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Re: [glob2-devel] On Echo AI System Dependancies

From: David Schmitt
Subject: Re: [glob2-devel] On Echo AI System Dependancies
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2006 09:34:19 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.9.3

On Wednesday 12 July 2006 05:24, Bradley Arsenault wrote:
> This is allot of new dependancies, and as someone suggested the other
> day, this entire system should be made optional. I'm not exactly sure
> how to do this with autoconf, perhaps nct could give a few pointers.

Speaking from the distribution viewpoint, the most important point is enabling 
to build/link with external libraries. Building against shipped-in-source 
libraries is a big headache for security updates[1] in Linux distributions.

I understand though, that shipping with few external dependencies is a 
important point for glob2 too. 

Would it be possible to ship the mass of external dependencies as one 
integrated tarball, ready to build together? Then the glob2 buildsystem can 
use the standard configure logic to detect either installed system libraries 
or the self-compiled stuff at some standard (e.g. /opt/glob2) place.

Regards, David

[1] there was once a bug in xpdf, causing updates of ~20 different 
sourcepackages in Debian over the course of several months, fixing the _same_ 
exploit over and over
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