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Re: [glob2-devel] Globulation 2 FOSDEM presentation : draft of complete

From: Stéphane Magnenat
Subject: Re: [glob2-devel] Globulation 2 FOSDEM presentation : draft of complete presentation
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2008 17:57:44 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.9.6 (enterprise 0.20070907.709405)

> Page 7:
> build
> repair
> fill
> feed
> heal
> upgrade
> This isn't well structured:
> "build" and "upgrade" belong to units as well as to buildungs.
> So why do you separte "repair" and "heal"?
> Write "heal/repair" instead.

This is because I wanted to separate actions of units over buildings and the 
reverse. I have divided those two types of actions over and under the link 

> Page 8:
> Game
> manages units, which
>    move randomly
>    place buildings randomly
>    build buildings randomly
>    find resources randomly
>    go to resources using
>    pheromones
> Better write:
> Game
> manages units randomly, which
> place buildings  (do they?)
> construct buildings
> find resources (really?)
> move randomly - unless they go for resources using pheromones

It was like this before, but was not as cute from a slide composition pov.

> Page 9:
> A good place to emphasize the importance of graphic designers for game
> development ;)

I will ;-)

> Swap pages 10 and 11. The People will have a better impression of
> glob2 after seeing this picture. In the current order, everyone will
> have the old graphics in mind, when you tell them about the big
> improvements from glob1->glob2.
> The human mind is not logical, it is psychological!
> Put the image first and right after the glob1 image. You can't give a
> better impression of improvement, no matter how well you talk.
> I'd like to see one of leo's clouds and an explorer on the picture.

Screenshots submission open until tomorrow noon ;-)
800x600, png, uncompressed.
Best screenshot will go into the presentation!

> Page 13:
> Why do you have "boost" twice?

Because I'm absent-minded... ;-)

> Page 20:
> We have other gradient-types too: resource, forbidden-zone-exiting, ...

Yes, this is the reason I use the name target, can your precise your thought?

> Page 21ff:
> We have multiple gradient-construction algorithms.

Sure, but this is the basic idea of gradient propagation, or we have changed 
this element too and I have not noticed?

> "The Globulation 2 community needs you!"
> Picture of uncle sam, please!

I think this picture is over-used.

> If you need to reduce size, reduce the quality of the ant-picture.

Size does not matter.

> Page 30:
> "artists are worst": Sounds bad. write: "especially artists"

Ok, ok, I'll be politically correct this time. Did you ever tried to setup a 
european project with artists?

> Page 32:
> "In the future"
> 3D graphics.
> >  The presentation itself is currently not open source nor freely to
> > distribute as I would prevent its current spread. In the future, would
> > you want it in the mercurial repository along its sources?
> Nice idea!
> So in upcoming talks by other glob2-devs your work could be reused
> easily. I don't think that this is realistic, but theoretical this
> makes sense.
> But I'd prefer an extra repository. Most of our users/developers won't
> use it. If you don't want an extra repository on your server, you
> could use a public server - there are a few now. I haven't checked
> their policies, but at least should work - though
> laurchpad uses bzr instead of hg.

I can build a tar.gz and put it on my homepage, alongside the pdf, no problem.



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