          pnode = child0;
+        }
+        break;
+      default:GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Unexpected operation. Internal error.");
+      }
+      break;
+    case GA_NODE_C_MATRIX:
+      {
+        if (!all_sc) {
+          ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Constant vector/matrix/tensor "
+                         "components should be scalar valued.");
+        }
+        size_type nbc1 = pnode->nbc1, nbc2 = pnode->nbc2, nbc3 = pnode->nbc3;
+        size_type nbl = pnode->children.size() / (nbc1*nbc2*nbc3);
+        if (all_cte) pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
+        pnode->test_function_type = 0;
+        for (size_type i = 0; i < pnode->children.size(); ++i) {
+          if (pnode->children[i]->test_function_type) {
+            if (pnode->test_function_type == 0) {
+              pnode->test_function_type=pnode->children[i]->test_function_type;
+              pnode->name_test1 = pnode->children[i]->name_test1;
+              pnode->name_test2 = pnode->children[i]->name_test2;
+              pnode->interpolate_name_test1
+                = pnode->children[i]->interpolate_name_test1;
+              pnode->interpolate_name_test2
+                = pnode->children[i]->interpolate_name_test2;
+              pnode->qdim1 = pnode->children[i]->qdim1;
+              pnode->qdim2 = pnode->children[i]->qdim2;
+            } else {
+              if (pnode->test_function_type !=
+                  pnode->children[i]->test_function_type ||
+                  pnode->>children[i]->name_test1) ||
+                  pnode->>children[i]->name_test2) ||
+                  pnode->
+                  (pnode->children[i]->interpolate_name_test1) ||
+                  pnode->
+                  (pnode->children[i]->interpolate_name_test2))
+                ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Inconsistent use of test "
+                               "function in constant matrix.");
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        mi.resize(0);
+        if (pnode->test_function_type) mi.push_back(2);
+        if (pnode->test_function_type >= 3) mi.push_back(2);
+        if (nbc1 == 1 && nbc2 == 1 && nbc3 == 1 && nbl == 1) {
+          pnode->t.adjust_sizes(mi);
+          if (all_cte) pnode->tensor()[0] = child0->tensor()[0];
+        } else {
+          mi.push_back(nbl);
+          if (nbc3 != 1) mi.push_back(nbc3);
+          if (nbc2 != 1) mi.push_back(nbc2);
+          if (nbc1 != 1) mi.push_back(nbc1);
+          pnode->t.adjust_sizes(mi);
+          if (all_cte) {
+            size_type n = 0;
+            if (nbc1 == 1 && nbc2 == 1 && nbc3 == 1)
+              for (size_type i = 0; i < nbl; ++i)
+                pnode->tensor()[i] = pnode->children[i]->tensor()[0];
+            else if (nbc2 == 1 && nbc3 == 1) // TODO: verify order
+              for (size_type i = 0; i < nbl; ++i)
+                for (size_type j = 0; j < nbc1; ++j)
+                  pnode->tensor()(i,j) = pnode->children[n++]->tensor()[0];
+            else if (nbc3 == 1) // TODO: verify order
+              for (size_type i = 0; i < nbl; ++i)
+                for (size_type j = 0; j < nbc2; ++j)
+                  for (size_type k = 0; k < nbc1; ++k)
+                    pnode->tensor()(i,j,k) = pnode->children[n++]->tensor()[0];
+            else // TODO: verify order
+              for (size_type i = 0; i < nbl; ++i)
+                for (size_type j = 0; j < nbc3; ++j)
+                  for (size_type k = 0; k < nbc2; ++k)
+                    for (size_type l = 0; l < nbc1; ++l)
+                      pnode->tensor()(i,j,k,l)
+                        = pnode->children[n++]->tensor()[0];
+          }
+        }
+        if (all_cte) tree.clear_children(pnode);
+      }
+      break;
+    case GA_NODE_NAME:
+      {
+        std::string name = pnode->name;
+        if (!ignore_X && !("X"))) {
+          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_X;
+          pnode->nbc1 = 0;
+          pnode->init_vector_tensor(meshdim);
+          break;
+        }
+        if (!("element_size"))) {
+          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ELT_SIZE;
+          pnode->init_scalar_tensor(0);
+          break;
+        }
+        if (!("element_K"))) {
+          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ELT_K;
+         if (ref_elt_dim == 1)
+           pnode->init_vector_tensor(meshdim);
+         else
+           pnode->init_matrix_tensor(meshdim, ref_elt_dim);
+          break;
+        }
+        if (!("element_B"))) {
+          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ELT_B;
+          pnode->init_matrix_tensor(ref_elt_dim, meshdim);
+          break;
+        }
+        if (!("Normal"))) {
+          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_NORMAL;
+          pnode->init_vector_tensor(meshdim);
+          break;
+        }
+        if (!("Reshape"))) {
+          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_RESHAPE;
+          pnode->init_vector_tensor(meshdim);
+          break;
+        }
+        if (, 11, "Derivative_") == 0) {
+          name = name.substr(11);
+          bool valid = true;
+          pnode->der1 = 1; pnode->der2 = 0;
+          char *p;
+          size_type d = strtol(name.c_str(), &p, 10);
+          size_type s = p - name.c_str();
+          if (s > 0) {
+            pnode->der1 = d;
+            if (name[s] != '_') valid = false; else
+              name = name.substr(s+1);
+          }
+          d = strtol(name.c_str(), &p, 10);
+          s = p - name.c_str();
+          if (s > 0) {
+            pnode->der2 = d;
+            if (name[s] != '_') valid = false; else
+              name = name.substr(s+1);
+          }
+          if (!valid || pnode->der1 == 0)
+            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Invalid derivative format");
+        }
+        ga_predef_function_tab::const_iterator it=PREDEF_FUNCTIONS.find(name);
+        if (it != PREDEF_FUNCTIONS.end()) {
+          // Predefined function found
+          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_PREDEF_FUNC;
+          pnode->name = name;
+          pnode->test_function_type = 0;
+          if (pnode->der1) {
+            if (pnode->der1 > it->second.nbargs()
+                || pnode->der2 > it->second.nbargs())
+              ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Invalid derivative.");
+            const ga_predef_function &F = it->second;
+            if ((F.ftype() == 0 || F.dtype() == 2) && !(pnode->der2)) {
+              pnode->name = ((pnode->der1 == 1) ?
+                             F.derivative1() : F.derivative2());
+              pnode->der1 = pnode->der2 = 0;
+            }
+          }
+        } else if (SPEC_FUNCTIONS.find(name) != SPEC_FUNCTIONS.end()) {
+          // Special function found
+          if (pnode->der1)
+            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Special functions do not "
+                           "support derivatives.");
+          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_SPEC_FUNC;
+          pnode->name = name;
+          pnode->test_function_type = 0;
+          if (!"pi")) {
+            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
+            pnode->init_scalar_tensor(M_PI);
+          } else if (!"meshdim")) {
+            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
+            pnode->init_scalar_tensor(scalar_type(meshdim));
+          } else if (!"timestep")) {
+            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
+            pnode->init_scalar_tensor(scalar_type(workspace.get_time_step()));
+          }
+        } else if (
+                   != {
+          // Nonlinear operator found
+          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_OPERATOR;
+          pnode->name = name;
+          pnode->test_function_type = 0;
+        } else if (workspace.macro_exists(name)) {
+          GMM_ASSERT1(pnode->der1 == 0 && pnode->der2 == 0,
+                      "Derivativation of a macro is not allowed");
+          ga_tree &ma_tree
+            = workspace.macro_tree(name, meshdim, ref_elt_dim, ignore_X);
+          pga_tree_node pnode_old = pnode;
+          pnode = nullptr;
+          tree.copy_node(ma_tree.root, pnode_old->parent, pnode);
+          if (pnode_old->parent)
+            pnode_old->parent->replace_child(pnode_old, pnode);
+          else
+            tree.root = pnode;
+          GMM_ASSERT1(pnode_old->children.empty(), "Internal error");
+          delete pnode_old;
+          ga_node_analysis(expr, tree, workspace, pnode, meshdim,
+                           ref_elt_dim, eval_fixed_size, ignore_X, option);
+        } else {
+          // Search for a variable name with optional gradient, Hessian,
+          // divergence or test functions
+          size_type prefix_id = ga_parse_prefix_operator(name);
+          size_type test = ga_parse_prefix_test(name);
+          if (!(workspace.variable_exists(name)))
+            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Unknown variable, function, "
+                           "operator or data " + name);
+          if (pnode->der1)
+            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Derivative is for functions or "
+                           "operators, not for variables. Use Grad instead.");
+          pnode->name = name;
+          const mesh_fem *mf = workspace.associated_mf(name);
+          const im_data *imd = workspace.associated_im_data(name);
+          if (test && workspace.is_constant(name) &&
+              !(workspace.is_disabled_variable(name)))
+            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Test functions of constants "
+                           "are not allowed.");
+          if (test == 1) {
+            pnode->name_test1 = name;
+            pnode->interpolate_name_test1 = "";
+            if (option == 1)
+              workspace.test1.insert
+                (var_trans_pair(pnode->name_test1,
+                                pnode->interpolate_name_test1));
+            pnode->qdim1 = mf ? workspace.qdim(name)
+                              : gmm::vect_size(workspace.value(name));
+            if (!(pnode->qdim1))
+              ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
+                             "Invalid null size of variable");
+          } else if (test == 2) {
+            pnode->name_test2 = name;
+            pnode->interpolate_name_test2 = "";
+            if (option == 1)
+              workspace.test2.insert
+                (var_trans_pair(pnode->name_test2,
+                                pnode->interpolate_name_test2));
+            pnode->qdim2 = mf ? workspace.qdim(name)
+                              : gmm::vect_size(workspace.value(name));
+            if (!(pnode->qdim2))
+              ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
+                             "Invalid null size of variable");
+          }
+          if (!mf && (test || !imd)) {
+            if (prefix_id)
+              ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Gradient, Hessian or 
+                             " cannot be evaluated for fixed size data.");
+            if (test)
+              pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_VAL_TEST;
+            else if (eval_fixed_size)
+              pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
+            else
+              pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_VAL;
+            size_type n = gmm::vect_size(workspace.value(name));
+            if (n == 1) {
+              if (test) {
+                pnode->init_vector_tensor(1);
+                pnode->tensor()[0]=scalar_type(1);
+              }
+              else pnode->init_scalar_tensor(workspace.value(name)[0]);
+            } else {
+              if (test) {
+                pnode->init_matrix_tensor(n,n);
+                for (size_type i = 0; i < n; ++i)
+                  for (size_type j = 0; j < n; ++j)
+                    pnode->tensor()(i,j)
+                      = ((i == j) ? scalar_type(1) : scalar_type(0));
+              } else {
+                pnode->t.adjust_sizes(workspace.qdims(name));
+                gmm::copy(workspace.value(name), pnode->tensor().as_vector());
+              }
+            }
+          } else if (!test && imd) {
+            if (prefix_id)
+              ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Gradient, Hessian or 
+                              " cannot be evaluated for im data.");
+            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_VAL;
+            pnode->t.adjust_sizes(workspace.qdims(name));
+          } else {
+            size_type q = workspace.qdim(name);
+            size_type n = mf->linked_mesh().dim();
+            bgeot::multi_index mii = workspace.qdims(name);
+            if (!q) ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
+                                   "Invalid null size of variable " << name);
+            if (mii.size() > 6)
+              ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
+                            "Tensor with too much dimensions. Limited to 6");
+            switch (prefix_id) {
+            case 0: // value
+              pnode->node_type = test ? GA_NODE_VAL_TEST : GA_NODE_VAL;
+              // For Test nodes a first dimension of size equal to 2 has to be
+              // prepended by convention (to be adapted later)
+              if (test && q == 1 && mii.size() <= 1) {
+                mii.resize(1);
+                mii[0] = 2;
+              } else if (test) {
+                mii.insert(mii.begin(), 2);
+                pnode->t.adjust_sizes(mii);
+              }
+              break;
+            case 1: // grad
+              pnode->node_type = test ? GA_NODE_GRAD_TEST : GA_NODE_GRAD;
+              if (test) {
+                if (q == 1 && mii.size() <= 1) {
+                  mii.resize(1);
+                  mii[0] = 2;
+                } else
+                  mii.insert(mii.begin(), 2);
+              }
+              if (n > 1) {
+                if (mii.size() == 1 && mii[0] == 1) mii[0] = n;
+                else mii.push_back(n);
+              }
+              break;
+            case 2: // Hessian
+              pnode->node_type = test ? GA_NODE_HESS_TEST : GA_NODE_HESS;
+              if (test) {
+                if (q == 1 && mii.size() <= 1) {
+                  mii.resize(1);
+                  mii[0] = 2;
+                } else
+                  mii.insert(mii.begin(), 2);
+              }
+              if (n > 1) {
+                if (mii.size() == 1 && mii[0] == 1) mii[0] = n;
+                else mii.push_back(n);
+                mii.push_back(n);
+              }
+              break;
+            case 3: // divergence
+              pnode->node_type = test ? GA_NODE_DIVERG_TEST : GA_NODE_DIVERG;
+              if (q != n)
+                ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
+                               "Divergence operator can only be applied to"
+                               "Fields with qdim (" << q << ") equal to dim ("
+                               << n << ")");
+              mii.resize(1);
+              mii[0] = test ? 2 : 1;
+              break;
+            }
+            pnode->t.adjust_sizes(mii);
+          }
+          pnode->test_function_type = test;
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+    case GA_NODE_PARAMS:
+      if (child0->node_type == GA_NODE_X) {
+        child0->init_scalar_tensor(0);
+        if (pnode->children.size() != 2)
+          ga_throw_error(expr, child1->pos, "X stands for the coordinates on "
+                         "the real elements. It accepts only one index.");
+        if (!(child1->node_type == GA_NODE_CONSTANT) ||
+            child1->tensor().size() != 1)
+          ga_throw_error(expr, child1->pos, "Index for X has to be constant "
+                         "and of size 1.");
+        child0->nbc1 = size_type(round(child1->tensor()[0]));
+        if (child0->nbc1 == 0 || child0->nbc1 > meshdim)
+          ga_throw_error(expr, child1->pos, "Index for X not convenient. "
+                         "Found " << child0->nbc1 << " with meshdim = "
+                         << meshdim);
+        tree.replace_node_by_child(pnode, 0);
+        pnode = child0;
+      } else if (child0->node_type == GA_NODE_RESHAPE) {
+        if (pnode->children.size() < 3)
+          ga_throw_error(expr, child1->pos,
+                         "Not enough parameters for Reshape");
+        if (pnode->children.size() > 8)
+          ga_throw_error(expr, child1->pos,
+                         "Too many parameters for Reshape");
+        pnode->t = child1->t;
+        pnode->test_function_type = child1->test_function_type;
+        pnode->name_test1 = child1->name_test1;
+        pnode->name_test2 = child1->name_test2;
+        pnode->interpolate_name_test1 = child1->interpolate_name_test1;
+        pnode->interpolate_name_test2 = child1->interpolate_name_test2;
+        pnode->qdim1 = child1->qdim1;
+        pnode->qdim2 = child1->qdim2;
+        mi.resize(0);
+        for (size_type i = 0; i < pnode->nb_test_functions(); ++i)
+          mi.push_back(size1[i]);
+        for (size_type i = 2; i < pnode->children.size(); ++i) {
+          if (pnode->children[i]->node_type != GA_NODE_CONSTANT)
+            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->children[i]->pos, "Reshape sizes "
+                           "should be constant positive integers.");
+          mi.push_back(size_type(round(pnode->children[i]->tensor()[0])));
+          if (mi.back() == 0)
+            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->children[i]->pos, "Wrong zero size "
+                           "for Reshape.");
+        }
+        size_type total_size(1);
+        for (size_type i = 0; i < mi.size(); ++i)
+          total_size *= mi[i];
+        if (total_size != pnode->tensor().size())
+           ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Invalid sizes for reshape.");
+        pnode->t.adjust_sizes(mi);
+        if (child1->node_type == GA_NODE_CONSTANT) {
+          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
+          tree.clear_children(pnode);
+        } else if (child1->node_type == GA_NODE_ZERO) {
+          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ZERO;
+          tree.clear_children(pnode);
+        }
+      } else if (child0->node_type == GA_NODE_PREDEF_FUNC) {
+        // Evaluation of a predefined function
+        for (size_type i = 1; i < pnode->children.size(); ++i)
+          ga_valid_operand(expr, pnode->children[i]);
+        std::string name = child0->name;
+        ga_predef_function_tab::const_iterator it = 
+        const ga_predef_function &F = it->second;
+        size_type nbargs = F.nbargs();
+        if (nbargs+1 != pnode->children.size()) {
+            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Bad number of arguments for "
+                "predefined function " << name << ". Found "
+                 << pnode->children.size()-1 << ", should be "<<nbargs << ".");
+        }
+        pnode->test_function_type = 0;
+        pga_tree_node child2 = (nbargs == 2) ? pnode->children[2] : child1;
+        all_cte = child1->node_type == GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
+        if (nbargs == 2)
+          all_cte = all_cte && (child2->node_type == GA_NODE_CONSTANT);
+        if (child1->test_function_type || child2->test_function_type)
+          ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Test functions cannot be passed "
+                         "as argument of a predefined function.");
+        if (child1->tensor_order() > 2 || child2->tensor_order() > 2)
+          ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Sorry, function can be applied "
+                         "to scalar, vector and matrices only.");
+        size_type s1 = child1->tensor().size();
+        size_type s2 = (nbargs == 2) ? child2->tensor().size() : s1;
+        if (s1 != s2 && (s1 != 1 || s2 != 1))
+          ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
+                         "Invalid argument size for a scalar function. "
+                         "Size of first argument: " << s1 <<
+                         ". Size of second argument: " << s2 << ".");
+        if (nbargs == 1) {
+          pnode->t = child1->t;
+        } else {
+          if (s1 == s2) {
+            pnode->t = child1->t;
+          } else if (s1 == 1) {
+            pnode->t = child2->t;
+          } else {
+            pnode->t = child1->t;
+          }
+        }
+        if (all_cte) {
+          if (pnode->der1)
+            GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Sorry, to be done");
+          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
+          if (nbargs == 1) {
+            for (size_type i = 0; i < s1; ++i)
+              pnode->tensor()[i] = F(child1->tensor()[i]);
+          } else {
+            if (s1 == s2) {
+              for (size_type i = 0; i < s1; ++i)
+                pnode->tensor()[i] = F(child1->tensor()[i],
+                                       child2->tensor()[i]);
+            } else if (s1 == 1) {
+              for (size_type i = 0; i < s2; ++i)
+                pnode->tensor()[i] = F(child1->tensor()[0],
+                                       child2->tensor()[i]);
+            } else {
+              for (size_type i = 0; i < s1; ++i)
+                pnode->tensor()[i] = F(child1->tensor()[i],
+                                       child2->tensor()[0]);
+            }
+          }
+          tree.clear_children(pnode);
+        }
+      } else if (child0->node_type == GA_NODE_SPEC_FUNC) {
+        // Special constant functions: meshdim, qdim(u) ...
+        for (size_type i = 1; i < pnode->children.size(); ++i)
+          ga_valid_operand(expr, pnode->children[i]);
+        if (pnode->children.size() != 2)
+          ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
+                         "One and only one argument is allowed for function "
+                         +child0->name+".");
+        if (!(child0->"qdim"))) {
+          if (child1->node_type != GA_NODE_VAL)
+            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "The argument of qdim "
+                           "function can only be a variable name.");
+          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
+          pnode->init_scalar_tensor(scalar_type(workspace.qdim(child1->name)));
+          if (pnode->tensor()[0] <= 0)
+            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
+                           "Invalid null size of variable");
+        } else if (!(child0->"qdims"))) {
+          if (child1->node_type != GA_NODE_VAL)
+            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "The argument of qdim "
+                           "function can only be a variable name.");
+          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
+          bgeot::multi_index mii = workspace.qdims(child1->name);
+          if (mii.size() > 6)
+            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
+                           "Tensor with too much dimensions. Limited to 6");
+          if (mii.size() == 0 || scalar_type(mii[0]) <= 0)
+            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
+                           "Invalid null size of variable");
+          if (mii.size() == 1)
+            pnode->init_scalar_tensor(scalar_type(mii[0]));
+          if (mii.size() >= 1) {
+            pnode->init_vector_tensor(mii.size());
+            for (size_type i = 0; i < mii.size(); ++i)
+              pnode->tensor()[i] = scalar_type(mii[i]);
+          }
+        } else if (!(child0->"Id"))) {
+          bool valid = (child1->node_type == GA_NODE_CONSTANT);
+          int n = valid ? int(round(child1->tensor()[0])) : -1;
+          if (n <= 0 || n > 100 || child1->tensor_order() > 0)
+            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "The argument of Id "
+                           "should be a (small) positive integer.");
+          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
+          if (n == 1)
+            pnode->init_scalar_tensor(scalar_type(1));
+          else {
+            pnode->init_matrix_tensor(n,n);
+            for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) pnode->tensor()(i,i) = scalar_type(1);
+          }
+        } else ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->children[0]->pos,
+                              "Unknown special function.");
+        tree.clear_children(pnode);
+      } else if (child0->node_type == GA_NODE_OPERATOR) {
+        // Call to a nonlinear operator
+        for (size_type i = 1; i < pnode->children.size(); ++i)
+          ga_valid_operand(expr, pnode->children[i]);
+        all_cte = true;
+        ga_nonlinear_operator::arg_list args;
+        for (size_type i = 1; i < pnode->children.size(); ++i) {
+          all_cte = all_cte
+            && (pnode->children[i]->node_type == GA_NODE_CONSTANT);
+          args.push_back(&(pnode->children[i]->tensor()));
+          if (pnode->children[i]->node_type == GA_NODE_ALLINDICES)
+            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->children[i]->pos,
+                           "Colon operator is not allowed in nonlinear "
+                           "operator call.");
+          if (pnode->children[i]->test_function_type)
+            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Test functions cannot be passed "
+                           "as argument of a nonlinear operator.");
+          if (pnode->children[i]->tensor_order() > 2)
+            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Sorry, arguments to nonlinear "
+                        "operators should only be scalar, vector or matrices");
+        }
+        ga_predef_operator_tab::T::const_iterator it
+          =>name);
+        const ga_nonlinear_operator &OP = *(it->second);
+        mi.resize(0);
+        if (!(OP.result_size(args, mi)))
+          ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos,
+                         "Wrong number or wrong size of arguments for the "
+                         "call of nonlinear operator " + child0->name);
+        pnode->test_function_type = 0;
+        if (child0->der1 > args.size() || child0->der2 > args.size())
+           ga_throw_error(expr, child0->pos,
+                         "Invalid derivative number for nonlinear operator "
+                          + child0->name);
+        if (child0->der1 && child0->der2 == 0) {
+          for (size_type i = 0; i < args[child0->der1-1]->sizes().size(); ++i)
+            mi.push_back(args[child0->der1-1]->sizes()[i]);
+          pnode->t.adjust_sizes(mi);
+          if (all_cte) {
+            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
+            OP.derivative(args, child0->der1, pnode->tensor());
+            tree.clear_children(pnode);
+          }
+        } else if (child0->der1 && child0->der2) {
+          for (size_type i = 0; i < args[child0->der1-1]->sizes().size(); ++i)
+            mi.push_back(args[child0->der1-1]->sizes()[i]);
+          for (size_type i = 0; i < args[child0->der2-1]->sizes().size(); ++i)
+            mi.push_back(args[child0->der2-1]->sizes()[i]);
+          pnode->t.adjust_sizes(mi);
+          if (all_cte) {
+            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
+            OP.second_derivative(args, child0->der1, child0->der2,
+                                 pnode->tensor());
+            tree.clear_children(pnode);
+          }
+        } else {
+          pnode->t.adjust_sizes(mi);
+          if (all_cte) {
+            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
+            OP.value(args, pnode->tensor());
+            tree.clear_children(pnode);
+          }
+        }
+      } else {
+        // Access to components of a tensor
+        all_cte = (child0->node_type == GA_NODE_CONSTANT);
+        // cout << "child0->tensor_order() = " << child0->tensor_order();
+        // cout << endl << "child0->t.sizes() = "
+        //      << child0->t.sizes() << endl;
+        if (pnode->children.size() != child0->tensor_order() + 1)
+          ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->pos, "Bad number of indices.");
+        for (size_type i = 1; i < pnode->children.size(); ++i)
+          if (pnode->children[i]->node_type != GA_NODE_ALLINDICES &&
+              (pnode->children[i]->node_type != GA_NODE_CONSTANT ||
+               pnode->children[i]->tensor().size() != 1))
+            ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->children[i]->pos,
+                            "Indices should be constant integers or colon.");
+        bgeot::multi_index mi1(size0.size()), mi2, indices;
+        for (size_type i = 0; i < child0->tensor_order(); ++i) {
+          if (pnode->children[i+1]->node_type == GA_NODE_ALLINDICES) {
+            mi2.push_back(child0->tensor_proper_size(i));
+            indices.push_back(i);
+            mi1[i] = 0;
+          } else {
+            mi1[i] = size_type(round(pnode->children[i+1]->tensor()[0])-1);
+            if (mi1[i] >= child0->tensor_proper_size(i))
+              ga_throw_error(expr, pnode->children[i+1]->pos,
+                             "Index out of range, " << mi1[i]+1
+                             << ". Should be between 1 and "
+                             << child0->tensor_proper_size(i) << ".");
+          }
+        }
+        mi.resize(0);
+        for (size_type i = 0; i < child0->nb_test_functions(); ++i)
+          mi.push_back(child0->t.sizes()[i]);
+        for (size_type i = 0; i < mi2.size(); ++i) mi.push_back(mi2[i]);
+        pnode->t.adjust_sizes(mi);
+        pnode->test_function_type = child0->test_function_type;
+        pnode->name_test1 = child0->name_test1;
+        pnode->name_test2 = child0->name_test2;
+        pnode->interpolate_name_test1 = child0->interpolate_name_test1;
+        pnode->interpolate_name_test2 = child0->interpolate_name_test2;
+        pnode->qdim1 = child0->qdim1;
+        pnode->qdim2 = child0->qdim2;
+        if (all_cte) {
+          pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
+          for (bgeot::multi_index mi3(mi2.size()); !mi3.finished(mi2);
+               mi3.incrementation(mi2)) {
+            for (size_type j = 0; j < mi2.size(); ++j) {
+              mi1[indices[j]] = mi3[j];
+            }
+            pnode->tensor()(mi3) = pnode->children[0]->tensor()(mi1);
+          }
+          tree.clear_children(pnode);
+        } else {
+          if (child0->tensor_is_zero() || child1->tensor_is_zero()) {
+            gmm::clear(pnode->tensor().as_vector());
+            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ZERO;
+            tree.clear_children(pnode);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+    default:GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Unexpected node type " << pnode->node_type
+                        << " in semantic analysis. Internal error.");
+    }
+    // cout << " begin hash code = " << pnode->hash_value << endl;
+    pnode->hash_value = ga_hash_code(pnode);
+    // cout << "node_type = " << pnode->node_type << " op_type = "
+    //      << pnode->op_type << " proper hash code = " << pnode->hash_value;
+    for (size_type i = 0; i < pnode->children.size(); ++i) {
+      pnode->hash_value += (pnode->children[i]->hash_value)
+        * 1.0101 * (pnode->symmetric_op ? scalar_type(1) : scalar_type(i+1));
+    }
+    // cout << " final hash code = " << pnode->hash_value << endl;
+  }
+  extern bool predef_operators_nonlinear_elasticity_initialized;
+  extern bool predef_operators_plasticity_initialized;
+  extern bool predef_operators_contact_initialized;
+  extern bool predef_functions_initialized;
+  void ga_semantic_analysis(const std::string &expr, ga_tree &tree,
+                                   const ga_workspace &workspace,
+                                   size_type meshdim,
+                                   size_type ref_elt_dim,
+                                   bool eval_fixed_size,
+                                   bool ignore_X, int option) {
+    GMM_ASSERT1(predef_functions_initialized &&
+                predef_operators_nonlinear_elasticity_initialized &&
+                predef_operators_plasticity_initialized &&
+                predef_operators_contact_initialized, "Internal error");
+    if (!(tree.root)) return;
+    if (option == 1) { workspace.test1.clear(); workspace.test2.clear(); }
+    // cout << "semantic analysis of " << ga_tree_to_string(tree) << endl;
+    ga_node_analysis(expr, tree, workspace, tree.root, meshdim, ref_elt_dim,
+                     eval_fixed_size, ignore_X, option);
+    if (tree.root && option == 2) {
+      if (((tree.root->test_function_type & 1) &&
+           (tree.root->
+            || tree.root->
+            (workspace.selected_test1.transname)))
+          ||
+          ((tree.root->test_function_type & 2) &&
+           (tree.root->
+            || tree.root->
+            (workspace.selected_test2.transname))))
+        tree.clear();
+    }
+    // cout << "semantic analysis done " << endl;
+    ga_valid_operand(expr, tree.root);
+  }
+  void ga_extract_factor(ga_tree &result_tree, pga_tree_node pnode,
+                                pga_tree_node &new_pnode) {
+    result_tree.clear();
+    result_tree.copy_node(pnode, 0,  result_tree.root);
+    new_pnode = result_tree.root;
+    bool minus_sign = false;
+    pga_tree_node pnode_child = pnode;
+    pnode = pnode->parent;
+    while (pnode) {
+      size_type nbch = pnode->children.size();
+      pga_tree_node child0 = (nbch > 0) ? pnode->children[0] : 0;
+      pga_tree_node child1 = (nbch > 1) ? pnode->children[1] : 0;
+      switch (pnode->node_type) {
+      case GA_NODE_OP:
+        switch(pnode->op_type) {
+        case GA_PLUS:
+          // Nothing to do
+          break;
+        case GA_MINUS:
+          if (child1 == pnode_child) minus_sign = !(minus_sign);
+          // A remaining minus sign is added at the end if necessary.
+          break;
+        case GA_UNARY_MINUS: case GA_QUOTE: case GA_SYM: case GA_SKEW:
+        case GA_TRACE: case GA_DEVIATOR: case GA_PRINT:
+          // Copy of the term
+          result_tree.insert_node(result_tree.root, pnode->node_type);
+          result_tree.root->op_type = pnode->op_type;
+          result_tree.root->pos = pnode->pos;
+          break;
+        case GA_DOT: case GA_MULT: case GA_COLON: case GA_TMULT:
+        case GA_DOTMULT: case GA_DIV: case GA_DOTDIV:
+          // Copy of the term and other child
+          result_tree.insert_node(result_tree.root, pnode->node_type);
+          result_tree.root->op_type = pnode->op_type;
+          result_tree.root->pos = pnode->pos;
+          result_tree.root->children.resize(2, nullptr);
+         if (child0 == pnode_child) {
+           result_tree.copy_node(child1, result_tree.root,
+                                  result_tree.root->children[1]);
+          } else if (child1 == pnode_child) {
+            std::swap(result_tree.root->children[1],
+                     result_tree.root->children[0]);
+            result_tree.copy_node(child0, result_tree.root,
+                                  result_tree.root->children[0]);
+          } else GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Corrupted tree");
+          break;
+        default: GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Unexpected operation. Internal error.");
+        }
+        break;
+      case GA_NODE_PARAMS:
+        GMM_ASSERT1(child0->node_type == GA_NODE_RESHAPE, "Cannot extract a "
+                    "factor which is a parameter of a nonlinear "
+                    "operator/function");
+        GMM_ASSERT1(child1 == pnode_child, "Cannot extract a factor of a "
+                    "Reshape size parameter");
+        // Copy of the term and other children
+        result_tree.insert_node(result_tree.root, pnode->node_type);
+        result_tree.root->pos = pnode->pos;
+        result_tree.root->children.resize(pnode->children.size(), nullptr);
+       std::swap(result_tree.root->children[1], result_tree.root->children[0]);
+        for (size_type i = 0; i < pnode->children.size(); ++i)
+          if (i != 1)
+            result_tree.copy_node(pnode->children[i], result_tree.root,
+                                  result_tree.root->children[i]);
+        break;
+      case GA_NODE_C_MATRIX:
+        result_tree.insert_node(result_tree.root, pnode->node_type);
+        result_tree.root->pos = pnode->pos;
+        result_tree.root->children.resize(pnode->children.size());
+        for (size_type i = 0; i < pnode->children.size(); ++i)
+          if (pnode_child == pnode->children[i]) {
+            result_tree.root->children[i] = result_tree.root->children[0];
+            result_tree.root->children[0] = 0;
+          }
+        for (size_type i = 0; i < pnode->children.size(); ++i) {
+          if (pnode_child == pnode->children[i]) {
+            pnode->children[i] = new ga_tree_node(GA_NODE_ZERO, pnode->pos);
+            pnode->children[i]->init_scalar_tensor(scalar_type(0));
+            pnode->children[i]->parent = pnode;
+          }
+        }
+        break;
+      default: GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Unexpected node type " << pnode->node_type
+                           << " in extract constant term. Internal error.");
+      }
+      pnode_child = pnode;
+      pnode = pnode->parent;
+    }
+    if (minus_sign) {
+      result_tree.insert_node(result_tree.root, GA_NODE_OP);
+      result_tree.root->op_type = GA_UNARY_MINUS;
+      result_tree.root->pos = pnode->children[0]->pos;
+    }
+  }
+  bool ga_node_extract_constant_term
+  (ga_tree &tree, pga_tree_node pnode, const ga_workspace &workspace,
+   const mesh &m) {
+    bool is_constant = true;
+    size_type nbch = pnode->children.size();
+    pga_tree_node child0 = (nbch > 0) ? pnode->children[0] : 0;
+    // pga_tree_node child1 = (nbch > 1) ? pnode->children[1] : 0;
+    bool child_0_is_constant = (nbch <= 0) ? true :
+      ga_node_extract_constant_term(tree, pnode->children[0], workspace, m);
+    bool child_1_is_constant = (nbch <= 1) ? true :
+      ga_node_extract_constant_term(tree, pnode->children[1], workspace, m);
+    switch (pnode->node_type) {
+    case GA_NODE_ZERO: is_constant = false; break;
+    case GA_NODE_ELT_SIZE: case GA_NODE_ELT_K: case GA_NODE_ELT_B:
+    case GA_NODE_CONSTANT: case GA_NODE_X:
+      is_constant = true; break;
+    case GA_NODE_VAL: case GA_NODE_GRAD: case GA_NODE_HESS:
+    case GA_NODE_DIVERG:
+      is_constant = workspace.is_constant(pnode->name);
+      break;
+      {
+        if (!(workspace.is_constant(pnode->name))) {
+          is_constant = false; break;
+        }
+        std::set<var_trans_pair> vars;
+        workspace.interpolate_transformation(pnode->interpolate_name)
+          ->extract_variables(workspace, vars, true, m,
+                              pnode->interpolate_name);
+        for (const var_trans_pair &var : vars) {
+          if (!(workspace.is_constant(var.varname)))
+            { is_constant = false; break; }
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+      if (!child_0_is_constant) { is_constant = false; break; }
+      // No break intentionally
+      {
+        std::set<var_trans_pair> vars;
+        workspace.interpolate_transformation(pnode->interpolate_name)
+          ->extract_variables(workspace, vars, true, m,
+                              pnode->interpolate_name);
+        for (const var_trans_pair &var : vars) {
+          if (!(workspace.is_constant(var.varname)))
+            { is_constant = false; break; }
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+    case GA_NODE_OP:
+      switch(pnode->op_type) {
+        case GA_PLUS: case GA_MINUS:
+          if (!child_0_is_constant && !child_1_is_constant)
+            { is_constant = false; break; }
+          break;
+      case GA_UNARY_MINUS: case GA_QUOTE: case GA_SYM: case GA_SKEW:
+      case GA_TRACE: case GA_DEVIATOR: case GA_PRINT:
+        is_constant = child_0_is_constant;
+        break;
+      case GA_DOT: case GA_MULT: case GA_COLON: case GA_TMULT:
+      case GA_DOTMULT: case GA_DIV: case GA_DOTDIV:
+        is_constant = (child_0_is_constant && child_1_is_constant);
+        break;
+      default: GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Unexpected operation. Internal error.");
+      }
+      break;
+    case GA_NODE_C_MATRIX:
+      for (size_type i = 0; i < pnode->children.size(); ++i) {
+        if (!(ga_node_extract_constant_term(tree, pnode->children[i],
+                                            workspace, m)))
+          { is_constant = false; break; }
+      }
+      break;
+    case GA_NODE_PARAMS:
+      if (child0->node_type == GA_NODE_RESHAPE) {
+        is_constant = child_1_is_constant;
+      } else if (child0->node_type == GA_NODE_PREDEF_FUNC) {
+        for (size_type i = 1; i < pnode->children.size(); ++i) {
+          if (!(ga_node_extract_constant_term(tree, pnode->children[i],
+                                              workspace, m)))
+            { is_constant = false; break; }
+        }
+      } else if (child0->node_type == GA_NODE_SPEC_FUNC) {
+        GMM_ASSERT1(false, "internal error");
+      } else if (child0->node_type == GA_NODE_OPERATOR) {
+        for (size_type i = 1; i < pnode->children.size(); ++i) {
+          if (!(ga_node_extract_constant_term(tree, pnode->children[i],
+                                              workspace, m)))
+            { is_constant = false; break; }
+        }
+      } else {
+        is_constant = child_0_is_constant;
+      }
+      break;
+    default: GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Unexpected node type " << pnode->node_type
+                         << " in extract constant term. Internal error.");
+    }
+    if (!is_constant) {
+      pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ZERO;
+      tree.clear_children(pnode);
+    }
+    return is_constant;
+  }
+  //=========================================================================
+  // Extract Neumann terms
+  //=========================================================================
+  static std::string ga_extract_one_Neumann_term
+  (const std::string &varname,
+   ga_workspace &workspace, pga_tree_node pnode) {
+    size_type N = workspace.qdim(varname);
+    const mesh_fem *mf = workspace.associated_mf(varname);
+    GMM_ASSERT1(mf, "Works only with fem variables.");
+    size_type meshdim = mf->linked_mesh().dim();
+    ga_tree factor;
+    pga_tree_node new_pnode = nullptr;
+    ga_extract_factor(factor, pnode, new_pnode);
+    std::string result;
+    pga_tree_node nnew_pnode = new_pnode;
+    int cas = new_pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_GRAD_TEST ? 0 : 1;
+    // Allow to detect Trace(Grad_Test_u)
+    if (cas == 0 && new_pnode->parent &&
+        new_pnode->parent->node_type == GA_NODE_OP &&
+        new_pnode->parent->op_type == GA_TRACE) {
+      cas = 2; nnew_pnode = new_pnode->parent;
+    }
+    bool ok = true;
+    pga_tree_node colon_pnode = nullptr;
+    bool quote_before_colon = false;
+    // A:Grad_Test_u --> A*Normal if A is a matrix
+    // Grad_Test_u:A --> A*Normal if A is a matrix
+    // A*Div_Test_u  --> A*Normal if A is a scalar
+    // Div_Test_u*A  --> Normal*A if A is a scalar
+    // A*(Grad_Test_u)' --> (A)'*Normal if A is a matrix
+    // intercaled scalar multplications and divisions are taken into account
+    while (nnew_pnode->parent) {
+      pga_tree_node previous_node = nnew_pnode;
+      nnew_pnode = nnew_pnode->parent;
+      if (nnew_pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_OP &&
+          nnew_pnode->op_type == GA_MULT &&
+          nnew_pnode->children[0] == previous_node &&
+          nnew_pnode->children[1]->tensor_proper_size() == 1) {
+      } else if (nnew_pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_OP &&
+                 nnew_pnode->op_type == GA_MULT &&
+                 nnew_pnode->children[1] == previous_node &&
+                 nnew_pnode->children[0]->tensor_proper_size() == 1) {
+      } else if (nnew_pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_OP &&
+                 nnew_pnode->op_type == GA_DIV &&
+                 nnew_pnode->children[0] == previous_node &&
+                 nnew_pnode->children[1]->tensor_proper_size() == 1) {
+      } else if (nnew_pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_OP &&
+                 nnew_pnode->op_type == GA_COLON &&
+                 nnew_pnode->children[0] == previous_node &&
+                 nnew_pnode->children[1]->tensor_order() == 2 &&
+                 colon_pnode == 0 && cas == 0) {
+        std::swap(nnew_pnode->children[0],  nnew_pnode->children[1]);
+        colon_pnode = nnew_pnode;
+      } else if (nnew_pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_OP &&
+                 nnew_pnode->op_type == GA_COLON &&
+                 nnew_pnode->children[1] == previous_node &&
+                 nnew_pnode->children[0]->tensor_order() == 2 &&
+                 colon_pnode == 0 && cas == 0) {
+        colon_pnode = nnew_pnode;
+      } else if (nnew_pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_OP &&
+                 nnew_pnode->op_type == GA_QUOTE &&
+                 colon_pnode == 0 && cas == 0 && !quote_before_colon) {
+        quote_before_colon = true;
+      } else ok = false;
+    }
+    // cout << "analyzing factor : " <<  ga_tree_to_string(factor) << endl;
+    // cout << "ok = " << int(ok) << endl;
+    // cout << "colon_pnode = " << colon_pnode << endl;
+    if (ok && cas == 0 && !colon_pnode) ok = false;
+    if (N == 1) {
+      new_pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_NORMAL;
+      result = "(" + ga_tree_to_string(factor) + ")";
+    } else if (ok) {
+      switch (cas) {
+      case 0:
+        new_pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_NORMAL;
+        colon_pnode->op_type = GA_MULT;
+        if (quote_before_colon) {
+          factor.insert_node(colon_pnode->children[0], GA_NODE_OP);
+          colon_pnode->children[0]->op_type = GA_QUOTE;
+          nnew_pnode = new_pnode->parent;
+          while(nnew_pnode->node_type != GA_NODE_OP ||
+                nnew_pnode->op_type != GA_QUOTE)
+            nnew_pnode = nnew_pnode->parent;
+          factor.replace_node_by_child(nnew_pnode,0);
+        }
+        break;
+      case 1:
+        new_pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_NORMAL;
+        break;
+      case 2:
+        new_pnode->parent->node_type = GA_NODE_NORMAL;
+        factor.clear_children(new_pnode->parent);
+        break;
+      }
+      result = "(" + ga_tree_to_string(factor) + ")";
+    } else {
+      // General case
+      result = "[";
+      bgeot::multi_index mi(2); mi[0] = N; mi[1] = meshdim;
+      for (size_type i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
+        factor.clear_children(new_pnode);
+        new_pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_C_MATRIX;
+        new_pnode->nbc1 = meshdim;
+        new_pnode->nbc2 = new_pnode->nbc3 = 1;
+        new_pnode->t.adjust_sizes(mi);
+        new_pnode->children.resize(N*meshdim);
+        for (size_type j = 0; j < N; ++j) {
+          for (size_type k = 0; k < meshdim; ++k) {
+            if (j == i) {
+              pga_tree_node param_node = new_pnode->children[k*N+j]
+                = new ga_tree_node(GA_NODE_PARAMS, pnode->pos);
+              new_pnode->children[k*N+j]->parent = new_pnode;
+              param_node->children.resize(2);
+              param_node->children[0] = new ga_tree_node(GA_NODE_NORMAL,
+                                                         pnode->pos);
+              param_node->children[0]->parent = param_node;
+              param_node->children[1] = new ga_tree_node(GA_NODE_CONSTANT,
+                                                         pnode->pos);
+              param_node->children[1]->parent = param_node;
+              param_node->children[1]->init_scalar_tensor(scalar_type(k));
+            } else {
+              new_pnode->children[k*N+j] = new ga_tree_node(GA_NODE_ZERO,
+                                                            pnode->pos);
+              new_pnode->children[k*N+j]->init_scalar_tensor(scalar_type(0));
+              new_pnode->children[k*N+j]->parent = new_pnode;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        result += "(" + ga_tree_to_string(factor) + ")";
+        if (i < N-1) result += ";";
+      }
+      result += "]";
+      GMM_TRACE2("Warning, generic Neumann term used: " << result);
+    }
+    return result;
+  }
+  void ga_extract_Neumann_term
+  (ga_tree &tree, const std::string &varname,
+   ga_workspace &workspace, pga_tree_node pnode, std::string &result) {
+    for (size_type i = 0; i < pnode->children.size(); ++i)
+      ga_extract_Neumann_term(tree, varname, workspace,
+                                  pnode->children[i], result);
+    switch (pnode->node_type) {
+      if (pnode-> == 0) {
+        if (result.size()) result += " + ";
+        result += ga_extract_one_Neumann_term(varname, workspace, pnode);
+      }
+      break;
+      if (pnode-> == 0)
+        GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Do not know how to extract a "
+                    "Neumann term with an interpolate transformation");
+      break;
+    default:
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  //=========================================================================
+  // Derivation algorithm: derivation of a tree with respect to a variable
+  //   The result tree is not ready to use. It has to be passed again in
+  //   ga_semantic_analysis for enrichment.
+  //=========================================================================
+  static bool ga_node_mark_tree_for_variable
+  (pga_tree_node pnode, const ga_workspace &workspace, const mesh &m,
+   const std::string &varname,
+   const std::string &interpolatename) {
+    bool marked = false;
+    for (size_type i = 0; i < pnode->children.size(); ++i)
+      if (ga_node_mark_tree_for_variable(pnode->children[i], workspace, m,
+                                         varname, interpolatename))
+        marked = true;
+    bool plain_node(pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_VAL ||
+                    pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_GRAD ||
+                    pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_HESS ||
+                    pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_DIVERG);
+    bool interpolate_node(pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_VAL ||
+                          pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_GRAD ||
+                          pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_HESS ||
+                          pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_DIVERG);
+    bool elementary_node(pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_ELEMENTARY_VAL ||
+                         pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_ELEMENTARY_GRAD ||
+                         pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_ELEMENTARY_HESS ||
+                         pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_ELEMENTARY_DIVERG);
+    bool xfem_node(pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS_VAL ||
+                   pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS_GRAD ||
+                   pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS_HESS ||
+                   pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS_DIVERG ||
+                   pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_XFEM_MINUS_VAL ||
+                   pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_XFEM_MINUS_GRAD ||
+                   pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_XFEM_MINUS_HESS ||
+                   pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_XFEM_MINUS_DIVERG);
+    bool interpolate_test_node
+      (pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_VAL_TEST ||
+       pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_GRAD_TEST ||
+       pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_HESS_TEST ||
+       pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_DIVERG_TEST);
+    if ((plain_node || interpolate_node || elementary_node || xfem_node) &&
+        (pnode-> == 0 &&
+         pnode-> == 0)) marked = true;
+    if (interpolate_node || interpolate_test_node ||
+        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_X ||
+        pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_NORMAL) {
+      std::set<var_trans_pair> vars;
+      workspace.interpolate_transformation(pnode->interpolate_name)
+        ->extract_variables(workspace, vars, true,
+                            m, pnode->interpolate_name);
+      for (std::set<var_trans_pair>::iterator it=vars.begin();
+           it != vars.end(); ++it) {
+        if (it-> == 0 &&
+            it-> == 0) marked = true;
+      }
+    }
+    pnode->marked = marked;
+    return marked;
+  }
+  static void ga_node_derivation(ga_tree &tree, const ga_workspace &workspace,
+                                 const mesh &m,
+                                 pga_tree_node pnode,
+                                 const std::string &varname,
+                                 const std::string &interpolatename,
+                                 size_type order) {
+    size_type nbch = pnode->children.size();
+    pga_tree_node child0 = (nbch > 0) ? pnode->children[0] : 0;
+    pga_tree_node child1 = (nbch > 1) ? pnode->children[1] : 0;
+    bool mark0 = ((nbch > 0) ? child0->marked : false);
+    bool mark1 = ((nbch > 1) ? child1->marked : false);
+    bgeot::multi_index mi;
+    const ga_predef_function_tab &PREDEF_FUNCTIONS
+      = dal::singleton<ga_predef_function_tab>::instance(0);
+    switch (pnode->node_type) {
+    case GA_NODE_VAL: case GA_NODE_GRAD:
+    case GA_NODE_HESS: case GA_NODE_DIVERG:
+      mi.resize(1); mi[0] = 2;
+      for (size_type i = 0; i < pnode->tensor_order(); ++i)
+        mi.push_back(pnode->tensor_proper_size(i));
+      pnode->t.adjust_sizes(mi);
+      if (pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_VAL)
+        pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_VAL_TEST;
+      else if (pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_GRAD)
+        pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_GRAD_TEST;
+      else if (pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_HESS)
+        pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_HESS_TEST;
+      else if (pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_DIVERG)
+        pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_DIVERG_TEST;
+      pnode->test_function_type = order;
+      break;
+      {
+        bool is_val(pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_VAL);
+        bool is_grad(pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_GRAD);
+        bool is_hess(pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_HESS);
+        bool is_diverg(pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_DIVERG);
+        bool ivar = (pnode-> == 0 &&
+                     pnode-> == 0);
+        bool itrans = !ivar;
+        if (!itrans) {
+          std::set<var_trans_pair> vars;
+          workspace.interpolate_transformation(pnode->interpolate_name)
+            ->extract_variables(workspace, vars, true, m,
+                                pnode->interpolate_name);
+          for (const var_trans_pair &var : vars) {
+            if ( == 0 &&
+       == 0)
+              itrans = true;
+          }
+        }
+        pga_tree_node pnode_trans = pnode;
+        if (is_hess) {
+          GMM_ASSERT1(!itrans, "Sorry, cannot derive a hessian once more");
+        } else if (itrans && ivar) {
+          tree.duplicate_with_addition(pnode);
+          pnode_trans = pnode->parent->children[1];
+        }
+        if (ivar) {
+          mi.resize(1); mi[0] = 2;
+          for (size_type i = 0; i < pnode->tensor_order(); ++i)
+            mi.push_back(pnode->tensor_proper_size(i));
+          pnode->t.adjust_sizes(mi);
+          if (is_val) // --> t(Qmult*ndof,Qmult*target_dim)
+            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_VAL_TEST;
+          else if (is_grad) // --> t(Qmult*ndof,Qmult*target_dim,N)
+            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_GRAD_TEST;
+          else if (is_hess) // --> t(Qmult*ndof,Qmult*target_dim,N,N)
+            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_HESS_TEST;
+          else if (is_diverg) // --> t(Qmult*ndof)
+            pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_DIVERG_TEST;
+          pnode->test_function_type = order;
+        }
+        if (itrans) {
+          const mesh_fem *mf = workspace.associated_mf(pnode_trans->name);
+          size_type q = workspace.qdim(pnode_trans->name);
+          size_type n = mf->linked_mesh().dim();
+          bgeot::multi_index mii = workspace.qdims(pnode_trans->name);
+          if (is_val)  // --> t(target_dim*Qmult,N)
+            pnode_trans->node_type = GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_GRAD;
+          else if (is_grad || is_diverg)  // --> t(target_dim*Qmult,N,N)
+            pnode_trans->node_type = GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_HESS;
+          if (n > 1) {
+            if (q == 1 && mii.size() <= 1) { mii.resize(1); mii[0] = n; }
+            else mii.push_back(n);
+            if (is_grad || is_diverg) mii.push_back(n);
+          }
+          pnode_trans->t.adjust_sizes(mii);
+          tree.duplicate_with_operation(pnode_trans,
+                                        (n > 1) ? GA_DOT : GA_MULT);
+          pga_tree_node pnode_der = pnode_trans->parent->children[1];
+          pnode_der->node_type = GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_DERIVATIVE;
+          if (n == 1)
+            pnode_der->init_vector_tensor(2);
+          else
+            pnode_der->init_matrix_tensor(2, n);
+          pnode_der->test_function_type = order;
+          pnode_der->name = varname;
+          pnode_der->interpolate_name_der = pnode_der->interpolate_name;
+          pnode_der->interpolate_name = interpolatename;
+          if (is_diverg) { // --> t(Qmult*ndof)
+            tree.insert_node(pnode_trans->parent, GA_NODE_OP);
+            pga_tree_node pnode_tr = pnode_trans->parent->parent;
+            pnode_tr->op_type = GA_TRACE;
+            pnode_tr->init_vector_tensor(2);
+//            pnode_tr->test_function_type = order;
+//            pnode_tr->name_test1 = pnode_trans->name_test1;
+//            pnode_tr->name_test2 = pnode_trans->name_test2;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+      {
+        bool is_val(pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_VAL_TEST);
+        bool is_grad(pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_GRAD_TEST);
+        bool is_diverg(pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_DIVERG_TEST);
+        pga_tree_node pnode_trans = pnode;
+        const mesh_fem *mf = workspace.associated_mf(pnode_trans->name);
+        size_type q = workspace.qdim(pnode_trans->name);
+        size_type n = mf->linked_mesh().dim();
+        bgeot::multi_index mii = workspace.qdims(pnode_trans->name);
+        if (is_val) // --> t(Qmult*ndof,Qmult*target_dim,N)
+          pnode_trans->node_type = GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_GRAD_TEST;
+        else if (is_grad || is_diverg) // --> 
+          pnode_trans->node_type = GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_HESS_TEST;
+        if (q == 1 && mii.size() <= 1) { mii.resize(1); mii[0] = 2; }
+        else mii.insert(mii.begin(), 2);
+        if (n > 1) {
+          mii.push_back(n);
+          if (is_grad || is_diverg) mii.push_back(n);
+        }
+        pnode_trans->t.adjust_sizes(mii);
+        // pnode_trans->test_function_type = order;
+        tree.duplicate_with_operation(pnode_trans,
+                                      (n > 1 ? GA_DOT : GA_MULT));
+        pga_tree_node pnode_der = pnode_trans->parent->children[1];
+        pnode_der->node_type = GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_DERIVATIVE;
+        if (n == 1)
+          pnode_der->init_vector_tensor(2);
+        else
+          pnode_der->init_matrix_tensor(2, n);
+        pnode_der->test_function_type = order;
+        pnode_der->name = varname;
+        pnode_der->interpolate_name_der = pnode_der->interpolate_name;
+        pnode_der->interpolate_name = interpolatename;
+        if (is_diverg) { // --> t(Qmult*ndof)
+          tree.insert_node(pnode_trans->parent, GA_NODE_OP);
+          pga_tree_node pnode_tr = pnode_trans->parent->parent;
+          pnode_tr->op_type = GA_TRACE;
+          pnode_tr->init_vector_tensor(2);
+//          pnode_tr->test_function_type = order;
+//          pnode_tr->name_test1 = pnode_trans->name_test1;
+//          pnode_tr->name_test2 = pnode_trans->name_test2;
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+      GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Sorry, cannot derive a hessian once more");
+      break;
+      {
+        size_type n = m.dim();
+        pga_tree_node pnode_der = pnode;
+        pnode_der->node_type = GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_DERIVATIVE;
+        if (n == 1)
+          pnode_der->init_vector_tensor(2);
+        else
+          pnode_der->init_matrix_tensor(2, n);
+        pnode_der->test_function_type = order;
+        pnode_der->name = varname;
+        pnode_der->interpolate_name_der = pnode_der->interpolate_name;
+        pnode_der->interpolate_name = interpolatename;
+      }
+      break;
+      GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Sorry, cannot derive the interpolated Normal");
+      break;
+      GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Sorry, second order transformation derivative "
+                  "not taken into account");
+      break;
+      ga_node_derivation(tree, workspace, m, child0, varname,
+                         interpolatename, order);
+      break;
+      mi.resize(1); mi[0] = 2;
+      for (size_type i = 0; i < pnode->tensor_order(); ++i)
+        mi.push_back(pnode->tensor_proper_size(i));
+      pnode->t.adjust_sizes(mi);
+      switch(pnode->node_type) {
+        pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ELEMENTARY_VAL_TEST; break;
+        pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ELEMENTARY_GRAD_TEST; break;
+        pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ELEMENTARY_HESS_TEST; break;
+        pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_ELEMENTARY_DIVERG_TEST; break;
+      case GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS_VAL:
+        pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS_VAL_TEST; break;
+        pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS_GRAD_TEST; break;
+        pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS_HESS_TEST; break;
+        pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS_DIVERG_TEST; break;
+        pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_MINUS_VAL_TEST; break;
+        pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_MINUS_GRAD_TEST; break;
+        pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_MINUS_HESS_TEST; break;
+        pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_MINUS_DIVERG_TEST; break;
+      default : GMM_ASSERT1(false, "internal error");
+      }
+      pnode->test_function_type = order;
+      break;
+    case GA_NODE_OP:
+      switch(pnode->op_type) {
+        case GA_PLUS: case GA_MINUS:
+          if (mark0 && mark1) {
+            ga_node_derivation(tree, workspace, m, child0, varname,
+                               interpolatename, order);
+            ga_node_derivation(tree, workspace, m, child1, varname,
+                               interpolatename, order);
+          } else if (mark0) {
+            ga_node_derivation(tree, workspace, m, child0, varname,
+                               interpolatename, order);
+            tree.replace_node_by_child(pnode, 0);
+          } else {
+            ga_node_derivation(tree, workspace, m, child1, varname,
+                               interpolatename, order);
+            if (pnode->op_type == GA_MINUS) {
+              pnode->op_type = GA_UNARY_MINUS;
+              tree.clear_node(child0);
+            }
+            else
+              tree.replace_node_by_child(pnode, 1);
+          }
+          break;
+      case GA_UNARY_MINUS: case GA_QUOTE: case GA_SYM: case GA_SKEW:
+      case GA_TRACE: case GA_DEVIATOR: case GA_PRINT:
+        ga_node_derivation(tree, workspace, m, child0, varname,
+                           interpolatename, order);
+        break;
+      case GA_DOT: case GA_MULT: case GA_COLON: case GA_TMULT:
+      case GA_DOTMULT:
+        if (mark0 && mark1) {
+          if (sub_tree_are_equal(child0, child1, workspace, 0) &&
+              (pnode->op_type != GA_MULT || child0->tensor_order() < 2)) {
+            ga_node_derivation(tree, workspace, m, child1, varname,
+                               interpolatename, order);
+            tree.insert_node(pnode, GA_NODE_OP);
+            pnode->parent->op_type = GA_MULT;
+            tree.add_child(pnode->parent);
+            pnode->parent->children[1]->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
+            pnode->parent->children[1]->init_scalar_tensor(scalar_type(2));
+          } else {
+            tree.duplicate_with_addition(pnode);
+            if ((pnode->op_type == GA_COLON && child0->tensor_order() == 2) ||
+                (pnode->op_type == GA_DOT && child0->tensor_order() == 1) ||
+                pnode->op_type == GA_DOTMULT ||
+                (child0->tensor_proper_size()== 1 &&
+                 child1->tensor_proper_size()== 1))
+              std::swap(pnode->children[0], pnode->children[1]);
+            ga_node_derivation(tree, workspace, m, child0, varname,
+                               interpolatename, order);
+            ga_node_derivation(tree, workspace, m,
+                               pnode->parent->children[1]->children[1],
+                               varname, interpolatename, order);
+          }
+        } else if (mark0) {
+          ga_node_derivation(tree, workspace, m, child0, varname,
+                             interpolatename, order);
+        } else
+          ga_node_derivation(tree, workspace, m, child1, varname,
+                             interpolatename, order);
+        break;
+      case GA_DIV: case GA_DOTDIV:
+        if (mark1) {
+          if (pnode->children[0]->node_type == GA_NODE_CONSTANT)
+            gmm::scale(pnode->children[0]->tensor().as_vector(),
+                       scalar_type(-1));
+          else {
+            if (mark0) {
+              tree.duplicate_with_subtraction(pnode);
+              ga_node_derivation(tree, workspace, m, child0, varname,
+                                 interpolatename, order);
+              pnode = pnode->parent->children[1];
+            } else {
+              tree.insert_node(pnode, GA_NODE_OP);
+              pnode->parent->op_type = GA_UNARY_MINUS;
+            }
+          }
+          tree.insert_node(pnode->children[1], GA_NODE_PARAMS);
+          pga_tree_node pnode_param = pnode->children[1];
+          tree.add_child(pnode_param);
+          std::swap(pnode_param->children[0], pnode_param->children[1]);
+          pnode_param->children[0]->node_type = GA_NODE_PREDEF_FUNC;
+          pnode_param->children[0]->name = "sqr";
+          tree.insert_node(pnode, GA_NODE_OP);
+          pga_tree_node pnode_mult = pnode->parent;
+          if (pnode->op_type == GA_DOTDIV)
+            pnode_mult->op_type = GA_DOTMULT;
+          else
+            pnode_mult->op_type = GA_MULT;
+          pnode_mult->children.resize(2, nullptr);
+          tree.copy_node(pnode_param->children[1],
+                         pnode_mult, pnode_mult->children[1]);
+          ga_node_derivation(tree, workspace, m, pnode_mult->children[1],
+                             varname, interpolatename, order);
+        } else {
+          ga_node_derivation(tree, workspace, m, child0, varname,
+                             interpolatename, order);
+        }
+        break;
+      default: GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Unexpected operation. Internal error.");
+      }
+      break;
+    case GA_NODE_C_MATRIX:
+      for (size_type i = 0; i < pnode->children.size(); ++i) {
+        if (pnode->children[i]->marked)
+          ga_node_derivation(tree, workspace, m, pnode->children[i],
+                             varname, interpolatename, order);
+        else {
+          pnode->children[i]->init_scalar_tensor(scalar_type(0));
+          pnode->children[i]->node_type = GA_NODE_ZERO;
+          tree.clear_children(pnode->children[i]);
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+    case GA_NODE_PARAMS:
+      if (child0->node_type == GA_NODE_RESHAPE) {
+        ga_node_derivation(tree, workspace, m, pnode->children[1],
+                           varname, interpolatename, order);
+      } else if (child0->node_type == GA_NODE_PREDEF_FUNC) {
+        std::string name = child0->name;
+        ga_predef_function_tab::const_iterator it = 
+        const ga_predef_function &F = it->second;
+        if (F.nbargs() == 1) {
+          switch (F.dtype()) {
+          case 0:
+            GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Cannot derive function " << child0->name
+                     << ". No derivative provided or not derivable function.");
+          case 1:
+            child0->name = F.derivative1();
+            break;
+          case 2: case 3:
+            {
+              child0->name = "DER_PDFUNC_" + child0->name;
+              if (!(ga_function_exists(child0->name))) {
+                if (F.dtype() == 2)
+                  ga_define_function(child0->name, 1, F.derivative1());
+                else {
+                  std::string expr=ga_derivative_scalar_function(F.expr(),"t");
+                  ga_define_function(child0->name, 1, expr);
+                }
+              }
+              // Inline extension if the derivative is affine (for instance
+              // for sqr)
+              ga_predef_function_tab::const_iterator
+                itp = PREDEF_FUNCTIONS.find(child0->name);
+              const ga_predef_function &Fp = itp->second;
+              if (Fp.is_affine("t")) {
+                scalar_type b = Fp(scalar_type(0));
+                scalar_type a = Fp(scalar_type(1)) - b;
+                pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_OP;
+                pnode->op_type = GA_MULT;
+                child0->init_scalar_tensor(a);
+                child0->node_type = ((a == scalar_type(0)) ?
+                                     GA_NODE_ZERO : GA_NODE_CONSTANT);
+                if (b != scalar_type(0)) {
+                  tree.insert_node(pnode, GA_NODE_OP);
+                  pnode->parent->op_type = (b > 0) ? GA_PLUS : GA_MINUS;
+                  tree.add_child(pnode->parent);
+                  pga_tree_node pnode_cte = pnode->parent->children[1];
+                  pnode_cte->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
+                  pnode_cte->t = pnode->t;
+                  std::fill(pnode_cte->tensor().begin(),
+                            pnode_cte->tensor().end(), gmm::abs(b));
+                  pnode = pnode->parent;
+                }
+              }
+            }
+            break;
+          }
+          if (pnode->children.size() >= 2) {
+            tree.insert_node(pnode, GA_NODE_OP);
+            pga_tree_node pnode_op = pnode->parent;
+            if (child1->tensor_order() == 0)
+              pnode_op->op_type = GA_MULT;
+            else
+              pnode_op->op_type = GA_DOTMULT;
+            pnode_op->children.resize(2, nullptr);
+            tree.copy_node(child1, pnode_op, pnode_op->children[1]);
+            ga_node_derivation(tree, workspace, m, pnode_op->children[1],
+                               varname, interpolatename, order);
+          }
+        } else {
+          pga_tree_node child2 = pnode->children[2];
+          if (child1->marked && child2->marked)
+            tree.duplicate_with_addition(pnode);
+          if (child1->marked) {
+            switch (F.dtype()) {
+            case 0:
+              GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Cannot derive function " << child0->name
+                          << ". No derivative provided");
+            case 1:
+              child0->name = F.derivative1();
+              break;
+            case 2:
+              child0->name = "DER_PDFUNC1_" + child0->name;
+              if (!(ga_function_exists(child0->name)))
+                ga_define_function(child0->name, 2, F.derivative1());
+              break;
+            case 3:
+              child0->name = "DER_PDFUNC1_" + child0->name;
+              if (!(ga_function_exists(child0->name))) {
+                std::string expr = ga_derivative_scalar_function(F.expr(), 
+                ga_define_function(child0->name, 2, expr);
+              }
+              break;
+            }
+            tree.insert_node(pnode, GA_NODE_OP);
+            pga_tree_node pnode_op = pnode->parent;
+            if (child1->tensor_order() == 0)
+              pnode_op->op_type = GA_MULT;
+            else
+              pnode_op->op_type = GA_DOTMULT;
+            pnode_op->children.resize(2, nullptr);
+            tree.copy_node(child1, pnode_op, pnode_op->children[1]);
+            ga_node_derivation(tree, workspace, m, pnode_op->children[1],
+                               varname, interpolatename, order);
+          }
+          if (child2->marked) {
+            if (child1->marked && child2->marked)
+              pnode = pnode->parent->parent->children[1];
+            child0 = pnode->children[0]; child1 = pnode->children[1];
+            child2 = pnode->children[2];
+            switch (F.dtype()) {
+            case 0:
+              GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Cannot derive function " << child0->name
+                          << ". No derivative provided");
+            case 1:
+              child0->name = F.derivative2();
+              break;
+            case 2:
+              child0->name = "DER_PDFUNC2_" + child0->name;
+              if (!(ga_function_exists(child0->name)))
+                ga_define_function(child0->name, 2, F.derivative2());
+              break;
+            case 3:
+              child0->name = "DER_PDFUNC2_" + child0->name;
+              if (!(ga_function_exists(child0->name))) {
+                std::string expr = ga_derivative_scalar_function(F.expr(), 
+                ga_define_function(child0->name, 2, expr);
+              }
+              break;
+            }
+            tree.insert_node(pnode, GA_NODE_OP);
+            pga_tree_node pnode_op = pnode->parent;
+            if (child2->tensor_order() == 0)
+              pnode_op->op_type = GA_MULT;
+            else
+              pnode_op->op_type = GA_DOTMULT;
+            pnode_op->children.resize(2, nullptr);
+            tree.copy_node(child2, pnode_op, pnode_op->children[1]);
+            ga_node_derivation(tree, workspace, m, pnode_op->children[1],
+                               varname, interpolatename, order);
+          }
+        }
+      } else if (child0->node_type == GA_NODE_SPEC_FUNC) {
+        GMM_ASSERT1(false, "internal error");
+      } else if (child0->node_type == GA_NODE_OPERATOR) {
+        if (child0->der2)
+          GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Error in derivation of the assembly string. "
+                      "Cannot derive again operator " <<  child0->name);
+        size_type nbargs_der = 0;
+        for (size_type i = 1; i < pnode->children.size(); ++i)
+          if (pnode->children[i]->marked) ++nbargs_der;
+        pga_tree_node pnode2 = 0;
+        size_type j = 0;
+        for (size_type i = 1; i < pnode->children.size(); ++i) {
+          if (pnode->children[i]->marked) {
+            ++j;
+            if (j != nbargs_der) {
+              tree.insert_node(pnode, GA_NODE_OP);
+              pga_tree_node pnode_op = pnode->parent;
+              pnode_op->node_type = GA_NODE_OP;
+              pnode_op->op_type = GA_PLUS;
+              pnode_op->children.resize(2, nullptr);
+              tree.copy_node(pnode, pnode_op , pnode_op->children[1]);
+              pnode2 = pnode_op->children[1];
+            }
+            else pnode2 = pnode;
+            if (child0->der1)
+              pnode2->children[0]->der2 = i;
+            else
+              pnode2->children[0]->der1 = i;
+            tree.insert_node(pnode2, GA_NODE_OP);
+            pga_tree_node pnode_op = pnode2->parent;
+            // calcul de l'ordre de reduction
+            size_type red = pnode->children[i]->tensor_order();
+            switch (red) {
+            case 0 : pnode_op->op_type = GA_MULT; break;
+            case 1 : pnode_op->op_type = GA_DOT; break;
+            case 2 : pnode_op->op_type = GA_COLON; break;
+            default: GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Error in derivation of the assembly "
+                                 "string. Bad reduction order.")
+            }
+            pnode_op->children.resize(2, nullptr);
+            tree.copy_node(pnode->children[i], pnode_op,
+                           pnode_op->children[1]);
+            ga_node_derivation(tree, workspace, m, pnode_op->children[1],
+                               varname, interpolatename, order);
+            if (pnode2->children[0]->"Norm_sqr") == 0
+                && pnode2->children[0]->der1 == 1) {
+              pnode2->node_type = GA_NODE_OP;
+              pnode2->op_type = GA_MULT;
+              pnode2->children[0]->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
+              pnode2->children[0]->init_scalar_tensor(scalar_type(2));
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      } else {
+        ga_node_derivation(tree, workspace, m, child0, varname,
+                           interpolatename, order);
+      }
+      break;
+    default: GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Unexpected node type " << pnode->node_type
+                         << " in derivation. Internal error.");
+    }
+  }
+  // The tree is modified. Should be copied first and passed to
+  // ga_semantic_analysis after for enrichment
+  void ga_derivative(ga_tree &tree, const ga_workspace &workspace,
+                            const mesh &m, const std::string &varname,
+                            const std::string &interpolatename,
+                            size_type order) {
+    // cout << "compute derivative of " << ga_tree_to_string(tree)
+    //  << " with respect to " << varname << " : " << interpolatename << endl;
+    if (!(tree.root)) return;
+    if (ga_node_mark_tree_for_variable(tree.root, workspace, m, varname,
+                                       interpolatename))
+      ga_node_derivation(tree, workspace, m, tree.root, varname,
+                         interpolatename, order);
+    else
+      tree.clear();
+    // cout << "derived tree : " << ga_tree_to_string(tree) << endl;
+  }
+  static void ga_replace_test_by_cte(pga_tree_node pnode,  bool full_replace) {
+    for (size_type i = 0; i < pnode->children.size(); ++i)
+      ga_replace_test_by_cte(pnode->children[i], full_replace);
+    GMM_ASSERT1(pnode->node_type != GA_NODE_GRAD_TEST, "Invalid tree");
+    GMM_ASSERT1(pnode->node_type != GA_NODE_HESS_TEST, "Invalid tree");
+    GMM_ASSERT1(pnode->node_type != GA_NODE_DIVERG_TEST, "Invalid tree");
+    if (pnode->node_type == GA_NODE_VAL_TEST) {
+      pnode->node_type = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
+      if (full_replace) pnode->init_scalar_tensor(scalar_type(1));
+    }
+  }
+  std::string ga_derivative_scalar_function(const std::string &expr,
+                                           const std::string &var) {
+    base_vector t(1), u(1);
+    ga_workspace workspace;
+    workspace.add_fixed_size_variable("t", gmm::sub_interval(0,1), t);
+    workspace.add_fixed_size_variable("u", gmm::sub_interval(0,1), u);
+    workspace.add_function_expression(expr);
+    GMM_ASSERT1(workspace.nb_trees() <= 1, "Internal error");
+    if (workspace.nb_trees()) {
+      ga_tree tree = *(workspace.tree_info(0).ptree);
+      ga_derivative(tree, workspace, *((const mesh *)(0)), var, "", 1);
+      if (tree.root) {
+        ga_replace_test_by_cte(tree.root, true);
+        ga_semantic_analysis(expr, tree, workspace, 1, 1, false, true);
+      }
+      return ga_tree_to_string(tree);
+    } else return "0";
+  }
+  static bool ga_node_is_affine(const pga_tree_node pnode) {
+    size_type nbch = pnode->children.size();
+    pga_tree_node child0 = (nbch > 0) ? pnode->children[0] : 0;
+    pga_tree_node child1 = (nbch > 1) ? pnode->children[1] : 0;
+    bool mark0 = ((nbch > 0) ? child0->marked : false);
+    bool mark1 = ((nbch > 1) ? child1->marked : false);
+    switch (pnode->node_type) {
+    case GA_NODE_VAL: case GA_NODE_GRAD:
+    case GA_NODE_HESS: case GA_NODE_DIVERG:
+      return true;
+    case GA_NODE_OP:
+      switch(pnode->op_type) {
+      case GA_PLUS: case GA_MINUS:
+        if (mark0 && mark1)
+          return ga_node_is_affine(child0) &&
+            ga_node_is_affine(child1);
+        if (mark0) return ga_node_is_affine(child0);
+        return ga_node_is_affine(child1);
+      case GA_UNARY_MINUS: case GA_QUOTE: case GA_SYM: case GA_SKEW:
+      case GA_TRACE: case GA_DEVIATOR:
+        return ga_node_is_affine(child0);
+      case GA_DOT: case GA_MULT: case GA_COLON: case GA_TMULT:
+      case GA_DOTMULT:
+        if (mark0 && mark1) return false;
+        if (mark0) return ga_node_is_affine(child0);
+        return ga_node_is_affine(child1);
+      case GA_DIV: case GA_DOTDIV:
+        if (mark1) return false;
+        if (mark0) return ga_node_is_affine(child0);
+      default: GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Unexpected operation. Internal error.");
+      }
+      break;
+    case GA_NODE_C_MATRIX:
+        for (size_type i = 0; i < pnode->children.size(); ++i)
+          if (pnode->children[i]->marked &&
+              !(ga_node_is_affine(pnode->children[i])))
+            return false;
+        return true;
+    case GA_NODE_PARAMS:
+      if (child0->node_type == GA_NODE_RESHAPE)
+        return ga_node_is_affine(child1);
+      if (child0->node_type == GA_NODE_PREDEF_FUNC)
+        return false;
+      if (child0->node_type == GA_NODE_OPERATOR)
+        return false;
+      return ga_node_is_affine(child0);
+    default: GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Unexpected node type " << pnode->node_type
+                         << " in derivation. Internal error.");
+    }
+  }
+  bool ga_is_affine(const ga_tree &tree, const ga_workspace &workspace,
+                   const std::string &varname,
+                   const std::string &interpolatename) {
+    const mesh &m = *((const mesh *)(0));
+    if (tree.root && ga_node_mark_tree_for_variable(tree.root, workspace, m,
+                                                    varname, interpolatename))
+      return ga_node_is_affine(tree.root);
+    return true;
+  }
+} /* end of namespace */
diff --git a/src/ 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f9ce6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,1597 @@
+ Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Yves Renard
+ This file is a part of GetFEM++
+ GetFEM++  is  free software;  you  can  redistribute  it  and/or modify it
+ under  the  terms  of the  GNU  Lesser General Public License as published
+ by  the  Free Software Foundation;  either version 3 of the License,  or
+ (at your option) any later version along with the GCC Runtime Library
+ Exception either version 3.1 or (at your option) any later version.
+ This program  is  distributed  in  the  hope  that it will be useful,  but
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ or  FITNESS  FOR  A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License and GCC Runtime Library Exception for more details.
+ You  should  have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ along  with  this program;  if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
+#include "getfem/getfem_generic_assembly_tree.h"
+#include "getfem/getfem_generic_assembly_functions_and_operators.h"
+namespace getfem {
+  //=========================================================================
+  // Lexical analysis for the generic assembly language
+  //=========================================================================
+  static GA_TOKEN_TYPE ga_char_type[256];
+  static int ga_operator_priorities[GA_NB_TOKEN_TYPE];
+  // Initialize ga_char_type and ga_operator_priorities arrays
+  static bool init_ga_char_type() {
+    for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) ga_char_type[i] = GA_INVALID;
+    ga_char_type['+'] = GA_PLUS;        ga_char_type['-']  = GA_MINUS;
+    ga_char_type['*'] = GA_MULT;        ga_char_type['/']  = GA_DIV;
+    ga_char_type[':'] = GA_COLON;       ga_char_type['\''] = GA_QUOTE;
+    ga_char_type['.'] = GA_DOT;         ga_char_type['@']  = GA_TMULT;
+    ga_char_type[','] = GA_COMMA;       ga_char_type[';']  = GA_SEMICOLON;
+    ga_char_type['('] = GA_LPAR;        ga_char_type[')']  = GA_RPAR;
+    ga_char_type['['] = GA_LBRACKET;    ga_char_type[']']  = GA_RBRACKET;
+    ga_char_type['_'] = GA_NAME;
+    for (unsigned i = 'a'; i <= 'z'; ++i)  ga_char_type[i] = GA_NAME;
+    for (unsigned i = 'A'; i <= 'Z'; ++i)  ga_char_type[i] = GA_NAME;
+    for (unsigned i = '0'; i <= '9'; ++i)  ga_char_type[i] = GA_SCALAR;
+    for (unsigned i = 0; i < GA_NB_TOKEN_TYPE; ++i)
+      ga_operator_priorities[i] = 0;
+    ga_operator_priorities[GA_PLUS] = 1;
+    ga_operator_priorities[GA_MINUS] = 1;
+    ga_operator_priorities[GA_MULT] = 2;
+    ga_operator_priorities[GA_DIV] = 2;
+    ga_operator_priorities[GA_COLON] = 2;
+    ga_operator_priorities[GA_DOT] = 2;
+    ga_operator_priorities[GA_DOTMULT] = 2;
+    ga_operator_priorities[GA_DOTDIV] = 2;
+    ga_operator_priorities[GA_TMULT] = 2;
+    ga_operator_priorities[GA_QUOTE] = 3;
+    ga_operator_priorities[GA_UNARY_MINUS] = 3;
+    ga_operator_priorities[GA_SYM] = 4;
+    ga_operator_priorities[GA_SKEW] = 4;
+    ga_operator_priorities[GA_TRACE] = 4;
+    ga_operator_priorities[GA_DEVIATOR] = 4;
+    ga_operator_priorities[GA_PRINT] = 4;
+    return true;
+  }
+  static bool ga_initialized = init_ga_char_type();
+  // Get the next token in the string at position 'pos' end return its type
+  static GA_TOKEN_TYPE ga_get_token(const std::string &expr,
+                                    size_type &pos,
+                                    size_type &token_pos,
+                                    size_type &token_length) {
+    bool fdot = false, fE = false;
+    GMM_ASSERT1(ga_initialized, "Internal error");
+    // Ignore white spaces
+    while (expr[pos] == ' ' && pos < expr.size()) ++pos;
+    token_pos = pos;
+    token_length = 0;
+    // Detecting end of expression
+    if (pos >= expr.size()) return GA_END;
+    // Treating the different cases (Operation, name or number)
+    GA_TOKEN_TYPE type = ga_char_type[unsigned(expr[pos])];
+    ++pos; ++token_length;
+    switch (type) {
+    case GA_DOT:
+      if (pos >= expr.size()) return type;
+      if (expr[pos] == '*') { ++pos; ++token_length; return GA_DOTMULT; }
+      if (expr[pos] == '/') { ++pos; ++token_length; return GA_DOTDIV; }
+      if (ga_char_type[unsigned(expr[pos])] != GA_SCALAR)
+        return type;
+      fdot = true; type = GA_SCALAR;
+    case GA_SCALAR:
+      while (pos < expr.size()) {
+        GA_TOKEN_TYPE ctype = ga_char_type[unsigned(expr[pos])];
+        switch (ctype) {
+        case GA_DOT:
+          if (fdot) return type;
+          fdot = true; ++pos; ++token_length;
+          break;
+        case GA_NAME:
+          if (fE || (expr[pos] != 'E' && expr[pos] != 'e')) return type;
+          fE = true; fdot = true; ++pos; ++token_length;
+          if (pos < expr.size()) {
+            if (expr[pos] == '+' || expr[pos] == '-')
+              { ++pos; ++token_length; }
+          }
+          if (pos >= expr.size()
+              || ga_char_type[unsigned(expr[pos])] != GA_SCALAR)
+            return GA_INVALID;
+          break;
+        case GA_SCALAR:
+          ++pos; ++token_length; break;
+        default:
+          return type;
+        }
+      }
+      return type;
+    case GA_NAME:
+      while (pos < expr.size()) {
+        GA_TOKEN_TYPE ctype = ga_char_type[unsigned(expr[pos])];
+        if (ctype != GA_SCALAR && ctype != GA_NAME) break;
+        ++pos; ++token_length;
+      }
+      if (, token_length, "Sym") == 0)
+        return GA_SYM;
+      if (, token_length, "Skew") == 0)
+        return GA_SKEW;
+      if (, token_length, "Trace") == 0)
+        return GA_TRACE;
+      if (, token_length, "Deviator") == 0)
+        return GA_DEVIATOR;
+      if (, token_length, "Interpolate") == 0)
+        return GA_INTERPOLATE;
+      if (, token_length, "Interpolate_filter") == 0)
+        return GA_INTERPOLATE_FILTER;
+      if (, token_length,
+                       "Elementary_transformation") == 0)
+        return GA_ELEMENTARY;
+      if (, token_length, "Xfem_plus") == 0)
+        return GA_XFEM_PLUS;
+      if (, token_length, "Xfem_minus") == 0)
+        return GA_XFEM_MINUS;
+      if (, token_length, "Print") == 0)
+        return GA_PRINT;
+      return type;
+    case GA_COMMA:
+      if (pos < expr.size() &&
+          ga_char_type[unsigned(expr[pos])] == GA_COMMA) {
+        ++pos; return GA_DCOMMA;
+      }
+      return type;
+    case GA_SEMICOLON:
+      if (pos < expr.size() &&
+          ga_char_type[unsigned(expr[pos])] == GA_SEMICOLON) {
+        ++pos; return GA_DSEMICOLON;
+      }
+      return type;
+    default: return type;
+    }
+  }
+  //=========================================================================
+  // Error handling
+  //=========================================================================
+  void ga_throw_error_msg(const std::string &expr, size_type pos,
+                                 const std::string &msg) {
+    int length_before = 70, length_after = 70;
+    if (expr.size()) {
+      int first = std::max(0, int(pos)-length_before);
+      int last = std::min(int(pos)+length_after, int(expr.size()));
+      if (last - first < length_before+length_after)
+      first = std::max(0, int(pos)-length_before
+                       -(length_before+length_after-last+first));
+      if (last - first < length_before+length_after)
+        last = std::min(int(pos)+length_after
+                        +(length_before+length_after-last+first),
+                        int(expr.size()));
+      if (first > 0) cerr << "...";
+      cerr << expr.substr(first, last-first);
+      if (last < int(expr.size())) cerr << "...";
+      cerr << endl;
+      if (first > 0) cerr << "   ";
+      if (int(pos) > first)
+        cerr << std::setfill ('-') << std::setw(int(pos)-first) << '-'
+             << std::setfill (' ');
+      cerr << "^" << endl;
+    }
+    cerr << msg << endl;
+  }
+  //=========================================================================
+  // Tree structure
+  //=========================================================================
+  void ga_tree_node::mult_test(const pga_tree_node n0, const pga_tree_node n1,
+                              const std::string &expr) {
+    size_type test0 = n0->test_function_type, test1 = n1->test_function_type;
+    if (test0 && test1 && (test0 == test1 ||
+                          test0 >= 3 || test1 >= 3))
+      ga_throw_error(expr, pos,
+                    "Incompatibility of test functions in product.");
+    GMM_ASSERT1(test0 != size_type(-1) && test1 != size_type(-1),
+               "internal error");
+    test_function_type = test0 + test1;
+    size_type st = nb_test_functions();
+    bgeot::multi_index mi(st);
+    switch (test0) {
+    case 1: mi[0] = n0->t.sizes()[0]; break;
+    case 2: mi[st-1] = n0->t.sizes()[0]; break;
+    case 3: mi[0] = n0->t.sizes()[0]; mi[1] = n0->t.sizes()[1]; break;
+    }
+    switch (test1) {
+    case 1: mi[0] = n1->t.sizes()[0]; break;
+    case 2: mi[st-1] = n1->t.sizes()[0]; break;
+    case 3: mi[0] = n1->t.sizes()[0]; mi[1] = n1->t.sizes()[1]; break;
+    }
+    if (n0->name_test1.size()) {
+      name_test1 = n0->name_test1; qdim1 = n0->qdim1;
+      interpolate_name_test1 = n0->interpolate_name_test1;
+    } else {
+      name_test1 = n1->name_test1; qdim1 = n1->qdim1;
+      interpolate_name_test1 = n1->interpolate_name_test1;
+    }
+    if (n0->name_test2.size()) {
+      name_test2 = n0->name_test2; qdim2 = n0->qdim2;
+      interpolate_name_test2 = n0->interpolate_name_test2;
+    } else {
+      name_test2 = n1->name_test2; qdim2 = n1->qdim2;
+      interpolate_name_test2 = n1->interpolate_name_test2;
+    }
+    t.adjust_sizes(mi);
+  }
+  void ga_tree::add_scalar(scalar_type val, size_type pos) {
+    while (current_node && current_node->node_type != GA_NODE_OP)
+      current_node = current_node->parent;
+    if (current_node) {
+      current_node->adopt_child(new ga_tree_node(val, pos));
+      current_node = current_node->children.back();
+    }
+    else {
+      GMM_ASSERT1(root == nullptr, "Invalid tree operation");
+      current_node = root = new ga_tree_node(val, pos);
+      root->parent = nullptr;
+    }
+  }
+  void ga_tree::add_allindices(size_type pos) {
+    while (current_node && current_node->node_type != GA_NODE_OP)
+      current_node = current_node->parent;
+    if (current_node) {
+      current_node->adopt_child(new ga_tree_node(GA_NODE_ALLINDICES, pos));
+      current_node = current_node->children.back();
+    }
+    else {
+      GMM_ASSERT1(root == nullptr, "Invalid tree operation");
+      current_node = root = new ga_tree_node(GA_NODE_ALLINDICES, pos);
+      root->parent = nullptr;
+    }
+  }
+  void ga_tree::add_name(const char *name, size_type length, size_type pos) {
+    while (current_node && current_node->node_type != GA_NODE_OP)
+      current_node = current_node->parent;
+    if (current_node) {
+      current_node->adopt_child(new ga_tree_node(name, length, pos));
+      current_node = current_node->children.back();
+    }
+    else {
+      GMM_ASSERT1(root == nullptr, "Invalid tree operation");
+      current_node = root = new ga_tree_node(name, length, pos);
+      root->parent = nullptr;
+    }
+  }
+  void ga_tree::add_sub_tree(ga_tree &sub_tree) {
+    if (current_node &&
+       (current_node->node_type == GA_NODE_PARAMS ||
+        current_node->node_type == GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_FILTER ||
+        current_node->node_type == GA_NODE_C_MATRIX)) {
+      GMM_ASSERT1(sub_tree.root, "Invalid tree operation");
+      current_node->adopt_child(sub_tree.root);
+    } else {
+      GMM_ASSERT1(sub_tree.root, "Invalid tree operation");
+      while (current_node && current_node->node_type != GA_NODE_OP)
+       current_node = current_node->parent;
+      if (current_node) {
+       current_node->adopt_child(sub_tree.root);
+       current_node = sub_tree.root;
+      }
+      else {
+       GMM_ASSERT1(root == nullptr, "Invalid tree operation");
+       current_node = root = sub_tree.root;
+       root->parent = nullptr;
+      }
+    }
+    sub_tree.root = sub_tree.current_node = nullptr;
+  }
+  void ga_tree::add_params(size_type pos) {
+    GMM_ASSERT1(current_node, "internal error");
+    while (current_node && current_node->parent &&
+          current_node->parent->node_type == GA_NODE_OP &&
+          ga_operator_priorities[current_node->parent->op_type] >= 4)
+      current_node = current_node->parent;
+    pga_tree_node new_node = new ga_tree_node(GA_NODE_PARAMS, pos);
+    new_node->parent = current_node->parent;
+    if (current_node->parent)
+      current_node->parent->replace_child(current_node, new_node);
+    else
+      root = new_node;
+    new_node->adopt_child(current_node);
+    current_node = new_node;
+  }
+  void ga_tree::add_matrix(size_type pos) {
+    while (current_node && current_node->node_type != GA_NODE_OP)
+      current_node = current_node->parent;
+    if (current_node) {
+      current_node->adopt_child(new ga_tree_node(GA_NODE_C_MATRIX, pos));
+      current_node = current_node->children.back();
+    }
+    else {
+      GMM_ASSERT1(root == nullptr, "Invalid tree operation");
+      current_node = root = new ga_tree_node(GA_NODE_C_MATRIX, pos);
+      root->parent = nullptr;
+    }
+    current_node->nbc1 = current_node->nbc2 = current_node->nbc3 = 0;
+  }
+  void ga_tree::zip_matrix(const pga_tree_node source_node) {
+    GMM_ASSERT1(current_node->node_type == GA_NODE_C_MATRIX &&
+               source_node->node_type == GA_NODE_C_MATRIX,
+               "Internal error");
+    size_type target_size = current_node->children.size();
+    size_type source_size = source_node->children.size();
+    size_type last_dim_size = target_size/source_size;
+    GMM_ASSERT1(target_size == source_size*last_dim_size,
+               "Internal error, " << target_size << " != " <<
+               source_size << "*" << last_dim_size);
+    std::vector<pga_tree_node> new_children;
+    for (size_type i = 0; i < source_size; ++i) {
+      for (size_type j = 0; j < last_dim_size; ++j)
+       new_children.push_back(current_node->children[i*last_dim_size+j]);
+      new_children.push_back(source_node->children[i]);
+      source_node->children[i]->parent = current_node;
+    }
+    source_node->children.resize(0); // so that the destructor of source_node
+                                     // will not destruct the children
+    current_node->children = new_children;
+  }
+  void ga_tree::add_op(GA_TOKEN_TYPE op_type, size_type pos) {
+    while (current_node && current_node->parent &&
+          current_node->parent->node_type == GA_NODE_OP &&
+          ga_operator_priorities[current_node->parent->op_type]
+          >= ga_operator_priorities[op_type])
+      current_node = current_node->parent;
+    pga_tree_node new_node = new ga_tree_node(op_type, pos);
+    if (current_node) {
+      if (op_type == GA_UNARY_MINUS
+         || op_type == GA_SYM || op_type == GA_SKEW
+         || op_type == GA_TRACE || op_type == GA_DEVIATOR
+         || op_type == GA_PRINT) {
+       current_node->adopt_child(new_node);
+      } else {
+       new_node->parent = current_node->parent;
+       if (current_node->parent)
+         current_node->parent->replace_child(current_node, new_node);
+       else
+         root = new_node;
+       new_node->adopt_child(current_node);
+      }
+    } else {
+      if (root) new_node->adopt_child(root);
+      root = new_node;
+      root->parent = nullptr;
+    }
+    current_node = new_node;
+  }
+  void ga_tree::clear_node_rec(pga_tree_node pnode) {
+    if (pnode) {
+      for (pga_tree_node &child : pnode->children)
+       clear_node_rec(child);
+      delete pnode;
+      current_node = nullptr;
+    }
+  }
+  void ga_tree::clear_node(pga_tree_node pnode) {
+    if (pnode) {
+      pga_tree_node parent = pnode->parent;
+      if (parent) { // keep all siblings of pnode
+       size_type j = 0;
+       for (pga_tree_node &sibling : parent->children)
+         if (sibling != pnode)
+           parent->children[j++] = sibling;
+       parent->children.resize(j);
+      } else
+       root = nullptr;
+    }
+    clear_node_rec(pnode);
+  }
+  void ga_tree::clear_children(pga_tree_node pnode) {
+    for (pga_tree_node &child : pnode->children)
+      clear_node_rec(child);
+    pnode->children.resize(0);
+  }
+  void ga_tree::replace_node_by_child(pga_tree_node pnode, size_type i) {
+    GMM_ASSERT1(i < pnode->children.size(), "Internal error");
+    pga_tree_node child = pnode->children[i];
+    child->parent = pnode->parent;
+    if (pnode->parent)
+      pnode->parent->replace_child(pnode, child);
+    else
+      root = child;
+    current_node = nullptr;
+    for (pga_tree_node &sibling : pnode->children)
+      if (sibling != child) clear_node_rec(sibling);
+    delete pnode;
+  }
+  void ga_tree::copy_node(pga_tree_node pnode, pga_tree_node parent,
+                         pga_tree_node &child) {
+    GMM_ASSERT1(child == nullptr, "Internal error");
+    child = new ga_tree_node();
+    *child = *pnode;
+    child->parent = parent;
+    for (pga_tree_node &grandchild : child->children)
+      grandchild = nullptr;
+    for (size_type j = 0; j < child->children.size(); ++j)
+      copy_node(pnode->children[j], child, child->children[j]);
+  }
+  void ga_tree::duplicate_with_operation(pga_tree_node pnode,
+                                        GA_TOKEN_TYPE op_type) {
+    pga_tree_node newop = new ga_tree_node(op_type, pnode->pos);
+    newop->children.resize(2, nullptr);
+    newop->children[0] = pnode;
+    newop->parent = pnode->parent;
+    if (pnode->parent)
+      pnode->parent->replace_child(pnode, newop);
+    else
+      root = newop;
+    pnode->parent = newop;
+    copy_node(pnode, newop, newop->children[1]);
+  }
+  void ga_tree::insert_node(pga_tree_node pnode, GA_NODE_TYPE node_type) {
+    pga_tree_node newnode = new ga_tree_node();
+    newnode->node_type = node_type;
+    newnode->parent = pnode->parent;
+    if (pnode->parent)
+      pnode->parent->replace_child(pnode, newnode);
+    else
+      root = newnode;
+    newnode->adopt_child(pnode);
+  }
+  bool sub_tree_are_equal
+  (const pga_tree_node pnode1, const pga_tree_node pnode2,
+   const ga_workspace &workspace, int version) {
+    size_type ntype1 = pnode1->node_type;
+    if (ntype1 == GA_NODE_ZERO) ntype1 = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
+    size_type ntype2 = pnode2->node_type;
+    if (ntype2 == GA_NODE_ZERO) ntype2 = GA_NODE_CONSTANT;
+    if (ntype1 != ntype2) return false;
+    if (pnode1->children.size() != pnode2->children.size()) return false;
+    switch(ntype1) {
+    case GA_NODE_OP:
+      if (pnode1->op_type != pnode2->op_type) return false;
+      if (pnode1->symmetric_op != pnode2->symmetric_op)  return false;
+      break;
+      if (pnode1->der1 != pnode2->der1 || pnode1->der2 != pnode2->der2)
+        return false;
+      if (pnode1->>name)) return false;
+      break;
+      if (pnode1->tensor().size() != pnode2->tensor().size()) return false;
+      switch(version) {
+      case 0: case 1:
+        if (pnode1->test_function_type != pnode2->test_function_type)
+          return false;
+        if ((pnode1->test_function_type & 1) &&
+            pnode1->>name_test1) != 0)
+          return false;
+        if ((pnode1->test_function_type & 2) &&
+            pnode1->>name_test2) != 0)
+          return false;
+        break;
+      case 2:
+        if ((pnode1->test_function_type == 1 &&
+             pnode2->test_function_type == 1) ||
+            (pnode1->test_function_type == 2 &&
+             pnode2->test_function_type == 2))
+          return false;
+        if ((pnode1->test_function_type & 1) &&
+            pnode1->>name_test2) != 0)
+          return false;
+        if ((pnode1->test_function_type & 2) &&
+            pnode1->>name_test1) != 0)
+          return false;
+        break;
+      }
+      if (pnode1->tensor().size() != 1 &&
+          pnode1->t.sizes().size() != pnode2->t.sizes().size()) return false;
+      for (size_type i = 0; i < pnode1->t.sizes().size(); ++i)
+        if (pnode1->t.sizes()[i] != pnode2->t.sizes()[i]) return false;
+      for (size_type i = 0; i < pnode1->tensor().size(); ++i)
+        if (gmm::abs(pnode1->tensor()[i] - pnode2->tensor()[i]) > 1E-25)
+          return false;
+      break;
+    case GA_NODE_C_MATRIX:
+      if (pnode1->nbc1 != pnode2->nbc1 || pnode1->nbc2 != pnode2->nbc2 ||
+          pnode1->nbc3 != pnode2->nbc3)
+        return false;
+      break;
+      if (pnode1->>interpolate_name) ||
+          pnode1->nbc1 != pnode2->nbc1)
+        return false;
+      break;
+      if (pnode1->>interpolate_name))
+        return false;
+      break;
+      if (pnode1->>interpolate_name_der))
+        return false;
+      // The test continues with what follows
+      if (pnode1->>interpolate_name) ||
+          pnode1->>elementary_name))
+        return false;
+      // The test continues with what follows
+      {
+        const mesh_fem *mf1 = workspace.associated_mf(pnode1->name);
+        const mesh_fem *mf2 = workspace.associated_mf(pnode2->name);
+        switch (version) {
+        case 0:
+          if (pnode1->>name) ||
+              pnode1->test_function_type != pnode2->test_function_type)
+            return false;
+          break;
+        case 1:
+          if (mf1 != mf2 ||
+              workspace.qdim(pnode1->name) != workspace.qdim(pnode2->name) ||
+              pnode1->test_function_type != pnode2->test_function_type)
+            return false;
+          break;
+        case 2:
+          if (mf1 != mf2 ||
+              workspace.qdim(pnode1->name) != workspace.qdim(pnode2->name) ||
+              pnode1->test_function_type == pnode2->test_function_type)
+            return false;
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+    case GA_NODE_VAL: case GA_NODE_GRAD:
+    case GA_NODE_HESS: case GA_NODE_DIVERG:
+      if (pnode1->>name)) return false;
+      break;
+      if (pnode1->>interpolate_name) ||
+          pnode1->>elementary_name) ||
+          pnode1->>name))
+        return false;
+      break;
+    case GA_NODE_X:
+      if (pnode1->nbc1 != pnode2->nbc1) return false;
+      break;
+    default:break;
+    }
+    if (version && ntype1 == GA_NODE_OP && pnode1->symmetric_op) {
+      if (sub_tree_are_equal(pnode1->children[0], pnode2->children[0],
+                             workspace, version) &&
+          sub_tree_are_equal(pnode1->children[1], pnode2->children[1],
+                             workspace, version))
+        return true;
+      if (sub_tree_are_equal(pnode1->children[1], pnode2->children[0],
+                             workspace, version) &&
+          sub_tree_are_equal(pnode1->children[0], pnode2->children[1],
+                             workspace, version) )
+        return true;
+      return false;
+    } else {
+      for (size_type i = 0; i < pnode1->children.size(); ++i)
+        if (!(sub_tree_are_equal(pnode1->children[i], pnode2->children[i],
+                                 workspace, version)))
+          return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  static void verify_tree(const pga_tree_node pnode,
+                          const pga_tree_node parent) {
+    GMM_ASSERT1(pnode->parent == parent,
+                "Invalid tree node " << pnode->node_type);
+    for (pga_tree_node &child : pnode->children)
+      verify_tree(child, pnode);
+  }
+  static void ga_print_constant_tensor(const pga_tree_node pnode,
+                                       std::ostream &str) {
+    size_type nt = pnode->nb_test_functions(); // for printing zero tensors
+    switch (pnode->tensor_order()) {
+    case 0:
+      str << (nt ? scalar_type(0) : pnode->tensor()[0]);
+      break;
+    case 1:
+      str << "[";
+      for (size_type i = 0; i < pnode->tensor_proper_size(0); ++i) {
+        if (i != 0) str << "; ";
+        str << (nt ? scalar_type(0) : pnode->tensor()[i]);
+      }
+      str << "]";
+      break;
+    case 2: case 3: case 4:
+      {
+        size_type ii(0);
+        size_type n0 = pnode->tensor_proper_size(0);
+        size_type n1 = pnode->tensor_proper_size(1);
+        size_type n2 = ((pnode->tensor_order() > 2) ?
+                        pnode->tensor_proper_size(2) : 1);
+        size_type n3 = ((pnode->tensor_order() > 3) ?
+                        pnode->tensor_proper_size(3) : 1);
+        if (n3 > 1) str << "[";
+        for (size_type l = 0; l < n3; ++l) {
+          if (l != 0) str << ",";
+          if (n2 > 1) str << "[";
+          for (size_type k = 0; k < n2; ++k) {
+            if (k != 0) str << ",";
+            if (n1 > 1) str << "[";
+            for (size_type j = 0; j < n1; ++j) {
+              if (j != 0) str << ",";
+              if (n0 > 1) str << "[";
+              for (size_type i = 0; i < n0; ++i) {
+                if (i != 0) str << ",";
+                str << (nt ? scalar_type(0) : pnode->tensor()[ii++]);
+              }
+              if (n0 > 1) str << "]";
+            }
+            if (n1 > 1) str << "]";
+          }
+          if (n2 > 1) str << "]";
+        }
+        if (n3 > 1) str << "]";
+      }
+      break;
+    case 5: case 6:
+      str << "Reshape([";
+      for (size_type i = 0; i < pnode->tensor_proper_size(); ++i) {
+        if (i != 0) str << "; ";
+        str << (nt ? scalar_type(0) : pnode->tensor()[i]);
+      }
+      str << "]";
+      for (size_type i = 0; i < pnode->tensor_order(); ++i) {
+        if (i != 0) str << ", ";
+        str << pnode->tensor_proper_size(i);
+      }
+      str << ")";
+      break;
+    default: GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Invalid tensor dimension");
+    }
+    GMM_ASSERT1(pnode->children.size() == 0, "Invalid tree");
+  }
+  void ga_print_node(const pga_tree_node pnode,
+                            std::ostream &str) {
+    if (!pnode) return;
+    long prec = str.precision(16);
+    bool is_interpolate(false), is_elementary(false);
+    bool is_xfem_plus(false), is_xfem_minus(false);
+    switch(pnode->node_type) {
+      str << "Interpolate(";
+      is_interpolate = true;
+      break;
+      is_elementary = true;
+      str << "Elementary_transformation(";
+      break;
+    case GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS:
+      is_xfem_plus = true;
+      str << "Xfem_plus(";
+      break;
+      is_xfem_minus = true;
+      str << "Xfem_minus(";
+      break;
+    default:
+      break;
+    }
+    switch(pnode->node_type) {
+    case GA_NODE_GRAD:
+    case GA_NODE_GRAD_TEST:
+      str << "Grad_";
+      break;
+    case GA_NODE_HESS:
+    case GA_NODE_HESS_TEST:
+      str << "Hess_";
+      break;
+    case GA_NODE_DIVERG:
+      str << "Div_";
+      break;
+    default:
+      break;
+    }
+    switch(pnode->node_type) {
+    case GA_NODE_OP:
+      {
+        bool par = false;
+        if (pnode->parent) {
+          if (pnode->parent->node_type == GA_NODE_OP &&
+              (ga_operator_priorities[pnode->op_type] >= 2 ||
+               ga_operator_priorities[pnode->op_type]
+               < ga_operator_priorities[pnode->parent->op_type]))
+            par = true;
+          if (pnode->parent->node_type == GA_NODE_PARAMS) par = true;
+        }
+        if (par) str << "(";
+        if (pnode->op_type == GA_UNARY_MINUS) {
+          GMM_ASSERT1(pnode->children.size() == 1, "Invalid tree");
+          str << "-"; ga_print_node(pnode->children[0], str);
+        } else if (pnode->op_type == GA_QUOTE) {
+          GMM_ASSERT1(pnode->children.size() == 1, "Invalid tree");
+          ga_print_node(pnode->children[0], str); str << "'";
+        } else if (pnode->op_type == GA_SYM) {
+          GMM_ASSERT1(pnode->children.size() == 1, "Invalid tree");
+          str << "Sym("; ga_print_node(pnode->children[0], str); str << ")";
+        } else if (pnode->op_type == GA_SKEW) {
+          GMM_ASSERT1(pnode->children.size() == 1, "Invalid tree");
+          str << "Skew("; ga_print_node(pnode->children[0], str); str << ")";
+        } else if (pnode->op_type == GA_TRACE) {
+          GMM_ASSERT1(pnode->children.size() == 1, "Invalid tree");
+          str << "Trace("; ga_print_node(pnode->children[0], str); str << ")";
+        } else if (pnode->op_type == GA_DEVIATOR) {
+          GMM_ASSERT1(pnode->children.size() == 1, "Invalid tree with "
+                      << pnode->children.size() << " children instead of 1");
+          str << "Deviator("; ga_print_node(pnode->children[0], str); str<<")";
+        } else if (pnode->op_type == GA_PRINT) {
+          GMM_ASSERT1(pnode->children.size() == 1, "Invalid tree");
+          str << "Print("; ga_print_node(pnode->children[0], str); str << ")";
+        } else {
+          // GMM_ASSERT1(pnode->children.size() == 2, "Invalid tree");
+          if (!par && pnode->op_type == GA_MULT &&
+              (pnode->children.size() == 1 ||
+               pnode->test_function_type == size_type(-1) ||
+               (pnode->children[0]->tensor_order() == 4 &&
+                pnode->children[1]->tensor_order() == 2)))
+            { par = true; str << "("; }
+          ga_print_node(pnode->children[0], str);
+          switch (pnode->op_type) {
+          case GA_PLUS: str << "+"; break;
+          case GA_MINUS: str << "-"; break;
+          case GA_MULT: str << "*"; break;
+          case GA_DIV: str << "/"; break;
+          case GA_COLON: str << ":"; break;
+          case GA_DOT: str << "."; break;
+          case GA_DOTMULT: str << ".*"; break;
+          case GA_DOTDIV: str << "./"; break;
+          case GA_TMULT: str << "@"; break;
+          default: GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Invalid or not taken into account "
+                               "operation");
+          }
+          if (pnode->children.size() >= 2)
+            ga_print_node(pnode->children[1], str);
+          else
+            str << "(unknown second argument)";
+        }
+        if (par) str << ")";
+      }
+      break;
+    case GA_NODE_X:
+      if (pnode->nbc1) str << "X(" << pnode->nbc1 << ")"; else str << "X";
+      break;
+    case GA_NODE_ELT_SIZE: str << "element_size"; break;
+    case GA_NODE_ELT_K: str << "element_K"; break;
+    case GA_NODE_ELT_B: str << "element_B"; break;
+    case GA_NODE_NORMAL: str << "Normal"; break;
+      str << "Interpolate_filter(" << pnode->interpolate_name << ",";
+      ga_print_node(pnode->children[0], str);
+      if (pnode->children.size() == 2)
+        {  str << ","; ga_print_node(pnode->children[1], str); }
+      else if (pnode->nbc1 != size_type(-1)) str << "," << pnode->nbc1;
+      str << ")";
+      break;
+      str << "X";
+      break;
+      str << "Normal";
+      break;
+      str << (pnode->test_function_type == 1 ? "Test_" : "Test2_")
+          << "Interpolate_derivative(" << pnode->interpolate_name_der << ","
+          << pnode->interpolate_name << "," << pnode->name << ")";
+      break;
+    case GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS:
+    case GA_NODE_VAL:
+    case GA_NODE_GRAD:
+    case GA_NODE_HESS:
+    case GA_NODE_DIVERG:
+      str << pnode->name;
+      break;
+    case GA_NODE_VAL_TEST:
+    case GA_NODE_GRAD_TEST:
+    case GA_NODE_HESS_TEST:
+      str << (pnode->test_function_type == 1 ? "Test_" : "Test2_")
+          << pnode->name;
+      break;
+    case GA_NODE_SPEC_FUNC: str << pnode->name; break;
+      if (pnode->der1) {
+        str << "Derivative_" << pnode->der1 << "_";
+        if (pnode->der2) str << pnode->der2 << "_";
+      }
+      str << pnode->name; break;
+    case GA_NODE_ZERO:
+      GMM_ASSERT1(pnode->test_function_type != size_type(-1),
+                  "Internal error");
+      if (pnode->test_function_type) str << "(";
+      ga_print_constant_tensor(pnode, str);
+      if (pnode->name_test1.size()) {
+        GMM_ASSERT1(pnode->qdim1 > 0, "Internal error");
+        if (pnode->qdim1 == 1)
+          str << "*Test_" << pnode->name_test1;
+        else {
+          str << "*(Reshape(Test_" << pnode->name_test1 << ","
+              << pnode->qdim1<< ")(1))";
+        }
+      }
+      if (pnode->name_test2.size()) {
+        GMM_ASSERT1(pnode->qdim2 > 0, "Internal error");
+        if (pnode->qdim2 == 1)
+          str << "*Test2_" << pnode->name_test2;
+        else {
+          str << "*(Reshape(Test2_" << pnode->name_test2 << ","
+              << pnode->qdim2<< ")(1))";
+        }
+      }
+      if (pnode->test_function_type) str << ")";
+      break;
+      ga_print_constant_tensor(pnode, str);
+      break;
+      str << ":";
+      GMM_ASSERT1(pnode->children.size() == 0, "Invalid tree");
+      break;
+    case GA_NODE_PARAMS:
+      GMM_ASSERT1(pnode->children.size(), "Invalid tree");
+      ga_print_node(pnode->children[0], str);
+      str << "(";
+      for (size_type i = 1; i < pnode->children.size(); ++i) {
+        if (i > 1) str << ", ";
+        ga_print_node(pnode->children[i], str);
+      }
+      str << ")";
+      break;
+    case GA_NODE_NAME:
+      str << pnode->name;
+      GMM_ASSERT1(pnode->children.size() == 0, "Invalid tree");
+      break;
+    case GA_NODE_RESHAPE:
+      str << "Reshape";
+      GMM_ASSERT1(pnode->children.size() == 0, "Invalid tree");
+      break;
+    case GA_NODE_C_MATRIX:
+      {
+        GMM_ASSERT1(pnode->children.size(), "Invalid tree");
+        size_type nbc1 = pnode->nbc1;
+        size_type nbc2 = pnode->nbc2;
+        size_type nbc3 = pnode->nbc3;
+        size_type nbcl = pnode->children.size()/(nbc1*nbc2*nbc3);
+        if (nbc1 > 1) str << "[";
+        for (size_type i1 = 0; i1 < nbc1; ++i1) {
+          if (i1 != 0) str << ",";
+          if (nbc2 > 1) str << "[";
+          for (size_type i2 = 0; i2 < nbc2; ++i2) {
+            if (i2 != 0) str << ",";
+            if (nbc3 > 1) str << "[";
+            for (size_type i3 = 0; i3 < nbc3; ++i3) {
+              if (i3 != 0) str << ",";
+              if (nbcl > 1) str << "[";
+              for (size_type i4 = 0; i4 < nbcl; ++i4) {
+                if (i4 != 0) str << ",";
+                size_type ii = ((i4*nbc3 + i3)*nbc2 + i2)*nbc1 + i1;
+                ga_print_node(pnode->children[ii], str);
+              }
+              if (nbcl > 1) str << "]";
+            }
+            if (nbc3 > 1) str << "]";
+          }
+          if (nbc2 > 1) str << "]";
+        }
+        if (nbc1 > 1) str << "]";
+      }
+      break;
+    default:
+      str << "Invalid or not taken into account node type "
+           << pnode->node_type;
+      break;
+    }
+    if (is_interpolate)
+      str << "," << pnode->interpolate_name << ")";
+    else if (is_elementary)
+      str << "," << pnode->elementary_name << ")";
+    else if (is_xfem_plus || is_xfem_minus)
+      str << ")";
+    str.precision(prec);
+  }
+  std::string ga_tree_to_string(const ga_tree &tree) {
+    std::stringstream str;
+    str.precision(16);
+    if (tree.root) verify_tree(tree.root, 0);
+    if (tree.root) ga_print_node(tree.root, str); else str << "0";
+    return str.str();
+  }
+  size_type ga_parse_prefix_operator(std::string &name) {
+    if (name.size() >= 5 &&, 5, "Grad_") == 0)
+      { name = name.substr(5); return 1; }
+    else if (name.size() >= 5 &&, 5, "Hess_") == 0)
+      { name = name.substr(5); return 2; }
+    else if (name.size() >= 4 &&, 4, "Div_") == 0)
+      { name = name.substr(4); return 3; }
+    return 0;
+  }
+  size_type ga_parse_prefix_test(std::string &name) {
+    if (name.size() >= 5 &&, 5, "Test_") == 0)
+      { name = name.substr(5); return 1; }
+    else if (name.size() >= 6 &&, 6, "Test2_") == 0)
+      { name = name.substr(6); return 2; }
+    return 0;
+  }
+  // 0 : ok
+  // 1 : function or operator name or "X"
+  // 2 : reserved prefix Grad, Hess, Div, Test and Test2
+  // 3 : reserved prefix Dot and Previous
+  int ga_check_name_validity(const std::string &name) {
+    if (!("X")) ||
+        !("Normal")) ||
+        !("Reshape")))
+      return 1;
+    if (, 11, "Derivative_") == 0)
+      return 2;
+    ga_predef_function_tab &PREDEF_FUNCTIONS
+      = dal::singleton<ga_predef_function_tab>::instance(0);
+    ga_predef_operator_tab &PREDEF_OPERATORS
+      = dal::singleton<ga_predef_operator_tab>::instance(0);
+    ga_predef_function_tab::const_iterator it=PREDEF_FUNCTIONS.find(name);
+    if (it != PREDEF_FUNCTIONS.end())
+      return 1;
+    if (SPEC_FUNCTIONS.find(name) != SPEC_FUNCTIONS.end())
+      return 1;
+    if ( !=
+      return 1;
+    if (name.size() >= 5 &&, 5, "Grad_") == 0)
+      return 2;
+    if (name.size() >= 5 &&, 5, "Hess_") == 0)
+      return 2;
+    if (name.size() >= 4 &&, 4, "Div_") == 0)
+      return 2;
+    if (name.size() >= 6 &&, 6, "Test2_") == 0)
+      return 2;
+    if (name.size() >= 5 &&, 5, "Test_") == 0)
+      return 2;
+//     if (name.size() >= 4 &&, 4, "Dot_") == 0)
+//       return 3;
+//     if (name.size() >= 5 &&, 5, "Dot2_") == 0)
+//       return 3;
+//     if (name.size() >= 9 &&, 9, "Previous_") == 0)
+//       return 3;
+//     if (name.size() >= 10 &&, 10, "Previous2_") == 0)
+//       return 3;
+//     if (name.size() >= 12 &&, 12, "Previous1_2_") == 0)
+//       return 3;
+    return 0;
+  }
+  //=========================================================================
+  // Syntax analysis for the generic assembly langage
+  //=========================================================================
+  // Read a term with an (implicit) pushdown automaton.
+  static GA_TOKEN_TYPE ga_read_term(const std::string &expr, size_type &pos,
+                                    ga_tree &tree) {
+    size_type token_pos, token_length;
+    GA_TOKEN_TYPE t_type;
+    int state = 1; // 1 = reading term, 2 = reading after term
+    for (;;) {
+      t_type = ga_get_token(expr, pos, token_pos, token_length);
+      switch (state) {
+      case 1:
+        switch (t_type) {
+        case GA_SCALAR:
+          {
+            char *endptr; const char *nptr = &(expr[token_pos]);
+            scalar_type s_read = ::strtod(nptr, &endptr);
+            if (endptr == nptr)
+              ga_throw_error(expr, token_pos, "Bad numeric format.");
+            tree.add_scalar(s_read, token_pos);
+          }
+          state = 2; break;
+        case GA_COLON:
+          tree.add_allindices(token_pos);
+          state = 2; break;
+        case GA_NAME:
+          tree.add_name(&(expr[token_pos]), token_length, token_pos);
+          state = 2; break;
+        case GA_MINUS: // unary -
+          tree.add_op(GA_UNARY_MINUS, token_pos);
+        case GA_PLUS:  // unary +
+          state = 1; break;
+        case GA_SYM:
+          tree.add_op(GA_SYM, token_pos);
+          state = 1; break;
+        case GA_SKEW:
+          tree.add_op(GA_SKEW, token_pos);
+          state = 1; break;
+        case GA_TRACE:
+          tree.add_op(GA_TRACE, token_pos);
+          state = 1; break;
+        case GA_DEVIATOR:
+          tree.add_op(GA_DEVIATOR, token_pos);
+          state = 1; break;
+        case GA_INTERPOLATE:
+          {
+            tree.add_scalar(scalar_type(0), token_pos);
+            tree.current_node->node_type = GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE;
+            t_type = ga_get_token(expr, pos, token_pos, token_length);
+            if (t_type != GA_LPAR)
+              ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1, "Missing interpolate arguments.");
+            t_type = ga_get_token(expr, pos, token_pos, token_length);
+            if (t_type != GA_NAME)
+              ga_throw_error(expr, pos,
+                             "First argument of Interpolate should be a "
+                             "variable, test function, X or Normal.");
+            tree.current_node->name = std::string(&(expr[token_pos]),
+                                                  token_length);
+            t_type = ga_get_token(expr, pos, token_pos, token_length);
+            if (t_type != GA_COMMA)
+              ga_throw_error(expr, pos, "Bad format for Interpolate "
+                             "arguments.");
+            t_type = ga_get_token(expr, pos, token_pos, token_length);
+            if (t_type != GA_NAME)
+              ga_throw_error(expr, pos,
+                             "Second argument of Interpolate should be a "
+                             "transformation name.");
+            tree.current_node->interpolate_name
+              = std::string(&(expr[token_pos]), token_length);
+            t_type = ga_get_token(expr, pos, token_pos, token_length);
+            if (t_type != GA_RPAR)
+              ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1, "Missing a parenthesis after "
+                             "interpolate arguments.");
+            state = 2;
+          }
+          break;
+        case GA_ELEMENTARY:
+          {
+            tree.add_scalar(scalar_type(0), token_pos);
+            tree.current_node->node_type = GA_NODE_ELEMENTARY;
+            t_type = ga_get_token(expr, pos, token_pos, token_length);
+            if (t_type != GA_LPAR)
+              ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1,
+                             "Missing Elementary_transformation arguments.");
+            t_type = ga_get_token(expr, pos, token_pos, token_length);
+            if (t_type != GA_NAME)
+              ga_throw_error(expr, pos,
+                             "First argument of Elementary_transformation "
+                             "should be a variable or a test function.");
+            tree.current_node->name = std::string(&(expr[token_pos]),
+                                                  token_length);
+            t_type = ga_get_token(expr, pos, token_pos, token_length);
+            if (t_type != GA_COMMA)
+              ga_throw_error(expr, pos, "Bad format for "
+                             "Elementary_transformation arguments.");
+            t_type = ga_get_token(expr, pos, token_pos, token_length);
+            if (t_type != GA_NAME)
+              ga_throw_error(expr, pos,
+                             "Second argument of Elementary_transformation "
+                             "should be a transformation name.");
+            tree.current_node->elementary_name
+              = std::string(&(expr[token_pos]), token_length);
+            t_type = ga_get_token(expr, pos, token_pos, token_length);
+            if (t_type != GA_RPAR)
+              ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1, "Missing a parenthesis after "
+                             "Elementary_transformation arguments.");
+            state = 2;
+          }
+          break;
+        case GA_XFEM_PLUS:
+          {
+            tree.add_scalar(scalar_type(0), token_pos);
+            tree.current_node->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_PLUS;
+            t_type = ga_get_token(expr, pos, token_pos, token_length);
+            if (t_type != GA_LPAR)
+              ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1,
+                             "Missing Xfem_plus arguments.");
+            t_type = ga_get_token(expr, pos, token_pos, token_length);
+            if (t_type != GA_NAME)
+              ga_throw_error(expr, pos,
+                             "The argument of Xfem_plus should be a "
+                             "variable or a test function.");
+            tree.current_node->name = std::string(&(expr[token_pos]),
+                                                  token_length);
+            t_type = ga_get_token(expr, pos, token_pos, token_length);
+            if (t_type != GA_RPAR)
+              ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1, "Missing a parenthesis after "
+                             "Xfem_plus argument.");
+            state = 2;
+          }
+          break;
+        case GA_XFEM_MINUS:
+          {
+            tree.add_scalar(scalar_type(0), token_pos);
+            tree.current_node->node_type = GA_NODE_XFEM_MINUS;
+            t_type = ga_get_token(expr, pos, token_pos, token_length);
+            if (t_type != GA_LPAR)
+              ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1,
+                             "Missing Xfem_minus arguments.");
+            t_type = ga_get_token(expr, pos, token_pos, token_length);
+            if (t_type != GA_NAME)
+              ga_throw_error(expr, pos,
+                             "The argument of Xfem_minus should be a "
+                             "variable or a test function.");
+            tree.current_node->name = std::string(&(expr[token_pos]),
+                                                  token_length);
+            t_type = ga_get_token(expr, pos, token_pos, token_length);
+            if (t_type != GA_RPAR)
+              ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1, "Missing a parenthesis after "
+                             "Xfem_minus argument.");
+            state = 2;
+          }
+          break;
+          {
+            tree.add_scalar(scalar_type(0), token_pos);
+            tree.current_node->node_type = GA_NODE_INTERPOLATE_FILTER;
+            tree.current_node->nbc1 = size_type(-1);
+            t_type = ga_get_token(expr, pos, token_pos, token_length);
+            if (t_type != GA_LPAR)
+              ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1, "Missing interpolate arguments.");
+            t_type = ga_get_token(expr, pos, token_pos, token_length);
+            if (t_type != GA_NAME)
+              ga_throw_error(expr, pos, "First argument of Interpolate_filter "
+                             "should be a transformation name.");
+            tree.current_node->interpolate_name
+              = std::string(&(expr[token_pos]), token_length);
+            t_type = ga_get_token(expr, pos, token_pos, token_length);
+            if (t_type != GA_COMMA)
+              ga_throw_error(expr,pos,
+                             "Bad format for Interpolate_filter arguments.");
+            ga_tree sub_tree;
+            t_type = ga_read_term(expr, pos, sub_tree);
+            if (t_type != GA_RPAR && t_type != GA_COMMA)
+              ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1,
+                             "Bad format for Interpolate_filter arguments.");
+            tree.add_sub_tree(sub_tree);
+            if (t_type == GA_COMMA) {
+               ga_tree sub_tree2;
+               t_type = ga_read_term(expr, pos, sub_tree2);
+               tree.add_sub_tree(sub_tree2);
+            }
+            if (t_type != GA_RPAR)
+              ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1, "Unbalanced parenthesis.");
+            state = 2;
+          }
+          break;
+        case GA_PRINT:
+          tree.add_op(GA_PRINT, token_pos);
+          state = 1; break;
+        case GA_LPAR: // Parenthesed expression
+          {
+            ga_tree sub_tree;
+            GA_TOKEN_TYPE r_type;
+            r_type = ga_read_term(expr, pos, sub_tree);
+            if (r_type != GA_RPAR)
+              ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1, "Unbalanced parenthesis.");
+            tree.add_sub_tree(sub_tree);
+            state = 2;
+          }
+          break;
+        case GA_LBRACKET: // Explicit vector/matrix or tensor
+          {
+            ga_tree sub_tree;
+            GA_TOKEN_TYPE r_type;
+            size_type nbc1(0), nbc2(0), nbc3(0), n1(0), n2(0), n3(0);
+            size_type tensor_order(1);
+            bool foundcomma(false), foundsemi(false), nested_format(false);
+            tree.add_matrix(token_pos);
+            do {
+              r_type = ga_read_term(expr, pos, sub_tree);
+              if (sub_tree.root->node_type == GA_NODE_C_MATRIX) {
+                // nested format
+                if (r_type != GA_COMMA && r_type != GA_RBRACKET)
+                  // in the nested format only "," and "]" are expected
+                  ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1, "Bad explicit "
+                                 "vector/matrix/tensor format.")
+                else if (sub_tree.root->nbc3 != 1)
+                  // the sub-tensor to be merged cannot be of fourth order
+                  ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1, "Definition of explicit "
+                                 "tensors is limitted to the fourth order. "
+                                 "Limit exceeded.")
+                else if (foundsemi || // Cannot mix with the non-nested format.
+                         (sub_tree.root->children.size() > 1 &&
+                          // The sub-tensor cannot be a column vector [a;b],
+                          sub_tree.root->nbc1 == 1))
+                  // the nested format only accepts row vectors [a,b]
+                  // and converts them to column vectors internally
+                  ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1, "Bad explicit "
+                                 "vector/matrix/tensor format.")  // (see 
+                // convert a row vector [a,b] to a column vector [a;b]
+                if (sub_tree.root->children.size() == sub_tree.root->nbc1)
+                  sub_tree.root->nbc1 = 1;
+                nested_format = true;
+                size_type sub_tensor_order = 3;
+                if (sub_tree.root->nbc1 == 1)
+                  sub_tensor_order = 1;
+                else if (sub_tree.root->nbc2 == 1)
+                  sub_tensor_order = 2;
+                if (tensor_order == 1) {
+                  if (nbc1 != 0 || nbc2 != 0 || nbc3 != 0)
+                    ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1, "Bad explicit "
+                                   "vector/matrix/tensor format.");
+                  nbc1 = 1;
+                  nbc2 = sub_tree.root->nbc1;
+                  nbc3 = sub_tree.root->nbc2;
+                  tensor_order = sub_tensor_order + 1;
+                } else {
+                  if ((tensor_order != sub_tensor_order + 1) ||
+                      (tensor_order > 2 && nbc2 != sub_tree.root->nbc1) ||
+                      (tensor_order > 3 && nbc3 != sub_tree.root->nbc2))
+                    ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1, "Bad explicit "
+                                   "vector/matrix/tensor format.");
+                  nbc1 += 1;
+                }
+                tree.zip_matrix(sub_tree.root);
+                sub_tree.clear();
+                if (r_type == GA_RBRACKET) {
+                  tree.current_node->nbc1 = nbc1;
+                  tree.current_node->nbc2 = nbc2;
+                  tree.current_node->nbc3 = nbc3;
+                }
+              } else {
+                // non-nested format
+                tree.add_sub_tree(sub_tree);
+                ++n1; ++n2; ++n3;
+                if (tensor_order < 2) ++nbc1;
+                if (tensor_order < 3) ++nbc2;
+                if (tensor_order < 4) ++nbc3;
+                if (r_type == GA_COMMA) {
+                  if (!foundcomma && tensor_order > 1)
+                    ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1, "Bad explicit "
+                                   "vector/matrix/tensor format.");
+                  foundcomma = true;
+                } else if (r_type == GA_SEMICOLON) {
+                  if (n1 != nbc1)
+                    ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1, "Bad explicit "
+                                   "vector/matrix/tensor format.");
+                  n1 = 0;
+                  tensor_order = std::max(tensor_order, size_type(2));
+                } else if (r_type == GA_DCOMMA) {
+                  if (n1 != nbc1 || n2 != nbc2)
+                    ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1, "Bad explicit "
+                                   "vector/matrix/tensor format.");
+                  foundsemi = true;
+                  n2 = n1 = 0;
+                  tensor_order = std::max(tensor_order, size_type(3));
+                } else if (r_type == GA_DSEMICOLON) {
+                  if (n1 != nbc1 || n2 != nbc2 || n3 != nbc3 ||
+                      tensor_order < 3)
+                    ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1, "Bad explicit "
+                                   "vector/matrix/tensor format.");
+                  n3 = n2 = n1 = 0;
+                  tensor_order = std::max(tensor_order, size_type(4));
+                } else if (r_type == GA_RBRACKET) {
+                  if (n1 != nbc1 || n2 != nbc2 || n3 != nbc3 ||
+                      tensor_order == 3)
+                    ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1, "Bad explicit "
+                                   "vector/matrix/tensor format.");
+                  tree.current_node->nbc1 = nbc1;
+                  if (tensor_order == 4) {
+                    tree.current_node->nbc2 = nbc2/nbc1;
+                    tree.current_node->nbc3 = nbc3/nbc2;
+                  } else {
+                    tree.current_node->nbc2 = tree.current_node->nbc3 = 1;
+                  }
+                } else {
+                  ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1, "The explicit "
+                                 "vector/matrix/tensor components should be "
+                                 "separated by ',', ';', ',,' and ';;' and "
+                                 "be ended by ']'.");
+                }
+              }
+            } while (r_type != GA_RBRACKET);
+            state = 2;
+          }
+          break;
+        default:
+          ga_throw_error(expr, token_pos, "Unexpected token.");
+        }
+        break;
+      case 2:
+        switch (t_type) {
+        case GA_PLUS: case GA_MINUS: case GA_MULT: case GA_DIV:
+        case GA_COLON: case GA_DOT: case GA_DOTMULT: case GA_DOTDIV:
+        case GA_TMULT:
+          tree.add_op(t_type, token_pos);
+          state = 1; break;
+        case GA_QUOTE:
+          tree.add_op(t_type, token_pos);
+          state = 2; break;
+        case GA_END: case GA_RPAR: case GA_COMMA: case GA_DCOMMA:
+          return t_type;
+        case GA_LPAR: // Parameter list
+          {
+            ga_tree sub_tree;
+            GA_TOKEN_TYPE r_type;
+            tree.add_params(token_pos);
+            do {
+              r_type = ga_read_term(expr, pos, sub_tree);
+              if (r_type != GA_RPAR && r_type != GA_COMMA)
+                ga_throw_error(expr, pos-((r_type != GA_END)?1:0),
+                               "Parameters should be separated "
+                               "by ',' and parameter list ended by ')'.");
+              tree.add_sub_tree(sub_tree);
+            } while (r_type != GA_RPAR);
+            state = 2;
+          }
+          break;
+        default:
+          ga_throw_error(expr, token_pos, "Unexpected token.");
+        }
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    return GA_INVALID;
+  }
+  // Syntax analysis of a string. Conversion to a tree.
+  void ga_read_string(const std::string &expr, ga_tree &tree) {
+    size_type pos = 0, token_pos, token_length;
+    tree.clear();
+    GA_TOKEN_TYPE t = ga_get_token(expr, pos, token_pos, token_length);
+    if (t == GA_END) return;
+    pos = 0;
+    t = ga_read_term(expr, pos, tree);
+    switch (t) {
+    case GA_RPAR: ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1, "Unbalanced parenthesis.");
+    case GA_RBRACKET: ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1, "Unbalanced braket.");
+    case GA_END: break;
+    default: ga_throw_error(expr, pos-1, "Unexpected token.");
+    }
+  }
+  // Small tool to make basic substitutions into an assembly string
+  std::string ga_substitute(const std::string &expr,
+                            const std::map<std::string, std::string> &dict) {
+    if (dict.size()) {
+      size_type pos = 0, token_pos, token_length;
+      std::stringstream exprs;
+      while (true) {
+        GA_TOKEN_TYPE t_type = ga_get_token(expr, pos, token_pos, 
+        if (t_type == GA_END) return exprs.str();
+        std::string name(&(expr[token_pos]), token_length);
+        if (t_type == GA_NAME && dict.find(name) != dict.end())
+          exprs <<; else exprs << name;
+      }
+    }
+    return expr;
+  }
+} /* end of namespace */

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