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Re: [glob2-devel] Do you want my help ?

From: Martin Voelkle
Subject: Re: [glob2-devel] Do you want my help ?
Date: Sat, 09 Aug 2003 10:55:44 +0200
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Actually nothing is considered as released.

Oh come on! We need contributors to progress with glob2, so we need a correct 
web site! And I don't imagine the *bordel* that cours-jus went through to find 
the link to the mailing between all these blank pages... Try to find it 
yourself. ;)

PS: Solution written head-down, please rotate your screen:
Almost the last link: Development=>Savannah, then read the text, second link 
'mailing list'.
You are a user and are looking for discussion -> you click on the forum section, what do you get? glob2-devel! You are a user and are looking for help -> you go to the documentation page, what is there? the forum! You are a developer and are looking for help -> you go to the documentation page, what do you find? glob2-devel!

I really think the mailing list is visible enough. Maybe you should ask him before supposing he got into trouble.


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