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Re: [glob2-devel] Re: I am taking upon the task as to redesign the map e

From: Bradley Arsenault
Subject: Re: [glob2-devel] Re: I am taking upon the task as to redesign the map editor
Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2006 18:38:24 -0700

On 4/22/06, Bradley Arsenault <address@hidden> wrote:
> I'm making progress... yay! I've completed the initial swap and am now
> working to get the comfumble of code working as it did before before I
> do any more changes. There are allot of places that access
> GameGUI::game and they all need to be changed, temporarily. Anything
> accessed in GameGUI, for that matter, needs to be re-routed. This
> isn't hard.
> I've got a partial fix it so far. All thats really taken place is the
> shifting of code from one place to another, theres no "real" libgag
> usage (except that the classes derive from Screen and Widget
> respectivly). It seems like its going to be difficult to track down
> every place that uses an old-style solution, since the code will
> compile in this hackish state, changes won't cause good ole' compiler
> errors to tell me every piece of code using the old system. Although,
> I could probably use a neet trick to do this for me, one I like to
> call Abuse-Of-The-Error-System-For-Insider-Good, otherwise known as
> "aotesfig". Most of the code that used GameGUI directly seemed only
> after two things, its contained Game, and its localteam variable. I'm
> moving the Game to Engine and the localteam variable will probably go
> to engine as well untill I find a better place for it (Engine does
> seem logical, but localteam doesn't work for a MapEditor).
> Two things I'm having trouble with before I can compile, there is an
> ircPtr in the GameGUI code, and I don't know where to get an ircPtr.
> It seems I may have clipped it off the end during a copy/paste, but
> I'm not sure. Similairly, there is a misplaced item called
> "EXCHANGE_BUILDING_ICONS", which I don't know where came from and
> likely got clipped off during the copy/paste. If anyone could tell me
> how to solve these, it would be nice.
> Other than that I may have a working, refactored system before the
> weekend is over, and I can proceed to begin working on the MapEditor
> to put it into a usable state.

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